MISSING 28-YEARS.. Searching for Roszan Payne (Ep2)

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- [Jared] We are back for another search, looking for Roszan Payne. She went missing in 1994, in a 1989 pea green Volvo. - The lake had gotten down years ago to where you could actually drive a car off of that side, down on the lake bed and drive around. - So around this peninsula, it ended up dropping to three to four feet. So with the water, when it went down, all that was exposed. We covered everything from both sides of Two Mile Bridge, and let's see if we have any new success tomorrow. We're four feet deep and we've got tree limbs everywhere that we're trying to dodge. - Down there, all you can do is turn around. - [Jared] Okay. (drone buzzing) We have a car right here. (dramatic music) (horn honking) - Yeah. This one doesn't come out like Carey's does. So if you look at the distance that we're at right now. - [Doug] Yeah. - [Jared] And like the wall is short, Carey's would've been like right here for the Causeway that came out, - [Doug] Right. - [Jared] This Causeway is actually over another 1820 feet. - [Doug] Yeah. - [Jared] This one's not very big. - The wall is smaller. - [Jared] Yeah. - [Doug] Cause when I came off of Carey's car and we were searching, it didn't take me long to get to the bottom of that wall. I actually had to pop up and like, am I seriously at the wall already? And that's just what happened to her, is her car might have just hit the wall and then floated out a few feet and just dropped. - [Jared] Yeah. It went down that causeway wall. We're at seven feet now, so now we're at a place to where we can start hiding a car here. And so you can see like there's a tire at the bottom of the causeway. Here's the causeway, concrete underwater, is what we're looking at right here. So here's the top of the water. - [Doug] And you remember exactly what Carey's car looked like, right? - [Jared] The what? - [Doug] This is gonna look the same as Carey's did on sonar. - [Jared] Oh yeah. Yeah. Very deteriorated. But it'll still have the shape of a car. All right, Doug. So we just got done putting in here at Duck Cove, little boat ramp here. We've covered both sides of this causeway. We're currently on the backside coming back to the bridge. We've not seen anything. Where do we go from here? So yesterday, we've covered both sides of this causeway here. We've covered all of Hot Cove. We've covered all of the Waco Bay. We've covered everything up to Two Mile Bridge, both sides of Two Mile Bridge. I do know that we have two or three entry points up here that I wanna go check out today. But is there anything else down here at Duck Cove that needs to be covered before we take off. Really old mobile home park, no entry points. Shallow. No roads. No entry points. That takes us back over to the causeway by Carey. They said that this entire area down here dried up, they had four wheelers they were driving down in here. So nothing down here. That then brings us to.. No entry points. Potential over here, a little roundabout area, but it gets shallow and dry over there. How about Black Point? Let's jet out to Black Point real quick. - [Doug] Okay. - [Jared] Because, you have all sides of that one. So that one is hopeful. See if there's any other boat ramps over here by chance. And then we also have a little boat ramp at the end of Wood Hollow Circle. But I feel like that kind of takes us into a cove that might have been too shallow back in the day. But since we're that close, let's go hit it. Okay. And then that'll clear that area with another potential there that we can jet across to from there coming up out of Ash Cove. So three, four points over here we need to go hit real quick. Sound good. - [Doug] Sounds great, man. Let's go get 'em knock 'em out, while we got daylight. (dramatic music) - We'll scan this entire park here. So this is where we're going, right here. So you can see the public ramp on the other side of the dock there. But yeah, we'll start over here with the scan. And then come around, and the ramp is over there on the other side of the dock. (dramatic music) I don't think this is a public ramp anymore. - [Doug] It does look private. Doesn't it? - [Jared] Yeah. Looks really private. That was my last hopeful spot over here, I think. Let me see if there's anything else. - [Doug] And how deep. - [Jared] Only three feet, three and a half, four feet. - [Doug] Only three feet. (boat motor accelerating) - So we've covered both sides of this causeway. Let's take me away from the accident, let's take me away from the suicide. Are we talking about foul play on this one? And if so, who might be involved? Where might they put her? - Yeah, we were talking about that. More than likely it would probably be, if something did happen, foul play, it was someone she probably knew. She had a few friends, about four or five friends beat her up real good in the bathroom of a bar. And then one of them came out, that