THE SEARCH CONTINUES: Jodi Boeckermann's Missing Person Case

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(mid tempo string music) - 64-year-old Jodi Boeckermann vanished from right here in Rochester, Minnesota on October 15th of 2021. We are standing right now in front of Technology Park Apartments where she resided. - Jodi was driving a 2004 silver Pontiac Grand Am, license plate Charlie November Victor 037. - The Intelligence Unit here in Rochester PD were able to tell that she went to SMOAK's BBQ right down the street where she purchased her meal, had a few drinks, and she also bought a meal to go which she does this same thing once a month, every month. You know, SMOAK's BBQ is less than a half a mile away. We know she had a kitten at home she's taken care of. She bought a meal to take home. So we have to theorize that her intentions were to go home. Our first point of interest is gonna be this pond here. We know that there were tire tracks seen going into this pond. The second area of interest here is gonna be the pond behind Scott Road Northwest. This is a little bit of a deeper pond right behind Costco. When we zoom out a little bit more and we got four, five. So we have five ponds right here within a mile of her home. (atmospheric string music) Does get down to almost six feet deep. You can see her apartment from here. It was logical this could have been it and now we're going. Second location, third location, fourth location. Keep knocking 'em out. This one's no more than four feet at its deepest. But we gotta rule them out. We can't assume, we can't guess. It's just process of elimination. One step closer. Come on, there's gotta be a vehicle in here. - [Newsreader] It's been a month since anyone said that they've seen or heard from 64-year-old Jodi Boeckermann. - [Doug] I'm confident that there's not a vehicle in here. It's extremely unlikely. If a Grand Am makes it in here, half of it's gonna be exposed. - The car went into here based on the pitch of this. There's no way it can make it past about right there, I would say. (tense music) I don't see it being possible to make it even into the water without stopping. Yeah, you can see if a vehicle came into here, there's no way it would make it to the lake. - [Newsreader] Police say there's added concern because she has medical issues that require medication. (dramatic string music) - [Nick] Six feet deep out there. Hm, big hump out there. - [Doug] Right where a car could be. - [Camera Person] Did you just find a car using a sonar? - [Nick] Possible. - [Newsreader] Authorities are asking anyone who may have seen her or know where she is to contact Rochester Police. - What's that right there? Is that a car? 36 feet that way. There it is, right there. That's a car. That is a car. It looked just like a Pontiac. (soft piano music) I think we just found Jodi. (uplifting music) Right there. - [Camera Person] There it is. That looks like a Pontiac. - Got it, got it. It looks like a Pontiac. I mean, this could be any car but it doesn't make sense for just another car to be here, you know. (eerie music) - Brand new chain on this gate right here and then we're noticing this old cable that if you look at it on this side, it's broken. That must have went across, the padlock is still locked. - So come in here, boom, hits that. Look at this chain, this chain is not a year old. And this looks like maybe it hasn't been painted that long either. I see fresh drip marks, it was painted over. (phone ringing) - [Police Sergeant] Hello. - Hey, good afternoon sarge. - [Police Sergeant] Yes sir, how are you? - I'm doing okay. So we, you know, we've been out hitting it hard all day, we've been searching really tough everywhere. I just sent you a pin drop. Did you get that? - [Police Sergeant] I did, yes. - So I just discovered a vehicle right off the edge of this private boat ramp. We're suiting up right now to dive. It is a vehicle on sonar that does resemble the vehicle that she went missing in. I can't confirm that at the moment but I will be able to in about 30, 45 minutes, so I just wanted to at least give you a heads up that we did discover a vehicle and we're about to dive on it. - [Newsreader] Authorities are asking for the public's help tonight in finding a missing Rochester woman. - Let's get this locked down. - Make your way out safely. Once you get there, take your time, make identification. Once you make identification, do your assessment completely around the vehicle, all window conditions, tire conditions, orientation of the vehicle, and go from there. 