Jester and Caleb Full Cut

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a bleary-eyed bruised man and a tattered coat slowly awakens resolutely sleep I'm pretty filthy mess reddish brown hair and wear a long coat that I slept him I slept about 20 hours last night geez unshaven a bit of a mess so far you're just talking about well okay well I'm just you know a little blue tiefling that's all I'm with blue hair and you know I'm wearing like a pretty cute dress that's all you know just having a good time are you guys staying here blue skin view the table we have a hard time seeing things that aren't moving it's very true but they can hear you you should take a bath you know they have showers here possible what now you bathe yourself in water no I faked before yeah I know I know what the bathroom I'm just letting you know I would I would hate if I smelled that bad and someone didn't tell me I have only just met you hi nice to meet you do you think you people want to come with us okay what we're doing we don't have any plans tonight I guess we could go along might see me or you could stay here and buy beer for the people who do see the show so that you can hear all about it Hey look at all these friends we're making here this is a good city mm-hmm while everybody's watching this should happen may I cast detect magic in the room you may also for the record there was nothing magic about that maybe he's good at reading people but that was not not magic okay are you going to go to the Academy somehow you're cheating right not not not that's fine that's fine they she won the to suffer be mites to suffer pieces we'll just leave it at that we don't that's I'm sorry that's okay she's fair you can understand you know we've been living in the woods for a long time every time we come near any place like this we were attacked jumped followed so I apologize I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I'm sorry okay I'm sorry it took all this money from your friend that's tell you what my money when I was learning it's fine it's what I'm French it's fine it's all right another round is brought to your table that's a drink on me oh jeez no definitely give you your duel silver back don't worry other than Caleb you want to see something cool yes I would love to see something cool I show caleb where I I H the dick in the table a couple nights ago oh yeah bringing it back that's pretty good did you actually back in the table Oh have you always been an artist I have actually I've been an artist since I was little you think that's what they look like and so I've seen a lot of this already in my cup no I'm going to read here a good focus go away yes into my belt near my dick so she doesn't want to go she's not your sister anymore good point can I look over your shoulder the whole time he's amazing as soon as caleb looks up look at his book oh this is about grumpkins and periwinkles and occasional drawings there's no penises drawn in a book so I don't think you'd be interested any total obvious little bird I've ever seen he's only still from games he flips over to justice special and blessed you guys look like a princess he talks you will talk to you just out of the [ __ ] blue you know I feel that I know and it feels good we're talking just one brave French praise like a few little braids you know cuz there's not super long maybe like one here one near and like one done here is that what you did with the coin the coin was magic it was a magic pot that we sold oh man I've been concentrating that's kinky do it goes all day alright sorry it's fine sorry sorry sorry but it brought us closer together would you like back you look beautiful would you like back the two copper pieces you gave me for the pot no you keep it another generous person okay so while everyone is preparing I take out my spool of silver thread and I go to first to Justice room and I stretch the thread across and a little flashes across in the third disappears if anyone goes in to these stores besides you I will no but not when we're on that island only on the way there that's about a mile that's awesome speaking of cloaks mine smells really bad oh it was on top of it I'm going to go try to find somewhere to wash it upstairs at the end of the hallway at the green is kind of a communal washroom you can find them hey Caleb do you know what's upstairs is where I'm going to go watch some stuff you could use it I like you just the way you are you are bloody about to in addition to being stinky you should probably actually get that passion of that is fair yeah I actually feel like you're starting to get like a rash yeah I'm good [Laughter] have you ever made him a turtle you can't hear you right now have you ever made him a snake have you ever amazed a roach she's gone to the other place he won't be able to respond have you ever made him a unicorn it is riveting well he's doing everything he's doing I'm going to try to very subtly draw a dick in his book natural dig this is good you may have it I don't you know I don't get into water too much as you could guess this is good for walking yourself upon water so so you take this as promised but also why is there a big part in my spent book on me probably it was probably not well this ring is so cool Oh too dangerous for you to have on keeping this valley it's for me I gave you the ring that's the deal I promised it to you and now you have it you have to tell me if I tell you you will try to steal it for me no no I swear I won't unless it's a one that makes doughnuts or pickles and I probably won't write this deal it no it's - do you want to know what it does yes I will show you what it does wand and manacles he's casting the wand he's doing my point this stick at Chester oh it's just a stick no don't you you seemed very angry at me right now I'm just wondering what your deal is what this ring is perfect for you that way if we get near water you don't go in it was so slowly beginning to like you so please don't [ __ ] it up I think that we should all say thank you to came him for identifying the table at Caleb's Lincoln remember now the Ruby of the sea I can't believe she's your mother no gentlemen she's hard to describe a performer and entertainer mostly known well she's mostly known for her but outside of that her voice is amazing should you ever sing what does it mean she has sex for money but mostly I mean you know people pay her a large sum so it's like you know three guys mostly she like keeps a few people at the time but like she doesn't see everybody because she's super super famous celebrity yeah how was that growing up and fame and fortune oh well I wouldn't know exactly because she never told anybody that I was there but I bet if she had it would have been grazie there well were you at this point you know like in my room just trapped in your room wasn't trapped but you know did you get to go to the park on tour did you read your stories too should do the things that parents do read and some stories and a lot of times I've listened at the door and hear her sing I totally understand that she loves me so much she really really does it's just you know people frown upon courtesans with daughters and that is you are from the south ya know does this include also besides the rock Rafa like singing and poetry you said so she was skilled as a as an artisan as well yes that's why I'm such a good painter it is fast that's fascinating for real yeah did she teach you your spell and fighting talents oh no that came from the traveler how did you never mind and this is why you're looking for your dad well yes alliant of your mother's well yes but he I feel so murderers all this sudden everybody's looking every keep talking okay in love and she's going to marry him and he was totally in love with her and he's going to marry her and they said they were going to get married and then she got too pregnant with me and he said they got married and then he's going to go set up his house and then he just never came back that's very sad I know it is really sad so are you going to find him to meet him and know him or to seek revenge upon no I'm going to find him so that I have somewhere to live because I'm not allowed to be at the houses why don't you be allowed to be the house anymore well cause I'm kind of in trouble in nickel dramas what did you do play the prank on this guy who was seeing my mom what kind of a prank Wow [Music] so the traveler taught me how to make myself look like other people right okay so I made myself look like my mom and then I learned him out on to you our balcony and he was wearing nothing but like this this girdle of hers and then I love the door and I thought that was funny you know no big deal but then I found out he's kind of a lord and you embarrassed him he's really really pissed off but he said he wanted to kill me and they said you know that was cool and he could and so my mom was let go was insane so we can avoid him yeah something something let's avoid lord I will remember it eventually funny is funny he should have a better sense of humor so he looked really good yes so you think you can actually what hang on why do you want to live with your dad that you never met why not just go do your own thing your father is your father how could you not be curious about you all right I mean I've never met him I thought it would be cool but I mean that's what I was looking for when I met Ford over there others are disappointing but there's still you're right to know your parents who they are you have to understand how you came from I mean he's supposed to be pretty dark what do you there's lots of rings on these fingers do you guys do you know before we can get to that I just have to say your respectfully terribly filthy and this is an establishment that I have to insist requires some more cleanliness and as he kind of waves his hand in front of you you watch is all the dirt on your coat just begins to sift away you watch as your clothing just becomes cleaned right up the front of you reaching up towards your neck and you watch as the dirt begins to kind of flick away across your face as you fight it a moment passes and you see before you the first time since you've met I sparkly clean at this point the two are their figures in the back turn around do you know the cocoons cold yeah you remember with the three cards oh yes I remember yes yes yes yes yes question is there any rafters or any a high place in the room behind these gentlemen there are afters yeah it's it's it's not a very high peak ceiling it's begins the actual roofing element of this at least begins about 12 feet up and there's a small space before the the beams kind of meet the time so for the moment I scooch framkin down to the floor and send him off towards behind this gentleman and just to hang around under that spot for the moment so that I think you are too young to be watching this you should come sit with me over here for gambling no she doesn't think I am but if Caleb says so then I should go with Caleb yeah good luck Thanks use your skill view of the gentleman's cards right don't look at their hands the the younger one with the moustache kind of just keeps stroking the front of his face and does I would like to stop looking at that cards through from concise older one he stays the younger one perception that's at 21 don't you one yeah you can see the younger one has a crap hand and he's trying to bluff and he's already sweating a bit the older one is looking really good mr. mustache he's sitting pretty and the young boy once that's just the younger one the older one is so I would like to curly fries I point to her and whisper in my bit of copper wire and do a little hand gesture and say all of that to her yes not I one real good I knew you would I only lost seven gold that there was a lot of fun you guys that was a good trick with the messages it didn't seem to help very much though no but it wouldn't if I would have succeeded in this I really need to get tighter sleeves though yes yeah that's why I had potential Oh we have something to drink and eat how much do you need for like 20 pieces do you need to write a long letter I like a really long one I'll give you two I can make do with that yes thank you also boardwalks right up behind gesture and says come on we need to get back with the others okay this is not a good idea to put yourself out in the open let's go yes that's me I'm Ford come on is this a new accent you're trying out that's a coffee truck stuck in the side of my mouth I don't know sounding like Caleb and that's an accents one of my strong suit we just please stop talking to the town crier thank you wait a minute I think I'm trying to drag it back accents are your strong suit that is you're really good at it for you drag girl oh yeah back towards the group yeah dude do you let him drag it yeah I am Ford Tough let's go even weaker than you were before but I don't smell bad now come on let's go to the back of the group pull her by the earlobe could we please go back to the rest after asking some questions making me around you eventually find the Tri spire which is not too difficult to see once you know what you're looking for you see these these three very unique looking powers that ascend past what looks to be a round wall that in cases the interior of this this kind of elite portion of the city as you approach the wall you doubt her walls you see our our basic stonework and masonry think as they may be and uses for defensive position these walls are made of solid marble and there look more decorative than designed to be a military buttress of any kind as you approach you can see there are two entrances to it or they see you've been told there are two the one that's nearest to you kind of opens in the direction of the the Penta Penta market and while the portcullis is lifted you see there are two crowns guard they're currently standing with spears and shields they're ready unless he watches as a horse-drawn carriage kind of clumps by you and makes its way inside and you guys approach and one of the guards steps forward oh can I help you base yes we have business with a pillar of I don't think you do please shut off oh well I have business at the pillar of what's your business with the killer chef I have a package that's being delivered there what business do you have at a pillow drove look he friendly looks like he was just wandering out of the evening nip if anything so would be best to protect me because you know I'm very fragile and delicate but if he doesn't look well enough to be my guard you're welcome to walk me instead they can look at each other Nick persuasion check 22 Lucy she looks better you all right oh I'll walk in briefly don't get back my post you stay the [ __ ] out of this all right this way that's from Kim begins to gonna when I was weighing around the garden okay so cakes from get about as he'd take one point of damage yeah I rolled hit points for him when I made him and it was one so he's gone welcome Hey God what's her name reve reve it's so nice to meet you I'm Chester hey he had his hand out looks like he's expecting some sort of a tip okay hey so that guy that I hired to guard me I gave him some money like what am I supposed to do and I love to get him in here so he can actually do his job ready he's not coming I'm sorry we have to maintain a certain kind of presentation here is I guess I go back to Caleb you guys meet up on the outside of the district how was it it was really pretty in there people are kind of stupid but I did talk to the traveller so everything's cool also I don't have any money now it's stupid though it's not Caleb there's no money than my parents ever made in their entire life in full view of gesture I reach into my pocket and take what's left of the mud you see a freshly muddied Caleb enter with a somewhat flustered but smiling gesture hey I think it's very nice actually this day is great if I send a message from all field it would have gotten naked honest and Tuesday - bye another gesture that's gotta take