Critical Role Live Panel at Emerald City Comic-Con 2024

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[Music] [Music] he is a Cowboy fan but I am a Chiefs fan which means today I am better than him Travis Willingham next up she could always kick my ass but now oh my God she can probably kill me and I say thank you it's bishay next we have an ancient being who I absolutely going to go to later for a tarot card reading and maybe a curse or two it's tal and Jeffy [Applause] we have the woman I would die for the woman I would kill for the woman who maybe I will propose to later it is Ashley Johnson coming up next we have a man with the voice of an Angel but the sense of humor is somebody who is really hecking deranged it is Sam Regal and coming up behind him we have the man who is the smartest person I know and the only one I know who knows more Shakespeare than me which is actually really impressive it's Liam O'Brien and coming up next we have the horse girl of my heart so she is actually the most important person to me it's Laura [Applause] Bailey and of course rounding up the bunch the man the myth the legend the one who is single-handedly keeping the best industry afloat it is Matthew merer hi everybody how are you hello hi also Matt you're not wearing a vest so like now my joke doesn't make sense anymore that's really really rude um all right so you guys ready to answer some questions all I want to do is talk about that dog in the first row dog oh my God oh my God why is he so chill what okay wait are we all doing I got to we lost Ashley she's gone look at look at the baby it's also got shoes there's a dog with sunglasses guys can we bring the dog up is that against the rules can this whole panel be the dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog oh look at the baby oh my goodness can you do jump the dog's coming on stage oh my good this is already the greatest panel that's ever happened oh my goodness how you oh blood scratches Oh The Blood scratches oh the first rule of theater is never show the stage with animals or children look at a baby now we have both oh my goodness I'm so sorry guys this panel is already devolved oh my goodness panel's off it's just play time now say hi Oh my goodness oh hello oh hello this is your panel I mean you you can't bring a dog and then expect me to not give it pet not shoes on this is the whole apologize this the CRA thing to ever happened to us okay so anyway so sorry so sorry all right uh even though there is a dog here which you are welcome to stay my little sweet baby you can do whatever you want thank you all for coming oh go get your sword go get your sword sweet baby go get your sword sweet baby Bean is this ating is this a sword fighting dog yeah oh okay okay oh life she's a lightsaber dog oh my goodness all right go do your job we love you oh bye baby oh good shakies shake it out oh good shakies come on oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my goodness good dog I'm going to start crying oh my God I'm going to be real that is my favorite Dark Souls boss I just oh my God thank [Music] you well that happen thank you everybody good night um well I don't know how to follow that um I'm so sorry I'm not a dog uh this has definitely made the panel worse but uh hi guys welcome to [Applause] Seattle uh real quickly uh how are you how are you enjoying Seattle is it nice it's so nice the weather outside is amazing weather I know that's literally though we're coming from somewhere where it's never cold in the winter at least not enough and so some of us are some of us Ashley and I are going and standing outside this little short sleeves on and just absorbing the cold and the rain and the drizzle it's the best I hate it I hate it here it's awful I hate it all right so we're actually going to start panel questions as much as I just wish we could pet dogs all right so this is for everyone you guys have made it duruus so how does it feel to be on the [Music] Moon the Moon how on the mo baby it's amazing it's pretty great yeah you go Laura it's everything I ever dreamed it would [Music] be World about it a lot no it's cool we've been playing in Matt's World for so many years now and in the last few months we've uh experienced the shattered teeth which was so new and weird and now we're in a totally different part of not even the world the universe and it's just so wild that he can still surprise us with these these twists and turns in different parts of xandria that we haven't experienced it's so fun to to to experience for for the first time with you all and we're only just scratching the surface yeah literally yeah I I feel like there's more on the moon than I was anticipating because I'm a simpleton but I just figured there was like a city underneath the the you know Divine barrier that was there but then there's Subterranean levels and things that go deep towards the core and I just thought we were going to land there and instantly be in trouble which we were because we're a bunch of ass hats but other than that like learning there are all these new people and these creatures and it's more complicated than we could have imagined like it's it's so good and we're just trying not to wreck everything the second that we get to a new location I feel like I'm surprised that you didn't know there was more on the moon have you never played Destiny it's just a lot of moon stuff what's destiny oh my God all right well we're going to move on Sam and Ashley oh Sam and Ashley that's yeah oh no that's me that is you uh what went through Fern and fcgs heads during your encounter with odan THU that was that was a bit of a mistake but thankfully Sam had some very good ideas I feel like we went there with the best intentions of like okay we we'll we'll make sure that the Caravan that that they're not going to tell on us so we'll follow these these the the the Caravan we were being responsible we were being responsible MH and then um that turned quickly yeah so I didn't really have a backup plan as we were doing this I had one spell left pretty much and I didn't think it was going to work and you did have a backup plan your backup plan