2004 Pontiac Grand Am, silver in color. License plate CNV 037. (tense music) Good luck, be safe. Let's bring her home. (suspenseful music) - [Nick] Visibility is pretty bad. I'm on top of the vehicle now. (tense music) I'm on the side of the vehicle. Scraping off the silt off the side to see what color it is. Vehicle appears to be up. Making my way around towards the rear of the vehicle. I believe I'm at the rear driver's side tire. Feeling my way around towards the back of the vehicle. I've made it to the license plate. Trying to get a visual on it now. I am pulling the license plate, I cannot read it. I am just going to carry it with me as I continue to do the vehicle assessment. Passenger window is up. - Diver's been underwater for five minutes and 24 seconds. - [Nick] I am now at the front passenger side rear tire. It still has air in it. Making my way towards the front of the vehicle. - [Doug] Time is 17:10. Diver's been underwater for six minutes and three seconds. - [Nick] I can make out the last three letters on the license plate, it is L-A-E. I do not believe this is the vehicle we are looking for. - 10-4, you're doing a great job. See if you can find a emblem on the rear of the vehicle. The vehicle identification is key in case we have a foul play scenario where the license plates have been switched. - [Nick] I can see part of the paint job now. It appears to be blue in color. I repeat, blue in color. (eerie music) - Diver's been underwater seven minutes and 52 seconds. Time is 17:12. - [Nick] I can make out an emblem that says Corolla. I repeat, Corolla. - All the windows are up on this vehicle, the gate was broke. Did we just find somebody else? - [Nick] I've got a license plate from the front and I will return topside. - Copy that, coming up top side. Diver surfaced 17:14, underwater nine minutes and 42 seconds. (suspenseful music) Let's see that plate. - Minnesota plate, 413 LAE, Lima Alpha Echo. - Take it up, here's PD. You can tell that the vehicle just plowed through this. The chain keeping it is new. This other one here has been broken with force. You can tell a lot of tension has been put on this. By the way, when it broke, it was frayed. It takes a lot of tension to fray that like that and to snap it like this. With this typically with our experience, it's really good, like, to get it out so you know there's nobody in the trunk, there's nobody inside. If it is just come back as a stolen vehicle, you know somebody that steals a vehicle might have the gall to kill somebody as well. So what we're gonna do right now is fire department's on their way. They're gonna be here just to set up for safety in case we need help. Once they get here, we're gonna send you back in the water, we'll have you rig the car, we'll run a line to the boat ramp. Tow trucks will be here shortly and we'll pull it out. (suspenseful music) Timer's on now. (dramatic music) Get both those wheels rigged up and then we'll marry the red through it to our line up here. He's ready for the red strap. (solemn music) (tense music) All right, we're winching it in slowly. (dramatic music) Should be breaking the surface here shortly. Steering's locked. It's locked. It's in neutral so it's just a dump. (soft piano music) Good job getting that through. Day one is a wrap for our search for 64-year-old Jodi Boeckermann. We did find a vehicle, it's stolen, we've been able to clear it. But huge effort from Rochester PD, Rochester Fire Department. We all came together. They utilized our resources for diving, rigging the vehicle. We got the vehicle out safely, efficiently. Huge win for the marine environment here and you guys get to close, I guess, a robbery case. - Yeah. - So we're not done with this case, we have a lot more work yet to go. Stay tuned for episode two for our search for Jodi Boeckermann. (suspenseful music) Day two in our search efforts for Jodi Lee Boeckermann begins right now. - Yesterday we searched about six or seven ponds, the ones that were within about a mile of Jodi's residence and the place she last ate, which was SMOAK's BBQ. We didn't find anything there, but we searched them real good and we're basically sure that there's no way a vehicle could make it in there without being spotted. We then took our search to a few different lakes, one being Cascade Lake where we didn't find anything and then we finished up at Manorwood Lake, where we did end up finding a vehicle. However, it wasn't the vehicle we were looking for. - Outside of that, there's a lot that Nick did not just mention. So I want to caution each and every one of you who are watching us, stop, go back and watch episode one. There's a whole lot that transpired, the way it went down, the way the investigation unfolded which brings us right here to where we're at right now. - Now we're at Silver Lake. This is pretty much right on the outskirts of Downtown Rochester. This is basically the last known place that we can find on our search map that has a boat ramp and it's basically a probability that there could be a chance that a vehicle could drive in off this boat ramp across the lake right here, and make it into the water. - Another more significant tie to Silver Lake we have as well is she used to live here. One of her addresses is not far here from Silver Lake where we're at. So now we have an emotional significance drawing us to this location. It's also one of the biggest bodies of water that flows through Rochester. Anytime we have a big body of water like that, it sticks out to us. However, you know, where she disappeared, where her apartment was, where SMOAK's BBQ was, was on the northwest side of town. So in order for us to accurately use the tactics that we've developed at Adventures With Purpose, we have to exhaust those before we can branch out and that's why, on day two, we're here at Silver Lake. We're really