Black Reliquary [Part 1]: Darkest Dungeon Overhaul Mod

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i just i clicked the link when um snorlax sent it and that's that's all i've done so far aaron had died for a sec yikes gotta catch your daily shuffle content i mean there are videos but i appreciate people being here faster scouting um i can deal faster or regular scouting faster walking those there's like this halves my time almost todd zone pansy be carrying chef they do all right receive faster walking crashes it i don't think scout works the same as animations it might not what's up thick it's thick i was supposed to turn on tutorials [ __ ] okay we'll turn on tutorials after you will arrive along the old road it was good to watch this every now and then it winds with a troubling serpent suggestion through the corrupted countryside i'll just turn them on a little quicker i'll do it like the first chance i can to ever more tenovorous places tennis places there is a sickness in the ancient pitted cobbles of the old road this intro is so good you will face viciousness violence and perhaps other damnably transcendent terrorists real music yeah and he's technically through the wheel right so steal yourself and remember there can be no like that weird animation though he's like moving up without madness will take you to hell put in that gaping abyss you know let's play this game with the source next to them we have a great job redemption tenebris is one they use a couple times but i mean since i think chris wrote all of it's pretty tough to uh oh we're on a boat nice yeah since chris wrote a lot of it then um probably all of it that's uh probably tougher for him answered living's your favorite yeah i don't know what that one meant for a long time hell's that it's a boat i welcome you to my ship under this scorching sun in this vast desert on these hollowed lands there is much to be done settling quickly the reliquary awaits us how's the sound it sounds a bit lower what's up snorlax i didn't dm you that i was streaming i'm sorry i'm sorry i just i just went i should have your narrator i know new dad oh my goodness what is this food my mustache tutorials thank you there's tutorials where where are tutorials other tutorials aha i've had them all for so long i don't remember where they came from sounds very it sounds great the sense it is and i'm sorry yeah is it a is it too quiet it seems a bit lower this looks amazing already okay what is this here fairy says like our new stagecoach training hall upgrade combat skills that's like the guild stress relief shop for trinkets forge okay okay guest bard upgrade camping skills okay view captain's plans is that like the uh caretaker goals i guess refinery amber upgrading that's new remove quirks and diseases clinic okay and then the the funeral site like plague doctors throwing them off the edge that's pretty good play prank on grave robber chain pusher overboard jesus this looks awesome this is a great screen just to look at can we sit here and admire this install for content they nailed the art style they did are we flying is this a flying boat this is a flying boat that's even cooler got to repair the ship let's see funeral heat just toss them up it's an airship mod what do you mean mod ruin mod better with airship that's so cool 45 minute town talking i'm gonna try not hey our desk is perilous a small band of fighters will not suffice oh my god whoever it's not even just the voice acting that's good it's like the there's a little bit of audio editing it sounds like like whatever effects they gave it sound really good too need to recruit all of these heroes to fill out a party of four so i just start with these are the skills different okay i like the background okay i like that some stuff stayed the same like uh affiliation follows no creed nor god can affect combat and carry interactions i do like that the corks at least all right i was gonna say they stayed the same but they look different 15 accuracy preparation round let's see standard ammo oh my goodness okay so we can load different ammo let's give me a lot of rating okay so she has a heal still 100 healing skills versus targets below maximum 40 hp okay sounds like the ammos are stances that's pretty it looks great this looks awesome i like that everyone's just enjoying it so far that's good but frown that's what it sounds like keep track of the ammo i know i want infinite ammo damn it brain hurts from reading all the info it's a lot of info but i'm seeing stances but i don't know how you change ammo not usable like this isn't usable or a post thing stockpile says uh stock strike so gun bud crit mod no damage penalty okay how many skills we have one two three four five six seven eight so we have an extra one maybe that was a provision it could be are the new heirlooms fifth skill okay oh wait wait right here aha right in front of me nice standard ammo i'm assuming this this would be something like uh falconer where she can keep swapping stances until you're like done swapping or do you have to like go from standard to shrapnel to concuss on them back okay that doesn't make it too difficult so standard has armor piercing shrapnel as blade and less damage concussive debuffs the target for stem resist okay so concussive's like a specialty thing and shrapnel standard oops just bought my desk i seem to just like do damage in different ways it's even better than that nice let's see you're heard of this mod as soon as your playthrough is over you're definitely or this definitely looks like