CharlieWinsmore - Police Quest Swat (Part 1)

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it's not showing up I really wanted to capture that part hey wow thank you for that $25 Jesus Thank You doc I am feeling great I'm reared and I'm ready to be a SWAT man this is police quest SWAT [Music] and it's gonna be pretty real I'm like it's gonna get pretty intense in here thank you for that $25 ding it's very generous of you welcome to deep Lagoon officer formed in 1967 the special weapons and tactics team of the Los Angeles Police Department did create SWAT that's accurate but the history behind it isn't flattering to the LAPD will be certain guiding principle that oh I muted him but choosing my name I'll be the SWAT thought you know I'm saying welcome to D platoon officer I'm sergeant Rooker while you're assigned 2d platoon I'll be your supervisor I want to give you some LAPD trivia Psalter this is officer PAC Meyer and he's your element leader but I want to talk over these guys leader in D platoon for eight years he's a wealth of information officer learn from him Thank You sergeant hello Hey what I'm about to turn this up you are now one of sixty tactical officers within D platoon we constitute less than 1% of the entire Los Angeles Beluga one-percenters your selection and admittance to this platoon is something to be proud of and respected as a member of SWAT you are responsible to meet the requirements of specific tactical criteria and will be tested regularly any time you should fail to meet these requirements you will be encouraged to train up remember your level of physical fitness your firearm proficiency and your understanding of tactics affects the entire team and the team concept is what we're all about here oh yeah if there's no hotshots no loose cannons we train as one we old and we resolve conflicts as one do you understand officer there's no room for grandstanding lives are on the line the lives of police officers your fellow teammates innocent citizens and yes even suspects lest you should forget officer D platoon is a life-saving organization if there's anything that LAPD represents stability and restraint to the laws of the United States of America while you're a member of SWAT you will remember to live up to our standards regulations and laws you will behave as a gentleman an officer and if necessary a gunfighter oh sure I'm a gun quite a few things to say to you as well officer pakmar sergeant said we're a team here for us Trust is more than a word then why'd you put me outside of a window I can barely see you guys in there when called upon in a crisis I trust you will do your job god damn it trust you will pound your skills and we'll be prepared I trust you will be brave but not foolish I trust that when I give an order you will follow it I trust that when you tell me you can accomplish something you will around here we're cross trained some of us are lead climbers and assaulters others are negotiators and assaulters you're entering d platoon as an assaulter we have a sniper position open so if you're interested I suggest you train up and then the knee our sergeant no you'd like a shot at the position I'd like to be the sniper thank you well be the assaulter on assault this boys titties right here you can see a mite through his shirt have some modesty sir the department is made available we have a training detail later at the academy range be there until then get settled and learn what you can I learned a lot there I learned what it means to be an LAPD boy hehe I'm going to turn all the TV's on I okay sergeant Michael am i interviewing him or is he interviewing me so scared what skills are important for a crisis negotiator okay tell me what skills are important it's a variety of skills that we're looking for one is basic look at me Michael the ability to think quickly on your feet and to respond to to be an active listener I mean it's one thing to be able to verbalize but it's sometimes more important to be able to hear what someone's telling you they may be telling you something but you're so focused on trying to get out some verbage that you're not listening to them so the listening skills are real critical part of the process the other part is just having sound judgment I know that may sound trite but some of the sound judgment and just good common sense and someone that really has let's do another take he doesn't seem to you can write this down or I understand I mean because the scenarios vary so much you'll have a situation where you'll have someone who has a history of some mental health problems and when you listen to that type of dialogue describing me it's obvious that they're not with the rest of us and they mock or make fun of or whatever the plot thickens to to what I would call a desperado who's done some pretty heinous crimes and what you're trying to tell this individual is that yes there are people that care about you and you have this is the longest I didn't expect him to go on this long I'm cool I've learned enough Michael wait describe the suitcase phone this is such a massive departure hey what are the what skills aren't for it what's the suitcase phone did you know that in LA you know this is when there was a Chinese immigration heavily Becky I don't know remember the time period they made it illegal for a Chinese person to testify against the white man so why do could just go up to a Chinese group of people just beat the [ __ ] out of them and nobody could testify against him you just get away with it that was in Los Angeles by the way there's a Los Angeles law so maybe they never repealed that so tell me about the the no Chinese witness statue a flat circle thank you for that 15 months but I'm trying to hear about the suitcase phone and the sub is really because you literally pretty much so that's when you think they're gonna shoot the [ __ ] phone I get it this is there's a phone in the suitcase you throw an atom you talk to him get out of here first of all that's not a good sign when they cut off all communication with the outside that that's not a real good sign I mean if you broach that subject to your mental health expert they would say that's that's that's not a good sign he doesn't talk to you this is crazy to try to encourage the taking day after us what is it you can bullhorn and say hey we're out here we want to talk to you I feel like this is actually trying to teach me how to be a swamp man that's that's one way there's there's some other ways that you can kind of try to encourage them to get on the phone with us if you have a situation where they refuse then then really the negotiation process it's in place but it's it hasn't been established and then you have to look to other means to doing some type of intervention just throw the suitcase phone at him worst case scenario you know or best-case scenario it hits them in the head knocks him out and you also worry about the conversation hey thanks for the 43 months rust it's good to see you man hey one one not Ocean I knew explicit name frontwards thank you for that sub as far as request for transportation be it a car bus bicycle whatever it is frequently requested the fact that it's requested doesn't mean that it's going to do happen there's requests you know for food money transportation hey a Medora phobia I can't hear what kind of things suspects request during negotiations I'm completely in the dark thank you for the 13 what do you say okay that's fine what do you do want to call up involving a barricaded suicidal person who was not harmed anyone they're taking a hostage we just you shoot him wait if we buy the SWAT getting involved in this situation we got to save him from himself with our military equipment hey mr. robot I don't know how to care for this suicidal man thank you for that half a year wants to hear what they have to say usually the delivery verbal delivery is very slow deliberate I hear you once you tell me more sounds like you're angry frustrated and then I'll go through the whole SWAT series yes goddamn agencies but what do we do the helping aspect to follow up after care if you will they clean it we can stir us right direction okay I'm in law enforcement where that wouldn't have been discussed but these are different times there's been a lot of growth in law enforcement and within the community we're a lot more sophisticated now and there