Diving on Car Found Near Military Base!

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how's it going you know just another day you're looking pretty good in that dry suit oh yeah looks like you're ready to dive and got the car marked and he got water you know the so everybody thanks for joining the live stream me and nug are here and uh here we go we haven't been potentially interesting dive potentially um I think it's interesting regardless of what it is you're still recording oh I'm always recording so here's the thing here's here's the thing hopefully also hopefully my phone battery lasts throughout this live stream for you to get down on the water dive and get back up and we figure out what it is together yeah hey everybody thanks for joining the live stream make sure to leave a thumbs up but um there we go so we are near a military base where I've done this before and uh I don't want to say the name of the base yet but it's top secret it's in Alabama I don't know see look here comes a military squid police someone a boat but okay so do I keep interrupting you yeah oh my bad that's your job hey everybody thanks for joining man all these emojis I'm getting yeah is that a pink snake that's a pink hand Slytherin snack stupid anyway continue so uh we were we were going up doing searching for a missing person in the area uh which this car could technically possibly be this person for some reason it could be this is a weird car because so we found like six cars yesterday yeah I do want four of them and that'll be a video coming up in the middle and the night you're gonna dive yeah I got super late last night but you're gonna dive on these two we found today yeah one of which is only accessible by going through a military base and it's right here there's the buoy you just marked it and uh it appears to be an upside down car but the boat ramp is like right up right there where my finger is and so it went off the boat ramp but you could only this is a car that like had access to get on the base yeah oh we should bring the people in and be like dude how what a car on a military base end up in the river and no one knew or did they know and they just left it you know it's very weird yeah it's very baffling um so hopefully we find out I bet you that's the story they knew the guy reported it and they just like let her oh like it was an AG oh like he accidentally something his brakes went out or something yeah they're probably like oh yeah we knew about that they may have known about it but to us we don't know until we go down there get a license plate and we'll call the police and have them come out and check it out and I just wanted to go live because I haven't gone live in a while and also I've been uh I've been sick like all last week so I haven't had a video I've been kind of slack it's like in all my videos so the live streams kind of helped do that I need a Hazmat dry suit so it's only about 15 feet 17. okay yeah same as yesterday yesterday it was pretty good Clarity and it wasn't bad I didn't bring my light I brought it I did it because I got I got the one on my hand I think I threw it in there I'm pretty sure I put it in the boat I didn't bring my mask I'm going blind I mean you did it before yeah but that car was like a foot deep you got some hate for doing that oh man you know me I don't play by the rules so you got all your new we got here 177. yeah we got some people watching tuning in on the uh the Wednesday what do they do Wednesday it is it is still kind of coffee I think you should dive the truck just like this you can use my mask no air no air no you're gonna hold my breath yeah the other truck we found is like up River like three miles uh and it's like it must have launched off of this point it is it was it is far I mean we went three miles just now on this little inflatable because we cannot all of our other boats are having like Tire issues mainly like I we got to get new uh the trailers having the issues well with our other boats the boat we thought was four years old now the starter went out it's like it won't idle it's always something it's always something they say boats are like the hole that you keep dumping money into right well I don't want to do that I mean I have a nice job so this is our Dependable backup boat but um it's not as preferred it you know so a lot could go on with this dial I don't know you know technically we're on base I think well we're in the water we're kind of hidden here I think we'll be fun but we don't have uh permission to be on base technically but we're in the water so I don't think it's I think it's still public nope you're on the rocks oh no no dope but this nug of security clearance from the military um you were in the Navy I mean I don't know if that carries over security clearance how many years ago oh my gosh 2005 is when I got out dang I'm old I'm old it's been almost 20 years as well just I was might as well just say like I have a crusty old veteran just like flash your your eye like your some something in your wallet real quick Adam this is how old we was dude when I was in the military a lot of people can relate to this I just had this cheap paper ID oh yeah that anybody could print off the internet you know they started doing the new ones with chips and all this other fancy while I was in but when I first got in paper you know paper yeah that was it yeah he didn't jump in the water with those because yeah yeah that's I remember one time I had I got a scar on one of my fingers oh yes that one uh I had to get my fingerprints redone because I got my fingers stuck in a uh a bench grinder and it filed off my finger now or my fingerprint enough to alter it so like it wouldn't work I'm a comments start calling you stubby he's stubby it was weird though because when it got stuck it was like I was like oh I didn't even look and I was like this one I was like oh I know it's bad I know it's bad I looked down just for a little bit you know just blood