it's worth a shot it looks pretty cool so far bombard is this a group cleave nice can't be or posted guard breaks oh that sounds very good that sounds very good it may not be who knows but it sounds good oh dude this is what musketeer and arbolts need in base game just group wide like smoke screen although this is so good okay that's one character and hopefully the other ones aren't as complicated okay good so just musketeer that's like absolutely nuts prototype thank you for your t1 appreciate that so does anyone get these extra skills that we just can't use individual hero affiliations oh yeah so we had what was the first one faithless then we had pagan so something like pitch black dungeon or is it a massive mod pack it's something like uh pitch black where it overhauls the entire game new quirks oh and daunted okay five crit and five accuracy versus targets above seventy five percent max hp can i get this on grave robber please i want five crit against max health targets show the repos for the hero and the [ __ ] up what or post does everyone get riposte is that just a thing last skill is just a place for you to put riposte critifics for a chew check okay okay okay see i mean so it's not usable but does not usable really mean not usable great quirk for round one iron swan yeah so these look pretty standard the damage values are all different same with the hp but um it's probably just balanced that way like it looks big at first but i don't think it's actually that big later enormous preparation rounds accuracy reduction on prep round debuff target for minus stats otherwise hundred stun oh is that in battle we're outside of prep round okay they pick information doesn't really have an s is pearl bruh so you know if this mod conflicts with extra class mods they said that you can't run with anything right now i only know faster walking's gonna break it or not mark resist is there if it bleeds using level one skills too become enraged the question is does it does mod make bank good who knows will bank ever be good bleed out even stronger even stronger than once previous previously i don't want to read all these camp skills dude find supplies that's pretty cool though i think pep talk was a good one good one to replace pep talk was probably the worst of the basically i do like the mix of like the new stuff to look at but then it's like old familiar stuff it it makes it less overwhelming that's a lot of speed holy crap bruh bruh crush the same rampart the same bellow all right here we go okay bella got has the same normal stuff but it's not the marks crits receive thing so that's good okay so you just own with bellow i'm assuming um 10 accuracy on repost that's good activates or post see your posts in two different places or does the target get riposte when you command them to i don't know about the hero screen looks it looks really good the religions and stuff check them out how can i okay right here so this we saw pagan twice rejects the light serves the old gods can affect combat and carry interactions okay oh oh that's good that's pretty nice looks like command doesn't say self yeah the i saw the buff target thing which you know four crit on the target which is cool but i didn't know if the repost was self or not i'm assuming not like if everyone could repost that'd be pretty cool individual heroes have different religious afflictions i'm assuming so bolster buff yeah oh tactics did tactics get nerfed no it didn't well kinda got changed fifty percent repose duration for four battles ten dodge 20 damage i should have read all this before i started this is so much ten there's six speed toby antar post some man arms gives other people a post that'd be pretty cool the content is great keep it up hey thanks for being here glad you're enjoying it thanks for checking out the mod stuff one of our great robbers or posters who knows how you know if the developers know i'm kidding why do we lose weakening curse we got amber curse now which does almost the same thing it says different thing amber lights or amber blighted okay so you can you amber blight the target and then stab them for more damage 10 damage taken 10 healing to target if they're pagan surprised he's not pagan fencer okay riposte is a big deal on this six percent crits received ouch that's big howie hands from the abyss mystical so we have ranged mystical melee i guess mystical's like spellcaster cult it should be pagan i think it's random he just landed on faithless this time doesn't rival filthy's three hour cannon prep i'm not trying to man it's tough i missed long like a lot of the comments too how's the colts not picking i said it's probably random spell casting yeah in the the loose sense why is it cult it's not picking of man of arms is i have no idea we can provide her with gunpowder if she can provide us with her talents ooh some see sabatry i see resolve do i need to turn this up though aids brings wisdom brings success it's a motivational poster hands doesn't need any more buffs so it's already a monster pretty much sounds amazing like the volume shout out to the voice actor yeah the begging god's power is not to be toyed with by those without the proper constitution this is a professional voice actor he sounds familiar 186 viewers jesus hey what's up everyone i'm sorry we're just reading so far volume up i already got you i mean doing the game what are these oh we got new stuff oh amber valor mark shaw hearts no salvage jewelry my talk like do we follow the conventional wisdom of the game and just start with uh more