Can You Beat Wuthering Waves Using ONLY Sword Characters?

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more weing waves content or series please I hope you all thinking what I'm thinking swords only ining waves bro we woa series [Music] [Music] okay fine you guys win can you beat weaing waves using only sword characters let's find out and the first step to that of course is completing the tutorial which is completely fine for us to do because this is a sword character and look at that they give us another sword character already I believe currently there are only four sword characters in the game so we are already halfway to collecting all of them and for our first test we have to fight a Discord mod I don't know what I would have done if we had picked any other weapon because we don't have access to those characters but luckily for us we don't have to deal with that and it is just too easy for us Discord mod defeated def Discord mod def he's dead Discord mod defeated and now Begins the grind in all honesty I don't know how hard or easy this challenge is going to be because in this game even more than other games like genjin it feels like as long as you time things correctly and Dodge you can pretty much be anything given enough time so I feel like this is just going to come down more to skill than anything else and since I'm the one playing that means we're in trouble but there is our first character that we can't use what's funny is out of everything in this game there is one thing that I think might be challenging with swords only but we will get to that a little bit later and of course before we do anything else we have to take on the hardest challenge in the entire game aka the backflip challenge which no joke we have now completed on the first attempt and look at all the loot that we get in fact we've gotten our first weapon upgrade I'm just going to go ahead and level that up right now and I guess I'll also go ahead and up both the characters as much as we can I don't want to invest too much into any of the you know random Echoes that we find but character level and then weapon level as long as it's not the training sword I think we can go ahead and level those up we have unlocked convene or witching so of course we get our guaranteed by which we will obviously not be using then between these two banners we have to pull on this one because there is a forstar sword character and let's make something clear this boy technically uses a sword but it's classified as a broad blade in this game whereas a character like dungeon uses a sword so obviously we will only be using characters that use Swords not broad blades now we just have to really hope that we don't get an early pity cuz we can't use the five star and look at all of this free stuff we just we just have 50 we have 50 PS oh my gosh now unfortunately on the standard Banner the five stars don't include a sword wielding character I could literally get one of these for free but we can't use them but on the bright side this is such an easy choice for us though I'm going to keep pulling on gian's Banner until we see purple and then hope that we get the right fourstar I don't want to do 10 PS on here because I'm afraid that we'll get stuff that we don't need especially the five-star character so we will just Pace ourselves just a reminder the plush coupling is only on sale for less than two more weeks from the day that this video goes up then it very well might never be sold again so if you do want to scoop one up for yourself I'll put a link down in the description below okay now now back to the video all right they have forced us to pity for a fourstar that's fine cuz we're going to get dungeon right here that okay that works she is not a raid Up character but she is also a sword user so I will absolutely take that that's actually really lucky oh backto back four stars this was just meant to be we have every sword character in the game already wow okay hey well that that almost went too well and then I'm going to use our standard Banner pulls cuz we could pull on this Banner right we get discounted rates So eventually maybe I will but because we can't use any of those five stars I feel like going for the five star sword is like the strongest option for us first T pole the fir the did I like enter a cheat code or something okay well um I as far as I'm aware that is not guaranteed to get on the first 10 pole okay well I almost don't even know how to react I never get this lucky do I just like do I do I go again do I do I just keep pulling for this cuz I mean I need swords for all my characters right oh this is great dude this is so easy I like this Banner this Banner is pretty nice lunar cutter are you a broad blade or are you a sword I'm going to assume that that's a broad blade cuz it looks bigger than a sword I I don't oh no we can't use you okay the luck had to end event actually and lunar cutter says are you a sword it doesn't tell me we will check after I also don't know if it's stupid for me to keep pulling on this I don't think it is I'm just going to keep pulling on the weapon Banner okay Mor Fe is back again um helos Cleaver that one's got to be the broad blade okay so the other one probably is a sword then last tle we can do right now get another purple anything sword related and I'm fine with it all it's more to fee for the third time so let's go in let's take a peek um yeah lunar