Jimmy Kimmel | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson | Ep 39

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but one of the first times I smoked like a high-grade joint was with Mike really after the show and I was completely out of my mind I was completely out of my mind afterwards and I had to go host a charity event [Laughter] [Music] hey everybody welcome to another episode of hot box and I'm Evan Britton and I'm Mike Tyson Mike today we've got a legend in here man a national treasure if I might say so I would love to meet him where is he we got the one and only Jimmy Kimmel the one and only being yeah thank you I'm happy to be here wow this is some operation you guys that's pretty I mean do a podcast it's like the corner of somebody's office you've got a whole party going on you have the whole building here got plans it's humble really it's not very stoner like to have this much going on anybody you have I'm stoner tendencies yeah yeah this happened you're really smashing stereotypes absolutely really happy to see we all love you see you know with the ears and stuff they seen when we host the show together oh yeah I love having me on you know you were on what like the first month we were on it yes yeah a great time yeah yeah really yeah I was telling my brother-in-law the other law Eirik closer man if you want he said don't be afraid don't be afraid brother dude I was telling him last night that we Mike and I shot a Christmas we did a Christmas song together he did yes we did it was winter wonderland a great sweater and and it this almost never happens but in the middle of the shoot it was like a three-hour shoot I got a call from my son's school my son's now 25 years old and so he was up to something I don't know he got he was in trouble and I said I'm sorry I have to leave for about an hour and Mike's like it's okay don't worry about I understand so I went got my son and Mike waited for an hour which I was very grateful for and we get back and Mike said I'm gonna talk to your son and Mike's at my son down and had this the greatest conversation with him I kind of went off to the side because I wanted them to be alone together but Mike you're telling them like you know I had trouble in school and but you have to you know really encouraging him and telling him sharing your story of of being a kid and having problems and I really was just like wow this Lily didn't stuff yeah and it was it was really it was fantastic and then I told him that if he screwed up again you would beat the [ __ ] out of him he didn't know though I yeah but it was very sweet actually that is but that's Mike that is Mike and L don't know that yeah most people don't know that sighs what is it Mike from Brooklyn to what you ant now yeah I moved when I was nine years old to Las Vegas from Brooklyn my parents Vegas Oakland um it's a weird story and I actually just learned some detail so my family not my parents but my aunt and uncle my uncle Frank who you remember he visited you in Brooklyn my Uncle Frank retired he was a New York police officer 20 years he retired and he wanted to move to Florida so they went to Florida and they put a down payment on a house in Florida and they're staying with some friends nearby and out in the backyard in the pool was an alligator and they were like there's no [ __ ] way we live in this place with alligators and they lost the deposit on their house and they decided to move to Vegas instead they moved to Vegas and about a year later they took my grandparents with them and we were like you know what we need to go be with the family so we just followed the family out there had almost nothing to do with Vegas itself amazing so awesome and you got involved with entertainment in Vegas kind of not really I was you know I worked at a clothing store I delivered pizzas but there was a guy at the store I work I worked at a store called Miller's outpost it was like Levi's and stuff yeah and this guy worked at the college radio station I was in high school and he said you know you're funny you'd be good on the radio and I thought well I'd love to be on the radio and he made a call and he got me in a meeting with the program director and then they they didn't hire me but you know they let me do a half-hour interview show on Sunday nights and I would do the show and go home and my parents had listened and they were very excited and I just really got turned on by you know the idea that people were listening to a show that I was hosting and that's when I decided I wanted to be in radio which is where I started was that before or after ASU that was before I was in high school oh really then I went to UNLV for a year and then I went to Arizona State which has a great broadcasting program correct it does I wasn't really a part of that and it didn't really have anything to do with but yeah they do have a solid broadcasting program yeah you have had to drive this is what I want to do I just got excited but I just loved it I didn't even think of it as like what am I going to do for a living I just wanted to be on the radio and I started listening to Howard Stern and my uncle would send me tapes from New York and I loved Howard Stern and I loved David Letterman and so I just started doing it and I lived in I got fired from my college radio job I got a job in Phoenix I got fired from that job I got a job in Seattle I got fired from that job I moved to tan I didn't move back in with my parents and Phoenix moved to Tampa Florida got fired from that job moved to Palm Springs I did not get fired from that job I then got another job in Tucson got fired from that job well you hey what were you doing at you getting yeah yeah I was doing basically the same stuff that I do now but it wasn't appreciated like I didn't have any respect for like my bosses and I didn't understand that you had to be diplomatic and I would make fun of them I would tape meetings in which they'd yell at us and then play them back on the air the next morning sometimes I call their wives or girlfriends at home to get information about them then share on the air I do crazy things and then I couldn't understand why I would I'd been fired but I always thought the boss understood that he was there to be mocked and that was you know what people wanted to hear you driving to work you want to hear some guy [ __ ] with his boss you know it's fun but they never liked it at all so I got fired and then I got a job at K Rock here in LA and I worked there for five years and that's when living in LA being on the radio I would get phone calls from television producers saying hey you know why don't you come in and audition for this or whatever and it never really occurred to me that I might be on television but I just did it because I wanted to make extra money and so I went and audition for a couple of things and I wound up on a game show called with money which was on Comedy Central and from there we pitched them the man show and I did football picks on Fox and then I wound up getting the show my block really Jimmy did Know Who Lived are your brothers dying dying well that's right you guys were neighbors right that's what a neighborhood seriously did you ever stop by her hangout pass each