are folks that have some real problems it took them a lot of development and sophistication to figure that out we shouldn't shoot this guy elsewhere so we're familiar with the services that are available and we have hey that's cool I learned a lot oh oh [ __ ] oh god oh god why didn't what why didn't this career has no the selection process why did I do that welcome to swat pup don't worry don't worry guys everything's okay I'm gonna make my name more sophisticated now that I learned so much instead of SWAT thought my name is SWAT thought as in like thought in the head you know what I'm saying ham beastie thank you for that 17 months can I skip this please tell me I can skip this oh god yes insubordination is not tolerated around here never will be is that clear officer let me tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna let this pass what sir sir I can't hear ya excuse me all right I'm glad to be done with that let's go straight to the range Los Angeles accent oh you know that's right such a wicked mission well you better get over there sergeant Alban is in charge of small arms training and there's no coincidence that his nickname is sergeant meaning sergeant meaning [ __ ] but I wouldn't call that to his face Thanks thanks for the advice yeah sure boy what's that mean well that was me let's go straight to the kid five caliber 1911 government model sidearm did they just equip me right when I walked in here's your mp5 here's your your colt 45 and here's some ammo go crazy my man cold Heckler & Koch mp5 give me the mp5 baby I don't need this Heckler & Koch mp5 all right we're good wind chest cold 40 CC ice pieces Winchester 200 heckler Inc win-win alright I'm good got anything else for me let's go to the small arms range we're here baby Dmitri thing for the 34 do you call me a [ __ ] pup welcome aboard officer I'm 30 David sergeant Paulding dirty David do a few drills in the mp5 step-up tally 13 7 yard line and joining us yes sir y'all mind I don't understand any of the SWAT lingo I should have listened to the interview officers with your MP fives make ready oh cool I have it go ahead and do that that's the right and put it in there and this is a training exercise officer you will follow the drills please sorry sir my apologies this is a training exercise officer you will follow the drills what did I do sir Oh I'm a sweet little already yes officer such a weapon to semi-auto now which I'm ready I did it officers come to your garden two shots to center mass semi-auto two shots to center mass semi-auto on the whistle odd guard they do it sir am i u ps-- 1mu officers come to your garden two shots to center mass got it Giotto two shots to center mass semi-auto on the whistle I am the SWAT guard guard oh the second one sir i injured his clavicle that is this gun arm now he will not be able to pull it out thinking ahead sir that's why they call me the SWAT thought officers come to your garden bail your drill two shots to the body one to the head semi-auto two to the body single to the head semi-auto on the whistle sir you're confusing me see that one in the head that's straight I shot him right in the nut of the brain now his darkest memories are illuminated I freedom officers come to your garden two shots to center mass semi-auto two shots to center mass semi-auto on the whistle hey whistle this [ __ ] Hey we're delaying thank you for that twenty months we're all [ __ ] pups deep inside what am i doing sir officers come to your guard two shots to center mass semi-auto two shots to center mass my son is you know saying on the whistle heart let me be a little more the second one I'm always shooting with the recoil I need to get it right in his his heart basket right there officers come to your guard bail your drill two shots Thank You T one to the head semi-auto yes sometimes I revert to the semi-auto on the whistle on you say again I'm ran up here let him hang this is a weight Oh safety yes sir officers with your sidearms may corrupt this is a training you will follow the drills please sorry Serge that is shot my my fellow officer in the head officers come to your garden controlled pair to the center mass controlled pair not double taps to the center mass on the whistle come on oh yeah I think I got him in the heart nut where do you want me to shoot next sir just get me out in the field I'm sick of this these guys are holding me back signal to the head single to the head on the whistle hey you get him right above the eye cuz even if he lives he'll have one eyebrow missing doesn't matter what you do that eyebrow will never be natural again officers come to your guard of course I want to joke about you shots to the body wicked two to the body one to the head on the whistle on guard ooh got him right in the eye oh you'll never see out of that eye again give me yeah give me a rocket launcher it's real quick officers come to your guard controlled pair to the center mass controlled pair not double taps to the center mass uh sir there's one control to control guard I think I was late I think I uh I missed them I missed the heart basket by about 0.6 seconds never love monsters come to your garden controlled pair to the center mass controlled pair not double taps yes sir yes sir Oh sir I need to reload sir this is a participatory drill officer sir operation on your part is required please reload at this time sir I can't see the ammo meter like other games oh god how do I reload sir sir please all right we're good we're good sir sir anyone there that yeah they left on this too scared to turn around God it would be so embarrassing if there's still the air sultry marketers hold your fire I'm outta here you guys made me look like a fool 45 caliber I'll never live this down to the combat range we're working on the Presidente drill three targets multiple engagements all right sir shoot the first target once the second target once third target twice second target once first target once wait what feed load then you do it all again par time is 10 seconds you up for it come on let's give it a try up so what the third target twice 1:5 cert officer this is a weapon this is training officer you will follow the trail sir else confused give me the Presidente drill is up there are three targets and multiple engagements starting from either the left or the right shoot the first target once second target once third target twice second target once and first target once speed load then do it all again par time is 10 seconds on the whist sir yes sir it's alright I lost track sir officers guns at Loram prepare to commence firing maybe ready this is wait give me the mp5 officer you've chosen the incorrect weapon for this drill I want it I want the big stuff sir is that such a crime this is training hold on sorry I'm like firing guns that I'm not realizing in my Hill engage each of the five pepper poppers until they fall reload is necessary part time is five seconds on the whistle wait sorry I spaced out sir what's what's happening here sir I didn't hear the instructions all right I'm fine I'm ready for field work what is this is the combat drill there will be multiple moving targets all bad guys reload as necessary no part time this is a reflex drill on the whistle reflexes I got that's a bad guy that's a bad guy that's a bad guy that's a bad guy that guy's bad that guys over there that guys here that guys here that guys here that guy's dead Oh sir officers guns at low-rent immaculate prepare to commence firing make ready yes of course the Presidente drill is up there are three targets and multiple engagements moving from either the left or the right shoot the first target once that Apple joke is crazy third target twice second target once and first target once speed load so sorry I didn't listen again part time is 10 seconds on the whistle oh god I got to go crazy uh I mean listen sir surfacers guns at low ready ah this is training officer you will follow the drills please all right I'm ready remember as you train so shall you fight yeah yeah yeah let's do this [ __ ] we'll get started when everyone's here which would appear to be now please settle down we can get started today no one's talking shoes cover the differences between stealth and dynamic entries and review tactical communication techniques are we clear or are there any questions it appears there are no questions Oh am I supposed to question