cutter is is a sword however since the Rover is our main character and the only five star character we're going to be getting for a while let's give her the emerald of Genesis and this one we need to farm more materials but we are definitely going to be leveling up oh it has a crit rate substat oh that's that's kind of busted oh wait no I forgot we have all four characters now I would give dungeon the lunar cutter but it wants you to swap off field a lot and I I feel like she stays on field more so I'm going to give it to San instead I can't level it but we can at least put it on her oh that's right and we got a second copy of you 15% free crit rate okay so if I mean for first of off more if he get off my team second off three characters makes a team in this game so I have to kick someone out like someone can't make it to the party and I feel like the smartest choice would be this which means I I guess you get the Tyro sword wait no I I take that back I'm stupid I'm going to give you the sword of Voyager instead and that's pretty much only cuz it's a fourstar weapon which means it'll probably have a higher base attack cuz the passive do doesn't seem that crazy oh I just realized there's only 1 hour left on this Banner okay well you see the thing is I was going to save wishes because there could be a sword five star coming soon but this probably is our best bet to get dungeon resonance chains I'm just kind of afraid because I I don't want to get A5 star at all on this Banner even if we were to lose the 50/50 it's still not good because there's no sword characters there so the smart thing is to not do exactly what I'm doing right now there's also no guarantee that the for that we get is even the one that we want cuz as we can see here it isn't that dude wasn't even a rate up okay last T pull and then I'm done spending wishes on this Banner don't be don't be okay good dungeon this is your chance and there we go obviously I would love to Max these out but even just getting one is good enough although her second one sounds busted okay so like hear me out hear me out what if what if I just put a couple more wishes onto this Banner right we're just looking for purples though no matter what I can't complain cuz our Lu has actually been really good I think at best we can get one more four star on this Banner at least before going out and doing tons of quests and everything which we should be seeing very soon I actually think it's going to be our last wish here it is the final one should be purple there we go can we get lucky no this dude just loves me for some reason I don't know why but using the in-game shop we can actually get a couple more PS not enough to get the fourstar pity but if we can see an early fourstar that's pretty nice and if we see a five star we cry Sixth and final pull not purple but that's okay because we can do more pulls on the weapon banner and the last one that we did was purple sword sword sword that's a weird looking sword oh no we have one more wish don't worry I can count now I'm just going to quickly go through and upgrade all of these weapons and this one is probably actually decent on dungeon cuz the passive allows you to heal I'm not saying it's like super premium or anything but but I think it's a little bit better than the other one though now we should be able to max out each character's weapon there's the lunar cutter maxed and I guess we will level this one as well just because you know more damage and we also can level up these characters so I guess for the next hour I'll try to get some more wishes cuz this do be sounding kind of nice ooh are those asites you already know what that means if we do get another four star in here I'm going to stop pulling after that though I do not want to accidentally get the five star and we just hit Union level five which is 200 more s rates and it's still a blue oh also from unlocking events and clicking through a bunch of buttons we did get more that we could spend on the weapon Banner which does allow us to get a purple that I I think that's actually a good sword oh wait oh you're not the one I was going for but that's fine with me I mean I think we got to go ahead and give Commando of conviction to dungeon so that's another sword that I have to level up but at these low levels it's not really wasting much and like I said this isn't what we were going for but I'll I'll absolutely take it but I probably should stop pulling on that Banner now I'm sure this one will definitely be a huge challenge for us using only sword characters even though you literally don't swing a weapon once in here I'm sure so many people have wondered can you actually beat this with only sword characters and the answer is yes yes we are definitely starting to do more damage though which is to be expected when you get a festar weapon on a character I guess I would actually be concerned if that wasn't the case oh car our first mini boss in the open world and we get the echo from it I wish I could tell you guys that that was a challenge but for me of course it wasn't I also need to learn how to use these characters most efficiently cuz I know that this girl absorbs her HP at some point and then you can spam her skill as much as you want although it does take away her wait can she die if I just use her skill now I have to know no she can't but yeah I got to learn like the Combos and everything you know they do force