Bounty Hunter and You: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all shuffle and welcome to the bounty hunter guide today we will be covering the strengths weaknesses the ways to build bounty hunter what teams you can use to get started or just give you some creative ideas and we're going to try something new i'm going to add kind of a how to play section i don't know what to call this yet but i got a comment in the man in arms guide that i didn't really go too far into depth on how to explicitly play the character so i think i might have just got some stuff lost in translation or i just made some assumptions i shouldn't have so i will be adding a new how to play section which will probably be pretty short but i'm trying to remedy this issue and we'll work with it as we go so i hope that it helps you before we get started of course like comment subscribe all that stupid youtube garbage follow me on twitch and join discord if you have not already and now let's un-ironically say let's get started let's actually not bury the lead with the new section so the how to play part of bounty hunter is pretty pretty cut and dry surprisingly there's not a lot of like there's some nuance to the character but really there's two things you're doing the first is you're putting him in marked teams or you just run him with a zone mark because he can actually set himself up and you mark something and that's just a marked debuff on the enemy they can't uh they can't resist the mark debuff so that's pretty cool and then you have bounty hunter ideally and other mark people on your team use moves that have bonuses to mark damage like collect bounty and sniper shot and all that and then they hit the person with the marks so the way the mark functions is like you put it on them you're saying i'm gonna do a crap ton of damage to you specifically and then you blow them up this is a lot better for bosses than it is for other like regular fights but that's primarily what it's used for and then the other way to play bounty hunter or at least the other archetype is to use him as a control and setup type hero so the easiest way to do this is to use his stun moves and sometimes come hither because stun disrupts the enemies pretty well and he has a lot of ways to move enemies he has three different ways if i remember correctly and moving enemies into positions they're not good in so usually backliners to the front and front landers to the back causes them to use sub-optimal moves and sometimes there's some enemies that once they get into like rank one or rank four they can't do anything at that point and they're just stuck so moving enemies can actually be more powerful than stunning but this requires some knowledge on the part of the player on knowing which enemies to put where and how badly they get messed up alright so that's the short and sweet of it so i'm hoping the rest of that is expanded on in the team section the skills and all that so that's just like i said this is the first time we're doing it so i'm working it out along with y'all and for the strengths of the bounty hunter he's really good at huge mega big damage that's primarily why you take him unless you want to go set up obviously but his big damage is very appealing he's a strong boss killer if he can reach them and if you understand the boss and the mechanics and you know bounty hunter is going to do work then you take him and then he blows stuff up in a few turns that's pretty nice his next strength is my favorite thing about him is his ability to control so he has a couple very good stuns he has three different ways to move enemies and as i was saying before moving enemies to different positions can often just make them use really crappy moves and be stuck sometimes for us to fight like the bone nobles bone courtiers whatever they're called in the ruins if you pull one of those to rank one they just hit you with a dagger for the rest of the fight they're stuck and there are a few other enemies that suffer from this and that's really nice the final strength of the bounty hunter is his versatile positioning and this is pretty cool because you can just drop them anywhere in most teams except rank four even though he can still do stuff there but if he's in rank three or two or one he's still doing big damage he still has at least one stun and then he has like other stuff depending on if he's in one two or three usually you're sacrificing caltrops and you're swapping uppercut for flashbang depending on where he's at but not many characters are this good in different spots usually if you put them like for instance vestal even in rank 3 plays vastly different than vessel in rank 2. that's just one spot on your team and then her whole play style changes same with grave robber if she's in rank 4 what she's doing is a lot different than when she's in rank 2. highwayman is someone that's never had a position so that just doesn't count because he's unfair otherwise bounty hunter can do whatever he wants from most spots on your team you just have to pick the right skills weaknesses for the bounty hunter the first one and probably most prevalent one is the fact that if you want the biggest damage numbers out of this character you need a mark team usually when people talk about someone like grave robber they say that she needs a dance team or whatever to accommodate her which there are some caveats to that obviously but with a mark team you need obviously more people to help synergize the strategy because the more of it you have usually the better returns you get so bounty hunter can be a little tough to build around because some of the mark teams aren't the best or sometimes they have to make trade-offs like mark is probably the strategy in this game that if you want to run it you have to make the most trade-offs in your team so this can make finding good teammates or good teams for bounty hunter a little difficult and mark starts to be not as effective against certain enemies especially if they have multiple actions because the marks wear off quicker but that's you know another video but obviously mark is an upside in many ways but it's also a pretty big downside the other weakness for bounty hunter is the fact that highwayman exists highwayman is just a problem character in many ways and highwayman doesn't need as much setup or help he's pretty set in how he does his damage he just doesn't care what the rest of the team is he just does the same thing and the hardest choice for highway man is wicked slice or open vane which means that highwayman kind of eclipses a few other characters or he's just easier to play easier to drop into teams which makes it a little less appealing to bring someone like bounty hunter or grave robber or whoever else the third weakness for bounty hunter is the fact that his moves have some bloat slash overlap among them so he has come hither and then he has mark for death so he has two ways to mark people he has flashbang and come hither which are two ways to move backliners he has collect bounty and fennisham witcher two moves that hit mostly the same ranks except for finishing which hits rank three which means that because of this some moves may find favor with a player over others and even though bounty hunter has seven moves to choose from you may be finding yourself picking the same four or even the same five or whatever it is so that's that's kind of a crappy part usually when you have a character you like to look at their entire kit and go you know what i can find a situation for all of these and you can still do that with bounty hunter but it's just not as uh it doesn't feel like as big of an impact when you make different choices with them this next weakness comes from midnight who has been a great help in helping me write this guide because it's pretty much a lot of his expertise because i would consider him a bounty hunter expert but one statement he made when we were discussing the class is that bounty hunter wants to be both setup and payoff which is an interesting thought because and it's true it's totally 100 true by the way but he wants to be the one to move people he wants to be the one to mark people but then he also wants to be the one to hit people which means bounty hunters best ally is often just another bounty hunter so in the case of running multiple bounty hunters in team do you make one specifically set up you probably don't because you want all of them to be able to mark and exploit it and set up and you know be payoff you want them to do all the things and there's no other character in the game that's actually quite like that usually they go i'm setting up or i'm dealing damage or i'm supporting right they just pick one archetype but bounty hunter kind of straddles this line of being able to do both and wanting to do both the final weakness of bounty hunter is that his accuracy on clock bounty and finish him is kind of subpar at 105. so you have to give him some accuracy help sometimes you might have to camp him to get him some bonus accuracy from his camp skills and that's just something to be aware of time to talk about the bounty hunter skills and we're going to start with collect bounty this is your main damage move especially in a marked team obviously that huge 90 damage against mark is massive and awesome and then the bonus damage against human is actually a pretty good upside this has the most application in the wheeled and the warrens where a lot of enemies have human subtype and then random bandits and such but if you're running a normal dps type of i should say like dpt i guess damage per turn type of team with bounty hunter and you have marks this is your main attack mark for death is a very interesting move so marks themselves cannot be resisted so even if the prod debuff is resisted the mark itself will stick and the 120 accuracy is okay it's a little hard to hit some of the evasive enemies in the game but this is an interesting move because the mark is the only one that does this where it gives the person that uses it a boost of speed so this means that bounty hunter who is very mark reliant can mark something and then go ahead of them the next turn to guarantee he hits them that's a really interesting way to do it so if you