him sir I haven't been on a call it before what should I expect this guy's so wow there's refuses to speak we answer is unique to the situation at hand no two encounters will ever be exactly alike however each situation will share certain characteristics the negotiation process tactical plan formation scouting the area for possible approach right sir what's that TV for structures will share features such as do you have a Nintendo sir fresh Tex thank you for that six member two things it is the suspect who determines the outcome of any given situation and there is never just one way to resolve a crisis so how can we truly be prepared for one thing we can train using proven servers you have avatar any questions so far yes sergeant Rooker what type of situation does D platoon normally encounter I'm a goddamn suck-up I'm the only one asking questions call ups are barricaded suspects out of that approximately 80% of the barricaded suspects will be a domestic barricade of a single male soured robberies hostage taking and moulting real suspects make up the remaining got take them down now anytime you have one or multiple barricaded suspects time is on your side negotiation is key time becomes crucial when hostages are involved or the threat to innocent citizens is eminent if negotiations break down or if the life of an innocent citizen or police officer is in jeopardy during a barricaded situation we must be prepared to initiate a tactical plan we have shootstraight' kid entering a structure it can be one of the most hazardous times during an assault you want a plan for high ground cover and you want to enter the structure removing your advantage good while to do this we always scout the area for an approach route actually also determine what type eventually Cadbury chocolate bar that would be a dynamic entry the milk of a stealthy or whatever it is dynamic entry so I'm missing the movie characterized by the use of diversionary devices and techniques the entry team can be assisted by one or more gas teams oh I'll be on the gas team then be farting all over that scene hey rabisu thank you for that some trees are referred to as soft pros they're characterized by slow cautious movement the first person on the entry team is the scout did he have a razor scooter 45 the mirror provides a reverse image of the room you're about to that's one of those obscure tears will give you your point of reference remember the proper way to Mirador he's a pervert turned cop and he's the best one we've ever seen we're low first because a suspect of the next room is generally not looking at floor level he's generally looking at his eye level the Scot will inform the rest of the entry team of what to expect door right closet left this information is relayed via your lash radio unit the Scout is covered by the second man on the entry team the rear gun I tried to skip it barricaded females okay that's okay I'm ready for this I'm sure fired code three boozy lil boosie come out it's my wife Lucy Lucy she's holed up in the house come out let me talk another officer she's been mixed up a lot lately I think that's okay this is my daughter Kate go ahead tell me the most baffling thing to the thoughts but it's different now it's like she's not just protective she's angry or paranoid or something I don't know what I think she's become dangerous she has a gun now and she's shot at me and my dad this morning oh she does his watch his photo will resume yesterday she threw me out of the house I learnt you weren't gonna let me back in she locked all the doors neighbors cross the street we're looking so I walked down to Katie's she just lives in the apartments over on amirola so I spent the night there this morning Katie brung me back home we was walking up to the house and Lucy started shooting it's a little bit of a warning sign I understand sir we'd like for your wife to come out on her own so we can get her some help but if she won't the possibility exists she might hurt herself we might have to go in and get her sir is your wife hot possibility that we might have to enter his home served along our Crisis Negotiation teams currently on the telephone with your wife there's some concern that she may be delusional now I realize I've already asked you to explain the physical layout of your house and property but in case we need to go in and get her want to make sure that we're prepared is there anything else that you can tell me about the houses layout shooting this woman 100% of course you've seen the boards in the front windows she's got all the windows boarded up like that but see what you can learn from the Long's and neighbors [Music] let me save by the way all right neighbors hello you must be the neighbor this guy's awesome yes I'm mr. Diwan I believe across from the long for the last ten years you're the neighbor yes I'm mr. Duvall and they were real nice showed me and my wife the neighborhood this guy's kind of got a perverted tone to the way he speaks they were real nice she beats that old man real bad oh yeah she was real good cops been out here I'm gonna know you guys on a first-name basis so the neighbor is a bonafide perverse have you ever actually been inside that the long residence mr. Diwan I'm not in a long time Lucy board set up bit by bit you think some people gonna kill her you know what I think I think just don't kill that old man maybe yourself I'm learning a lot from this guy how you doing okay how you doing this is your first call-up didn't it don't sweat it just do your job no heroics this guy's my soir boyfriend [Music] what can you tell me about what happened here today I took a little break to talk to that guy shots fired the shots the police officers I saw the car no it had to be the Long's then I heard two shots I need more just give me that just put this in one a conversation is there anything else you can tell me mr. Devine don't believe the old man okay that is missing the ultra mater pigment thank you for the two months yes not true I've seen the wandering around the yard all times night and day what half the time is some old Knight guy is there anything else you can tell me mr. Devine don't believe the old man all right it's they tell you that it's mrs. holed up in that house won't come out that's not the truth I've seen them wandering around the yard all times night and day half the time is some old Knight guy all right let me go talk to the old man about you sir did you speak with a neighbor yes sir good we'll be briefing in a few minutes you can share the information you have at that time how are you Hey okay since this is your first time out a little advice for you sir who you lose your old look at my face and reaction to that hey are you doing pop don't worry about this one everything's gonna be fine this culture is so strange Rooker there are limited ports of entry and hey there how you doing [ __ ] up I think we have a captive audience who know what [Music] hey Rachel sense by Bill lash briefing briefing Hey notice this thank you for the barricade Jill inside the residence she's 64 years old and she suffers from various health maladies she's diabetic and she suffers from a heart condition that requires the use of medication it's gotta be that medication is delusional she thinks a gangbangers the psychologists watch the shooter approach noise she's armed and designs whole just [ __ ] this is the layout of the house on side one we have a front door entrance this is a dangerous approach as it has two windows to contend with the large front window and a small kitchen window to compensate for that we've placed snipers here on this side of the street to watch those ports apparently this house has been some cyclist bird killer garage has been sealed off from the house side three has one opening a barricaded window while negotiations continue with the suspect we're going to place an emergency assault team on side one for entry through opening to the emergency entry team will consist of the following Brea Scout Denton rear guard pack Mayer element lead for rear containment side three pup and Witsel any questions where are we reading the explosives I've heard that old women are especially susceptible to explosives I read it on the Internet this is a soft probe I want stealth movement this changes a lot yeah you cost you for this sounds like the fat's in the fire line up for deployment