Jerma Streams - Police Quest: SWAT

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I'm going to play police quests what police quest there's a lot of slow glad you guys can't hear this how was that worse than Bunker it wasn't it wasn't easy bunker to get hold on I just going to take a minute give me one second it is hey whoa whoa wait wait wait wait good wear let's get it proper get up here hey where did you go I don't come on now I don't do this to me there's Hey there it is gotta change the title and we can get going I'm going to drop the volume so is it below my eardrums out can I do it from here control panel here we go okay save but I didn't okay let's just make sure this is done right because God knows it could go so horribly wrong okay that okay play new career oh [ __ ] in my face hold on change the SWAT however I don't have to change the stream title [Music] [ __ ] oh whatever alright let's got it and see how far we get with this one here we go new correct welcome to deep blue tuned officer formed in 1967 okay so over to 19th of SWAT pup I could have a name about get that Karen good cadet Karen welcome to deep the two nobodies are give it to the instruction while you're assigned 2d platoon I'll be your supervisor your new position here is that of an assaulter this is officer PAC Mayer and he's your element leader for the record officer PAC Mayer has been an element leader in D platoon for eight years he's a wealth of information on time lurker trade show Thank You sergeant hello officer I'd like that we've got a sec fought to what I'm about to say you are now one of sixty tactical officers within V platoon we constitute less than they have of a green screen the entire Los Angeles police force your selection and admittance to this platoon is something to be proud of now why is there so much mole as a member of SWAT you are responsible to meet the requirements of specific tactical criteria and will be tested regularly okay and you should fail to meet these requirements you will be encouraged to train up remember your training cycle fitness your firearm proficiency and your understanding of tactics affects the entire team and the team concept officer you dare interrupt a superior way I could let me warn you insubordination is not tolerant I just run if you get the company has been never will be is that clear officer always [ __ ] let me tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna let this pass I want to call it off first day jitters don't let it happen again sergeant Paulin is conducting the training detail later on down anatomy range be there until then learn what you can and work on that attitude of yours holy [ __ ] this is not I've never been called up for skipping the company before but I just did I gotta [ __ ] smarten up a little bit here you know I mean control panel yeah that's fine okay that's just like the menu that's fine Kendall let's just go out here the police academy was go to a sniper range I'm yeah you're the new guy in Rooker squad Danny what are you doing on here you guys have small arms training over at the academy oh you know that's right such a worker man well you better get over there I love this green screen technology and it's no coincidence that his nickname is sergeant meaning sergeant nene-chan but I wouldn't call mental state level thanks thanks to thee but yeah sure okay don't call them sergeant meanie I thought all I got for 45 caliber and night like it give me this okay I guess that's what I want gear yeah okay cool so now what how do I do this Winchester is not Winchester not all right what do you want to do here how do I get out of it there's my gear right now I don't I go hey aren't you the new guy in sergeant Rutgers all the hey I'm the guy you're supposed to be over at the small arms range for weapons training not over here in the combat ring that's me hey great thanks so so I was just watching me okay so let's go small-arms reaction of your tactical gear is response like this one okay small arms range there I am my first day of school my first day of work up gentlemen we have a new member in the element still formerly we're all the same guy you may refer to them as the slot club welcome aboard officer I'm attorney David sergeant Walden put the foot that he's just going to do a few drills of the mp5 step up Sally thirteen seven yard line and joins Amy go over there and talk to me and make sure you aim that gun me hey by all the Me's please listen up me I'm gonna teach you how to use it got me thank me no problem me officers with your mp5 make ready this is a training exercise officer you will follow the drills please I got that guy in the neck I got the guy right the jugular vein that was [ __ ] perfect I should what are you talking about what am I doing wrong this is a training exercise officer you will follow the drills please well what did I do wrong opposite what you were comedian I thought you were LAPD SWAT now knock off the funny business and get focused uh I love I just keep getting like yelled at wrong gun it's small arms training right officers you've chosen the incorrect weapon for this drill with your mp5 please make ready mp5 okay mp5 I got it where's the mp5 guys you've chosen incorrect what where is the mp5 what's it and that does this an mp5 there's an mp5 this is a training exercise officer you will follow the drills please that's not what I'm doing is that not what I'm doing officers you have chosen the incorrect weapon for this drill with your mp5 please make ready this is not an mp5 there's an ar-15 I don't know weapons this is not an mp5 officers you have chosen the incorrect weapon for this drill how do I like equip this gun oh okay there we go turn the safety to turn the temperature up for like good [ __ ] 60 degrees okay whatever that means got it load the clip and already we have a renegade officer set your weapon to semi-auto now renegade they talking about me man afraid they're aiming their guns at me right now this is a training exercise officer you will follow the drills please everyone's like aiming a gun at me okay now what do you want me to do officers come to your garden okay fail your drill few shots to the body one to the head semi-auto okay two to the body single to the head semi-auto two to the body on the whistle got it I got it perfect on the top of the class not what you want to do do it again officers come to your guard single to the head semi-auto Sheriff single to the head semi-auto on the whistle oh I said I got it in the ear and sorry I got a mic in the eye socket that's good enough alright I think I like actually do like SWAT missions by the way like just wait till I get to like go in the field officers come to your garden fail your drill two shots to the body one to the head semi-auto one or two to the body single to the head guard doesn't one guard mean like go for it one guard doesn't that mean like go for it or here we go right how much longer do I have to do this four officers come to your garden single to the head semi-auto single to the head semi-auto says the same thing time okay saying it was a head now what oh he's not saying on God he's saying on God he's staying on guys come to your garden no I don't know your drill two shots to the pup two to the body single weapon officer if you're experiencing a malfunction clear it now if not I think I shot it twice drills I shot him twice what did I do wrong patent officers come to your garden what do I fail your drill two shots to the body one to the head oh I got all right all right go guy got you on guard put them on safe and what am i nice okay we're good put them on safe let them hang it's work cadets especially you could have cabin wood officers with your sidearms mom main already come on now officers come to your guard single to the head single to the head on the whistle yeah yeah all right let's go get me in a real situation here I want to shoot paper it is the whole time officers come to your guard single to the head single to the head on the whistle I get to go through every single gun yeah hello officers come to your garden controlled pair to the center mount what the [ __ ] is happening control pair not double taps what does that mean to the center mass what is that a whistle I don't know that mean control care to the center mass what don't do it you give me like all these variables that what does that mean I think it did it officers come to your garden fail your drill two shots to the body one to the head two to the body one to the head on the whistle IQ of rapidly diminishing I've been told that this game is [ __ ] awesome so once we have like training centers come to your guard rail your drill two shots to the Botticelli body one to the head yeah let's pull blow that whistle what I'm at a poet officer if you're experienced oh please come on [ __ ] go put it down and bring it up let's go come on say it come to your guard control pair to the center mount Sharon control pair to the center mouse app to the center mass on the whistle on guard holster your weapon holster your weapon we're done we're done right I think we're done no we're going to have with that another one officers with your shotguns with buckshot please with buckshot shotgun okay Jenna bad Jon run 245 peanut butter please two shots the center mouth with buckshot two shots in a mad rush I feel like I'm ordering food I just asked for two eggs and a side of bacon and this is like this what I get with buckshot please yeah what do you want to do officers come to your garden workshop please two shots of the center mass yeah but I got buckshot on two shots the center mass on the whistle mhm blow it alright now switch the slug please sure with a smug with buckshot please officers come to your garden with buckshot single to center mass buckshot okay go we got to stick this one out guys we have to sit this one out we do this tutorial we're gonna actually be able to breach houses and get criminals and [ __ ] I'm certain to that hold up hold up on me officers come to your guard with buckshot single to center mass yes [ __ ] shot on the whistle single to center mass [ __ ] god damn it follow the I'm just trying to click next like to go oh it's shot accidentally god dammit yeah [ __ ] shot officers come to your guard with buckshot single to center mass okay single to center mass holster culture could that's it right nope another one apparently with buckshot please please officers come to your garden with buckshot single to center mass shot please yeah