don't have huge mark synergy in your team you can still have bounty hunter mark something and then hit it next turn but the issue is that he's already trading one turn to use mark and then he's hitting the next turn for like 90 damage which is almost double damage and then it's like if you're just using mark to hit them by yourself with no one else there it's not that good because you're better off just swinging twice in most cases come hither is something i wish the accuracy was maybe 115 starting or 120 but i kind of understand because that's why the kill list exists this move has a mark and a pull the mark only lasts two turns which means using it as a mark tool is a little bit harder but the chance or i should say yeah the chance to pull someone from three to one for instance like a crossbow skeleton is very powerful because they get like i've been saying really bad moves when you displace people so there are a lot of cases where pulling them is more valuable than the mark on this move and since the mark does last two turns that does kind of suck so if you're gonna run this move for the pull that's what you're doing it for if you're running for the mark then you should probably run mark for death uppercut's a very good move just because you get the chance to knock them back two spaces and the stone on top so there are some front liners that if you are able to move them from rank two to rank four for instance obviously that displaces three and four um as they go back there and that can like cause some havoc in the enemy team and then also if you move someone back like let's say it's a cult of sprawler the you know dudes with wolverine claws if you move them back two spaces or you know in the rank or something like that they're stunned for the fir the next turn or the current turn whatever happens then they have to use stumbling scratch and then they have to use stumbling scratch again so there are some times where uppercut can rob an enemy of three turns and that is very powerful so if you're running a bounty hunter in the front of your team then there's almost no reason not to put this on because even if you're going like hyper damage or whatever this usually does find use flashbang is a more consistent stun than uppercut because uppercut is base 140 and flashbang is base 150 on the stun chance which is actually arguably better in a lot of cases just because the higher chance the stun is very nice and it does no damage when it hits something and when it hits something not only does it stun it has a chance to shuffle not trying to name drop but has a chance to shuffle an enemy in the party that uh gets hit by it so if you hit like a rank four they always come forward if they're going to get moved if you hit a rank three so right here if the enemy is in the spot on the enemy team right it goes like front to back this way uh sometimes they can move back here or up here so it's random and then also they can move one space or two spaces and i'm not sure if three is possible but even if you get the double space move that's usually good enough and the same logic applies to this as to uppercut where if you put someone from the back up to the front and they're stunned they have to waste even more turns just getting back to their optimal position and honestly if you stick a nasty uppercut or like a fantastic flashbang in a fight and the enemy you know gets massively screwed by it they're done like that is effectively killing them until you have killed the rest of the enemy team and then once they get back into their position or sometimes with their backliner they never make it back to the back then you can find a lot of chances to stall so whichever position bounty hunter is in determines which stun you're taking and sometimes you could probably run both but usually don't need to finish him is interesting because it has overlap with collect bounty but finish him has better reach it can hit rank 3 which is probably the only reason this move is usable because if it didn't then everyone would just run collect bounty so hitting that rank 3 is actually very relevant and helpful but it has a lower crit mod it has lower damage potential than collect bounty and so if you're packing this it's usually just to hit rank three and the reason i don't like this move too much besides the reach obviously is the fact that if i'm stunning enemies i usually am not trying to kill them quickly usually i have to stun them because i have no other choice and have like some threatening move that i'm not trying to deal with so it's like if i'm stunning them why am i trying to get that bonus damage and so this thing can feel a little awkward at times i will say though that you can run both of these and there are plenty of times where even if you're stunning someone and you're stalling that turn they probably have you know a ton of hp or some prod and stuff like that so wearing them down with this move is still good it's still it's still a good move okay don't get me wrong it's just that the overlap with collect bounty leaves a little bit to be desired especially when it's like if collect bounty just hit rank three and then bounty hunter had a completely different move here then that would be a lot more interesting in terms of possibilities caltrops are sick i think people sleep on this all the time the move has a dual benefit so it has the diva for damage taken and lowered speed which means that if this thing sticks to someone they're not going before anyone next turn like -8 speed at rank 5 is massive and that 20 bonus damage taken applies to the bleed as well so if you are stacking this on tough enemies that sit in the back this thing can shred stuff very quickly as i say in most videos i will not spoil the boss encounters of this game obviously but there are quite a few bosses that like to sit in the back and there are a surprising amount of bosses that this thing can stick to so if you're sticking this with bounty hunter like you can use bounty hunter to do collect bounty and finish him and stun stuff through the entire dungeon and then he can get to the boss and then just spam caltraps for the entire fight and it's really effective it gets even better if the boss has multiple actions per turn which means the bleed goes from four damage to eight you know because it ticks twice or if they have the debuff it goes up two five so it's 10 damage a turn and that is huge and the fact that you can keep stacking this to get the more damage taken on top of it means that if you have the right party set up for it i mean that's that's something in all parties for darkest dungeon though if you have the right setup things can be really good but caltrops i don't know it's like near and dear to my heart if you can set up caltrops it does very well so i think the more familiar you get with the game you should probably try a caltrops team at some point just because it is pretty fun and it's a different way to play bounty hunter time to look at the bounty hunter camp skills scout ahead is not the most efficient point per scouting trade-off i think grave robbers is more efficient but this is still great for three points but i'm not generally a fan of three point skills because you have to run usually two of them just to offset the point difference otherwise you float like one point at the end but this is okay if you have nothing else planned takedown this is basically four points to kill bosses the 25 damage is massive the 15 accuracy fixes his accuracy problem like i've been saying and this thing where it says size two so that's any large enemy that occupies two spaces on the enemy side but this also applies to any enemy that's bigger than two so if there's a boss that's two spaces or three or even four this will apply to them so it's basically anything that's not just like a tiny or regular sized enemy and that's a lot of damage four points is pretty fair if it was three it would probably be busted at two points tracking is actually a pretty fair skill the percentages are solid the chance to surprise enemies and then not get surprised yourself that's a 25 point swing that's not bad at all so if you have two points and nothing better to do then it's worth hitting this is how we do it as another just hyper carry type of camp skill and obviously there is some synergy with planned takedown if you plan to run plan takedown and this camp skill you can run both and probably skip accuracy in the dungeon it's gonna be a little scary getting to the boss but once you have accomplished that and you get to camp then you're gonna have 25 accuracy 25 percent damage and eight percent crit for six points that's huge that's like three trinkets slammed together with no downside and talk about these trinkets i guess real quick but unmovable helmet is pretty nice the move resist isn't that big a deal but the move chance at like level zero and one stuff like that where this is the most applicable the move chance applying to come hither and flashbang and uppercut is kind of nice and being able to stick those moves almost guaranteed at that rank is worth a trinket if you have nothing better agility talent is just one speed four dodge this is fantastic if you find this you know in the early game then just slap it on everyone likes speed bounty hunter is no exception camper's helmet i think i slept on before but it's actually pretty good it's 10 scouting for no downside and then the stress you'll receive while camping applies to if you feast and stuff like that so this is a better trinket than i originally gave a credit for you know like a year and a half ago in my tier list video and i do quite like it so if you want to have some utility on bounty hunter outside of just his stun and move kit then you put this on and you get 10 scouting which this is good at like all levels almost so scouting is usually very beneficial hunter's talon is broken this is a focus ring with no downside well i shouldn't say no downside it pretty much is no downside because the accuracy in crit is obviously massive and it's flat accuracy in flat crit so this means that it applies to his range attacks as well as melee attacks the 50 food consumed does not apply to hunger checks in hallways it only applies to camping so if you