a while to get there bad take quite a while longer I think it's too early probably for you to check today you weren't all feeling because I was awesome when I stole the mail okay okay okay yes so sometimes people steal your mail and believe it could get robbed on the road then I just had an itch you a little dirt on your feet [ __ ] happens [Laughter] um so maybe that's what it is that's foolish yeah I have a room there 290 guys yes but the thing is is that apparently it's not easy to get into that district no I was not able to accompany I took the pillow troph so why not why because I am Chevy yeah you're a B that is very you are Charlotte Amalie dress shabby chic we need to get you some nicer clothes then you know I was thinking on the walk back here that I would probably like to get a cloak of some kind jacket and new pants I know where everything is in every pocket of this coat has been with me Carlos what maybe we can go somewhere and they will make it cold exactly like that coat with all the same pockets only it won't have the holes in it I mean how long did it take you to memorize pocket sonic oh that's nice you know I wouldn't I would probably just get a cloak yeah that's probably good to just just so you don't have to ful bath you I don't it seems like maybe maybe he also makes a good point though just in case you know a simple wipe down was enough to get and a new entry and not to combine so I we just keep going to visit that guy who made you clean oh yeah every day we could just go see him and then he just makes us all clean or you could really just get a new coat um I I saw the traveler so that's good news everyone he's still around he's here he's probably like hanging out with us right now he's in the - like staying here yes well probably yes isn't that hard since he's not technically like she's right now did you be talking about him how did in the open like that well I mean not a lot of people know who he is yet so really no I don't think I'll get in trouble he's a new god well I don't know if he's new but he is you know just not well known especially here I'm sure where he's from like everybody knows him you know cuz he's really cool so I bet a lot of people are like oh my god I love you local clubs up-and-coming enjoying resurgence you're sure he's think he's a god yeah yeah he's like really cool yes like so powerful you guys should really see what he could do cuz it's amazing give us a hint well like he can like do lots of magic and like he can appear out of nowhere that's cool were you with anyone when he showed up no you heard it yourself if you like everyone here you can just show up any time you look around the room and nothing seems to operate the clientele all seem disinterested with your presence nothing that would belie any sort of arrival of an entity of what she spoke of I don't I don't think he's here well it's possible he's just invisible right now problematic what I mean it is not totally out of the legends in history are full of stories of gods dabbling with mortals I don't know what happened for you today but it is not common but it does happen I don't know exactly what he looks like because he's got this hood but I imagine that he's like really I think he's really cute these sounds are really cute you get Rob Lee having me write down so [Music] maybe Molly can do a seance come out oh you know you know what you know I think that's really fun that could be fun mm-hmm I don't normally speak with the dead on a first date but we'll think about it that's possible and this thing that I can do this this servant I can make it it's not going to be able to open these things wiggle then we know they're alive that's observant farted on me well the rats have already started so ping clean cling to the ground you see what looks to be a a bracer that once belonged to a crowns garden I wonder if the giant spiders thing heard that what did you say I said I wonder if the Giants she what is that the giant spider I heard it just over you will you come look at my eyes I feel a little bloodshot I'm not feeling well after my encounter with the rats sure I put my hands on either side of his face and I see anything come over here and I walk away from the group I don't know if she follows me I do I do there was a golden there I would like you to have it it's more than I had before here is a hundred gold wear on those people so you take it because I know that you need money I don't I know that you need money and I'm very you know look at this really strong that's that's sad and funny at the same time you carry the gold because I can't carry it all okay but I I'm not keeping it just for me you know that's fine it's yeah well that's why you wanted money for I assume from your mother was to you know to help us out in the position we are in yeah so you take this you're a better you know I'm always thinking about things and I'm not very good with we were with amounts and money so you carry thank you I'm sorry you know I just had a really bad day today that's all it was okay I guess I'm sorry as well okay do you need caring though because your eyes do look kind of bloodshot I'm fine I'm going to stare at the wall because I don't know how to deal with attention very well very normal it's just also you have a very nice personality but it is a big one so what does that have to do with anything well just what you were just talking about is just sometimes very honest with people very pointed and targeted sitting in front of me no you know you made the windows slam open loudly wind and rain begins there suddenly pouring from the side of them the wind blowing it through all of a sudden everyone the few folks that are in there a freak out what means are you attempting to enter the try spires but probably different guards there and I have the smoke now so I'm going to look really can i I'm just going to I'm just going to brush your hair out of your face and like wipe it any dirt off your face that's already taking care well I know I'm doing I know well it's washed it off but now I just got to get the smudges off cuz it's you know it's still kind of there thank you all right he's good well you look you look sparkling clean you look very dashing okay we'll see if the guards think sorry yes keep your cloak really tight on you okay that's the idea yeah oh hello again uh hello again yes we're just making our way throughout the villa trove that's all can I both give a look over the two of you buttoned up or belt tied looking at the ground looking tough for the sake and it's going to make a persuasion to check gesture 17 all right I mean should we ask one of the smutty shop is that you want to go to I go back your gardeners go just some are you hungry do hi I'll always I'm hungry yeah I will get us some sweets if you want really yeah sure why not we're flush at the moment okay easy enough to ask what are you in the mood for do you want something sweet or savoury oh man this this bakery that we had in the caranas have the amazing bear claws claws yes let's see excuse me whoever's running this show hello yeah can I help you yeah we're in the mood for some bear claws the kind they have in Nicotra nice have you heard of these do you have them I've heard they have bear claws I don't know if we have any um Nick like and run its back Klaus will take the bear claws this we can compare and let you know all right besides I know the only major difference is they load it up with cinnamon we can do that we can do that all right um all right that'll be done how many would you like probably ten bear claws and also do you have any a hot freshly baked bread that that we do is well of course I will take a large loaf of hot bread fresh out of the oven please oh yeah we'll return we'll we'll double back for the bear claws so we'll come back for four ten of these and that hot bread all right so ten bear claws bread you want paint events yes so that's no problem three silver okay one two easy thank you very much of course we'll be here see you back here in a minute yes kela buh-bye you some porn okay that's good to know ah I lead the way to Chester he's not gay kinda looks over to make sure that they're kind of blocking commuting with us so that my back is and my speed read like four pages oh geez when you put it in my back okay okay she adjusts her glasses once more thank you and it's been a pleasure oh it's probably about time to go pick up that bedclothes yeah would you like to carry the bear claws yes please thank you uh as we're walking out you know I will show you a trick that I've learned you know in the past few years it's very cold out and I pull sides of the bread arts it's hot and I had to bread and I hand you a piece of bread and I shove my hands and then I can eat it later let's go oh yeah there's like muffs like hand mops yeah but I can eat this that way not as many people have done this and in this made believe world and also in America you want to see my room sure okay yeah it's a very very nice room let's slide my hand over the sheets not just feel that third count your hands are dirty you're gonna write it's okay it's okay cuz I rented it I pull the covers off oh right now you want to lay down you can use it maybe if you had carried a ruler you could hit my knuckles solder next time which I like that no would you like some myths no you know this is how diseases are spread right I like my hand on fire okay you just light their hands on fire instead of putting it in bread isn't that the bread and then I couldn't eat it it simple let's toast it's actually really tasty well it's I don't have the control is a little tricky sometimes sometimes south of spire Samba Samba Samba Salva Salva sober crawl under the bed the whole server is a similar thing do you know much about them I mean if you're an empire your front of Cerberus assembly yeah no no no what do you think about the Empire I'm in what about the crown it is what it is okay I think it's kind of [ __ ] well that is also true but it is also is what it is it's it's the Empire what makes it [ __ ] be your justice where are you need the bed you're doing down there I was just seeing if anybody left anything good under here and it's pretty well clean though so nothing is here that's good not even any bugs or anything I think best we can do is just try and be happy and as you said this shitty situation that we've all been granted nation like yeah yeah should we go or oh sure yeah I crawl out from under the bed Caleb yeah I got you a present did you you bought a lot you history poor you bought me that book that is so expensive for this book this is just smart Nikoli you gave me the money for itself I don't know I don't know I don't read things like this fine if I pick take a look at it yeah you have it I'm gonna flip through does anything catch my eye and based on what I know you know the thing is places like that I like you it's like yard sales you know 99% of the time there is just nothing but broken crap but once once and I Pat the book in one of my horses I found something when I do is it begin did you draw that the dick next on the friend spell you did it that's the one yeah I found that in their pawn shop yeah are there pawn shops here porn porn people yeah oh yeah hidden oh okay I might read it later when you're done reading it uh you go first you tell me give me your review oh really yeah I appreciate the gesture because it is the thought that counts it's the gesture gesture but seriously thank you you guys gonna sleep over there knock on Justin and Beauregard's door what is it that you want knocking on our door so late at night Kayla you are turning in should I know it no but by all means but um I've changed my mind I feel guilty for for just discarding the book that you purchased for me and I was wondering if I could read it tonight but only if you're going to bed yeah see what you can find you're going to read it before bed it'll take me about an hour good night I think you was bragging at you good night gala waking in the early morning the chilled morning air comes through I go to gesture and bow regards room and say good morning good morning sleepyheads and I just leave the book leaning against a door well so we want to put information in certains house Elda right so we could have some sort of writing that is not from the high rate of right now I'll make it look kind of crisp okay and like your writing very plain yeah yeah not not immensely charming no I mean not charming like no I write on behalf of HR yeah that's good what comes out and take out the power you see do you like me if so check this book him up yes we need to how far are we from the entrance where we came down this era Europe maybe 150 feet from the entrance where you came down and you're a few hundred feet from the way that leads back up into the city of the intercept sprawl my idea is you know most people are not like that crowds got bastard most people like cats so maybe if one can walk him up you know with a couple of licks that would he would wake up in a bed most people like me Tebow that's also true and I'm blue and he's blue mmm Soros I pat them on for a little cheap I say wake up you that's all right so this is better than it was before you have monster cabs you don't to carry this now what like on me all the time box with me other think it's weird to just carry around a box all no people carry boxes I am worried about us for 22 crossing two planes that ever exists in say it might not be that at all but it is definitely not what you think okay well that's fine I'm going to walk about 200 feet away from you when you put it in that bag but you pop in the bag it vanishes inside the pouch how long did it take to take effect if we're all going to die it takes about two weeks so I guess we'll find out I'm pretty good let go of my angry is everyone alright six gesture how are you feeling I'm feeling like I'm a little sick right now but I reach them to the section on the side I give her my potion of regular healing okay what are you complaining about them I wasn't bitching it's not the verbage that I chose at all the word Chester Chester Rock Molly is having a look around let me tell you you hold that from me hold it still what and I would still be sore the sword and I will tell you what it is but you have to hold it for a while muscles I'm good yeah well a couple of things so I need more ink and paper the kind to transcribe spells and but before I get to that and before they go off on their drug party Harley yes before gesture goes not a party yeah bad idea it has only been a short amount of time but I am thinking and I will be very careful with the bag I was going to ask if I could hold the haversack and its contents for a day so that I could better inspect and understand the thing I understand that I don't want to keep the bag I just want to have it before you go off to do I don't know maybe you're going on a tour or something but did you anything was your hangout with me and then you can look in the bag with me I would aren't you about to go out with them you told me you were leaving I don't know what you're talking about well alright I would love to inspect our special package and try to understand it better if you want to be present for there's a lot of people that inspect their special packages you get to know yourself real good the Galen so I know you're going to drag me over the coals for this request and that is fine I would like to Dungeon Master to fast forward to tell me if you will allow me to inspect the contents of this hammer sorry yeah yeah yeah you wouldn't you look at it do you want to do this together yeah yeah I'll hang out with you I really want to see it to you but on a different night maybe tomorrow night because you just told me you are about to go out with Molly and then maybe I'll keep it to now and then I'll come back tomorrow night and we'll do this again just inspect what's in the packages and everything that guy I leave to go on to the mirror in my room and I'm like red-faced and I just stare at myself like dead