Jerma Streams - Spycraft: The Great Game

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hey how are we doing you can't help me if you can't handle me of my worst quench your thirst good evening hope we're doing well Friday night and like we typically do on Friday night but I don't know what the [ __ ] we're going to do it's just a bucket mystery every Friday night now I'm gonna play a game called spycraft the great game now I'm not sure if I don't think it's called spycraft the great game because they think it's a great game like people that made the game I think it's just like the game spy like the spy game the great game spying it's not not saying the game is great how dare they if that's the cake any hope given one minute I'm going to get one thing it's going to get my drink of refilled I'll be right back how would you guys possibly know that it's a next worthy game are you talking about net next already we haven't done anything next yeah okay it guys it's going to be next because we're going to take off the stream starting soon screen is that what you guys are talking about well anyway let me get this over here can that bring this over and that you get here okay it is spycraft a great game it's probably going to be pretty loud but I don't know how long this is kind of lastest this could be one of those situations where the game is so unbearable that we have to move on to the next one I do have a next one I have a backup so here we go I've like I've been really into this whole like fmz game thing lately as I'm sure you guys have realized it the last like a couple of months and there's one in particular that's coming out on ps4 that I can't wait to play on launch when everything announced a release date the night trap that's going to be I'm going to like [ __ ] plan that stream out it's going to be like a huge deal when that comes out there doing a remaster on ps4 so we'll see let's take a little see how good this is I don't know and it's time to get started so welcome everybody happy Friday happy Friday and away we go let me just get over here make sure all my ships together in the right spot and it is and right off the bat thank you uh sprite tech for the bits here's some snack money thank you all right well let me get my burps out I had like one or two I'm okay don't worry in a way we go here we go new game couldn't wanna know what I believe what do you believe attention but I believe I was there when JFK got his first look at those YouTube photos yeah we remember the YouTube video he is the eyes and ears of this country when JFK with a youtuber what we see isn't always pretty remember JFK was a youtube sensation things change murders are still running countries armies are still massing at borders people expect to hide all right some things that president who is this guy talking this guy has okay I have a chance here I'm going to give you a criticism about this guy's acting for a politician ignorance can be the key to survival sex right Thanks do that like lip licker that like flexible not your changes we're on the front lines deep inside an Asian jungle a thirty thousand miles above Russia's nuclear ours source and wealth and it's all about a human essence hello is this guy's really awful it really on three seconds right this is this is the script the guys like this actor is going up trying to [ __ ] talk and I'm talking over am I'm gonna shut up I got like three jokes lined up and ye shall know the truth and everything could be like that's not what's on the screen literally that he told me to know one thing it something came on the screen and that's not what he said that guy that actor went way off script too far off script alright so well the Washington they don't have post here I mean obviously they can't do the president will sign treaty in Moscow I can't read any of this [ __ ] like an old TV this is blinking and I got a suitcase and this is blinking or doesn't itself games office of thorns welcome to interlink your personal digital assistant provides access to four critical services data link your connection to other government agencies news link access to the latest news practices web link your gateway to the online world and comlink a mailbox and archive for secure communications for details use the Help button in general you have a message waiting click the comm link button to receive messages next what are you talking about guys with it just just started we're not doing an X this is what you get this this is what you get on Friday night tonight we having to do this like this like got this like done play in this game that you guys have no idea just homes everybody hold on everybody just hold hold your horses you can't say next to the [ __ ] eight minutes of the stream starting let's check our email priority one day do war Hearst Eugene warhorse J Massoud this is honest we've got a situation building the team all right very clearly the government if you like watching the vaad right now that guy that guy pressed like shift or like Xeon on like a [ __ ] QWERTY keyboard and apparently that like takes off the feed we're going to press this running for spacebar and that like to get rid of the feed all right let's close the PDA here we go CIA headquarters Langley Virginia this is a [ __ ] 360 piece that's for a gun over there wait why I just carried a gun in the edge to take my [ __ ] like a loaded gun I'll be back former KGB major Jedi a KGB member made spycraft the great game [Music] Central Intelligence Agency film directed by Ken Burns film production design by Ken Burns all it's this one guys passion project isn't it original music by jaehun Wang now designed and mixed by Scott Martin Garcia don't put your middle name in there dude come on lead programming but they only got so much [ __ ] data let's go you're always in second key card it should not like this CIA it just isn't third full of course Luffman 6/7 they're right in your fresco Sochi producer Michael Kirby yeah that was both now we know the code to get in the room here we go is the [ __ ] Situation Room good not to be because of his wife alright let's get started you all know Bruce Jeffery visibly drunk by the less pressure like I was like meet people this is serious Gina I have chosen Jefferies to run this off got visibly drunkard David hold from the DI and Jamie Seaton from s elyes in-house support he's also going to need a dependable officer to the field this is why your role here lang syne Parker doesn't roads could and thorne I'm thorn a gene promises me you're the best of the new crop now you've got to keep that promise I'll make sure one of them does take noticing me a farm at O six hundred Greece's designed your regimen top performer gets the mission and reports back here for the full briefing good luck alright so we're in the game going to stay in a small window well unfortunately it kind of has to go unless you guys don't you guys like care about seeing like the bottom of the screen like the the items that I have because I can we get to see the full screen but you're not going to see my items you want to keep it as is or what do you think fine fine you won't see the items everyone see the items I mean look guys this game is like a [ __ ] 1994 piece of [ __ ] you know what I mean so we're gonna head out you're gonna have to do you guys need to see the items that are down here see like you're not gonna be able to see this if I go on fire