camp and you have this on and you feast for instance your food that you need for the party goes from eight to nine but you can just take this off so if you're camping you can take hunter's talon or if it's on i should say and you have hunter's talent on you can take hunter sound off put it into your inventory and then hit feast and then put it back on and save yourself the one extra food i'm pretty sure that's not how the game is intended to be played but you know what we can do it and if you forget to do it once you hit camp you can use the q and e hotkeys on your your keyboard to cycle to bounty hunter and then you can take it off that way before you have to eat food this trinket is strong enough to be on any bounty hunter build at any point in time including level six it is very powerful and it fixes it almost fixes his accuracy issue entirely and then it gives him six crit on top of it and he loves crit there is almost no reason ever to not put this on bounty hunter if you have one wounding helmet is interesting because at first glance you're like man that is a ton of damage and it is that is a lot of damage but then you look at those downsides and i think the more experience you get with bounty hunter the more you realize this thing is kind of a trap because damage isn't too hard to find on trinkets like bounty hunter has a few sources of damage there are plenty of generic damage variants in the trinket pool for neutral trinkets and damage doesn't just have to be melee damage like flat percent damage like accuracy and crit are forms of damage which is why hunter's talent is probably just better than this thing and to put this on means you have to give up like you almost it's almost required to give up bounty hunters control kit because even though it's 20 and 25 percent on stun and move respectively at champion you know like end game stuff that is quite a lot and your stun chances are sitting at like 30 40 on some of the hardy enemies you know like if you're using uppercut it's 30 against like ghouls if you're using flashbang it's 40 if you're against like cove lepers and brawlers and stuff that have 65 then it's not as detrimental but it still sucks it's actually like a lot to give up just for damage and you can find damage in a lot of sources so there are times to use this and those times are very slim i feel so make sure that you go okay i don't need anything else from bounty hunter except to hit as hard as possible and then you take this otherwise it probably sits in your box bh has an interesting cc set crimson cord set and the kill list isn't like appetizing at first the bag of teeth is definitely much better but the kill list does shore up your caltrops and your range attacks and move stuff so that's kind of nice and you need it obviously if you want all this flat crit on top of it like i said we're here to talk about the teeth the kill list is just kind of like a requirement crime lords molars these things are so freaking good the 10 dodge is not that big of a price to pay considering how like awesome focus ring is and that's already minus eight dodge so -10 isn't the end of the world and bounty hunter doesn't have like incredible dodge that's not his defense like he has it but he's more of like reliant on his pretty hearty hp pool to tank stuff if he gets hit so that means that these teeth have some pretty fantastic upsides if you stack all of these it's 60 increased damage against one target and just to give you the the hard math here if you run this and you're against someone that's marked and you have the stun and the bleed you know like you just have this ridiculous trinity which means they're probably dead anyway you get the 60 from stacking all three of these and then you get the 90 from collect bounty so that's 150 percent bonus damage on collect bounty that is freaking nuts dude in my experience however i don't think you should be trying to hit all three of these effects all the time just because it's kind of tough to land all three honestly because if you have them marked that's easy enough if they're bleeding that's almost easy enough and then if you have them stunned it's like they have to get their turn at the the right time so they're stunned on your turn and then you're hitting them and that can be a little awkward and it's definitely not guaranteed but i think it's pretty easy to reliably hit two of these consistently so if you bring this thing out this is pretty much 40 damage on bounty hunter if you build your team correctly and then having all this bonus credit on top of it is it's good enough like it it's definitely applicable don't get me wrong it's good it's good to have and if you get to camp and get his accuracies higher from his camp skills then the cc set is pretty much reading like plus 40 damage plus 10 crit plus some goodies for his range attacks and stuff like that and that's actually nice like if you thought about it that way would you run two trinkets that give you 40 damage and 10 crit i would i think that's actually really good mask of the timeless is interesting it it's good like the stats are good there are characters that would love this this would be incredibly broken on plague doctor this would be really good on occultists this would be great on an aquarium there are a lot of characters that would love to have this and it went to bounty hunter but even then i think this is still good for bounty hunter just because that is a lot of dodge that gets him up to 40 baseline that's pretty solid two speed everyone likes speed i will never not say that in this game even crusader appreciates some speed so the two speed is really great and then the five stress is a very minimal downside it's like plus one stress on everything that stresses you which you know in hallways and stuff that can add up but otherwise it's it's good it's really good and i think the best way to use this isn't for hyper carry bounty hunter where you're just trying to blow stuff up with the axe i think this is best on control bounty hunter so if you're running a lot of stuns and a lot of like movement effects then this gets a little bit better because the bounty hunter can initiate in fights and hit his stuns and movements early that's a lot better for your team so i think if you're running a control bounty hunter this gets a lot better if you're running a damaged bounty hunter this is okay but it's not you know it's not the best you'd probably take something else for bounty hunter quirks no surprise you just want whatever damage you can squeeze out of them so slugger precise striker maybe even deadly natural swing for some accuracy is pretty nice and if you are really focused on trying to complete the game then eldritch killers like eldritch hater and slayer are very good to lock in on him because he is a damage monster and eldritch is the most common subtype of enemies so being able to have a consistent and very strong bonus against them is helpful next set of quirks speed like i said everyone likes speed so luminous quick reflexes those are fantastic unlike other builds where i suggest defensive quarks like if you have nothing better and too much money you could probably drop one on bounty hunter but honestly it's not needed he has enough stuns and damage in his kit that usually he's able to mitigate whatever threats are coming at him either by killing them outright or stunning them our first team is going to be an update for mark for death i covered this team in the rbls guide and i just took the stock one that came off the wiki that has the name and stuff like that but when i was talking to midnight and thick also plays this team and midnight suggested it and i was thinking that jester has some anti-synergy a little bit on this team because arbless doesn't really need accuracy she kind of likes the crit and the speed on the whole team is nice but you know not required and then i start thinking about too like mark for death one of the issues i always think of like subconsciously maybe with that team is that it's just really slow or it's not like super slow but all the people on it are like average speed so this actually fixes a lot of issues and i think it's just a lot better it's surprising so let's explore it here the bounty hunter starting with him like i guess i should focus on the the highlighted character even though i'd like to go left to right or right to left but the bounty hunter is going to be using collect bounty primarily as the damage move we have a lot of mark synergy on this team so this is kind of a no-brainer mark for death if bounty hunter goes before arbalist and occultists had to stun something or whatever happens this is just great to have this lets bounty hunter go back to back i shouldn't say back to back but this lets him go early the next turn too if he wants to hit the same mark target and also it reduces protection which protection does suck and it does hinder mark teams so you have this uppercut can be flashbang if you really want it if you plan to run dirk stab on jester then you can't use uppercut in the turns that jester is in front of him but otherwise this is very nice to disrupt the enemy team move people back but like i said this could be flashbang and still just as good i just think that having the backline hate of our blessed who can just you know shoot nuke backliners that uppercut gets a little bit better and in the end game when you're out of backline targets you can hit up or cut and hands from the abyss and then you can stall finish him is here for the coverage just to be able to reach rank 3 and since we do have access to stuns on this team and then you have these situations where bounty hunter can stun something you know if you like low roll speed then hyrule speed next time then he can hit the same targets but having finished him is primarily here for the reach and it is nice to synergize like i said with occultist for trinkets since this is like a hyper not quite hyper but like a pretty aggro strat for bounty hunter we're gonna focus on damage the hunter's talon is just focus ring but better and hunter's talent is amazing and you can get it sooner so if you find it definitely throw it on otherwise this could be surgical gloves or anything else that boosts damage