A lighter side of Caleb

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I'm gonna pull out a piece of copper wire and remembering the motions that Caleb taught me I'm going to twirl it around in my hand and hold it up to my mouth and whisper a message just to Caleb okay I'm gonna say what do you want me to do I don't know that spell so I cannot talk back I'll shoot you guys he's this way you can see all the time it's like it's like I like I can I got night vision like I can see things look over here yeah look like a note you have to be careful we are going for help medical help we all have syphilis extreme make it simple make a deception check okay 22 we are we don't riddled with it you watch is like one of the eye is over the the face scarf kind of closes and twitches he goes right good to know then I suppose we're gonna be leaving you unspoiled um I'll stand up and go next to Caleb and say honey did you tell much worse [Laughter] pity homeless please we are just trying to get to medical help I don't know if she follows me I think I do um there was a cold in there I would like you to have it it's more than I had before here is a hundred gold wear on those people so you take it because I know that you need money I know that you need money and I'm very uh you know look at this my daughter drove a really strong that's that's sad and funny at the same time you carry the gold because I can't carry it off okay but I I'm not keeping it just for me you know that's fine it's about the knife yeah well that's why you wanted money for I assume from your mother was to you know to help us out in the position we are in yeah so you take this you're a better you know I'm always thinking about things and I'm not very good with we were with amounts and money so you carry just before we had that way just not the curiosity what is the name of the bakery that isn't yeah you actually can't see the name from the outside you have to go and ask I go and ask walk it into the beta Tom are you hungry do I always I'm hungry you know I will get us some sweets if you want are you yeah sure why not we are flush at the moment okay easy enough to ask if you'd like to you can you can load up do you want something sweet or savory oh this bakery that we had in the code Aramis had the amazing bear claws yes let's see excuse me whoever's running this show in the midst of the chaos you see a young man maybe in his late teens or so was a little a little bit of like again I guess prickly chinstrap beard a very short kind of tattered brown hair but other than that spry smiling he has an apron on and he's currently putting a small tray on edge hello yeah can I help you yeah we're in the mood for some bear claws the kind they have in Nicotra nice have you heard of these do you have them I've heard they have bear claws I don't know if we have any um Nick like a drone is back claws will take the bear claws you know all right sounds I know the only major difference is they load it up with cinnamon we can do that we can do that all right um all right let it be done how many would you like probably ten bear claws and also do you have any a hot freshly baked bread that that we do is well of course I will take a large loaf of hot bread fresh out of the oven please all right yeah you have to wait a moment about about 20-25 minutes we'll have a fresh one for you oh yeah will return I will we'll double back for the back laws so we'll come back for four ten of these and that hot bread all right thank you as we're walking out you know I will show you a trick that I've learned you know in the past few years it's very cold out and I pull sides of the bread artists a lot and I had to bread and I hand you a piece of bread and I shove my hands in and I can eat it later let's go oh yeah there there's like muffs like hand mops yeah but I can eat this that way not as many people have done this in in this made believe world and also in America the door opens and knocks kettles and closes the door behind and comes and dreams you know this [ __ ] scroll for you it's a scroll case right which one from the Richter's yeah it's right it's ready yeah yeah does anybody no matter they set it on the ground and I pull not closer to me and maybe even not to kiss on the forehead thank you thank you for saving me tonight you brought me back from the dead oh I I think you used the potion on me didn't you yeah here take one of mine I have to it's okay you are too kind to me of course you keep me safe well you know I think maybe you have guessed it hmm before now but I I care a great deal for you and that is no small gift thank you I just hug her what can we get what did we get just this will be good for the group this will be good for you and me this is good this is good it's something that I was not able to do I've been trying to figure it out for months and I have not been able to figure it out okay let's look at these things but everybody else okay ho ho ho poom our soul is uh how would you describe unique well not one of a kind maybe we should just did you tell a joke no it's a shame was a very good one well it just rained though so on this is the cleanest I've been in weeks I feel like you're still how do you stay dirty all the time well most of the time I'm trying to people's don't pay attention to beggars so much okay so you don't want people to pay attention to you young general I get that I feel that way but I'm I'm hard to miss I don't mean that like in a you know Artemis is a giant barn you are hard to miss yeah yeah well I do you know what I miss shaving I could shave you right now with my I've done it before I you know like to not have hair on my arms you know I do it this is what I do I really I really think a cleanliness and hygiene is very important one thing that I have realized today is that I need to work on my interpersonal skills and friendship making so just try not to cut up my face okay okay you just want like a trim is there a certain look you want no I mean leave my hair on my head but I have been I have not