other's honesty going to the store all the time yeah hello yes yeah Ben's Ben's good Jimmy do you feel like if you had been diplomatic throughout your radio career you'd be where you are now no I think what would have happened weirdly is I would have kept those jobs and probably still been in Tampa or something yeah you know yeah and so it worked out it would definitely wasn't my plan it wasn't any stroke of genius it just so happened to be and the truth is when I got the job in LA I could have you know I could have been anywhere you just happen to be in LA if I was in another big market like Chicago or something you know maybe that nobody know TV producers are listening to the show and I never get that phone call so absolutely a lot of luck was involved tell people I said Nam sometimes that I'm not steering the ships my steering this ship for me because yeah no way accomplish the things that I'm not smart enough it's it's you know luck is a huge part of it and anyone who tells you differently is full of themselves you just have to be ready when the luck strikes do you were lucky you are that's right and and the most more you make up the opportunities for sure like with you boxing like there's no luck involved right I mean it's no the harder you work the luckier you become yeah the only luck you'd might have is that you get judges who judge the fight properly you know I don't know sometimes you fight and are getting injured sometimes your I don't know did it happen in football sometimes you're fighting in a fight you hit anything I didn't hit that guy that hard and the guys out cold yeah I've had proposed to no no way that guy's faking him and in that heart yeah that's definitely not happened to me in my profession I've never something you say the joke and the whole people your Diner that jokes not that [ __ ] funny oh all the time yeah every night now the serious I'm not I'm being serious there are nights where I go out and I feel like I have great jokes and they don't get a good response and there are nights I go out I have jokes that are not so great that do get a good response what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people and it's it's interesting there's just uh you just you just have to understand this the same way in sports but how did that punk that punch and I'm not wait I put you know then he assumed he had it by the punch yeah oh no [ __ ] way that's cuz you hit him perfectly we just went through it sometime it's almost like the vine is why I didn't even though the punch with no accuracy it just blew me it's gonna happen how did that happen hmm yeah you know who was that you were fighting where he said you hit him and you were like [ __ ] I just killed that guy yeah that was that yeah you feel like you missed him I did I missed the punch that was just how cold say he take pleasure watching the those moments from your fights where you knock a guy out cold not anymore not anymore really yeah because I once hit a home run in a celebrity softball game really and it was on ESPN and I hit it over the fence I've probably watched it a thousand times I can't stop watching it I get so much pleasure I watch it all you know there was a year or maybe two years on my show where anytime I went to a clip for any guest I would accidentally go to that clip I would rather watch us on film for mourlot really don't watch that like I gotta tell you something I'm gonna make it come back into the NFL I know I know it's crazy I don't know I don't know if I'm in NFL football shape foot you know everything we talked about man it's just like you know living your truth in the will of the universe and I just feel like I'm being pulled back in the football man I don't think we can do this podcasting mic mic you're wearing the rake on wireless earphones they're so stylish and discreet I didn't even notice them it is great khans it's more I don't even know that any that but I hear them really well aren't they half the price of premium earbuds yeah go to buy rake on Comm slash Tyson to get 15% off rake on wireless earbuds if you've been eyeing a pair now is the time to get an amazing deal go to buy rake on Comm forward slash Tyson for 15% of them when was the first time you guys met tell me about that Jimmy no waste didn't - remember the first time we actually met I mean I was involved when I was on the radio and a couple of press conferences where I was amongst a sea of people but that so we didn't really meet them but the first time we met I think was I think it was at the show I think it was yeah I think that was the first time that we really met well year was that thousand three two thousand three yeah Wow early 2003 for sure yeah but I've been following you in fact Iram I was in rehab doing the show though oh really I was on I was a sports guy at k-rock as I mentioned and we were off the van der Holyfield fight yeah that was a Saturday night and we were off the next we were off the next week the show was dark and we cherished our vacations we only got to vacation weeks a year but I was so charged up after watching that fight that I called the radio station I said I know nobody else is there but I'm coming in and I guess I had to be on the air to talk about that fine what happened and I did a whole thing I used to do an imitation of you and I do you know I just I thought he was I thought he was you 12 with funny gotta take a little nibble out of Athiya of the year Oh something like that and things in my life you know you like those moments that you feel like you know like I remember when Elvis died and I remember in a you remember these big moments that's one of them to me that when that happened in that fight and what is most remarkable to me is not because I could see maybe in the heat of the bout it the first time he nipped them on but it's to me really is that it happened and I saw a van der about six months ago and he's got a real good sense of humor about the whole thing I've seen in fact as soon as I saw him I go hold on let me check it I looked at it at both of his ears and he just started laughing you know people do that to him all the time they want to look at his ears yeah I bet well it was in the heat of the battle man you know I know I know I can't answer that but but I loved it well you get pretty you get into some pretty heated debates and arguments especially with the but there's no providing there's never yeah there's never any physicality at night physical violence you know yes that's just abideth is not to bite the actor's encounter actually but it's the feeling of the bite you still have the same feeling even if it's just she no [ __ ] scar or something somebody insulted you or something right yeah yeah I for me I enjoy fighting in that way I like it you know I like those roast type situations where you kind of going back and forth I feel like if you were to spend time with my family you would understand why because there's a lot of just kind of making fun of each other that goes on there's a lot of insults thrown around and so it feels very natural to me it feels familial yeah well you know you're talking about your path your non diplomatic approach yes yeah but you were really just being yourself and not and again not by any