on the whistle blow it single buckshots chest thank God was there was another gun wasn't there yeah it was we're gonna do it for the other gun with your m16 we're almost done this is the last one yet yep officer this is a weapon and 16 will John activist just have to do this and that's answers come to your garden fail your drill two shots to the body one to the head two to the body I swear to god I'm will follow trying Lee when you get to see the bald eagle you click it and it skips come on officers come to your garden fail your drill two shots to the body one to the head two to the body single to the head go on the whistle I'm too much of a loose cannon Skyward Sword stew toriel I don't even know I have never played Skyward Sword alright come on officers come to your garden fail your drill few shots to the body one to the head two to the body single to the head on the whistle perfect but like let's go I hope I can just skip everything to do my first breach this is a full retail price game at one point that is true officers hey cookie thanks for the ten bucks Jeremy why you as a small arms training good you have big arms no I do this game is amazing oh I know don't worry I am what staying on the skin we're not skipping this like this game has like extreme potential will be like a lot of fun so just hang in there this games from like 1995 or something just chill up also thank you to funky Berlin koh-sama over the five bucks fail your drill tear shots to the body wonderful using anything to the $5 body single to the head thanks dad come on boy can them [ __ ] make me do this again and yes I'm going to save the game I'm not going to make that mistake twice officers come to your garden fail your drill two shots to the body one to the half you to the body single to that how many times you have to do the same bear the Beowulf drill what a talented holster yes please be done there can't be any more weapons no what else is there to do officers with your sidearms know what we just did this I don't want to do this again what are you talking about with your side on officers come to your guard single to the head well why are we doing this again I do this we just did this does I'm a weapon kind of plant one in myself officers come to your garden single to the head single to the head on the whistle come on snappy all right it's not done after this I'm believing the training grounds I'm just going tomorrow single to the head single to the head officers come to your guard rail your drill two shots to the body one to the head body one to the head on the whistles hidden single to the head single to the head single to the head psvr short cord [ __ ] officers come to your garden single to the head single to the head on the whistle if I go to the guy the other gunman hits over you know like if it's like pull out your mp5 a soldier I'm [ __ ] gone officers come to your guard rail your drill yeah through to the body god dammit I get it out of here guard single to the head holster your weapon we're done thank you we did it here kid good cadet oh don't even officers with your mp5 officers hold your fire we have a quitter in the group what didn't we mention it's me leaving I guess I'm going to tell you what the [ __ ] caliber 1911 what do you want me to tell you all right now I'm hello pact Meyer we're working on the president a drill three targets multiple engagements you're gonna want to shoot the first target once the second target one-third target twice second target one what first target one wait speed load then you do it all again not the [ __ ] you seven seconds y'all for ten seconds if it a try of you but first guy first time second guy first time intersect guys 35 hey what am i doing she departed the dentate drill is up there are three targets and multiple engagements starting from either the left or the right yeah shoot the first target once one second target one one third target twice two second target once one first target one one speed load then do it all again a hard time is 10 seconds okay on the whistle that's it right I got you again officers guns a little ray I did it prepare to commence firing make ready now I can leave that was fun thanks oh my god this is the combat drill there will be multiple moving parts one interaction reload is necessary no part time this is a reflex drill I can't just kill all the bad guys you got it am i hitting these guys shooting blanks I'm a loading blank they're my officers guns at low ready prepare to commence firing make ready the Presidente drill is up there are three a pilot I put on glasses to leave okay here we go got it time to go there a nice perfect we'll get started when everyone's here I'll prepare to be now everyone your attention please settle down we can get started [ __ ] today we want to discuss use of force issues cover the differences between stealth and dynamic entries and review tactical communication techniques are we clear or are there any questions we're clear we're clear what what's happening what is happening barricaded female North Hollywood area 3 3 9 westcott Avenue agents fired code 3 what happened at my training I was just in the [ __ ] pick up the phone it's my warning Lucy Lucy long no she's all up in a house she won't come out won't let me in like I talked about other officer she's been mixed up a lot thinking hey that's ok this is my daughter Katie go ahead on tell the office that's me my mom's always been real protective of our family but it's different now it's like she's not just protective she's angry or paranoid or something I don't know what well why would she become dangerous she has a gun now and she shot at me and my dad this morning Wow that's right she damn near killed us too yesterday she threw me out of the house how are you weren't going to let me back in she locked all the doors neighbors cross the street we're looking that we're going we gotta go I walked down to Katie's she just lives in the apartments over on a molar so I spent the night there this morning Katie brung me back home don't want two girls walking up to you go in Lucy start shooting it that's when I call the police oh we can dance we'd like for your wife to come out on her own so we can get her some help who's Huijin won't the possibility exists she might hurt herself we might have to go in and get her I was just briefing mr. long and a possibility that we might have to Android's home ok mr. long our crisis negotiation team is currently on a telephone with your wife there's some concern that she may be delusional now I realize I've already asked who you're playing the physical layout of your house and property but in case we need to go in and get her want to make sure that we're prepared is there anything else that you can tell me about the houses layout of course you've seen the board to the front Linda's channel all the windows boarded up like that huh cadet see what you can learn from the longer neighbours but I got to go talk to the neighbors no let's just go on the house control thing I gotta save the game save mission save okay we're good excuse me sir have you interviewed the longs neighbors yet if not I suggest to do so now more information we have to say for the experience huge then where the neighboring hey okay since this is your first time out a little advice for you do as you're told again where do I have to go hello you must be the neighbor yes I'm mr. Diwan I believe across from the lawn for the last 10 years itself [ __ ] rot I first moved in there real nice showed me and my wife the neighborhood okay had been the same last few years you know the wife Lucy why is there a pre-hearing a okay oh my gosh he just holding like a cosmonaut here I'm gonna know you guys on a first-name basis okay so I talked to the [ __ ] neighbor cool I'll excuse me sir yes sergeant Rooker and I'll be calling the briefing in a few minutes stand by okay lash lash out and [ __ ] somebody all right stand by excuse me sir sergeant Rooker and I'll be calling the briefing in a few minutes stand by excuse me sir sergeant Rooker and I'll be calling the briefing in a few minutes stand by okay excuse me sir sergeant Rooker and I'll be calling we want to get you minutes stand by excuse me sir aye sergeant Rooker and I'll be calling the briefing in a few minutes stand by get the [ __ ] out of the way okay like what do I do here I just hang out okay anything else watch my back and I'll watch yours I love all that is just me alright so now I just have to stand here till they call me hey hey don't pop don't worry about this one everything's gonna be fine I was on the scout with PAC Meyer and Rooker limited points event and those are there we weren't allowed to quiet them loud to clink we have a captive audience who knows maybe she'll come out on her own okay briefing there you go first mission the situation as we know it is this we have a barricaded right female inside the residence she's 64 years old she suffered some various health maladies you have a gun she's diabetic and she suffers from a heart condition that requires the use of medication by the matter the entire attack me she's delusional she thinks the activity outside the house a gang bangers trying to break in she's a shooter approach knowing she's armed and dangerous of God this is the layout of the house on side one a shitty battler entrance this is a dangerous approach as it has two windows to contend with the large front window and a small kitchen window to compensate for that we're playin IPERS here by the way a night to watch those ports apparently this house has been somewhat fortified over the years the garage has been sealed off from the house side three has one opening a barricaded window donations continue with the suspect we're going to place an emergency assault team on side one for entry through opening - where do I tell you where does the entry team consist of the following rheya Scout Denton rear guard pakmar element lead for rear containment side three pup and Witsel top and west that's me any questions no where's my shotgun make sure you load Silvertip hollow points so much of hollow points how we try to like blow this lady's organs up play what the [ __ ] are you talking about this is a soft probe I want stealth movement this change is only the situation changes there hold on to that how's that it's all gonna be better right so let's go like how do we go did you have an opportunity to speak to the neighbor yes he said that mrs. long is a little more violent than what our hoping would