Jerma Streams - The Polygraph Stream

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I think it should be shouldn't be going here I think so my understanding yeah want to make sure I screamed it because mm-hmm and if I obvious purposes I would make sure that when people see this they'll know that you know I decided to get a professional to come and do this it might take a second or foot before it goes completely live but you know it's okay okay let me just I'm gonna tweet that so let me just tweet it first here hey just give me one second guys they're trying to get this just going this is dr. Morgan by the way how did he do I'm saying the reddish moly gone it's actually shmoo again it's Morgan I finally get my can okay with an X or than okay she likes them I got it just might be just to make sure I know that because I know yeah I'm Jeremy by the way hi how are ya sure let's polygraph now so these are questions that you guys decided to ask I told you I was gonna hook myself up to a machine yeah here it is you thought this is [ __ ] uh it's not so I'm gonna do it I'm ready after I tweet that if you know I'm dumb tweeting the stream is live essentially yeah should have planned it before should have done it before but I didn't so I got a question for you doc mm-hmm if the air wasn't way like first is I haven't eaten in two days prepare for this huh I haven't eaten in two days and I've been drinkin just cranberry juice is that what that would you consider that to be a good way to potentially beat a polygraph mmm not really sure that's the best way to go about it okay I have a little trick up my sleeve okay if you'd like to whatever you would like to do to make it so I can give you the best possible answers then I'm ready okay well it's right behind me right here sort of a medicinal way of going about things mint or some kind of new train drew yeah something like that but should loosen you up a bit don't worry it's a professional way of going about things did you drink out of this already I may have it's missing I sorry but you know but I had a little time you know before I came here so yeah drink the whole bottle I can drink this whole bottle of Jim Beam I would appreciate that because I think you really need to loosen - you mean I sort of insist it's a professional all right well if this is professionals we got a professional here that I had yeah that's right that's the way this works you understand that don't you okay all right yeah I mean this is hey this is how it works I guess down it I don't I can't can I even put I put it in my bottle uh sure go right ahead that's all that is Jim Beam all right mm-hmm okay well I'm gonna I don't know if I can do that dog I can do maybe one here and then we'll set up and then I'll do the rest all right I don't know if I'm prepared for this all right tastes good right yeah did you make this are you Jim Beam start so how about what do we do I don't do this alright you got to put those straps on one plus four finger yeah you got it you got it just just check it out you'll you know you're smart guy so how much agreed out how much is one of these one of those is about $3,000 $3,000 so don't break it yeah please that's probably not a good idea to break it yeah this is little tangled here it's a wire you twist untwist the wire yeah it's pretty simple yeah I mean I know it's easy okay so then this goes yeah my tags right right there you got it okay all right the waist strap is to go in like this yeah that's it make sure it's tight so under the abdomen or where does it go I was coming here yeah that's it like that so what is this for that is going to test your breathing okay it's going to let people know when you're breathing heavily or not so when you're breathing heavily yeah okay we know you might be not telling the truth but like how is this supposed to even know what I'm doing I just it just measures it just gauges your body no I believe so okay it looks good yeah then what's what's the next step okay the finger yeah does it matter I did right hand was a wrist right hand right here I believe right there okay yep yep that would be good and then these what are these for and that index drinking too much of that stuff already yeah okay okay I see I see that's it doesn't matter how tight this is just just tight enough just tighten down nothing this yeah on the index finger yep that's it yeah so what is this measure that is also we have different parts of it that we have different leads here and some of it measures our sweat some of it measures your blood okay yep so I'm I'm all hooked up right so this is sweat this is blood yep yeah that's in breathing yeah anything about the brain don't eat my brain uh no we're not exactly we're not gonna turn you into Frankenstein I'm sorry Frankenstein actually pristine HD yeah again with the correct okay so now see Asians so now this do I have to rest this over here I don't a break you're 3,500 a good idea no so don't want to do that I'm ready all right answer these questions that you've decided and I'm gonna give you the truthful answers all right now you're really ready I'm ready really ready okay all right then I believe we should begin okay thank you dr. Swanson certainly it's gonna get it started okay now can I see what you're doing sure I'm just like curious yep cool that's kind of cool there we go okay all right so what we need to do all right well we're just going to click on this again we're gonna get started here okay okay all right and we're gonna have a few questions for you sort of to start out there it's all yes or no okay the entire exam is yes or no okay we give you a few practice questions in the beginning just to check up on you just away you won't like check up on what we're going to check to make sure we know that you can tell the truth personally I can tell the truth just fine but I'll queue for you all right this is for what a baseline baseline is exactly the right word so can you see me bring them you will that is part of the polygraph yes okay it will let you know I feel like this is gonna enter my mind okay now I just want to make sure that we're real clear yeah it's important to answer each question truthfully okay all right okay okay close my eyes and no I wouldn't think that would be a good idea okay we want to keep an eye on you okay all right and yes or no answers again you got okay have you ever lied sir to a loved one yes okay you okay yeah I'm alright alright I think we need more of that bottle though in there yeah I did the whole thing right yeah damn it well nevermind I guess you can't get that kid baby at the halfway point mm-hmm okay okay all right we're just with chicken up on you here it's running it's rolling taking a look all right mmm um detecting some poor body language there I don't know about you I didn't even move come on come on [ __ ] yeah this can tell you all right this guy's shifty you know you can tell right away all right all right I'll try again here you go ready all right all right ready