had a clean-shaven face in a long time do you want it all gone or you just want you know you could take it off you know it's easier to do that you can crush a person but I'm not quite sure how dexterous you are so I don't want any fancy tricks just I'm not you know I'm gonna hold it lock blade you know it goes like this is how I do it I hold it and then I just you know like not was this something a little smaller I lie on the floor okay so in the early dawn hours of the new day as the the blue begins to slowly become brighter in the distance this means we are friends [Music] yes well you don't have to hold your breath cuz it will take a very long time and you'll pass out just you need to relax breathe in breathe out okay I got it here we go [Music] maybe it's the tensile strength of our arm muscles but such a large instrument seems unexpectedly delicate across your face it's not a complete change there are areas that get missed because it's not a very implement but for the most part this double gets closer to your face and there are a few sections that are unevenly smooth it is an improvement from where it was before but is as good a shape as you can get with a great sword manages to avoid making any major arteries and as you complete your work you're proud of it the sweat on your brow caleb has no no idea of how it looked other than you reaching up and touching your chin as it finishes as the rest of you come to consciousness no I was giving him a shave boyish mm-hmm you almost look innocent it looks good give ups in a monologue is I want to shrivel up and die and the other side of the bar I cast haste on gesture while she's playing playing the Entertainer really fast it's quite it's kind of impressive a little off-key but overall I can press it the speed of the composition and it's ready she says crescendoing and akin to the quiet part but it hand slams down on the keys and that same couple gentleman leans in once more goes if I might please request my instrument return to me my dear this is a really good piano thank you you should be really proud it's yours I am do you have a tip jar I have a tipping hat he pulls off from the side it looks like this this wide brimmed hat that comes to a point in the front and kind of floppy in the back he sets it up on top of the piano I really think the first couple tips should be to me because I really suck up to me before you well then I certainly hope the first few tips come while you're at the bench fabulous and he sits down at the bench and pushes you off one goal didn't say this one's for the lady very good I saw I saw grasses knuckles you're gonna be [ __ ] piece of work what's your name bow and bush man I like that alright Bushman my name is Kayla but you could still call me Bushman do you prefer Bush man everybody hears some muttering behind them of words they don't understand and here Caleb save her and a large bubbles in the entire entryway and there is a giant half dome of pale orangish brown energy and then you just see Caleb's head off is it a dope pillow for it at the moment looking at the specifics of this can I go do I just hit beside me walk in and as soon as you're in and look back when you're King you don't see what you walked through you just see the room and everybody around it well would you need like pillows in here Caleb this is really neat well it's I'm gonna walk in did it work hello hi come out of it can I hear them talking yes Emily hi are you okay yeah god you can't see us video we can see you I've been working on this for weeks really cool yeah it's it's just it looks like a solid dome of faintly kind of orangish brown colored energy and you can you can process through it it feels like there's nothing there except for the temperature on the inside it's kind of nice and comfortable does anybody can anybody come through or only your friends only people that like you can come in trying to push my hamper it goes there I pulled 14 so the idea behind this is that you know if we sleep in a field or something nobody is going to come and take us off to be tortured in the night yeah a lot and we can go through it you can go through it I can go through it and oil and I have to stay inside it but excuse me I have bigger ideas for unity for like a big place but I'm not that second but this secondary house right I like it it's cozy I like you too well it feels like outside except but you know and also if we're ever in a tight spot you know and we know something [Music] yeah I don't know if I'm looking at long if whatever in a tight spot I can also do this you know if we are in real danger that's a little tricky because it takes some time to do it but maybe since it's brilliant I love it caduceus come check it out I'm gonna walk in yeah this is really nice there's a very small space in between there and you get inside and begin to kind of look around the ground you feel down there's nothing it's mainly just dirt and dry brush and dead grass there's been kind of push that center piece and you reach up in your hand touches something it feels kind of like a satchel or a leather sack that's a bingo it's just bingo okay look you open inside it no you already hear what sounds like like the impact of a bunch of tiny stones as you look inside there are gems in here like it is a collection of cut jewels it's mostly emerald and Ruby but they there's a lot of them and they're just jammed up in here you get the sense immediately that this was some sort of a drop spot yeah someone will probably be coming by to try and pick this up takes the bag and he puts it in just as hand and just starts just [Music] attempt to do that thing I've seen Beauregard do so many times and like fulfil my what do we do with Algar oh one one quick thing yes you know I want to thank you you could have told any of these people anything about me and you have not don't give me that much credit yet I still could I know you have every right to I hope you don't I don't know how all of them would handle it be that as it may I have something for