was to give up right mine was to just play dead no yeah it was I mean I did have a plan just in case but I don't think it would have been a good one and what was it well I was just going to I I don't know if I want to say it why it's not going to happen no I mean in I don't know it could I'm not going to say it I'm not going to do not make me all right I would have just gone with her I would have just been like I give up I'll just go with you it's fine it's not wasn't that exciting guys I was trying to not say it cuz it would have sounded more mysterious and cool but now you know there's not not a lot going on up here sometimes Ashley Ashley let me save you and we'll go on to talison here uh but I I am glad that um not let me do the spell that that uh that I did the way that I did it I think technically rules as written maybe it doesn't work but I thank you for letting it work Matt cuz it was well as I looked back at after I was like well technically you're incapacitated while you're you know banish or while you're transforming so it would have ended the spell but it kind of would have made for the same sort of circumstance anyway that if you would have just held it for a minute would have led to a chaotic release so it didn't change too much which is always my favorite thing um but it made for a really epic moment and the only time I've ever considered using Management on yourself as an offensive measure i' never considered that why do you why are you so weird idea get away uh talison Ashton has been gentle allies with the all Minds burn for many years is he worried there could be repercussions if Bell's Hells don't plant The Brood pit on the Ruddy Moon nah oh uh mostly you do a favor for a friend and if they're like hey I've got this plant of able legality that may have some psychotropic uh effects and we would love for you to take it over to like I don't know your somebody's parents house and just plant it in the back you do it you don't ask a lot of questions I'm sure there's probably going to be some repercussions is this just a story you're telling from your past like I don't know what you're I don't know what you're talking about got it got it yeah yeah yeah yeah no he's just doing a favor for a friend and they're cool a little weird you know a bit again this is so not different yes it is in fact you know a mentally connected Cult of people living in a weird trash City who um all eat little chunks of brain to gain power but I they I mean honestly we've met weirder people in the last been there yeah yeah for sure yeah I'm all for it I'm delighted I think they need more weird brain eaing Cults on the moon please break everything I want to break everything uh Matt how excited are you to be finally able to reveal the Deep history of ruus and how long have you had it planned out I'm guessing the answer is since you were born sure we'll go with that uh I'm super excited i' I've I've had Loosely the ideas for this since beginning of the campaign the first campaign um and then being able to just kind of Flesh it out slowly over time and then hope hoping that we'll get to a Third campaign where we can actually get to these themes and these reveals and now that we're finally getting there it's super exciting and there's still so much like I said it just scratched the surface like there's so much and I don't I don't even know if we'll get to all of it cuz that's how RPGs work but uh yeah I'm having a good time you have so much space in that brain and it's all taken up and I'm like where does it end and I fear that it doesn't no it ends I just I forgot most of my childhood and my family yeah yeah yeah yeah uh occasionally I have to remet Travis but uh you know worth it makes sense like algebra moons in there got it say yeah makes sense uh Liam you're how does feel slowly teasing out the deal that Oram made with Nana Mory and how does he feel about the rest of Belle's H was finding out and mor am so sorry that's I I want to ask everybody else I guess cuz it's only peaked out in like frenetic moments so it's arguably not been noticed yet that's right we don't know I don't think so um and I don't remember what what they've seen and what I've seen so I'm trying to be to parse words here here but yeah anytime he's resorted to it he's either been submerged in water or uh had giant battle obstruction in the way and everyone was in the middle of the Poo uh so there's a kid right there there's two kids right there two kids um I mean he's not trying to hide it though either he he he he's not even really ashamed of it it's uh it only affects him um and it's his best friend's grandma so I don't know it's like it is really uh a pickle but it's not the worst I always know what's going on with my son oh God and scin and Ashton and imagin I'm everybody's father is there a spell is there a paternity test spell in in D and D oh is there something like that can we make one can you shine a black light on Oram and scanland that's a can trip none of you want no one wants that in this group is is Nana Mory actually the Mory poet yeah oh the Nana Mory poet show oh you're the father I just love this genas Khan Persona the chedy is becoming I just everyone has a little gang as G Terri I'm also just so glad to have magic back I miss it so much just want a little sprinkle well and you did that hex right you did the hex on somebody once but I feel like like you said it's so chaotic in the battle if someone is hexed I feel like L would just be like o look at what I just did which actually speaking of which Marisha with everything happening ladna is relying on Delilah's powers and influence a lot more where is L's mental state right now and how much control does Delila have oh that's worrying tell everyone where is any of our mental States right now really um I don't know I mean in terms of the how much control does Delila have that's the question isn't it yeah I think um I think lad is just kind of starting to to peek into like a we are about to go into Uncharted Territory and we have to do things we have to succeed by any means necessary and that by many any means necessary little addendum can get a little scary so