FULL POWER SIGEWINNE! Can She Solo Abyss? (Genshin Impact)

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I have not forgotten about seuen C6 R5 there was just a lot of other stuff going on the past week or so but we're here now so let's get started first thing we got to do of course get her silver shower up to R5 see what that do I mean it does effectively double everything which is actually cracked like 80% HP we're getting here and 56% crit rate for her burst which is yeah crazy she'll need almost no crit rate at all if we're just trying to make her a burst DPS which I guess in her case we would be trying to do another reason I kind of procrastinated this video videos because I think she's going to be the first one that fails the solo challenge I really do not think I can 36 star with her but we're going to try we are going to be making her as dpsy as possible just to give us the maximum chance you know to actually clear I feel like while we're solo we definitely should give her a hydro goblet cuz we're not getting any massive damage Buffs from anything and since her bow gives her so much HP I think we can sacrifice you know the HP goblet we're going to give her emblem and we should have lots of energy recharge to keep that burst going I suppose I really can't imagine it's going to be enough no matter or what I do so I don't know I guess this is going to be her build we do only have 45,000 HP right now but with the 80% we're going to get from bow you know that'll give us about 10,000 HP I'm going to guess so it'd be up to 55 we only need 50,000 for the max C6 20 crit rate 110 crit damage boost stat-wise we don't have as much energy recharge as I wanted so I mean we're still getting a buff just not a massive one we only have 24 crit rate but believe it or not this is over 100% crit rate when she's doing her Burst when she has all three stacks with her bow so we have plenty of crit rate the only constellations that really matter for this challenge are four five and six four increases the burst duration by 3 seconds which is huge cuz it only lasts 2.5 by default five of course is Talent levels for it and six is the big one where it really increases the damage last thing we got to do of course is Triple Crown her even her basic this might not even be totally useless when we're soloing cuz what else are we going to do while we're waiting for her burst to be off coold down I do expect some decent damage from her ultimate but will it be enough is the question oh no she doesn't even have 45,000 cuz we're currently in a team with another Hydro thus getting Hydro bonus 42 I think we'll still have over 50k with the bow passive I'm not sure though if we get the healing stack without actually healing we're going to try it here so we have 45 now from the first stack we're going to pick up the source water droplets that gives us 48k and then we're going to wait for this to finish exploding which should heal us okay oh we did maybe because we had the bond of life and that counts as healing it is a bit unfortunate because the first burst either we're just going to have to wait a long time to do it or do it without the crit rate boost but that seems bad oh man whatever let's just get this started which one do we maybe have a chance at the algori no dude this is not going to work in any side dude what am I doing uh we're going to try second half which is actually the harder half oh my God we're going to need a cracked first half but we will start with my typical team just to see how it goes yeah we are not making a that good time here but over a minute minute here and we'll need way more time on the seen side like even if we had a whole team we would it sucks that we have like one of the harder abysses as well uh so we're just going to start with her e there pick up those Source water droplets and we just kind of have to wait I mean I guess we can do some Basics here you know try and get rid of the shields a little bit now we can go and do the burst I suppose it is strong but unfortunately yeah we would have really needed to get rid of that Abyss Mage shield first oh and we're going to die I thought dying would be the least of our issues cuz she's a Healer okay no let's go ahead and restart that it sucks that we have her in second phase cuz that means we have to do first phase over and over as well we at least were a little bit faster on this one I think if one of nalat water droplets didn't just explode there oh my God this is so annoying the the plants are blocking my bow maybe we can just uh finish them off now if we can't at least kill the abyss Mages with the first ultimate okay we could dude no way man no way in hell this is going to work we also don't have enough energy recharge like her burst is off cool down but uh we can't do it uh we can go ahead and do our burst now but yeah we have 30 seconds left and that's not going to work even with the burst it just doesn't do that much damage to their uh fire Shield like we would need three bursts probably yeah and we're actually just going to end up dying because uh they're just like chilling over there doing literally nothing but spamming the same attack where where there's Fire coming from the ground so I can't stand still and actually shoot them with my bow either I don't know what we're going to do but we are going to try her in first half I'm not sure though I'm really thinking seen is going to be our first failure here uh we did that a tiny bit too early uh cuz we didn't have the uh the crit rate boost and now they're invisible at least in this case we can just retry and it's going to be seen again I think even with my best team though I'll still need like a minute for uh the other side so we still got to be relatively quick here am I getting all three of them where's the third one oh yeah we did okay okay cool we actually can disable these ruined guards if we hit correctly is there