alright so we're going to the farm is the only place we can go the farm what is this [ __ ] music [Music] okay no coughs see [Music] this is not music you would expect at a CIA game it's like off-key what's going in Frank will be with you shortly how's the audio audio good no we're not next thing like I look guys we're not going to next oh do you mean one second while I do this remove this like see I need to be able to Steve grind out look okay now I can see the audio good should I raise it a little bit lower it what you think okay it's good it's good it's good for now I need to break it up get back in here alright uh so where am I see Frank Frank Moe horn whatever that guy who are his dirty chair is him in Richard Nixon bill was the last guy for moms to make it to the top that's the Duke from a critic that's Emily that's decibels days Sheriff from [ __ ] Squidbillies director of training got the other three started not your Terry Bruce wants me to start you with image analysis I've got to attend to something but if you follow the signs down the hall I'll meet you there that's the [ __ ] sheriff from squint believe that vote for do yep what is he mumbling okay could I like snoop on this guy's stuff oh that's okay this is what a gun looks like there's a there's a speaker in this gun that's really secretive cool anything else of interest that I need to look at done okay he's the guy that did it arrested well let's just go image analysis Russian presidential candidate Theodore Dubinski was killed today in the hands of an assassin dumanskiy was well ahead in the polls as of last week the Russian media has raised the specter of mafia involvement Damascus Mosley my one current president Alexander Polyakov will soon be meeting with President Charles Brooks to sign the long-awaited inner treaty which will essentially dismantle Soviet nuclear came to trial I there is no trial I was CIA operative guys this is just a tutorial don't worry Camp Peary I don't think I can do anything go back areas this is the latest and image analysis equipment if a picture's worth a thousand words these puppies will give you war and peace hmm get somebody's license plate cross-check their face hell you can even see if they're in any Iran Audi what we have is a series of puzzles you've got a couple of surveillance many bunches and I've got a couple of questions use the image analysis tools and your noggin and we'll see how you stack up against the others no no wait a minute he had to do like puzzles in front of this guy all right we have to complete some puzzles in front of him and is what we do over at the CIA complete if your puzzles in front of me and then we'll see if you're capable question 1 what is the license-plate number of the brown sedan you need to zoom an optical character enhance enhance you guys that's where we got it he's a report button to the bottom of the tool to send an email when you're done okay so what's the license-plate number of the sedan entering national photographic interpretation Center theory this aerial shows a ranch house where some Mexican drug smugglers are having a little summit you assume at the OCE to enhance the text that brown sedans license plate actually it should be one of our DEA boys who sold out to the bad guys with that guy's all right here we go headed in hell enhance enhance enhance ah cheap you don't have any Jeep the resolution is too small I don't know I don't think we're going to be able to read this his license plate uh-uh what get the license plate of the brown car oh there we go enhance there it is got it right - GG for what I can't even [ __ ] read that report opening email gateway to Frank mill coughs keys question one coding to surveillance photo the license on the car was there it is - GG got it message sent holy cow yes that one damn beside did near-perfect but you did even better Bruce is gonna be real proud the pressed a button on the computer Oh God okay that's going to take a while but it's okay how many tanks in the area have their engines running you leave the zoom and overlay functions to compare satellite images would be it was the CIA guys tanks are usually bigger and terms are a dead giveaway okay good kinds of amateurs ahead give alone a Syrian military base in the Bekaa Valley seconds and infrared of the same place here's the overlay to see how much shy of go gun that a little kid could have done that that's true oh god is this what I'm looking at select images to overlay this one two images are required for overlay select images to overlay image one and two blended Oh God oh that I'm thinking what all right you know what Amy uh-huh okay question two according to the surveillance photos there are there are four tanks therefore tank message sent thank you absolute crap more time and see if you can do a little better if I show this to Bruce he'll think you were guessing the old time probably would have done a lot better if you had openings you damn good way hey Frank ah I think there might be I think there's gonna be five tanks in that image there Frank message sent uh how do you think absolutely crap let's try one more time and see if you can do a little better if I show this to Bruce he'll think you were guessing the whole time I usually would have done a lot better he sure would think he sure would think I was guessing the whole time wouldn't ya opening email gateway we're just gonna get message sent you guys you can't fail this always job wait maybe you'll make the Wall of Fame this is a new gadget from s and T very sexy and if someone smashes the unit camera what [ __ ] there's a chip in here that stores lower ass backups downright sneaky huh Frankie got a camcorder in the works but I'm not sure they worked out the bug oh very sorry time to get serious dead serious okay I want you to head out to the zone Bruce and I will meet you there here we go dead serious big hit hit it's over we're done we are done with the tutorial it's time to get the gunplay okay basic stuff is a squadron of men down there with one mission to drop you yep shoot or be shot got it Monsieur dick best operatives really need to fire weapon oh god you it's just once I miss you died here's your face standard feel sidearm modified to shoot a laser boom serious all right try these new target tracking combat gun it's a paintball matter its isolate buildings even generate real time range readings using the game is tactical is bang hey where are the [ __ ] strict budget put on this [ __ ] paintball massacre always hard I used a DoubleTap chest first to drop them in the kill shot right between the eyes forget headshots kid I'd seen point-blank hits penetrate cover on the skull and shoot out the other side we want the kill and go for the throat okay I stand corrected yeah you now make me proud out there I see the green ok thorn earpiece oh my god have got to do you got rational and fast see the display on the right time I move that's an overhead view courtesy of our satellites the light blue marker is you see enemy is in red or yellow depending on how dangerous he is yeah see you he's red you're not in his line of Sciences you do now green areas of vegetation use those recover brown areas or elevation where the snipers live the black area is open country get in there and you're asking for it a lot of bullets all right how do I move how do I shoot the gun how do i morning what what how I love will enter the line of fire it's