kind of not no master plan right no smarts involved I specifically remember I was hosting a game show and it was like in an office you know we were practicing or we're just rehearsing and I saw this other guy there were two game shows going at the same time and there was this guy and he was really good he was very smooth and he looked good and I was wearing like my father-in-law's sport jacket you know it's too big on me I look stupid and he was really good and I just thought oh I can't do I can I'll never be as good as he is at this and I'd better just just go up there as myself and not even try to be a host and that has not being able to do that was a great gift for me because if I was able to do that maybe I would have become one of those guys who winds up hosting the Miss America pageant every year right yeah exactly I mean that's why your show is so awesome for so long well a lot of it's luck but you know a lot of it's just pushing a rock up the hill yeah that's most of it it's just grind and work hard every night you're on every night you just have that fear of bombing fear of failing is the greatest thing for motivating me anyway we get what people say Fayette think about what you're gonna say and think about yourself bahama right there when you throw something out there that you think is really funny and nobody laughs I'll feel you train as hard as you training for the day right right and foot the foot the foot the fight of your life me you didn't win how can I lose I did everything wrong yeah yeah everybody goes through that at some point I think so or maybe not I don't know maybe maybe not maybe people don't most people probably don't pick one thing and work that hard at it you know because obviously it's very specific what you do and what I do but you know paying jobs same things that our hands the pain of failing yeah fighting pain you don't get hit a punch but and I get beat up every round and knocked up the same pain yeah the cleaner and what you believe you were the best in but most people are able to hide that most people's failures aren't on pay-per-view so yeah for most people they don't really a world is in your head yeah pay-per-view is in your head when you feeling and showing you think only 10,000 people that's your world yeah that's your paid the view the same punishment nothing like the same equal yeah maybe so I don't know I always look at those big moments and I go I cannot screw this up I have to do everything I possibly can to make sure that I'm prepared and I'm gonna be funny like hosting the Oscars or something like that it's like that's I guess my version of like a fight you know subconsciously that's a lot of help from God to the you know things we do a lot of that you know yes we're not even thinking about it we do that right yeah and from from anyone from God from my writers from the audience that's the big thing you can't control it's like you just you know you can be ready you just don't know how it's gonna be received you have no idea I don't know when I did my show and I guess and I got this received well I thought wow you're that funny is that good I understand people yeah and yeah you don't it's funny because to the audience they're like oh this is great Mike Tyson's telling stories about his life but to you it's like all right as anyone could be interested in the story about my life and pans go under the new show now yeah there's no more yeah think that and that insecurity of course is always there I think in the vast majority of people like we do our show in Brooklyn every October you know we'll travel in New York and the first time we went I was really worried because we had a big venue is like 5,000 seats or something and I was like how are we gonna be able to like it's okay you know are people gonna care to come there are all these other talk shows in New York you know there's a million things to do it's not like they're there it's it's New York it's the biggest city it's the most exciting city in the world is anybody gonna come to this and then that first night there were thousands of people in line to come to the show and I was just like I was more than anything I was relieved I was like thank God because I could just imagine being in a half-empty room and being like nobody likes me yeah [ __ ] yeah it's but it never goes away I mean that time we've been doing the show for 13 years or something you know it still is the kind of thing that I think about what do you think you think do you think it's the how empowered steering your ship well no I actually I am a religious person and I do you know I I do believe in a higher power and I believe that whatever religion we decide to affiliate ourselves with that ultimately the most important thing is being kind to other people and I think that's you know that's that's number one and number one through ten I think in any religion so I I do feel like that and I do pray and I do that kind of stuff I wouldn't say that I don't go to church every week and there was a time in my life that I did do that but I do think that that there's that if you behave if you are a good person that your life will be better so what do you think about when you no longer exist what do you think about that you know I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I think I very much want to believe that there's a heaven and afterlife and and I hope that I will be judged well but why do you feel you're gonna be judged for something well I grew up Catholic and there's that jut you know there's that's the whole thing you know you're gonna be judged when you enter those pearly gates and if you were good you're gonna go to heaven and if you're a bad you're goin to hell that's like that's what I grew up believing and being told and it you know it's an appealing thought because it you do want there to be some reward for not being totally self-centered and and greedy and and all of those things so but I don't know that just because we want something to be true that it is but I did figure this out and I think this is a to me this was a revelation and I'm not sure I'll be able to express it properly but like for instance I have a lot of stuff like I have a lot of mementos that I've saved over the years you know pictures and this and that and whatever and I'm always like well what am I gonna do with this stuff I don't want to lose it I have to store it but it can't be in the middle you know what what do I do with this stuff and then I think about when I die whatever happens whether there's an afterlife or there's none or whatever it doesn't matter like if I were to die today and you know a lot of people would say he never got the chance to just kind of retire and go fishing like he wanted to he never got a chance to do that to them that will be an issue to me it won't because the lights will be out and so I've learned to not really worry about it because whatever happens that moment you die it's not your problem anymore hmm I don't know if that makes any sense it makes I'm not even high and I was high but when the lights are out you know whatever is on the other side or isn't it makes no difference you're not here anymore and here's another thing do you believe in ghosts do I believe in I