heroes let's start there the valley does not condone full hardiness they must be in tune with the land affiliations are random but some class like cultists for example can't be religious or pagan based on lore i'm surprised he's not pagan sounds fine to you rosters base 40 yeah i was trying to get more heroes oh actually i didn't notice but i was trying to just get more heroes to show up volume mixing is much better yeah at a turnip it is not often you see a forge on a sheep do not take this oddity for granted okay i'm sorry it's not out yet not until like next week or so make sure everyone can have at least two affiliations okay it's pagan as old gods whereas occult is more of a new guy kind of thing yeah without getting into spoilers the uh the endgame enemies have the new god attack darkest dungeon 2 not being what people expected black reliquary final to myself sounds like ezio kind yeah our enemies are disciplined wild or naturally savage no amount of preparation is too much our forces should find refuge here when the burdens of the world become too much to carry it seems the same yeah amber is a curious substance in its raw state it is unstable volatile we need every pair of hands available to convert it into a usable substance you know the va so much he's great this makes you so excited we need to make an announcement on discord when it's released yeah we need to we definitely need to plug it when they're done things aren't the same as occultists yeah it makes sense no wayne quotes during the run dude if they did voiceovers for battle and stuff that's gonna be nuts we decided to not lock people's affiliations to allow the player more room to experiment and have emergent storytelling i like that in one's own mind can be a terrible place to be if it is not cared for be it priced gem or unremarkable stone these mere objects are invaluable to our success music's really good too the jeweler so we have farmstead stuff excuse me what dazzling there will be losses and they will be given proper remembrance but we mustn't linger on our failures do they fix broken key that's a good question now these all look the same they probably just haven't gotten to these yet or they just don't want to bother it's okay broken keys like mod power level trinket anyway he's gone to the big farm set in this guy facebook broken key by removing it from the game that is a fair thing to do [ __ ] broken game friend it is a relief my letter found its way to you so quickly settle in our task ahead is neither simple nor easy i'm not the air anymore i'm just the old friend okay how do i go on an expedition oh right here it's in front of me i was looking for a building although it's been here the entire time jesus christ there's much you can do in town right now it's time to embark let's do it it's a boat it's an airship excuse you [ __ ] broken key sad abomination noises as the abomination enthusiast you have to admit i'm gaslighting you right now but you have to admit that broken key is overstated [Music] i play this game for a living it's so automatic when i play this game that it's just like the fact that it's different um like this being different just throws off everything in my brain i blindness played a lot of dd to remember where the embark button is you have to yeah welcome to the valley it is beautiful but not forgiving and the careless will know its wrath am i gonna die i put on blood moon ammo stone is shite without broken key and op with it ship isn't broken just the view yeah it's like amber and stuff or whatever at the bottom this mod works with all dlcs all the vanilla dlc it was instructed that you have all the vanilla dlc on it's too much brightness and it might be bright for your your screen and stuff like that on twitch but it's it's fine for me right now it's an interesting starting party i like that's not the usual suspects we in the desert i have no idea where we're at who knows who can say for sure okay anything different with us caverns catacombs most dreaded of regions i mean the cove does suck ass oh they're all dreaded regions complete my first foray hindering stone this actually seems interesting to keep people low level they've got to keep your healers down so they can uh keep leveling people up number 7 battles one camping on a short okay [Music] um okay i think so we can't use all skills so we have to i'm definitely gonna take the ammo skill i don't know what else i'm gonna put on though like the music the music is awesome this is a fixed starting party i'm not sure like the code bits resolve strats let's call it what color madness needed for or what's color madison for if you don't have access to anything shard related is it just they need it for the coding from it maybe it's good for clearing up quirks for free you start with all skills unlocked yes inaccurate meta arms no party names this supposed to be partying normally kind of wish the broken freaking auto mod i don't like you sniping that thank you um kind of the broken key was reworked and a bomb could have a little sun chance yeah let me nice he's wearing it like the standard shot smoke screen hitting three didn't he used to do this like suppressing fire it sounds like the back three before they change how it worked or he's not the regular starting size no not to trot musketeer gonna make you feel things oh man just concentrate on her boots it'll be okay so i'm gonna rock this they change the districts are districts a thing let's go back [Music] they're locked still i love just the subtle thing too like the fact you can see the