a clean image how about me there's no way to move hi I have to go to the top and bottom of the screen oh my god how do i I just really really killing people in my CIA training I'm dead you're no good to us in a body bag get back down there everybody else aced it I expect no less from you and remember aim a little higher than life like at the enemy okay thorn earpiece is up here's what you've got to do if you get a crop though taking place in a pack of jell-o buy on the right that's an overhead view Curtis unclear sound I hate the light blue marker is you the enemy is either red or yellow guys this is just a training imagine when I feel like infiltrate a building he's red if you're not in his line of sight then yellow man a narrow green areas are wretched I know I know how to do that ok good I skipped it so how do I move left and right ok so the guy to the right like this guy okay here we go guy right in front okay guy to the left gotta go down comes a guy where is he got him all right the guy behind me okay now I gotta go this way where is he that guy did not know what he was doing like I had no [ __ ] idea what he's doing oh my god I'm [ __ ] lung warning so funny they just like turn a husband walk some of these guys are much better actor I've got one more were they [Music] I didn't even shoot that guy I got just fell out of the tree hold on wait wait wait got it one more two more mercy where is he what happened I just left not bad I am but I still wouldn't want you covering me in a crunch shut up idiot alright you're ready to move on I've placed a radio beacon in the arena your job is to locate Squier and return use the sad tracking and your goggles to locate the beacon one more thing it's not just some bogey out there our buddy Bruce is suiting up well at the Col protestors people firstly you've got 30 seconds 30 seconds set him loose I suggest you budget your time wisely why am I being lighted in Thornwood you're close to that beacon you'll start hearing it what is he talking about why am I being hunted here bacon I hear bacon something that's so annoying but so obnoxious unemployed Oh God hostile I found the beacon why'd you shoot the Viggen got it now you thought you I got the big I went oh yeah yeah what hey so I cheated there's no rules in the fields just because wait wait a second wait a second nothing you can either who took roost now it's the best I've ever seen the lame shaking the company lost a great one today Bruce Jeffries would have noticed I'll have a man forgets a traitor's notice anything today I'm shooting some front of our game yes when is hundred these cherries would have given us back our good money but now now it's up to you thorne and you guys wanted to leave this game how dare you you made it in here you can make it out there settle the score I don't even understand why waits all underage drinking exercise somebody shot a guy in the head I don't know [Music] now is one of the most outrageous things I've ever seen so what I cheated let me do like karate moves in front of me and there's our shot but okay case officer thorne welcome to interlink oh my god all right got a new email here up Thorne D do it he says I can take me a little while to get over that by Jesus okay we got DCI sterling thorne let's go to my office and not that was so unexpected there's no way anybody could have ever known that was gonna happen what a [ __ ] insane game okay Oh tell this is my computer there's this speaker I think prank call somebody [Music] I make how do I make the call I don't know I got no messages look at that custom PC rig all right let's go let's get moving [Music] there I got my briefcase and [ __ ] let's go let's go DCI Sterling's office another disaster for the agency we can't afford this after Ames we certainly can't expect Sterling's help remember he's a presidential appointee uh-huh company Thank You Jackie Capital 5 bucks and thank you purple for the 10 bucks so what I cheated yeah thanks a lot and Dead's Fino negative $15 morning you've entered hostile line of fire so thanks to extremes of the last three weeks have been through some [ __ ] from the streams as always sobbing rude well glad to hear that man not the fact that you weren't feeling good with a thorn at least I can brew sausage oh hell rest with your performance so I've decided the colonel handled the primary investigation the one he was supposed to run we found the weapon used in Bruce's killing custom out of 5:30 on six with optical scope no prints nothing I put Lange of our current aside we'll follow up gonna end up being named the bad guys the good guys will support the team will pool all the tension is glad some of them no no back channel for private communication I'm saying I'm like okay glad you're feeling that a story two weeks ago the agency resource intelligent a well-placed source in Moscow codenamed birdsong he predicted two assassinations the first one Fyodor Dubinski a right-wing candidate for the Russian presidency the second yeah our own president now Ellis Intel was initially classified as B - like I said reliable and we didn't act on it whoa is B - oh god it's not gonna do the same like hole in the head thing is the front has had it's not going to do that please tell me it's not going to do that no it's gonna do it Oh God I got smiling Wow that was nice I was way more violent in the other one with the bands of dead Russian president Poliakoff face is seriously [ __ ] like she did Arkady tripping that first one to take a joke the first one was like a Halloween prank she rolled him into office holy [ __ ] k birdsongs intel is now a plus which means the president is in real danger wasn't bloody sporadic profile visit to Russia he's going to sign I can show you the first one with real teeth he wants to give fun there's a just angry situation doesn't cool I have to talk secret oh my god and that is a conversation I do not want to have my thorn I want you to meet with this birdsong and find out exactly what else he knows we can only reach birdsong the dead Rock no face-to-face meeting it'll take time so you're gonna have to do better come on any information birdsong as ASAP love good people in danger dangers what they do isn't it why don't we analyze the video first analyze the video no clues no the trick I don't want to analyze that video of you proceed just get me answers and fast this wipe down fire from the line we have our orders it slices down now I'm kidding it was alright so because it's oh no dude it's fine welcome to inside I'll be going for read watch that over and [ __ ] over again I hope not now god we are okay hold on to your lunch but where is this lady she was just inside of a computer okay the Kennedy assassination tools will create a 3d model from video stills the Durant's get that you'll find them on your workstation can't wait let's just take a look at this Admiralty male congratulations you're going to do well out there can feel it of course now it's time to get cracking I'll be around to help you with the Intel you gather you should look over the intelligence on the authorized access page at our data link the general reference dossier am I saying that right no might be especially helpful as always your operations manager will keep you on top of things okay got it let's go to my office okay guys like if you squeamish k80 loading Kennedy assassination tools the view window displays the virtual cameras perspective