you dad hmm I bring from kin out in his new speckled elf owl form which is the smallest owl on the planet uh-huh he weighs one ounce all that ever existed home so this is Ilona oh my god you can happen for roughly a week he doesn't look as angry as professor Thaddeus no this is the way I was supposed to be a place him so he's going to listen to you is he yeah I poked him and see if he bites me couple rules he will listen to you will you listen pumpkin Frumkin notes okay and if you need to get him out of danger in a hurry you just say split that's what it will take you'll need me to bring him back but if he's in danger and you want to keep him around for your weak Lona you kiss a split okay so he's yours so thank you yeah I think thanks Caleb watches his chest and cries out and pulls to the owner of the boat he always had was a boy yes he needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation no no my mouth is too small for a human right [Laughter] okay yeah goodness to know I'm such a beautiful person that one was too much for me you could be on the edge of life maybe the prayer you're not Wow you guys we saved his life with the power of friendship red face matches his hair I don't understand anything how do we prevent further heart episodes French just need to not be attacked by anything anymore we need to just stop pursuing our pursuits and take an island and stay there are you saying you want to retire from adventuring life Caleb ugh I feel like you're so why are you so stupid well this is feeling like it's going too far not it's okay let Co me I think Franken really likes me we had a bonding moment Franken like took care of me and protected me I know that it's true because I think he's mine I think smoke come on you're the best of friends is the best cat that killed if you haven't left at the top of the dinner I've been exactly where I was do you want to know more about my cat because you walked off before but the funny thing about a cat is that they are very persnickety but with the right person they are not and Frumkin with me we're just so I just so genuine question have you been telling the story the entire time I've been done in person foolish and those talk to thin air and also some people say that they have nine lives which is great you know what I think that you would be deeply interested in did you find books I didn't [ __ ] find [ __ ] books okay you know books cats I get it love your fascination of both the most boring things that I can think about focusing cats but let's go look at something awesome you're telling me your love of higher learning I understand did you need something because you clearly don't want to hear about cats so we could end this now just a circle on it were feeling confident that he's discovered at least something of interest and then beelines it back to the squalid ER who's a good boy who's a good boy you are the best cat that there was ever and then from getting on this pregnant pumpkin is now there at the surface of the water without really a way of getting back into the ship oh yeah [ __ ] back in your shoulder come here you you are such you are the most important member of this team and don't let don't let forgot that you different so you found someone not do you ever feel like your relationship with your cat is hindering building stronger relationships with human people that is so silly all right let's treat this situation with the seriousness it demands and I douse the lights and bring Frumkin down unto my own head like a master so I can see the way through from conversion okay all right so you have see these two dark octopus eyes and then this little unshaven grin poking through underneath those Indian man's I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner just runs waits for what it's worth I apologize and here's my cat I turned from peon the first night back on his boat into a cat and used the last of my supplies so it's front in the cat right now that's from Ken he's best cat can a pet of course he's already climbing up her shoulder I love you I tell him to do a black sari you can hang out with Lumpkin for an hour booping' each other on their nose I go and I sit like 20 feet away and just watch to make sure everything's on the up-and-up 2 nd once an hour caleb says it's 2 o'clock maybe put some chives behind it so you can be like but you know it stopped it's not so bad if you're down in the water with with your friends oh it's 9 o'clock as you're saying this with intensity and force you guys watch a suddenly there's a cloud of dust around his ankles and a rope loop of some kind she wraps and pulls your legs together hoist you up and you're now dangling off the ground about 3 4 feet off the ground I only take this as a minor setback all the cobalt is a large wave of cackles the one link reaches his hand up in the air what's the rest of you yep as your hair just kind of drip in there you're slowly just kind of it's following you with this nasty looking short sword that looks like it like the edges of it or grind up with kind of like black oil or something you do not want to tangle with the spirits I command and I snap my fingers and Frumkin appears and for globules of light float in a circle around from Kim this is step back make intimidation check intimidation that's in 1919 he was summoned pity spirit you will be cursed for decades we already cast you in position so you give one to feed or train for thought well and he sees he's looking at you like he's making this he's making this this challenge to you but is like definitely keeping a distance and is taking a step back from where he was standing so confidently in your direction you expect me to hand over one of my own yes burn you Oh is there any way I can just add a thought metochi effect to the cat really quickly how so what do you want I want the ground around the cat to shake gently and start having a minor minor earthquake effect okay and Constanza is that little so we can does that and the rocks kind of shake and tumble around the small