she used to always hang out with, come out and pass to me and told me that "Your mother's a snitch.". - Tell me about this quarry that was in question for us last time. And if this might play into it, or if you've heard of any rumors, or if anything's been proven or disproven. There's a quarry down the road, and I forget where it was at and it has-- - 429. Yeah, that's gonna be on 429, at the county line. I have heard rumors about that. It was mainly in discussions about the Carey Parker case. - Okay. - That's about the only case I've really heard ties with the quarry itself. But I mean, right now, anything's possible on this one, I mean it's -- - [Jared] Is there any way you guys can facilitate in getting us on that quarry? - I can make a phone call. - [Jared] Yeah. - The sheriff knows a lot of people. I mean, he could possibly pull some strings. - [Doug] Right, yeah. - Yeah, let's do that. Let's see if we can get gain access. But yeah, if somebody around here knows the history of them and says, this is the one that has always been in question, this is the deepest one. If we can gain any of that information and access today. In the meantime, we're gonna pack things up and we're gonna go knock out those three on the north side. (dramatic piano music) (boat motor accelerating) Now we're on the 276 bridge on the other side of where we were looking on Two Mile yesterday. I mean, look at this though. We're four feet deep and we've got tree limbs everywhere that we're trying to dodge to get out here into water that might be deep enough. We started, they were kind enough, this RV park over here, incredible. It's all private. They gave us access to their private boat ramp. So big shout outs. - [Doug] It was at Skyway. - [Jared] I'll tell you exactly who it is right now. 'Cause we want to make sure that we give them props and thank you for letting us jump over there. Skyview RV park? So if you're in the Lake Tawakoni area, make sure that you do reach out to them, tell them thank you. And go use their services. Definitely. I would stay here if I was staying in the RV another night, for sure. So the weather's starting to kick in again already today. So we got a little bit of waves, it's not gonna knock us off the water right now. We're right next to this causeway, right now we are currently in seven feet of water. So we're really right at the depth that, as long as it keeps getting deeper, this is a potential spot for us. If it gets shallower in the five foot range, then it's not gonna be deep enough for us. - So just got an update from the Hunt County Sheriff, they have acquired consent for us to access the quarry. And the homeowner that the sheriff spoke with is actually adamant that there is a car in the quarry that they know about. - [Jared] Okay, we need to finish this little route right here. - Yeah. Absolutely. - [Jared] And we need to, I wonder if it's our car. - I don't know, but we've been out here for three, four days and haven't found a car, yet. It's something at this point, it's a big step forward in this case. - [Jared] Okay. Well, let's finish this. We're on the other side of that RV park right now, so. We'll do that and then head back over there. - Cool. - [Jared] All right. - Doug just got done reading me your text message. Sounds like a great news. - Yes. So the quarry, went over there, Kaufman County Road, made contact with one homeowner. Couple of the houses didn't really look like anybody was home. Couple of the houses are for sale, for sale signs in the yard. The one homeowner I did make contact with, filled out consent to search forms. All good with us coming on the property. The husband's actually familiar with y'all, watching y'all on social media. - Oh, that's nice. All right. - But he said yeah, we have access to the water, more than welcome to come on the property. He said you can pull the camper right on the property. We're good to go. - [Jared] Excellent. He said that he has himself seen a vehicle in the quarry. He thinks it's a white vehicle. - Okay, excellent. So he's already scanned the whole thing. - He hasn't scanned it. The water's so clear. And when it was down one time, he was able to actually kind of see down into it. - So we may have more in there as well. - Very high potential, yes. - All right, we'll load up our boat and let's head over. It's still, one o'clock almost. So we still have some time today for sure. Perfect. Thank you, sir. - [Deputy] You bet. (dramatic music) - So tell us about these quarries. So my understanding is you've actually spotted a vehicle in here before. - I have, and these things been here since like the 50's. - Okay. - Late 50's, early 60's. And there's also supposed to be a truck in here, but I think it got left when they hit water-- - Okay. - And they just bailed and moved over, and started another one. - Right. - But there's 14 of 'em right down through the county. - So how long you been here and how long has this guardrail been over here? - I