background moving that's just so pleasant plan are we working on crystalline trinkets it's hard to try to dlc quirk is it from color metas it must be huh luminous and hot to trotter ceo i'm exclusive sedge one done top shelf tonic so far this mod looks amazing it does it looks incredible i was not prepared for something to look this good okay um we're gonna run wicked hack just in case i think this is fine i get a text message minus dodging and then crits received up i'm very afraid of getting crit i don't know if crits got toned down in this but crits are gnarly in base game i'm trying the amber curse [Music] they have the dvr maybe it's not a myth anymore oh jesus oh mark resist that's what y'all were saying symptoms okay did did y'all fix like diseases say he had symptoms before the full-blown disease because i would hug someone if they did that ebr is actually the chance to die makes sense everyone has flagella and dvr this is cap dvr answer the abyss change no because it's already broken i think it's the exact same see in just a moment watch chef still die to the first dvr yeah it's gonna happen dude god i want to try the new bolster man even though i'm going to try this it's not going to ruin battle but it's just nice knock back or post myself this one we got to figure out you have a lot of debilitating stuff so we need the heal those are two things we need buckshot is bug shot finally good armor piercing all right buckshot might be good finally bolster change again uh it's the same stuff but it's minus crits received walls like this are why red hook completely changed the game for dd2 various skills always active they said it's like a thing to remind them of something ammo variants yeah she has change ammo expecting massive hp on each enemy i'm hoping not we're gonna get to the content soon i promise bombard does she have a stun attack that seems busted concussive and then shuffle all of them depends on the movers this sir content pog exactly start we're about to um let me change this here it seems good debuff target move resist so you can just keep hitting him with this [Music] this also stuns buckshot stuns god is buckshot finally good [Music] we're in a rock buckshot [Music] as the age-old saying goes how much is your life worth damn 215. let's do 15. [Music] oh the viewers jesus like how the most fears i've ever gotten is on a freaking mod stream i'm down all right squeeze most camping camping requires firewood firewood is given automatically okay finally some answer to freaking disease thank goodness toning oil the soil brings edges to razor sharp sharpness when applied gotta stream it more i mean i might if i have fun i'll do it [Music] youtube video helps i always do a youtube video though fix my shoes here complex provisions ah these aren't too bad so far blend of ginseng and lesser botanicals can bolster the body's resilience yeah i feel like glottal is actually required now cleansing salts we have a lot of money let's start with the food i'm just gonna bring a standard amount of food like i'm gonna do standard for the the normal stuff and see how that does is there enough dog treats now is that what they're doing emmerdale ruins any more true there's no holy water i feel like this uh [Music] replaces it so we have three of these i don't know if i need to buy more i don't want to buy the lawn dude archaeology kit buy one lawd all right i'm gonna throw this lot of them away five candles short yeah 20 food on a short mission has camping [Music] i was offered 24 food [Music] this must be exciting for me it's pretty cool [Music] i think it's a medium despite being short it has camping it has camping 45 minute town talking all right all right let's just go it was 45 minutes whatever chat y'all control me it's gonna crash because i have faster walking tr tutorial prep affiliations your heroes carry all different beliefs or all carry different beliefs in their hearts some are devout to the light some worship the pagan deities and some reject the gods entirely so is it just these three see it faithless pagan and light that make it easier to keep track of occultacion has pagan in this faithless flatulence each type of affiliation has different advantages and disadvantages in combat while some heroes cannot fall into certain phase one can only be one of three okay so we got three faithless flagellance yeah okay it's a short mission why do i take so many provisions additional information or information skill we always have an addition like how they get the picture correct too like the the angle that the tutorial ones have heroes have new and unique properties which are detailed in the additional info pop-up on the toolbar this selection does not need to be equipped to take effect and is only used to give info about the class what's up helix oh okay faster walking is not crashing the game will be different from what you are accustomed to okay preparation is paramount this is why you have to have the tutorials on so flagellate worship's the blood god this looks cool did i just start yeah just uh now started yeah they got a voice actor or something to do the the narration sounds great enemies now let's take advantage of a moment to brace themselves i'm gonna take my earpiece out because i wanna listen to the music but i wanna read this first accuracy for ordinary attacks is have and critical hits are impossible in the preparation room however some abilities are free this penalty can be used for an initiating strike depending on the intelligence of your adversaries they may utilize this