you into this trial where they give you a broad blade character and that's all you got but we do still have the Echo and we could just wait for that to come off of cool down so uh this is uh it's going to take me a little while but I think this is about the closest thing to not cheating that we can do oh boy oh good that thing killed them also what is my camera looking at how much damage oh it was invincible okay I just wasted that you know I got to say our damage from the echo is not that high but so be it we have finally done it Well that took quite a while there's probably barely any time left on this Banner now and I know I said I was going to stop pulling on it after we get the last four star but it's going to go away any second now right so I I should just keep pulling I'm noticing I don't know if it's necessarily a problem but just something I'm doing a lot uh I'm kind of only using the Rover and that's kind of Cu she is the five star weapon so she just feels a lot stronger and here we have our our second boss fight oh let's be honest this dude isn't that hard to take down look at this speed look at this Precision dude can't land a single blow on me and we've hit the point where we need to reach Union level 14 in order to continue the main quest I would venture to guess this is the last pull that we can do on this banner and it is going to be a blue wait wait maybe we can get one more cuz we also have male which isn't anything crazy if I just run around around and open up any chest we find we may be able to get one more wish oh or I could just claim these so this is probably the last P we can do no I was I was really hoping it'd be purple but it's okay there's not that many characters in the game right now so I'm sure dungan's going to be on another Banner soon and even if she isn't I mean this girl wasn't on any banner and we got three of her I do want to see if we can get one more pull we have 100 asrat we it might give us enough oh okay I think we hit Level 10 so we do have enough I don't know how this Banner is still here I feel like it should have disappeared so long ago though I think we might still be able to get one more oh yes okay it it actually is purple that was only seven pity oh come on I know you're a raate up too it just would have been so nice if we could have ended it by getting another dungeon oh I have a bad feeling the yeah the Banner's gone but hey all in all I cannot complain about what we got we have the Rover which we also have a wave band for that's extra crit rate for us we also got our dunen with one of her residence chains sanua with two residence chains and then yangyang is uh she's here but it looks like we can go ahead and start ascending everybody again and we might just have enough to level up three of these characters to level 40 um probably don't let's see no but it shouldn't be too long before we can bring the m 40 oh and we also can level up these weapons that is probably going to be our largest damage increase so that's two weapons maxed can we also do this one uh not quite but Rover and dungeon are maxed so San time will come soon okay whatever this is I like this a lot because it does big damage has nothing to do with swords only it's just some event in a random Quest oh and it's giving us achievements for doing a ton of damage at once that feels kind of cheap guys look I did a million damage in total and I dealt 10,000 damage with one attack should I heal before a boss fight probably will I heal before said boss fight no I will just rely on my dodging abilities so far so good and just like that nobody died I think we have saved this area from the fiery hotness that plagued it ooh would you look at that some more free pulls don't mind if I do now we may not be be able to ascend these characters again but our wave plates are capped currently which is the stamina currency in this game for those of you who might not be aware and we're going to need the boss drops eventually anyways right so I figure we'll go out and farm the necessary bosses or maybe we'll just fight all the bosses I mean even just getting their Echoes right now would be pretty good and we do get the echo another bonus is the bosses when we collect their drops do give us some of the stuff that we need to keep leveling up our characters it appears that we've come across an actual challenge you see normally you would just equip a character that wielded a gun and you could shoot these but we can't I also don't see anything around that we could put onto this little pedestal so I'm curious can I lure one of the enemies to stand on it while I activate these they're getting very close little just a just a little bit further right there oh they don't count I feel like they should wait a minute I think I might have glitched it yeah this is weird I believe the first one I have to hit is this one which is like the hardest one for me to hit and I don't think anyone really has the range to do that oh wait it doesn't even what what is happening you see when you stand on this they go in order of what I assume you're supposed to hit them in the funny thing is if you run off of this right as this one activates and okay not like that see how can I hit that how does why does it let me do that it's so weird so there is some glitchy Behavior going on wait wait wa wait what about that what about that guy what if I put that there and then do this and then I do the