could yeah I could believe I probably feel the same way I don't I wouldn't say with a hundred percent certainty I definitely never go like a traditional spirit that lives in the house you know sure I survive on that if there was such a thing as ghosts wouldn't hospitals be just full of them like wouldn't every hospital have a million ghosts in it I think some are maybe so those are not the ones I want to spend on i.t but well there's so much there's a lot of stories about nurses and doctors talking about the spirits they see during yeah during their hospital hours like seeing somebody walk through a hall and then you know losing sight of that person and then going to check on a certain room and that person being deceased so having seen that spirit come in well you know whatever it was I would love to see something like that I really would I could I believe we should we reach our Heights potential only no longer exist I said we have to be tight of here talking about ourselves in my head we have to be thinking about ourselves all of that don't you get tired then you want to kill ever to [ __ ] up interesting I'm not sure I have that same thought but that is interesting you have that you get tired of thinking about yourself yeah well that's all there is probably good by the way it's probably good quality because people who think about nothing but themselves generally aren't great people now listen but we think about yourself you see all your flaws what is my purpose begin here but you should see all your flaws so that you can be aware of them and improve I think the worst people don't see any of their flaws yeah no yeah that's a quality we were talking about it yesterday Mike you know I think that's a very important quality for a human being to be aware of your thoughts and your why did I get gave yer my thought come from where's my throat to think that I need to be taught taught about it think those to be seen I thought I'm a specialist of where did that thought come from yeah I come from nothing my parents come from why would I even think that something and then the brain is it's we we don't know anything about our brains really like even just dreaming is such a strange thing and it it's so random and it just seems like maybe our brain is trying to prepare us for other situations while we're sleeping and it could go from like you can have you can be dreaming about like you you see somebody on television and then you're having sex with that person and then one second later your grandparents are sitting on the couch watching it grandma what are you doing here and then you start crying because you miss your grandmother this is like what the [ __ ] is going on in there yeah I mean well that's a really interesting thing dreams - waking reality and how do we even know the difference between the two I mean we go to sleep at night and when you wake up the next day I don't know how do you know you're actually awake how do you know where how you know this really how do you know this is real and then another thing is I was listening to ever listen to Alan Watts know what this is amazing Alan Watts is incredible so he was talking about how the only reason we can differentiate between memories and the present moment is there's a different synapse that happens in our brains but otherwise it's really difficult or difficult but the lines get very blurred between our memories of our life and what's happening in the present moment you know because many memories that we have can be as clear as the day that we're in in the present moment were in and what he says about that is that leads you into this understanding of time as being nonlinear you know and everything is really happening at once it's just the way our brain structures time and consciousness that we experience it in this linear fashion I hope people are stoned when they're listening to this because I think they're really we'll be able to get into it if they are yeah it's the perspective can you reach a certain age do something like you say this a you start to really question your mortality yeah yeah you think about it but I'm I'm trying not to worry about it what I don't like is not being able to read a menu in a restaurant those are the times where my age will bother me when I can't like see whose your eyesight yeah yeah and that's that's some serious that's serious like oh I'm like a I'm like a I'm nothing more than a baseball glove that you know you buy it and you're nine years old and it's shiny and new and then you break it in and it gets to a point where it's kind of perfect and then it starts getting hard and and the laces start breaking and you want to restring it but it's never quite the same and then you throw it in the garbage you know and that's us we're just like a piece of leather yeah maybe not in many ways this this meat vehicle that we're inhabited for a moment it is it's like a there's an expiration date absolutely have you ever thought about what compels you to do the work that you do what is it that in your spirit that you're just able to project your truth at all times whatever that might be I just I don't I don't really know the answer and it's a very good question I don't know what compels me I think probably it's a it's a lot of things I think like for I mean there was a point in my life where I had no money at all and that's what compelled I was like oh I have to work on this I have to get this going I have to try to put this pitch together just to be able to support my family really what did that money me you feel like that make you feel like a man that that that's what you need to be a man and the family rule the family yeah for sure it definitely I think it's something that is expected of you and you're a boy and then you become a man and I got married very young I married I was 20 years old and I was suddenly in a situation where I'd never made really more than like you know $75 a day you know and I had to and my ex-wife worked also but then we had kids not long afterwards and I embarked on this career that got me you know I got fired a lot of times and like it sounds funny and it sounds fun when I list all the places I worked and got fired but it wasn't funny or run at that time because I'd actually have to pack the house and move to another city with the whole family yeah with the winds is you it wasn't just me yeah and that's hard to explain to your wife sometimes and it's hard to explain to your parents sometimes and sometimes people start going like so what's you know like what's the plan B you know like that's what I would be like there is no plan B right only a plan a there are no other letters in the plan and I always just thought like that and I don't know why but I think part of it is you just enjoy the attention you get from being funny in class and that was something I always loved you know screwing around with my friends being funny and you like that that feeling and then when somebody actually pays you to do that it's a very powerful combination and you want that attention and you want that that feedback that you get and all of those things I found to be very rewarding and I you know I think you know that's ultimately if I had to boil it down to anything I love making