opportunity to give themselves particular advantages all right the music box couldn't afford wayne wayne who have you listened to this man why is she marked up here okay we have a very low chance to hit so 36 with 7 to 13. accuracy is in half can't crowd prep okay at least we just over this that's wild love the drums on crap around lower their damage and stuff so this doesn't debuff us anymore i think we just use it he left himself i missed it's okay oh it's up here it shows you what ammo she has nice what's happening we're fighting police off off of prep rounds that's what it seems like but i wanted that debuff i guess we just consuming thank you for your time i guess we just try and like fish for a crit by hitting this starting hp values or nuts we probably need them i kind of want to stun him anyway nice like full on narration dude all right looks like we're winning [Music] can i give everyone repost excellent [Music] trying to place the accent spanish i was thinking persian i got a quirk dynamic quirks some quirks develop as another step forward oh goodness it's so good is it really level one yeah i'm sure they get stronger music's going way too hard for the tutorial god i appreciate it just need higher man anymore some quarks develop as a result of ongoing combat against different enemy types this can result in both positive and negative quarks based on the specific enemies that are fought loot okay there's an heirloom okay hey pronounces is it virus do you pronounce the k comprise of electrum i would kill the first person okay hold on a rare iteration of room curios vendors accept only specific type of item and offer up valuables in exchange so we like dump our inventory that's cool vending golem oh trinkets nice that's so cool it is pretty good all right so i put electrum in this video game i hope they made incision good in this they made a few things better it feels like bending golden got a sprite one thing i will say none of it will slow us i don't this is intended i don't know if this even has like a blood moon difficulty but i put on blood moon and my torch is going down by six instead of seven so i'm assuming that i may just not have that put in yet loot boxes my darkest dungeon yes i already used one shovel i should've brought more no oops we said overall i didn't think about an expansion pretty much shovel's the only stream we bring three stacks of torches to the tutorial listen listen encrusted sarcophagus untouched for centuries archaeology kit oh my goodness i spent 400 i made so much back it's a new it's a new expansion playthrough overhaul thing do we still take citrines i don't think so our citrine is good now i don't think so i don't know if we ever take them citrine buffed but like the other gems worth more too what do you mean it's worth now i'm not doing it can you never convince me citrines are good rescue citrine i already got rid of it i'll pick him up for the next one our foes think themselves indomitable teach them the truth these enemies look so cool [Music] two people on rescue citrine all right we'll pick up citrines for like the day start mod for citrine never okay it seems a bit loud let's turn down just a smidge um the wicked hack they're not looking back yeah yellow thumb i did make it louder why yeah yeah look at them playing smart and guarding their archers and stuff where are you likely to shoot i think that heels have like full effectiveness in the prep round art's undeniably good but the art style feels a little bit off i mean they're incorporating like another like another culture basically so far but um i think it fits i think it's pretty good actually yeah that's just me should have something special citrine's to troll me i don't have enough influence i never said damage taken let's just shoot this dude is he a prod a little bit we're on the shrapnel ammo i have to be in ring three to buckshot i have to switch that oh that look cool got a hollow point musket these animation slurs are just you i think it's fine looks all right just stab him big fan of the new narrator yeah this mark myself it does i don't want to get mark's energy trying to get some repose [Music] ow [Music] tree branch yes 52 health with level 1 gear that's probably why please don't hit me i'm very afraid to get hit now i'm trying to kill oh i should just wiggle hacked i don't matter um what's the bleed resist 50 all right 10 chance to bleed live actually i think i should stab this dude we gotta remember no no no how fast c minus one let's remember our proper play the number one kill backliner see it's guarded are you doing are they like shoot reload idk are the numbers so high early games seems i'm more focused on pacing in combat yeah um let's hear some crit so it's set up reload then destroy your men so it seems like are we shooting um we gotta take citrine dude it's gonna be the london watch looking at the freaking lot of them i'm doing it can't stop me if you post on youtube later it should be huh we should probably put it up there don't need 22 food let me eat my food our path is revered march on that's a large person attacks can't be or posted um you look like you do a lot of damage friends the moments don't see me more busted than a normal dd i don't know we'll see okay we can hit both of the ops 25 this win just heal 106 hp yeah that's a lot um attacks can't be reposted so there's no point to setting up on other people steve opening for next round god doesn't stun anymore or just not prep just not in prep round 2d clipping the base game as clipping like this is a