and gives you primarily crit you're not looking for accuracy as much though bounty hunter 105 does kind of want it and this helps him secure both things otherwise any form of damage is good this is a build where you can actually pull off all sixty percent of the crime lords molars and it is incredible as a feeling so i was testing this team and i was just running it how i would normally run it you know stunning and marking high priority targets and then i just a couple times i would run into situations and fights or i'm like oh you know rank two is bleeding and they're stunned and they're marked so i'm getting full value and then you crit them for like 81 damage with uh collect bounty and it's it's nuts so you can easily hit two of the four or not for two of the three bonuses and you can actually hit all three if you do a little bit of planning and it's a little bit easier than you think so the molars do pull a lot of weights again of course this can be any form of damage this can be probably not something at lower speed because you want bounty hunter to beat arboles and speed most the time so you can use like ancestor candle you can use ancestors pen you can use you know like the little warrior bracer or whatever that does 10 melee damage there are a lot of options here so just look for anything that gives you damage occultist is pretty fun to play on this team i'm sure there's some newer players that aren't used to occults being in the front but this is actually his best spot is maybe not rank one but rank two is probably his best spot so having this really strong offense facilitator coupled with bounty hunters a pretty good facilitator as well means that you have a very efficient team in terms of offense and occultist is flexible so don't think that these four moves are explicitly what you need but they are probably his most consistent starting with the main draw of this build it's hands from the abyss this stun is nuts it's probably the best stun in the game just because like occultists can get a stun chance so mega high and the 110 accuracy is pretty nice the crit mod is huge so this thing will crit all the time and if it if it's critting and you're getting minus stress and more chance to stun because you get 20 extra stun chance by critting this is gonna feel just fantastic and you're gonna notice how powerful it is especially with trinkets also make sure you bring a couple extra torches because occultists will nuke your torch hex is another move that for some reason crits all the time because it has a crit modifier so that's pretty nice and occultist is getting you know more stress healing by creating otherwise this is here just to mark targets the dodge debuff isn't a huge deal with jester but being able to get a fast mark out on a cultist does facilitate the offense quite a bit and if you get your turns in an order where it's more favorable to use the mark on a cultist then bounty hunter can uppercut or something like that so it gives you a lot of flexibility and i think it's a good one to have weird reconstruction should be on every occultist spill just because it's a heel you can use from anywhere the bleed chance doesn't matter that much at end game and being able to heal for big numbers is pretty nice and it's not as good in the vacuum because you don't have mana arms to funnel damage to one person but it's good it's still a good deal weakening curse is the flex pick it's another move like hex that crits quite frequently because of its massive crit modifier and it sticks more consistently because it's critting all the time so having the ability to lower damage from hard hitters means it's kind of like reverse healing where instead of hitting you for like 15 they hit you for 12 which is nice and if you stack it twice they hit you for far less and this does pretty well against a lot of bosses that have like just raw hard-hitting attacks but you can absolutely switch this for sacrificial stab and i would still recommend curse just because the ability to lower protection from a second source that's not marked for death really does help this team because it's more or less all on hit damage there's only like one source of bleed so being able to lower protection means this team gets through fights a little bit quicker with trinkets you ideally want at least one of these four stunbot occultists if you can get both that's just even better violent sand is great because it facilitates all of occultus like offense so if you want to run any of his disruptive moves or his debuffs or his stun he's got you there's no downside bile of sand is nuts so if you find it definitely use that demon's cauldron further helps the debuffing and stun chance by pushing it to massive levels so between two trinkets we have plus 50 stun chance and plus the 150 base that's 200 and if you crit which occultists will be doing all the time you have 220 chance to stun which means that occultists can double stun stuff and sometimes even triple stun if they have very low stun resist baseline and that's nuts that's absolutely disgusting the cauldron also comes with the added benefit of more crit chance which means all of his stuff is stress healing hands from the abyss is creating for sometimes 10 which is really nice and you're stress healing constantly so just be aware that you probably won't go virtuous if you have this on but honestly there's so many upsides it's worth it jester is the interesting one because like i said before i didn't think he would fit in this team that well but he actually fits very well and it's surprising so he does all of his support stuff and then he has access to damage if you want it and you can still run a very traditional build on jester i'm just exploring something different so don't be weirded out that this is kind of like a weird um i said weird twice but don't be confused like why there's a different set of skills and odd trinket choices i'll explain them right so let's get started the dirk stab you don't need this this is your most flexible move to have i have this just in case like i want to finale or if i need to move gesture out of rank four so i think it's okay there but otherwise this is very flexible harvest this could be slice off depending on where you're going or what you're up against but this sets up bleed so the teeth have another source of damage or damage bonus i should say so you can run one bleed or both of them but i like harvest in most cases unless i'm against the boss finale you don't need this either so you can actually trade one of these out or both dirk stab and finale and get different stuff you could run both bleeds and the stress heal and stress heal is probably the thing you want to put on if you're not going to run a different move but having the ability to use battle ballad and then dirk stab and then finale as like your first three turns something's dead in most cases and that helps close out fights quickly and you don't need to stress heal as much if you're ending fights faster then we come to ballad which is the absolutely most broken skill probably in the entire game definitely the most broken skill and gesture and hitting this once fixes the accuracy issues of bounty hunter and also fixes occultists who has kind of bad accuracies if you're not using or if you are using sacrificial stab then this gets a lot better for him too but giving your entire team speed which is what mark teams desperately want in a lot of cases so they can set up and kill things faster giving them crit helps their damage immensely not just for the you know flat crit damage that they get but also a lot of the mark teams have bonus damage against mark or like they get bonus damage for critting so giving them more crits translates into much more damage it scales very quickly so ballad is probably no surprise and it's always your opening turn for the trinkets we're going to explore some different stuff i think feather crystal is really good on gesture this could be some other high level speed trinket obviously you're not like forced into this but you can get feather crystal somewhat early so i think it's a good one to put on at most levels even at level six it's still pretty good so obviously jester wants to go first chester wants to ballot jester wants to set up and do everything he wants to do and then his best defense is dodge and this helps him with both of those barristan's head is the interesting one i think nick was the first person i saw this from in the darkest dungeon discord he's definitely been a proponent of it in my own discord but i can't remember who i first saw it from i'm pretty sure it's nick but anyway barristan's head on jester surprisingly good and the reason is jester's low hp pool and dodge is a good defensive stat but it's inconsistent and protection is highly consistent so giving him a mix of both or giving him this especially at low level when you can't find feather crystal you can find barrison's head very quickly in the game and giving him this is actually really nice the more i play with it the more i have been greatly enjoying it the stress downside is important so if you run this you probably want inspiring tune but if you can afford to play around it it makes jester much more durable and you don't have to worry about him as much because without it if jester isn't dodging he gets hit twice he's probably a death store or very close to it and that's scary so this gives him pretty much an extra hit sometimes too and shaves off a lot of damage even from those attacks that do like one or two and it's awesome so if you've not tried barristan's head on jester i would recommend it arbless is here to be your hyper carry so you give her as much damage as possible you give her two people that are fast to drop marks and then she shoots back lines and then spends the rest of the turns or the rest of the fight healing especially because bounty hunter can clean up the front and that's fantastic so we're gonna start with sniper shot big damage no surprise set mark with a cultist or bounty hunter like that is your priority and then she shoots hopefully they die hopefully she crits so she gets bonus damage for turn two snipers mark making an appearance because i don't think blind fire fits too well you