optimistic about this location. We have a lot of water here to check. Some of our investigations uncover a lot of clues as we work them. This case, however, has not. You know, I've been in communication with the intelligence sergeant that is in charge of this case and he agrees as well, like, there's nothing to go off of. Jodi simply fell off the face of the Earth, her and her 2004 Pontiac Grand Am, without a trace, nothing whatsoever. No financial transactions, no sightings, no license plate readings. She did not leave the immediate area where she was at. She didn't have any weird communication with anybody that was suspicious. The one thing we're working with here is we know she left her kitten at home. It was the kitten that alarmed the apartment complex workers, supposedly, this is what I've heard, something was wrong. People heard the kitten going crazy in the apartment. After a week and a half, they found this kitten, they got into the apartment. The kitten was alive without food for a week and a half, little teeny tiny kitten. We also know that she purchased a meal to take home with her. Now, that shows intent of going home. Some would say that throws out there something horrible happened to her, somebody did something to Jodi, took her and her vehicle, who knows? But if you erase that, there's another aspect of this case that we're working with, which is her child succumbed to mental health issues, self-harm. A few years later, her husband succumbed the same way. Now, her husband died a year before she went missing almost to the day. So when she disappears, she's working with the anniversary of her husband's death. She's got a lot of traumatic emotional and mental issues by losing her child the same way. Are we working with that as far as Jodi is concerned? Was Jodi struggling with the same issues? But we're running outta options. This is the land of many lakes, 10,000 lakes. This lake we're at here is the most prominent location left on our search. I'm really optimistic about getting into it. But the bottom line is, since we've been in town, no one knows who Jodi is, no one. She's been missing for 10 months, her and her vehicle, and the least that we can do is be a voice for her. And I'm getting kind of angry here because we have a woman that's been missing and everybody we meet does not know her here. Now everyone is gonna know her. So, you know, if our efforts at the end of the day are unsuccessful as far as finding her, our efforts are not unsuccessful because we're being a voice for someone who obviously definitely does not have a voice here. No one in the community knows about Jodi. I think the most important thing that we need to do right now is keep putting one foot in front of the other. So Nick, let's get over there, let's put our boats in the water. Let's put the sonar in, let's get to searching. (soft music) How deep did you say it was? - Two. So is it worth putting in the other boat? - I would say no. - If you find something, let me know. I'll keep here on standby. - Okay. I mean, from there to there it's a foot and a half, two feet at the deepest. - Yeah, I got a radio. If you see it getting deeper, let me know. - We've developed a saying here at Adventures With Purpose. You never judge a water by its appearance. You just never know. Just part about being out here, you know, we win some, we lose some. Some of the areas are gonna be very rich as far as fruitful and producing what we're looking for. The types of things that we're looking for in some areas just aren't. The bottom line is you gotta get out here, you gotta do it and we're doing it. You know, all we can do is our best with what we've developed here with our search tactics, our habits, that we deem help us solve cases. You know, those habits we form, those tactics that, you know, we've learned a lot from all of the cases that we work. Each and every case, it just makes us stronger in our knowledge and wisdom that we're working. And not only that, each and every case that we work with, we're being a voice for somebody who doesn't have a voice. I say this a lot, but it's the truth and this is really the impact we're making in the world is being a voice for the voiceless and fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. And publicity in missing persons cases, missing persons in general is the nation's silent mass disaster no one talks about. On average, 600,000 people go missing every year. Yes, a good percentage of those do turn back up which is one of the reasons why law enforcement, they just can't throw out all of their resources at once just because someone goes missing, they need evidence of foul play or some type, something. If it's just a standard missing person, unfortunately, the injustice is you and your family or your loved one, your friend, is not gonna get the type of resource applied to the case that's gonna help find them, you know? And what happens is, at first where there's no evidence, you get no resources, evidence disappears. You know, by the time a detective does get applied to a case, the evidence is gone. Time is something that's really critical in all of these cases and unfortunately just so many people go missing, so many people go