everywhere and I was like oh I took my finger off oh no and then I went out to my boss my supervisor I was like and he's like oh I couldn't look at it just couldn't find out it just kind of give me a flesh wound there's some like that's a boom lots of explosions that way there's like all these missile bunkers and stuff and uh bunker I'll go into more details where we are after Jeremy Dives I just want to make sure nobody call I don't know I don't just for our safety but we are right by a military base where we're at is a park that you can only get to by water or going through the base um I don't know if you can you guys hear that that was loud they're like loud booms I don't know if it's probably too low a base but uh I guess I don't know what they're doing like testing all the testing Duds or missiles that is not a good how many times do you need to test as a tank over there okay I forgot them I forgot the more I I'm not sick anymore but I have like this this cough that won't go away but like the more I talk it makes me cough more so sorry about him last night watching from the UK dang you should ask the question who is farthest away watching from UK the farthest I mean it's pretty far it works only got 20. that's good enough yeah you should be fine shout out to uh one of the subscribers that hooked you up with some new gear you just really needed hey you know what it was time so let's just see if I can throw this thing okay where's the other one oh you see it where's it at it's like deep it's deep in there deep back there dang okay get it man you're like a little baby don't talk to me that way I mean it fits um on a serious note though I mean this uh this potentially could be a missing person that we don't know about or like that one that's new the car I mean it's the only car out here yeah there's no this is just one which is very strange because usually you find a bunch so you find a bunch of junk there's nothing out here it's pretty clean so I'm really curious about this vehicle I mean I I don't think I'll be able to you know I'm not gonna lie from any of that honestly my lot my phone's probably gonna die here in like 10 minutes why I don't know let's plug it in I don't have I didn't bring my charger thing with me hey I didn't really think ahead this thing work huh doesn't work oh it's that button okay yeah so you okay okay well I'm learning we got Indiana Minnesota Mississippi Maine I mean UK I think I think UK he said he just gave his kids dinner so I mean we're waking up in the morning he's going to bed your boat is yeah you can't have nice things well you know the gofundme's coming along yeah soon we'll have a nice beautiful Scuba Diving boat we'll look official he'll even have a wrecked and recovered stickers on it well yeah you'll have your good boat I have a good boat too I haven't really put out on the channel it's in the shop yeah I got I got a couple I got a couple boats we got we got plenty of boats at this point they just gotta we got to get them uh his weight still on there I guess okay I'm going um yeah yeah for now if I come darting up like a rugby like the weight fell off whatever walking from Norway don't trip and fall again Jeremy oh yeah it is pretty slick I mean look at this rock you need to put your GoPro on there yeah man don't you give it to me do you need a like not here yeah you have two hands act like you ain't got no two hands I'm gonna hold my phone my mouth would you so there's the car guys we found right once again if you're just tuning in we're right near this military base that you can only get to by being have your be like being getting access you know you have to be in the system unless you come to it by boat which I don't think you're legally allowed to go on land they don't know but we are gonna have to call the uh I guess MPS hey man technically I don't know if I can reach it he might have to do it this time okay here uh uh here okay there we go okay there sorry nug that was funny did you get it are you done yet yeah okay is that on the right side yeah okay had me nervous crap I did it wrong again I hope my phone doesn't die oh it will don't take forever when you're down there because I'm just gonna be out here by myself all lonely well you got only 400 people yeah it'll stay 400 . it's a good bad it's good audience well it's kind of funny because he kind of when you're just holding the phone out here you kind of don't think that there's like 400 of you all watching which is amazing but it's like if y'all were all in front of us it'd be like a we'd be like performing dang look at you this is new too everything's new stay warm it's not that cold huh it's not that cold it's 49 degree water he dropped over yesterday yeah it's cold I felt fine I didn't get cold at all you shivering nah these aren't for dry suits I think these are technically for kayaking you know what whatever kayak yeah I don't know how I'm supposed to make this work do you I just I didn't do mine yeah did you ever kayaked nope I almost drowned on a kayak he was drowning everything before I started diving oh how am I supposed to get that man it's all muddy now oh wet crap so how y'all doing hey what are you guys up to they're probably all laughing going to get this man proper gloves let me look at your penguin gloves they work use your one hand grab right there and pull it out here pull yeah see my pole I can't grip nothing you gotta pull from the bottom I don't see much of using these again these are not made for a dry suit oh my God that'd be good to swim with so much work putting it on the dry suit's the worst I mean getting your gear on is the worst part somebody said they went to they went to court that doesn't sound fun at all dude what the [ __ ] what pull that strap this one yeah I can't grip these damn things I hope you can pull a plate off yeah you might want to just different gloves yeah we're just doing a quick live like I said let me check my my battery um I can't even tell actually I