okay have you ever been dishonest yes it's pretty much only one focused on us okay well you passed that one I'll just tell you okay okay could you not be dishonest that's true I be honest a big dog no really no no he's a dog I just yeah little concern but really I mean you know well I'm sorry but you know you have to do the equipment's the equipment I can't do anything you ready yeah I'm ready have you ever felt angry angry all right I'm not I'm gonna say and I think I think Marsha it's pretty you go yep this is how we like all of our patients here all of our test subjects it's pretty much professional way to go about it that's more like that's more like hyperventilating they're reading Jerry what was my beats per minute what was my beats by dre for a minute all right it looks like it's about 16 something like that 16 yeah sounds pretty good all right here you go you ready mm-hmm all right here we go have you ever betrayed someone who trusted you no okay no let's check it out all right it's going about analyzing know about that answer myself but you know I I never betrayed anybody that I love I mean I portrayed plenty people that I don't love okay okay I guess that's an accepting like an NSA profile of me right now yeah you have to know we have to know we want to know everything don't we yeah that's kind of hard to do all right while you're trying to do that I want to try to confuse you so I'm gonna ask you another question sure while you're trying to do all that and see if we can do it all at the same time sure have you ever done anything for which you are now ashamed yes doc well like I said they have ID you have to have test questions first okay he's analyzing that a bit I think that stuff is trying to work you picked the worst whisky possible well you know Jim Beam yeah Johnnie Walker hey Johnnie was out of town what can I say all right all right now are you good and ready now I'm ready because I can you know just really really ready okay I like I'm sweating anyways all right calculating our baselines now Jeremy okay so now we come to the actual questions so the test once we got the baseline yeah good do you eat ass no all right we'll enter that here we go all right we're analyzing that a bit I don't know question made you a little bit uncomfortable but we're just gonna continue okay yeah we have I don't have all that much time here today I know so you know they're just doing the best we can we're gonna have to move right on to the next question okay all right okay there's also be afterwards are the results come afterwards that's right results okay here we go Jeremy how old are you 32 you know what yes [Laughter] 32 yes there you go I think you're getting the gist of this Jeremy okay alright so well I don't know I mean obviously that was some of these questions weren't exactly yes or no questions so yes I mean youryour applies is accredited that's right Mike Sansone all the certificates you know and these are the questions that people want to know so what can I do what can I say right all right you're a hands of fire and then I know it's actually your hands that are type of anyway what's your favorite kind of music Jeremy yes I would say alternative rock that's not true that's a lie [ __ ] um that is a No oh the gorillas yes the gorillas yeah Rose yes the gorillas what is this guy he's full of it all right here we go um anyway gorillas and we put that in and say yes album the humility is a pretty good song okay pretty good all right okay all right I'll believe that for now I don't know how much I believe this guy but I you know we'll take that as an answer anyways I would take it as a truthful because that is a truthfully yes that is a truthful yes okay all right I do believe yeah okay still tough on the body language though I'll tell you really tough on the body language there all right Jeremy is that gamer certificate fake no it's real no the answer's no that's a real certificate I won that in the blockbuster video game championships the answer's no it that that it wait did you say would you say is the gamer certificate come on now folks here we go ready is the gamer certificate fake No all right I already put it into that answer so cuz it's true okay I want Donkey Kong Country and I coded all the bananas at least it's like 200 bananas 200 bananas yeah I don't know what you would have freaked out if you saw that it wasn't me yet okay I got all the bananas I mean like people little bit like 15 years older than me do you really count the mañana's don't mmm no city we caught him in another all right this is this is just too easy all right what when are we getting the next let me see if I can yeah okay the next German Rumble Jeremy that's what they want to know 2019 yes yes okay 2019 and that's a yes okay all right I'm gonna go process that question of pitch okay used to looking at yeah yeah body language is telling me if feeling a little uncomfortable I don't know a little bit yeah a little bit okay yeah but that medicine seems to be working out for you if the medicine is working okay see you haven't drunk the whole bottle yet like I said I haven't got that much time no I'm just a boy yeah okay all right whatever let me go to the next question do you know the current location of Dick Dastardly Richard hmm question what is zero what can I say what thank you the location of dick dastardly Richard but you just have to do the you just have to answer the question I like I said I don't have that much time you just have to answer the question no okay all right no no I don't okay sir there we go this is where the most voted questions you guys for real this was one of the top voted questions what can I say okay all right whatever hey you hired me to do a job I'm here to do a job what can I say just asking the questions you answer the questions you know you get it that's how it comes all right all right so mm-hmm let's see okay analyzing a bit here mmm yeah okay so all right next question I like this one does baldness run in your family or did you just get unlucky with your genes hmm yes yes okay yes well I'm gonna guess that honest answer okay how far does it run okay all the way back to my grandmother's grandmother grandmother's mother father actually sorry Briana's grandpa I will utilize her I would hope that it was the way back to Chile yeah grandpa Tilly grandma Tilly no 1721 all head of bald hair yeah there you go from wherever she was from okay have you sir [ __ ] your pants over the age of 20 yes all right okay yes okay and we'll see I'm checking I don't think okay all right I hope this guy's telling the truth I don't know okay sometimes this was commode and you know I've got lightest added for her since I was 20 all right well like they say the truth will come out in the end yes it will okay all right now we're analyzing this bit next question do you hate your viewers no no no final answer final answer final answer no okay I think I believe anyway all right checking this one out check in this one here we go you