the blue area is the cameras range at site looking real zoom functions are available on both the camera and the 3d model this is getting complicated use the room to isolate impact points in bullet holes we just got really really complicated okay bullet holes with the trajectory pointer the Kennedy assassination tools will complete a trajectory okay isolate the origin point of the trajectory and locate the assassin Sir Topham Hatt received a suit to Bansky assassination compartment level critic okay building crime scene model red macclare Moscow local time 11:30 connects bullet holes okay well obviously he likes where the words you speaking from okay there's some bullet holes right there's this hint this him [Music] so let's take a look bullet holes right it comes through there move this over this way so I can get a better look right let's pull this out I mean what's what's over what is over here I don't think I did this right [Music] that's not right this is the kind of buzz in a guy to push well this bullet hole right here I wish I could get this [ __ ] thing out of the way permanently okay look here's where he like died right there bullet holes right there right here so there's one hole there but I'm eight I probably came from like that way right okay nice MIDI file you're doing great okay then all right so you got shopping that way let's see if we can get a trajectory here up here somewhere there guy found him found him there he is this that son of a [ __ ] let him that's the guy right come here seven is that it is that a guy just sitting in the window [Music] opening email oh wait Eagle chills destination ID team I found the assassin by reconstructing the bullet trajectory the assassin was I don't [ __ ] know who these people are cancel I can't cancel I can't get out of here I have to this guy message sent okay well opening email got me uh it was the other guy condom message sent what case officer thorn what the [ __ ] stop guessing stop guessing all right okay fine so I know how do I get into them let's do it I got yet okay so much okay it's not gonna close the PDA there it is don't give you the tutorial I got it file at building crime scene model so Red Square Moscow local time 11:13 a.m. can I like move I can't move the camera like over there so okay let's mix and match mean what linking to office of information resources I'm back to like put people's faces together analyze captured stills from source video file to baskets a summations identify possible sub skits with mix and match system create a rendering of the subject with programmed facial features select the feature you scroll bars to adjust okay make four matches initialized ah what unidentified image no I need to write he was male we gotta go okay we got a whole lot of it back it up back it up back it up back it up I need to get like an image of this guy with another guy [ __ ] it's like either that this is this guy this guy okay this guy it's this guy right here these look like smiling it's definitely the guy that has like the [ __ ] black suit on that's creeping in the window it's not like the random teenager yeah think we found our guys there is let's get a trajectory here so from here too from here to here right [Music] it's not that guy it's this guy so that's good wait wait wait where to here right so make sure I get the camera right remember this guy's face he's bald I can't see what colors the eyes are make some match system initialized okay his eyes are blue he's got a bald head no is it this one it's not that one it's this one right I think it's this one those eyes yes he's like it's gotta be this guy right his nose is these are also non distinct [Music] it doesn't have a beard all right search searching no match found [ __ ] what god damn it wait maybe he can I do it like okay there's bald one right here what colors is here all right search searching match got him there's that son of a [ __ ] right there info Phillips Thomas Ellison Thomas Jefferson really Thomas Jefferson shot that guy oh he's in the shooters Club okay classified former operative he's a former up ok support personnel operations log references for the critic positive Macklin got this but embarkment axis known as real likes man and he's rogue you got it report burning email gateway I got our guy found the assassin by reconstructing the bullet trajectory the assassin was Thomas Jefferson Senate expand code name harmonica case officer thorne welcome to interlink got it mm-hmm identify the assassination weapon hey Lorne I'm on my way out need to brush up on my skills at the farm but I just want to say excellent job on the cat you know I got the harmonica stuff to Parker a sign length that ought to keep them busy unless you find him first source or something else when your docket max foster who runs our Moscow station just called me she says the assassination scene is a suit they can't even find the bullet that killed two Bansky huh netting armonica used a stealth projectile one that doesn't leave a trace also not one witness reported hearing a shot even people in Dealey Plaza heard shots lawyers had me open a compartment called pin point it's all about stealth projectiles and it's on the workstation in your dog come on use the ia to figure out what kind of bullet was involved in will know which weapon harmonically yeah what got a hair and you know is did the bullet house did the bullet have a strong jaw use the [ __ ] program that would same Stiglitz day it was all by yourself take out a target with a rusty spoon if he had real perfection he did the job he used it for money harmonic is one of the few okay frightening find yes we got in the middle of the another briefing the I with the Senate Intelligence Committee okay let's go back to my desk pinpoint welcome to SMT click here to begin clearance confirmed compartment pinpoint hacks on my case officer storms loading projectile liquid projectile needle it was an exploding 4d the guys [ __ ] head exploded explosive shell source weapon image analysis let's see hmm okay come up guessing uh I don't think that did me think of it not enhancing isn't doing anything where else are the bullets these here I think they have a bullet hole sign was shotgun I mean isn't that it right there leave the boat holes shotgun ah okay exploding projectile liquid let's take a look at the liquid for now okay shotgun opening is at the gateway bulldoze and advance the assassination site revealed that a weapon fired calcium-based buckshot that's the one and then you can tell those calcium because from the cipher 22 it works one good work case officer thorne not as not it without the projector it doesn't add up check your facts and try again hey thorne try not to guess so much [ __ ] you so it's not a shotgun with a needle pack might be a needle pack I mean that seems like a needle pack could be like a bunch of needles source weapons pulse electric gun electric phase-change capacitor range with a [ __ ] are they talking about liquid mercury linked with a shotgun dissolving projectile probably exploding needles right let's go let's say let me see look at that okay [Music] exploding needles liquid nitrogen needles possibly opening email gateway needle gun wouldn't make any noise weapon fired okay calcium van explosive of frozen nitrogen a needle pack projectile the assassination weapon was the pulse electric gun right message sent right I think that's it I think that's