Laura Bailey becomes LEGENDARY | Critical Role C2E93 Highlight

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she's all yours to go in there I go in [Laughter] okay you're the one me I did I did I'm really sorry about it you know we just really needed to see like who you're going to come to say and I didn't know that it would bother you you know I didn't even think about the fact that it's like you know in the future if you ever want to scry on us I wouldn't blame you you know because I did it to you before what is it use oh I'm just looking for a way to break that curse that you know you gave to my friend I don't want her to be a goblin anymore cause she doesn't want to be a goblin right yeah well have you an offering for Trey Oh something that would make me so miserable right that's what you want let's see I can see it as and I said I could offer like to give you a hand like literally if I cut my hand off or something or something those are artists take care yeah I mean I draw I also create okie a No do you want me to play something for you I'm fine thank you you know I bet you get a lot of entertainment out here right what if in exchange we like play a concert I could paint your portrait you don't have any mirrors you know I could show you what you look like not to what you said before are you authoring your artistic expression um you like my like ability to draw it is something I see brings you much joy um it does it does it really does you see like the saliva gathering at the edges of her mouth kind of one single string coming under the table if you give me your hand like literally like my hands look how will I eat you know like what if it's just you know my ability to draw you have friends so can feed you that's gonna suck real bad to not have any hands at all does it negate it if I go and they grow them back or something I [Laughter] think you know how intense and lasts both of my hands so that doesn't seem so stupid oh she flicks a finger and you see one of the empty cages in the wall commit about the right sides for two hands it like dr. strange where like I can still do it that would be a conversation between you and whatever entity his name's the traveler he's a really powerful God I bet easier right now looking over me every idea as she leans forward sinning to consume the interior of the chamber looming over and down upon you the one lengthy hand reaching out like this well hold on maybe before we make the deal I can eat one last cupcake you know since I won't be able to do it okay I'm going to pull out my last blueberry cupcake how long has this been now I'm going to bend this long please let this cupcake with me have you ever had the blueberry cupcake see I'm using my fingers to break it in half make a persuasion check 24 she reaches out and grabs the other half of the cupcake it's so small in her long that was sprinkled with the dust of deliciousness okay that is that is that dust that makes food taste much better and it also gives you a disadvantage on wisdom checks and wisdom saving throws okay I'm going to cast modify memory okay okay and I'm going well I'm going to see if it works I mean it doesn't matter it does if I know it doesn't it just affects like how long ago I could do it this is within the last 24 hours so fifth level is what I need to cast it okay did I succeed I'm going to make her believe mm-hmm that she enjoyed my company so very much that she agreed to end Knotts curse because she liked hanging out so much and she hasn't had good company in a barrel okay so as you complete your incantation the minute of describing this shift it's been strange I know but thank you so much it means a lot he caught me in a good mood [Laughter] should you come across any more of those cupcakes I will send them your way do not be afraid to come definitely they that you know they make some that are called black mouse cupcakes I will let you know because is there anything else I can help you with something that always one just your company you know thank you should I send my friend not in order orders it just does it there you need to see her oh it's nice to the hand can a wave pass then these shadows the room grow extremely dark the lantern fights to maintain a flame and then it slowly expands back out deal is a deal this has been fun well it's the long journey back I guess I guess we should head out huh thank you so much see you later you sometime does the door do the thing right he seems very distracted and is trying to piece together in the door closes behind let's go gather your things and rapidly follow the very insistent gesture back into now the night shadows of the swamp ahead of you still exhausted still recovering from the initial journey you briskly vanish into the shadows of night as you make your way into the deep mists in the moment a legendary moment [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nico Neilson
Views: 911,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Map, Vlog, Funny, opinions, Weird, awesome, creative, confident, random, topics, Critical, Role, CriticalRole, DuneonsandDragons, Dungeons, and, Dragons, Matthew, Mercer, Marisha, Ray, Travis, Willingham, Liam, Obrian, Sam, Riegel, Taliesin, Jaffe, Ashley, Johnson, Laura, Bailey, Vox, Machina, Talks, Discussion, Highlight, Death, Grog, Fjord, Beau, Keyleth, Caleb, Vax, Tary, Scanlan, Nott, Molly, Percy, Jester, Vex, Yasha, Pike, Taldorei, Wildemount, d20, Roll, legendary, won, win, insane, reaction, clever, cupcake, tricks
Id: DbbMFG-w8QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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