okay I think you didn't know I'm dumb all right no I don't okay I think we've established that what you mean yeah you need more of that yeah all right okay let's see now [Music] mmm I think it will stay in your head that's probably the best place for it all right so Jeremy yes mmm you ready that was an answer to a question that was responding you're allowed to respond okay do you secretly dab off stream no mmm absolutely not no no no no all right we'll put it no okay come on [ __ ] question is this I don't know what kind of question it is but it's the question that somebody yeah I don't have off stream I'm a professional yeah weird album your wife I you know what could I say I have to tell the truth no I'm not the one who's taken the test and I put this on you and ask you if you have ever damn I you're not gonna get me to do it I'm sorry good man all right all right guys it's a good a job to do that's a great answer I've got a job to do that's where I was an exacto so what worked it what that's wrong with six months ago and I got convinced to do it once I'm not sure what you mean but that's uh next question Jeremy do you think that 80% of these questions are mean questions yes yes yes absolutely yes sir what was it he didn't let me finish the question what's it was it present was resume all right you gonna let me finish the question all right look got a job to do you finish question right I'm gonna start this again okay so yes - all right you ready do you think sir 80% of these questions are mean questions and are they dumb yes press yes as fast as you can I'm pressing the fastest you can press the answer yes all right I'm guessing I'm pressing okay all right okay well I can tell that that one made you a little nervous that question made you a little nervous it's a good idea a little breath another bit of a little drink that should help you out okay doc you get to be drunk here hey it's more fun $35,000 all right are you ready I'm ready really ready I'm ready okay you're loosening up here a bit I can tell just a little bit all right what is your favorite trait of your community hmm interesting question interesting question interesting yes I don't not sure that okay looking for I think most interesting trait of my community is yes dear their sense of humor sense of humor humor sense of humor and putting sense of belonging belonging belongings good word is that [ __ ] tell me how you guys tell me it was that [ __ ] [ __ ] what I just said I believe you know what I believe I believe not okay all right I believe you on that one there it is so I'm gonna put in yes okay here we go all right you got a yes to that answer yes very much a yes to that answer I like that answer okay but we got to move on we have to move on I can check this out a little bit okay maybe not too many cuz with all that alcohol right your chair right okay but yeah but okay here's a good question do you actually consider your jokes funny yes that's a yes okay gonna put in yes for that yes I do all right I believe at least he's being honest here so a little bit yeah I just saw that spin across the room so I don't have anybody caught that good thing you didn't see it but I saw it okay all right no spit is honest what can I say all right sir we're gonna check things out a little bit here I think yeah drop the equipment on the floor okay remember you know you gotta cover the insurance on that it's a lot of money it is okay now Jeremy are you currently being held hostage or maybe they maybe he feels like it but no no you're not being held hostage no you sure you look like you're being held hostage I feel like it but no they're just all right okay all right that's it got through that one okay all right through just doctor finish it off don't laugh and you'll feel much better all right goddamn truth serum that's exactly what it is okay and that's interesting I think people are gonna find the reactions interesting after this are you embarrassed that you peed your pants today he's thinking about it yes you are okay [ __ ] meemers got cameras yeah what can i what can I say okay well we'd better get to know what are these questions I know you guys got three weeks to make questions the week's took three weeks to make questions and you asked me if I peed my pants yes I peed my pants today a little peek on my underwear that's you know that is that pee in your pants talk it's yeah where's that pee in your pants no it's just sweat okay all right Jeremy have you ever actually looked up how to grow taller yes okay bunch of [ __ ] I shoot what can I say bunch of [ __ ] can I say but you're still gonna answer these questions I'm getting a little impatient yes yes I have all right so long as you answer the question yes you know you gotta keep keep up with it keep going gonna keep this thing rolling okay we're gonna keep an eye on this too though hmm yes probably because you're a little short of breath down deep breathing is probably a good idea that was a good that was good that was good all right you ready I'm ready yeah okay Jeremy do you sit in a booster seat for every stream no hmm no all right okay they keep up with this guy I don't know all right well you guys gonna be the judge after this that's all I can say yeah okay sit in a booster seat booster seat yeah how would I do that be creative anyway I'm not on cam ninety-five percent of the time maybe they think you need it what can I say have you purchased a clown car yet no hmm no oh was that that never mind no I know all right I know you guys I don't know jeez you know what are these guys come from I don't know I wish I get hard for the most bizarre stuff I tell you I don't I look I don't envy you being hard for this ya bunch of meemers in the chat yeah well what can I say all right we see what they're saying hold on what are they saying what are you saying they're saying a lot that's all I can tell you're all laughing because it's funny you think this it's funny you think this is funny you think this is funny all right let's see if they think this is funny what did ya 35 60 billion all right Jeremy mm-hmm here we go I'm right wait really mm-hmm what did you do with the real Sherma 95 garbage question garbage question um it's me uh yes I'm the real German it's me honestly oh yes oh I didn't look there has been over the years four or five different German on high fives I've taken this mantle a few times uh we're all the same person can't believe this guy it's much [ __ ] here but anyway uh okay so do putting in I'm gonna put any yes here okay all right three whoa hold on don't ya the next manya okay he's getting excited three weeks to do this mm-hmm yeah almost four weeks four weeks I spend $6,200 yeah $6,200 Hey you can't that's almost ten grand the equipment's not cheap let's go cheap this was a very very expensive equipment here yeah though these are your questions you know he's still gotta answer them right you gotta let him know that this is $6,800 suit all right I stole it you can hear me I dressed of developing