4 Principalities - Demons On The Loose | Perry Stone

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i was actually going to do this teaching on a manifest telecast because it needs longer than the time i'm going to give it my youtube videos are between six to about eight minutes average some go 10 minutes but i hope you watch all of this take the time to do so ephesians 6 and 12 the apostle paul wrote about principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world and wicked spirits in heavenly places the word principalities comes out of a greek word which means a chief one and principalities is the first listing there in the book of ephesians of a particular type of spirit in the kingdom of satan that is dominant or strong and actually stronger and superior to the other spirits that are in the kingdom of darkness daniel 10 is the example of a prince spirit the prince of the kingdom of persia the prince of the kingdom of grecia these two spirits were the strong entities from the kingdom of darkness that ruled over the empires and nations of greece and also of the empire of the medes and persians of prince of persia of course is mentioned in the book of daniel along with the kings of persia that overthrew the babylonians my theme for the next few moments to share with you the four strong spirits that i believe are activated right now i call it demonic spirits on the loose that people are dealing with around the world the first is found in first timothy chapter four and one that says this in the latter time some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils now notice not a seducing spirit but seducing spirits meaning plural or that there would be different types of spirits that their main responsibility would be seduction when i say to you in the english language the word seduce you think it is a sexual seduc seduction and it can't allude to that however in the setting and context of what paul wrote he was dealing with people being seduced or as the greek would mean to be pulled away or something that draws one aside or draws one away from the true path in the context he is dealing with deception as it relates to scripture people that will twist the bible or speak and twist the bible to where it will apply to a situation that it doesn't really apply to or we would say today taking completely out of context and so today prophetic ministers who stick with the scripture are being attacked people that base their convictions on the scripture they are being attacked the holy spirit's manifestations are being attacked and this is nothing new this has been going on for quite some time but when we talk about being seduced it means to be taken captive into something so it's important to guard yourself and to know the scripture and study the word of god from people who have sound doctrine or sound teaching solid teaching when they teach the second spirit and this one is a lesser taught one it's found in leviticus chapter 18 23 and also chapter 20 and verse 12. and it is called the spirit of confusion or confusion now in the context of the book of leviticus which was the law in the torah the lord is the lord said something very interesting he talked about different types of sexual immorality and he said that if a daughter has sexual relations with her father or vice versa it is a sin and this is confusion and i looked at that word confusion there and it was very interesting because there is a divine order that god set up all the way in the garden of edom with the creation of adam and eve the first couple first husband and wife if you please and how that they were to procreate the earth and populate the earth through the relationship that god established or what we call the divine order that god established and so anytime that divine order is broken with any type of what we would call immorality uh that's listed in scripture it will create confusion and you hear people talking about well i don't know who i am but don't know what i am or they you know different things of that nature and so this is where i think this particular spirit which is and i call it a spirit of confusion will begin to come in the third spirit and this is becoming very common i hate to say it i think it's it's pitiful to even say this but in second chronicles 18 18 when ahab was going to go to battle the lord permitted a lying spirit to deceive 400 of ahab's prophets to tell him to go to battle so that he would die in the battle and this is the only place in the scripture where a lying spirit is mentioned now imagine this it is a spirit of deception to set people up to cause them to be deceived by their own ideas and by their own thinking and one of the things that i want to say to you which is very significant is if you will go to the new testament and it talks about in the last days what we will deal with over and over again and you can read in matthew chapter 24 for example jesus kept warning about deception and i believe that there are people who have told so many stories in their lifetime or in their lifetime have told so many half-truths or misrepresented the truths or stories that were totally mixed up that when they tell something that is not really true they believe it's true and that is deception and that would be classified a lying spirit so anything that you've come up with that your imagination has come up with that you think but you stated as fact becomes a lie if it does not have truth in it or if it's not actually true so believe it or not the body of christ has to guard itself not only against that but they have to guard against reports that are fake the other day my office manager comes in he shows me this text that says jensen franklin who's one of my closest friends by the way has been killed in a car wreck by a teenage drunk driver man they had all the information they had the alleged police statements they were talking about the funeral home arrangements would be announced well i knew god