don't know about the guardrail. We've only been here a couple years. - Okay. - But I guess Kyle can start. We can go down there. It's just pretty much right off, there's a sheer rock wall right there and it's right down in there. - Okay. - And you may not see it. It's really hard to see from the surface, you know that. - Okay. But we got the sonar, so we'll be able to-- - Yeah, 'cause the ripples and stuff. - spot it there, of the quarries that are out here, which ones do you think would be the most likely for somebody... Give me accident scene versus a foul play scene, which ones would be most likely? - This one, the next one, because it's actually off of 429. You can see it from 429. This one before, the one just above us here, before Kenneth Lane bought it and closed it in and calls it Quarry Lake now. That one would've been real accessible. - [Jared] Right. - [Jim] Cause there was nobody over there. You just pulled in the road and there it was. - [Jared] Okay. Is that the one that has the, first time we ever came to Lake Tawakoni, there was one with like a guard shack out front? - No. - Which one is that one, do you know? - I don't know. As far as, like I said, these three would've been the ones that would've been really accessible. All the others are on property. I mean, you can't get into the property. They're fenced and stuff and they just go all the way down through the county, so. - Okay. - These three probably would've been the most accessible, if we're talking 1994. - Right. - You know, so yeah. - Okay. We've just got this suited up, so let me put a jacket on. Let's go see what we can find. Thank you. Thanks for your help today. (dramatic music) (boat motor running) We have a car right here. No, wait. That a car? Off to the left? Let's see if that's a car. (boat motor accelerating) Can't quite tell. Yeah. Yeah. I believe that we have a car right here. Let me see this. See that, see that? That's from me turning though. - [Doug] Sure. Looks like wheels. - [Jared] Yeah. Gonna come back over it. - [Doug] It's gonna be dumped off this land here. - [Jared] Yeah. Let me put it on my left further. Okay. Right here. Yeah, we got a vehicle right there. Much older, deteriorated. Let's go put LiveScope eyes on it. Finally. We're finding vehicles. - Oh, I know, right? Amazing. - [Jared] Kind of eyeball where this one is at. I creep up on it, here. I think it's right about there. Right now, we should be coming up on it. Right here. Definitely looks like an older vehicle to me. It's off to the right a little bit more. Let me see if I can put us right over it and LiveScope for you. So let's move this over a little bit here. Oh yeah. We got a vehicle there. Pretty sure. Oh yeah. All right, throw magnet on it, make sure. Let's just go ahead and mark it because we can always, if we're gonna dive these, right? That's a vehicle. Oh yeah. It's upside down. Yep. Oh yeah. You're dropping right on it, right there. Fairly certain. Okay. Drop it, drop it four more feet. Okay. Bounce it there. You should bounce right onto it. You should be all over it right there. - [Doug] I feel something. - [Jared] Yeah. That might be actually a tree. - [Doug] I feel something. - [Jared] Yeah, those aren't those aren't wheels. Those are tree limbs, made to look like a tree, in my opinion. - [Doug] I don't feel it anymore. - [Jared] Yeah. It's only three feet tall. I'll take you back over it. (boat motor starting) Okay. Coming up to it. And 10 feet. Yeah, I don't think it's a car. I don't know. It could be. All right, you're right over the top of it, right now. - [Doug] You see my magnet? - [Jared] Yeah, drop your magnet straight. There you go. Now you're on it. - [Doug] I'm all over it. I feel it. - [Jared] Yeah. - [Doug] It feels like a tree, feels like a tree. I mean, I don't know. It's just not sticking, but I feel it. - [Jared] Yeah. Yeah. You're bouncing all over it. All right, let me hit it at a different angle then just get eyes on it. I mean, we know where it's at right here, off of this. So let me just do side-scan on it. Go ahead and pull your magnet. So it's gonna be on the right over here. That's where it's going to be. And that looks like a log, to me. Old dock, like you said at that angle. All right, that one rules that one out. In fact, that's what you have right there. You have an old dock there. That's probably part of it. - [Doug] So this road up here is definitely in the realm of an accident, not foul play. - Yeah. A hundred percent. And you know, and what Jim was also saying, was that the guardrail looks newer, which you know, back in the 90's, there may or may not have been a guardrail. If it was like in the 70's, I'd be like, oh yeah, there's no guardrail there at all. We got something else down here. I think this is a boat, is what this one is. Zoom in on it. See this, this one is a boat. - [Doug] Oh yeah. - [Jared] All day long. Well hit it at some different angles though, just to verify it. - [Doug] From that