you guys you did it noise got it interesting image merchant meeting with a DCI urgent meeting going I saw your analysis of the video harmonica was one of our top paramilitary ops left the agency about two years ago okay okay interesting image there he is thorn so looks like harmonica wasn't working alone in Red Square I found this picture which I had enhanced by some of my contacts at the national photographic interpretation Center okay let's see yeah there's another guy the NT IC etext snagged his images by enhancing Russian TV video from the assassination day the same stuff you and I were watching in Sterling's office anyway I had them run a standard mix and match on harmonicas friends but it turned up zero show it around when you get to Russia maybe someone has a line or two you got it okay [Music] setup let's get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] get the [ __ ] out of here okay we got DCI Sterling Lee got an immediate meeting [Music] that was very good fake banter by the way hey Wayne told me about harmonica and the peg things just keep getting worse an ex agency man uses an agency weapon to assassinate a Russian political figure even I wouldn't leave nothing to do with volume control there I couldn't assume one of our pace without hope from the inside it is one of our most secret programs tracking down that peg maybe could never have taken that gun out of our hands there's no way it's a secret program at CIA huge sylheti out into the field they're all doing it let's find that peg and let's find this harmonica where all yell at the end of our sentences to emphasize extreme discontent don't forget about good sir this is when you start really low and then you get really high very quickly case officers to line what welcome to interlink find the peg thief possible lead not your usual subject let's just get this one out of the way let's computer when we completed the peg ourselves and our Intel for such years ahead of anyone else in electric gun technology we built the whole thing in-house at the input side facilities there wasn't even outsourcing for components I put up a link to the security database for info sighs I can't wait till I get music done the gun is the best part of the whole game all right North Jamie told me she called up a security model on the info science company we've been using the sense of the Aldrich Ames miss people figured we should have known he was a bad apple because his work habits were irregular yeah so now everyone keeps tabs on everybody Thorne you've got to get to know these info the only four who had access to that weapon security breaches don't just happen when the FPL that savolta by security camera photos voice recognition to elevator records hopefully our thief left some footprints or voice Bert's good luck nickel such thing as a voice print Google telephoto Jaime pölten the design scheme set very interesting in fact I might have contact with the SVR who can ID harmonicas partners in crime hmm cool okay let's close this we got some investigating to do let's go to Moscow well [ __ ] disc 2 we're good hey we're good didn't you do [ __ ] case officer thorne welcome to interlink all right Tommy's in town so he's in Moscow your colleague mr. Liang has also been on a harmonicas trail but our boy Phillips isn't the only one with his sights on Moscow's I'm sure you know take a glance at newsLink Brooks to Moscow nuclear threat [ __ ] are you talking about what downloading National Intelligence daily easy downloading national intelligence president nuclear threat sources in Moscow say there was a break-in at a nuclear facility north of the city sometime in the past several days tonight Russian military officials confirm the break-in but deny that nuclear materials may have been taken an elegant sources suspect Russian mafia involvement keep down to the grunion black marketeers in league with a thriving Russian mafia frequently steal food and medical supplies for resale to a beleaguered public and now appears they are moving into the more lucrative arms pizza I just got on TV in Russia - okay well this one president Brooks is readying for a trip to Moscow in a few days to sign the in treaty with Russian President Alexander Polyakov many see these ends treaties as a welcome relief to the Russia movie negative is not a matter for college welcome the joint denuclearization policy others such as presidential candidate you when your local news station switches to a close-up of the anchor point offset oh god its heads gonna explode Russia's own president will sign away Russian security for dollars and the Russian people must don't blow that up cop auction away their strength to the highest bidder president Brooks visit to Russia will include a tour of Moscow a president all right whatever let's [ __ ] do it station let's let's go let's start our investigation the ally of the lobby hmm fill in the alley Russian ally okay time for some investigating look at it follow the [ __ ] slime trail okay getting a little creepy here bald slime trail [Music] only one way to go Oh Oh okay nothing in the alley it seems okay well we're going to go to the lobby hi I'm max foster such anyone else's stop guessing okay took a very long time Harry J Morris told me you're poking into the Russian mafia you want to talk to URI groan Chesky he's with the SVR that's it all right great - who is he who is he URI works with the SVR s mafia Crimes Unit I'll help with your investigation of the Russian Mafia's involvement in the pig theft cinema copied the image of gravity assassin he's looking into it okay freezing and second how do I contact URI I'll shoot URIs number to your PDA you can call him from your office right column from my office give him a call is there a place I can go to a bathroom you can up here since I'm office down the hall nothing fancy just a place to collect your thoughts review notes make calls and use a computer okay that's a constant grinding we asked for a new security system two years ago but we're still stuck with 1970s technology well that's too bad where is everyone everybody's in the field I'm all that's left to mine the store since the budget cuts whose birdsong we've had birdsong investigating the Mafia because we want to keep an eye on their efforts - okay kill a man local mafia thug kill him people tried to give him a gun all right what kind of Intel can get more information about the president's hit okay okay I said a meeting it's not standard operating procedure but we don't have a choice so he reluctantly agreed to meet in this apartment the only place you feel safe these days all right so I got a okay we got two okay interrogation bullpen Pearson foster interrogation hmm interrogation who do we got I don't think we have anybody excellent nobody there okay I'm black here join URIs number okay let's go just call this guy 2 3 3 4 8 1 9 2 3 3 4 8 1 9 2 3 3 4 8 1 9 2 3 3 4 8 1 9 3 3 3 4 8 1 9 2 3 3 4 8 1 9 2 3 3 4 a well I want to make a phone call I don't care about the [ __ ] camera 2 2 3 3 4 8 1 9 this guy's office 2 3 3 4 8 1 9 okay 2 2 3 3 [ __ ] for 8 1 9 9 Chrome just a few they just talked this whole I'm expecting to a call you see further than that [ __ ] oh yes I have received photo from foster in Hell me you have called the right man come over any time my office is in your navel thank you right okay case officers join sound hack is your friend I don't know if you'd read