let's go [Music] mp5s full-auto mp5s full-auto [Music] [ __ ] get back here [Music] sorry I screwed up yes I'm well aware of that discharge look I had to pull you out of there your behavior threatened to compromise the situation and any compromise can result in the loss of life do you understand that yes sergeant good then you'll understand why I'm sending you back to Metro and why I'm strongly suggesting that you read up on the tactical material provided by the department now if you're unclear about what information I'm talking about check the briefing room chalkboard for specific topics of study are we clear officer yes sir okay then what are you still standing here for come on what's up Rick [Music] hey Pedro since Waimea briefing the situation as we know it is this we have a barricaded white female inside the residence she's 64 years old and she suffers from various health maladies she's diabetic and she suffers from a heart condition that requires the use of medication C&T tells me she's delusional she thinks activity outside the house a gang bangers trying to break in she's a shooter approach noise she's armed and dangerous this is the layout of the house I know door entrance this is a dangerous approach as it has two windows to contend with the large front window and a small kitchen window to compensate for that we've placed snipers here on this side of the psalm effigies for autism apparently this house has been somewhat fortified over the years the garage has been sealed off from the house side three has one opening a barricaded window while negotiations continue with the suspects we're going to place an emergency assault team on side one for entry through opening - okay sir I know your last unit in working order good remember the last unit is not used for lengthy discussions between assaulters it's for keeping the brass informed and any other persons outside your sight lines you understand good this is a soft probe I want stealth movement this change is only the situation changes remember all of you just because the suspect is a fee ready serves not me she's any less violence than unit just because she's 64 does not mean she's a sweet old lady approached this sus in a fashion I can sense that she's a real [ __ ] did you have an opportunity to speak to the neighbor I know I didn't [ __ ] to it you indent an aside three but be aware there's a lot of foliage back there and you won't have the benefit of sniper coverage you indent on a site through aim and click you again there there's a lot of foliage back there and you won't have the benefit of sniper coverage okay get me out of here [Music] restored and talked to people again there we go oh you must Mira go yes pick up where we left off I believe the cross from the long for the last 10 years but let me tell you in the first moved in there not very long I've been looking through the window showed me and my wife the neighborhood yeah the wife Lucy she beats that old man real bad yeah all day long your cops been out here I'm gonna know you guys on a first-name basis yes sir have you ever actually been inside that the long residence middle huh not in a long time Lucy boards it up bit by bit did you think some people gonna kill her she's right nothing they just don't kill that old man maybe yourself well let me take a sip from this jug as we rehash these old lions what can you tell me about what happened here today did you hear any shots fired the shots the police officers saw the car no it had to be the lungs then I heard the shots [Music] that was about is there anything else you can tell you mr. good I don't believe the old man the never trust the old man's won't come out that's not the truth I've seen a one-legged scooby-doo episode all times nice gotta be the old man because he was barely involved all night [Music] how you doing I didn't mean to talk to you this is your first call-up didn't it well don't sweat it just do your job no heroics [Music] bye-bye did you speak with a neighbor yes sir good we'll be briefing in a few minutes you can share the information you have at that time excuse me sir sergeant Rooker and I'll be calling the briefing in a few minutes standby all right sir I'm gonna say because I don't want to listen to any of that again excuse me sir sergeant Murphy calling the briefing they click for the woman excuse me sir no you're working I'll be calling the briefing in a few minutes standby excuse me sir let's talk to everybody hey you don't pop don't worry about this one everything's gonna be fine I was on the scout with PAC Meyer and Rooker there are limited ports of entry and those are they're pretty well boarded up I think we have a captive audience who knows maybe she'll come out on her own [Music] this is SWAT woman no it's just a SWAT twink excuse me boo Bob Lois Hollywood division we've been called out here to the lungs before for domestic disputes the husband calls us out but refuses to press charges against his wife we found him with bruises to his face and arms when we questioned mrs. long in the past he happens to men's men to Alan's but never threatening we referred them both the social services for counseling but nothing's ever come sick of these women beating us oh the situation as we know it is this we have a barricaded white female inside the residence she's 64 years old and she suffers from various health maladies she's diabetic and she suffers from a heart condition that requires the use of medication C&T destroy her insulin stash she'll have to come out eventually break in gang bangs a shooter approach noise she's armed and dangerous this is the layout of the house sold Whiteside to one we have a front door entrance this is a dangerous approach as it has two windows to contend with the large front window and a small kitchen blue compensate for that we've placed snipers here on this side of the street to watch those ports apparently this house has been somewhat fortified over the years can be a slippery surfing in on this wave side three has one opening a barricaded window while negotiations continue with the suspects we're going to place an emergency assault team on side one I can skip that very nice let's save again this is a soft probe I want stealth movement this changes only the situation changes remember all of you just because the suspect is a female does not mean she's any less violent than a male just because she's 64 does not mean she's a sweet old lady approach this suspect with caution I approach every 64 year-old as if she's a sweet old lady we ready to go or what guys on the load in my guns I'm getting ready remember the proper way to mirrors from the bottom up always begin out of the sight line of the suspect oh we put this back how do I get out of here here we go abs in the fire line up for deployment let's go you're not the yell directly in my face sir [Music] mp5s full-auto yes sir tempted [Music] I'm just the crazy squad boy lieutenant I don't know what to do offensive today we're tragic some of your fellow officers were seriously wounded I ask all of you to consider talking with Department counselors to resolve any emotional aftermath you may be suffering due to this experience arrangements are being made through the Department for financial assistance for the families of the wounded officers they couldn't it couldn't be avoided he accepted and as more information is made available I'll pass it on to you sergeant an investigation by the officer-involved shooting team the use of force Review Board the office of internal affairs and the district attorney's office is being conducted relative to what occurred today until the investigation is completed I'm suspending pup of active duty status they even give me a name splatoon is founded on a leadership shut the [ __ ] up all right I did nothing wrong I wasn't trained properly let's do a baby this is a soft probe I want stealth movement this change is only the situation to sauce probe you babe remember all of you just because the suspect is a female does not mean she's any less violent than a male yes because she's 64 does not mean she's a sweet old lady approach this suspect with caution yes sir I'm saving again baby remember all of you just because the suspect is at O'Neil's does not mean she's any less violent than a male just because she's 64 does not mean she's a sweet old lady approach this suspect with