could run bola you also run suppressing fire but honestly you're trying to kill things not slow them down so sniper's mark is nice because sometimes you hit these situations where if you want to set up the teeth for instance so like jester harvested the term before occulta stuns next turn or at least that's what you're thinking of and then you can sniper mark the same person so you have all three up at the same time that's usually how i get this to work is or i should say this is how i get the teeth to work is i use snipers mark so that is really nice and sniper's mark does find some use even though it may not at first glance bandage is awesome this really helps out occultists because sometimes this healing is i shouldn't say sometimes his healing is always inconsistent but giving him more healing buffs so healing received and the chance to keep people off death's door with a second character is great and occultist definitely appreciates that flair is here for its sheer utility but this could be blind fire this could be bola this could be something else we really want to but i think flare is still a pretty good move and i always like to have it just in case of like those random occurrences where someone gets stunned when i don't want them to or if there's mark and there's a lot of damage coming in especially because i've lost someone recently in the warrens because of mark's energy so i'm a little more hyper aware of it than i used to be and flair is just all around a good move with the trinkets we're going full offense so if you can afford keening bolts these are best in slot these are just like unmitigated oppressive damage and it actually almost makes our bless a good character so these are just fantastic the downside is pretty negligible because you're going to be creating and killing all the time the musket ball is probably the most flexible here this could be some other form of damage or i don't know like bracer or utility i wouldn't go utility though just because you're trying to go as much damage as possible and having this amount of crit is very nice i would avoid the fuse stick from the match man i don't think that's good on our blessed if you are trying to go heavy mark synergy you want her to be slower and not faster otherwise any form of primarily crit is probably what you're looking for is best to pair up with keening bolts this team is really straightforward in terms of how it operates so turn one jester is hitting battle ballad like every single time this team needs the speed it needs the crit it needs a little bit of accuracy but it's just you know kill things faster is never bad and then depending on who goes next if bounty hunter goes second or sometimes first you know depending on speed rolls but if bounty hunter goes before a cultist bounty hunter has to mark and that is because arbless needs to have that insurance that someone has a mark set for her and then if a cultist goes after bounty hunter then you're stunning or sometimes if the fight calls for it you might just go yeah i'm not really worried about the front liners so you mark the other target so you don't have to the next turn but i would still mark on turn one or two with occultists if you don't have to set a mark or maybe you have to heal from the previous fight but occultist is pretty much just hitting mark on the first or second target and then he's stunning for us to fight and then sometimes he drops the heel if he has to but otherwise you really really want to hit that stun as often as possible because stunning front liners means you're not taking damage which means you don't have to heal and being proactive in this game is much better than being reactive i was kind of talking about and bounty hunter together but i went off into occultist territory so bounty hunter is like i said if he goes before cultists he marks or sometimes he may mark a frontliner that has prod just to set himself up for the next turn but usually i would like to open with a stun if i don't have to mark and then probably turn two is when you mark with bounty hunter or you're trying to kill something or you're cleaning up rank three and then you have mark from occultist after that to set him up for the rest of the fight or sometimes like i said he marks with himself so i know you're kind of looking for a couple different things but like i said with the experience you'll get it once arbalest has killed the two backline enemies she's gonna be shifting to a healing role just to keep people's hp topped off which means that bounty hunter is spending turns three four five stuff like that closing out the fight so he is hitting collect bounty on targets that are set up for him and if you need to stall at the end of the fight then he is using one of his stuns actually probably uppercut i shouldn't say one of his stuns it is uppercut so at the end of the fight if you have uppercut on that's what he's hitting to slow down the fight after he kills someone else with collect bounty so you stun someone you're using your healing moves and you're trying to slowly close out the fight even though you have a lot of burst damage which means you have more chances to stall and recover hp arbalest is hitting sniper shot on turn one and two every single time like the only time you don't is if there's someone on death's door that you have to heal off with bandage so you are just hitting sniper shot on the biggest stress caster then you're hitting sniper shot on the other back liner and then you're hitting maybe sniper's mark or heals for us to fight depending on how in danger you are cause if you don't need to heal then you snipers mark rank 2 and then you heal after that otherwise arbolest is the easiest character to play because she's literally just shoot stuff until she can't shoot anything anymore this team started with the idea of giving leper some love as well as trying to highlight come hither specifically and it actually works it has some mark synergy and then vessels there for consistency but she's pretty flexible as a town master but the main draw of this team is the bounty hunter and leper so we're gonna take a look at them right now for bounty hunter his offensive quirks don't matter too much they are nice to have but it's mostly the move loadout that's very important here so we have collect bounty and that's just to get mark damage and mark synergy and all that hits really hard we have mark for death because once we run out of backline things to hook then we have to be able to mark them when they're up front still so this helps us do that and it's also just good damage because of the minus prod and the bonus speed well the bonus speed translates to damage you know because bounty hunter goes first takes turns off the board yeah yeah yeah yadda yadda yadda yadda ya ya ya ya ya anyway come hither this is the main draw of this build this is used to pull people from the back and mark them the issue with come hither is that the mark doesn't last that long it only lasts like two turns so it's not great especially if they go after you hook them so you hook them they get a turn sometimes they move back and then they like they have one more turn of mark but if you understand the enemies and their move sets and which ones can move back or how they like to move or how far they can move and stuff like that this can actually be very good and if bounty hunter is slow enough to hook them where like they get their first turn then bounty hunter hooks them leopard usually goes pretty consistently like right after that so you can hook him and then he just erases them and it's pretty cool and like once it starts going it's actually really fun to do so come hither is the complete foundation for this setup and it should be what you're striving for uppercut is here because if bounty hunter is up front then this is a great stun tool it also helps to disrupt enemies like if you hook someone and then leopard doesn't finish them and they like you know move back a space afterwards you can uppercut a front liner behind them and push them back up so you don't have to hook them a second time and you get some like bigger tempo swings that way so uppercut's just a really good stun this could be flashbang if you're on bounty hunter and rank three but i usually run bounty hunter and rank two for this team for trinkets we're gonna use the ancestors candle this is just so bounty hunter can consistently go first if we're playing in a solidly high torch level and also the bonus damage is kind of nice because it does give like an extra point to come hither and all that so really cool extra dodge nice plus stress not a big deal the kill list though the kill is making an appearance and we're not using caltrops although you could you could certainly use caltrops here i think it's a bit overkill to use caltrops and come hither like to set that up unless you're fighting some kind of super tanky backline enemy like a skyver or i i have no idea what else like a boss but like what boss can you cal chops and hook are like what boss do you want a couch and hook i'm not quite sure off the top of my head i'd have to think about it otherwise this is very helpful to this build it gives bounty hunters come here which is 110 base accuracy is not great especially against evasive backliners so this makes it very consistent in terms of hitting then also the massive 50 percent move chance that puts up to 190 you're pulling pretty much everything at that point like it has to be a swine atar or something that does not get pulled by this so it's it's really nice and it's nice to show off the other side of kill list because it is really good with couch but it's nice to also use come heather in this build leopard is really just a one button class it's like literally chop and sometimes you can hue you don't really need hue but you know it's there this could be anything else this could be purge withstand revenge depending on what you're going to but chop is pretty much the only attack button you're hitting most of the time but we have hue anyway just to give them something different like sometimes some enemies sitting up there at 5 hp and so it's like you don't want to overkill by 25 so it's nice to just cleave it down and get some other damage in we