about the IAT on CIA you like enough of these abbreviations the earpiece of the feature I like to call it sound tak just use the code words news flash and you can pay to me anytime you're in a bind I can also send one spine crushing noise through the AI eighty throwing the strongest person off-balance I've prepped a sound hack test okay sound hack test news flash oh my spine oh my [ __ ] spine that hurts okay let's go Allie no all right birdsong look you who should we meet birdsong are you seven oh let's go to Youssef no it's [ __ ] see what he knows hello you must be sold another seal Here I am it is my pleasure to meet you mm-hmm pleasures all mine news flash I want to news flash this guy he said stack it is available my genital has had talks with your mr. sterling about the Dubin scheme so the guys and he is satisfied that it was as you say a former agent ethnical only I am a good soldier so I must also be subtly the same offices the lady how can I be of assistance this is the exact same office as the lady except to rest a little differently same desk they just put different [ __ ] on it and let me move with this out of the way you got anything you're not following back [ __ ] over your dear mafia a healthier kitchen or in Russia but an unsure but I know who can tell ya I didn't get that family didn't go for them Kalugin right comes cause dude he doesn't America complete Roberto sociable us Richard he just said get the American yeah newsflash no posh oh you wanna Kalugin this is thermosphere a oh it's very nice to meet you Athan although you happen to know the two men in the background of this photograph well this picture was obviously taken when for the Dubinsky was assassinated here the one on the left is called Elia he used to be crime from failure he was shot in the head by one of his henchmen over a pair of blue jay that's right oh the person's Russian rostrum friend well the other one is big I do not know him by name so thank you what if he said well I stretch it what it is like well excuse me a new splash - you Americans but we do not take it in bags to receive it when your torjussen what zero support okay they sang with this little burner or is that mean don't don't do Sudan yet that means that means get the Americans ok how is the Russian mob he becomes a powerful I hear you have problems with the Mafia that is an understatement the Mafia is everywhere countries they are even behind one of the presidential candidates faculty children goodbye I know I'm just kidding can you prove that churbanov the Mafia can't have proof in my heart I have proof I'm not sure the Bernanke's his hands in their pockets I hope yet the proof good tell me about the Russian mafia it has grown fret on the milk of two cows drugs and corruption last year newsflash Republic shifter I can't wait to use I billion US dollars virtual which shoots the rest of you ladies are making puppies make of all these drugs Worshipful russia unknown with organized crime ah man I wish it were without the government did that really fueled extraordinary growth and organized crime there are now five round making finances controlling forty thousand private enterprises including agency failed shops depots and hotels in Moscow this corruption is corrupt even and one government and that is why I am I find a new way to compare them all this like all this story and [ __ ] is I get your sinkhole cool yeah but like I get we're gonna get we're gonna get an opportunity to brown note somebody that's probably gonna be this guy this is like another operative or something we're about to get like would rather be in deep [ __ ] right now I hope you guys are ready oh I wish you didn't come here they'll find out you got to get more information on the assassination I cannot do you know what I must do to get the information they question my loyalty they want me to kill a young mafioso to prove my loyalty right I cannot do this yes you can kill the Mafia so I will do as you ask even though it means I must kill someone I hope this hurts your soul as much as it hurts mine so I will do what I must to get another meeting with my contact hold on Adam how is this guy gonna kill anybody with max again soon now I must rest so please leave silently alright that was much easier than I thought of that it's walked in and said hey kill him okay I feel her what'd you say nooks for sale ringing in my ears what your phone has been ringing off the hook and I'm not a secretary you may want to come back here and check your messages up [ __ ] okay oh this one nooks for sale hold on to your breakfast German TV is running this promo for a news story about a stolen nuclear weapon he did some poking around in German intelligence they say that he isn't as bad as it looks what that actually functional someone removed the mmm Germans like to think the sellers had enough conscience to hang on to really dangerous stuff German TV they're much bigger than that that's like a silent [ __ ] much information about the Germans as they can they're being pretty tight-lipped back in Russia this is a serious voter Poliakoff political is predicting a major shift in the polls Sorbonne all should pass and look in a few days okay so let's close this let's go to the lobby to do some computer analysis throw on the bullpen I haven't been here yet what the [ __ ] is this we gonna put somebody in here Oh men oh man it's going to guys this is worth it this is worth sticking with this game we're going to put somebody in an electric chair so hold on to it because we just we got to do this [ __ ] now I like messages or something what messages from Chesky here my friend you wanted to make sure of enough I have arranged it oh yeah with me alongside the junior center one hour one hour anymore okay well that's it there was one message I was told I have messages like off the hook we gotta go one hour he has a video game so it means like one hour doesn't even matter he's back here right he's gonna be back here he's like been behind this is the station right where the [ __ ] is this guy there it is Vilnius here we go here we go guys get ready this could be very this could be heavy burst or turbine off wait I thought you I thought he arranged some meeting did he get pulled in or did it I told him I forgot our involutions oh god here we go like a dead dog in Sharpedo the ice-truck northagen yeah cool in a cage recap dylan touvell oh [ __ ] on me not Lucas rollers kokuboro see you who the hell knows I can't hear what he thanked them I don't know anything tell that person [Applause] shouldn't they all just looked at me the same time Oh God here we go Judi drum chips and this is thorne I wanted to show how deeply organized-crime butter made to Russia I could think of no better place to start big play-doh Brown now now could be I Siri I welcome you to our fine country north I hope you're here as an orange with his talk of mafia conceals a defeat for you well how is Alexander yeah why did we tell the guy that you're under the weather I imagine you are a mouthful power you don't care if you drag Russia don't forget it you know the only way to win desolations will destroy your opponent's occupation love lives when he gets talking about Meghna call me introduce torn from the United States who will pull your coats task force from Chesky it is showing torment he's dead so the butcher has become a babysitter huh what did you just say to me I think you d