caution remember all of you just because the suspect is a female does not mean she's any less violent than a male just because she's 64 does not mean she's a sweet old lady approach this suspect with caution also the old pro show or if you have an opportunity to speak to the neighbor yes sir as long as a little more violent than what a husband would lead us to believe I'm ready to go baby I'm ready to go all right I've reviewed the board I'm ready to go your last unit in working order yes good remember the last unit is not used for lengthy discussions between assaulters it's for keeping the brass informed and any other persons outside your sight lines you understand yes how do I get these guys to do they need to load up [Music] let's do this baby mp5 full on all right here we go let's get the mp5 full auto got it ready go they brought that mirror out as long as soon as they found out there is a woman inside [Music] I'm ready baby humph get moving [Music] ah oh my god you all better [Music] oh yeah [ __ ] rock that's it cease fire cease fire [Music] how do I move with the gun can I is this possible damn it pop what were you doing [ __ ] me [Music] oh I have to go around before she does alright got it ready go hey kite sorry thank you for that half a year it's not going very well so far but I'm gonna secure the [ __ ] out of that this style [Music] oh [ __ ] I'm way too slow I was slow again get away from me I didn't know what I'll use the mirror okay this is what happens when you skip your new training Oh [Music] ready go this time I swear to God [Music] [Applause] move I can't use the mirror I think I'm dead guys oh wait all right I'm clear I got it I beat her to the jump this time guys I have the knowledge now hi nothing there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what pop yeah huh what's going so I don't know got her mission successful today was not a victory but a defeat what do you want a pretend rather we lost that life and jeopardize the lives of others I don't understand the problem that the suspect determines the outcome of a crisis but it's our responsibility to help guide the suspect towards a peaceful resolution remember a truly successful resolution as one where no shots are fired maybe you shoot an investigation is being conducted into today's events and in fire whether it's through Grenada an old lady god I thought SWAT was manly out here thought these men had dignity go love that static noise move up [Applause] popped yes oh I forgot there's no mirror thing there now I use the mirror [Music] and these are tactics my man oops [Music] this is this is warfare modern warfare backfired we got her woohoo I want to throw the grenade yes yes your training and hard work paid off today we have our suspect in custody and no lives were lost as put her down boys today's situation proved we can never truly know what a suspect will do or forecast how a situation will resolve as we've learned yes no our tactics our jobs and our mission these are advantages we have today we had a few mistakes I'm calling them mistakes as opposed to willful disregard of human life due to my generous nature however I'm not so generous as to allow undisciplined officers to jeopardize the safety of this element with flagrant acts pup I'm placing you under probation so what's your actions in the field today could have resulted in fatal consequences as it was things worked out your way this time next time you or your fellow officers may not be that lucky I suggest you learn to work as a member of your element pup learn to follow orders do the job you're assigned forget this spend on it dismissed oh god that's it renegade I don't give a [ __ ] anymore baby I'm a bad boy now I don't follow the rules damnit pup out there Sarge that's a rhetorical question cementhead I'll tell you what you were doing and call me cement heads your fellow officers not to mention the safety of innocent citizens now listen up and listen good I'm taking you out of this call up I'm sending you back to Metro I'm ok that wasn't as funny as I thought it would be [Music] ready go and go in took a little too early there [Music] [Music] thank you actually this weed here [Music] I'm not sure [Music] now what the [ __ ] is this [Music] side [Music] I'm in trouble again your training and hard work paid off I'm going in this time [Music] [ __ ] the policeman ready go getting that idiot out of there [ __ ] yes stop all right I'm going yeah I'm going in with them sorry I screwed up yes I'm well this is why you research you get a water when you streaming the game goat [Music] [Music] things I can't get over that door or get over the gate so let's just let's just do it this is try it one more time for old times sake Oh mp5s pilato hold ready go [Music] [Music] what am I supposed to do here accuse your abilities aren't I supposed to go round the house to the other side [Music] side side three [Music] side three [Music] if I click right it just goes back to the mission [Music] Oh side three clear for RAM side three [Music] yeah just kidding okay yeah I think I think that might be it I think we're we're at the bottom we've gotten to the bottom of this all right go so I say side to clear RAM side three oh this is more advanced than I thought I really am swatted [Music] side to clear side to clear [Music] side - Ram RAM on one - corner now there is [Music] spice it right you're not ramming oh yeah I forgot to check that with the mirror I hope the old lady's not there [Music] sorry if you die here dude come on please don't old lady don't be there keep the Cape hit it I can't do anything by the way I'm just stuck watching this [Music] good you savage old [ __ ] I thought I mirrored you but I mirrored the wrong thing obviously she [ __ ] blasted the chamois she fired a full clip alright we're getting closer though baby mp5 full auto I'm gonna need that maybe I didn't need to have that he go [Music] oh let me just check with the mirror just in case it's whatever side whatever [Music] side to side [Music] - all right side - RAM for me baby [Music] Ram on one - corner she's [ __ ] Ram dude do we really have to go through all this again sir [Music] make a difference Abe after the rain that's a good idea can't click anything yet so that won't happen they keep the gate hit it how did he bring that massive gate down [Music] hurry up my boys damn alright the side [Music] all right is there anything I can see side three yeah you guess it so I don't get in trouble sighs thanks for that so the lash is not a toy can find your comments to the situation at hand what I just what I just want them to gas that side and so there's this side and there's also down here [ __ ] I don't throw a grenade do i oh [ __ ] I went to the wrong side that's why that was my fault you deserve this you won you won this round granny I pressed the wrong era [Music] all right so if I click this error we [ __ ] nope I don't know I don't know granny you're too [ __ ] sneaky to a throw a grenade I'm throwing a grenade dude [Music] I'm throwing a goddamn grenade you can deal with it grandma oh [ __ ] dice okay that's the wrong status status it's a dog-eat-dog world grandma today it was not a victory but a defeat grandma I did what I had to do right now that it's clear can I throw this I'm sure we'll be fine guys that's not where I was meant to throw it please understand that I'm sorry guys I'm the pup-pups make mistakes baby this time I'll throw it in the right place right here you see status status if anything I think I have to say something all right let's figure this out can make the other guys move up first Oh baiting them that's a good idea hmm let's see entry team side three in position side three side three in position I'm not [ __ ] the lash is not a toy [Music] initiate [Music] I have the high ground initiate let's see side three initiate pop the left goddamn I'm so lost [Music] what what's your position let me tell you side to in position pop the left side three in position [ __ ] I didn't mean to click that God yeah I'm on side to get these bagpipes that this is the worst thing to hear when you die all right do I have to like [Music] [Music] up up side three pup upside - up side - pup the lash is not a toy can find your comments to the situation at hand aye sir I don't know what the situation at hand is [Music] yeah maybe maybe if I say that suspect site suspect