lead us to believe like gonna drop you even more let's go remember all of you just because the suspect is a female does not mean she's any less violent than a male just because she's 64 does not mean she's a sweet old lady approach this suspect with caution okay can we can we go how did we go do I need to call even more you and Denton aside three but be aware there's a lot of foliage back there and you won't have the benefit of sniper cover let's go remember all of you just because the suspect is a female does it not mean she's any less violent than a male just because she's 64 does not mean she's a sweet old lady I approach this suspect with caution okay she's my entry point so I have to go here right I can't like click this I can't like move out of the way I can't flash I just click your last unit in working order good remember the last unit is not used for lengthy discussions between assaulters for keeping the brass informed and any other persons outside your sight lines you understand yes good okay good let's let's go let's go go let's do it hahahaha Jegs sounds like the fast in the fire planet for deployment bless you all I just heard like a bunch of shot his a single file okay go that guy so they got to flail mp5 full-on Oh mp5 full auto you got it [Music] Ruffy why I'm something in the back aren't I like going on the back way that guy now has a golf club with a guy get the [ __ ] driver aren't I supposed to be going that way how come I don't can I not move pop get moving get moving how do I move there's no like control right what what happened lieutenant hunted the events of today were tragic what did some of your fellow officers were seriously wounded what I asked all of you to consider talking with Department counselors to resolve any emotional aftermath what i suffering due to this experience well I know I can't hear anything an investigation by the officer-involved shooting team the use of force Review Board the Office of Internal Affairs and the District Attorney's Office is being conducted relative to what occurred today until the investigation is complete anyone I'm suspending puff of active duty share hope this platoon is founded on leadership and obedience we have a saying here lead follow or get out of the water we try to like move my car back instead you acted alone without regard to your element my dude odd or your responsibility until this investigation is completed I think it's best that you continue to train and study yeah replay the scenario barricaded people let's go I hear you okay this is a soft program I want stealth movement remember all of you just because the suspect is a female does not mean she's any less fun yeah I didn't shoot anybody you just okay yeah yeah yeah interesting there's a gun it's loaded let's go locked and loaded with do it some of the entry points I know I understand them now we're good we're good we're good yeah make sure that thing works yeah it worked okay cool your last unit in working order good remember the last unit is not used for lengthy discussions between assaulters all vets for keeping the brass informed well whatever I any other persons outside your sight lines you understand okay so good I didn't do the movement tutorial here we go sounds like the fast in the fire planet for deployment let's go all right I Delia so how do I move the character mp5 full-on oh yes mp5 full auto how do i how do I put the gun down yo like go save arrow key full-auto Mia it's definitely not WASD I'm certain that one pop get moving okay gonna move [Music] maybe that getting it out of there look at it what what's going on why am I an idiot where's everybody - leaving sorry I screwed up yes I'm well aware of that sorry look I had to pull you out of there your behavior threatened to compromise the situation and any compromise can result a lot of your lives you understand that yes sir good then you'll understand why I'm sending you back to Metro and why I'm strongly suggesting that you read up on the tactical material provided by their Park going back to [ __ ] school okay how do I load a game load game no I don't think Freddy I held is the main menu no load game previous career cadet carrot carrot it give restore there we go yeah put the gun down and like I got to go like which way not this way apparently oh here we go we're going on the back-right is they all the head with a gun [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's I guess we're going to try this again we have to go she's around the back door here comes the breach and now they're going in fully-auto yep that's fine no get the gun take off the gun [ __ ] take out the got the [ __ ] gun [Music] yeah okay I got it [Music] so I can't go this way I can't take the gun out because I'll shoot over there so what am I supposed to do [Music] if he comes around the corner man I'm unloading a whole clip okay thumbs up huh what is it go let me go go where remember where I going what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yeah as you can pentagon seriously what if I go back [ __ ] get back here what the [ __ ] are you doing I'm being grabbed now I'm gone now I'm gone and you get a jump right here at all aware that I don't I don't get it I can't all I can go off okay hi [Music] [Music] okay I got a beer all right use the mirror yes yes yes yes she's hiding I can see her we're all [ __ ] smoke bomb over there Oh [Music] today it was not a victory but a defeat we were not successful in saving the life of a suspect we wish to apprehend rather we lost that life and jeopardize the lives of others it is true that the suspect determines the outcome of a crisis but it's our responsibility inside the suspect towards a peaceful read an edge shot remember a truly successful resolution is one where no shots are fired I think you did a you got a guy through absorb and smoke bomb you will be cooperative helpful and honest when dealing with investigators until the investigation is complete I'm suspending pup from active duty steps well yeah yeah ok [ __ ] off let's go oh look guys there's a lady over there hold that cleat contained a compromised closet left to imposition coming on hostage suspect suspect suspect copy what oh I just said suspect into the phone am i doing Motorhead take my place what's happening here oh god oh god oh god oh god suspect suspect level 1 2 3 wait entry team suspect pup the lash is not a toy I should find any comments to the situation it hit I had to do to him to save me off of his life today it was not a okay hold on wait suspect left friends been suspect left got it pluck the lash is not at all what the [ __ ] target about amends to the situation at hand suspect suspect suspect suspect copy our suspect left is not okay but suspect is with no [ __ ] context is not abroad I feel like [ __ ] Yelp this guy trailer take my place [Music] hey wait cover suspect cover get cover pop the lash is not a toy confine your comments to the situation at hand is this guy going to die like is it left is it his left or my right I can't stop saying little is it like his right or my all like left suspect like side it wit like a lookout like what's left compromised or like a whole lot of competence left to compromise let compromised pup the lash oh my golly confine your comments to the situation at hand this guy's got died how am I supposed to save it like pull back pull back pup the lash is not a toy confine your comments to the situation instead this guy's gonna die like this guy's gonna die pull back suspect and give me a high five pull back suspect pup the lash is not a toy can find your comments to this ok well wait she's put a hands up Lucy this is the police we are here to help you Lucy will you let us help you [Music] all right everyone take a seat what before I get started lieutenant Hancock has a few things to say you did it sir congratulations officer you've been notified an excellent job but when I go over there to shoot Orson I mean we have our suspect in custody now flip up the good work sergeant record a joke you men did a fine job out there today take pride in your efforts I wouldn't be surprised we didn't see a commendation or two headed this way okay well that is it get some rest nice good just missed we did it that means I'm ready to go I'm trained oh no Matt let's do it look I want to do another one learning goals amenities attachment instruction consideration you're gonna need them let's go what is this hello I'm JD JD saucers having to you the new guy from workers squad yeah I'm interested in learning to shoot that's great do I get a sniper my shot man out on the sniper without a part oh that kind of barn a Zagat all snipers are paired up while one's on the rifle lose the other ones never drive observer same game I wasn't weren't then ready to sharpshooter all right come on I'll say you're wrong colt 45 like I think David I know I'm saving it don't worry okay let's do it I'm just gonna check this out I'll show you the rifle go over it with you thanks that sergeant Pruitt even trying to sniper training okay he'll tell you he's not a very good sock shooter but don't let that fool you you don't never want to be on the other side of this club doesn't ruin this is yes I know Rooker's new man how are you officer nothing I'm having none of perspective ganging up this is really good I keep thinking I in the rear and you have an interest in the clients of sharpshooting why don't you let Saunders familiarized with the sr60 it's going to be by the time you get in that's why you should be here we begin our training I don't know how to use it thank you for anything else out here we shoot a designated target officer that's what you'd like to do I out here we shoot a designated target officer that's what you'd like to do I suggest you an officer Sandra's head down range and set up that sr60 yeah yeah yeah yeah that was fun we did it the game just [ __ ] exploded again crashed I did this died okay let's all right yep there we go game is saving that's loud previous career loaded this time what is going to restore the store and it got how did this get louder my name is Jack the [ __ ] volume all the way up don't ask me my back this moves that ok here we go let's get back into it go back to the Travel Map we go into the mission yet not yet please Academy like we're 45 caliber 1911 how do I get I don't get another game I don't get like another mission as it whatever would where's the mission I don't care about any of this we have what do I have to do the sniper McDivitt