here is just accuse me of having Dubinski killed how dare you say such a thing it is so like Polyakov he begins to feel a little pressure and instantly he sent his militia and his Yankee cronies on the compassion newsflash each country newsflash here this conversation is over excuse you okay so what what did that do for us doesn't do anything for it what the hell that didn't do anything come on what the [ __ ] well I got a blank person waiting on you what we've got Intel waiting for your analysis back here getting back to Langley might be a good idea let's go back to [ __ ] America yeah please okay back to America time to put in disc one what's that it's already in their friendship link went up we have some more evidence to analysis sighs could I have said that any words pinpoint security model here we go Central Intelligence Agency 30 model 347 I thought that that was - I was about to [ __ ] be very very upset load security module Benton lieutenant warranty okay qohen dr. Darin em look a guy that junk Thomas Jefferson McGruder dr. Kate Sun dr. leach a wasn't for security model online to display suspicion Cowan dr. Darren M for personal information click the folder icon calls from unknown locations have been recorded good locate point of origin Gary going well over Darren going cold like a sex one number you did a lot of things last night yeah well I suppose are you is there probable no no no no no good so I was thinking I promised why don't I remember giving you this number you're not interested oh no I mean no no no no well it's just a Betty we'll be in town and we'll do it some other time good call discover okay where was this searching positive batch we have an address Canada analyze transmission Wow all right I got data acquired searching match phone it was this person okay it's this lady I get an intelligence report an agent has been compromised is working for hire god of me I know I know this line is secure right of course this guy all right so if she did she did something she did something wrong I guess okay well let's just keep going we got we got this person now what is this half hours building access has been documented why did they Photoshop the [ __ ] car too and pipe in his mouth really we've got like a skinny face this one I don't know what colors hair is it's got glasses though have all this one do this one or this one snow is a little bit like actually like this one maybe searching searching match found got him got your [ __ ] got him case officer stolen welcome to interlink that good one report the results of Investigation mail gateway peg was stolen from info sides by this person that lady message sent got it I'm impressed at the solid lead I see here link to Cohen but how did you get into that building until that weapon how she got the tagging if she did the actual stealing Victor Victor gender okay stop guessing that wasn't a guest alright so 2:01 fine accent oh my god have a [ __ ] room see this is like all over the place right now solid guessing all right let me open this back up again security model let's do like Cohen Cohen dr. Darren and off-hours building and there's a thin document off-hours building access laboratory access records removal of info science components has also been documented Aaron Cohen a stitch in time saves nine okay Darren Cohen a stitch in time saves nine why would he ever why would you record this okay is there a reason to record that Darren Cohen a stitch in time saves nine let's analyze it okay it's Darren Cohen there he is married 13 years why because it rhymes well I guess called from unknown location we are echoing me oh hello mr. Hamlin got your fax what the hell are these line-of-sight issues are issues - itit is there as we've compensated by boosting UV intensity good targets gonna shove it'll become very hot and an unprecedented range the brass will be happy I promise it better be your ass is grass you got that I understand okay searching well we got it tonzura has located emerald C's Hotel Miami Beach analyzed that transmission Chris Baron Cohen who the [ __ ] is this we got assistant to be Darren Cohen Mr Hammond oh okay he says he says his name [Music] okay analyze that - no match we mean no match whatever it may be there's probably a smoking gun somewhere another phone call daran gone hi oh yes hello every time it's a scary smelling talk to a woman Friday late late yeah that could be arranged searching so we got cheating on his wife is he but I don't know if he's like a [ __ ] bad guy or anything hello very good sample I believe we were discussing clear marks right here wait wait no wait a minute that page you know yes she is probably working on this infrared you really shouldn't call me okay there it is that's it gets a really good sample I'll hang up see you tomorrow night let's see who this is okay give me a [ __ ] give me a source here no match these [ __ ] series oh god damn it some irregular elevator regular elevator you've been documented okay he wasn't supposed to be here okay I mean that's just him right like I don't know I think I don't know what color hereas I think he had black hair on that image let's go like this that looks all right I don't know his eyes let's go here I can't see his melt that well let's just see if we can get back searching no match found yeah searching no match found I don't support a [ __ ] in there searching no match come on searching match various got them all right distant research scientist DDS T private correspondence hmm okay let's what the [ __ ] is in the deal boy how'd you guys get this number searching are you gonna positive matching where that was all right fine [Music] security model on Benton hours building access has been documented as the surveillance case officer thorn welcome to it okay um opening email gave me I mean - Margie I think it was stolen from this guy off hours he was here he was assisted by his assistant by her nastily FBI can apprehend them at oh [ __ ] go back right we're pretty sure they was in Quebec message sent and here we go no good [ __ ] hey Thorne I had FBI counterintelligence after lewd crap opening email got gesture you stuff get but it's like so much I have to like listen to somebody audiotape Margie and they were assisted by mr. Hanlon and the ANA can apprehend them at UH East College Washington DC a complaint clue message sent yeah I know no good all right so obviously I have to [ __ ] was find like the smoking gun but like that I'm talking and talking about the [ __ ] gun I'm going to power through this game because I need to electrocute again the [ __ ] electric chair but you guys understand that like this is the sure this is boring right now this is boring but we have an electric chair there's a [ __ ] electric chair [Music] security model on Lawson let's do this place let's get back to the sky dr. Daren regulatory has recorded removal of info science components has also been documented ok so he taught removed by Kate by duck Kate replaced by Darren so dr. Kate like they took something out and put something in ok I can do type in his mouth and then he the phone up Darren gone actually it's sergeant going over general how are you sir excited Darren eminently have you sharpened your bayonet I most certainly have am I getting no good oh [ __ ] off a regular elevator use regular weapons lab access a regular elephant lab level reasons for filing access time not concurrent with subject established