side three [ __ ] the lash is not a toy confine your comments to the situation at hand you shut the [ __ ] up sir [Music] I'm getting through this what's your position [Music] what [ __ ] does that mean Oh what pop are you in position sly spy oh oh oh oh [ __ ] she's there oh my god I've spotted the suspect side three suspect copy [Music] side three in Pacific trying sir hello remember when you shot me a bunch of times huh remember remember the way you used to treat me you remember how many times he loaded a whole clip into me out sweet sweet revenge defeat we were not successful no we were successful all right let's be very careful you spotted the suspect I used the mp5 last time so alright now that I got both guns out of the way I know how it feels to kill with both weapons let's restore all right now that that's done that was the best one that was the best one that was the best one [Music] all right suspects a three suspect level three pop oh that I meant side three sorry there's no levels side three suspect copy talk to her puppy armed Lucy this is the police we've come to talk to you Lucy this is the police we're here to help you now stop stop put your hands where I can see them good this is the police we just want to talk to you now keep your hands up they did it again so I can see nobody's gonna hurt you come on there we go there we go okay now nobody's got it I just want you to walk with me over here I love this music as we just suspect waddle with this old swimmin I'm a hero yes all right everyone take a seat before I get started lieutenant Hancock has a few things to say sir I'm so proud of me congratulations officers you did an excellent job yeah all head do slice the pie or efforts we have our suspect in custody when you guys were saying in jannat but it was like a meme or so he said well thank God take pride in your efforts I wouldn't be surprised we didn't see a commendation or two headed this way well that's it get some rest dismissed that's what the SWAT was made for baby wait wait how do I get to the next level all right games over that's it or you do random stuff till the next thing starts okay I wish that was just the game let's go to the firing range baby hello I'm JD JD Saunders JD Salinger spot yeah no idea you were black that's great cuz I'm the odd man out and the sniper without a partner without a partner yeah all snipers are paired up while one's on the rifle the other one serves as an observer you're interested in learning to sharp shoot all right yes colt 45 caliber 1911 government model sidearm very nice Jobar sr6 cool how killed it CCI speared Winchester I have a blessed day I'll show you the rifle go over Olivia Thanks that's sergeant Pruitt he's in charge of sniper training he'll tell you he's not a very good sharpshooter but don't let that fool you you don't ever want to be on the other side of his scope kinda hope not yes I know workers new man how are you officer adjusting to deep platoon are you yes sir thank you very good it would appear you have an interest in the science of sharp shooting why don't you let Saunders familiarize the Saran some sharp shooting get over yourself David Barr sharp shooters should be here link begin our training drills thank you sir we'll set up down here now I don't know how much you know about sniping but I'm gonna begin with the basics this is a row bar SR 60 308 bolt-action rifle Tilia trouble remember vd0 rifles at 100 yards mm-hmm we always begin the cold barrel shot we use a cold barrel shot to establish our zero it's also the most important shot thousand shut up now first thing you don't want to do is establish your zero on this rifle you do that because it's new to you has been using a her do that you want to get out your dope though one establish the date time of day wind direction selection direction of light temperature your engineer juror by your ammo logic you'll need to consult the charts in your notebook for any elevation or windage adjustments needed in order to make your 100-yard coal barrel shot and establish a zero now I'm gonna load a single round for your coal barrel shot you reload when you're ready to shoot the first group of five now I'll be over here functioning as your spotter will answer any questions you may have remember the coal bowel shot will be taken at 100 yards and you need to shoot a minute of angle in layman's terms you're going to want to place a shot in a one inch square at 100 yards targets already set up all right sir you've done touring the show me you're gonna want to take a shot aiming at the center of the one inch square but before you do Oh a few things you need to know first the bullet very quickly doorknob or your BBC is the top knob I'm a BBC this is the knob you use cool st. for up down the right knob the windage knob is twofold yes allows you to adjust for wind but it also functions as a horizontal adjustment when zeroing that's cool man you're pretty cool yeah we have calm fire at will thank you and clicking sir we have calm fire at will hold on you need to hold on hold on if your sight picture is clear no adjustment to focus is necessary clicking sir what do you want from me let's click your windage times to the left you must click your BDC down two more times I'm sorry what please reload and fire it will restrict your windage seven more times to the left one two three four five six seven down two more times I already did it sir joke's on you just click your windage four more times to the left one two three it looks like your calculated your shot you miss key DC setting turn up wherever it was fired hey idiot stop Merson around your windage five more times to the left one two three four five like you miscalculate check your BDC setting please reload and fire it will thank you you must click your windage six more times to the left it looks like you miscalculated your shot check your BDC setting all right sir I think I figured it out I'm all good to go colt 45 caliber I'm a genius I don't need to be here anymore uh listen I don't care about colt 45 caliber at night heckler cold let's go to combat range hey glad you could make it we're all set up for the dozer drill it's five pepper poppers at 10 yards part time is five seconds let's see what you can do yes sir with 45s make ready wait what this is a dose hold sweetheart sorry I wasn't listening again this is the combat drill this is the [ __ ] I a targets all bad guys reload as necessary no part I'm this is a reflex drill on the whistle all right let's do it easy easy easy easy window guy dad that guy dead that guy dead that guy is dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead that's a father of three father of two grandfather mother officers guns at low ready prepare to commence firing make ready need us that keep shooting at Target till it falls really the Presidente drill is up there are three targets and multiple engagements starting from either the left or the right shoot the first target once second target once third target twice second target once and first target once speed load then do it all again all right time is ten seconds got it on the whistle I'm certain I heard it this time [Applause] officers guns of yes prepare to commence firing make ready oh [ __ ] this is the combat drill to come between targets all bad guys reload as guys no part-time this is a reflex drill we shouldn't have to do this yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to sir wait hold on sir I quit do we have a mission yet sir yes yes officer down six one two hey Lee central area code three hell yeah baby travel across the railroad tracks and set up across the way the east side of the building faces the train tracks that's where the entrance is I need you to provide cover for the entry team your Sierra one contact me as soon as you're in position right sorry what's the situation we're not sure yet officers Tobin and bailed from sensual we're answering at 30 Adam the officers approached the warehouse and found the front entrance door open as they were entering the building they were fired upon Bale was shot in the face Tobin apparently grabbed bail dragged him around to the back of the building and called for assistance by the time assistance arrived the firing from within it subsided bales in route to the hospital and Tobin standing by to provide information we're hearing random shots fired we set up