expression for like a good 30 seconds so anything else who wants to do a drink are you coming in come in it's okay it's nighttime I just picture definitely yeah hello Caleb I love and I have a date you talk about this special package do you need some privacy no we're good another sec we are going to attempt to examine the football is it well you can remain if you like are you killer yes yourself sure yeah you might need me to kill you so the bye oh that's a good idea you know to the best of my knowledge this is that's limited this is a very powerful thing and we are taking a risk okay but one that I think is what I okay are you still game alright so we put the lead box on the floor all right let's leave it in in the lead box but we lift the lid that's probably good because people are still looking for it probably so it's probably stupid that or even [ __ ] with it right now it is a calculated risk and we're going to do this we're not going to take a lot of time okay it's nice that you guys are talking about your limitations and setting expectations before you go into this together there's some sort of word that you need like a safe thing a safe word is short George so if [ __ ] goes pear-shaped alright are you going to go all like do I look at it or are you going to be normal truthfully I have no idea okay cool your game totally so I am NOT coming on to you but will you hold my hand while we do this that way for keep I cannot even look at you I cannot believe I am doing this experiment with you let's not cover the camera and let's let's examine it together and if we go to the nine hells or something at least we'll be that together in theory okay okay we are going to look at this thing both of you are just you I don't know all right you feel your vision drawn towards it and like part of you feels like your body is leaning forward like you're about to hit your four hedaan and but Calum hasn't moved at all okay Kayla doesn't move but just mere perspective you feel like and then suddenly you feel like you're within little icky dream you get to that point you were before where you feel like there's a threshold and your heart begins to race do you continue this dual sensation is conflicting and causing your heart rate to jump your breathing begins to speed up you guys watch those breathing begin to increase increase it is immediacy and forever it is an ancient concept of possibility as you ask these questions and begin to contemplate the loop of your thought process begins to cycle on itself and you have to shake your head not to be lost in this kind of infinity that threatens to suddenly disperse you and still it is this tiny gray thing before you and it seems to like want to your contact I hope I do not let you down as you reach all in touch you guys watch as this talking here I'm talking you see a faint mote of gray begin to drift out of the dodecahedron and then just hand of it floats and just enters and vanishes into the chest of Caleb Caleb you feel this tiny mote come into your hand and then you pull it to your chest and you feel this warmth and for a second probability becomes slightly malleable you do know that somehow by reaching out to this device you've managed to pull within yourself a fragment of possibility we were holding his hands no but the moment ruled the moment that that that enters his chest Caleb pulls his hand from you Caleb your eyes adjust and you're back in the room with your friends okay you went skink you doodle for a second are you are you all right hello hello Wildman - Caleb why do I die did not respond we can't speak anymore he's forgotten terribly are you talking though are you okay Caleb I'm spy die he's forgotten all language uno dos tres mate literally trying to read listen failing because of my friend Rick make out with him true love's kiss is the only you know I'll bring him back I think he was like you've written we could each of us every day we could pass it to a different person and then we could concentrate on it and then we could have the fragment so I absent-mindedly babble about what I think this thing can do it's very incoherent why were you talking about your mom and your dad down is that a weird question through that notice that he says all there was on my mind but I wasn't gonna bring what did I see what do you mean you said you said mom and dad I hope that it make you proud or don't disappoint and I don't disappoint you and stuff and also she was I should probably take a bounce more about that part we were just going to say that and then the great thing with you what that is a very common sentiment is it it is if you ever want to talk about it I can just come to us you're super good at talking both of us that is true for both of you tomorrow I want them getting you okay the thing you want to do deca well you are in possession of it for the most part I said I just wanted to have a look at it you're right thank you well we can take turns right now we will just decide we don't have to tell the others about this do I mean we're supposed to be a team but oh by the way I shot the lead cover on Rhine close and let's put it back oh my god sir what if now that the great thing is in you the Wizards in town will be able to sense you what no maybe you should be in the lead case no that's not how that's not how that works are you sure I am sure yeah I think this is a very potent thing and we can use it to do a lot of good you know not in the heat of the moment to try to hit you know and Knoll in the face with something but when we are really trying to figure something out or or do the unachievable like we really want to put a mustache on the [ __ ] stack you need extra luck for that yeah that's a good hypothetical yeah ever wanted to do that can I just say real quick before we adjourn yeah there was something that you were reluctant to do because of your own personal fears and you entrusted gesture to inspire you to do something that was possibly uncomfortable for you and it worked out great and I think that moving forward if you want to just go for it as long as you have trusted friends with you then that would be a good option to do that was a lot of advice I mean it is no secret that I like these people so you know we're in good company yeah this is working out you are you know you are capable and oh dear I'm going to go to bed now your son is justice all right as they humanely heard that awkward and weird makes no sense oh this is my room you have to go Charlie so what to use my spiritual weapon you know simple in my hand and they're like this cuz I've seen Caleb do fancy things and then I'm gonna make it Caleb what I'm really sorry about that one time when you were talking about money with me okay oh it looks to be a small Shack that the smoke is the small Shack sure why don't I send my kids weird people live in shacks in the woods you guys plan maquette we're not even I don't even think we're gonna pull over I think we'll just now is this is the [ __ ] from where we are now still like a mile it's been a mile away if it's of interest we can turn around by the way yeah Oh from gonna be a bird yeah from perfect I want to check out the show alright for the for you for I will make Frumkin a bird not for me though keep your kid you know you are more sensitive than I would have imagined the ogres turns are done not Europe I yell to Caleb modern literature and then I run towards these two these two goblins over here over the side yeah alright twenty I take out my hand crossbow and I point it from the goblins to Caleb and I fire okay and I'm aiming for the the book strapped under his armpit that only I know is under his clothes okay and I rolled in Nashville 20 you feel the impact he's gonna play dead I do need you to make a deception check at 18 18 as far as they're concerned caleb is dead yeah as far as you guys know not just turned on you with the rest of the goblins and shot down kale there you go you move over like over the campfire 20 points to heal 29 points caleb do you continue to play dead yeah okay this spell doesn't have an effect on Caleb [Laughter] I'm gonna try to drag Caleb ok so 1/2 1/2 movement you grab and start dragging caleb face down through the dirt to about there's as far as you can get on rocks and sticks twigs and [ __ ] cotton your errands dirty alright that finish is just the two other ones however we're going to go against jester and because they have packed tactics they both have advantage on their strikes against you because they're kind of coming up in flanking me again a twenty so both hit you so he managed to resist being knocked prone as they book and just slowly jumping at you and climbing one of them bites towards the back of your armor you throw into the ground you almost get knocked off but you kept yourself there between the two of them standing already fifteen points of damage to fifteen points of damage you watch as that wolf suddenly is blasted in freezing-cold energies you yell in response to its assault it's as you pull back and look the wolf is frozen solid and tumbles into a bunch of ice child I'm poisoned so any attack rolls are a disadvantage Carrera so I'm going to struggle to my feet and I am going to cast sleep over and away in that direction so it falls way back behind the ogre and these two wolves the goal is to hit get the ogre and two wolves just on the edges of it so doesn't in any of my friends so I'm aiming far behind them to get them on the perimeter just get these two here the wolves are the primary goal stopping short of Chester all right so they're the wall the edge outer edge okay so go ahead and roll the points for asleep thirty points total this one falls unconscious this one yeah that one stays up and and I got two standing which will take half my movement so I'm gonna use my last fifteen feet to get exactly opposite to the other side of the world by just sliding around it yeah and killing gesture already haha funny joke carefully that I don't mind I don't mind camping out what time oh you're an enjoyable lot it would it be fun that's very believable I think it was Rangers thank you feel like that was the most emotion felt yeah it's Caleb blushing at all cuz he was a good little pink tears that's what he cloak over her says she looks a little less like it burn I've got a little I've got some clothing that would fit her you know just give you my cape and stuff but now you don't have a cloak on I'll take off my cloak and put it on nothing I kept this cloak and puts it on just over what is back on Caleb and saris inhuman sixty it feels warmer than it is because the the moisture looks you guys we are trying to make it work well so you are very charming but every book that I have ever read about trolls do not make friends they're bitter nasty yeah caleb has no no idea of how it looked other than you reaching up and I'm touching your chin as it finishes as the rest of you come to conscious are you killing camera no I was giving him a shave Wow I'm going to cast your wounds I'm gonna walk up behind Caleb and give him a hug around the way to say you're okay my friend boy no this one this is gee I spin it and sew around it with a arcane energy and and no it does not go I go what's that about what's learned about how come he gets to keep it it's a very studied practice I spent years learning how to do extremely smart up there maybe you can learn sometimes she's invisible could he be he's flying next to me I don't know could you let her keep the diamonds I make a ring of copper in the bottom of the wagon and place this stone in it and I just placed both hands on the side of the stone and I'm just trying to channel my knowledge and ability into it all right paintbrush and I draw a smiley face on the rock because this is a longer journey I'm not gonna drag us through every single stage of it I want to play the piano I played it a little bit at home listen I'm going to sit close by okay I'm gonna sit down and try to play chopsticks there's a few moments of this going on before you suddenly hear this when you turn over your left shoulder you can see there there's a half elven gentleman and very nice doublet who is currently holding a little stake a handful of sheet music um you're you're at my piano which is the off tune hammering of the keys I'll be right back he turns around and wanders off for a moment kind of clearing his ear with his pinky the other side of the bar I cast haste on gesture while she's playing playing the Entertainer really fast it's it's quite it's kind of impressive a little off-key but overall I can press it the speed of the composition and it's ready she sucks crescendoing how to get to the quiet part but it hand slams down in the keys and that same Dublin gentleman leans in once more goes if I might please request my instrument return to me my dear do you have a tip jar I have a tip in your hands I really think the first couple tips should be to me because I really set up anything for you well then I certainly hope the first few tips come while you're at the bench fabulous and he sits down on the bench and pushes you off and say this one's for the lady very good I saw I saw crisis not sets his music down in front starts getting ready the other the other performers this side are watching this out of the corner of their eye and kind of laughing and they're enjoying the tension that's brewing you guys look like [ __ ] yes Caleb not you people you are intoxicated you're I thought we were going dancing I'm gonna ask Caleb to waltz with me I'm okay in the midst of everything dying down people are you know they're starting to get pretty sloshed and the energy level while it's still you know rather rowdy some folks are starting to tap out for the night as gesture goes and drags Caleb into the center of the tavern floor takes hands and Caleb was turning on autopilot does have some minor experience in the past a moment passes before gesture begins leading you but you guys continued the two of you to have a very nice little waltz in the middle of the area yeah kind of quietly the music begins to change what was once kind of the the rowdy bar music transitions into an actual waltz pieces the musicians notice this happening and the in the 3/4 you know beat needs to pick out three one two three one two three do you need to go to sleep bellowing no no no no I grab a jacket yes you're way stronger you are not going to go pass out in the street you told me to be in charge of this and I walk them upstairs and make sure he gets something good okay there goes the tux Caleb into one of the rooms and the bed comfortably and you're very nice and the little stinky those things is true I'm sure Astrid loves you very much we begin today's story as morning slowly creeps over the distant mountains but glancing about around you there's no sign of your three companions I'm gonna check check the tents are the words there I want to check the tents to see if their stuff is okay all right so as you go about to the their sleeping arrangement space is there everything except for whatever they had on them as they took their watch still there the haversack is left behind I'm going to sit down and bring Frumkin out but I'm going to turn Franken into peregrine falcon gotta make perception check from a bird's eye view a natural 20 there you can see on the ground this patch of disturbed grass that has been pushed down along with the dirt that has been jammed and and shoved up into small side piles and trenches that were dug in there's definitely signs of a struggle here and you can see what looks to be three grooves being dragged through the dirt and to the grass towards the road a little bit northward can we follow that follow those grooves yeah and there you can see the grooves end and a number of sets of heavy wagon wheels begin or at least have previously kind of pulled off the trail and then pushed themselves back onto the road and looking through near where these these car tracks begin there's no signs of blood going back and following the groups to the dirt you find a few