missing. At least I can do my part, we can do our part. You guys are putting us in the position to do our part and that's what this is all about. You know, regardless of one search turning out not good or one search turning out amazing, we're learning, we're gathering wisdom, and we're growing as a whole. We, together, you, us 'cause you guys put us in a position to do this. Another thing is our schedule. You know, we have a very tight schedule here at Adventures With Purpose when we're on the road, you know. So, our time is limited when we're in these cities which is understandable, you know, we have a lot of cases. We have to work them, we have to continue to work them and also being a voice for them, we have to just put the episodes out and gather information. We've solved cases simply because we didn't solve it at first and put it in your hands to give your feedback, to get the tips, the information, the clues, so that we can come back and solve them. And, at the moment, I think that this is really where this is coming to with this particular case. Where we're at right now, Silver Lake, is one of the last places of significance that we needed to check and I'm okay with that, I have to be okay with that. I have to be okay with working these cases and coming up empty-handed and coming up empty-handed quite frequently. But what we're doing is powerful, being a voice for the voiceless, you know, putting their story out there for millions of people to hear it. Maybe Jodi's still out there or maybe something happened to Jodi, maybe somebody did something to Jodi and someone knows something. And then we're gonna come forward, we're gonna get information or somebody's gonna say they saw her in a specific area and it's gonna draw us into a more accurate region to search. She very well could still be out there. Is Jodi out there? We don't know. (soft music) - Water temp's super cold. Two feet deep the whole way. I would call it more of a canal than a river but Doug's searching just a little bit below it. But basically he's cleared this whole area. It ain't even deep enough to hold a car so we're probably gonna be packing up the boats here pretty soon and moving on. - This entire thing is so, so shallow. Hold on, I think I just saw somebody that's not subscribed. If you're watching this and you're not subscribed, make sure you please take a moment to subscribe. It's free, it helps us out here on the road as we're able to help families and law enforcement all across the country. We wouldn't be able to do it without everybody watching. So please take a moment, subscribe, hit the bell notification as well so you can get up-to-date notices when new content comes out. Flip side of that, we also offer memberships for early releases of videos. And that's just a way of, whether it's 4.99, 9.99, or more per month that you choose to be your membership level, it contributes directly. Whether it's putting fuel in the RV for us to drive all the way around the country, you know, five times a year, or the gear replacement, the sonar upgrades, you know, you name it. The list goes on and on and on, on what it takes for the wheels of this to keep turning. So, please, if you have it, consider becoming a member. It helps us do this. If not, don't worry. Just something as simply as watching what we're doing, being a subscriber, liking and sharing. Leave a comment, let us know what you think about these episodes that we're putting out. It helps us. Again, all that information, we need all your help as well. We are only but one or two brains out here, trying to almost, what some would say, do the impossible. So don't hold back, leave comments, let us know how you feel about these cases we're working and it helps build the algorithm as well. It builds views and other people so that they can find us as well. So please hit the subscribe button if you have not done so already. (soft music) - If you know anything that we have not yet discussed, if you know a body of water in the area, Rochester, Minnesota area, that we have not searched, please reach out to us or local law enforcement. - And with that, ladies and gentlemen, we have to hit the road. We have another case waiting on us. We have to be there bright and early in the morning. We have a long drive ahead of us yet today, as well as some other things that we have to do as far as crossing our t's, dotting our i's with our equipment, making sure everything is in order and in ready mode for that case. So we'll see you on the next one. (soft uplifting music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 226,035
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Keywords: jodi boeckermann, jodi boeckermann missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, dangerous scuba diving, found car, recovered car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, Adventure, For you, diving, mystery, tow truck, wrecker, adventure, missing, search and rescue, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime stories, search and recovery, news, abduction, sonar search, car underwater, missing car
Id: m2rZq8nfqCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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