view, that's definitely a boat. - [Jared] Yeah. Yeah, so here's the LiveScope of it. Okay, we're right over it, right here. - [Doug] Not tall enough at all. - [Jared] So boat all day long, at least we're finding something now. - [Doug] Man, we haven't found anything. - [Jared] It's our first boat. - Yeah. First boat. - [Jared] Yeah. - [Doug] I guess the boat counts as something. Where do we go from here? - I mean, I would love to hit every quarry pond. I mean.. 13 more to go, right? We just don't have enough time on our day, and in our trip for what we're doing on this one. - [Doug] This is, in a respectful way, beginning to become a rabbit hole. - Yeah. Because we also have the, what if she did end up going towards Michigan and then she didn't make it to Michigan. We have that theory and that story as well. - [Doug] And I do know quite a few people, who have left a job and were too embarrassed to collect their last check. That they just didn't want to mess with it. You know, maybe it wasn't that much, maybe it was just a day or two. - [Jared] Yeah. But not even leaving the job. I mean, she still had the job. It's not like she quit the job. - [Doug] Right. - So she could have stayed and then picked up and left, one more check. I don't know. - [Doug] This is a tough one. She was known to disappear for several months at a time. For what we searched in Lake Tawakoni, 100% not where we searched. We searched all of the major parts that she would have had close ties to. - Yeah. And a lot of times, I say, well, if we can't find it, then it has to be foul play. But we've disproven that time and time again, that it doesn't have to be foul play. - [Doug] Right. - In fact, to date so far, I don't believe that anything or anybody that we've ever found has ever been foul play. I'm not saying that foul play is not out there. I'm just saying the ones that we have done. - [Doug] Correct. - Have never been foul play to date yet. - [Doug] Correct. - Yeah. So like I said, where does that take us? We can't search the entire state of Texas. We have absolutely zero good leads on this at all. The only semi sort of lead that we had on this was the, she went to the bars in west Lake Tawakoni, Hot Cove. And she never went back to her sister's house over in Royse. - [Doug] Right. Those are our only three clues in all of this. We don't have any clues that took her any further east from Tawakoni. We have zero clues that bring her down here, other than speculation of, well, she ran with the wrong crowd, years earlier she snitched, she got beat up for it. You know? So those are the only clues that we have. No cell phone pings, no eye witnesses, no direction of travel. - [Doug] So at this point it comes down to running outta leads, logical locations, which are based on leads, and time. - All of that factors in. - [Doug] Yeah, this is a tough one. - No, you know what? We got a vehicle over here. In a really strange spot. Check this out. This, I don't know why it's over there. Look at that, upside down right there. I'll turn this back to 75. Tell me that's not a car upside down right there. - It does appear to be. I just don't. I mean, it looks like a foot tall. - [Jared] Yeah. There's just no--. - [Doug] It's right here. All right, look. Yeah. There's absolutely no way a car is floating out here. This is Texas. It's not gonna freeze over. - [Jared] Yeah. Okay. It's right below us, but I gotta come up on it. Alright. I see your magnet. Okay, drop it right there. - [Doug] I see all these different rocks here. - Nope. This is not a rock. I'm gonna put you right back on it. Okay. - [Doug] This is the center of a rock quarry. - Just hang on a minute. Okay. It's off to the right. Oh wait. There's two of 'em side by side. Identical. - [Doug] Exactly. - It's totally not a car. Look at this. - [Doug] Look right here. Two of 'em side by side. Identical. - [Jared] So now I'm gonna come over here. - [Doug] Oh, you're really low. - [Jared] Why is your magnet still in the water? - [Doug] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! - [Jared] why is your magnet in the water right there. Oh, that's probably what it is right there. Look at that equipment that's down there. (Doug laughing) That kind of looks like what's underneath the water over there. Look at that. That's some old mill equipment. - [Doug] Yeah. - [Jared] So your object, there is not a car. I don't know what it was. So how, like how much of it did you identify? - It looked like, when I looked down and I thought I saw a window and a top. - [Jared] Right. - That's all I could see. But it looked so slimy, it was hard to tell. - So how low was the water at the time? - Probably about like it is now. - [Jared] Okay. So what I ended up identifying there, to kind of give us some reference and I kind of came right over the top of it, kind of in that shape? - [Jim] Yeah. Maybe. - And we ended up out here in the middle and this is where we identified some equipment. So you have some equipment