shared my phone battery well hopefully Jeremy doesn't take too long to dive on this thing and uh give us some more info maybe come up with a plate apart so I mean the buoys right there that the car is this is extremely mysterious to me to both of us because the whole military base um you know situation this is it's pretty calm out here there is a current but it's close enough to the edge where you can just you know dive we're pretty good at this at this point we've dove in like as the Missouri River I think was the horrible one all right nugs suited up getting ready to go dive this thing and hopefully your audio your audio working well no it's not did you charge it that's really annoying it broke again you had to send it in before didn't you your son your son was diving in the Red Sea a month ago dang that sounds pretty cool foreign you are I mean try to are you like right there do you have air in your dry suit so he has a new BC he has all his weight on there but apparently it's a lightweight one so it's not as heavy so he's kind of testing it out now I should be able to make it work I just got a low power notification so hopefully uh my phone I don't know how much longer my phone's gonna last I mean if it's hooked code you can pull yourself down yeah you recording all right man good luck be safe so you just got to go right over there 46 degrees is warm lower 40s and upper 30s in the Great Lakes yeah I believe it yeah I mean I drove yesterday on four cars and it uh it was pretty uh I didn't get cold at all so the car is right there it's like 15 17 feet down should be pretty quick hopefully it doesn't pull the buoy off that would not be good foreign it's really easy to pull these magnets off the cars I mean even though they're stuck on pretty good I don't think the current is that bad but it helps having more weight to sink because then you're worrying about holding onto the car and like your whole body's trying to float up it looks like it looks like he's staying there now so we're gonna wait for him to go do that and while we wait I can talk to you guys find somewhere to sit down sit on the boat let me get situated oh right oh no what about pop the boat just now that would suck so let's see who we got here we got almost 500 people here um you saw a video where nug was spraying me with water yeah Jeremy loves to do like these little short videos and messing with me all the time he's a funny guy I'll tell you guys what need more likes yeah leave a like guys I really appreciate it um we have so there's another case in Mississippi we wanted to get to but I don't know if we'll make it this week there's also a gentleman back in South Carolina I need to go check a few Pawns I've been looking for yeah so right now Jeremy's out there diving on this car and we're right next to this military base once he gets it out I'll give you guys some more info on that but basically you can only get to this Base by going through military Gates and you have to have access so whatever car this is when at one point went through you know it's on camera it belongs to someone on base my only thought is like maybe it's like a car put here on purpose to dive on which usually when they dive on cars for training it's cars that were already there I don't I don't think they usually put cars there but I don't know there's lots of scenarios but I think it's weird enough of a thing that it's really piqued my interest so it has to be something if it's stolen I mean it belongs to somebody here there's also there's like NASA base there's like NASA facilities out here uh hopefully my phone doesn't die I may have to shut the livestream off soon and give you guys more updates on my Instagram or something we'll have a full video about this eventually too but I just wanted to do a quick live with you guys hey from Texas I'm from Texas I'm from Houston Texas you watching the storms no I'm not it's not the best weather today that's pretty overcast I think there's some uh potential I think I heard there might be some some bad weather coming in tonight but I don't know yeah it's a mystery definitely it's just too weird of a thing for this car to be here and I think it's on its Wheels hopefully you can get a plate I mean although most of the time they don't even know that it's here the car is uh 17 feet deep so it's really it's really not bad so it looks like he's diving around the car I could see his bubbles going around it he's going I guess to the front of it now or maybe the back yeah I think I have like five I think that I have like full uh five bars or whatever here so I was like yeah I'll do a quick live stream for you guys I should have tried I was charging my phone but charge is so slow I have Jeremy's phone though I could uh I could start alive on his on his phone yeah make sure to leave a like guys I appreciate the support we've got like 500 people in here y'all are amazing for tuning in we have a we have so many cases we're constantly doing guys I mean every week we go out traveling we keep going further and further um if you haven't subscribed to our team Channel wrecked and recovered that's our tow truck Channel where we pull out cars and it's really fun um um we have right now we're kind of getting back in the swing of things with the new year and we know where cars are but it's like trying to figure out my tow truck's actually in the shop right now I'm getting it looked at and uh just got a few things I need to tweak but our my plan is to put out you know at least two videos a week or sorry no we I wish two videos a month on the rectum recovery Channel I'd love to put out one a week they're just they take so much more effort than our normal videos hey from Newberry South Carolina you're near my neck of the woods Julie thanks for joining yeah it's not cold it's six degrees here in the UK you're braver than me I couldn't do it I can I struggle in our winners how is married life you know like you know it's pretty good it doesn't really