small traces that means that they weren't bleeding when they were dragged which means that either they were killed by vampires and all their blood was sucked out of them first or they were still alive they were taken that means they came to our camp took her leaving to Caleb for the final watch I'll take this myself this three that have been stolen yeah found nice two of them ones weird one of them tried to kill you the other one she's adorable but what are you stupid I won't say an important point of clarification once we are out of the view of this gentleman guarding the secret entrance caleb walking with poised up to a tree leans against it bends down and has a panic attack great in there this is the far eastern side a fantastic rough stuff the Gosselin you were great who handled yourself so well man you were like rock solid in there it's evidence of it I'm nauseous let's go you look good Barry I have a good Barry there's a sour you do let's go it does warm your belly never warmth kind of spreads through your torso in minutes it's it's a it's a good whenever gesture has come and pulled you from the edge of death with the spell it's a it's a fragment if that warmth kind of from the inside of your torso well how how Hardy would you say you're the mental state of your companions ISM the ones in captivity yeah what do you think they'd be susceptible to torture probably not gosh is probably okay gesture has already turned around her finger yeah no you know they are actually pretty young they've got that [ __ ] together they arguably arguably have their [ __ ] together way more than the three of us to would they look after child yeah yes that's especially jester but maybe it's alright so take a little bit more time make a decision where's Molly just is he waiting upstairs [Music] and make it to this dungeon because he's waiting upstairs did did you did you kill everyone here I think so Lorenzo yep with about that short guy that was really mean nobody should be sure that that elfin woman she would she was cast something she would do something to the to the manacles to make them impossible to beat the hell out of us and then if there was anything left one touch that was it darkness they ever heard them saying that they were trying to break people mentally you know what they were trying to use you guys for they were going to sell us Soho whoever would buy us another was paying I think they were trying to work on our minds first sounds like y'all sure got the fiscal park next this is pretty good from a certain perspective I mean you think about it bad things happen to people every day and then you have a bunch of people who care about you so much so they come and save you it come to save us though thank you yeah we have no choice I mean you did you did have a choice I've been carrying this for you my bag yeah Thank You Caleb although it looks really good with your coat looks better on you badass what do you want to do are we staying here are we hitting the road you're the leader Kahlan either oh yes he took a position of authority while you were gone and he rose to the occasion oh that's wonderful Caleb I'm very proud of you mr. Caleb a broken let's get the [ __ ] out of here you don't want to get a little healing first ball embarrassed across his chest keep watch really well for us last night I have a never mind I'll tell you tomorrow this is oh we can all sleep in the same bedroom and you can put your wire thingy in front of it and then we'll know if anyone tries to break in we could drag mattresses down until the living room light a fire before for potty fort party that's a good idea I have a surprise for you excuse me just a moment I'm sorry does anyone have a glass bead flowers seems any of them have just a glass it's all a costume jewelry looks like a really nice pearl yeah okay good throws there as you were everybody hears some muttering behind them of words they don't understand and here Caleb save her and a large bubble goes in the entire entryway and there is a giant half dome of pale orangish brown energy and then you just see Caleb's head go hey look what I made okay look can you hear through it yeah can we come into it only you yes can I go do I just hit the side of the paddle I can walk in and as soon as you're in and look back where you came you don't see what you walk through you just see the room and I'm really around it [Music] well would you need like pillows in here Caleb this is really neat I've been working on this for weeks this is really cool yes does anybody can anybody come through or only your friends only people that you like you can come in try to push my hamper so the idea behind this is that you know if we sleep in a field or something nobody is going to come and take us off to be tortured in the night I like that idea yeah a lot I like it it's cozy I like it too well it feels like outside except but you know and also if we're ever in a tight spot you know and we know something [Music] yeah I don't know if I'm looking at ya I'm across the bar just [ __ ] dancing alone before you survived being chained up and tortured that's gonna [ __ ] with a person right yeah those things don't go away you carry you carry that [ __ ] with you how did gesture do no offense but she seems like she's a little bit more willfully stronger than you are I mean [ __ ] it's really disturbing like she came out of there like a little kettle popcorn there's no problem yeah I mean I was really I was worried there were really dark times and I would hear just her like singing to herself at night and then she'd like change lyrics and then my name would be in the lyrics sometimes and every morning she would like try and cheer everybody up that was around her but she had like the muffle so I couldn't tell like if my brain was playing tricks on me or if she was just I don't think there's much it gets her down it's it's not kind of inspiring I think it is an act tonight I think it is a night it had a [ __ ] that there's no music right now now you know she has a lot of she's an amazing woman but talent is different than and happiness I guess I don't know she looks [ __ ] stoked to me right now well she's very drunk yeah I'm gonna join this table I mean you'd be amazed how people deal with a grieving process I mean you're going through it right now yeah okay what have you not thrown up yet is that part of their you supposed to is that you will you can't properly be part of civilization until you have got shit-faced and thrown up in you know you're gonna be good for when it's cold [ __ ] hot toddies I've made a hot toddy before offence you make a great hot dogging little side conversation I slapped down the rest of my Goldschlager you have some more you will dance better yeah to dance better right now pretty good I understand that but we you know dancing along the razor's edge of death so you know I feel like you should embrace the morbidity of life you don't have to drink you definitely do not have to know you don't have to definitely do not have to not at all not at all feel like this is reverse psychology don't drink it whatever you do you are supposed to not drink liquor yes of course well what happened yeah well I mean I had like are we talking with you our little girl with the I don't think so [Music] why not you know milk is just so good it is very good reason why you won't drink are you are you afraid afraid I'm not writing anything there's no reason to be afraid of anything Thanks you know we're all just happy to be alive it was just the spur of the moment I don't mean to pressure you so I would like to say let's do the first Liam would you like to go Liam one last thing I'd like to approach gesture and ask her just yes I need your help what do you need help with you are a talented artiste but also mentioned in the past that you are an expert forger have you seen my work remember I've seen you draw dicks on things I've written a lot of letters you don't really show us those too much but they're really good all right well and also while you were captured I kind of flipped through your book with my sketchbook it's excellent work if there were an art school or something you should send it in well thank you I did have really good tutors one man's growing up I'd like you to help me forge a letter okay I'd like it to sound like it's from some sort of legal entity or or or a law firm or or court or something like I lose like something like Esquire or something in there back there yes yes okay and I'd like to Oh could you not tell Caleb about this it's a secret I'm really good at keeping secrets okay I'd like you to read something like okay oh I'm gonna be sending it to the soul stris Academy just oh I know about that that's what a Ford wants to go yes are we writing this for four no okay it's in Wrexham Wrexham from the holsters yes I know where it is Soul Train Academy or something like greetings hello to whom it may concern' don't want me to make a song I'm trying to reach a young lady okay named Astrid no last name given who was really do I say that no last name given yes okay okay who was a student about eleven years ago at your academy she has inherited a bit of money from a distant relative her uncle Leonard - Verizon Mason what I don't then Leonard - lemon lemon - dilemma got it from the town of Nigeria got it and his estate his estate has employed me to find her his estate has employed me to find her in order to deliver the funds that sums of money right right new funds okay please reach out to her reach out to me oh [ __ ] you see you now I've got to write it again because you've said it wrong hold on please reach out to me with her last known contact information or address you can write me in care of the pillow trove hotel that's a one okay okay tension I don't know attention one misses gesture this is dr. Chester just no miss no mrs. love or Esquire mrs. lab or a [ __ ] okay my legal practice thanks you in advance thank you the legal practice of mm-hmm not-not-not and brave nothing our law firm yes okay nothing brave oh okay and then what now do you have a seal or something because I don't know really do it on official letters do you like kiss them with lipstick do you put a little perfume on it what are you - you know what I have my mom's lavender oil hold on I'm more official really fancy places they always have yes also so just I'm gonna get it on my fingers just to handle the paper so the paper smells like it's handled by someone I notice sometimes in letters that I've stolen from the post a fancy ones anyway sometimes you pull out the letter and then there's like this other piece of like tissue paper will do something like that okay good okay I just use another piece of paper because I don't have my latest ultra-secure wait we need that like really fancy seal we need wax do we have any wax okay well I couldn't know where any candles are around the room and then we'll stamp it with a ring when the marriage is perfect okay which one is the flap is this one mm-hmm it's God they rose on it okay two things one I would like you to to roll for your forgery so are you proficient with your trick it I well I have a forgery because of my background yes no yes I don't know I think you should have yeah proficiencies and languages forgery kit yep yes so so go ahead and roll a d20 yeah your intelligence modifier and your bonus can they beat the whiz dog she knows make a dexterity okay okay I get plus what my proficiency bonus and your intelligence modifier oh that's twelve plus three is fifteen okay so you made it you managed to forge the letter and what you believe to be a fairly decent forgery of whatever you're not slide you're not matching somebody's handwriting per se but it's more about just getting an officious look to it with you know little flourishes of calligraphy the beginning of sentence you to rolodex just a general dexterity check for me thanks Aaron a check ten ten okay there's a difference between sealing wax & candle wax how do I know this because I've made that mistake by stealing letters for previous D&D campaign so you managed to press your ring into the wax and pull back and now there's just mush on the end of your ring and there's a circular piece of much soft wax I'd like peel it diggity store yeah I'll go to the store and buy some not too expensive say to silver to get you like a chunk this bags you better be really grateful okay okay all right there you go so you finish the letter you seal it best to your ability you hope it seems official enough and you send it off towards its destination right thank you you're welcome please don't tell Caleb he might get upset I just think that this is someone from his past who might be able to you know make him think of happier times yeah that's the name he said to me when we were dancing did you no no yes we were dancing we were waltzing it was really lovely he was very very very drunk no he said something about Astrid he misses her was it his girlfriend I think so you know I don't know which way he swings but yeah he could really get any girl he wanted to it if he's very handsome especially when he shapes you can see that little the little button he has if you guys are wondering back caleb is giving gesture the vagus stink eye as he squishes from context what's like the main points of historical interests I don't know a lot but there's the lavish at home everybody's seen the ocean before right well no actually not no no I know we're about to improve all your general experience I was in the water it's really it's the opposite the fire Caleb I do it's really cool yeah I forget you haven't seen it so if you look in one direction right and you look immediately to your left yeah and then immediately to your right yeah all that [ __ ] is ocean all of it and as far as you see that line yeah yeah yeah that's all ocean to it that's crazy this is really big it's like a lake only a lot bigger I've seen big lakes yeah and the water is not like that greenish dark color it's like really beautiful and light blue see I like these literal examples hmm cuz I've only read flowery poetry that just makes it talked about we go over this next hill you'll see the ocean yeah looking at past the afternoon Sun at this vantage point especially you can see it dancing across the distant horizon ashore like hundreds of little glistening flecks of glass the short sound itself is very soothing there easy access to the water yeah yeah you can just walk right into it it's an open Beach right here the Sun maybe has a few more hours before it begins to become full dusk and then colors begin to shift in the sky but for you haven't never seen the ocean from any of you it's serene it's different it's beautiful to warm caleb has just been staring for a while and he's standing next to not and he takes off every stitch of clothing and everything and except for one thing and walk slowly submerges entirely into the ocean walked out into it up to the neck or fully submerged I'm you would I keep going and eventually stop floating on my back okay eventually you see killed vanished beneath the ocean and there's a brief moment of worry as a few seconds passed with no sight before you see buoyantly finding his way to the surface I think his ears are underwater caleb is even kind of lying there looking up into the beautiful blue sky but just faint Tufts of white just drifting by but mostly just this unending sphere of blue color before you really tranquil isn't it yeah it's very quite nice yeah you seem very at home in the water I'm surprised I mean I must commend you about people are very trepidatious and the face of a force of nature like this it's expensive it just keeps going forever you do it very well you would imagine seeing something like this would maybe give a perspective it's pretty amazing is amazing should we stay here for the night tomorrow do you want to go tomorrow just you know you're coming a cat standing what are you doing hey mom we're talking I'm sort of in the water at the beach right now we're not in the losed but um I