that you can actually see, like three or four feet under the water. And then there's some that's about 25 to 30 feet under the water. - That's probably whatever it was. - Yeah. Yeah. - Or something. - Some old platforms or some old troughs or something is what it was. So anyway, so that clears what our potential places are here next to the road, so we can dispel any of those rumors. - Good to hear. - Yeah. - Sort of. - But the one across though, is in the same position, relevant to the road where if something goes off from either side, it's possible. - It used to be open that time of year. - Yeah. Yeah. And that's what we're thinking. And that's what we're thinking that they used to be open. - So, all right. Well, I say we have permission on that, so let's jump over there real quick. - Okay. - Probably just off the road. - Yeah. - Be my guess. - Yeah. - Unless there's a access in. - Mark said he had access. - The other one's just over here on the other side of the road. Yeah. There's a couple of gates over there, but.. - Okay. - [Woman] Got keys? - If not, we can drop in over the edge. - He can talk to Ken Lane, maybe, I don't know. - So that's where we just finished. This is where we're at right here. And then that's either accident, or lots of road right around it. Okay. Let's go knock out that one real quick. - [Jared] Got a (indistinct) on that one? - No, but it's got a thermal camera, a zoom laser. DJI Matrice 300 series, the camera on that is $10,000, alone. Great. For search and rescue. You know, you get it up in the woods and... (drone whirring) - [Jared] Wholly Moly! (piano music) - I dunno what's easiest for you guys, right down there all you can do is turn around. - Okay. - And it's a good little ways, I don't know if y'all can make it right across there and roll right up there to the water. - That's perfect. Yeah. I'll drop into here, turn up and around and -- - Okay. - Back right up. - That'll work. - All right. (mellow piano music) - I mean, honestly, it's very discouraging, not to find a car in almost four days of scanning. That's that's unheard of. I've never been a part of a search that has never come up with a car. We search so many miles on the lake and not one car. (piano music) - So we have one more potential in question, in talking to the officers here and constables, they're like, here's where we pulled a bunch of vehicles out before. If something's going to be dumped, here's the one that we need to go to next. So we're gonna see if we can get permission to go to it, that we're working on right now. But this also comes back to the, a lot of times we come into these, like, we have a lot of clues. Normally this one, we have the, well, she partied over in town, but we have no actual witnesses. We have no actual date. We have no cell phone pings, we have no direction is what she was going. We have the rumor of Michigan, that she never made it to Michigan. If she was gonna go, we have the last check that wasn't picked up, which then brings us back to the potential foul play. Just so many things on this that, then we're looking at the, well, if she was at the bar, DUI, where are the accident locations? And we covered all of the accident locations or in the direction that she would be going, whether back to Hot Cove or back to your home. And this is like the, I'm throwing my hands up. I don't know where else to go for you. Other than I have one more hour for you. This is, and right now I'm just throwing darts at that, just to, so we're utilizing the most of our daylight. - They think there might be something we-- - And you guys, do you guys have nothing else? - No, we're sorry. - There's different places, but I mean one or the other, we don't know. - All right. Well, like I said, I think that this is kind of where we're at then, is just, let's check out this last quarry, if we get access to it-- - [Woman] Okay. - [Jared] If not, we're nearing the end of the day and we're gonna have to make a call to, a plea for anybody that's in the area that watches this. You have a boat, you have sonar, keep your eyes peeled. And if you happen to find a vehicle underwater, get ahold of Hunt County, reach out to them and see, we found a vehicle 'cause, trust me, not all counties, take it seriously. But right now they're going to be taking it very seriously. If you find a vehicle underwater, they're gonna get DPS out here or somebody else. And they're going to find out what vehicle that is and they're gonna get it outta the water, guaranteed. - And like I was saying earlier, if anyone out there knows something, say something. 