really only one though where where's the other one it oh they don't appear until later I see this one will definitely need to come closer to me so I can actually hit them both they're they're still too far apart but I think we just got to go for it okay oh no we don't have all three stacks we're not crl now we do that wasn't even like half of their HP we need one more burst we also definitely need more energy recharge we need to be able to do her burst off coold down how much energy recharge is that though is that going to be enough okay yeah but we still have two enemies left and we only have 47 seconds and I imagine we'll need at least two bursts for for these guys as well but we do have all all Stacks uh not killing the pets ooh actually That Wasn't So Far Away I how much time do we have for this side 16 seconds oh no uh yeah we're out of time I'm going to leave and rebuild her cuz she needs more energy I really don't feel like I can give up much HP maybe the crit damage though since we're getting 110 from her C6 how much more energy recharge are we going to be able to get on a substat I mean I guess we can go for this circlet it has a bit more energy and still some so we're trading some HP for energy now yeah I think we're going to try HP goblet and energy Sands do we not have a single emblem HP we don't and we only have a crit rate circlet well then I think the only thing we can do is just give her energy recharge Sands I mean I think we'll still have nearly 50,000 I guess we don't need all of the crit Stacks although now we have even less crit rate than before so whatever let's just see that should be good almost come on get the last stack there we go can we kill yes we barely could kill oh and look at that we have plenty of energy now we can do her burst off coold down okay that is really important cuz I think we'll oh no we don't need two for him oh I suddenly have a lot more hope in me oh yeah she has plenty of energy now that's cracked she's not doing as much damage as before but it's really not that different you know in in exchange for how fast we can we can get burst it's worth it oh no wait we're not going to be able to do it off cool down this time for some reason I don't know what happened oh no oh wait yes we can hit both it has a bigger range than it looks like do we not have all three stacks why is it only doing 30k now come on we need like one energy dude go can get a few hits on these new ones as well damn okay so one more burst guaranteed and we should be good I don't know if we get more energy for a held e or not but uh we'll we'll try at least getting it to the second okay so we're still not doing much better that's not going to be enough for this site I I don't think with any team I mean we got to the lectors we're going to easily need at least a full minute probably a minute 10 I am thinking about just doing her ultimate straight away and just hoping most crit no they didn't but maybe you know if we can still get her burst back off cool down which doesn't look like we will yeah I want to do a little test here we're going to see if holding the E makes a significant difference in energy regeneration we're going to completely Max it out and then do her burst before we get the orbs and we'll see here no that didn't really seem to do anything oh that time it didn't kill him that's weird why not I mean thankfully we can still do the uh burst on these guys here so we didn't waste too much time if these guys need more more than two burst it's kind of over also all right well we're going to start it on him because he has more oh man it it doesn't have enough range ah so close look nah I think once we have under a minute we can retry like we're wasting already like 20 seconds here in in the beginning cuz we we have to wait for that third stack come on die you have no HP why are we doing 54k now what happened now we're doing 40K again apparently there's some other mechanic I forgot about oh but we are making pretty pretty good time now where are you guys wait no don't don't separate if we can get away with just two bursts on these guys uh I think it might work where are you nope unfortunate that one was actually going really well man it's still not consistent we can get her burst off coold down I don't know how much 30% more energy recharge is actually going to do but let's see we're still doing like 50k per tick though and I think we actually will get it off cool down pretty much can get a few hits on these guys as well all right would be nice to disable them oh we disabled them both with one hit that was insane oh now we just got to get burst uh that won't kill unfortunately but it'll be close or oh my God so close one did die okay well we need to lure him over here so that we can get most of the other burst on the other two if it comes down to needing a burst which I think it will oh no I hope we could do that before getting the energy balls okay now we can use like half the burst on these guys will it kill oh my God it almost killed it almost killed that would have been actually insane a minute and a half for the other team like guaranteed three stars now I don't know it'll probably still be three stars but we need to hurry in fact I'm going to see if we can avoid using this other burst cuz I I want to save it for the other floor we need it in the beginning oh my God I'm so dumb I I should have just killed it I should just used the burst that went better than it ever will again why did I do this why did I do this and you have no HP why aren't you dying I know we're not doing a lot of damage but why aren you dying why AR you dying a it's over look she has no HP she has no HP for the past 20 seconds it's insane dude that would have been it that would have been it but then what about chamber two you know that would have been a three star if I would have just done the burst all right well that that should do it still