leftover from the base game whoever you mouse over takes the foreground 16 pounder time i know in that imposing chunker i'm hoping you just said what's up have a horrible feeling that's a flamethrower oh my god it might be huh oh he's guarded dude 100 stun chance i guess i'm just going to slice this dude and try and stun the job hopefully not die not played i'm getting kind of oh no yap has a cooldown so we have to start saving y'all for turn one in this situation 10 to 20 but this has five more accuracy now ten to twenty nine eighteen six to twelve okay we've dodged like most the hits so far action is coming yeah we're probably dead i should use uh regular shot yeah where's my lottanum it's gone adrenaline rush that won't be a bad thing to use bro can you get your turn i'm getting boned by using a job turn one train slashes and hit one [ __ ] it will give it time expecting something sleeper level stupid damage no maybe it's actually fair and well balanced who knows new statuses my hero is expiated did i say that new statuses are applied in combat from both friends and foes such as amber blight expiated and in range jammer blade applies ongoing debuff to the target expiated damages the target whenever they attack and will end after triggering three times so i do i have to take that damage or can i like spam support stuff dealing damage to the target and healing the casters team oh okay enrage bust the target also providing them with health upon killing enemies why did that show now what that thing i don't know we don't have a space expedited or whatever clarification my hair was not expanded okay like i would expect that if they hit me with like amber blade or something that it would show up so we can't repost him i'm just gonna guard rage seems to be helen's thing she's the first person that seems to have it okay this is still like this stress damage is not something i want to keep dealing with i'll go for a 50 50 on stun no 60 chance one time occultist still busted you guys made a lie for a while that's basically 18 to 24 damage mark resist is a joke i know man maybe mark's really good wasn't the number post only in preparation round oh so it seems let's try the concussive ammo let's steve off his stone resist you should give it's a musketeer our appearance on standard i'm gonna try other stuff too this is completely unlike darkest engine the enemies don't have 40 dodge in addition to the 25 prod pretty much lot of time it's gone it does some solid damage okay so i still can repost him seems like narrator's been rather quiet i mean it's tough to get a lot of that that dialogue in here right [Music] pretty good chance and i missed music's amazing it's really good okay so let's just keep dunking his stun resist here oh so they get a stacking stem resist for uh either his skill or just because we stunned him so it takes a bit longer to come out of i'll try again he dodged fire thing is on list of skills he's got repressurized apparently you know what we're gonna do it again because we should have y'all available we can't put a stubbornness under 50 unless it like raised a bit higher dodger three dodge it was enough you should use wicked hack actually [Music] good job occultist oh is that enough you gotta find four damage where are you crush no never crush oh guys you gonna blow up okay so you still can't be requested he's making is he mega slow we should be able to go first let's see colton says consistently hyrule he's doing his job tonight there is much to do rachael our new father the darkness will not impede us i need a room battle chef man arms has bad damage also chef doesn't bring crush this is just a key tonight keys it's freaking citrons all right we might not have needed all the food i'm surprised he gets a camp though in a short mission can't change mid dungeon we should who are we talking about him we haven't used just crush we can't use buckshot brakes guard we we've been having trouble with the guards so far let's see we can camp at the end does he skid um i kinda want that we're not gonna get a disease right now who knows we'll see get rid of the bandages no one has blades is that their vestal the thaumaturge grunts commander all right so we're not going to use yop in the opener here i should have been oh it's one use per battle is that battle long then i should be using this 10 accuracy move resist oh the commander does all this yo torchless is there torches music look at torches to the end i threw away the disease kid dick disease begin with symptoms which are more gentle than fully contracted diseases of course des are giving me a hint so it seems should have played better that was actually a mistake that there's towards this music we'll try it later we'll try at the end of this fight um throw away the anti-venom they said all right so we have very crappy accuracy train slash doesn't work because the mode takes place on a boat maybe um actually he has all the prod stuff why am i guarding him yeah you don't throw me the anti-venom exactly let's just turn at the end there better question why does he have all the prod stuff i know right why do i give it to him this noxious blast is absolutely hurting [Music] does this cleanse any of this okay so that's our holy water thing [Music] oh she has armor piercing all over the place okay i like the the graphics there brake scar we already broke the guard do you out there dodge and accuracy i'm gonna do this [Music] oh my god cleaves everyone's best girl no one will be finally the train slash hits he has five damage so he's dead feels