communications in the ice building the owners here come on no sir oh is that the owner well wouldn't industrious insurgent world proud of her would you mind repeating to him what you just told me yes of course hello I'm Marsha snidely I own this building well the business does I was just telling this officer here that my warehouse and when the police called this morning and said something about someone shooting off guns from my warehouse I thought where's Hector he's a diligent employee he would not just allow someone to come in and shoot at my building mr. Snively do you think it could be Hector would've been like hey stop shooting know is a sweet young man [Music] challenged but not back Meier would you please excuse me could you were saying thank you all right let me save spotted old [ __ ] is over God mrs. Schneider you were saying that you believe your warehouseman is missing believe he is missing well I should say so Hector reports I should say so through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. he is a very dependable employee why in five years of working for us he has never missed a day mr. Snively what did I mention he's a dumbass can you give me a physical description oh yes it's Hector Martinez and he's about six feet tall about 180 pounds clean-shaven dark hair I don't know how holding is um you know that narrows it down to about two million Los Angeles citizen she's exactly like Forrest go mr. Snively nobody says Hector has or would hurt anybody Oh until now we didn't even know about mr. Martinez we're just trying to determine what the situation is mrs. Schneider would you have a home phone number for mr. Martinez well yes well not with me at the office I mean I'd have to clearly doesn't know how to use a phone Hector you got famous for running really far and then he put his face on the shirt and it was the smiley face thing that was popular for a while can you give me a layout of the warehouse oh well yes well it's mostly a big empty building we keep it for extra storage and Hector maintains the building for when we need extra space well that's not what you asked is it oh well let's see okay the building was built to utilize the train tracks and so the roll-up doors and the entrance faced the railroad tracks walk in well it's just a big don't worry I wish I could shoot anytime manager start in there from when the children were small I'd be shooting everybody as well is it just stop telling me in useless information like that how dare you I don't know it has some old scales to Cordy thank you for that nearly two years savings without here any of this dumbass [ __ ] again you said upstairs is there a downstairs to the building as well oh yes well it's mostly just beams and floor supports and oh and Hector has this little makeshift office down there nothing fancy we gave them some blocks to play with is there an outside entrance to the basement mrs. Schneider oh heavens no no I had that sealed up years ago oh sorry my math bro yeah ride the train in the day thank you for over two years I had workmen come in that door no do you know what assurance rates hobos in your building oh just terrible no there's only discussing them sometimes hopeless Nick in my apartment I can't get out of here I have no beans for you my friend or the second gonna bees think for that do you know that hobos only beans or bone line in the building and do you know the number oh yes yes the number is 2 1 3 2 9 8 no no - 1 3 don't remember you're in business no I'll just have to call and get it for you but there is a phone it's in Hector's little basement office area you know I wanted him to have a nice little desk with a phone on it upstairs nope he insisted on having the phone installed downstairs in the basement that dark dank basement it's getting dank down there is there anything else you can tell me about the warehouse or about Hector give me more information just a big warehouse is empty and could be causing all this trouble don't worry I'll see mr. Schneider we haven't determined that Hector is causing all this trouble mrs. Knightley we've set up a communications post over by the ice house across the way could I ask you to go in there and use the telephone to call your office and get those phone numbers we talked about oh yeah sure but I don't want to be in the way I'll just use the phone in my car that's all right that'd be fine she's a one-percenter she's got a phone in her car I stood there just aghast at what had happened I was what now I [Music] this is officer Keeler he was one of the responding officers to the 30 adam as i was telling pack mayer we get false alarms down here all the time the winds always blowing the doors open on these old buildings or we have transients camping out last thing I expected this gun don't trust her either man did you see him just this guy no not really everything happened real quick they're approaching the door was partially open bales went to reach for it he had his hand on the doorknob it seemed to me that the door was closing rather than opening I got the sinking feeling in my stomach and then WHAM bales was hit and I was dragging him out of there tell me Mara know what to tell you guys I didn't really see anything I heard the sound and I saw bales fly backwards whoever shot him must have been right up on the door now this is a situation we got here I don't know what to tell you guys I didn't really see anything I heard the sound yeah this is all just live backwards Hector is actually a genius it must have been right up on the door the pink they're purple lady I don't know what to tell you guys if I can't see anything I heard the sound and I saw nails online bad words I don't know whoever shot it must have been right up on the door can't take much more of these little squares let's save so excuse me sir yes officer what did you learn from the owner of the property what did you learn from the owner of the concert is Hector Martinez yeah it's Marie had a 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. three happy working five my boy freeze about six feet tall weighs about a hundred and eighty pounds clean shaven dark hair now she says he's mentally challenged she's going to call her office and get a home telephone number for good she also said that the building was built in relation to the railroad all the roll-up doors and the entrance door on the same side only she said that there are two large interior rooms mostly empty okay there's also a basement to the siliceous calling an air security office and apparently some beans and horse notes unfortunately mrs. Schneider's entrie call the stairs leading to the basement or on the first room or the second row see apparently there is a telephone line into the building it's in the basement she doesn't know the number offhand she's calling her office to find it good but one last thing mr. schneebly said that Hector's not the kind of person to hurt anybody and she doesn't think it's him in there borrowing you outs you know we'll find that out soon enough thanks good job I keep saving never want to speak to you sir oops officer I'll be calling a briefing with the tactical officers momentarily please excuse us yes sir please stop talking to us god you're so obnoxious hey hey thank you for that two years whoa all right I guess she's she's gone [Music] guess we just wait now oh all I'm saying is there's one entrance the runners Intelli was placed across the Sun phase cover us that's a distance man place is big inside I know it I can tell we're gonna need some long-range power this isn't gonna be pretty I bet they panicked when central showed up I bet they're in there freaking out yeah we're scary keep saving baby never again never have to go through this [ __ ] again as long as I excuse me sir officer I'll be calling a briefing with the tactical officers non-starter excuse us yes sir where are you lady lady come back I knew she was a liar [Music] this is a lot of police work though was waiting around right briefing everyone come on let's go don't yell at me sir okay this is what we know we have one wounded officer and weapons fire is randomly erupting from within the structure CNT has been teleporting the warehouse but there's been no pick up the warehouse is broken into two rooms in one of the rooms which one we don't know our stairs leading to a basement the basement is dark and it consists