have solemnity because this is a very solid heel and leper's self-sufficiency is one of his best characteristics and giving him solemnity which is probably the best like self-heal a character can get in the game like making sure he has that on is just never bad intimidate is here just to give leper some backline sniping power and also de-stealthing and all that so it's it's a solid move it kind of feels weird because with leper you want to just hit stuff as hard as possible every time but intimidate is kind of like a finesse move where the more you use it the better you understand it the more applicable it gets and it is really good against certain enemies and in certain encounters like there are some enemies that if you just hit them with this twice and it's six they're just doing nothing and it's awesome but most of the time you're gonna be hit and chop so if you really really feel like you're just not using this then you could swap it out but i think he was a better like first target candidate since we do not have jester our trinkets have to really give us a lot of accuracy so we're starting with the focus ring i should just do tassle first but whatever focus ring is just a massive amount of accuracy massive amount of crit those are both nice leopard does very well with crit since his base crits actually pretty like low considerably or considering other characters like you know chop at max rank has like plus seven you know and he's got um only base five so his crit rate's actually very low it's kind of like vessel in that regard her crit rate's really low but that's that's why she's not a great damage dealer unless you really put a lot of effort into her and leper he has a really high uh base damage at you know 13 to 26 so giving him extra crit to really maximize his huge damage roll is more welcome than flat damage in in most cases i have to i have to crunch the numbers a little bit more but like obviously the percentage damage on leper scales much harder for him but crit like with how variable his crit rate or his damage range is from 13 to 26 that means that giving him crit which always guarantees a max roll of damage is probably better in most cases so i do focus on crit i spent too long talking about that the minus dodge he doesn't really care about because he's just a thick boy wolf's tassel is the entire point of this team besides bounty hunter and come hither so this is just bonus accuracy if they're marked massive damage if they're marked also some bonus crit against beefy size 2 people which are usually front liners sometimes there's like swinotar so this was like i said the basis of the team i was thinking like i could use come hither and then i could use volts tassel and leper all right let's try it and it actually works pretty well this is definitely a late game setup because of how you get wolf's tassel but once you get it i would suggest giving this team a try houndmaster is a flex pick on this team this could be another bounty hunter or some other support unit like the core of this team is just bounty hunter and leper so everyone else is pretty flexible if you can find a reason to put them in but i think houndmaster adds some consistency and some reach which this team does need so i do like using them here and for moves we're gonna rock the hounds rush this is just to get mark's energy and also bleed damage is pretty nice and you know helps finish off enemies at low health that get away with two hp and they're bleeding out so that's pretty nice it's just a solid move all around we have hound terry which is a massive cleave if you plan to run the crimson court set then this move gets a little bit better if you plan to run some high speed stuff for hound master like ancestors pistol or matchstick and he high rolls the bounty hunter in speed then this is something you can do while you're waiting for marks or you can work yourself if you really wanted to but this move isn't bad just to again snipe people at low health because leper hits really hard and as hard as he hits sometimes people do get away like 2 hp or like 5 hp so being able to clean them up while doing other stuff is pretty nice so i do like the idea of cleaves or damage over time to supplement lepers massive single target damage target whistle is the best mark in the game don't at me the 120 base accuracy is pretty common for marx but that massive 170 base debuff chance this is why you take this move the 30 prod is nice it would still be good at 15 prod it's the fact that it's 170 base chance to lower uh their protection on the debuff chance that makes it so good this thing is like a built-in debuff amulet which is why it's so freaking busted so if you're going to run a mark synergy team and especially like leper who struggles against protection then this move is pretty i don't say mandatory but it's as close to mandatory as you can get this also sets up bounty hunter on subsequent turns if you like you know use come hither leper erases something and then you want to set a bounty hunter for next term because you're out of backline targets then you just drop target whistle if the hound master high roll speed this also helps leper especially if it's like a size 2 bone command or something like that because this team is ruins viable even though most things are ruins viable but you get my meaning you know uka crabs they also fall into this it's just a really good move to have cry havoc is not mandatory like at all there's even a case to switch the positioning of what is it the hound master and bounty hunter so you can use blackjack that's very strong the guards also okay lick wounds i mean you have vessel you should need this and then you have blackjack which like i just said is a really good stun so your fourth move is pretty flexible but i like this core of three the crimson cord set may seem a bit out of place and i i hope you stick with me on this one i will try and justify my reasoning but the evidence of corruption as a standalone trinket is incredible it's right up there with ancestors map in terms of like just sheer effectiveness you know you trade trap disarm which houndmaster doesn't need for surprise chance which is you know awesome so this is really good to have and the other thing that houndmaster kind of struggles with is this bad accuracy 105 accuracy is pretty low so the reason we have the entire cc set is because this gives him an extra 15 accuracy and then it boosts his camp skills and stuff so if you do those medium and long missions his stress healing gets just that much better and this fixes his accuracy for the most part and if you just happen to have bleeding targets then it's a massive damage boost which means if you run this and hound master happens to high roll speed it's not a bad idea to open with like a hounds harry or if you want to double tap someone with a hounds rush that's also good while leopard kills someone else and you just get a lot of effective damage and some bonus crit so it will find use if you want to run cal chops with a bounty hunter then he gets a you know just that much better but for the most part this is a mark team so you don't have to use the crimson cord set so if you are not going to use it i would recommend something that gives accuracy like steady bracer or ancestors pistol and then any other source of damage you can find especially if it can like lower your speed so legendary bracer is nice because that lets bounty hunters set up like everyone at that point so you are pretty flexible here you don't need the cc set i just think that it fills a lot of utility roles for uh houndmaster and leper is more than good enough to carry the like the damage load for the entire team it's another day another vessel same loadout pretty much same thing here so this is just the best healing setup the map is just fantastic utility it gives her a bunch of scouting if you have the cc set this is 75 scout chance before any other modifiers which is awesome so you have this chap disarm if you want to get her some stress off by having her disarm traps that's a thing then your other trinket is probably something for healing i like i like the salacious diary but again cc tringets aren't guaranteed so tone of holy healing is a solid replacement i like it slightly more than sacred scroll like i need to talk about sacred scroll in a different video but this is this is good enough but if you have try virgins that's also fine just anything that gives healing junior's head not as good with the map because that's 30 stress at that point but you could use it if you swap this out for something else otherwise just anything that gives you healing and then like some kind of utility either scouting or stun chance is just fine for vestal as long as bounty hunter has like four or five more speed than leper you'll find this team is pretty fun and uh simple in terms of usage it's literally just come hither any available backliner leopard deletes them you do it a second time leopard deletes them and then at that point you have two enemies on turn three ideally hopefully and then you can slow it down and try and stall the heel houndmaster can double tap someone and pick people off there's just some really good damage that can come out of this team because leper's big weakness is he can't hit backline enemies and you just give him backline enemies there's that same synergy with a cultist but occultist doesn't mark but otherwise i am a pretty big fan of having anyone that can pull enemies up to leper and then he can just delete them so your turn one and two is come hither and shop usually and then houndmaster is just doing whatever he needs to to help the team so that's like hounds rush double tap on someone or a target whistle to set up a mark on like turn two that's actually not an uncommon thing for this team to do where maybe houndmaster is setting up another enemy he hits someone or double taps them then like turn three he can mark but otherwise you know if you are using come hither and leopard kills someone then you're going okay i have like this big two-space like bone commander or something like that and i'd rather just set up bounty hunter by using target whistle so after that then we have this massive 30 pro drop and then all three of