was wondering if you're singing tonight or if you're singing tomorrow my mom is singing tonight you guys oh and then we should leave the beach and go to where she is singing though she doesn't sing every night you know so if we miss it we might miss it for a while as you guys gather your things dusk has set in and now the sky shifts from light blue to a deep blue and purple on the eastern side as the oranges and reds and yellows and pinks begin to overtake the western side of the skyline beautiful that's amazing the closest things experience to this is inside justice backpack deck Adrian I thought you just met like the abyss of my was a lot of baked goods hi are you high on the ocean that's just the jellyfish sting taking effect no it's a good day what is your business in the cabanas we came to see the Ruby receiver for two nights we help our hasn't been here for as long as I've been in life I don't miss how long again he doesn't know how old I am Kayla uh I thought it would have been obvious [Music] all right that's beautiful so as you guys are I won't steal or murder then just that whole spectrum in between you can just fill in everything that happened in your mind when I said those two implies about you is there really between between stealing and murdering arson oh oh that's right things in between between those two done is mail fraud in there or is it like lesser than that's the worst you see before you what is considered the high-end in of the opal archways you see this beautiful three-story thin but very tall building of soft canna sky blue pigments that's been painted across the stone and each windowsill you can see this kind of gold-leafed wooden frame that dangling from it is a deep cerulean crushed to velvet curtain that open up across glass windows that appear to be stained glass and glowing from the inside emanate this kind of slightly shifting kaleidoscope of color from the inside out the steps that lead up to the front double doors which are currently open emanates a very soft sound of music a four or five piece band apparently playing just gentle atmospheric music to the interior this is a very familiar sight to you gesture as this is the lattice chateau this is where you grew up this is your started you guys before entering I would look for an alleyway in the last few minutes before getting here to make all of my clothes look a cast a disguise about myself and don't change my parents other than to make my clothes of a brand new and slightly more expensive than they are well we should kill them in this you know beautifully clean and a well pressed coat with like a higher collar a wider sleeve end with cuff you can see a bit of a cravat kind of poof them from from beneath a very very nice presence light and music embraced you as you step within the lavish chateau beautiful nice around up and down these stairs late at night okay can you remind me this blue predominant to color him on the exterior yes on the interior it's like a light tan and medium would tint with whites and gold and silver and blue on the outside and her mother is a lady of the night ah the lady of the night if you will she's the best lay ever the table as soon as possible when they go stairs okay just you yeah you can hear muffled through the doorway a little bit of practice singing some scales and you hear other voices talking in their soup um I'm not gonna door and say um good evening Marian love or the little sapphire has come to see you there's a pause the door in the door creeps opening you can see one of the servants who who works within the the Chateau an older woman in her 40s or so human with like very short cannon crimped dark hair who generally helps prep your mother helping helps her get dressed and helps get her prepare for the performance manses past I'm telling be sorry uh what did you say I'm here to see the repair to see unfortunately as she is going to be performing shortly now I know I know I know tell her that I'm here I am she's no no sort of hello customer [Music] boys from behind a girl I'm sorry what and from peeking over the shoulder as you see the beautiful red skin of your mother and the the dark hair tumbled past the shoulder as she's been wearing a mostly laced up bodice as the other services in the process of lacing and tying its glances over her shoulder kind of pushes past the edge of the cheering's you see her smile brightly her kind of faintly white glowing hint of yellowish gold into her eyes bright and immediately was come in please close the door for me at which point the other one is lacing is too like pulling on the back of the bodice and without even looking at her Marian just kind of pushes her sideways while Marianne just continues to hold you and rock you back and forth you so much so much I missed you so much I wanted to come home sooner but we got distracted because we went Empire he dropped the illusion and even though she knew it wasn't until actually she gets an opportunity to look upon your face and your hair and your eyes and your smile that you watch just life breathe in like I renewed the fire into the chest of your mother I mean today she grabs the sides of her cheeks and pulls you into this just brings winning kisses you on the forehead and she medially like like so it's like you're brushing your hair with her fingers and the side with like you've gone so far and traveled so much you have to tell me about what you've done I will of course do you want me to finish lacing you up your performance is tonight yes it is um please do not mind [ __ ] she knows what to do well how do I look you look beautiful mama and perhaps you should go join your friends oh right add the rest that's great yeah did was she happy to see you yeah yeah no of course she was she was she gonna give us a place to stay sure yes of course she is yeah the the doors are closed on the other side of the children okay the the band brings their song to a close and a bit of a murmur kind of takes the quiet room as the lights shift the candles they were all kind of that warm yellowish orange light suddenly all at once reduced to a low red flicker [Music] yeah this is exciting a chamber has closed the lights have shifted and there was a bit of anticipation in tension in the room as the musicians begin to slowly build up to a new type of song begins to fill the space the beautiful village of the Ruby of the sea and her dark dress the Train dangling off about six or seven steps behind her as her fingers trace the sides of the railing she comes down takes a breath and begins to gently sing to the audience around you and you watch as everyone in the room begins to lean forward and Tran the lights seem to almost flicker and shift with her emotional intent of the song as her voice fills the space with warmth the light seems to brighten ever so gently with each crescendo even the bartenders themselves have stopped all they've seen performances like this hundreds of times it's still a performance that draws attention from all across the coast and beyond you see as all the tables themselves are just quiet as she steps into the center of the room kind of walking from table to table tracing the edges with her fingers making eye contact each of the patrons but nevertheless for those of you who this is your first time here within the lava chateau this is definitely one of the most beautiful performances you've seen and you immediately see why jesters mother like the Ruby of the sea or at least one of the many reasons that she's renowned across these lands as she completes the piece she ascends back up the stairs back to her chamber is vanishing from sight as everyone within stands up and begins clapping and cheering with that the doors open to the back side of the in some folks begin to saunter out their performance that they've come to see for the evening complete others go back to their meal and their drinks and their conversation so much choice she really had an effect on the room and that was it just me or did the light seem to dance when she was I do I make the lights flare just a little bit washes the lights kind of flicker and shift in a similar way that they did with the performance are you all in love with her now she's a striking striking woman still a very impressive would she sing with you you know when when you're alone well you know she's thanked him the other thing did you sing with her sometimes mostly it was just her though do you ever wish she could do what she does be that pretty and graceful and sing really good and have a bunch of people think she's wonderful yeah no of course not I like myself just the way I am when did you everything when you first told us about your mother oh that's right I did sing for you you're welcome usually after the performance is kind of taken by other things there's a lot of people that like want to marry her and have tried to court her and stuff like that but she only ever you know said yes to my dad oh she's got like lots of security obviously this place seems you know pretty well yeah there's a lot of security guards around here unfortunately time of their day or the week where you know that you would have mother-daughter time um it would usually you know she'd come tuck me into bed late late at night you know afterwards so sometimes it would be I would already be asleep but she'd come in and say like I'm just saying goodnight to your love you know and then she'd go and then we wake up and sometimes we'd have breakfast but sometimes we wouldn't and then sometimes she was gone for a few days at that time you know because the people here they don't really want to know about their daughters or anything like that so I would stay here and she would tell me to and then sometimes you know she'd be free and then we could have lunch or something it sounds fine yeah I mean I think we'd all like to meet her would tomorrow be the time for that I'm just going to run upstairs and tell me mean do not disturb my mom but to ask if it's okay if I come by tomorrow maybe yeah as in dear mr. Angus like of I actually young your mother and opens the door just that I have taken no suitors this evenings a week instead you said you wanted me to meet your friends I want to hear their stories and I need to say thank you to those who kept my little girl we can go back upstairs come on turn back around then go running back up okay beautiful chambers with a you can see silks in the windows that have elements of gems and beads kind of knitted into these these braided cords that you can imagine during the daylight would kind of add bits of color speckles throughout the chamber but chairs are being brought up more food is being brought up behind you two more bottles of wine have been fetched to your chamber and there kind of robe placed on most of the jewelry removed but still fully made up and smiling as you enter you see the the beautiful red skinned ruby of the see her dark hair now tied up behind and resting down the back of her robe with a single curl that kind of runs in front of the face on the right side kind of faintly white almost yellow gold eyes but as you all in termina when she was please know that you are guests of me here within this call this your home for as long as you like to stay well you would have to eventually pay but to stay for a while under my name please what I would like to know the names if you would like to introduce okay one this is Caleb he's a wizard he has a lot of fire and stuff he he likes his books and he used to smell bad but he doesn't anymore he likes water now you have a beautiful singing voice thank you very much for the performance you have a very charming daughter thank you anything you I can sense a bit rough in the social graces so I am very honored that she would come to see my performance that is M naeun accent I am afraid so yeah it is it shows that you've traveled some some distance to be here yeah I appreciate fish-out-of-water yeah hmm well you found plenty of it here so perhaps the Fisher's found a home this is not I will drop my form takes a step back oh don't apologize well I think you are very adorable this is a pleasure to meet you not she's very nice it's lovely to meet you I'll curtsy you begin to tell her tales of the adventures you've had and kind of recounts the how you've met and you talked for a number of hours or so and she's smiling and listening and engaging and well she is this this beautiful matronly woman there are moments where you can see that kind of warmth and pride creepeth room and she looks a gesture and you can also see that there is a a very reserved and controlled wisdom and intelligence to her she's a very perceptive woman that asks the right questions at the right moments to throw you off guard a bit and also get a bit of honesty they begin to see how it's the quality of her companionship comes from her insightfulness and ability to bring comfort to any conversation and though you had all these expectations and you have your guard built up you can't help but but strange they feel welcome and and and open with a person that you've just met and you take a moment to think on that and see this is really an incredible woman but you've all said so much about yourselves I I am afraid there has not been too much happening here that is different I have been working to try and get those charges eliminated but it is a difficult process he is a man who his pride is very important to him so in time but for now perhaps just do more of what you've been doing to not look like yourself once you leave this space I'm just being kind of careful with my socialization these days I have been having some problems of the client it's fine it's fine it's a very intense man and he paid well and did not seem to bring a problem but has become more and more possessive and only in this past week I have been hearing of him threatening and telling other clients of mine to back away and not enjoy people threatening my clientele my business and I've twice now explained to him precisely the nature of our arrangement I believe Algar works directly for the Concord within the city so he is with his own powerful allies as well I'd prefer to avoid any sort of direct confrontation by any means necessary any bloodshed within the chateau so outside of the chateau and then we kill him I don't want him to hurt you mom you're unable to speak to the law here he has not broken the law and his friends in some places enforce the law so that is where my conundrum nice maybe we can get them to fall in love with someone else yeah that would be helpful so I mean I don't need to brag but good luck just kick his ass intimidate the [ __ ] out of them and just speaking hypothetically it would not upset you any if he were to are we happy around please I do not mean to impose my you're going to take care of you well it is good that we have the world's two best detectives with us that should be an easy is his task to fulfill he's actually not the gentleman we met a guy goes by the name gentleman oh yeah she's like I don't know who knows who's blue as well and he's always sweaty yeah dark hair oh you know of the gentleman but I know of a man have you described of bluish skin and quite sweaty yes he is coming through before was he knives or was he not nice it's very nice it's very dashing I told you about him before what what wait a minute but not the gentleman though I don't don't know the name didn't come in but yeah he is dark hair has got like black hair that's really long and blues getting oh my god your mother knows the gentleman that's so cool yeah but this is what you can do like kind of like watery stuff right like cold stuff right can you do that tell me a lot of this this gentleman please okay well he lives a - and he lives in a bar and he's got long black hair and he's really like mmm kind of charming sort of but kind of snarky at the same time dark hair I don't know about anything in that regard but it wasn't named the gentleman when I met him I never asked he did were lots of rings on his fingers we had a bit of