I stole that from Arrested Development are you i yes mom no thank you okay all right Jeremy yes do you hate chat means yes somehow you think that's an honest answer yes somehow I think that's an honest answer okay I see some interesting what I can see some interesting curves yeah I do and I think some people are gonna find this pretty interesting afterwards but try to relax okay yeah okay maybe causing a little jumping this here all right next question you guys ready all right do you want kids no oh god no no do you want to try to figure out who injured that Quinton who sent you that question no no no children okay the apartheid be an interesting party might be an interested party what do you think about the apocalypse doc I don't know I mean only 40 120 42 2040 I don't know way to the new shoes I go to a flat tax uh yeah it might be a good idea okay but no matter tax tax is never gonna be simple Jack no matter what no matter what it's not gonna be simple it's not gonna be fun no matter what you do all right hmm all right Jeremy have you have you played doki-doki literature club off FF Stream which i think is probably they meant off stream mmm-hmm no no no think he's telling the truth no I think this guy's full of it myself no all right I have not played doki-doki literature club oh really no really absolutely not okay I'll eat here whatever you say dude I'm no no no I know maybe you guys are gonna come up some better answers here because maybe some more truthful answers because I don't know if I believe any of this no uh-huh yeah right yeah it's time to pass in here okay no yeah you need more truthful answers all right Jeremy have you lied answering any of these questions yes what can you say to that one I don't know folks yes I have yes you have I believe that I really honestly do and I kind of get that idea from a little bit of information here hmm and I also I don't know I just believe it myself yeah um that's guys full of it seriously all right okay Jeremy yeah is your next project on the main channel going to be fat movie three rat movie three I'm sorry no Matt movie three No okay maybe I'll have to explain that to me afterwards no okay no rats okay dogs are okay no rats all right well what is it what is it you did a good job on that stuff all the places saying yeah you kind of are demon stay in the seat dude okay [ __ ] beats per minute hey dr. Dre hey those headphones suck don't buy them are you ready yeah ready do you have a back-up plan fo b aside from job aside from streaming guess that's what they want to know they want to know if you can run a backups job besides screaming mm-hmm backup plan or job besides streaming we all want to no no no no resonate yeah oh geez cryptocurrency Freddy yes what can I million dollars all right we're gonna say yes yes crypto currency trader yeah that sounds like a psycho even to me say go again yes oh no oh no we say go it's a [ __ ] good project you guys your job to react to this guy all I can say is I do not buy it just not buying it sorry okay okay everything's still strapped in there we're all locked in was that really a picture of your [ __ ] in the fire watch youtube video what can I say tell the truth no no okay okay everybody wants to know these are the kind of things people want to know Jeremy and what can I say about its ask of all the things I asked for so these are the really pertinent stuff this is the stuff that people really is important to people welcome yeah I mean importance does that mean you buddy me so go ahead all right [Music] circulation of my brain would is that what the problem is like okay all right Jeremy yeah are you a furry no no no no the world wants to know okay hey if you are you are if you're not you know right okay all right checking it out here Jeremy checking it out all right I see a few ups a few downs little truth I don't have much faith in this guy I'm concentrating so hard right now I just don't have much faith in this guy at all none of this stuff is real all right Jeremy yeah does your mom know you are a furry check the last answer please no no no no but that's not because I am it's because I'm not and she doesn't why would she know that well that's probably a very good question yeah okay what kind of what kind of coming close to the line here I don't know what the questions guys yeah but I think you'll find out in the end that this may not this guy maybe in a little world by yourself over here I don't know especially right now breathing I gotta get my breathing under control anything is good take another deep breath all right you got it yeah yeah I kind of like this question actually it's the polygraph operator cute you know what yeah thank you yeah he is the answer fellow all right I'm beginning to get more faith in this guy right now let's very handsome guy there you go what can I say alright he's a hit come on put your faces into the light beautiful it's what hats aren't it's what the world wants what can I say world needs what the world absolutely needs that's right oh my goodness maybe that part wasn't so truthful are you afraid of your big projects letting down your audience probably not in his current state no [ __ ] perfect them the new projects I'm gonna be off the rails don't even worry about it we're just getting our has my breathing a picture of what's coming here okay all right good idea you guys are [ __ ] crazy mm-hmm that may be true all right he's getting a little bit more truthful all the time oh boy talk about things going up and down you're not gonna believe this thing just just relax just relax please okay I'm Berlin I'm trying to relax as hard as like a all right you ready I'm ready ready what is really delaying you making you a late streamer that's easy I sleep too much yes hmm I sleep way too much hmm and I wake up really late and I try to make a good stream in like an hour to try to figure out what I can what I can do what a video game I can play with stream I do makeup I try as hard as I can I wake up late sometimes I have colitis hmm hmm okay all right final answer is yes on that I guess yes okay all right that's good numbers are rolling rolling here that's the truth tell me that was was that the truth I don't I have a little bit more faith in you now I'm still not totally sure see the [ __ ] says I'm bad all over the place yeah it's like all that [ __ ] crazy am i what what did you maybe maybe you are going crazy maybe that's what's happening here Jeremy is Albertson truly your family name yes okay alright so rolling once again still feeling okay there Jeremy yes okay remember to breathe we should all breathe from don't pop the belt off though that's all I can say I don't wear belts boy you got some Peaks here sir my goodness no what's going on with that what that's rather unusual though just sort of all over the place big eyes big lows Woods open to interpretation a bit okay have been have you been flossing your teeth sir no no that's probably an honest answer okay you asked the questions he's