fun scary unun scary yeah Travis uh ch's deal with Nana will result in him being the most famous toy maker the world has ever known so why phrase it that deal in that way is there any you know fear of repercussions about that really vague phrasing none do you know why M why because I completely forgot that how you phrase which is important in that moment I just knew I wanted to ask Nana Mory something and then I was like oh s word I should phrase this carefully and then I remembered that chetney is 400 years old and I don't really care so I mean who also goes to the is it the Fate Stitcher yeah fate Stitcher who goes to the Fate Stitcher and asks to become the greatest toy maker in the world has ever know I just love I love that the mo like the moment there is a not overtly antagonistic ha type Fay entity in the campaign two of you rush at the chance to make a deal that makes me so happy yeah yeah we see them so rarely that was absolutely going to happen even if it had horrible horrible horrible consequences if if yeah when I hope no that was the best that was the best part of that that whole realm is just uh exploring it and also also trying to get a a peak into who Nana Mory actually is because the presentation of her portrayed so brilliantly by Matt Mercer is so creepy but I want to know what the dark side of the Fate Stitcher is especially since burn loves her so much I just love that whenever you guys see something possibly terrifying you poke it with a stick must poke do not leave alone that is a waste of time shout out to all our button pushing players out there GM's best friend uh a general question to the couch full of lovely people uh what is it like interacting with a a brand new never met in any other campaign community that is the ruian I love them I love what you've done with their like symbiotic relationship between the oh my gosh I I just think it's so unique and so creative and I want to bring them to Alexandria well that's definitely an opportunity I guess I I'm hoping that happens it's also so cool that like we've been doing all these um these all this dreaming like the whole campaign lots of dreams and it turns out that uh dream dreaming and receiving dreams and listening in on dreams is such a is such a vital part of their existence and stuff it's so it's super cool and did you just come up with that on the fly during the campaign or was that always the thing no that was that was part of the intent I mean dreams were also a big thing to the last campaign I love dreams as just a device for storytelling they're very impactful to me a lot of things that I you know creatively develop on often stem from dreams that I've had and so for me I think it's a it's a great place for musing and inspiration but the idea of like an entire Society of individuals that have shaped their personas around living every evening in somebody else's dreams that sort of interesting longing and mixture of to them alien cultures that they've then kind of absorbed as their own as this kind of either ideal or a fear or whatever you know their experiences may be and end up creating a a society that is also very oddly mixed up from different cultures around Alexandria as well so yeah I've been having fun developing it I'm still just I've been so eager to get here sure I'm like I I I want to be careful about how much gets thrown in your face cuz it can be a lot I also love that we have no context for anything you know if you play in a fantasy world everyone up here has been reading and watching and playing video games that are fan FY and you know we all know elves we all know dwarves we have no idea what to expect in any corner of the moon I I think we were expecting one kind of alien uh encounter uh once we got there and I'm starting to lose tracks it's really really cool yeah I I feel like I anticipated like when you walk into a new town in an RPG and you're like oh every NPC is the same person I don't know I feel like it was just going to be one type of person and did not anticipate a whole other world this DLC is crazy I am I personally expansion I'm personally determined to have the moon's first rodeo because those bloody buffalos first of all I just want to see if I can hang on for like 8 seconds see how honory they are and then I'll transform into a werewolf and then just eat one it's got to happen I just love that it's also a whole new realm of Beasts for for Fern to now transforming mango I also I also feel like I I love it because I probably will never get to go to another planet myself is Ashley Johnson not with that attitude true don't let your dreams be dreams just go to a planet go to a planet I mean just make it happen um so I'm excited that we get to to travel I was very excited about going to the Moon I feel like we been begging you for multiple campaigns now to let us go to the moon and for it to finally happen your patience has been rewarded oh okay that was everyone uh Laura how has it been for imagin to be on ruus and tapping into its powers directly how does she feel about her brush with pros and uh what's going on there what is going on there tell us what is going on there I like how much do I give away right now everything the poll the poll is strong right um and every time that she gives into it I know I'm rolling for it but also in my head I'm going do I even need to roll for it at this point right um because I think it's it's it's becoming a very strong desire to feel part of it that's why I asked do you do you want to resist I know I know so we'll see we'll see what happens um [Music] also whis Whispers this whisper is brought to you by uh whiz kins okay okay okay okay okay spoilers I won't say a after all that whispering we get nothing yes no it's it's for me as a GM it's it's and many of you GMS out there will definitely understand this when a when a player hands you backstory you get to play with that's wonderful but when you have a thread of of mystery that you weave through their narrative and the player trusts and goes with it it's so much fun to watch them be unored from any level of comfort and just be kind of caught in the Stream of what's happening and no one has