tutorial where I got to learn to snipe alright well whatever fine Nikki I thought I lost you Lannister you're back oh he remembered let me go over the rifle with you help you said it out I just walked them in as mascot and Pruitt he's in charge of sniper training he'll tell you he's not a very good shot here don't let them fool you you never want to be on the other side of this go yeah just [ __ ] this we're gonna go straight down here yeah yes I know Rooker's noob here's my worried recruits are adjusting 2d platoon right back certainly very good and it would appear you have an interest in the science sharpshooting why don't you let saunders familiarize you on the FRS they thought I lost you by the time you get set up how does that crash our computer should be here and in our basic training exercise Megan will set up down here okay now I don't know how much you know about sniping stutters gonna aim that at me I'm going to begin with the basics Tony the compass if the rhobar sr60 308 bolt-action right here at LAPD zero rifles at 100 yards well it begin with cold barrel shot mm-hmm we use a cold barrel shot to establish our zero it's also the most important shot out in the field now first thing you don't want to do is establish the zero on this right where you do that you know like math problems now like get established zero want to get out it don't book one establish and create time of day wind direction direction of light temperature also verify your ammo line you'll need to consult the charts in your notebook for any elevation or windage adjustment needed in order to make the 100-yard Cole - yes la blah blah give me the gun shoot gun look down [ __ ] sight shoot guy a single round vehicle barrel shot you reload when you're ready to shoot your first group of five ok now I'll be over here functioning as your spotter answer any questions you may it's [ __ ] put into a bench press all bow shot will be taken at 100 yards you need to shoot a minute of angle layman's terms you're going to want to place a shot in a one inch square at 100 yards targets already set up for you nice one alright now detective zero on your rifle you're gonna want to take a shot aiming at the center of the one inch square but before you do a few things you need to know yeah first the bullet drop compensator knob or your BDC money now pop knob on your scope mmm this is the knob you use to compensate for up down the right knob the windage knob yeah it allows you to adjust for wind but it also functions as a horizontal adjustment when zeroing to make sure you're accurately adjusting for zero and not want to take your coal barrel shot when the wind is less than three miles per hour now I know that left nob is your focus knob is the sight picture clear yeah if so then you're in focus and you need not touch your focus all right what we want to accomplish with this first shot is to determine how this particular lot of ammo shoots under the current settings on your checkered flag once we see where your shot strikes we'll be able to determine what type of adjustments are needed you want to sight in on your target wind is under three miles an hour it'll be a good time to shoot shoot we have a you but knock it off with the funny stock live-fire conditions why like I yelling from the bathroom how do I shoot we have calm fire at will how do you shoot the gun we have calm fire it will up how do you fire it up we have calm fire it will pull the trigger what where's the trigger turn the knob Oh dah Oh de Haan you need to shoot at your current setting targets missed completely Oh given your current BDC and windage settings the problem would appear to be with the shooter and not the current adjustment I didn't you didn't ease reload try again this time place your crosshairs in the center of the target oh my god you must click your windage seven more times to the left you must click your BDC up three more time what what is it talking them what hold on what is he saying looks like your windage five more times to the left you must click your BBC up two more times which one is which one in windage five more times to the left what is it what the [ __ ] is it saying spotter confirming bullseye not a good shooting very good now let's reload try one I'll get miss completely mysterious ABC and windage settings I'm sorry with a pretty close shooter and not the current adjustments please spotter confirming bullseye duty is so perfectly okay we have nine one-and-a-half-inch targets each target requires its own center hit begin top left to right load your rifle and fire it with on a confirming miss oh we're going to go one two threes reload and fire it will like this spotter confirming center hit it is within target at it and reload and fire it will spot a confirming center hit at it get speed run this spotter confirming miss what'd we miss spotter confirming I got it right now please please reload fire at will spotter confirming missed place that's not I've missed I [ __ ] but what I'm it's right in there reload and fire it will spotter confirming miss what please reload and fire it will where are you where are your eyes looking right now because that was a direct hit spotter confirming miss ah please reload and fire it will hi these are all in there like these are these are red they're pretty pretty well if I were to say spotter confirming missed and [ __ ] in the square please reload and fire it will act it's inside the square spot a confirming missed that instant that's literally in the [ __ ] discussion you want to go again or you're done for the time done I'm gonna give to get the [ __ ] away from me you [ __ ] idiot go [ __ ] yourself there's nothing that is not what like come on tactical movement no no I don't care about this section so where's the recognition colt 45 caliber 1911 where's the majority five caliber 1911 government model sidearms like that do I decide to keep reloading this until with a [ __ ] mission I gotta learn [ __ ] I just did I just did it training bolt and tactical movement sharpshooter consideration need to be briefed already when how do I get briefed I need disk too [Music] how do I do this I mean I did like a sniper thing hapax training Bolton commended equal to again I'm going to get it I need to do more training yeah should save it that's true I'd only been like click the start mission button okay where's whiz start mission bus [Music] not the D platoon come back to the bunker okay well like this is just like nothing here you have to go back and like finish the sniper training or something I don't 42 rhobar sr60 collects it I get I don't know our stem angle range hi Josh good afternoon officer we'll be shooting a variety of paper and reactive targets today you take your place at one of the tables downrange and set up we should be starting soon thank you sir okay cold 45 is up that's that didn't work well that didn't work welcome back officer Ponder's is anxious to get started okay look I guess well let me excuse me sir certainly I believe you'll find Saunders downrange already set up now a JD we're talking about hey I'm just gonna shoot me already that's flat for you there's nowhere for me to go I have to do they wet up range estimation required employ the following formula to estimate the distance between you and your target determine the height of your target in yards using your reticle determine how many mil dots hi your target is if your if your sight picture is clear no adjustment to focus the territory and [ __ ] shoot at that what are you doing human silhouette op human silhouette up pull out area to be hit no strike results in new call what are you doing humans silhouette up hollow your weapon is already loaded what the [ __ ] is it turned down here human silhouette up pull out area to be hit no strike results in new call miss results in new calls I know if your side body mask spotter confirming miss human silhouette up pull out area to be hit I going to call the aerials in new call body mask far away obvious look up here body mask lot of confirming miss body mask got it spotter confirming called body strike got it please reload and fire at will body mass spotter confirming called body strike called it body mask cloud are confirming called body strike how many more times have to do this body mass slaughter confirming called body strike please reload and fire it will okay and I imagine a time ahead spotter confirming miss and spotter confirming miss what are you doing head spotter confirming that guy ah God it has a good sense want to go again well you're done for the day I might as well go again because like what else am I going to do humans silhouette up pull out area to be hit no strike results in new call miss results in new call and spotter confirming miss and dad spotter confirming miss like I just don't give a [ __ ] about it human silhouette up head spotter confirming miss what and about a confirming called enjoy this thing I like I would do why do I have to do that I can remove the load and fire it will and I don't I don't have to do about a confirming called head strike I'm like doing it right now and about a confirming called head strike what are you doing and about a confirming called head strike we're and bottle containing called head strike dad dad dad dad and spot a confirming called head strike check it and father confirming called heads that was a good session want to know again now I can tell you right this is a dad game literally is you're right this is a [ __ ] dad game oh here we go hey are you doing pup here you've been out on the long rifle range of Saunders Intel Oh sergeant Pruitt's got a sniper qualification soon ok you want to attempt qualified mm-hmm I do yes great I'll let sergeant Pruitt know you're interested good luck thank you you know I'm pleased to see you're taking an interest in sharp shooting it's a proud discipline all right so we're gonna get an opportunity here to thank you let's do it we're going to go qualify the sniper colt 45 rhobar sr 6 let's go qualify me hello sergeant Brooke good afternoon we'll be running a 15 round qualification today stick around if you'd like to score thank you sir we'll be starting soon so I suggest you get to sit up safe safe good idea saved well let me excuse me sir certainly I believe you'll find Saunders downrange already set up hello Liddy zero angle Oh doesn't understand really I'm gonna have to understand it there insisted spaceship if you pass the 15 round 100-yard minute of angle qualification you'll be eligible