giving you the answers oh [ __ ] I'm sorry yes please don't break everything that were okay you can see right you can see turn this up all right I can see that the sun's going down hold on okay brighten it up with it brighten this all right it's wait okay oh that's - that's way too bright that's right extremely sorry about that let's drop that a little don't put this in your exam all right I got some good ones for ya hold on alright here we go so let's go towards technical break okay alright Jeremy I think this is probably one of the most important questions it hasn't okay tonight have you been drinking your own brain fluid no no okay I don't know it would have explained something yeah I get it but where's the chat here is there is you've a chat on there no I'm [ __ ] a little irritated oh not here okay check it out yeah don't look don't look don't look at this okay Jack Zoey good remember I'm being paid by the hour here Jeremiah all right she was 67 trillion dollars on the table that's it okay you ready I'm ready are you tired of peel peel peeling potatoes yeah yes yes okay tired of the Po and the tang and the toe all right boy it's abstract art basically is what we're creating with these peaks and valleys Jeremy hmm all right machine all right we're gonna come up with the next question a minute you want to check your connections for me yeah all right linked up pretty good here all right Jeremy is Auto a giant rat in disguise no he's a dog no thought what a terrible question I know I would kind of comply with that yeah he's a dog he does [ __ ] dogs and dog you guys for real it's got a tail it's got feet you know nose ears Todd all right no no that was a no good this yeah I think you're gonna find this interesting hmm maybe not what you expect exactly as far as the results go but here's the next question you ready I'm ready okay dude who is your favorite comedian mister my George Carlin bill burr Jim Carrey yes okay oh do it yes George Carlin bill burr Jim Carrey okay yeah you've got those lined up all right yes yeah yes answer good answer oh yes oh so you got sign language there Jeremy I'm just making sure that my apparatuses are completely being taken into consideration I believe it's ever a tie by the way [ __ ] yeah I think that was a good answer all right you ready did you ever actually have a sponsorship at one point no not at all not at all okay yeah look at those lines few gaps there I guess there might be gaps in your thought process something I'm just so never had a I've never had a thought process yeah well never had a sponsorship okay in the whole time I've had a YouTube channel or a twitch stream though okay well thought process thing like I said I am getting more confident that you're telling the truth all the time all right Jeremy did you cancel the glue man animated series yes you did mm-hmm you did yes the world didn't want to know and now they know yes hmm all righty then all righty I'm sensing something different here a little bit of calm on your point I'm wondering what just making sure I'm completely transparent yeah yes I did I got it's it's not happening yeah yep I guess that made you feel I guess that made you feel a little bit more relaxed so we've got them in the right kind of mood now okay now you're gonna answer your hard questions all right here you go you ready do you want us to give you money no no all right okay hey they wanted to know you answered the question all right why are you laughing oh no you're doing fine okay you're doing fine that's all I can say they'll find out remember people are gonna be looking at the answers to these gonna be looking at the graph are you ready how do you sleep at night Jeremy not good no not well no I very badly but I don't get very good sleep or sleep all right I guess I put an O into that no not good sleep all right no not good no no all right oh we got the peaks and valleys right in there again hmm finding more about you about how about you well what do you know yeah I don't know [ __ ] I know one machine the machine is calculating my answers you're not yes it is that's right but I know how to intervene the machine will tell all don't listen to this guy well you what you hooked up to is a little bit Jim Beam there so alright Jeremy yeah uh-huh she knows to - okay machine as you were saying machine now has detected some irregularities did I smash it too much I bump it what do i I think that you perhaps what do I do now break it no would you like to explain you know getting into another question sit down please [ __ ] questions would you like to explain any of your answers no no okay and now sir you will know that your exam is now complete it's complete it is complete so now what now we get to see the answers right yeah you get to see the results yes good can I get this [ __ ] off my hands and you can most transparent god damn streamer on which the most most transparent room here we go put a bad girl what do want to do with this uh no just leave them on the table I'll take care of him need some help my underwear oh I didn't think this was an escape artist sure yep let's pull down your underwear on twitching it banned for life oh my ass is too big I gotta go a little more oh you're gonna it sounds like you're feeding a few more questions alright alright oh let me see this go right ahead so this is all done the exam is done okay you slider hold on I gotta make sure you can see this [ __ ] it's up so we're gonna find out what the room with the truth is is that me that's me yeah that's you all right this is me this is you wife all over the place what'd I tell you back to the beginning okay so have you ever lied to a loved ones what this says it says yes these are the baseline questions this is to get the baseline okay yeah yeah so I just go forward from here mm-hmm okay okay do you eat ass the answer was no that was truthful can you see truthful up there you see that it says truthful the answer was no I do not eat ass give me a [ __ ] break truthful I do not eat ass what about the next one truthful how old are you I said 32 you see that truthful 32 got that one keep going what's your favorite food what's your mission he didn't ask that I said the gorillas favorite music truthful you can see that right truthful that's my favorite music keep going what else we got is that gamer certificates fake the answer was no truthful this is a real polygraph test guys you think I'm [ __ ] around that's a real gamer certificate truthful get [ __ ] what else we got when are we getting the next German Rumble I said 2019 and that's a truthful you know think I know how to beat these goddamn things oh whoops Oh hon yes truthful I'm just gonna keep it there so you can see 2019 do you know the current location of Dick Dastardly Richard the answer was no and that's undetermined we have to get the professionals mindset what do you think way if you take a look at this chart on the airman exactly right exactly is it do I know where do I don't know well hey you wouldn't know