mainly of floor supports there's also an office area we placed sniper teams on three surrounding buildings the approach will be from side four to three to two around a side one we can assume the opening one will be secured we have the keys from the owner so there should not be a problem with entry unless the door is barricaded from the inside we know it's a large space that we're issuing two to three [Music] we enter and move with stealth Carmichael Scout Denton shotgun pup gear be an issue the m16 for a Jess subsistence between us and the shooter pup has the shot this is yes yeah whitsel you're it in the entry your trail okay let's move out yes sir yes sir hold on sir I need to say team in position i ground one side one clear of threat Roger that ready go Oh try the door try the key Mir up Hector didn't change the locks somehow thumbs up baby entry team ready to make entry ready to enter door can I save circle entry team in nari thank God [Music] cease fire cease fire [Music] I didn't shoot what the [ __ ] you scamming me pop where are you get anything coming up coming up coming up him out we did it we did it today was not a victory but a defeat we were not successful in saving the life of the suspect we wish and sorry I lost that ceasefire ceasefire wait did that lieutenant the events of today we're tragic some of your fellow officers were seriously wounded I ask all of you to consider talking with Department counselors to resolve any emotional aftermath you may be so yeah I guess those two slow don't worry I'm ready this time so this is what boys supposed to do well I mean there tried my best [Music] you [ __ ] [Music] today was not a victory but a defeat oh [Music] wait what I sorta gotta clean the toilet shoot the leg alright alright alright alright okay sir affirmative sir [Music] [Music] today was not a victory but a defeat we were not successful in saving the life of the suspect we wish to apprehend rather we lost that life and jeopardize the lives of others it is true that the suspect determines the outcome of a crisis but it's our responsibility to help guide the suspect towards a peaceful resolution remember [Music] [Music] warning shot oh yeah let me let me do that this time around sorry I didn't I think shooting fire I just thought maybe I'll do the morning each other I'm pretty sure the warning shot isn't the way to get status status I didn't mean to do [Music] Oh I don't think I was a true success though your training and hard work paid off today we have our suspect in custody and no lives were lost as with every call-up today's situation proved we can never truly know what a suspect will do or forecast how a situation will resolve as we've learned we can know our tactics our jobs and our mission these are advantages we have today we had a few mistakes I'm calling them mistakes as opposed to willful disregard of yeah I love the wind laws I'm not so generous as to allow undisciplined officers to jeopardize the safety of this element with flagrant acts pup I'm placing you under probation shoot this [ __ ] yeah it's a failure today was not a victory but a defeat he shot the guy in the ground I asked you to stay behind because I wanted to talk to you about what happened down the field well you figured right I'm gonna get straight to the point your errant behavior contributed to the death of a suspect oh you mean the guy shot on the ground [Music] chat with them share with them I swear to god man oh okay okay okay yeah [Music] it's all it's the pie this is the pie the whole time where's where'd my gun go [Music] my guns gone guys carmichael move up to the door mirror it and see if it's clear sir I don't [ __ ] around [Music] okay I got my ticket out of here now usually I swear I will I'll kill this son of a [ __ ] I will put the gun down crazy crazy put your guns down stop stop now all right let's let's do this let's do this a little more calmly now that we know what's going on [Music] guys my gun disappeared again this it's okay now never mind it's back [Music] [Music] I'm ready [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go ready go [Music] mirror up [Music] we really do any guys [Music] looks clear [Music] stairwell far-right wall no Sun and rain pop you cover left rheya god rixel you take the stairwell are Michael Denton you move left with [Music] gonna save here by the way [Music] because it's it's getting real hold come on we were that area to the left [Music] [Music] don't worry guys wait for Carmichael [Music] [Music] didn't clear the area go these boys are working really hard I'm proud of him [Music] hold up I got it go I wasn't fast enough guys today it was not a victory but if I had my PI out and it delayed me [Music] home come on near that area to the left you hate this game why this is the best game [Music] well I think in yeah I need to cover the right I think having the gun that actually changes that didn't clear the area go see experiment [Music] hold up go no I definitely got it I definitely gotta just go that's definitely that what I have to do all right this should work okay I think I just deleted - nope hold carmichael we were that area to the left I'm going quick baby I like how in my SWAT career I can't hold my gun and move forward he's telling you there's something on your head whoa that's cool of him to want me to not look like a fool [Music] [Music] didn't clear the area go all right guys gets real from here on out I don't have much time hold up yes sir go [Music] hold on I don't want to [ __ ] this [Music] [Music] [Music] should I be slicing the pie where's this a game of patience clear pop the lash business I am NOT playing games with that [Music] [Music] oh oh let me get my gun ah you guys finally showed up [Music] Oh papa what direction was set [Music] wait that one was a success I did it officer sergeant Rooker and I will be attending the use of force Review Board hearing to testify regarding our personal knowledge of the shooting incident you were involved in we do not anticipate disciplinary actions to be taken against you but until the office of internal affairs the use of force review board and the officer-involved shooting team have completed their investigation you're relieved of active duty [ __ ] you this would never have in the real LAPD this is a formality don't despair keep training with your element you'll be back in the saddle in no time I want to see if I can do that differently lord knows I [ __ ] Bob that guy [Music] [Music] [Music] hold your fire forgot that it shoots hey Kung Fu Panda fanned 72 thank you for that for months fun confirm proceed with cover [Music] [Music] like how that dude was even shocked they barely got the stairs and he was [ __ ] dead [Music] [Music] ungood firm proceed with cover there we go here we go I think I literally just set the weight there because I said cleared twice and he told me just shut the [ __ ] up Oh pop got it sir [Music] we're taking the shot I'm sick of this [ __ ] I'm taking the success officer sergeant Rooker and I will be attending the use of force Review Board hearing to testify regarding our personal knowledge of the shooting Haley were involved in we do not anticipate disciplinary actions to be taken against you but into the Sierra walkthrough sysm actually new board in the officer-involved shooting team have complete sometimes these things are messy yes you're relieved of active duty this is a formality don't despair keep training with your element you'll be back in the saddle in no time thank you sir all right I'm done for today that was quite an adventure I want to see I'm gonna look up the newer games in the series on YouTube and see if they get any better that was I had fun still though for what it's worth thank you for watching everybody I love oh yeah swat4 is really good maybe I'll play that next stream these games are pretty funny alright y'all god bless each and every one of you guys see you next time bring him remember to slice the pie guys alright have a nice one I have a good one good
Channel: Reversed Goose
Views: 1,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charlie, winsmore, full, stream, streams, charliewinsmore, charliezzz, esteban, archive, part
Id: paekEWmAGZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 46sec (8026 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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