bigger eyes in those moments than Laura no one looks absolutely like excitedly Lost In The Stream going okay it's so hard because my my always go-to is to be the the good guy of the story like if I play any RPG anything sorry I I always want to do the good thing right so yeah it's it's it's really crazy to um maybe not what is the good thing I right I don't know how many GMS are out there by the way raise your hand for your GM oh my God that's a lot so many all right so everybody who's looking for a GM look to the nearest person that just raised their hand boom campaign also because of the amazing dog at the beginning I forgot to ask could all the cosplayers in this room please yeah look at that cool look at Yasha back there see lollipop sword shout out to everybody in body paint today y'all are the real ones true look at that jerk right there oh like him Lous also have you guys noticed like fgcg he pointing to L by the way robot is incredible we were talking about it backstage my voice is in that robot what yes and the hands move and if if he makes the if if the he makes the eyes turn red then it starts to it's my voice saying really nasty things that's so cool wait that is so cool like a PlayStation controller in your hand or an Xbox controller with it yeah why wa that is the coolest thing you're cool that's so cool the eyes are red that robot's about to rage Critters are the best that's I mean I feel like we're about to get like full-bodied animatronics of every character in like the next panel this is crazy what's really cool is it has a functional Buzz up maybe turn his maybe turn his eyes not red that frightens me all right no buz sa please oh that's nicer thank you so much thank you thank you uh Matt Marisha okay didn't mean to frighten you um after after the intensity of the back and forth with Delilah and ladna what was it like to interact with/ embody bod and ropy via the animate object spell and R B and Ry my loves I will say I picked cuz animated objects is like a six level spell right fifth or sixth it was the first one that I got and because all the spells in the book are listed in alphabetical order animate objects is the first one and I saw it yeah yeah and I saw it B level spell okay thank you and I saw it and I was like well that's it I'm done I don't need to look at any other spells and I just took it immediately when we were driving in the car and you're like I think I'm going to take anime objects and immedately went of course you are why would you pick anything else how many more minis do I have to now get prepare for the anything that can be animated now I fully thought like right from the get-go as soon as you started collecting little toys and puppets that that was the direction you were going to be going because it's a it's a managerie it's amazing it's pretty amazing yes yeah Miss toys yes and how creepy is it to have puppets that move and can shank you yeah it's perfect all I ask is don't don't bring to life eight small creatures that have their own initiative order and their own statistics all that I ask you bring to life eight tiny creatures with their own statistic you know what make it nine make it nine creatures n i mean how fitting would it be if in the final battle you animate a table a chair a chest yes 100% yeah we're bringing it back to the top baby a calabra a chest of drawers oh my God a whole be guest scene just for long nut look look at this room look at every single one of these St block St block St block let's go this is a trap waiting to happen and you all know it yeah congratulations we're all under the sort of Damocles for this P yeah yeah uh Matt just go on Amazon get a multi pack of everything and hold on I'm so sorry ah I I see like so many people are like well this is a new fear suddenly I'm sorry I see her faces like why is that there don't know what purpose does that serve acoustic wait just destination for it's acoustic it's my roof we noticed backstage that all them releas are pretty still except for like one who's perpetually wobbling over here it's really excited so be wary I call that the lottery uh Ashley oh I keep frightening everyone I'm so sorry uh how is Fern dealing and feeling after discovering that the sorrow land the sorrow Lord I'm so sorry this is my job and I can't speak words uh zuda is her father and that she was planned to be rudest born but I told you all that was a princess um thank you I didn't know that actually um the yeah I'm I'm really curious to see I'm really curious to see how that I I I really do want to know like why I want to know why you know why why um um it's exciting because when when we first saw him I was like that guy is cool and scary and what's that creature future I want one that he gets to write on so I'm going to probably take it from him at some point um I don't know I I'm I'm excited to see where that goes and what that purpose was for of making Fern rudus born um but I kind of just because of my brain I just forget about it sometimes and I'm like imagin go get oh wait me too sorry yeah but it's fun I'm excited to see where that goes Sam oh perfect handoff perfect timing uh as a new follower of the changebringer how is fcg feeling about how disconnected or muted their relationship with the goddess is currently I'm bad at God's stuff I don't I'm bad at it say I'm trying to be better but it's so hard because it's hard to talk to a god in the first place and now it's even harder cuz I can't cuz we're in a place where you can't talk to them and they're my my God is very weird and hairy and and vague and I want to just have like a heart-to- heart with her but um but I don't have a heart and I and she can't and I can't talk to her so it's really hard I'm hoping when we get back if we get back home to exandria back to that nice flat xandria that I'll have some time to really like commune with her and ask her what's going on and and what her deal is because I I want to be a good follower I want to be a good god person but uh so far I've been real bad at it just because the signal is bad doesn't mean you don't try and make a call a is that a little GM hint right there no what do you mean okay