right because it's undetermined undetermined you see that [ __ ] right look at that undetermined yeah this guy got me drunk okay here we go I'm determined here we go does baldness run in your family or did you just get unlucky the answer is yeah I said yes that's truthful do you see that it does run in my family my father's bald my father's father's bald how would you not know that yes of course it runs in my family this is a [ __ ] real test okay have you [ __ ] your pants over the age of 20 the answer I said was yes and that was a lie apparently I absolutely have I've [ __ ] my pants over the age of 20 don't believe this I'm not trying to be funny for the camera wait a duck can you take a look at this well there's a certain percentage that of accuracy okay nice test so that could explain so I've no I haven't [ __ ] my pants on for 20 it's a lie have I I don't think I have maybe I have yes I have I definitely have I've made youtube videos about this okay okay says it's a lie god dammit this is how the [ __ ] wouldn't know that all right that's a lie do you hate your viewers the answer I said was no truthful I do not hate my viewers why would I yeah I may have lied about [ __ ] my pants but I don't hate my viewers why would I hit my viewers you guys are the reason why I can do this [ __ ] truthful I do not hate my viewers have you [ __ ] your pants up at 28 do you hate your viewers know okay we go do you secretly dab off stream the answer is no and that was a lie I have never [ __ ] dabbed off stream I've never dabbed off stream ever I've never tagged off stream doc [ __ ] have never dabbed off stream got it so you've never damned but that's a lesson it was a lie okay you know what you no no no no no no hold on a second god damn it [ __ ] I you know I may have I may have dabbed officer up maybe once you got to be kidding me you know I may have done it as a joke - italics one time is like a dumb joke little now that pisses me off that really does you know the dab is doc I do not it's a stupid you go like this and you put your head down it's stupid it's like the all the kids do with these days never done it and apparently I have all right you know let me move this down I screwed this up I freaked out and punched this thing have a dab off stream of course I haven't but it was a lie apparently I have okay next one do you think 80% of these are meme questions and are they dumb I said yes that was a lie I did not actually believe that these were mean questions I thought they were real questions and you know and I tried to lie about it so why you caught me doc yes Jim Beam keep going this is such [ __ ] what is your favorite trait of the community I said sense of humor it's a lie but it wasn't though was it actually a lie or was what else did I say give me a break I really I think you guys are funny I really do I do believe you guys are funny no I you guys are funny this is horseshit I don't I think you guys are funny I really do $35,000 machine that was a lie apparently apparently I don't think that all right yeah almost halfway there keep going do I actually think my jokes are funny right that was the question I said yes truthful I think I'm fun do you think I'm funny truthful I really think that this should I do is funny do you think this is funny that cuz I do all right yes truthful are you currently being held hostage I said no and then it was a lie how is that a lie that's true I'm being held hostage by the machine not this guy not I'm hell apparently I'm being held hostage there you go how would you even get that from this my breathing and this thing is [ __ ] crazy works though are you embarrassed that you peed your pants today I said yes Street I did pee my pants today only a little bit though only enough to be embarrassed by it not a whole underwear photo pee but enough to be embarrassed I didn't shake enough and it peed into my underwear that was that that was the truth goddamnit I can't believe this is real have you actually looked up how to get taller I said yes but that was undetermined as you can see undetermined with undetermined we have to consult doctor so well I have I actually looked up how to get taller well it could have registered your feelings about it rather than whether you actually looked it up so in my head the answer is yes right in your head God says yes give me a break now we know now you know all right keep going this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] I don't even read this do you sit in a booster seat for every stream I said no that was a lie I don't sit in a [ __ ] booster seat that's a but I don't I actually don't do that God the chat I don't sit in a booster seat for you I'm sitting right here don't sit in a booster seat I don't say [ __ ] believe what you want apparently I do [ __ ] me have you purchased a clown car yet I said no that answer is undetermined and with undetermined we gotta get the doctor involved have I purchased a clown car you thinking about it I am you know you're right I am thinking of money you go I it's yep what's up here it's a day ago currently down yeah maybe you know it's actually kind of crazy that all the undetermined are like in your head up here they're in there they're in there somewhere that's insane yeah scary yeah okay undetermined what did you do with the real German i-95 I said yes but again that's undetermined there are quite a few of us there has been at least three of us so who knows where the [ __ ] I really am for real what do you think do I know where the real me is up there somewhere mm-hmm well do any of us really know that's a very good answer do any of us know who the real us is there you go do you do you machine cannot determine a machine can't determine to that are you guys serious give me a break do you hate chat memes I said yes undetermined I'm gonna take judging by this ratio what did I do I hate the chat memes I wouldn't really determine that to be a real definite answer yes I okay I think that I might hate some of them mate okay some of them there you go okay there you go it's true I hate some of them I I despise some of those means but I think some of them are actually kind of funny so all right make sense all right do you want kids again this is undetermined and that's funny because that is that's actually true I don't I don't really know if I want kids actly yeah that's so funny uh have you played doki-doki literature club off stream I said no that was truthful I did not play that dumb [ __ ] game I'm not gonna call it dumb game see the question you want that's truthful I said no do you see that this is a machine this is a 65 trillion dollar machine that does it can't lie I have not okay here we go have you lied answering any of these questions I said yes guess what that was a lie I answered all of them truthfully I was just testing the [ __ ] machine that was lie I answered all the questions truthfully all of them and that's um Joe Joe those goddamn transparent areas is your next project on the main channel