H what if I put oh that's a car what if I put that like this and then it didn't work then we try again and this time it does work okay everybody everybody stay calm we may have found the winning strategy it is just very difficult to aim this thing also there is a new issue I don't think this can slope never mind this should do it yeah okay we got it who needs characters with guns not me then our sha is going to need the lumpy land Myriad lump lumpy lumpy Lumen Myriad so we will come and to fight that boss as well oh new achievement but I got to say dude is pretty easy also just as a disclaimer I have played this before in one of the Clos beta tests and then also on a different account on release day so like I've explored a bit but I haven't actually completed the main quest or at least what's available of it so far and in terms of you know like uh knowing what to upgrade and the best way to use characters and all that yeah I know nothing so if I'm not using the wave plates in the most efficient way or I'm not using a character quote unquote correctly yeah don't be don't be too surprised but at the end of the day if I can beat the enemies that are in front of me with only sword characters then why does it even matter now this is a true challenge for this account I mean technically I could not use that cuz apparently wants to be all the way down there can I like hit them with the grappling hook or something and also these are what I was talking about much earlier in the video oh we did hit one of them okay here we go bada boom maybe uh that that did hit that ohoh umm they seem very generous with the hit box 5 Seconds come on no I thought I I have my grappling hook this time for sure boom perfect easy again who needs the characters with guns but don't you worry I hear you loud and clear you're saying Java but can you beat the Bell turtle with only sword characters well I would say yes but it becomes a little bit harder when you actually get stuck inside of it what is this rise of the shield Hero season 2 but the answer is yes you can indeed beat this boy with only swords also we have hit Union level 14 which means we can continue with the main quest and we already have a good number of asteres again which of course means it's time for another boss fight I mean we've already fought this guy once but this time he has a phase two phase one complete and now it is time to fight the Shepherd oh beautiful I love that you could do stuff like that against bosses but scar defeated a second time with only swords it's almost too easy and what's funny is now in terms of the main story line this account is at the same spot as the other account I was playing on and that's cuz on that one I mainly just explored and that was about it so from this point on everything's new to me speaking of new things let's go ahead and get ourselves a new five star sword I I mean we might as well right watch okay here comes the four star sword watch see it's purple and just like I predicted it is indeed a sword character I don't know how I keep doing this I think there's some like black magic at play or something increased damage by 35% sounds good to me oh we also have a 20% spectro damage bonus oh and would you look at that three more wishes for us you guys want to see another five star sword okay okay fine I'll show you one ready ready for this here it comes not this one next one I knew it wouldn't be that one but watch this okay look away don't look now whether or not this becomes an actual series on the channel is entirely up to you guys I mean I'll keep playing on the account either way like I said earlier on I don't know how much of a challenge this would or wouldn't be obviously the early game is probably going to be a lot easier than later on and so if you do want this to become a series you know let me know down in the comments and like the video but so far yes yes you can indeed beat weathering waves with swords only and for all the parts where you have to hit some something at long range without being able to move the Echoes come in pretty handy you just got to get a little creative with them before we go ahead and wrap this up though let's just get our five star sword again for Good Old Time sake right right here this is the one I can feel it I see what did I tell you I could feel it we started with the five star sword and we are going to be ending with the same five star sword yes I could refine it or improve it whatever it's called in this game but I genuinely believe I should just keep it and give it to someone else so that is exactly what I plan on doing maybe eventually we'll just get that five star sword for every single character ooh and we unlocked the depths of elusive realm if you guys want another episode maybe we'll go check that out with that being said though I hope you guys did enjoy and as always I will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 81,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wuthering Waves, Wuwa, Wuthering Waves gameplay, Wuthering Waves Pulls, Wuwa gameplay, Wuthering, Wuthering Waves Characters, Wuthering Waves Challenge, Wuthering Waves Swords Only, Wuwa swords Only, Wuwa JavaTheCup, Wuwa Java, Wuthering Waves Rover, Wuwa Rover, Wuthering Waves convene, Wuwa convene, Wuthering Waves 5 star, Wuwa 5 star
Id: KbY8jyWJYuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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