under a minute but barely under a minute so one full minute I don't know that's not going to work we'll have I guess about 0 seconds for the enemies that come after these guys well --2 seconds actually we have uh 1 minute 14 1 minute 14 I still think we need more time on this floor cuz it's a stupid floor I don't know what I'm stuck on here oh damn wait we have 30 seconds oh can you die please please please please die I don't know 20 seconds for these guys we have to start over the rotation because yeah stupid stuff happened can you die by one beam one beam no burst I don't care do burst oh oh we did it okay okay we did it I thought we might need more time but it was just enough two floors to go I I think the first chamber if I remember right is the hardest I don't know none of these are useful let's just do res I guess we are doing decent damage though we should be able to get him to his invincibility phase here so there's that at least but yeah we need two full ease to get her burst back will one more burst do it her burst is so stupidly strong Jesus Christ I think we can do it in like nearly a minute and a half we just need one one more burst and he's gone I mean I imagine we'll need at least a minute for the other side I forgot what is there currently I think it's just some normal enemies but even so okay yeah there we go we have a minute and 15 left oh yeah wait there's a ton of Elites here I remember 30 seconds left for five Elites dude no way um I don't see how we can be faster with seen we still don't have enough after the second e that doesn't make any sense you know if it wasn't for his invincibility phase there I imagine we might be able to do that in two bursts okay now we have even uh three less seconds because of that yeah I don't think there's any physical way for me to uh beat magok kinky faster I need to figure out how to be better with this team I'm mainly frustrated because this battle is so boring I'm literally just waiting for the E to be off cool down and then doing burst oh no okay and now I can restart cuz he ran away come on kill at the same time for once okay there we go 15 seconds I don't know about that dude 15 seconds come on please please please why is he so tanky why is he so tanky go oh go yes I hated that floor I hated that floor because fighting mageni over and over was so boring but yeah oh God the stupid electrical cube is going to be more boring than maguk kinki what are these Buffs why do I have the most useless Buffs attack attack restores HP I'm soling with a Healer I don't know I'm just going to have to try and time my bursts I guess I have no idea when he will be Not Invisible I'm not going to do my burst now because he has like massive damage reduction there's no point of doing it I got to wait till he appears again which is going to be never apparently literally an entire minute dude where are you does he actually stay invisible forever oh wow he does he literally does until you destroy the things he stays invisible forever I didn't realize that I'm screwed cannot trigger the catay reaction unfortunately look how much damage we did with our first burst no it's it just straight up over Dude okay wait we can get one good burst off here maybe okay hold on Stay Stay okay we get one decent burst off but no dude it's not going to work I'm not sure if I'm even going to try this anymore it just it's just not going to work she cannot do first half literally impossible and uh this is where it ends for her here now for some reason we need three e to get her burst this is like the most boring thing I've ever ever done in my life this is more boring than the walking only challenge I got to say and I literally just don't want to do it anymore so yeah I mean we could kill him it took uh 4 minutes so unless you can make a team that's so good they can travel in time backwards unfortunately solo wise I don't think there's anything else I can do like even if we built are completely different the dude's still going to go invisible and stay invisible uh until we destroy the things which requires her burst to do because that's the only thing that does damage I'll try first half again since I did build her differently since uh we were trying but yeah also I'm going to check my new Vette like is he actually yeah he only has two-piece Hunter set of course he does what am I doing dude what am I doing someone hacked my account and is just messing with me obviously I'm not doing this it wouldn't have mattered to be clear it would have made chamber one and two a bit easier you know if we if we were actually built correctly but it wouldn't have made the last one possible and what is she what the is going on I'm not doing this I I why would I give her two piece deepwood that makes no sense ah come on hurry 50 seconds I don't think 2 minute 10 is going to be enough if I could hurry up and get my burst real quick that'd be fantastic I'm like really really close ah there we go could get a few hits on those as well one more burst and they will have their Shield but that's where the issue starts you know don't have Hydra with this lady I can't stop and the only thing I have is my little bouncing ball there and these little hearts which sure we're going to try but you see what's happening she doesn't move fast enough while she's aiming to avoid them yeah we're out of time what I'm going to do is uh see though if we can One-Shot those last two with a single burst we're going to continue to try if we can't that's right end it here we go oh no not even close I mean close-ish but not close enough the fact we need two bursts for these guys just makes it literally impossible I think I almost did it faster I think I have a minute 18 now if those guys didn't exist it would still be hard but possible but they do we have two extra seconds sure I still can't do her ultimate off coold down let's just try going freaking full energy