quickie noise about six the nearby cobalt is getting away from it holding their their weapons at bay to him in the tunnels often just climb up in the tunnels and vanish not for trade rest the faking is growing angry with you and the globules of light start to spin a little quicker you guys I'll make your way across and sister staring at you not looks at the rope and goes oh I have to keep holding on to this no no no it was just a backup but our leader Caleb made sure that ford controlled the water so we're okay Caleb to human not has used the rope the whole way my head in the river and we're working together now I understand and I will leave it alone for now III commander commander feels worse do we ever call you commander you can call me Widow gasps Caleb with August is my name actually the way that I'm smiling and blushing right now is what Caleb doesn't walks away from the group breath anyone in the eye to be fair some of the smartest people that I know also terrible leaders yeah that could have gone much worse whoo good job proud of y'all good job now Yannick is number 2 ket you are number one you're in charge you're just dressed to impress okay Dingaan ik has more you know constitution than number one cat poops in the glitter when he's punted he does not have half the heart as my cat no no Larry Manu but half the Constitution my short rests go on the longer side just be icing to use this real accent this is my real accent so you're lying I was lying you should seriously listen to order then because that is a really terrible at accents try one try one try just sound like me sound like me try to sound like you I'm a little Goblin I am loving pastries and also maybe like places where people can hear you technically technically technically this counts is a long rest right now clay catspaw and cast maximillian's earth and grass panda giant cats a hand extends out of the stone wall and starts dragging all along the edges you watch as this large like stone be phenotype cat claw just carves out of the wall and as it pushes up through the stone you hear the cracking in binding and the pressure that is just Sundering the element of the earth that is kinda crumbling and leaving stones and pebbles behind in its wake and in its path all the runes as it goes around from floor to ceiling to floor are dashed and left completely unrecognizable I'll do it Mia like is the rest of the cat like in the rock where is it that's a very good question rest of the cat is in my honey that's you've got a big heart well this is nice as you begin leading your way towards the center of the fields hold on a minute do you want to tell the others you want to stop I'm viable as I kind of like clutch a broken rib you know I'm not feeling so well no no I think I might need to rest here okay that's all stop I fell you did yes but it's not your fault I'm just you didn't I'm sorry my apologies it would it be okay if we stopped here that's what you mean we will rest as a shorter time as possible and head out as early as possible and maybe not go through there in the middle of the what time is it now at this point it's your about 7:30 8 o'clock at night maybe we don't want to go through there for the first time in the middle of the night to moon I'm sorry yeah you like it down here and leave at first light build your no absolutely and say they start the dome and I get off back viana could just say man-made uh vulnerability looks so easy yeah they're already check it out it's cute I know I'm it's adorable I want shiny [ __ ] is there like shiny [ __ ] in the nest has been awarding anything that is covered in bird [ __ ] in saliva and junk I'm trying to understand your point what you're making and I turns and slide her down that's it slide her down along one wing into the nest you stop and you look up at this like a 12-foot baby bird hey buddy so know what you mean I meant to set her down here and me go down in but this is funny I got a real protection for myself no no not for me no God is the one who secured it so she can decide here you go Beauregard wait really no sorry have we met hello I am caleb widow guest no caleb is here everybody mmm no Caleb sharing yeah actually I have been giving food out for months yeah those are weapons go upstairs okay well joined you during this whole conversation Franken has been going from member of the 99 to number I'm just rubbing against one of the ankles and I'm ions the next is trying to keep enemies Luke we haven't spoken much I'm like your mother's assistant okay and I need to do some magic but I need some help in fact I need your mother and your father will you help me do magic anything just start is there a better place should we do it right here or perhaps Anna somewhere more private Marian stepson was actually oh there is a room upstairs we can go to this soon come come back okay leads you up into this kind of antechamber based off of her main work quarters okay so look would you but first will you hold my cat for a second whoa okay stand right here I take chalk and I draw a small circle around his feet and then I draw a much larger circle so that that small one is inside it but on the perimeter and it's ten feet across and then I draw another stack of a nice say - yes I would you please come stand over here and then I draw a small circle of chalk a third of the way away around his feet that when you come over here and I draw a third circle and of their places Luke the world is very big and it might feel like the three of you are very far apart but you can always be connected and I draw a line from left to Luke and then from the circle that look ISM to his father and from yesa to death and then I start to fill in the patterns in the middle of the circle in as far away as your mother may seem think of an eye she can come back to you she's North doing big things and she has a lot of assistance nine of them okay you'll hear from her and she'll be back soon everybody ready to go Chester drops the Eagle Forum smoking like for my hair feathers now I got a head