'Cause if it, if this is foul play, someone out there knows something, say something. Be anonymous, call Hunt County and let them know. - [Deputy] Crime Stoppers, we got Crime Stoppers. - Crime stoppers, Hunt County Sheriffs, Crime Stoppers. - Yeah. A lot of times when Crime Stoppers is involved, there's a reward. I've never heard, is there reward associated with Roszan on this one? - [Woman] We haven't put it up, but we could, if we need to. - No, don't do that. A lot of times like Crime Stoppers will do it. But I find that for the good people of the world, it's not going to entice the good people of the world to say something anyway. I don't know. But I mean, you've been in law enforcement quite a bit. So tell me about this. I mean, have you guys seen somebody come outta the woodwork, specifically because there was a reward being offered. - The Sergeant that's been with you the last couple days. Shannon. She would've more information on that. She runs the Crime Stoppers. - Okay. - But I can tell you, based off conversations we've had in passing, there has been people that have been caught and located based off the Crime Stoppers and the anonymous tips that are sent in. - [Jared] Okay. - So, and I think there was a couple of them that caught and found where they didn't even want the reward. They weren't even interested in the reward itself. They just want to do the right thing. - Right? Yeah. And that's where I'm coming back to. We do run into this from time to time, where families want to go overboard. Let's put together 50,000, 100,000 or we can only afford five or we can only afford $500. To date, from what everything I've seen, it's never enticed the solving of, again. - Somebody that knows something's gonna come forward out of good faith, good heart. And a lot of times with the rewards, you just get a lot of scammers. Scammers and things that lead to nowhere. 'Cause people are just money hungry. - [Woman] Yeah. Cause there's somebody that knows her and knows her face, even though she's been on the Hunt County missing seven but we just don't know who they are. - Right. - [Woman] They see her face and know. - It's what, 27 years now? And the likelihood of a lot of people in her life and or around this situation are still here. And hopefully if you're watching this, say something. Let the family know, let Crime Stoppers know something. Anything. It could be the smallest thing that you may not think may mean anything, that could lead to us finding her. - Yep. And, and we'll put that information down below in the description. - And think about her having gray hair, or showing a little bit or something, you know what I mean? - [Jared] Yeah. - Shorter hair. - She would not let that happen. - Yeah. She wanted to look like half a million. - Yeah. And if, and I'm gonna say this also, Roszan, if you are out there, come on, look at this. I mean your daughters and your sisters, they're all looking for you. Reach out, whatever the past was, time heals all wounds. If you feel like there's any wounds that are to be mended and healed, a hundred percent, those are gonna go away, if you're still alive. - Yeah and we thank y'all so much for everything y'all are doing. - Yeah. We really do. We do. We appreciate you very much. - [Jared] Yeah, absolutely. - Guys are, all of you. Great bunch of guys. - We're gonna tackle the next spot we're going to. - [Woman] Okay. - If you continues the way, you know, it's gone. You still have a lot of answers as to where Roszan's not. - [Woman] Yeah. - I know coming into this, it was really Lake Tawakoni, Lake Tawakoni. Unfortunately where all the ground that we covered in the lake, she's not there. - [Woman] Yeah. - And that's, and if anything, when you're in these searches and you have a missed loved one, knowing where she's not is still a step forward. Even after all these years. - [Woman] Yeah, mark something off the list. - Right. It's the process of elimination. It really is. - You guys have been wonderful. We were just, it's not your fault we don't get closure. You know, you tried your darnedest. - Well, thank you. - [Woman] Definitely helped us, they know so much. Thank you. - Absolutely. We're gonna load the boat up now and we'll see if we receive some good news to jump on one more for you today. Okay. - [Woman] Thank you. - You're welcome. (dramatic music) Right now, we just don't know. And we did put out that plea as well, for anybody in the area to reach out to Hunt County and Crime Stoppers. And, so now it's about the awareness, bringing awareness to your mom, and to your sister, and to the case and fingers crossed something will come from it. - Yeah, hopefully. - [Jared] Yeah. (mellow music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 410,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roszan jean payne, roszan payne missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, missing persons cases solved, found car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, diving, mystery, tow truck, wrecker, adventure, missing, search and rescue, car crash, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime documentary, crime stories, search and recovery, ralph brown found, ralph brown found underwater, dangerous scuba diving
Id: urCmZXvc3E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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