to be called up with a sniper during a crisis good how about it I'll save a spot for you okay let's go qualification begins with a coal barrel shot in a 1 inch square yet then a five-run group in a one and a half inch square okay and then nine bull's-eyes each in a one inch square all from 100 yards load your weapon and when ready fire at will for your coal barrel shot okay target missed completely oh wait sorry say you didn't shoot 100% oh you have to shoot 100 percent don't take it too hard [ __ ] love another qualification run real soon you can shoot again thanks to the support JT got I was tougher and more stressful I thought it would but consider it you're shooting the real-life scenario a hostage dress I know yeah okay let me you master you feel that muscle ship and tactics well like okay we'll make a damn fine sniper when it counts huh so how are you I think that's you today I think I'm just gonna clean my rifle hit the road understood colt 45 caliber night well let me excuse me sir certainly I believe you'll find Saunders downrange already set up hello didi I gotta save us like right here tonight's quality yeah but that was stressful I'd missed I've played that I'm talking to yard minimum annual qualification you'll be eligible to be called up with a sniper during a crisis how about it I'll say a lot for you you got to use the knobs are good save it right here qualification begins with a coal barrel shot in a one inch square then a five-run group in a one and a half inch square and then nine look at the flag it looked it with a little bit of a one inch square all for 100 yards load your weapon and when ready fire at will for your coal barrel shot a little bit of wind cold barrel shot fire at will cold barrel shot pirate will if you if your sight picture is clear no adjustment to focus is necessary cold barrel shot pirate will and come come on cold barrels what the [ __ ] pirate will oh my god like a now it's all [ __ ] up is a stupid piece of [ __ ] cold barrel shot pirate will target missed completely sorry say exact one don't take it too hard the notation thousands can't be [ __ ] again well I grabbed them oh god I was tougher and more stressful I thought it would be it always is but consider you shooting the real-life scenario I can't [ __ ] wait the same time to share it you master your feel trapped monster ship and tactics here on the range you'll make a damn fine sniper when I use the book well I think of that every day I think I'm just gonna clean my rifle take the road no I don't understand the zeroing because I wasn't paying attention to the entire thing cold forty times so I like the one time I have to pay attention is a [ __ ] game cold barrels shot pirate will yeah I'm so angry right now cold barrel shot something to do with the [ __ ] wind compensation right the wind is I go on a list is it what's going this way cold barrel shot fire it will haven't touched the most important part cold barrel shot pirate will that's gonna be like cold metal rap pirate will in the winds pushing this way I don't even like [ __ ] care barrels shot fire it will if I miss we're [ __ ] safes coming higher it has to be higher than this cold barrel shot pirate will I think I'm just tired I like don't even care cold barrel shot my spotter confirms Colbert please reload and fire at will for the five round group at 100 yards I got it please reload and fire it with this spot a confirmed hit dead-on qualification contains a lot of confirmed hit dead-on while the best spot a confirmed hit dead-on lot of confirmed hit dead-on lot of confirmed hit dead-on qualification continues please reload and fire it will slaughter confirmed hit dead-on now multiplication continues please one inch target at 100 yards your weapon is always a lot of confirms hit dead-on qualification continues get reload if necessary and fire at will a target missed come your wept your weapon is always Prada confirms hit dead on reload is necessary and fire it will slaughter confirms hit dead on reload is necessary and fire at will we're doing fine here guys a lot of confirms hit dead on reload is necessary and fire at will a lot of confirmed hit dead on qualification can reload if necessary and fire it what are you confirmed hit dead on qualification continues the [ __ ] bathroom guy again load if necessary and fire it will a lot of confirmed hit dead on qualification continues reload it's necessary and fire at will hey you are 100% Wow congratulations you passed qualifications I knew you can do it hey we did it guys we get it always been or to go ahead and clean right away I left thousands prudent regarded when you pin Jenny you earned your position good job and those those pretty good first try now we get our sniper mission oh hey well there if it isn't our newest sniper congratulations officer I heard you passed qualifications for sharpshooting I'm glad to see you're taking an interest in cross-training keep up the good work okay good let's get freaky oh come on how to like what do I do like I want to do a mission officer safety go up 45 caliber haha how do we do a mission is there a way to do mission in-game like I just I did the [ __ ] grandma mission was the only one I mean I'm like qualified said colt 45 rhobar sr 63 oh I'm just going to go back to the sniper range and depth am I going to talk to somebody again - good afternoon officer we'll be shooting at the only unattractive chronic God that'd be [ __ ] hilarious a place at one of the tables downrange and set up we should be starting a snipe grandma thank you sure tactics education cancel SWAT like I can't call anybody I can't do anything we already did this Metro it's [ __ ] like harder than Dark Souls apparently I know apparently those missions are so fun too training Bolton yes just like put these and then go back in click on these and yes I know very interesting stuff equal to and yeah let's click it and this one I can cut all [Music] in a stealth entry the Scout yes drop into consideration there we go camouflage engagement sequences okay wait wait wait I didn't wanna go to the main menu sitting he's actually pretty accurate his career was that carrot restore this guy restore police academy vote 45 caliber 1911 dubber heckler & koch should I just give you this small line combat right I could I need to like talk to somebody hey hey are you doing you're ready for a combat drill moving targets all bad guys reload is now some new training I don't know where the two reflexes and jury don't know where the new training it with 45 I miss number four this is the combat drill there will be multiple loop briefing colt 45 alright well we're about to like ends our dad game officer safety there's like nothing I can do here here here just [ __ ] TV interview with this random guy search on the internet tactics education FL there is all right I mean does anybody have any idea where what I need to do or is this just like who has any [ __ ] clue at this point I said like exhausted all my options and I kind of think I can really do anything finish the sniper training I just got I just got sniper certified I just got certified as a sniper like I did like this type of training I'm done with this knife here we go barricaded female North Hollywood area no nine not the same lady shots fired code not the same lady then we just arrested lady oh we have a barricade of white feet no what is she doing the pudendal and she suffers from various health maladies she's diabetic and she's got a heart condition fire - you think a lady negotiator tells me that she's delusional she is armed and dangerous is a shooter the layout of the house is this weird side one I don't have a shotgun no I'm sniping this lady oh my god okay this lady is [ __ ] dead like what a joke and now the shots of sounds like the fat's in the fire planet for deployment let's go look Vera one reporting hitman was in your one mission in this whole game raised the old lady the only mission the crazy old lady that like we keep arresting she keeps having problems with how open door wait why are we going inside the house now hold on a second it really is the same [ __ ] mission with the same late this is what don't even [ __ ] tell me it's ready to enter door [Music] all right let's go no sign of the old [ __ ] crazy lady I'd easier is he in there oh I don't see wait let me let me take a look at my [ __ ] mirror I don't have a mirror I'm going to like rename this status this was a soft roll status compromise what officer coming out get out of here today was not a Oh like god [ __ ] restore the goddamn mission I okay here we go where oh yes yes get out of my house I got the cops on the way you little bastard [Music] it's only just lady in the [ __ ] neighborhood a whole night like front [ __ ] needs care right all right you give the officer I'll call it in some box up here right in position clear pullback trailer entry team yes gasps ramp left compromised container back window plus side to level four pump the lash is not toy confined gas gas gas throw guess the last is not a toy can find your comments to the alright pull back pull back suspect is RAM I don't suspect ran away oh god this year [Music] oh god I'm so sick of this [ __ ] old lady seriously hidemoto custom mirror what about pickles this way know if you got our I can art wait [Music] [ __ ] lady minutes where God I have to say like suspect like it's [ __ ] break haha I don't even know the same suspect up but what do you how do I say this without making us cook like incorrect suspect like suspect like cover I got suspect cup what no no no I wanted to go down not to the right gun damn it I wanted to go oh [ __ ] god I will die up so done with this book I wanted to go down like back pop move no don't move don't stay here [Music] [Music] I feel like I can't do this like I feel like fibers like suspect suspect pop the lash is not a toy confine your comments to the situation at hand right like suspect right like right suspect closet suspect like wait like finish initiate initiate claw the lash is not in position [ __ ] the lash all right like you I'm about to throw a grenade and then [ __ ] like it stuff back gasp suspect gasps is there just one very particular thing suspect coming up suspect coming up [ __ ] the last is not front cover a suspect front cover suspect right cup [ __ ] the lash okay like slice of pie slice of tight what I'm sorry with slice of pie what the [ __ ] are you doing I'm gonna give a slice of pie a slice of pie what is happening right what what am