them get to hit that target and it's usually dead at that point then you have vessel who's just dropping a stun on turn one and then healing is needed she can also use judgment to help houndmaster close out kills or help leper close out kills it's honestly pretty fun i i like playing this team it's very simple but it's fun to use some kind of movement disruption mechanic and then watch leper just succeed like you're just a proud parent pushing leper on their bike as the the training wheels come off and stuff and it's like i'm really doing it it's like yay so that's kind of the feeling of this team just watch out for stealth enemies so there are the pink fish in the cove they like to start out stealth there's some stealth enemies in the warrens and i think crones in the wheeled are also stealth so there are some enemies that give this team a bit of trouble and also leopard hates getting moved out of position so if you're going to take him to the wheel make sure that i don't know you hope you don't run into giants or maybe you replace houndmaster for someone that can be a little more mobile to help fix positioning but as far as the other zones go this team should do just fine even with houndmaster who is bleed centric if you have mark synergy he should do more than enough damage that the bleeds from his things like if they don't stick on skeletons it doesn't matter this last team was another one of midnight's ideas and it focuses primarily on cleaving down the back line over the first couple turns then it has a lot of recovery potential for the end of the fight and it has some good stalling between the various stuns that you can employ so it's actually pretty cool and it does pretty well against some bosses that's in the back so let's take a look at it starting with caltrops this is the star of the show caltrops are here to help either pd or flagellance get their damage rolling even harder on specific targets you can focus fire the same target with cow chops like three times or two times or whatever or you can split it up between you know one and two if you're facing a boss that sits on the back this gets a lot better and it's just a really fun move to use and the damage taken debuff that it has also applies to damage over time so this can ramp up very quickly and it's really cool in that way plus the minus eight speed makes sure that no one that gets hit by caltrops are going before your team this team is actually kind of fast with the exception of crusader the other three heroes are like fast enough to where they can dictate the battle and petey if she can go first usually dictates the entire fight because she can just slow it down and stun whoever she's looking for beside rank one being able to use caltrops and help further the damage over time while you're stunning stuff is really fun and cool to see finish him is here over collect bounty because of the reach but also this team does have a few different ways to stun enemies so this makes more sense than collect bounty which won't find as many uses though there are times to use collect bounty because if you're going into like the wheeled or the warrens where there are a good amount of human subtypes then that damage bonus is relevant but i still think finish him is just slightly better we have flashbang because we cannot use uppercut in rank 3 flashbang is just a high value stun you don't need to shrink it for it although it is kind of nice to do it and it's just good we have to use come hither i should probably mouse over to it so we have to use come hither because sometimes we don't want to stun something we'd rather just pull it out of position and flashbang is not reliable for pulling people exactly where you want them where come heather is so there are some enemies that once they're in rank three if you pull them up to rank one they just do nothing like for one turn sometimes like for us to fight you know like pelagic shaman uh just stab you with the gold dagger once they're in rank one so being able to do that consistently is great otherwise you're not usually looking to move people you're just spending the first couple turns hitting cal traps and then after that it's finish him for the next like three turns while you're wrapping up the fight and healing kill us making a comeback so we're going to rock both cow chops and come hither which means this gets double value mega awesome super cool hunterstown's here for a couple reasons the first is it is nice to have more accuracy just to make sure that these range moves get up to i think it's one was this 135 right so we have 25 so 135 on these that's pretty cool and also the crit modifier for hunter salon is very relevant to both come hither and cal chops it's more there for caltrops because cal chops with the crit bonus and caltrops already has a pretty good crit modifier on its own so getting this even higher so plus 15 just from the skill and the trinket is very relevant because being able to stick that debuff consistently with hunter's talon crits because it will create a fair amount of time so being able to stick that consistently is more important than the blade the bleeds nice but sticking that debuff is why you're primarily using caltrops in this build so if you don't want to run a debuff amulet you want to have something slightly more i don't want to say i guess it is higher tempo so if you want to run something a little faster as an item then just giving yourself more offense is better than just giving yourself uh plus diva chance like i'm saying before there are some bosses that if you just spam cal chops on them they drop you're going to weird order for the skills here so or not skills for the characters so next we'll talk about pd so for plague doctor i think this is a pretty standard loadout you can swap whatever you feel fit because sometimes you might want medicine sometimes you might want i actually don't need vapors honestly and you don't need incision so it's really just what do you want to swap out for medicine and there are cases for a couple of these moves probably not play grenade so it might be disorienting it's probably disorienting honestly so i guess we solved that puzzle anyway so we have noxious blast this is just good frontline damage plus the minus accuracy which is pretty cool we have play grenade when comboed with rain of sorrows and caltrops this is going to be a ton of damage very quickly even though it's all damaged over time the fact that you're ramping it and stunning them in between means that you're safely taking down backlines which are oftentimes the most threatening set of enemies so very nice and reliable way to do it they're also very safe this gets even safer when we use blinding gas which you only get three shots of it so if you're not fighting a boss three of these is plenty you probably don't need more than two and most times you're probably just using one like if i can be quite honest you're probably hitting this one time while you get everyone else set up and then after that it's just like play grenade once or twice and then the fight i shouldn't say the fight's over but the back line's gone at that point so that's usually by the end of turn three and we have disorienting blasts because getting rid of corpses can help sometimes depending on if people move around or if you're fighting mobile enemies but also having a stun that can hit rank 2 reliably with plague doctor is fantastic so it's here but like i said this could be battlefield medicine if you feel that you need more consistency and safety from pd who can easily support the team with trinkets i usually try and show players different builds they can use at like all levels but blasphemous vile is such a powerful trinket that it is class defining like this character does not take off until you put this on her so if you want to get the most a plague doctor i would suggest for any player you know new or veteran or whatever if you want to use plague doctor wait until you see the boss drop for the week you know like if you get a boss they always drop a orange trinket so just wait for the vial if you see the vile then go in try and get the boss try and get this as early as possible because it makes plague doctor such a powerful character if you can get this early enough it even makes her good later obviously but it's nice if you can pick it up early i can't really suggest anything to replace this because it's such an all-in-one trinket that makes pd a fantastic character like she's already good but it makes her even better so i would say try and get this as soon as possible because it is very important to have that's before i even talk about the stats the 10 accuracy helps her stick all of her stuff her accuracies are pretty good baseline at 115 but she needs just a little bit more to hit those evasive people the 20 sun chance is fantastic the blight's scent or blight's done the blight's skill chance is fantastic and that 25 stress is pretty massive but we do have crusader on the team who can chess seal and we also have flagellum if we want to make him a stress healer though i don't think you need to i think crusaders just fine on his own action distillation this could be something else this could be a witch's vial which is a low-level clash strength that's plus 15 stun chance or a dazzling charm or something utility like survival guide though that lowers speed so i probably wouldn't use it actually i would consider giving her a speedstone at that point because i think speedstone it's common right so plus one speed if you find that pretty nice snake oil offsets vial pretty well i would just try and avoid lowering her speed with stuff like survival guide but otherwise if you can afford it ash and distillation isn't too expensive for a crystal trinket and 20 dodge is very helpful to her because her defenses are pretty lacking and 20 dodge makes her a bit more survivable and then 25 percent blight skill is awesome this helps you stick blights on even the most play resistant enemies i think the top end of light resist caps out at about 140. i can't think of something that's over that so there might be one obviously there's like 240s and stuff i'm not counting those so this is pretty good to help her stick lights once you're done