I'm doing it next episode talison yes again I keep scaring everybody so sorry talisis yes look deep into my eyes and I will gently ask you oh hi hi hi uh what has it been like for Ashton to explore their new Titan abilities and to have such a tangible connection with the past boy uh it is an interesting mix of absolute wonderful freedom and weird despair same it's Ashton they can't be Happ happy for that long that's not fun uh every oh it's we all know that person please you know how do you feel I'm kind of depressed oh so you're doing good good for you uh it's it's your happy place uh just at me next time yeah happy is nervousness you have something to lose uh oh I know I'm you met me okay anyway I love my therapist is going to have so much much to talk with me about I actually get a 10% kick from everybody's therapist who's at this conf that is so true there's a purpose for this um it's uh it's an interesting Rush of of just being given access to all of this new power and all of this history about who who he is and where they come from and and how that both doesn't necessarily mean what what uh they were hoping it was going to mean and that it also led to some really unfortunate uh personal discoveries and a lot of dumb ideas and just it's a lot of just resorting who they are and what that actually means and and what they've been doing with their life uh and the sort of person that they at least think they've been it's been it's been very confusing and there's also something very weird about um it's been interesting thinking about the fact that while in that form uh a lot of Ashton's uh uh background pain vanishes which is almost a bad thing because then it means when it hits back again you are it it it is harder to mute immediately so there's just this real it's a bender is what it's it's less of a power kick and more of like going a little bit off off the rails on a bender though I I have a question what made you want to give a character chronic pain like what made you want to explore that wow okay yeah how do no one ever wow okay oh yeah uh so yeah I uh honestly it's because uh i' I've had TMJ uh kick I mean it's one of those things you're born with got worse and worse and worse uh uh I was a teenager and just it sort of became one of those things that also I think is one of the reasons why the Tremor kicked in that I have I have a trimor if you don't know uh and just is sort of one of those things that you just live with and realize that there's just kind of a low-lying level of uh of pain that you have that never really goes away and it's just always there it's like a uh uh I'm trying to get through this quickly uh to the point where like actually doctors would say oh yeah if it went away you wouldn't even really realize what the hell have been going on cuz it's just like this passive low-level headache that you just have all the time and uh I I I became interested in in in processing some of that and especially friends of mine who also have similar problems where they're just their friends wonder why they're always so [ __ ] irritated like well why would you be [ __ ] you so it was just it was an interesting place to come from and you know what's better than doing therapy publicly on the internet so there we are yeah never mind isn't that just what D and D is is like sitting at a table and like processing your problems and then you're like oh my therapist is going to have to extend that session tomorrow um but I do know that that means a lot to people because I feel like something like that that maybe isn't seen on the outside isn't talked about as much and I think that it's really cool also as somebody with chronic migraines I appreciate you keep uh Laura and Leo sorry Laura and Leo can we get you guys the microphones gently so nice yes M ASMR okay so I'm so sorry I know I hate it too I'm so sorry uh both imag and Orum sent messages recently finding that this magic worked again so what was it like for imagin to get a message from jester and how did those successes make orm feel about the nonresponse from Dorian I'm so sorry I'm sorry I have to ask these questions they're on the card good questions dorian's definitely dead whoa said Dorian definitely dead he is not look the robot's eyes are red yeah oh ke you can't say that you can't say that shaking his head no oh I'm threatening you with a bus St oh oh o I think that means no I think don't say that um I had two minds in that moment when Jester sent me a message because everything in me wanted to just respond in in kind do you know what I mean like it triggered the the jester response and it was so hard to to contain it and go I don't know who this person is I can't what what what would the response be so very excited very excited uh I was also just super excited to have Jester resurface in our campaign and that means she's like so she's with Caleb he goes and finds her when he needs to talk to somebody what happened like did he get a message and then he was like I can't respond I have to teleport immediately to where Jester is so that she can help me respond yeah uh hello NN Jester are you pooping yeah why what's the big deal you uh as far as the Dorian of it all um there were very stop it uh I mean the what the im's reasoning was sound Dorian could have been asleep or away from his Rock 100% not 100% and that's the problem um it's going to be it's just going to be like Schrodinger's cat for orm he'll think like yeah of course it's of course there's there's very valid reasons why he would pick up the call but it you know there's 5% doubt in his head it was the middle of the night Caleb was awake Jester was awake well sending is different you know it just goes straight to your head if you don't have the rock right next to you you're not going to hear her straight in your head I hope he's okay he's okay for the record I didn't realize any of that was going to happen and so it was like okay they're going to message Caleb all right well it I know in my head that things the spell functions now for reasons um what are the reasons and then since our Mighty n reunion one shot post Solstice like Mighty n is reunited and they have