had promised jensen a number of things that hadn't happened yet so i was a little upset no i wasn't a little upset i was very upset and i was grieving in my spirit and so i said i'm calling the church so my wife called the church and said was jensen killed in a wreck why haven't we been contacted she says because he's alive and jensen had an accident but was never killed actually got out and prayed for the young man and so forth and was a little sore but he's alive well you must be careful what you read on social media you must have to even be careful i'm going to say it with some youtube videos of alleged experts that are not experts and so please understand that the lying spirit is on the loose and it's it mingles in with the spirit of deception and a seducing spirit and the fourth spirit i want you to hear me carefully on this one is called the spirit of infirmity and you are a body and you are a soul and a spirit and the greek word infirmity is the word esthenia and it means a it can mean actually a physical weakness moral weakness spiritual weakness emotional weakness it can go into any of those categories and a woman in luke chapter 13 was bound by a spirit of infirmity this is what jesus called and could not lift herself up and what jesus did he released her through prayer he rebuked the spirit of infirmity and prayed for her and of course she received an instantaneous healing or recovery at that moment these four spirits seducing spirit spirit of confusion lying spirit and spirit of infirmity are presently in the earth working in the lives of people a demonic spirit cannot work outside of a person so the three r's must come into effect resist the devil rebuke the enemy and renew your mind resist the devil through your will powers through the power that god has given you rebuke him with your words and renew your mind and your thinking by singing songs and worship and by the word of the lord because after all spirits are sent and assigned to hinder us paul proved that in second corinthians where we talked about a hindering spirit they're out there as well but you have authority over all of the powers of the enemy by operating in scripture and using the spiritual authority that the lord has given you please do that now let me add right here i would like for many of you who watch me on a consistent basis to hit the thumbs up subscribe to our channel so you'll be notified of our new videos i've got some really amazing stuff we're going to be showing you in the weeks ahead also i hope that you'll come to some of our main conferences you can keep up with us at our website at perrystone.org and at the conclusion we always have a special advertisement of new resource material available to you thank you for joining me and may god bless you please give me your undivided attention many months ago i began to hear secular economists announce a new global reset was coming that's when i heard this phrase in my spirit the american apocalyptic reset for several weeks i woke up early and began receiving a series of stunning prophetic downloads that i pinned and now have placed them all in my brand new prophetic book america's apocalyptic reset this book is a must read for all christians for all of those who love bible prophecy for conservative americans and american patriots the 19 chapters go extremely deep into exposing the agenda now being secretly plotted and to be publicly forced upon us the american people and how we can counter it i discovered some very stunning ancient prophetic parallels and patterns some that go back four thousand years that are repeating themselves in the united states right now i deal with the miracles great babel reset and the planned persecution of christians america's self-curse that will eventually bring judgment upon the nation the coming jezebel clash the woman who will be president how should we act and wisely resist corrupt governments i reveal the unique silicon valley parallels and also go into the plans to bankrupt then reset america economically also i talk about how to function when the church must go underground i received a very unique revelation concerning president trump and a pattern that's found in history there's a chapter also that i deal with how did the prophets get it wrong and so much more ladies and gentlemen this is probably the most significant prophetic book in the history of my ministry especially in the time that we're in but that's not all i'm also including my most recent inside information prophetic briefing on two audio cds it's two hours in length and i will release detailed information that i cannot and i want you to hear me i cannot nor will i share this on social media or on television as absolutely in the climate that we're now in a lot of this information would be targeted for being blocked and banned if it was made public and not done in this private setting that we're doing it in these two hours contain biblical political national and international revelation and information that i am sure that many of you have not been aware of it is for truth lovers only i want you to order right now this prophetic resource package my brand new book the apocalyptic reset and the two hour prophetic cds by going online at perrystone.org calling 1-888-21 bread or write me at perry stone p.o box 3595 cleveland tennessee 37320 now we're making this available for your donation of 35 or more and you can request the offer apr-140 that's apr-140 i'm going to unmask the radical globalists and individuals who have set out to oppose and silence christians silence patriots and shut the mouth of conservatives and we will show you in the book what we can do when we unite together we are looking forward to getting this into your hands
Channel: Perry Stone
Views: 20,540
Rating: 4.9834747 out of 5
Id: _Y-z531_Rfo
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Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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