feel much different than before I was with Carrie for like three years and we were living together so it's uh it's going good though it's going good I'd love to get our dog trained more so she could come out with us every time but she's still so wild she was out here now she'd be running around jumping in the water uh what's up I've been doing I've been doing good Wolf Creek Outdoors what's up man doing good yeah right now we're diving on the car or Jeremy's out there diving right there and this I mean this car is just really mysterious to me I because you can't I mean it is documented going through this the military base there's only two gates there's like a bunch of testing uh like missile I don't know bunkers and stuff I keep hearing the booms and explosions going off and then there's like uh housing so I don't know why this car it's the only car out here and it just looks so weird Jeremy hasn't come up yet so that Kana is telling me that it's probably just a dumped vehicle usually if it's like a missing person in involved he'll come up uh he'll come up quicker you're in Florida working nice man bird dog what's up man good to see you yeah yeah it's good to hear from you man staying busy you know how it is trying to keep putting out videos it's like an endless cycle but we have so much content I need to get like an Editor to help out um um yeah if you guys if you guys haven't subscribed subscribe to bird dog's Channel too if you guys like uh metal detecting Adventure Civil War stuff like that you know he does a lot of that over there and you've been you've been staying busy too haven't you man you've been editing and going all out yeah I feel like actually I've been driving all around you in like Tennessee I don't know where you're exactly staying right now but I feel like I keep driving near where you live all right Jeremy's uh I think he's starting to come back oh a fish just jumped out of the water hopefully my phone my phone's about to die I just wanted to do a quick live stream okay he's coming back see what he has to say ah you got a plate phone died no I'm still streaming there's another guy the silver Mercedes really four-door rear windows are down got the tag I was digging inside there forever I don't feel like anything in there was there any like stickers like military was it pretty silted over oh there's the tag number Alabama two thousand um 17 maybe interesting 2017 tag he said a Mercedes yeah silver Mercedes tag number literally b-e-l-l-p-b wow that's a vanity place that's a vanity plate yeah I think yeah so PB what could that be how's the workout I need like five more pounds of weight yeah get over here I'm coming I got it so I'm not gonna be able to keep live streaming the whole time but we're about to call the police and uh report that okay they may want to pull it out right now that's what I mean maybe oh if they do I won't be able to live I wish I wish I brought my phone charger well Jeremy's got his phone maybe we'll go live on his phone no no no oh Bill PB huh interesting yeah I thought I had enough weight I mean like when I get down to the bottom yeah like the the pressure kind of equalized me out a little bit Yeah but I was still really not where I wanted to be pulling you up yeah he's annoying it wasn't too bad but getting down there was a workout hmm well the rear windows were down maybe it was just an accident nice car though it's I was I was kind of freaking out for a minute because like I don't know the trunk was open so I couldn't find the tag at first so I had like go underneath it and pick the trunk lid up oh yeah yeah find the tag but as silver and I was like oh my gosh the kid's car is silver yeah like what if this is him huh I was freaking out but why do I feel so cold it helps to get leaking well let's get you out of here wrap up this live stream and then call the call the police see if they even know about it all Subway I mean that's a vanity plate what kind of a name is PB bell bell PB do you like peanut butter peanut butter and bell peppers bell pepper no no that's a BP this is a pea beet peanut butter all right [Applause] all right so um I guess now that you have the car we are uh so if you guys are curious we're in Alabama the military base we are near I guess it's a base was it redstone Arsen it's an arsenal yeah he needs some more weight that's a new BC he hasn't used yet the lightweight it's a lightweight BC yeah so uh but yeah so um we're about to give the Arsenal police a call report this I wanted to wait to tell you guys just in case um but we're about to call them right now and we'll get some more info hopefully I'll post something on Instagram or a a story on my Facebook page so make sure to follow me on there got any words to say man any more weight that's about the words everybody subscribe to explore with nug I think I like that too I like that too I really don't understand why this box thing selling stuff it's the second time that OTS thing stopped working yeah very strange it's irritating because all I want to do is record my voice what's so dang yeah they say Redstone takes a secure security seriously I mean we can't buy water yeah I don't see cameras right here but like they got into the gate they got into the base somehow so we're about to give them a call guys thanks for uh sticking with us we'll have a full video out and um maybe live stream later I don't know what we're doing the rest of the week but we'll be around we're always around you guys know so we're always around thanks for watching appreciate you guys tuning in on this overcast Wednesday yeah and uh let's see what the police have to say we want to unbuckle that no that's why you loosen it loosen it oh you know I got a oh my fingernail man all right later guys thanks for watching
Channel: AdamBrownAdventures
Views: 28,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lzuqMIOjRfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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