they're having their scenario across the world so jest would likely be near Caleb so cool which meant in the moment my head logic went hey Matt guess what you get to improvise Jester right now in front of Laura and little part of my brain went oh God no why do I do this to myself and still don't even remember anything I said but I think that's probably exactly how exactly I don't remember anything she says it's the best just no thoughts head empty and we love that I mean I'd be lying if I didn't say der a was inspired by you doing Jester me going oh you can just have nothing in there and go out it's beautiful it's just elevator music on a recorder up there it's just very nice yeah it's so freeing you guys sorry well anyway uh Laura yes Lisha okay I'm so happy I'm no longer frightening you guys uh thank you uh since landing on ruus imin and ladna have been going Non-Stop and connecting with bigger threats and you know Delilah it's kind of not a great thing but in all this chaos how's their relationship what's going on um have any of the recent events changed it in one way or another and like do you guys have like matching friendship bracelets or Rings or anything what's going on there um we are unaware I I am unaware of what is happening fully with ladna and Delilah because you're hiding it much more and I'm I'm I have a feeling it's because of what happened in the fa in Nan Mor's trials yeah um so yeah I I I have no basis to approach you and go what's going on because you've hidden it all you should read her texts yeah I'm trying real hard not to sneak into people's heads anymore you know yeah well it's stood to the trials and it's uh it lives rentree in ladna and marisha's brain I think about it all the time imag looking at her and being like I'm I hate that she's watching us and we haven't been able to talk about it um yeah so maybe we'll talk about it I mean it is it's it's really awful to think that any intimate moment that you would share with somebody is being watched by somebody completely horrible that has horrible intentions uhhuh yeah that's correct um it's like knowing that Travis is always watching yeah so she's having a hard time processing that one doesn't really know what to do with it and then on top of that I think ladna is struggling with the idea of like seeing imag andern to an extent on the moon and you having these you were literally floating and being lifted above and there is this moment where it was like it once again is burned into my brain of ladna grabbing you and trying to hold you down and then it messed with marisha's head because I was like oh I am literally holding her back back I am literally holding her down and now I don't know what to do with any of that this guy was so dark has that happened yet has that happened yet on on the stream oh oh yeah yeah yeah okay woo I feel like we would have heard a collective gasp if it hadn't uh I just disassociated from my body it is it did right they said yeah okay well it was a very muted yeah so I didn't know if it was can we get a resounding cheer if it [Music] happened did chatney die in his sleep yet on this or is that the next that's the next episode I think okay especially cuz all of these answers are so muted that's so sad I know you all should talk about it yeah save it for the table are we just going to have a moment right now you you all have a lot of stuff to process and you haven't given yourself like an evening rest to reconnect so you uh next time you have an opportunity should do that you still got to you still got to sleep and eat and take care of yourselves in between the run and the chaos and next and poop also very important we we play through all that too I mean seriously though how are we pooping y'all how is this happening I don't think I poop no you just penny I mean maybe it's like calories don't count on vacation you don't hoop on the moon is that is that yeah when you're on when you're on vacation it's really hard I was just imagining those little those little Penny presses that you get at Disneyland so that every everywhere we go you just leave your face on a little coin like slowly flens let's think about this for a moment which characters in all three campaigns canonically in role playing have pooped Grog scanlin Fern Has goat pelleted I pooped oh she did yes I pooed on a bed boot on a bed not to brag Jester I think Jester pooped in a lake what she certainly talked about pooping a lot did you just not tell anybody or did I in a lake did I did you just poop in a lake and not say it maybe in my head I just went out and pooped in a lake and I didn't say it out loud wait is that just Laura no Laura have you pooped a lake and not told it no we are CFS of Fine Art great parts of our time wa did that really not happen and I fully just thought it did does Keith does Keith keep her antlers on when she poops oh you know what would suck having to move the cape it's like a wedding dress and you have to have multiple people hold it while you poop it's awful that's where the toilet paper rolls go on the aners oh man that makes sense yeah I bet you're all so happy you came here early on a Sunday morning man idea a book it's Everybody Poops but it's all the characters of The Campaign don't give Laura ideas hey Laura uh idea I kind of love it we'll talk you're welcome Critters poop book and it's it's definitely just Jester narrating whole thing love you what have you done I love being an instigator of chaos why do you keep bringing me back to be normal no how dare you we like it yeah thank you uh surprisingly this was not as much a crowd cat wrangling as possible on this stage so we have some time for some uh fan q&as right careful careful no pushing no shoving respectfully find your place in the line will TR your questions in new order something about hands and feet inside and the the does the doggy have a question oh does the doggy get a question spr like such a good boy and it's what's up Ry uh so how does the solstice affect our taget because it's kind of unclear if he's a God or just an Archer that's a good question um well he's he's not a God he was he was on a track of faith to to begin to have