I love the feeling of making people laugh yeah and then that just kind of all these other things came from that I think that tying that to something you said about your own spirituality of being and one through ten I think making people laugh and spreading joy is definitely a form of kindness and you can do it on a massive scale man you know well that's what's great you know it's it really makes you feel like like oh I'm I must be real I must be funny I know this makes me sound like an [ __ ] but I once watch it's all good brother I walked into my house and you know I have a nice house and I looked around and I was well I must be very funny this house for it yeah yeah it's weird you live in LA I do yeah so what do you think about the booming cannabis industry it's you know I remember going to Amsterdam and being so excited that it was just there for purchase and it is I think it's still exciting you know and maybe that will wear off and like in like 15 years people will be like yeah of course you can just go and buy whatever you want but every once in a while I'll go into one of these shops and I just can't believe it it's like I look at this you know we had to do to get this stuff you had to know a guy who knew a guy and I had to get it for it took so [ __ ] long dude exchange yeah and and I don't know that I'll ever get over that and now I have plant in my back yard and I'll I grow it and I love that too you know so the idea that you can just grow it and roll your arm it's like you know it's pretty great really yeah and I feel the same way about vegetables by the way but even more so about being able to just grow in so I go there comes out of the ground and yeah of course I'm a vegetables Nightingale well I could I grow tomatoes some Nightingale that the poisonous nightshade vegetables right yeah yeah what like eggplant is supposed to be no good for you shaky-shaky yeah I figure anything that comes out of the grounds got to be okay I mean for the most part yeah better than the meat that we eating huh yeah yeah definitely better than that yeah but not that I've stopped but the processes are just [ __ ] up of industrial meat yes before they give it to us guys yeah yeah I have mixed feelings about eating meat in general but I do always try to make sure it's you know humanely raised or all of those things yeah that I think actually make for a better piece of of meat absolutely you know I agree with you on that but ultimately you're still killing the animal I mean there's no question about it yeah mike is vegan yes yeah and he's been slowly turning me man I mean I'm still convinced you need to eat meat to keep your muscle mass on but how not what do you think it muscle man I know I know as I get older and I hang out with your yeah am I getting ready for battle still I don't know I don't know but well what do you like in what way are you just eating less meat or are eating less meat sticking with fish now yeah much more fish and chicken and why do you think it is that people are like if you just look at like one cow feeds yeah whatever 400 people one fish feeds one or two people why do you think people who are vegans or you know or vegetarians are on their way there will a lot of them will still eat fish specifically it's a good question I guess if they have to really come down to this what ledin are you a vegan yeah yeah that's a big part of it and what reason are you a vegan mostly from health reasons one not a vegan um I get overweight I can't [ __ ] right I get constipated I'm miserable my mood I'm depressed so yeah I don't do well you feel better when you're yes I feel 100% man oh praise be to God yeah feel better and you I have you know from years of playing football and you know really crazy relationships with food you know I played in the NFL for six years offensive line and I was 328 when I left the league eating three massive meals a day all the meat I could possibly eat and you know I really felt slowed down obviously when I came out of the league I felt nauseated to eat you know I hated eating at that point huh and I did a lot of things I do a lot of fasting intermittent fasting him down to about 250 now I did a lot of ketogenic which is high fat but you know meat I have a brother who's a vegan and he's been preaching to me for years just about the practices he's like do whatever you want you know for me it's I don't I'm not convinced of the health benefits of being a vegan yet I don't think that meat is as bad for you health-wise as vegans would like to argue but to me the one thing is that somewhere along the line I just became a massive animal lover and appreciator of nature and the idea of if you're like me and you believe that other animals are conscious creatures and have an experience feeling and emotion you know maybe they don't have the same brain capacity as us to to [ __ ] do all the [ __ ] that we do but you know without a doubt animals are conscious and so you can't deny that when a cow see that it's approaching this place where his buddies have never come back from there's a lot of fear hormones being pumped a lot of adrenaline a lot of cortisol you know these these hormones that are fight or flight hormone so as this animal is approaching death its flesh is just being infused with all of these fear hormones then it's killed and then it's cut up and it's processed and all the meat gets packaged up and sent to us and then we cook it it's like where did all that go do we really think that that's just gone do we think that those hormones never touch the piece of flesh that we're eating I think we always need to be aware of what we put into our bodies and I look at food from another perspective died and I look at from a spiritual perspective yeah you know I mean you give up a little you gave up a little more you give up you want to be you want to improve as a person and then you think the more I get up how would I how would I get closer to God the most I give up the coastline get to God is a sacrifice you feel absolutely it's a purification absolutely do you sacrifice in other ways as well do you feel like like fasting for some people you know it's a way of getting closer to God I think of giving everything even eating yeah well you gotta eat at some point right and they took what food I'm thinking what grain and stuff yeah grains yeah so why would you give up grains and beans no this my spiritual journey uh-huh and I wouldn't give it up I would not give up my dreams and my beans but you think about it no never oh okay yeah no okay yeah save you're not eating grains and beans what's left center your vegetables vegetables yeah being then grain and being the essence of it yeah seeds yeah we go we go [ __ ] crazy here Jimmy yeah a lot of people smoke and they get Cheetos and [ __ ] and yeah yeah no Cheetos ma'am have you heard about twink I just the first I'm hearing about ah man unbelievable absolutely absolutely yeah that's a CV pump water let me ask you guys about CBD yes I'm interested in this like you was it really do anything yeah you think so absolutely no everyone says yeah but definitely like I get the stuff you rub on your back or whatever and it's like oh yeah it feels good for a second but then I like AG it's the same