and going to be rat movie 3 I said no that was a lie it is these goddamn machines and their AI patterns yeah that's true it brought it probably is the rats are saved this is weird this actually is pretty weird okay do you have a back-up plan job aside from streaming I said yes cryptocurrency oh yeah trading that was a lie I got no [ __ ] back-up plan why is this so accurate why is this so accurate no not completely it's detect the tests are actually not a hundred percent but it can give you a really good picture of what you might not I got no [ __ ] backup planner you guys serious it's just this was that really a picture of your [ __ ] in the fire watch YouTube video I said no that was life rarely that's not even possible that was not a picture of my [ __ ] in that video it wasn't oh god it was a picture I got a picture look back I took a picture of bread and I put it in video it wasn't bread okay I got a picture of bread from Google and I put it in the video and it was funny okay that was not my [ __ ] oh my god all right are you a furry I said no that is truthful take a look at that not a furry machine doesn't lie not a four in case you guys really wanted to know and following up does your mom know that you are a furry I said no but listen all right listen why would all right you gonna you gonna chime in your sis yeah why would my mother know that I'm a furry well how would she know that first of all I don't know your mother right okay so we gotta start there but to be honest with you it's a kind of a backwards twist there because you gave if you gave it the right answer to the question and then you answered a question that had to be a lie then that's a bit of a twist isn't it right and very confusing it probably confused you so my mother yes that's true that's a lie that my mother doesn't know I'm a furry but I'm not a furry so how could I even answer that question take that as you will I'm not I'm not a furry yeah I answered that already that was the last question my mother doesn't know but how am I supposed to even answer that without going down weird paths here okay is the polygraph operator cute I said yes I do you know he's [ __ ] cute all right he's a handsome man it says it's a lie but that don't your handsome man thank you you yeah you're you were definitely a handsome man machine is not a hundred percent what could I say am i afraid of my projects on the main channel or big projects letting my audience down I said no that was for real I am not worried about letting you guys down because what do you think I'm [ __ ] it don't think I know I got the best [ __ ] on yeah I'm ready I'm good don't worry look I'm not concerned about it what is really delaying you making you a late streamer I said I sleep too much that was a lie and it was I'm just not prepared a lot of the times I mean mm-hmm just not I'd that was a lie you caught me in a lie it's not sleeping it's not because I look too low no I'm just not ready half the time really that's the case is it god damn it is Albertson truly your family name I said yes lie what would that even know that seriously I try whatever it doesn't matter it doesn't [ __ ] matter I don't care who cares who cares next question [ __ ] have you been flossing your teeth I said no and yes I [ __ ] flock that was a lie I like to floss my teeth every day up in here into here you gotta floss that was a lie I do floss good machine this thing is actually very accurate as strange as that is yeah thank you for letting us use it next is uh have you been drinking your brain fluid I said no that's a lie but don't even know what then what what does that question even mean have I been drinking my brain fluid I made one joke six months ago uh uh how can I know I don't even know what you what are you even talking about here what saving me I don't even know if that means so apparently I am drinking my brain fluid from time to time you know what that might be true well because I drink ass I drink like a supplemental tea every day I drink like a good tea every day that maybe that my brain and replacing that with that uh-huh uh I said am I tired of peel peel peeling potatoes I said yes this is a non question that was a lie I'm not tired of it how you even supposed to answer that question that makes no sense are you tired of peel peel peeling potatoes what a terrible question I can't let I lied on it all right is auto a giant rat in disguise I said no that was a lie but he's a dog he's a dog he's just a dog he's not him why would I why would my body lie about that that makes no sense does that make no sense it might be sort of an insignificant question to you right so why would that even I mean almost at the end who is your favorite comedian I said bill burr you know this is undetermined I actually don't I I mean that was a kind of quick question I don't know bill burr duh Jim Carrey I had a couple of answers here so I can see how that would be in undetermined so that would make some sense right like my brain can't come to a conclusion right this is this is this is [ __ ] this is no it's not is it did you ever actually have a sponsorship at one point I said no that's a lie but I don't I didn't have a spot what what if I had a sponsorship all right okay you know what I gotta come clean here right you got a complaint if you get caught okay they have a spot I played Fairway Solitaire one time and I told everybody to go get it and that was sponsored video I was it only one I've ever done was like six years ago you got me one time whatever that's I've never had a sponsor whatever did you cancel the cumin intermitted series I said yes that's a lie but what's it though I mean like I did but it's not it's not actively in development right now so what happens if you if your brain lies but your mouth doesn't what does that mean does it mean like I'm scared of what people would have to say [Music] determination on it sure yeah it's funny how actually accurate this actually is what's funny technology yeah okay do you want us to give you money I said no undetermined I don't want you to give me money but look that's undetermined which you know people can give money with bits in subscriptions but does it what is undetermined means that I don't necessarily want it but right I'll take it kind of difficult to say no on that one completely right undetermined that's that's pretty accurate yeah look at that okay a couple more questions and that's it how do you sleep at night and I said no which is I don't sleep very well that was a lie I mean I don't I don't sleep that way I mean I sleep a lot I sleep too much do I sleep too much what you think is it too much or too little we should perhaps put in a YES on that because yeah we're answering a question you were answering the question that you don't sleep well at night but would be affirmative about your answer then we probably should put it put in a YES on that right so that would explain so what happened here look at this I did I like turn off right here what happened