powers on a much larger scale than even as an arch Fay he had access to or at least a more larger breadth of it so the solstice itself uh it probably probably messed with and shifted some of his power and focus but he's he's an adaptable fellow you know he takes takes what's going to him as far as his power scale uh and where he is later in Canon you should definitely check out the comic series we've been working on because we get to see we get get a fun weird perspective on our tagon as as a a protagonist kind of I don't know um but it definitely gives a little more insight into his his history and what what the other Faith think of him I'm so sorry I have to say art tagonist because you said it and I was just like it I could not say it that's B other sprinkle thank you so much sprinkle sprinkle oh uh my question is for talison and Liam If Molly didn't die would Caleb and Molly be a thing would Caleb and Molly become a thing I mean we would have needed a lot more roll time role play time figure that out Define thing I suppose I mean in in in a perfect world I feel like Molly would have slowly made made his way through most of group it's been great anyway yeah that's bid I mean situationship it would be a lot of situation yeah yeah it's it's not complicated just chronological it's fine yeah just I don't know not alphabetical potentially with an play time but M uh expired uh when Molly expired Caleb was still really tightly bottled up so I don't think he was in a place to do anything with anybody but at another 50 more episodes with Molly no it would have been an awful lot of un need to get drunk and get laid and get this out of your system would have been a very very yeah would have been a heavy role there of of no no more of this no so come on we're going to go make some friends come on I mean Caleb's technically canonically poly so I mean two purple guys in Caleb why stop there for PA work your way through the crayon box I was going to say Molly's more just of a [ __ ] but stage left what do you got hey I've been a big fan of you guys since you here last 2019 keep on cutting hello yeah we can hear you okay go for it anyway um my question is even though M um m talked about it was the whole banishment thing because there was a lot more going on than just the banishment between the characters and and also the the uh actual you know your players and so I was just wondering because um um Liam kind of kind of L on a little bit with Sam about oh banish and all of a sudden he says banish and then all of a sudden Marisha says hey I wonder if we can use that on yourself and all that and it all just kind of happened I don't know if it was kind of a kmic moment and everybody was just kind of playing off everyone else it was just a really you know interesting moment I was just wondering what you guys thought about that I mean it's kind of how a lot of it happens at the table like first off as if anyone's noticed how Sam Regal plays this game he he he plays the fool but carries a lot of really smart things close to his chest huh so I don't know if he already had that in the chamber and then everyone else at the table kind of came to the realization at the same time to be fair I wasn't paying attention because as any GM out there knows when you're having a Juggle as many players at the table as well as like multiple scenes across different things and you know concurrent timelines I miss half the stuff they're talking about to each other so you guys should answer this question more than me yeah it was I mean that spell there was literally I had I had one I had one spell slot left and I was trying to go through the list of things that she couldn't counter spell or uh what's the other thing when yeah like the the what when they're really super legendary resistance yeah that um I was trying to think of things that that wouldn't that she couldn't save against and that was the only one that maybe could possibly work but yeah when we're at the table in those super high intensity moments um it's it's all hands- on deck and uh there's lots of metagaming pigeons going around yeah I feel like we all kind of will share this like subconscious where we know we know the goal and we'll say things like how can we get you out of here and then all just start looking at our toolbox to see what options that we have and then sometimes we'll kind of all we have telepathic bond for every episode so anything you hear there's also a a mental conversation Happ also say too like there's a distinct difference between like metagaming about character knowledge versus players discussing what all the characters know they have access to in which case it's just friends strategizing together so like doesn't bother me at all when players are discussing strategy amongst each other and kind of giving suggestions about things they already are capable of doing and having their you know their wheelhouse we are not our characters many of my characters that I've played are far more intelligent far more cunning and far more handsome uh through most my gaming experience so you find you had that experience of you know as players working together to strategize what you would think your character would already understand and that's kind of that distinction too plus you know we take our role play pretty seriously we have our heads shoved up the butts of our role play pretty pretty high but also it's a game and we like having fun together I mean it really is as simple as that uh stay Dr let's go looking yeah looking at my and also this giant timer I think this is our last question one more after this I lied hi there um just wanted to um if we could all my little sister is here cuz R is her college graduation present and she didn't get to walk in 2020 so we just wanted to shout her out and say congratulations congratulations [Music] congratulations um my question is for Matt as a fellow lover of World building um what was your favorite thing to create like when you're creating a new world or anything like is it cosmology is it politics I can barely look at you oh man uh I mean I I like all the different facets of it for me what I love to create are