thing from like bengay or whatever you know I wonder how much of it is psychosomatic well the reason it works is because we have this endocannabinoid system in our body thank you damn buddy so we have a whole system in our body the endocannabinoid system which produces endogenous cannabinoids the same chemical compounds found in cannabis CBD THC all that stuff and why our body produces it or has an endocannabinoid system is because it creates homeostasis it regulates our system or I don't know I'm pretending I understand what it helps keep us in balance it regulates your appetite your mood your how you feel and deal with pain how much of it should eat like do you take CBD every day I do yeah I mean I also smoke weed every day mm-hmm you give it to is their CBD in like a joint there is there's a certain level of it yeah you know you make some pot brownies and like you have no idea how potent they are yes you cooked them in a you know in your kitchen and it was like good luck to everyone it's time to eat these and then you're later and then some people like would lose their minds you know but I don't see that happening anymore now that we're buying it is happening yeah yeah I don't do any edible activate and the thing with edibles is boom you explode oh god with happening at a party and event I figured out how to handle edibles well yeah gets too much and that's this and this is is I think it's a great tip for anyone who who goes too far you just have to remind yourself you have to tell yourself in 15 minutes it's gonna be okay yeah just imagine you're on a roller coaster or something you know what's gonna be over and if you could tell yourself that it'll be it'll be okay that'll immediately calm you down and take it I can't thank you be there really Mike no I can't think of brownie that's just [ __ ] that's the thing that sends you [ __ ] out it has me scared I can't get that guy miss what the [ __ ] is going on interesting I didn't start smoking until I was in my 30s really you know I tried it a couple of times yeah as younger but one of the first time times I smoked like a high-grade joint was with Mike really after the show and I was completely out of my mind I was completely out of my mind afterwards the please I and I know I shouldn't have done this but I got in my car and I had to go host a charity event and I was driving like 10 miles an hour I was on the 405 driving like 10 miles an hour and I got there and I was like somehow I got through it that's like Jesus all right that was not that was not the pot of my youth sure yeah see there you go that's what I'm talking what is it when it's all over than you think it's and what do you want that picture to look like mmm Jimmy Kimball what it's all over yeah new me personally mm-hmm um I guess you know I think about like like my grandfather was a very funny guy and be loved by all and I think that's how I would like to be remembered yeah like with like my grandchildren be like all grandpa was so funny you know that could that's I think that would be the best way to be remembered and then the other stuff is you know the career stuff is all grow it's fun and that it's rewarding but that's the most I think that's like if you want to have one legacy for me that's it to be like that that's awesome I think that's very awesome yeah how do you like your drink it's good it's taste like water right it's awesome yes one is this one's got some flavor in it there's a little bit of taste one of the flavor ones yeah one may need to be very there's pineapple orange or you got watermelon what should I try to everyone you want I'll try the watermelon there you go that appeals to me well you and Mike have done a lot over the years yes right yeah and they're very nice actually it's nice it is good yeah that's nice and that's you I wouldn't just I wouldn't tamper with this one at all okay nice excellent for me after all together we play basketball we once got in the ring together and I wanted a spar a little and Mike said you know what I like you too much to do that and he declined like come on I just want just hit me once I want to know what it feels like he said that's not a good idea you were smart of the way and you know we've done a lot of we've sung together we've yeah we've we always enjoy my time with you and I a most guest you know it's talked about the project and whatever but I always love to hear your take on on things because I think you have a lot of wisdom and I think you've you've lived you've had experiences in life that almost no one else has and I kind of agree yeah yeah and and there and to be able to draw from those is so interests on to talk to you it really is and I've always been a fan I mean I you know as a fighter you know I just I remember you at like nineteen years old on the cover of Sports Illustrated Kid Dynamite and remember oh yeah I still probably have that and we would get so excited to see you come out with no socks on and there's no [ __ ] and just come out and just knock the [ __ ] ass and you know growing up in Vegas boxing was important to me and and then to kind of to get to know your personality and to see your evolution from going from being a guy who was you know whose job it was to beat people up to this and all about right yeah I mean it's it's it it seems so different from you in a lot of ways it's like it's hard to sometimes I have to remind myself that you're the same person that same kid who was yeah you know exactly because you are a gentle person yeah ultimately and and that's I think unusual in in this world for sure I think in life I think um I'm gonna talk about in life I'm talking about everybody I'm talking about the Gnostics and non-believer them whatever whoever uses religion a goth whatever their purpose their own agenda it comes with time and a life and you start to question their mortality and say whoa why am I thinking like this what's causing me to think like this why am i who I am ya know who I think you've been doing it for a long time and I think it's um it's important to do that you know I think that's that's I can kind of almost remember I think when you started thinking in that way and and it's great you know I think it's it's it's a great example for people I think we need to get anything like my opinion of course nobody else has to really listen that we if we don't get to know who we are I think it's a wasted life try to have an idea of who we are I don't think we ever really get the answer I mean one of the things I remember about Mike that really made a huge impression on me is there was a time like the first few years who were doing the show where we had an idea to do a roast of Mike Tyson roast on pay-per-view and like we approached somebody about it and they're like yeah this could make you know whatever a huge amount of money a huge amount of money and I went to Mike and I said hey you know you know I was thinking about you and I was thinking like at that time I think things weren't like going so well financially and I said hey let's do this and you can make you know III think it was like 20 million dollars or something like that and Mike said you know what I've had a lot of money and I've not had not so much money and I like myself better