an arrow man cheers ago how many years ago by the way about Babylon this all oh my god what do the gentleman is my dad wait what are we saying if are we saying is well we don't know for sure I mean mother might know you do you want to go see him oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm going to send him a message okay and then we can see if it's him oh my god oh my god is your name Babbitt uncle Saul do you have you ever been to the perico's oh my god do you know the Ruby of the sea oh my god he's gonna he's being a wiretap so the cells that the spell sends no response but I wanted him to be true to her forever do you still love them love is a funny thing they're still a part of my heart that will always be his but it's been decades you move on then in the morning we'll go not murder this guy definitely not definitely not sleepin and she kisses you in the forehead just closes the door Caleb for all of this for the last hours been trying to figure out if she seems okay so in this moment does she seem okay I don't think she seems okay i but you know what I mean even prior to finding out that news I just mean seeing her mother so I'm saying like for the entire evening here even before that done that be more of a question fair I'm not asking Wow kind of stupid for not thinking to ask the gentleman okay when we met him how would you can you just ask you I did think it was fun between or meeting somebody else who is blue a lot of blue people in the world I assume you're also not constantly perspiring or anything yeah it's true only just now did you want to have a drink and think about it or go for a walk I think or a swim why would I need this well no because you have water person oh not are you going to go swimming with her if she wanted me to I could really I I would that would do that for you what if he's my dad you guys well then you've had nothing but positive interactions with him right we didn't we didn't do anything what did we do with him did we do anything we're done very right by him but we've also tipped him off to the fact that you assumed that he might know your mother a more intimate level did I put that out there well I guess it depends on if he's trying to hide it or not would be nice to see his face when you ask the question you know I mean this is the sort of conversation one would should have in person I suppose yeah yeah it's a question mark right no but I there will be in another chapter to that story why don't you give him a few days to ruminate on what you have just said and see if anything returns or maybe we will return it it's your decision love it it's going to be so long before we go back to the - maybe maybe at the very least I think you should sleep on it what she said he was very charming and very sweet and very funny he always made her laugh it's good that you get to see your mother that you seem very happy to see her I won't go in the back but I will send Frumkin eighty or ninety feet in front of all of us and like play with Frumkin okay as you're making your way through the water this puppy this puppy is trying to tug paddle from the foot and a half of water like no get come back here so you have to train your animal to harass my dog I'll take a really good back you guys all now flew into the chamber now attempt to do that thing I've seen Beauregard do so many times and like fulfil my yeah I'll just tear off a sheet of ribbon oh so you know that guy oh girl yes we went to go talk to him but he's already left you laughs yes he had fled the city apparently things happened they were real bad or something oh well that may very well be a great turn of luckin my benefit definitely yeah thank you for looking into that of course yeah we were going to talk to him and everything but he's gone so that's that makes me feel more comfortable thank you very much of course I appreciate that so we're no longer with another than moment why do your mom look I don't want her getting in trouble for anything but how'd she get in trouble I don't know the less she knows the better what if she found out something and she judged me for it because we did something bad what if she finds out you lied to her and judges you for that why would she find out you know I had the same thought but really either she believes Chester and no big deal or she doesn't believe Chester and knows that it's taken care of it's just to protect her it is a white lie all right Marian now dressed in her casual evening gown mr. tsuda sentence comes to join you at the table and since I am very happy to see that you've made a good group of friends a travel family just waters raft yeah yeah is everything all right yeah oh yeah what did I do do anything would know where this is very good that we just - feels like perhaps that she is imposing bringing us all of us here and we were trying to convince her that that is literally the slightest gesture this is no imposition I'm just happy to have you home for a bit I'm happy to be home for a bit and he doesn't know what is going on so I don't tell the truth about that trout Lavoie you have such a lovely daughter she's so charming and such a Spitfire eye it has been such a pleasure to get to know her I've been curious for weeks and now almost Muncey's and I think it's almost months what she was like as a child because she's such a joy now young gesture was threatened bunk she's curious ever running off getting into well trouble and finding trouble making trouble for me it was a joy she was very quick to learn ever smiling brightening any chamber she walked into she had a good sense for who needed to be taken down a peg so she was always a prankster very much more so around that adolescence I think yeah I guess so but but she's always been sweet inspirational there is it cm very sweet very proud of her do you have any good embarrassing stories yes but looks anything I can speak of in mixed company today was a major [ __ ] everything went wrong we did all the wrong things I mean I know that it didn't go very well but there's a new family right so we want the family to stick together I think we need to oh you're over here I think we need to lead by example you mean just laugh extra hard and pretend like we're having a great time just keep that morale up I think he's all I mean we have done good things I know that yet the day was it was a day we care for these people yeah absolutely and we want to stay together and if they're if they are thinking that this is not working out all you have to do something to change that we definitely do it to think more than just wing it you know this group we get under each other's skin and we all just sort of egg each other on and we like to wing it so maybe we need to slow things down but I am serious the thing that I'm worried most is they feel like like it's fracturing we'll keep them together okay if all else fails fake a heart attack go to your aid and then when they save you will be like yeah we saved him I don't know if you're joking or not but I'm going to do it okay good yeah Caleb watches his chest and cries out and pulls to the owner of the boat he always had one yes like really good all right thank goodness to know I'm such a fearful person I'm always scared things too much for me again buddy wow you guys we saved his life with the power of friendship red face matches his hair I don't understand anything how do we prevent further heart episode trans need to not be attacked by anything anymore we need to just stop pursuing our pursuits and pick an island and stay there are you saying you want to retire from adventuring life very good I feel like I feel like you're so why are you so stupid this is feeling like it's going too far not who is that hot hot yeah I'll take the first shift I'm very jittery tonight right now thank you I'll stay up with you now the owl is Peter petting on Avantika 's head are you putting the woman out over the old cute LaVon that girl puts the finger up towards those pumpkin talked to it goes up to the finger have you never seen an owl before but the one that's so small and adorable in this dust Iona mm-hmm it's pretty here from poops [Laughter] finish your watch seemingly uneventful towards the tail end of it you do see a shape of it looks to be another one of those leopard like creatures that kind of stalks on the outskirts of the the strange opaque orb you've created and kind of approaches it there's kind of circles around it for a bit kind of prods added every now and then spends about 40 minutes or so just keeping them watched and eventually loses interest and wanders off into the jungle alright next watch who's taking X motion really need really need one more watch gesture on the way on pranaya scaler before it goes to sleep hey kyon could we stick things through the bubble yeah you can go out and in and you can sorry and you can put your weapons through it but no magic will go in or out okay but you can leave and come back any time okay just sticky but please don't go on any walkabout you already did well that was for Kinesis don't worry about it that way do you promise that is good enough for me goodnight you know you might say that's how you say it I cut some truth is I don't know what I wanted ultimately there to put the done or you can just eat okay Caleb eats the fruit over the next minute or so Caleb we don't need the builders the colors of the light begins to shift even your own you guys watch the skillet begins to slowly move the food the floating orbs in different patterns and gets distracted by his own contra bar that goes in here I feel I feel really good but I know tell us what the walls is wait wait wait wait wait wait I know that I am not in a good position so somebody come with me to make sure I'll take a kind of Sounders up next to you for it and this like come on I mean you guys glanced over and you watch not and one of the vines is kind of curled up around not Gail above the ground cuz I'm next to Caleb oh you hold him up at which point of vine wraps up around your body faster you pick it off and kind of pull away and you can now see this this and you now see these large to thick and tangling vines when that's wrecked entirely around not constricting her tiny body the other ones trying to wrap its way around gesture Caleb but he do things are going very poorly so I reach into all of my pockets and I pull out a bit of iron dust and I go and just doubles in size mister is holding Caleb over your shoulder is your lucky day and this is very dangerous to give to you but you're the perfect person to have itself because we're here adidas is yours this will allow you to paint things nothing too fancy it will allow her life into the door and Latvia door this will allow her to paint a sword and there will be a sword someone falsely compared to take on the head favorite thing in the this is the most amazing thing in the entire universe so just don't create a penis on my head okay and with a square in case this thing gets out of hand yeah and I count on you to write the ship if need be keep the group safe of course as always I will do my best I cough very hard into my hands Caleb yo do you have some I create water in my hands I [Laughter] receive it there's not much left most of it spilled creating it in your hands as you drink I'm able to do you mean I get cut accustomed yes just keep drinking keep going in one night that you are in your room sketching in your book kind of testing out some of your new paints you feel a hand on your shoulder good glanced over to the side and you can see the draping hood me it's like curved smile across the angular chin of the traveler protruding from beneath the cloak how are things um they're pretty good traveler how do I make a boy like me well there are many different enchantments that could achieve the goal as you see listen listen to what piques his interest and then happened to be the source when he needs it Chester I'm staring at this milk that I ordered and it's really disgusting and I'm going to drink that are you know it's it's it has lumps in it yeah well it's a lovely place yeah you doing okay you seem a little off to me what I see malls don't you seem distracted Oh around this woman you seem distracted around this world nothing cuter I don't like her very much please it because she's a murderer no oh I don't like that part about that but were all kind of murderers sometimes aren't we I don't think that all of us are murderers are you a murderer I mean we have killed some people yeah but that's a very specific thing you know if your life is in danger that's one thing you know if something happens in the heat at the moment or the there's danger in both directions murder is premeditated that's a very different thing I find it hard to believe that you have killed somebody with premeditation I could be wrong but now I don't I haven't ever done that I've done some pretty shady stuff though that I believe have you done some shady stuff yes I have have you done stuff that's piratey before you were a pirate yeah you know sort of what's the shadiest thing you ever did oh well not and I have robbed people for sure people are not a lot of money so that we could eat and I have to weed that thing that we did to you when we first met you you know we turn in coins we turn one thing into another and then we go stay at an inn and buy food and then it turns back into pennies and you know that's not so good but you know when you're starving it is a really cool trick they got to see magic no that's true it all balances out you've done the really good things - yeah do you want some of this won't be milk no do you want any ale no boy this is quite a predicament that we've got myself into how the hell we were visiting your mother your mother was so lovely I know she's so nice and now we're pirates and I'm never going to see her again that's not true it's really possible Caleb we can never go home we will get you home you know we were here this is Ford's thing we were where his support we're here to help him out and and then we'll get out you know Beauregard and I don't want to be here forever either I don't think I know that I do not want to be in this place for or on the sea forever it's interesting definitely doesn't want to be not is like a cat clinging to the ceiling she's like a cat on the Hot Tin Roof I think you just doesn't like the water either basically cuz it tried to kill him a few times already really none of us like it here but Ford kind of I didn't even know if he likes it a lot like Avantika I don't know you're sweet on him here I don't know it feels funny how do you mean well you know when you really like somebody but then you start to know them and you go do I like them or do I like what I thought they were and then you don't know and then you think that they are flirting with you but then you find out they probably won't you know save your life and so you feel like kind of sad about it and maybe a little stupid that's a little out of my realm of experience I'm sorry you were the girlfriend before though yeah [Music] when we were dancing and then I put you to sleep and you said her name of you I I don't forget anything my pinky she was handsome was she a boy no I said she okay she was handsome I'm trying to get an image of her in my brain here you know did you have like a really good nose or something the best really for me your mysterious kala you know that there was a long time ago anyway let's just focus on getting out of this place away from that woman and now she's saying we all have to take the same boat how are we going to get away from her is there anyone paying attention to us well I don't care I'm pulling out the wire and I'm running it in my mouth we'll take care of her if we have to are you okay yeah just a cough cold I want to get the hell off this island eventually but we're here now tomorrow books yes the fun no probably not but we will get sorted will we'll make the best of this place will help Ford figure out his [ __ ] I suppose important to him yeah and then we'll get out of