Critical Role: Sam vs Travis vs Fjord vs Nott

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when for thinking about I'm going to go through her stuff and try to find his lover his letter okay going through your stuff by the way I'm sorry if we both say no you're cool for some reason right now I'm just cool disguise self on myself and make myself look exactly like Ford which is this shorter okay thumbs in your pockets and give yourself a little bottom [Laughter] [Music] it's a strange because the spit actually emerges from your sternum now the next step is to get your head underwater okay everyone take a big breath great job thank you it started off as a goof it started but now I think it's a real thing there's a small dynamic maybe it was a goof but I think it's also like poking things it's a thing in Florida it's like now my perspective anyway I feels like Ford does not know how not works like at a base level like does not understand what she is yeah is she a thing or a creature or a person expendable maybe perspective kaleb's the leader and this guy keeps talking all the time no no listen now Ford actually loves not he's pokin he's messin with Sam more than anything and then it became sort of recurring big with the button I just hate to leave you behind on such a great adventure there could be buttons there could be little I don't know jewels ingots the ocean should also full disclosure bronze shoes maybe little silver cups to raise [Music] that joke anymore that joke is fast it's not the same fish claws it's something bigger at least across the area of the button graveyard lies beneath the way you saw it looks like the entrance a handful of coins that are coming what do you think not did you think I was our friendship has taken damage this exchange like santa claus you might go have to go up and check for yourself tug down the beer by yourself this is literally exactly remember when I said I would check you when you're being a dick no yeah yeah all right fine we do it together no one touches the treasure not doing beer I'm gonna hold not I'm gonna hold on to nothing but as we jump down button to your nose who touches this treasure and who doesn't there's more treasure inside if you make it past the initial tension I believe you I will cast silent image and project a small dwarf man about 60 feet in front of us take the seaweed that we used as camouflage before you know the thing where you put like an orange on your mouth I'm gonna do that with seaweed and I'm gonna look up at the board just be like I've been feeling pretty bad hearing that you drowned previously I want to apologize for making you face your fear over and over you know I I've been giving you some [ __ ] and as someone who has experienced the same thing I commend you for your bravery you experienced the same thing you've drowned yeah oh that's right that's cool don't worry about it yeah well you didn't know how would you have known no but thank you all the same you took a lot of courage to go in I was not very helpful and I forgot either and you did not tell us what was going on why would you mean you still went in for a long time so sorry it's all right I'm sorry that I wasn't more helpful in that earlier fight when I sort of panicked and didn't go in the water but you know it stopped it's not so bad if you're down in the water with with your friends oh it's 9 o'clock forward that's your very special power that only you have we control water to get us there faster [Music] hmm I'll say with the control water everyone has control water don't you are very special right now hater we can make a a rope tether though we have to kill not all right everyone come across good good job not and I'll use control water to part the river [Music] [Music] out of European GB yeah by just a couple of couples in a little closer me not keep pushing I don't see anything but I'm just gonna go ahead and go fire - eldritch blasts down the hallway I need you to roll a d6 for me and then 1 2 3 it hits the creature on a 4 to 6 it hits not - it's the creature alright here as much as you make out you hear it loudly to the left you like ten feet behind you see this flash of eldritch energy from the impact of one of Ford's attacks and you just hear this kind of growling grumpy sound not first I will say [Music] actually while I was running by Yasha I will just cast resistance on you just need a bottle of underage don't failed or any alcohol this is for disinfecting what do you want come on let's get out there done a ride yeah give me the flask the flash the flash then you stole my flask I know you did it okay [ __ ] kill you sorry really distracted right down [Music] so you're we this is more than enough curiosity could you make a comment about my strength I might how would you say the words that has felled emdr I g/b l AST how would you pronounce that how would you say those words he had the perfect warlock [Applause] his falchion and supplies but he decided to miss mess with katoa and consume too many eyes he can click open the website he heard about our critical role but he won't find any stats at all and he's even weaker than before MJ for the feeble orc FJ once a warlock now a dork he's got no magic he's got no sword and he lost that Southern drawl fjo RG f jo r do do do do do for the people or if you want for it I could teach you how to use but a crossbow my five-year-old can do it [Applause] that would be lovely thank you strange I seem to do better the match Lord you were incredible are you you are pulling that load with such torque it was amazing you had like four on the floor and you were just it wasn't you are a stronger now than you've ever been before if if I weren't married and and also if you had if you had bull legs and a human torso like you make yourself look like not I'm a big not you watch us in this entire body shimmers into a larger thicker version of I look out over the cliff side and I will look at naught and say Eldridge black energy gathers within his paw as opposed to the dull sickly green coloration this has a deeper verdant tint to it as it fires out seaweed wraps to the shoe if you don't want it I wouldn't say no but you know whatever you need I mean I don't want to upset a holy man I don't know I'm totally I'm just committed some perfecting good positive changes you can't have sex ever again I did not read that in any by lines of imagery that works I'm pretty sure that's not how that works not hunk it is I've read about holy people and I think you take a vow of chastity and a vow of silence he's not that has to be you're just attracted to mystery or something famous always attracted to mystery I mean yes of course I am very upfront delivery of goods delivery of no no no shady biz before we knew everything about you to a strange water god that was sexy now you're just some some creeper who just I think it was Molly accent really but it was I just never I have never heard I heard that other accent plenty bored and I like this one more face but just you but you're very handsome not everyone you see very handsome the Centaur whatever okay it would not ascend far it was a minute event now doesn't seem to care about me but I care about her it's okay I care about you footwork tell me again I care about you forward I care about all of you Oh Lord I'm sorry that I always call you each but I only do that because I know you're strong enough to take it maybe there's a lot of squats I don't actually know [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Soda Wax
Views: 1,121,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Critical Role, Dragon Friends, Matt Mercer, Sam Regil, Sam regiel, Purvon, Pervon, Assum, Sigil, Sigel, Travis, Willingham, Marisha, Ray, Taliesin, Jaffe, Ashley, Johnson, Laura Bailey, Voice Actor, Sound Effect, Liam, o'brien, obrin, forgotten, gems, girl, power, jester, fjord, caleb, yasha, beau, caduceus
Id: HG3y5c3Hvk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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