like a lot or a lot like normal dd yeah it's it feels familiar just like a lot of the stuff has changed that makes any sense throw clay pigeon that explodes finally iron swan value i mean if she shoots you you shoot her back we're doomed hp excuse me that was not okay was that oh that was concussive i thought it went to standard oops check the disease it's a cough okay uh do we just stun who gets stuck he's guarding two nicole does not bleed on he'll anymore he can it's just very low all right get him a cultist just by steam deck you know as the commander he ran fast entire version oh my goodness the support unit told the saw his busted ass game stun their base game's done yeah we were on that's standard oh did they they got out of line i know that could happen right this supposed to be shrapnel blackjack busted too i don't know we're not blackjack yet i know i'm tripping i'm dumb ignore me i kill backline first that can hit rank three like naturally jeez everyone's got repost look at her corpse oh god [Music] i knew what the colors were but i thought that um for some reason i was just messed up 9 to 18. i've been out of loop is this an official thing by red hook no this is a community mod skill always display the next ammo ah okay see i promise i'm smart dude i'm kidding kind of dumb can you like hit the person that has for post i get rid of retribution step where the stress dealers i don't know they're kind of easing us into it right now everyone is you can see their posts i know hit one of my dudes please we follow the ever-guided light primeval tablet i threw my the torch i know the torch man oh man oh my goodness yo is that fanatic that that looks so cool maximum punish yeah only one of them got debuffed did i miss the other ones didn't notice is that a peasant what are you doing here peasants nice rebuke are you just at me ow looks expiated is four damage double pagan okay she's faithless on completion heal enemies for two hp does heal my team or her or their team sounds like it heals them i just want to attack screw you dude their team um clerical aaron stuns are kind of premium like do we start him now i guess we try can you just not get stunned it's odd fifty percent resist i didn't say resist though it just didn't do anything although this tutorial has a super hard boss at the end at least in the original one um is who's he feeling you know what's going on here i'll let you know is you must be meme away and here's what we're gonna do we can't attack directly so we're gonna post skipped over the resist yo man that does that okay that makes sense that makes sense airtight is command giving riposte why not wish i'd attacked with this dude feels bad total restoration jesus we're leaving him alone bandage still doesn't cure bleed feels bad no it's time to that overconfidence line time to delete the mod i'm trying you up here go ahead cure yourselves there's nine speed i'm really waiting for him to just kill me coastal's proposing is extremely cursed what i got stuns that time go do something about this dude guards down i know i can't like the shooting is not not advised right now because the expanded max made it again i do wish this would wear off naturally so i didn't have to attack them i get it kill the fryer i mean he's next two his streamer pulled privileges yes he's getting the whole team expedited so you can't attack i understand like you know sidelining someone for a little bit it's a dope corpse that is really good wasn't the fire that big guy with the gun maybe it's okay we always counter attack now this is buff stem resist they like a small storm resist after being stunned once for like the entire battle looks like actually this one didn't weird i don't know why doesn't she resist i think it's the thing with the mod but someone said that it happens like other mods too [Music] [Applause] i'm trying do we shoot once he's motivating yes thank you thank you new father new pee pop he's gonna counter attack him to death [Music] yeah shoot someone at some point never we'll never shoot we're pacifist now i'm gonna start attacking it's like four damage look the goal is to finish with as much hp as possible because if we don't then we can't say that we actually did well oh almost there little five o'clock to seal from zero to two hundred also gonna have a tutorial that isn't aimed totally new players all new players probably won't be playing this completing a quest and why we take so much food i can camp is it dark and sick are upon us keep each other safe by the fire thank you new dad stuffing torch before fight end of course my stress mortality debuffs okay rebel abandon hope i don't need it all companions i like that it's horror that it like gives to other people because that makes it much easier to deal with yeah anything else trying to roll a cradle somewhere against the light our foes will fall nice more effect is way better for end of camp or quest camps yeah must you are rising the ranks of best girl does abandon do horror too am i i didn't look actually i think i like scanned over and i didn't read it camping skills critical i don't think so actually i think some kid i got diseases everywhere what is this bro bro bro we got fair weather
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 30,140
Rating: 4.8899522 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion, final boss, react
Id: 8qFoDV-wyqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 14sec (4094 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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