here no then you can reassess open back on dry land in scale it thanks for leaving me on the street like your uncle I thought about that it would have been pretty funny for you to wake up but I like you more than that are we slipping on our boat where should I go I think we'll probably get a room somewhere yeah hmm in the door what are you guys doing I guess just sitting in here for a while yeah that's drinking told you can reek I'll turn to I'll turn to Caleb and say listen it this is more your thing online but aren't you at least curious about what this pedestal does yeah I have some ideas of my own curious but I want to know what you intend the top of this pedestal is covered in rust no blood yeah aren't you with the least bit curious what a little drippy drip might do [Music] I'm always curious can I count on you to return the favor always okay as you place your hand down on it you see this dull red glow around the hand that's placed on the table as you're gonna pull your hand up and look the runes where the blood has splattered have begun to give a faint glow you glance over you can see a faint matching dull red glow on one of the rooms across the way just barely peeking through some of the gently shifting seaweed and looking out of this table you need a lot of blood to continue to do this you guys begin just carving into your into your hands okay the blood clouds the water around you and then you watches it is drawn like a magnet to the tabletop and as it begins to sit itself in each of the rooms begins to pull in with each one and glowing another room in the room it's almost full the table isn't there yet you have about maybe two thirds to three quarters or so the room the room itself now is beginning to just generally have a red hue to it as each of these runes is beginning to fill the area is there a chance that we're giving this to her [Music] I'm following your Lydia this is your own quest I have things that I need to do that are not here and I am going to need help I understand I think we're good we can go [Music] we understand each other cut palm to cut palm and I'll start the head out of the chamber do you have any prospects any long-term plans goals like where do you see yourself in a year from now you guys yes what about kiri what about not what about we all love each other so much on me yeah okay there is there is a powerful magical essence emanating from that sphere okay like no one's got anything like sitting on different a different kind of magic well there are yeah I have been listening to my friend just speak of them a lot like all the time and she's got a lot of fun stories that is true this one time she watched an ant carrying a piece of bread like six or seven times larger than anything I never either but I take her word for it because she's you know she's on the open up that's fun I like friends I do too I go if I put my arms around him and if he let me I'll kiss him on the cheek oh [Music] thank you Caleb you're up but yeah I don't see gesture she's not here like you're left already I don't see Twiggy I heard her voice yep not as a yeah there is a dragon mm-hmm a final mental it was burning angrily I'm going to cast a expeditious retreat and since that is transmutation I and I smelled the ozone as soon as I hit the ground I am going to make my transmute a stone make me resistance to lightning to go okay and I'm going to be lying for this fear all right that brings us to jesters turn okay my name is so stupid I'm gonna cast cure wounds on myself cuz I'm gonna die if I don't know it's just a remains it's now the Dragons turned off uh all right man it's gonna be an attack a claw attack on each of you attack against not that's you take ten points of slashing damage okay as it strikes both towards you you like it like there's that moment of quiet where your eyes closed and you're waiting for them in a moment and you hear this voice creepin your head and go and your arm without even noticing you feel like a hand to push your wrist and the shield goes up and to flex the impact you just instinctually muscle it away as you do you watch two teeth shatter and follow the ground in front just at that moment of strength billowing up from inside a pretty strong cleric not your up getting you returned you take six points of fire damage to mild go I will run towards the exit okay are you disengaging no that's gonna hit that's a fifteen plus nine yes 24 the applied attack it's due which is more damage that's gonna be 18 points mm-hmm okay if I use my bonus action to fire again does that I can't touch the thing right go just go just go [ __ ] what you doing man oh you don't know you did enough yeah go I'll go jester's turn it's been a return you take fire damage mmm six points of fire oh my god well here's this reaction right it's the Dragons dragons turn one hit point as you all one by one emerged beaten on fire help put it out for those who are still burning flames you find yourselves back in the hull of the ship do a few more up here eventually everyone makes their way out of it was alive we just left it's gonna gesture and and just take the flower out of her head I think it was like very way ahead how you feel I walk off well I just want to say that this was the most fun adventure I've ever had in my life and you guys are the bestest friends I've ever had but I better keep moving so I might get off here you're going to stay with us you guys have been the greatest friends ever but I've spent my whole life in a box I stand that III go up to the good gangplank or whatever sort of attached to the dock I sort of wave and I say be good I'm a really good liar bow I'm going to go to my room go to sleep okay am i okay yes I'm fine are you okay jump on me I will jump up on to Kayla I will give her a big kiss on his nose sit down on the deck and start drawing in chalk on my wood and putting my cat in the middle of it even though he's only been a cat for a few days and ten minutes later we have an octopus so if I was petting from Ken when you are doing that would eat slowly like lose his fur and grow tentacles or would it be like a poof I try that sometime okay there is a moment of transition it's a little awkward below disappearing into the depths may I have my books back please before you draw googly eyes in the pages did you already draw googly eyes on the page there may be some surprises maybe not Orla can we set a course for a set of course for Nick adronis Byway a broken Bank speaking of stinky kill what do we get [Music] I've been in the ocean for days and days there's ever been well first I want you to admit that I have been washed I didn't say you're stinky not said you were stinky Kayla I think you smell like salt and fresh air yeah do what about a place that has writing materials paper and ink and that sort of thing oh yeah my mom was big on books you could fraught you you have not been to a bookstore necessarily most of the books that you had were brought to you by your mom but you could probably wander around and find one eventually yeah I'll leave the way you just walk over here and then you go down this tree like we've walked down this road before at least twice yeah that's exactly what we've done you've been to this place before but when you're a child maybe your fur got in the way oh I never went here no did you get out did your mother take you around what did you have maybe a babysitter no neither you know just left to your own devices a small child you know go places but I did see a bookstore I swear from my window sometimes talking about this one right here front to back but before we go in do you never win total just really you mean just rarely went out I I did go out sometimes yeah I got two you go you know on errand sometimes yeah that's fun did you have many friends growing up the travelers really cool so you were starved for blood I mean you know that guy he's so he hung out at me sometimes Minotaur yeah that must have been fun it was he's you know he would let me hang on his horn what about just outside of the Chateau did you should go out to play no well let's see what works there inside here the only sound you hear is the sound of purring who looks to be the owners cat is curled up on top one of the shelves and she's like soon as you enter and make your first creaking footsteps the floorboard when I pokes up in just stretches out stands up and looks at you all and then turns around and just walks away well priority one is just ideal in prose and poetry quite a bit so I just need a good amount of basic blank paper for my work really good poet all rise mmm-hmm have you been published I am working up the courage for that point I'm almost ready right now I sometimes think I need to think I want to get out of the store right now and get a drink keep at it so just the paper yeah where are we going to stay tonight do you think that would be helpful sleeping today here we go home you can see kind of lounging in her her fainting caps in the far corner is your mother with a small book open her hair is just kind of pulled and tied back tightly she's just in her casual gesture it's just and she puts the book down and sits up and just runs across and picks you up with a big swinging hug and starts showering your heavier forehead and cheeks with kisses gesture your back but are you taking him wonderful I am so happy to hear them yeah he's missed his mom you haven't you haven't you cover it for us for the night how long we're gonna be maybe maybe just a couple nights favorite best there's a few things we should do in town before we don't know what we're doing did you want us to stay for a while about a few days I mean I don't want to impose or anything you know it's not an imposition I just need to make sure that there are rooms available for a future and aggressive night pardon me another after tonight we could find another place you give you a day or two with your mother sure I mean I would not argue I mean we can hang out I know there's stuff we need to do and stuff now that we're back you know on land I feel better hmm it is welcoming should we take nugget with us as we go please no yeah maybe not into the shore the stores that the things are break and then we have to pay for it we might be doing like a sort of a covert walk by this place you know I'm going to stay here and do a little bit of reading so if you want me to watch your dog I will do you want any company while I read yeah someone you know to stare over your shoulder and see what you're reading a little uncomfortable if who are we talking about you know I I don't like to be near when he reads he needs to focus are you sure nugget won't bother you no but go find out what you can about this place and get your shopping done ask about the tower subtly you need anything hmm I love you stay with Caleb don't BAMF away stay with him he loves you so much you don't have a good time will you play yeah watch the dog immediately bugger off like Portland's opposite directions as he ports right up next to you and pushes you over okay you want to do some spell research with me come on come on from Kim something from Zurich slowly I mean leave seven perches around your shoulders kind of taking the territory and steering nugget George you are the guard cat don't let him push you around and I start to read and write alright after an evenings rest in the luxurious rooms with lavish Chateau and a fine breakfast what would you like to do for the day and [ __ ] darkness what what is gonna get us in that door is it information about you or what are you talking about we talked about this over dinner last night doesn't eat with you it definitely did anyway didn't come to the dinner at all Caleb he's just being cool no we need a story to get us past the the maybe we make an ally and he can check off more than one box yes tell us about the zodiac ahed wrong check out a bunch of box yeah well potentially could turn us over to people that we are not interested in didn't turned over to but I'm not saying no let's just be careful that's all yeah fair enough well this guy is anti Clovis Concord so I don't know thank you this is going to do something to you Caleb personally I don't think so what did he talk to you about yeah did he talk it all or was he just like okay we we talked about you guys actually he said we were foolish I didn't say anything I listened not hmm isn't like you know your hometown and little bit of date oh is it I haven't been thinking about that every day but yes I mean maybe we should you know what don't you want to spend more time with your mom Z's course I do but you know my mom was here and people who care about it could be in danger well we could swing by I wouldn't be opposed to that but let's stay in one place for a few days first right before moving on no way we can stay a few days when we get there don't want to run off okay Gustavo misses you she wants to see your shows of course I look but people could be in danger one more date well you'll regret it it's okay with everyone I could always catch up with you all we're gonna it's gonna need a day to get ourselves together anyway we don't have I'm gonna have to put everything together so why don't you just one more night why don't you just spend some time with your family and we'll we'll get the car together and get the supplies together that's why I was very tough yeah sounds like a deal tried to teach nugget you know just work on that hold been in and out she's training the dog that he's getting very good at that you're doing a good job thanks Kayla really don't like dogs I'm sorry I finished this book I thought you might like it it's about romance at sea with a sailor what what does it cook the salt is it yeah I'm gonna try to refine so much rougher problem my friends is that you have to care about them and wonder away Wow Wow [ __ ] cool Caleb Caleb is really cool yeah he's cool you're cool okay let's see gesture thanks you're [ __ ] cool just a friend all right um can we maybe circle back for them we can tell you really you know skin it and that's okay to be scared we just don't know why did you die to you I have been using you all I attended the sultry Academy wait isn't that where you were to go forth it's really bad or something [Music] III it was plucked by one of the Cerberus assembly he sort of put me in advanced class me and a few others I went a little crazy and I ran away III don't I I don't want you all to be seen with me because if you are seen with me by one of them they will they will use you to get to me we you you met the man who trained me his name is Trent eka phone that's why you always make that face I'm sorry Kayla I'm not a very good person I don't think our actions define who we are all the time good people do bad things sometimes even bad people do good things I think you're a good person also I don't think a very bad person would care about us I don't think a very bad person would care that he was very bad do you care about us you've told us several times how you've been using us are you secretly in love with me you [Music] [Laughter] still haven't answered my previous question of how you were using us and what that means to you protect but look at me am i straining and weak as it comes I'm weak look at that look at her her guns are bigger than mine you have no guns that was an exaggeration that day you are just fast and quick and talented okay okay there's a difference between using someone and relying on someone else what I was gonna say do you think that Ford was using us do you think that Notts been using us you know and we're also here volunteering our help it's only using us if you don't like us do you like us though yeah yeah you do I or gesture [Music] I'm glad your seat good in it it's too late now because whether you like it or not we all care about you and are invested and you know like your happiness I guess so [Music] okay [Music] don't run [Music] you can say you don't believe in anything and that's fine believe in us just a little bit [Music] No I will consider it heavily this