I doing here trailer kitchen door what are we doing we're like eating food right now how did I get them to move I don't know she's got a pie hi eighties hand signaling me he's giving me hand signals [ __ ] get then using [ __ ] golf left you stand it right there how do you not see yours and she like right there I'm just going to die he's going to get shot right ahead she in the closet now okay I thought she was right next to the bed maybe I was wrong [Music] getting real sick of this [ __ ] old lady give it button oh I've got you covered oh wait why what is this stuff Oh identify suspects position I swear to [ __ ] god this lady is going to drive me crazy under the bed [Music] [ __ ] God okay hurry but slow move with caution like attention then like attention this way like over here huh what is it suspect who identify suspects position hi I'm about to exit again [Music] black beans beans and [ __ ] take care of your own grammar but hate when your shits right Jesus she's under hey how do you not see her on the bed wait what what are you talking about she's why she in another [ __ ] club he was under the bed and house is there like 30 grandmothers in his [ __ ] house why is it most full of grandmother I don't understand that and I like now we go here she conflicts shoot [Music] [Music] what like i probable suspect suspect in this store probable get cover like the suspects in the [ __ ] door she's in this door she's in that door what [Music] my [ __ ] gun I can't take my gun out suspect like get cover come the last my god I can't take out my gun I can't take the gun off give me the gun please give me my gun I can't aim the price by anywhere else it only goes this way attention huh what is it attention look oh my god but that's the test not a closet never guys to cram off for an hour well because she hides under the bed half the time you're that like it doesn't make any sense alright here we go we're doing [ __ ] lash get out there closet is that that the closet suspect closet suspect claw huh glad you get off the last you there's no such government's to the situation at hand like a suspect coming out suspect coming out side [ __ ] the lash is not a toy can find your comments to the situation at hand okay well then you're dead again pull back pull back [ __ ] the lash is not a totem like I can't even get the [ __ ] flies to pie off it's Jim didn't he'd eat you happy he just pointed at the door and she comes out and shoots of the [ __ ] head [Music] that's turned outdoor [ __ ] dumb old lady minutes would have gone suspect door suspect door below my god how do I get this up [Music] if I want to take this off I can't take the [ __ ] off I can't move anywhere I have to have this out I cannot do anything with it like I want to put the [ __ ] pie down I don't want to use the pie right now I want to put it down put sliced pie down like how do I put the [ __ ] pie down pull back keep your sights on the door the lash is not a toy can find you - is he I can't I have a pie I can't put the pie down I get it and pick up my gun I just got hit looking to pie I mean look at Dora I just have a pie in hand I want to take my [ __ ] gun out like I can't take my [ __ ] Hayes's and unbelievable I [Music] cannot put pie down I have to say if I look at the [ __ ] door she shoots from the bed if I look at the bed she shoots from the door so what the [ __ ] are you supposed to do how do I take this off I want to like take my gun out how do I like get this off okay I took off with it I took it off so I have to look here we go yeah cover the door now now let me let me take my gun out why can I not take off my gun I can't do I think it's just gonna die it's going to be very bad your dad and your jealousies next to the bed [Music] that was like this game was made in like 1996 I can't even [ __ ] take my gun out like this is so dumb hurry up take the get the gun get the gun do this one last [ __ ] time okay I'm aiming at the door I'm covering the door he's gonna he's gonna die over there he got he's dead over there give me a gun huh you cover carmine the [ __ ] are you talking about where is she now yeah because I just do it that I do it did I actually do it oh god she's gonna be in the [ __ ] room okay I need to save this room what the [ __ ] don't go in your cave it back pull back cops Michael Biehn cover don't move in yet I'm gonna shoot this lady in the [ __ ] head Lucy it's the police Lucy are you in here Lucy Lucy are you in there you need to come out with your hands up Lucy Lucy get out here okay she's not in the toilet what then where did she go she's sitting she's in the shower okay hold on like I can't I need to put the pie down Lucy it's [ __ ] rich pakmar to 10-david just fired suspect down officer coming out EMT needed now today was not a victory but a defeat we were not successful in saving the life of a suspect we wish to apprehend rather we lost Lu Zhi webstie fire oh my god I just want she's dead oh honey how did I kill her today was not a victory but if she fell asleep we were not successful okay Lucy there she is like a dick in the mirror home every day yet TV I could have hit the pie out no turn around no no no no don't shoot me through this I gotta bring up the menu Lucy where the police be fire no today was not a funny - what am i doing we were not look I'm doing the life of a suspect we would what the [ __ ] am i doing just cut it out already that was too dumb and like should I didn't need to do that it comes out there's a suspect Lucy we're the police keep your hands where we can okay you should come I just started throw it [Music] that's not everyone today today alright get started Liberty and [ __ ] has a few things to say sir yo get a great job at your property one job today thanks to your efforts we have our suspect in custody keep up the good work same lady by the way sergeant Rooker you men did a fine job out there today take pride in your efforts I wouldn't be surprised we didn't see a commendation or two headed this way well that's it get some rest get some rest dismissed the next mission is when grandmas on the roof okay does that mean we can just keep going now like I don't have any more like training to do right well do i I don't know hold 40 rhobar sr60 like angle I guess we're just to move around until we get the next leg welcome back officer Saunders and I were just wondering if you'd be back now that you are why don't you head down range and get set up okay well let me excuse me sure certainly I believe you'll find Saunders downrange already set up all right hey JD hey just going to wait two minutes eh I'm just gonna shoot somebody bus platform and a great thanks okay we have nine one-and-a-half-inch targets yes we do each target requires its own Center hit again connect them to right get out with your rifle and fire it will spot okay so I mean how do I like please every low oh yeah fire it will good idea okay um I don't think I have to do any of this I'll see you later partner next time try to stay for the entire drill it doesn't matter I just need to wait to the next mission colt 45 caliber like it could wait around I guess just keep moving around till I get to do something some people gave some money let me just make sure I say a lot of these people purple thanks to the sandbox this is like being trapped in a nightmare but no matter what you do somebody dies in a fixed point in time pretty much also thanks to brain land ill Bri for the bits 5 bucks and so continues the classic struggle between German and grandmas got a gun never will be an outcome with both will live purple also gave five dollars earlier to thanks dude all that training used to die in one second to somebody playing pain to God thank you look at we're going to stay on this tab for one more mission and it's another Graham our mission I'm going to scream so those things I'd like have liked the tutorial leg up if I just sit here we'll just go let's go off just keep doing the training and everything okay I mean I get 45 caliber 1911 govern heckler & koch mp5 nuts I do like this turn okay goes on that range I guess whatever one might want to do hey hey aya de you ready for a combat drill multiple moving targets all bad guys reload is necessary come on we'll test your reflexes an extra it's like a lemon what else we're gonna do it under 1/2 Oh whenever we're gonna do this so I screaming this is the combat drill there will be multiple moving targets oh okay here we go yeah yeah yeah just have to do this until we hit the beep on our beeper we're sniper proficient I want to do with my permission because that's going to be a lot of fun a lot of fun I mean like not at all and it's going to be grandma again so hope you guys are prepared for that officers guns at low ready prepare to commence firing make ready that was fun wasn't it this is training officer you will follow the drills please Who am I supposed to shoot here this is a dozer hoggle engage each of the five pepper poppers until they fall a pre-loaded necessary part time is fine are these guys like an appetizer or the Outback what would I do wrong officers guns it already prepare to come in oh alright well this is the combat drill I've got here I was fun cool colt 45 caliber 1911 live I'm not playing SWAT three or four because we're doing all the SWAT games in succession mm here all right let's just wait for the call over here 45 caliber night yes like this one cold go again hi Josh in fact if it is really loud now for now reading a variety of paper and reactive targets today you take your place at one of the tables downrange and set up we should be starting soon thank you sir thank you sir now let me get real [ __ ] loud so you're shooting Danny yeah very funny pounce and friend Danny I didn't mean anything Yeah right I know everybody around here talks so I've been a little off lately the Santa Anas yeah those winds have really been kicking up lately should have been with me fishing last weekend have seen those Whitecaps on the lake I don't know what I don't know what any of them do so your behavior makes me think that you might need to be evaluated by the department shrink well now knock that off and go get set out the hell are you talking what did I do I didn't do anything well let me excuse me sir certainly I believe you'll find Saunders downrange already set up all right now that's it right hey call now hey I'm just gonna shoot all that hot spot for you that'd be great thanks human silhouette up making friends is not a lot of area to be hit no