Jimmy O. Yang & Pete Davidson Talk High School Experiences

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but my mom had bought me gym shorts that was my exact size and extra small so that wasn't very cool because it came down mid thigh and apparently back in the day that was called a john stockton and the same kid next to me that bully next to me he's like hey hey look at her hey don't worry your pants like that pull your pants down man pull your pants down and i was like who's the gay one now but i didn't know what to do everybody was looking at me and this kid kept saying pull your pants down so i was like oh i've seen shawshank redemption maybe this is just how it works in america so i start pulling down my shorts all the way down on my knees all the way down to my ankle and the same kid the bully next to me is like hey what are you doing don't pull him down all the way that's gay and i'm like what is not gay in this country and apparently this other kid next to me he's like hey don't pull them down all the way just sag them a little bit just sag your pants and i didn't know what sagging your pants meant apparently that's a cool hip-hop thing to pull your pants down halfway down your butt so you show everybody your and apparently that's the only not gay way to wear your pants in a man i had no idea all these weird american things i wasn't used to eventually i learned how to speak english by watching a lot of tv mainly bet rap city because that was my i want to be cool and nothing cooler than b-e-t rap city right every music video was a slice of somebody's american dream the first music video i saw was jay-z's big pimpin you guys remember that jay-z is big pippin was the greatest music video of all time it's jay-z and his boys on a yacht pouring champagne on this beautiful woman's face for like four minutes i was like this is america it's amazing that's all i wanted to do like before i even wanted to get understandable that's all i want to do i want to be a rapper i want to be like jay-z and big pimpin so i started my own rap group in high school it's a true story it was me my black friend julian and my other friend yuji who was half black and half japanese so we had perfectly one and a half black dudes and one and a half asian dudes and we called ourselves the yellow panthers i know i wish i was making this up but i'm not the yellow panthers was a real rap group and we had a real rap song it was called underground railroad builder i was confused eventually i became a good asian american and i went to school to get an economics degree because that was the easiest degree that can still appease my asian parents but then after i graduated i didn't want to do like econ or finance so i went up to my dad i was like dad i don't want to do any of this i want to go try and do stand-up and he's like what's what's a stand-up you mean like a talk show i was like yeah sure talk show whatever you want to call it okay but i want to go pursue my dreams and he was like no pursuing your dreams how you become i was homeless no no that dad it's things are different now we're in america okay in america we're supposed to do what we love he was like no everyone does what they hate for money and use the money to do what they love i don't know i was uh i was a bit i was a loser in high school a big loser i had a rolling school bag senior year do you have any idea how hard it is to get with a rolling school band what do you say to girls just roll up on a girl like hey guys [Applause] textbooks are heavy [Applause] people used to make fun of me it's like you're a homo you got a rolling school bag and i couldn't even make fun of them because you have to pay attention to where the you going i can't look up i can hit a rock and it's all any nba fans in here nba yeah yeah gay guy we got a gay guy now here's what it was i was really excited when i first heard about the gay guy because i'm a big nba fan so i think that changes the sport in a little in a little way i get excited you know i was like oh it's cool we're gonna have a gay nba superstar i can't wait for them to announce this and then they announced it i was like yo who the is this guy right i had to google him he averages two points a game who gives a he's a gay bench warmer it doesn't really two points a game that means in the video game he doesn't even have a face [Applause] everybody's like it's shocking i can't believe he's gay i'm like he played 12 seasons and he had zero injuries it's like the gayest i've ever heard in my life always ready to play i would want a gay guy on my team i would want one you know why 95 percent of nba players are homophobic so i would just put him on the best player every single game you'll see kobe just hanging out at half court just waiting but kobe cut to the basket no next game i don't really give a [Applause] if i was the gay dude i'd be super gay too i'd be like hey cody defense [Laughter] i have i have a lot of gay friends i have a lot of gay friends and the stuff they say makes my butt hole pucker like i have to sit down but i put up with it because they cook i'll give you an example my gay friend was like craig won't poke me back on facebook i just want to suck his dick what do i do i'm like dude shut the up that's what you can do then he's like i made cookies i'm like tell me more about craig guys that's my time on peter's day [Music] you
Channel: Laugh Society
Views: 2,222,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, comedy, comedians, humor, Comedy Dynamics, stand up comedy, funny, comedy video, comedy central, laugh factory, just for laughs, stand up, best comedy, best comedian, entertainment tonight, jimmy o yang stand up, jimmy o yang dad, jimmy o yang stand up full, jimmy o yang crazy rich asians, jimmy o yang silicon valley, jimmy o yang dad space force, jimmy o yang tai chi, jimmy o yang comedy, funny asian, fortnite, gaming, Jimmy O. Yang, Pete Davidson, LSOLSLS1E029
Id: UrW6qFNit7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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