when I don't have a lot of money yeah and he said I that he didn't want to do that because he didn't want the money and I was like wow that's that's pretty heavy you know that's rare yeah and and I I respected it and appreciate it and and we didn't do it yeah absolutely I've heard Mike say that it would have been so easy I've you know it'll be similar to ours a lot of money brings out my demons yeah yeah my demons yeah well it's good that you know that yeah yeah absolutely and now we're building this cannabis Empire but you know I mean you could do it the right way this time like these plans you guys have are unbelievable I mean it's unbelievable about us it's crazy and it just gets you know the vision grows all the time the vision is bigger than Disneyland yeah it's awesome we put together this really badass doing camera so all right and we want to give Jimmy Kimmel Live exclusive premiering rights to a commercial yeah what what a deal what a deal that is for us you mean we the things people would normally pay for we could have for free that's right all right oh that let's check it out Rudy for this after work you need to refresh relax with some friends recovered from this quagmire called life give you deserve a drink any can have a twink stress less twink more twink VCB d enhanced beverage drink responsibly what do you think now I like it I like the voiceover a guy he's he's pretty good this is what we don't go on to the next dimension is it possible that I'm feeling a little high from it no no I think you feel a nice little yeah alright a lift just a little lift I do right ok cuz they always say it doesn't really I'm telling you brother yeah no I'm definitely feeling a little a very pleasurable something right now Eric you all want yeah Eric have one yeah which one would you like man Vic what are you doing up workout in do you get training obviously I don't get enough workout in I I do work out three times a week but I mostly try to keep conversations with my trainer going so that I don't really have to work out that much yeah it's a really it's a trick on your only on yourself really so good I just paid $100 - uh yeah - a [ __ ] with somebody about a YouTube video hey men you got to get your breaths and you know right how about your back and forth with trunk well it's more force than back it's not like he really responds to these hearing it dude maybe he's feeling yeah he does love hearing him I know he knows that not just me I know he knows that he's not thought well thought of in in the late-night community yeah but he is it's hard because he does so many weird and obnoxious things every single day yeah some days it's like oh my god am i is he gonna be the main subject again and you know my if I have any kind of like a a just kind of plan for the show or whatever just like an overall thought on the show it's that we talk about the current of the events of the day yeah and that's you know so what everyone's talking about all the time it's hard to get around it how do you feel about the state of things right now very bad yeah very bad I think that like maybe at the top of the list is one of the most boring subjects is climate change and I mean we can feel it you know you could just you just know like Oh Jeff ran through the heat wave yeah it's just I've never even Europe was 108 degrees in Paris yeah this is not a this is not a coincidence and you know I know you you reading somebody will say oh it's ten years and it's gonna be a hellscape and then people say no no if we don't get together in 18 months it's gonna be and who knows what that what time you know the timeframe is but I don't wanna even if there's a 2% chance that we're [ __ ] this planet up for our children or our grandchildren we should take that very seriously yeah and the only comfort I get is knowing that these fossil fuel businesses these people will also have to live on this planet and they will suffer the same consequences that we do but unfortunately the the poorest people will will suffer the most and well you know that dude Scott Pruitt yeah the belief behind it is that God will replenish he's right God will replenish God will eliminate the human race and he will replenish the planet yeah exactly it's just like [ __ ] man why do you why do we want to be here and just [ __ ] burn it all to the ground you know especially when it's not like somebody saying okay but you have to stop driving right you don't have to stop driving right there are other ways to drive we have an electric car I'm a big fan of it yeah I do too it's great it's [ __ ] awesome it's great it's got good pickup it's like uh it's super quick yeah it's great I believe in that yeah yeah I mean you want us to buy a Tesla yeah because the doors go up on the side that's a girl like I want a Tesla or [ __ ] sick the coolest thing about the Tesla is that it like a computer they add they can add features yeah to the software where do i plug it up at not just get a plug in your in your house yeah plugs right in then and you actually the state of California I don't know if they're still doing it but they do a big rebate for getting an electric car I think that's the chargers I think that's been I think it's diminished over the years I might be nothing ours was really good yeah and we oat meal out there among grapes hey guys that's a great question and his grapes don't forget the great Wow Mike look at all the people looking for your old man well is it worse Mike's oatmeal awesome well I gotta bring this up on the show there's two things I want to talk about thank yes please thank you brother here we get a spoon is there a spoon a me thank you that's not honey is it how do you feel about this situation at the border it's monstrous [ __ ] discussing it you know what it's it's cruelty for no absolutely no reason it's crazy which brings to mind I mean thank you and thank you Emmy I'm just saying that God knows where this thing is headed if it's allowed to continue and who just speaking of God most of these people who support this call themselves Christians right and just I don't know what church they went to or what Bible they're reading but the one I know would frown on putting children in a cage and separating them from their parents and I understand you can't have open borders you have to have to there's a process and the truth is is that anybody that sneaks in gets ahead of anybody who did it the right way but you have to be you have to have some just measure of humanity I mean you know the idea that we're going to deter people from coming over the border by treating them horribly is as unamerican a sentiment and unchristian a sentiment as I can I mean it's it's it is the most combination of the most on America this country that was built by immigrants and and our Statue of Liberty you know welcomes our poor are tired and are hungry and you know I mean he might as well take that Statue of Liberty down because it obviously doesn't mean anything yeah it's just amazing the light this this entire the more immigrants we get the more prisoners with a build that's how it is that's how it always been his prisons make people money yeah we have private prisons no private people home so they could feed you and clothe you do