strike results in new Quoddy mass spotter confirming miss body mask spotter could body mass body mass look at how well I'm doing body mass products body mass slaughter confirming hey good session man Otakon body mass slaughter body mass I just want to do one more mission body mass well good job oh the good session you want to go again are you done for the day juju I should I go again hey what are you doing down there let's see some concentration I did what's going we have a two inch square target you need to place five shots within the square go ahead and low the spotter can spot a confirming miss spot okay roamings got it buttocks stop moving the [ __ ] around you dumb piece of [ __ ] game spotter confirming centric good was a good session you want to go again well you're done for the day let's go again until I get [ __ ] called into duty let's go come on hey hey let's go let's go stop saying hey what are you talking about I'm sitting here waiting to go make up your mind for you that's good a little longer that's what I wanted to do thank you for putting me further okay we have nine one-and-a-half-inch targets each target requires its own center hit again top left to right I got it [ __ ] spot a confirming center hit oh my god please please reload yes pleasures right spotter I really hope this is what I need to be doing otherwise they're gonna be [ __ ] really upset spotter confirming I left the sidearm even for I don't do anything okay be real proud of me bought a confirming center hit it is within target that was a good session like locate all the way done for the day don't ask me man I have no idea okay we have a two inch square target need to place five shots within the square go ahead and load your rifle remember check yeah I got it dude 5 times Sadiq bucks and can I get a call significance that was a good session you want to go again are you done for the day is that okay we have nine like I'm done happens I'm out let's go each truck I'll see you later partner next time try to stay for the entire drill I I stayed for the whole drill like three times colt 45 the clear let's just-okay please be done for the day I'm way to do one more mission just end the string no I got to do one more I get at the attempt one more mission Lucy you got to play us out I have to stay for the whole drill to get the next mission didn't I do the whole drill like three separate time like distance I did that already I was sitting there for like the last [ __ ] it I did all of them play us out well why what do you mean to play us out colt 45 caliber each girl was different I mean love it didn't feel like it so you saying I just have to sit here and do it I mean I guess what this is like I feel like I did the same damn thing over and over again alright we're gonna do it here until the dominant answer you need waving a variety of paper and reactive targets today you take your place at one of the tables down raised and set up we should I be streaming for like four hours I'm done I'm done I'm done Nubian leg ended I'm going to get to the end of whatever I wanted to let me excuse me sure certainly I believe you'll find Saunders down range already set up hey JD hey hey I'm just a call us next time of envoy that'd be great thanks okay we have a two inch square anytime I need to place five volumes with it all up go ahead and load your eyes remember check the direction and speed of the wind and make any adjustments required hold on what the [ __ ] is that it's call up is oh my god don't just give a hundred [ __ ] dollars hold on spot of confirming spot of confirming all right so hold on a minute deej are Tim man thank you for the hundred dollars spotter confirming central and said hey spotter confirming the ERV chair is within target thank you so much for the [ __ ] 111 session you want to go again are you done for the day then [ __ ] of the 10,000 beds there's a couple of like $300 today hey we have three balute what's up suck it is a different color call out which blue and you're going to hit strike within three seconds Nostrand you're wet you okay [ __ ] it bono confirming missed call red we had some new blue but anywho uh green spotter confirming called nagging balloon five hundred hundreds of dollars was a good session you want to go again to this what the [ __ ] is the point I don't know three balloons each a different color call out which blue and you're going to hit strike within three seconds Nostrand spotter can this is [ __ ] pretty self-explanatory huh blue my roaming green spotter confirming calls I mentioned the long haul so am I at this point I was a good fit also thank you to Lee welcome to shag on this to the five bucks it to turn up the callouts next to the volume I guess I just did it gonna be well there we go we got a call boys officer down six one here we go news for you scenario three we got a new scenario boys and girl I travel across the railroad tracks instead of across the way the east side of the building faces the train tracks that's what the entrances I need you to provide cover for the entry team because your Sierra one contact me as soon as you're in position right so the dirt car what's the situation we're not sure yet officers Tobin and bailed from Central we're answering a code 30 at the optimistic real-life sorry go on financially store open as they were entering the building they were fired mine they always shot in face token apparently brown shall only saying that around to the back of the building he called for assistance by the time assistance arrived the firing can identify site they'll rely on hospital Tobin's bending my ear on ordination we're hearing random shots fired we're set up communications in the iscope the owners here but that was the guy was a gun that was about to be like what well of course I don't want any more damage to occur than already have mrs. Schneider Lee this is sergeant Brooklyn would you mind repeating to him what you just told me okay yes of course hello I'm Marsha Snively I own this noble Publishing I agree I was just telling this officer here is it my warehouse when a police call this morning system this whole game was filmed in one room that probably look why you would not just allow someone just I managed to do my fielding position I believe you think it could be Hector firing off these weapons somebody else's shooting event in the sweet young man no Angela's challenge but not repair HOD AK Meyer would you please excuse it mr. Snively please place but you were saying for this officer here thank you yeah oh yeah well we got another hostile grandmother goodbye okay are we ready we going in this is officer Keeler he was one of the responding officers to the 30 adam as i was telling back meyer we get false alarms down here all the time the winds always blown the doors open on these old buildings or local transient camping out yeah I expect arrest gunfire I wouldn't see anyone not really everything happened real quick we were approaching the door was partially open bails went to regional or he had his hand on the doorknob it seemed to me that the door was closing rather than opening I got a second feeling in my stomach and then WHAM I've turned the [ __ ] and late I hit and I was dragging him out of there okay so now now it goes back to normal [ __ ] stops that's fantastic are we like ready to do this [ __ ] or what lady's gone I'm going to turn this volume way down if I have a plan I'm like talking to people it's as low as they can [ __ ] go they got to save the game too all I'm saying is there's one entrance the front Saunders and telazol placed across the railroad tracks to cover us right in front but that's a distance man all right so we can only go in one door command post sure place is big inside I know it make it out I'm going to need some long-range power yeah it's gonna be a sniping mission this is what I want to do that's exactly what I wanted this isn't going to be pretty I bet they panicked when central showed up but they're in there freaking I say it did I think that I say they were good we ready to go excuse me sir yes officer breach find out from the owner of the property I didn't talk to her sir why not I gave you specific directions to speak to her sir I office er go find mr. schneebly and find out what you can from oh my god where the [ __ ] did she where is she she's not over here she's like not even here anymore I've lost schneid Lee that's great you have to go like this way that I don't understand she's not even here she's gone briefing everyone come on let's go okay this is what we know you have one wounded officer and weapons fire is randomly erupting from within the structure CMT has been telephoning the warehouse but there's been no pick-up term I need you to go to the command post today was it a stud season one in season two of Breaking Bad of the best ones season three it slowed down a little too much and then she season four halfway through got kind of bad it was okay though hahaha we lost audio that's why I'm doing this no audio at all okay good thing I'm getting a good thing I'm getting a good briefing here this is good you got that enter and move with still our Michael let's go then shotgun sniper up you're being issued the m16 break its existence between us and the shooter and up as the shot this is yep yeah whistles you're in a Arrigo trail okay let's move out all right we got to stay range and I need to save this game though given the opportunity safe what are they doing whose perspective am I looking at here I thought I was supposed to be at like range Oh try the door real life csgo try the key because door open some save game you're up you can't save in real life sometimes you can thumbs up alright now let give me access to my m16 once I said hey I almost got that guy in the face with that by the way entry team ready to make entry i does not graham I don't think turd although it could be a the possibilities are endless go I'm yet to have any control okay I have a gun now save what down no hostage to pop give the designated shooter what's that is this please do that tablet did I do it today was not a victim we were not so you don't turn and say I'm the designated shooter and when I shared the guy you get matted we lost that light and jeopardize the lives of us what are you talking about you're the shooter okay no you're not actually what down hasta mañana cuter I didn't do that what's going on I asked you to stay behind because I wanted to talk to you about what happened down the field today I figured that