day is the hardest so far because it is an entire eight plus hours of just winding tunnel it is once an hour Caleb says it's 2 o'clock it's 3 o'clock maybe put some chives behind it so you can be like a bell tower he points over to the small cage the little creature you mean who is this one is food I mean we shouldn't let it just you can't even sure what kind of creature it is a kind of resembles like a squirrel kinda resembles like a small dog but it's just it's greasy and ratty and no I tell you what do you want this question I mean I don't want to do suffer in the cage Caleb I will make one last offering to you I will give you the faking in exchange for this creature no you can't you can give Akey you will bring blessings to your people thankful teaching okay take the okay so telepathically I tell from Ken I'll bring you back in one day buddy my head that's forward okay kicks up the fake King from the scruff of the neck nothing yeah I eat game power bigger than that one bars leader Leto you guys are given a path through and we have food the creature in the cage the cages is right there the creature may become some darts off down the tunnel thanks Caleb hi buddy so thing is gonna jump 10 more feet something else you tube videos where they let's go in the forest and just the hot 10 feet so you guys continue I pay Caleb the entire distance you and the Yasha BAMF 90 feet and run because Caleb sure sure sounds good I like it Esther you're up okay I'm going to run out grab Caleb and the mentioned door to the other side alright for my movement I am going to just take a step not back in but to the side there actually and I will walk to the other side of the dog there yeah okay so you drew yeah and I'm just looking for not you got it hey Caleb do you have any extra arm reps seems my numb evaporated in the lava not the braces though good you know braces are good they're a little jinke on my wrists now though I do actually around wraps are kind of pad I have enough for three three sets of arms are they clean yeah yeah okay okay how long have we known each other for it's not alright do I still smell on your hands for a while if the rails real tight and stuff they can smell there's no like vinegar after [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah in my bag balsamic oh that's good balsamic I just go and smell kala patthar on a regular basis you may take a second watch as the evening progresses you're confident in the the lull of activity this tunnel seems to bring you do catch a looks to be some sort of a shift of movement or our ships in texture along the roof of this tunnel as you look up you can see there's some sort of a creature larger than most of you that kind of takes up the upper half of this tunnel a heavy dark shell almost turtle-like but you see these extended arms that end in these hooks as it kind of crawls its way across the ceiling its shell almost scrapes the top of the dome I'm drawing I'm drawing in this sketchbook okay it doesn't seem to pay any mind to the dome and just continues scrambling path further down the tunnel like that yeah yeah I suppose cross right overhead of us I don't like that have you ever seen anything like that before I draw googly eyes on it that makes it a little more palatable it's not as scary and then what am i cute now yeah are you awake oh wait no I thought this morning I you Samet heard you to make it sound like the nice sound of rainfall so that now that's a good use of a country other than that evenings uneventful but you did watch this this hope arm like beaked creature crawl its way past you and make its way deeper in towards the mountain base Thank You Jess you know I mean I did but they don't anymore you don't smell bad you should know you can you can keep the running get going if you like only if it you know doesn't make you uncomfortable no it made me uncomfortable at first but now I know you're pretty well so it's fine okay good plus it's very who was hot back there so now these do kind of that I was sweating now like it's going to I'm from there's nothing to hide now so I'll put those away all right the rest of you your watch goes with that issue I eventually get to a point where you're no longer hiking and walking you're having to hand over foot climb up it's almost becoming a vertical tunnel all right well go right behind them okay so everyone behind Caleb Caleb making your way up you know the wraps have Yuri wrapped yourself yeah and and which is unfortunate because the texture does add to a bit of the grip that you're used to having in some circumstances combined with just the general sweat in the exertion being not the most athletic member of the group you reach forward and grab a stone that just dislodges and you drop it and reach out for another one that one dislodges to and you reach out to grab the side and your fingers just hit loose gravel and you scrape back and the rest of you behind look up and watch kale go whoa begin to fall in your direction free fall you managed to catch Caleb by the scruff of the coat pull back your hand begins to come loose gonna reach out and grab on another piece of stone and you you feel your fingernails kind of grind and snap but you managed to hold on somebody's gonna have to support they're both gonna go down here so below them who's gonna go ahead alright job and try to help I'll make an arm brace with Ford on the other side you take a moment to write yourselves and get back into a steady position eventually getting Caleb back on the trail I begin to disguise self from myself so I make myself look like a male version of Chester blue like a twin but not quite as goth just a little bit but not quite as goth but identical I can't do anything about the voice I'm sorry let's go alright and I will finish this turn Caleb just backs out of the room good oh-oh-oh and walked back and stands next to Chester okay there you go oh we look like we are on it we have this totally handled I believe in you let's go you can see your breath mm-hmm it's nice to have something familiar it's funny everyone said that your house was very ugly but looking out it kind of looks like a field of diamonds right now it's glistening just like in that smut book you do yeah it all comes back to this month so romantic thank you Caleb mm-hmm I know that you have an interest in seafaring so did you learn a lot so name three parts of the boat oh the portside the poop deck and the math we earn a favor I take her at her word she would have to give us a favor regardless of why we're asking boy seemed to place any conditions on this favor well no but she also like you know she's in charge and we're not she could do whatever she wants that's true not a very good favor though for endangering our lives for no but I mean if you were like I'll give you a favor and then you know somebody cashes in and they're like oh in order to cash in you have to like cut open your hand and you know put it on this thing and maybe do some really horrible blood oath would you do that as a favor I mean no right turn around and walk back to my spot I place my hand on the neck of my largest beast and say I will be back for you later Yannick yeah yeah good boy Yannick all right what will you say to yours I will be back for you later yarn ball yeah Yanik yarn ball you see Caleb he Frumkin but no one seems to be specifically following you meaning you don't even know where the rest of your party is okay is the running checkered line to sprint from Canon up and he will climb up just as back okay I'm going to encourage thumbs up and perches are on the back of your neck wrinkles seems very I'm comfortable with this kind of puffs up it also it's not too fond of it I'm more of an Azeri right now that's walking buck [ __ ] petting zoo what do you mean just be icing to use this for your real accent this is my real accent so you're lying I was lying you should seriously listen to her then because that is a really know that you try not say I'm terrible at accents try one try one try try just sound like me would sound like me try to sound like you I'm a little Goblin hi I am loving pastries and also my god is what my god my god is so cool you guys little Ford eltridge bleh I think you put extra consonant [Laughter] don't talk just luck maybe in like places where people can hear you that's nice okay like honestly that sounded a lot like technically technically two ticket Nicolay's Oh technically each other are they like in separate your separate okay I mean they are y'all gonna be alright by yourselves jester you gonna are you gonna be safe she could punch you through a wall do you have a third man to take care of Forge top of the next to come at around jester you're up oh okay I'm going to come out from my hidey hole I'm going today um head job Caleb and I'm going to take off I'm going to use my action to pick up the carcasses of the two little other grand moving them no I'm going to put them in the bag then for our things need food one of them and start using my axe to troll ever allow you to put it in your hand huh alright that finishes just as very hungry guys okay I'm not going to - I am just going to walk up and watch as gesture is destroying this thing and say that is more familiar than I would like and I'm just going to watch our bags and hold hold a fire bolt if anything comes behind behind you you got me yeah like is the rest of the cat like in the rock where is it that's a very good question rest of the cat is in my heart that's you've got a big heart well this is happening but not ah which were you going right or left left alright you had lower hold a second and I will walk a carefully I will step up yeah next I'll check me out please I can feel so come into consciousness you Caleb Caleb decide die I'm just keeping eyes on him okay he's sleeping pretty hard everybody is you're a little distracted because on the ground not far from you is caduceus who is super exhausted and snoring super loud Franck is also powering furiously all night there you go so you're surrounded by haphazard motors yeah before we get out I'll off saddle up next to Caleb and just saying hey how'd that how'd that feel yesterday when you were all you know launching [ __ ] at us not good you wanted to do it or did it feel like you want to divide it and I was actually frightened of you well it made me frightened of you well we are pretty scary but you feel better now you you know that we're friends right no lingering effects no pts no icky fireballs no I'm fine me and me can i interject for a second sure caduceus they've been gone for 10 minutes you see everything where did they go we can't make a story hotel but they've been gone forever they've been taken or something they haven't been taken I saw them go across the street that way is thatis good mark on the side of the well down on your hands and knees and then we sit on you like your art come around with us and give us like your very expensive benches that you hire very powerful bench among other things about your important job description I wish I had a bench to throw at all of your old black benches in here there and they seem very bolted to the ground we take you to all the best places we're about to meet a queen yo this is amazing it is the Empire is working against your wild mount is working against you and we have brought the proof if you will allow me to show it to you the desire cross my toes what's proof I need to approach my friend I mean no harm I need to remove something to have a moment anything strange and I take off your head Chester I am coming to you okay I am just going to open this bag as you reach for gin there do you hear the sound of many blades being raw and as you reach for the back we reach in and grab the dodecahedron okay the thrum of the object in your hand the light pulsing like the heart beating since the moment you found it one of your own came to retrieve this and fell and I bring it to you and I set it down in front of gesture two or three feet in front of her feet and raise my hands back into the air I'll tell you what though the first time in a very long time I feel hopeful you look like you feel hopeful Caleb I think it's going to be hell on earth for us to try to go back to the Empire I assume everything that was said in that room is going back to wild mount going back to the Cerberus assembly I my goose is cooked I think you're right I think I'm going to have a very hard time finding my father now because of this I don't know if I'll ever see my mom again because the choice is made in that the room if you want to see your mother I can get you back to your mother pretty soon don't you worry we will get you two all filled I'd be an expensive journey thing some money well Caleb can just get some paper and then they'll figure out how to just pull somebody there he's closed before you guys leave if you guys want us to buy diamonds somebody help cuz I don't think we have enough money to buy a bunch of diamonds and stuff what is a good investment 20 platinum just attend that we're about to go find books and stuff Thank You Caleb just was going to take that if we are going to be exploring this country we don't know what we're going to run into so that is for the party I think yeah I think they're all 500g PFF I'll figure that out well you've got to do this then do you that trick you use to make windows open and close you do all kinds of things with it can you make this leather can you lather this it's not like a that sort of thing I can make it sound like you've got bugs in your beard [Laughter] you guys made your set up camp that evening using your Hut to keep yourself safe the more boundaries can I sit hold a perimeter and you take a night's rest the dome is somewhat filled with the sound of Frumkin pouring heavily making biscuits in just as clothes reach the ears okay and then I give a little bit of pastry to framkin hello can I keep my key pumpkin forever yeah good morning good morning I like your idea I could also turn one into a skunk okay that's a really good idea Caleb they're probably not that bright yeah well he's talking I have moved closer much closer to the whale watching just up at the whale and I'm just in case this thing turns back into a giant I'm ready okay some ideas and this box Jasha I was gonna say when sighs Sheena fine instruments fail it's not piercing what a well-made box Oh what about giant friends none of the poor I pick it up and carry it over bus crack this nut well I mean if y'all sure couldn't do it I'm gonna do it you're so strong I've seen those works muscles [Applause] what but but but what if I use my painting tools and I'm going to paint the hole on the lock okay so you use a bit of paint and you paint a little hole not sudden your finger goes through and you can your finger can reach inside the box and you open caleb sits on the ground and begins to pulls out the one book and begins magical yeah oh he's doing his thing is it magical Caleb ten minutes later sang orange caleb is just like what do you think needs these healing potions the most I don't know Caleb's pretty weak he goes down a lot yeah Sora is uh what do we do we gotta get him to seal it up somehow we may not be able to close it till tomorrow that just might be a thing I'm gonna have to sit here and weak seal it and sleep she wouldn't sleep might be a way to go yeah should I kill the turtle no the thing was to to wring their Center shape something there what if you make your dome thing and you put it on the stairwell and then it blocks anything from coming down the stairs and then we can close the rift as soon as the morning comes that it's an excellent idea so yeah right over the entrance for these there's maybe then that's what the next one is oh it is you
Channel: DonYeller
Views: 95,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, widojest, caleb widogast, jester lavorre
Id: dcjlP6reYtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 55sec (12355 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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