here yeah well I guess you could say it's just a bunch of high peaks oh right yeah it's yeah it may be that that may be why the machine is interpreting that as a lie as well okay and then the last one that was it that's the last one that's all the questions answer to all your questions have been successfully answered just go completely just free just free-balling what do you think random random chat questions while we're on just the experience mode experience mode there you go most truthful transparent sphere I'm gonna breed random questions in chat and we're gonna see you and you can determine if if there lies alone okay I'm sorry hey Betty so what we're gonna do I'm like just freelance mode oh okay and you can determine if it was a line on alright but you guys had so much time to give questions all right here we go open interrogation I'm gonna read random questions from chat let's pause it let me get back on connected and I'm gonna open the chat on my phone we're gonna breed random questions and you can by your own admission determine if they're a truthful or not okay this is your last opportunity to add to ask questions okay let's get let's connect it again can we pick up here yep get that situated all right it's a waste I'm going back and we could go for it I'll heard 20 minutes upbeat Jesus a short session so I'm gonna pick out write up questions lightning round and it's up to him to determine if it's it's true and on at his discretion I'm ready wait ready I'll just get this one on my finger here mm-hmm and on the index right yeah yep that's it okay you got it all let me see the chat okay all right let's see so the question here what this is - wait wait what I'm hoping to make a tf2 video why'd that happen here we go all right you can hit the resume button I guess mm-hmm got that going okay I'm ready random questions from the chat room what do you got okay I guarantee I can't see them on here so I'm gonna move I'm gonna scooch closer are you gonna get him gonna get a bad reading here okay all right I'm ready what is my biggest fear you ready mm-hmm drowning [Music] let's see give me a minute here I want to drowning drowning well it's certainly yeah it certainly brings up a lot for you so I would say yes it's true yeah terrified of drowning especially in somebody's pool yeah did you really die in german rumpelstrosse ttan or is your entire life a ruse I was born in Boston and grew up in the Boston area just a second yes thank you thank you real time real time answers here is German craft never gonna return No correct thank you thank you it will never return do you miss star I miss all my friends yes of course I did yep good it's real am i wearing a wig no yeah this is where the machine works correctly because it's it's definitely agrees with the no I don't have a [ __ ] wig on I can't pull this you guys seriously you got alright last one two more am I good at basketball no I'm terrible at basketball not even close hang on truthful answer thank you not very good at basketball is this room pre-recorded no this is happening right now correct see pretty well you're gonna pre-record this dream no way not in a million years do I drink toilet water no it correct but it did make you a little nervous I've never drank toilet water it's just a weird question it's a strange question to have to answer do I do I like Aquaman no I don't yeah you that was truthful he's the worst bar Valero what is it DC yeah I'll come at you see I believe so I'm wearing the Aquaman shirt this character sucks who cares uh have I ever taken an IQ test yes it it's up okay my IQ was 124 mm-hmm bright again thank see see and I am the smartest person that I know I think you might have gone off the charts on that one a little that might have been a little bit of a lie okay I know I know a lot of smart people I know a lot of smart people so it makes sense of course it doesn't 124 IQ they'll [ __ ] proven hooked up to a goddamn machine he goes right do I play fortnight off stream absolutely not no right you got it yep see you guys you can't lie this isn't canon yes it is I'm hooked up to a machine it has to be canon it's God real I can't even answer that question I don't know yep segue to see ya in determine in determine see know how much doesn't know that and let's see somebody said make sure I'm ready for this do you wish you were actually taller no hold on I would say that was a truthful answer what's a truthful answer [Music] and if I ever murdered anybody no and kind of all over the place but I think that comes out as a truthful answer good all right last one [Music] that's a lie I'm not gonna answer how big something is okay he I didn't mirror I didn't kill anybody do I have any tattoos no you're telling the truth see I don't have any [ __ ] tattoos all right I'm not gonna everyone keeps asking about it I'm not gonna answer that question it's very lewd and disrespectful 12 inches it yeah I think it's truthful see I don't even need any more questions you understand you understand the hurt any more questions after that one this thing off me oh wait it's that's expensive that's a truthful answer you got what you wanted that's what you came for but anyways I can't see any money than everybody gave but I do want to thank dr. Schweitzer yes that was a very fun hopefully you guys got some answers to your questions as you head and uh see you guys tomorrow well the next day you got all the e this is what you guys decided to ask I didn't decide I just brought a goddamn doctor in here good night master you can't lie when you hooked it to a [ __ ] machine and this is an accredited doctor this is a doctor you understand he's got his medical license he's got his credit polygraph license Selah thank you again the doctor spikes him okay it was a perfect perfect perfect fun man yeah and yes it said I lied but I did a reverse lied about how he was ever you handsome man see you late again good night [ __ ] [ __ ] this whole thing like the whole thing about dabbing on stream yeah yeah we're gonna get that thing checked out but I got things [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah like oh I'm dabbing on stream no I've never dabbed on stream my whole life except one time some [ __ ] idiot was here and he stayed like a couple nights and he was like oh yeah I'm gonna do dab on stream he was a good shit-faced it was [ __ ] stupid get the thing checked is was it $4,000 I don't know yeah just [ __ ] worthless Thanks oh [ __ ]
Channel: Ster/Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 40,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, ster, star_, shtur, stream, Ster/Jerma Stream Archive, jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, streams, full stream, jerma polygraph, jerma irl, jerma irl stream, jerma lying, jerma truth, jerma q and a, jerma q&a
Id: Iz2Cyj0qe5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 46sec (5566 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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