recharge bro please just give up please just give up and don't do this please just give up we're going to strong box some emblem this HP we got actually looks kind of cracked ooh yep I think we're just going to go with that unfort I really wanted energy recharge actually her build is almost exactly the same if not just worse 271 there must be something good now right we were able to get up to 250% at the cost of everything else pretty much it doesn't really matter we should be able to tell pretty quickly if like things are better now or more or less the same or whatever we would need it to be full now after that first e that's the only way this is going to work I can't get more energy recharge though dude I can't not without giving up her R5 weapon and that's like completely pointless then damn I mean we actually got to these guys with like 3 seconds left though one thing I just thought of was that we can do the old Switcheroo you know we already three start chamber one and two that means we just need to three start chamber three right what if we try here in second half and have a different team in first half for the algorithm I still think it's going to be incredibly difficult but if we can do it I still say that counts because it's a real strategy people use I really hope I'm not doing all this just to realize it's also impossible like third chamber is also kind of insane with the consecrated beast and all that I also am aware this team isn't particularly good at the algorithm but if I'm fast enough they can destroy him before he goes invisible so we're going to we're we're going to see if we can pull that off all right here goes this all kind of hinges on us actually being able to one rotation this guy uh we'll see though oh no he went invisible immediately if we can do it in under a minute I'll still try yeah barely under a minute 55 there's no way C's going to have enough time but sure let's give it a try all right these three should be dead now hopefully I'm curious to see how much a burst is going to do to them this should be a full Power Burst uh okay not not too bad two bursts should do it this is basically a practice run because I already kind of screwed up how many bursts is the consecrated Beast going to take probably two and we still have three enemies after this bro she actually died yeah I mean we are basically out of time anyway wow and I'm just going to die the consecrated beast is just killing me the seahorses are actually gone I also can't disable it cuz she doesn't have enough element application yeah there goes the 7 Minute Mark Yeah the more I play this the more I think it's probably not going to work okay cool I just fly away from half of my burst cuz then we have these three and we're already down to 6 and 1/2 minutes so like even if we could kill the algorithm in 10 seconds we're already down to 5 minutes we're going to try again in ooh we were fast that time if we could disable him by destroying the stone maybe but we got pretty close on one of the tries oh is this going to be one of the ones where he actually just chills there until he dies go yes 26 seconds we have to not mess this one up oh no that was such a good run maybe there's some like specific thing I'm doing in particular that kind of bugs him out nope I think it's just RNG it's not like a damage thing because I was purposely like waiting to do my big damage for a little bit I know for sure if we need like those 40 seconds for this guy that we usually do it's just not going to be possible and this is going to be one of those things where it's like when it does finally work and he doesn't go invisible I'm going to be so nervous playing with seuen cuz it's like oh this is the one in 20 times it actually worked and can kill him in you know 20 seconds yeah whatever we will continue on just because I think I do need uh to hone my strategy on the seizing site anyway like how long can we actually wait here or do we wait at all is it better just to burst immediately so we get the energy from the first e you know what I mean these are questions I need to answer why you always hiding why you such a coward oh I think we just disabled him oh last phase with 50 seconds I don't no man we have to not die first of all oh man I'm shaking I'm shaking go burst do Pur please do something we're we're we're hitting all three oh oh my God one more burst one more burst for this one please don't kill me please whatever you do don't kill me can we get another burst we have another burst already don't move don't move don't move don't move don't move please be enough it wasn't enough this go go what we did it I wasn't expecting that I was oh man oh man we did it I'm so happy I'm so happy I thought we I thought Si would be the first one we fail on but no not even that bad it it you it was easy it was actually pretty easy all right we're going to do like one full Team Battle I suppose I'm a little exhausted already so I'm not going to make this super insane cuz this mostly was just about trying to solo so we're going to do one battle here see if we can one burst Liam or at least see what her damage does that's the main thing I'm curious about here all right there shouldn't be too much need to wait here uh 120k each wow look at look at her go one bursted Liam she is actually an insane DPS at C6 like in a full team obviously but yeah that was pretty crazy I don't know how much total damage that was but Liam has like 3 million HP so that was something that was definitely something good job seuen let me know what you think in the comments down below dropping a like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 62,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin guide, genshin impact guide, moga, c6 sigewinne, c6r5 sigewinne, sigewinne, maxed sigewinne
Id: BGtG1rsXJCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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