Critical Role: Caleb & Veth

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when i was in that prison cell with uh widow ghast over there yeah for the first few days i i was kind of attracted to it i mean he was filthy obviously but i just saw him one night sort of trying to look out the window the moonlight was hitting his face and he was very handsome yeah i kind of got that vibe before kind of thought it might be that feeling and i uh pull not closer to me and i give not a kiss on the forehead thank you you're too kind to me of course you keep me safe well you know i think maybe you have guessed it before now but i i uh i care a great deal for you and that is a no small gift why are you getting teary what is happening i just hug her you look over it not curled up right against your thigh uh like a dog asleep i got scared of the skeleton so i came over here we have been together a long time so oh you're uh you're you're together sure not like that oh okay i was gonna say i think you could do better but anyway i don't know what that was called for at all sorry sorry absolutely right he is handsome and he could do much better than a than a little freak show like me he could meet any girl in town and she should shut off this one and myself to breakfast invite her in i'll nestle in i don't even say anything i just a fur mug wherever you are i'm right in front of you okay i'm right in front of you i'm talking about i think i got an ear you are my greatest friend little me i like you because you are funny but it's more than that we will get you what you want even if there is some risk because if it's really important it's worth the risk yes go to sleep are you okay am i okay yes i'm fine are you okay would you jump up would i what would you jump up on to you yeah i will jump up onto caleb and i will give him a big kiss on his nose and i'll whip out the the last book i had be like we still have books to go through i'll look at those tomorrow let's go get some sleep and and there's there's useful things in it reality shifting things uh yeah little yeah yeah excellent i give him a big kiss on his cheek and it's real smelly uh her even a little further away and turn our backs to the group and we're all watching that's fine that's fine i've been getting it a little um wrapped up in this team you know and we're working as a team and i've forgotten you and me i've forgotten well don't we're in this together yeah don't forget me i won't forget you stay close always all right [ __ ] let's go lean over him and say caleb i'm feeling uneasy why why today i because what the [ __ ] am i doing here i just was reunited with my husband and i i was we were given a chance to go on an adventure and i jumped at it like that am i a bad person i just left him i ditched my husband in a den of monsters to go adventuring with you but will i like it i've gotten a taste of adventure and and seeing the world and now i gotta go back and be a a housewife again wait are you with us then yeah yeah okay well not i i don't know i think you have to find those answers but can't you just tell me i cannot not but i i am glad you're here you don't think i'm terrible for just leaving him in a hotel room do i think that some amount of time after you drowned or changed into something other than you are and have ridden halfway across the world and are in enemy territory and you're acting strangely are you asking me if i judge you or if you should judge yourself for the way you are acting right now because i don't thank you that makes me feel a little better nope not listening not at all nope i think that we are working towards something very good and we could just fritter our life away and just abandon hope you and i but you're not you are working towards something good and your son needs a world to grow up in with parents who love him so you're feeling poorly you are doubting yourself i understand that very well but i don't share your opinion of you or this group well thank you bo what did he just say he doesn't share europe i have a question it's totally unrelated i just want to know are you in love with the knot all right cause man that tension i don't need an inside check i know okay well i'm just saying i got neurals some vibes kicking or some pheromones going on when we were on that uh more bounder you are tuned into a specific frequency that is not my frequency so this is not a good conversation thank you think about that please as i close the door i just whispered to myself i knew that wouldn't get him out of my [ __ ] room it's okay you know i i've spent so much time with her on the road and i have uh not known her off of it until we got her husband back to her and it's been nice to see her with him i little bit don't know what to do with myself as much you know it's very awkward we developed um you know a unique relationship and and i i feel awkward you know we she used to um you know we slept on the side of the road a lot and would you know sleep next to each other in the cold and and i feel um strangely foolish about it now but it didn't seem foolish before but it does now so what now you feel awkward because of a close relationship with a friend a little bit she's found found herself a found which she's looking for not entirely but um i i i don't know what i'm talking about feeling replaced are you jealous yeah probably a little bit oh yeah that actually makes me feel kind of reassured it's like the most basic human emotion so you're not a total lost cause part of the reason that i was sort of instantly interested in hanging out with you was because you had these amazing magical abilities and you know i care for you deeply now and i you know i wouldn't leave your side for anything but i mean i love you but back then anyway and even now there's a part of me that is hoping that you'll become powerful enough to to do me a great service i don't know all i can give you is my um loyalty and i have great loyalty for you all right and i'd hate to see you go but that's selfish now we got hedwig over here caleb you're going to come back to us all right light up and bird peck pecks the top of knots and caleb just gives a little innocent uh kiss the top oh this page especially is not your uh average modern literature this pitch when i begin drop my crossbow and say you know what this and is shoot caleb throw into prison he cheated on me me and then leave immediately he shouldn't be cheating on his wife me you too also i would like to apologize for my wife and my domestic squabble earlier how is your not the brave maybe we both are messes but at least we're messes together i had a little bit of a crush but then i got to know him and kind of like friend zone well i mean i'm also married happily married totally i will say i haven't looked at another man other than my husband quite like that he's very exciting and in another world maybe yeah from another time another place i don't know give me 50 gold and i'll give you the change i'll give you 75 you had some young wizards keep the change are you blushing wow yes thank you uh i was uh being a little too literal a little too straight on well i i helped uh i helped yazid with his uh problems sometimes always good to have an extra set of eyes on things yeah always lucky men i'll get you back to him good night i pull her into sort of a slow awkward hug i hug back and if all of this works that will change things i guess it will i'll be inside oh can i just ask why the inside check is happening has this whole