stunning stuff and the healing recede for medicinal herbs is a nice effect because herbs aren't commonly burned through quickly in a dungeon unless you're in the cove or something like that so it's nice and you should find that the uptime on this is pretty uh pretty common or i should say it goes for a while crusader is our primary support he's really just here to like heal or stress heal and stun but he can do damage if he has to so we have smite this is replaceable with i think battle heal but there are times where it's like man i really wish i had smite and there are times where it's like i really wish i had battle heal so i think smite's more consistent because this team is really good at killing backlines so once you get down to the front line having just a big hit alongside bounty hunters big hit is just nice to have so smite's cool stunning blow is pretty much what crusader is hitting for most of the battle just because if he's not stress healing he's rotating this stun across the front two units so you just stun the first person and then you stun the second person at least on the first person and then you probably stress healing after that so those are his turns usually and it's just a good move i like stunning blow quite a bit then we have holy lance which if crusader gets moved out of position then this helps him fix it it's never bad to have holy lance like you can go an entire dungeon without pressing it and it's fine because his other moves are such high value and there are times where if you get surprised at full torch you'll be happy that you had holy land so trust me it is a great move and it's usually a good one to have on crusader at pretty much all times unless you know you're specifically going into a boss that isn't going to move you inspiring cry is just a good move it gives you an extra torch which saves you money if you really want to min max it gives you stress heal which pd will probably appreciate this it gives you a flat amount of healing to get people off death store you know just a bunch of value packed into one move trinkets we're going to use paralyzer's crest because having consistent stuns on stunning blow at 140 is kind of low so being able to get that to 160 is fantastic -2 dodge does not exist to crusader like it is no noticeable difference at all in terms of performance so i think this is a very good item to have the ancestor scroll can be signed conscription or some other utility trinket or commander's orders some other form of like healing output this is a pretty flexible spot but i think scroll is really good on crusader because he makes use of both stats so if you can find this because you can find it early so if you can find it early then it's good to put on him flagellan is going to rock punish and reynosaros punish is just there to hit on turns three and four and five if you don't need to heal reynosauros this is your turn one and two and that's just because the whole name of this team is backline cleaving so this is part of that cleave so between play grenade and this if you can stick both damage over time types they're already taking 11 a turn just from this and then caltrops should give them an extra one or two points i can't remember if it calculates uh per effect so like does it count the blights and then the bleed and then add it together or does it just consider both of them as one lump sum number in that case actually i still think it's plus two so i think it should still be plus two damage if you have both of these if you have uh the bleed and the blade together so that's really nice so you get plus 13 damage on someone per turn just by sticking damage over time really awesome stuff plus it's melee so it synergizes with the surgical gloves and other melee trinkets exsanguinate is one of those moves that like you won't equip it sometimes and then you just wish you had it because you'll have like six times in a dungeon where you could have just hit it and it would have been great and there are times where you don't hit it but i think xsang is just too good to pass up anymore so i do like having it plus like i've said before this team is really good at cleaving down the back line and then the front line it has some damage for it but it's nice to have something as high value as exsanguinate to close out fights reclaim is here so flagellum has something to do on turns like three four and five it's a great heal effect it means that crusader doesn't have to pack battle heal it could be redeemed if you really want to but i think exsanguinate and reclaim cover enough bases and you also have the optionality with reclaim to let flagellum bleed down into extinguinate range or you can run medicine on plague doctor to cure it or you can run some bleed resist to block it but i don't think you need to so i think reclaim with its um with its choice right like its optionality is really nice to have and reclaim is a move that i really appreciate the more i use it and it's also another move that the more i talk about it and the more videos i make and stuff it's one of those things that people leave in the comments or they type in twitch chat they say i didn't like reclaim that much you kept talking about it i tried it i like it a lot so i think if you haven't tried reclaim definitely give it a try and i'm trying to make sure this does not become another flagellum guide which i think someone said i did to the mandan arms video so i'm trying to avoid that so i'm going to shut up right now about these skills with the trinkets i like to make sure that i can stick my bleeds even though flagella does have some pretty good accuracy and bleach and all that plus he has the debuff i think the debuffs are a little unreliable in most cases so i'd rather just have consistency so i take the bleed amulet and it's it's good enough so it blocks other bleeds from enemies which are more common than blights though if you're in the warrens this you know opens you up to the the worms that leave blights on you so there's that otherwise pretty good pretty easy to get bleed amulet early on as well the surgical gloves the surgical gloves are amazing for flagellum just because all the stuff is melee so reign of sorrows is also melee which i don't think i remembered but then punish and extang or also melee which means you just get a ton of value and the eight crit is monstrous if you stick a critic saying good things happen crit reign of sorrows good things happen [ __ ] punish good things happen so if you can get these they feel like they are kind of rare but the gloves are great on a lot of characters so finding one in a playthrough should be a top priority and if you're on this team give them to flagellum as i said before the nice part of this team is how fast it is so it has some really good backline destructive ability so with reina sorrows you're already doing five points to two people and then you have caltrops which you can put on the first target in the back line probably the faster one and then if no one else is stealth then on turn two you put caltrops on the other target and then pd on turn one uses blinding gas turn two play grenade and like i said fletch ellen on turn one and two is reigning sorrows both times so you already have if you're not even counting the couch damage you have five from the first tick on rain sorrows 10 from the second just because of like the ramp ability then you have 16 from the two ticks like by turn two on everyone because of uh play grenade and then you start counting in the couch damage so if you can stick it on one person they're up to 20 damage and then obviously you get the 20 boost and if you stick cali chops on the other person that's another 20 so that should be depending on how the math comes out it should be an extra three or four so on turn two at the end of turn two you are reliably doing like 23 or 24 points of damage to the back line that's gonna take down most backline enemies or at least set them up to be killed at like the start of turn three which means if pd is fast enough with like quickdraw or luminous or some other speed quark then sticking all this together means that the backline enemies only get like one turn or sometimes zero depending on what happens and that's powerful especially if you wanted to do something like with pd you could stack stun trinkets so you could double stun some of the lower stubbornness enemies there's just a lot of flexibility in this team and it can safely take down backline enemies and then it has enough recovery potential that even the one or two attacks they may get off just don't matter at all even though this is the bounty hunter guide he isn't really the star of this team he's just kind of there to really emphasize how much backline damage you're doing with caltrops so he's he's still fun he's still important to this team but it's not like the mark team and stuff where bounty hunter just you know blows stuff up for 65. it's really just bounty hunter hits couch drops on something hits cal shops on something else sometimes he stuns and then once you're in like turn four or five he just hits finish him does a bunch of damage all right all that's gonna do for this one thanks for watching next up is going to be the antiquarian and i will admit that i am not that good with the character so we are having special guest thick veiny sausage who is going to be helping us with that guide he's primarily writing pretty much all of it and i'm just facilitating the the video making experience so i'm looking forward to that and working with him so i hope you all enjoy it and check it out in the meantime follow on twitch join discord all that awesome stuff let me know what you're thinking down below post your bounty hunter teams there's some cool tips that i have missed because obviously there's just too much to talk about in this short amount of time and as always thanks for watching and i'll see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 104,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, admiral bahroo, pvp, butcher's circus, butchers circus
Id: t6rz51-BbLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 49sec (4549 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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