were here let me come back to us all right light up and heard Peck pick picks the top of knots and and Gil just gives a little innocent just the top all right let's go you guys go ahead and make your way back to the anvil of smelt born that Caleb waits till everyone walks out and looks across the room at the cup and pulls out a little wad of bat [ __ ] to tell anyone you have to kind of shift your weight backwards and have to really go for it Reba arrived hold on I've been waiting for this anything gets might do you're just kind of Medan up for the night to rest today please yeah Jim [Music] slides it over I bring it over and set it down in front and gesture and sit across from her at a table and say a parent is a parent everybody's different but sometimes it's hard to write them off give it some time I'm sorry that your father has not been a part of your life he's the one who is messed up like drink half of the milk and it's a really really bad but yeah really bad Caleb it smelled really terrible make a constitution saving through I said it so you drink it just like immediately just on the counter not like a full like you know vomit but like you just spit it back up immediately in just like it's good you didn't drink the rest from my dress and just wipe Caleb's mouth thank you the giant ginger guerrillas shoving his head into the hallway and looking in to see Beauregard being tended to over here again through the guts I'm gonna start up a pair of human gorillas lumbers over picks up not by the scruff whose legs and and she's sitting on his head 28 ish feet in there look it smells like Caleb I think yeah carry me [Music] and cast cure wounds on beau [Music] oh yeah that's that's the good stuff you let someone sign holder by handling Oh God we're changing back Cape Lib puts Beauregard down in a giant hand I don't do it to you for real but just way too large ruffles her hair no I'm doing much better now thank you the archway the archway technically you could fit into the archery but the stairway for deeds addressed well the rest of you I'm not following his lead make your way through the massive stone and marble archways of the echoing interior of the Lucid bastion going past various guards and figures stately members of various dens of the Korean dynasty all walking by and curiously turning their head as they watch you pass I cast seaming on Ford so he looks like he's in a robe [Music] poor way through the stairs and glares that now seem to be averting your friends and more focusing on you you look down upon yourself and notice the bright terrycloth presentation you're currently putting before which one of you [ __ ] changed yes it's not real [Music] and enjoying his naughty bits just free in the wind only can come except for respecting she's wandering the halls hey Chester me sorry I didn't mean to startle you okay good good night button yeah you look like you're knocking yourself a little bit and I don't think you should do you know what I think about the traveler I think that he is lucky to have you I'm the transmutation wizard but you're the one who changes people see it every day yeah your good friend and you move people I don't know if you see that but you do every day no thank you also travel economists coming some maybe preparations are underway on a cosmic level of some sort yeah that's true you know I think I think we should go to bed but I want to show you something and that I've been working on I don't know what you have planned for travel to come but if I can help in any way with something like this and thumb little lollipops and hamster unicorns that are amber-colored start floating around us as I cast a major image mm-hmm an approximation but it's a more Widow gasps Tambor flavor I just figured this out a couple of weeks ago so I don't know if you need effects oh my gosh decorations it's a step and repeat I mean it's beautiful just wrote if I did like a performance or something you know like maybe if if we play our musical instruments and like you can have this you know like around us it'll be like this amazing thing yes I don't know I'm the performer this is wonderful Caleb but you have done so much for all of us of course we should do this for you you deserve it I give him a big hug yeah okay good night come dance around look at this look here um I spent a couple of hours and then I ran out and I had to bring some components back and we i bypassed the the the hole that was keeping it from you know from locking in place and I can't do it yet but I think I know a way that I could know but not yet eating those because that was a baking experiment gonna result is that I don't know how it works but do you know how this progress were so close you're so close you are so close great that's what she said by the face a little bit longer maybe ESSEC your help me leave you yes thank you [Music] we need to clay I don't have any I don't have any no you don't have that much clay do you I have a yard I've got a shovel yeah oh [ __ ] - we're so into it that's clay is just dirt hmm a special kind do you you Caleb just pulls a goblin and the health and purchased a huge hug and then pulls us all out again crouch down before her not the brave but Renato you are here and he taps just above her heart and you are here touches just between her eyes you are you and you will continue to be you and we ahead you ready I'll just lean forward and sweetly kiss him on the lips and say Thank You Caleb for getting me this far and for devoting yourself to Jimmy you're a good man aren't I I hope you find where you're going to [Music] [Laughter] all right do the thing cups the side of your cheek this will be our best trick yet we have to name it
Channel: Dani Gee
Views: 293,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Caleb Widogast, liam o'brien, critical role, critical role campaign 2
Id: 1XDHP6qq9tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 36sec (3396 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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