conversation been happening well you guys have been hugging yeah yeah okay just making sure that you're still like really close yeah not the brave beth renato you are here and he taps just above her heart and you are here he touches just between her eyes you are you and you will continue to be you and we are here you ready i'll just uh lean forward and sweetly kiss him on the lips and uh say thank you caleb for getting me this far and for devoting yourself to to me you're a good man and i i hope you find where you're going to all right do the thing cups the side of her cheek this will be our best trick yet i think i'm ready to change back what happens afterwards i won't know until i get there i think i support whatever you choose but i will miss you if you go i'll miss all of you if i go i'll miss you most of all our time together has been so dangerous and deadly and incredible and it's been it's been wonderful saving your life again and again i appreciate it i i know you're going to use your life to do god-like things and i hope i'm there to see it can i admit something to you go ahead it is a blessing to have family again i mean that in the realist sense of the word it has been a blessing to me and i am so grateful for your presence next to me on the road i feel the same but i don't know what uh what our family is working progress yeah you're not my well baby steps i suppose sometimes words are ruling it and and caleb you know i love you and you're the second love of my life thank you for being with me i love you too it is good to meet you again hi hi hi what's up i'll do a little curtsy just hung caleb i'm so proud of you i'm so proud of you you can do anything well tomorrow night can be a first step but um one i need that you have done me a great kindness and and bolstered my result you've you've helped bring me back into my own i made this place for you so that you could stay with us and and see you know your husband and child but but also be with me and be with them it's a circle there's nine of us and nothing's going to break that uh i'm all about it and if we can really truly be together and and i can bring my family along for the ride that's i mean that's the dream this is a work in progress our family is a work in progress but i have faith and i'm not even one of the clerics you know i'm having trouble with this i think mainly because i'm feeling guilty that i can't help but feel like i talked you out here oh i told you i had a place for you to stay with your family and i told you i could get you back to your family and we are stuck out here on the edge of nowhere with no way out and we are heading towards some sort of impressiveness no i mean that's not your you have plenty to feel guilty about in your life without you know adding that to to it listen i deep down inside you know i wanted you to talk me into it i want to be with you all you know i've grown so accustomed to having you at my side it's been a long time and i just didn't want to leave you behind i i don't really uh function on my own so much i don't i mean i don't think any of us really do you know when lucian was talking about how he's his spirit was sort of split into parts and scattered asunder just made me think about us you know the nine about how when we all started that's how we were sort of disparate parts of people and it took us coming together to feel whole again i sort of feel bad for the guy because i know what that's like this journey will come to an end at some point and yeah i've got a bad feeling about that i don't want it to i feel like it's gonna be threading a needle to come out the other side of this all of us any of us well and then the worst part is if we come out the other side and we survive or win or whatever it is then it's goodbye i don't want to think about that well then good think about your guilt and i'll think about mine check and that'll keep us company not just pulling her a hug i love you i will always love you thank you i'm sorry thank you uh what a mess we should wake up the others it can be anything anything from the location so i generally look for uh i mean i have underwear a turtle but for a place like this it's just small rocks why underwear out of all because i i have this um it's a it's a small thong with a little y right on the front of it and i add it to a little pouch where i have a turtle some underwear from veth et cetera uh then um uh can i swap those out actually you're great against the watch no one else okay beth gave it to him a long time ago i'm still these are the key to getting into beth's bedroom all right let's go to bed caleb rubs his temples slaps his face a couple of times and uh just turns into a golden retriever and uh walks over and just slumps down next to veth and just kind of goes on field chin on the feet no oh do i have to give him some scratches hello hello i go over and i give him something yeah oh we'll call the script go scritch perfect don't lay on your back kayla that's it's super great because about an hour later while sleeping he does something back in the caleb yeah we can go to usa right right now which which part are you not okay with the trent talking to you part or the killing people part of the endangering essex part that's my question are they endangering my family part or listen listen bubbe come here come here bring it in this was a win we got the things that we need to save the [ __ ] world this is good caleb is is very much in shell-shocked mode similar to how he was at the beginning of the campaign in a way that that he hasn't been in a long time and he just plants himself next to beth on the ground and is just staring out at the water while he mashes his toes scratches his toes in the sand slowly i'll just hug hug or stay close to cuddling distance for caleb i have nothing that can affect this thing i'm completely tapped so um i am going to move i can't do anything it's empty where is veth right now beth is yeah come a little closer so we are going to go again but when we come back we would very much like to stay in the meantime thank you for lending us your mother we need her to keep an eye on us yeah she's strong and don't worry i look over his shoulder at his father we'll keep an eye on her too i trust one more time are you sure no but i'm gonna do it anyway that's what we're all doing right are you all sure yes well you're the only one then no i'm with you i don't know i'm sure i want to go gather in close please i promise to do everything in my power to get you back to yes and luke and i have that little bit of stonework from the outpost and i take beth by the hand and clasp our hands together and the stone is held between our hands beth the brave lets you and i do our best to keep all these families together and i'm under a word and we're gone dang i wish you would have taken us with them have we start trouble playing with beth's hair as a spider it's nice it's nice are you being careful i mean what does it look like sure i feel inclined to return home and understand what is happening at home and i need you because you are my best friend and i need you as my partner to make right and i need all of you yasha i was scared to ask upfront i figured i'd start with them but i need you we're the quiet ones so i feel like it would do us some good to talk more
Channel: Soda Wax
Views: 11,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zt0r5kKTM_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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