really weird historical relics meaning like ruins that make me and the players go how did that happen you know like it's one thing like oh you come upon a r a crumbled City that's sign it's a different thing when you come up a crumbled City that's you know thousands of feet beneath the the planet's surface and is like just erupting out of rock walls for no reason but still seems pristine and beautiful in other places untouched you know that's leaving those little threads of of weirdness and unexpected mystery about a location or sometimes even individual that leaves everyone going what's that about I want to learn more about it and that's what gets me excited because I often don't know what that answer is when I first created and then once I put it on the page I start loging out why it exists and trying to fit it in my mind and hopefully they have the opportunity to ask those questions and I get to reveal that so that's that's what I enjoy the most all right this is over here is our last question we got to go over the stage left M no over there get them both in we get them both in we'll get them both yep both why do you guys like playing D and D how do you guys like playing D and D was it how or why natural why why do you guys like playing D and D we love playing with our friends we get to use our imaginations and pretend and do things we otherwise wouldn't normally be able to do ourselves and that's so much fun being able to use our imagination no matter what age we are and you are adorable thank you so much for that question I hope you get to play D and as much as you want and here's the cool thing too doesn't have to be just D and D there are a lot of great games out there that give you the same wonderful joyful experience D just happens to be the one that we all met on is that a little Pat yeah look that's the cutest laad I've ever seen in my life oh my goodness you're so pretty you must be a lady a okay and hi I'm Cole uh I'm from Spokan uh my questions for tal um the jacket that I'm wearing my battle jacket is Loosely inspired by Ashton and I want add a quote or something uh or a punk aphorism or something from Ashton or just something that you think he would support and want out oh man I mean I've got like queer magic here I've got the just Stone on the back I've got what's yeah can you show off the shoulder that it looks give us a turn give us a turn wow oh the the sparkle hitting from the spotlight is epic I have been working on it for a few years as like the best I've been thinking to the jackets of my youth uh been thinking about the like the jackets that the kids in La used to have in the90s and like like they were like decades long projects some like some of the guys I know and had you know these kids had been working on them for their whole lives I don't know man I'm trying to think like what would Bagels yum if you don't have anything it's going to be life needs things to live I mean honestly that's pretty solid uh it's jackets like that are just such a good way of communicating to a bunch of people who you want to talk to and and who if they're in a point where who they want to talk to it's just it's I mean that's my that's my big thing with any good jacket is it's a really good way of making sure that you're going to be both finding the right friends wherever you go and somebody who needs a friend at that moment can go oh right over here and run in that direction so that is the goal all the time then you know you know you're fine that thing is gorgeous by the way well thank you guys for all of your questions I have one last question for everybody on this couch and also Matt on the chair happy 9year [Applause] anniversary uh so how does it feel to be celebrating nine whole years of critical role this month and is there anything you can tease about the future when it turns double digits I'll say it definitely feels stiffer it crackles every time it gets up in the morning no Laura joint no Laura joints it's okay I literally thought the exact same thing until he did this and I was like Oh you mean joints you're bad you're bad sorry I should have known better you're you're right yeah I I will say I feel like it is it never ceases to amaze us not only how many people have and continue to watch us but have stuck with us through all of these years and uh continue to show interest in the things that we say and uh can confirm we have some massive plans coming up in the very very near future 10 year is we're looking ahead to it right now uh and want to really make it a massive celebration uh for everyone in the community so yeah there's some big stuff just pay attention follow us on socials it's it's going to be great w wow what a perfect end to that I have a big red sign that says 's up a a um It also says press delete to reset and escape to exit uh unfortunately we have to press escape and not delete uh but thank you guys everybody for coming I hope you enjoyed the panel yeah give yourself a big hand for showing up we love you guys love you love you can we just we just get [Music] up we all share the I'm healer to the we [Music] sh will we and [Music] R join us hey guys this is Aaron Nagel from AJ films2 and thank you so much for watching my videos if you haven't subscribed go ahead and click on that subscribe button now have any comments let me know what you think and I'll keep making more videos for you thanks again so much [Music] bye-bye
Channel: AJFilms 28
Views: 105,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Critical Role, Travis Willingham, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, Sam Riegel, Liam O’Brien, Laura Bailey, Matthew Mercer, Emerald City Comic-Con, Emerald City Comicin, ECCC2024, ECCC24, ECCC, live panel, live panels, live, panel, spotlight, interview, interviews, dungeons&dragons, D&D, gaming, role playing, rpg, rpgs, Seattle, convention center, summit building, arch building, west coast, west, Washington state, Washington, WA, Talented dog, talent, dog
Id: ROjsXWfOGm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 11sec (3731 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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