anyone - yeah and treat you - anyone - and in any society needs a supply of hard-working immigrants to continue I mean you need it it's it's necessary this whole country was [ __ ] started by immigrants yeah it's so easy to say like alright shut the door behind me now I'm here and this is mine but this country belongs to to all of us it's pretty [ __ ] maddening where are we headed like what's next well I hope that we look back on this time as as temporary insanity hmm I doubt that's gonna be the case short of some kind of justifiable war that unites us all I don't see how our next leader whoever that may be is going to unite us I mean I think it's it's gonna be we're just split in half and and there seems to be no common ground whatsoever there's none and and I mean even now like we could have a wildfire and it becomes partisan we can have a hurricane in in Puerto Rico and it becomes a partisan these things that used to be just like yeah okay okay there's a disaster we're all on board to help now suddenly become political it's just like it's just it's not productive in any way listen here's the thing I understand you know I have relatives I have my wife as relatives who who think Donald Trump is is it's good for this country but here's what no one can deny this man whether you like him or not is a liar he is a compulsive liar he lies every single day he lies about things he doesn't have to lie about and do we want political thinking of that I think it's he's something he's found success with I think he started just exaggerating his own achievements and his own appeal I mean we know the guy who called the newspaper and say as as as his own publicist and say Donald Trump is dating Salma Hayek you know and and just what [ __ ] story and at that time okay whatever it's harmless to everyone other than Salma Hayek but I I think he can't help himself that lying is his is his first inclination and we cannot have a president whose first inclination is to is to lie and attack the thing that's gonna happen I think he's gonna lose the next election and I think the people who support him are gonna do everything they can to thwart our next leader and I think we're gonna keep repeating this cycle over and over again what I hope doesn't happen is I hope we don't look back at this time almost wistfully or we go like wow things we thought things were bad was president is good time yeah we thought things were bad that I mean I think in a certain way a lot of people who are uh you know I was no fan of the Bush presidency but now I look back on it and go like what did George please come back yeah well hopefully he doesn't win again what do you think about the opiate situation they would deal it now it's terrible I mean it's a pen and I'm talk to me I think that well I mean I think that it's just so easy to slip into that and I think that doctors a lot of doctors are irresponsibly providing people with those opiates and that's a big reason for our homelessness problem here in Los Angeles because that's where next thing this is where you come I mean there's no better place to be homeless if you gonna be homeless in here it's we have a warm climate and I think that are a big reason why the numbers are going up is because people are coming here young people who are hooked on drugs are coming here and living in the streets I know to do with the homeless people what do you what do you do all these rich billionaire guys are gonna all donate money we're gonna build like wow a homeless hotel it's just so complicated but it is there you know there are homeless shelters but a lot of almost people don't want to be in them because they're dangerous because the people that are dangerous and and there are homeless people who don't want it who don't want to be yeah to live in a place like that so it's you know and then if you have a family you know is that where you want your family to be do or do you feel safer on the street or living in your car you know it's very complicated I don't know that placated just bill I think it has to be decentralized it has to be a lot of small communities and and you know and is it fair to only ask these business leaders I mean I think we should all pitch it you know and and and pay for this but the problem is is it's not just writing a check it's not like a lot of things like you know your lunch program you could fix that with money yeah this one is so very complicated it is of course we can't fix it overnight but that's that's for the best minds about know essentially yeah this has been happening since the beginning of time of course well how did I'm how do you think you handles the homelessness yeah it's so complicated it is so maybe the momentum layers issue yeah because it's not as simple you know you hear people go man get a [ __ ] job it's not that simple for some it is but for right now for some it is that simple it's a issue of I don't know inspiration or engagement but it's not that simple for everyone you know Jimmy man I really appreciate you coming it was my pleasure my pleasure our time here for sure thank you so much I think I'm all CBD DUP right now yeah you're perfect in the family thank you Eric thanks for coming in st. Louis Jimmy well thanks guys that was great that was fun is there anything else you want to shout out anywhere people can find you I don't know people can find me on the street is hanging out eating chicken but no you know I have a television show and Mike I always enjoy our time together and I'm really inkstand agree and I'm excited about your pot Disneyland in the desert I really have to come out really awesome they have a miracle I'm with that first round a ferris wheel yeah ferris wheel lazy river you got to come to the next kind music festival oh yeah Mike has a music festival out at the property in Desert Hot Springs oh wow well thanks guys thank you thank you Mike great episode and when this is our favorite yeah I think this is our this is our favorite episode what are you doing to leave here we leave you know I got the kids I have two little kids they slept over my mother-in-law's house last night so we'll go retrieve them and hang out on the beach a little bit and then I'm going to a birthday party later oh yeah awesome nice little Saturday yeah hotboxing little time with the family right birthday party there you go beautiful Mike yes love you brother ditto thank you very much hey everybody thanks for watching this very special episode of hot box and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel hot boxing with Mike Tyson check us out our website hot box in podcast.com got all the episodes there as well as some badass merch for you to check out until next time i'm evan britain i'm mike i think this is so with all these people I know it's beautiful now they bring you bring them in Mike my thank you very MUC ich them out peace everybody out of here Thank You Jimmy thank you [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 995,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, Jimmy Kimmel, Hotboxin, Hotboxin with Mike Tyson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 32sec (4232 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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