sir well you figured right I'm going to get straight to the point nor errant behavior tend to be due to the death of a suspect your tactics were unsound and irresponsible you acted outside the authority of your classroom I didn't do my homework investigation into today's events is underway the officer-involved shooting team the use of force review board the off all right mom sure thing one down the hostage shooter must get the designated shooter I didn't do that I did because he didn't do that what's the gun this is a bad guy hey I just went out that's next listen to me all right what does guns down now who shot the gun what today was not a victory but a defeat we were not six I thought I wasn't supposed to shoot the guy let me try like what should I put on the [ __ ] pie one down the designated cuter I didn't do that that's that put the gun down now done I didn't do that perfect listen to me what's going down so I say I just went out I was doing what does guns down listen he didn't listen he didn't listen to me today was not a victory but a defeat what one down okay I think became just crash you have a designated shooter I didn't do that I didn't do that that's that what's it going down now no I didn't do that hold stop it stop it stop down now look what I don't know I shot shot the body on the floor last time reven even guess that I went I slashed everybody the one time when a team flash is what you're supposed to do your training and hard work paid off today really suspect in custody no lives were lost okay as with every call up today's situation prove they can never truly know Gasol will do or forecast how tuition will resolve as we've learned we can know our tactics our job what is a very special thank you we have determined on at five per flashing the [ __ ] team calling the mistakes as opposed to willful disregard of human life due to my generous nature however I'm not so generous as to allow undisciplined officers to jeopardize the safety of this element with flagrant acts good training involved team flatly under probation status what actions in the field today could have resulted in fatal calm watch as it was things worked out your way this time next time you or your fellow officers may not be that lucky I suggest you learn to work as a member of your element pub learn to follow orders do the job you're a sign yeah what am I your element depend on it okay what I think I know what I got to do I got I like shooting with a leg one down stream like I'm gonna swim in the leg I think I should what the [ __ ] are you talking about what lieutenant Benson today we're tragic some of your fellow officers were seriously alright hold on wait no I'll because I slash out or something I'm gonna say I'm gonna flash you one down flash going in with flash down closets five gas high ground in control what I don't know what to interview the lady crowd you should I have the high ground don't hock did shooter pop you the designated shooter I didn't do that I didn't do that that's that what the climb down now die so I didn't do that get covered nobody listen to me what does gun down now all right well flash before entering the room well good luck I have like one second here I can't even do it no I like I have one second what the [ __ ] is going on here what am i doing why am I getting arrested what do they do your training and hard work paid off today we have our suspect and customizing suspect as with every call up today situation proved we can never truly know what a suspect will do fortunately I was a [ __ ] bad guy as we've learned we know our tactics our jobs and our mission these are advantages we have today we had a few mistakes I'm calling them mistakes at home beautiful disregard of human life due to my generous nature however I'm not so generous as to allow undisciplined officers to jeopardize the safety of this element with flagrant acts we were the villain the whole time I'm placing you on your probation status your actions in the field today you know it's like who [ __ ] cares I've been waiting for you oh no I'm lifting your probation staff that was quick with the elements they're willing to give you another chance they think you have potential personally I think the jury's still out going to go with the team consensus just keep in mind I'm watching your every move from this point forward you're to adhere to the procedure and tactics of this platoon if not you're on patrol duty in the harbor area Allah vote took the car ride home the car ride home was enough probation apparently okay sure that sounds like a plan it got real serious because it got real loud well I'm actually I'm intrigued now turn the call volume down I dairies are nothing I can do it on sir we'll be shooting a variety of paper and reacted Parker you take your place at one of the tables downrange and set up when you fail again you're back on Lucy thank you sir I mean just earth well let me excuse me sir certainly I believe you'll find Saunders downrange already set up hey JD hey I turned the volume up to Seoul I'll have a spot for you that'd be great thanks woody volumes is zero Center hit again off the left to right load your rifle this is volume and call-ups that isn't the volume calls all you like is that look at look at this is where it is doesn't mean that the sliders don't do anything what do you think call ups are I don't know think freezes to call up time watching right ready or you got are you guys all think I'm [ __ ] stupid this is this is as low as it can go let's see what happens let's take a look let's take a listen here let's leave let's leave I'll be right back everybody everybody thinks is such a [ __ ] brilliant person let's find out here you go let's find out I was everyone who tried once calling me out on this [ __ ] let's see what happened hi Josh good afternoon officer we'll be shooting everyone's screaming at me you really should look let's click on this guy and see what happened he looked down range and setup we should be starting thank you sir how do we bang this affect the trajectory it's [ __ ] stupid Robin now when the target is at an elevated or depressed angle from the shooter correct and no correction factor is applied the bullet will strike higher than the point of aim now here at the range and in most shooting situations we in law enforcement find ourselves this effect will be slight however I really do admit that I was wrong Bek becomes more pronounced alright hold on I get lit go ahead his notes right I'm gonna do this I'm gonna drop my master ball you use me sure certainly I believe you'll find turns again volume I already said that's all I can do it's not going to matter you're not going to matter it's going to be like impossible but whatever we can turn this down and then turn it up but I don't think it's going to help it's just awful [ __ ] sound mixing unfortunately guys I wish there was more I could do see that doesn't mean it let him call up back to where they belong I had to prove my point it's been proven oh and also somebody gave money to a lot of money be jari be jari to man again takes 50 bucks $150 total from from Bobby J cuz I'm so bored well thank you dude that's a hundred and fifty dollars that I now have thank you so much appreciate it completely unnecessary but also appreciated if saw refs also gave ten bucks want to say thank you I'm coming off a surgery today the strains really lifted me up both thank you did hopefully your surgery went well will you recover very swiftly and then Jen betters gave five bucks C birthday yesterday on something I can get you give you big bigs yesterday but you didn't scream I can't hang around much today but here's some money for you thanks for the years of amazing content you never fail to amuse me well thank you Jen thank you so much happy birthday by the way another year older another year wiser thank you so much why bless still playing this game what happened why am I still playing body mass bottle confirming miss miss human silhouette up body mass slaughter confirming called body strike I don't know why I don't I don't know why guys I like reload what am i doing I will body mask you wonky ass piece of [ __ ] game spotter confirming called but body mass product with I call up let's go body mass slaughter confirming called body mass spotter confirming call body mass slaughter confirming call body he'll play bunker no [ __ ] that here we go we got a call human settlement here we go the game crashed ah well thank you everybody for watching [Music] what fitting ending that if that's gonna be it yeah I mean I've been gone for like four and a half hours now I did have fun I mean again it's a perfect to the crack but it's okay I enjoyed my time on bolts gang well thank you guys thank you for sticking around as long as you did good thing we spend ten minutes on the volume I know really I know really wait somebody give money and I didn't see it wait wait wait wait wait wait no it koh-sama where what else you gave money earlier did I not say hello I thought I did it but if ever I said hey Chris um ksama thank fargo appreciate it much appreciate and a rascal rascal just a $5 to welcome what it's like five dollars tonight you guys are [ __ ] giving me money thank you wouldn't be a stream without 30% of the time fixing technical stuff well the first game was not like that but that you know obviously I can't came I think a couple years ago I did it I have no idea my game was dumb but this writing grandma was fun for a little while well yeah take your guys with you tomorrow now tomorrow we're going to step away from the full motion video games we've been doing that elastics few days now and lasting streams at least and there's again of these up fund in our oh good at least I can at least assure you so there'll be one joke tomorrow that's worth it there's gonna be one real worth it joke and so I gotta say good night go dress good rest of you reluctant good night much less and [Music]
Channel: Ster/Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 42,808
Rating: 4.7987423 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, ster, star_, shtur, stream, jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jemra full stream, jerma985 full stream, streams, full stream, jerma swat, jerma police, jerma police quest, police, police quest, jerma fmv, fmv
Id: 0K3UIBfYdfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 42sec (8742 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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