habits we went to the lab access records for reference pulse electric gun removed and replaced Aaron Cohen a stitch in time saves nine ok and there he is should I just like I mean wait that's not the same guy that ain't the same dude is it some folks it's the same person I could be wrong mouth is it the same guy searching no match found he does look different he looks very different searching no match found yeah he got fat different beard I don't know no it's definitely that one it's probably like the wrong nose maybe that one what was eyes searching no match fun [ __ ] what like blue eyes searching no match found searching match found wait is this him this is saying this is his this his face is a different guy Federal Bureau of Investigation accessed Sizwe Special Agent retired intelligence report also known as Grendel okay we got an intelligence report at this guy so this guy's like pretending to be this guy this is nice doctor okay so Wayne Allen was like pretending to be dr. Deron Cohen Darren Cohen me oh hello mr. Hamlin got your fax what the hell are these line of sight issues are issues okay there it is there is again yeah yeah different guy so it was Darren : being assisted by [ __ ] where was this taken searching Emerald C's Hotel 400 Collins Avenue Miami Beach Baron Cohen Cohen being a super guy this guy got your back by Wayne Allen and and they're gonna be seen on the look of that we've compensated by boosting UV intensity good sound of a god and an unprecedented range the brass will be happy I promise it better be your ass is grass you got that I understand I really must get back to work go to it see you all Friday let's not go man very well see you on Friday see you on Friday okay case officer thorn what okay okay let's give it a try opening email gateway peg theft it was stolen by Wayne Allen and the thief was assisted by dr. Baron Cohen and the FBI can apprehend them at 1400 Collins Avenue Miami Beach Florida message sent Bagon Bagon what a thorn I had FBI counterintelligence [ __ ] other they want wrong wrong way around no that was the correct way opening email gateway that was perfect alright the peg was stolen from emphasized by dr. Deron Cohen the thief was assisted by Wayne Allen the FBI can every hand them at 1400 Collins Avenue Miami Beach message sent [ __ ] god dammit Bighorn I have FBI counterintelligence [ __ ] for the pulse electronic gun what is this where C's I squared okay is that her yeah that's her it's her all everytime a regular elevator used in making sure was her every time I eat grass on stream of kaki talking about it has to do with these two ha unless I want to just look at all the pictures here's this guy yep there is again there he is again and he had [ __ ] up elevator use he went into the lab to the electronic on Benton lorem Warren Benton Warren Benton Warren Benton Warren Benton guys this is for the electric chair okay that's why we're all still here grass what happened streamer eats grass I don't understand why is that what he does we're talking about all right what about Lee Hagar okay we have a regular weapons in a regular pulse electronic gun removed at 7:30 and get was replaced of three hours later a nut graze the answer but that's [ __ ] pretty pretty pretty dark why are they taking this gun out I don't understand this is me mr. Sam yeah right this is Margie from intellibid customer service let's listen to this how'd you guys get this number and as a matter of procedure we have to inform you that we have contacted a collection I gotta go so this is him just getting like okay so it's not this guy this guy's didn't pay his bills it's [ __ ] dr. Warren Cohen and like somebody else listen to the [ __ ] phone records we're gonna really listen to all the phone calls for dr. Warren calling Darren Darren Darren : so he's having an affair with that lady yang what about this one Derek : actually it's sergeant going in general how are you sir excited Darren eminently sharpened your bayonet I most certainly have excellent Betty and Sarah doing well so everything's wonderful good I'm calling to remind you about the map exactly I left them in that job of yours after our victory and Chancellorsville they're still there mm all right what's this last phone call here Darren : me oh hello mr. Hamlin got your fax no this one Darren : hi there oh yes miss lady hello I believe we were discussing SATA no Friday late Friday late yeah that could be arranged you know Betty's she's out of town actually yes she is probably working on this infrared you really shouldn't call me then I'll hang up see you tomorrow night all right goodbye where where see you tomorrow night we're at two three three one for East Rockland Street Washington DC okay let's go opening email gateway stolen by Darren Cohen assisted by yang the FBI can apprehend Yin at two thirty forty-five whatever I'll Brocklin streets that's gonna be the one message sent come on case officer storm [ __ ] damn it hey thorn I have FBI counterintelligence what about okay hold on what about this opening email gateways is innocent so it's stolen by Wayne Allen it was assisted by Jing and the FBI can apprehend them at the one is from the place in Florida message sent no dice wait what this is correct you can win when talent huh not that just one problem we did it other address other address other address other address other address got it opening email gateway got it got it the address is Rockland get it message sent that's the one yes yes put the door in first I spoke with Jamie so it took two operatives to steal the Peck amazing I can't imagine that they're working for anyone except prophet no word on the ex FBI man Wayne Allen but our friends at the bureau will no doubt be hunting down Ying Chun Ling nice work we'll talk after we've acquired okay that's all we can interrogate now I think this is what we were this is what we were doing this whole thing for reporting immediately one urgent directive report to rural route 9 in Halifax Virginia immediately okay okay looks like we're going to Virginia boys and girls Virginia no source you go Oh actually Wow really sorry about the theatrics but under the circumstances they were necessary it's this guy's like the fat president guy I'm sure you recognize bill Colby one of my predecessors is language bill caught me Don I kept bill up to date on your progress impressive so far you success why we've brought in you she's got a problem at the agency armonica couldn't have known about the peg we developed it after he left that means that someone within the agency is leaking to somebody hostile and that's somebody is even waltz right into one of our most secure installations and make off with a highly classified weapon a moment when there could be more damning than Ames I know your slate is full one but we need you and if you're successful you can write your own ticket I'll add bill to the communications loop direct all of your thoughts on the mole to him he'll keep either a employee hilt otherwise kind of command remains I don't want any of this getting out understood under the bed at this moment this is deep as it looks the agency is history CIA is not going to be history okay time to be [ __ ] history case officer story it's a mole welcome the whole agency is gonna young got away Oh got word on the bust yeah we're on the bus the nation got away clean somebody on the bus playing exhale from the scene together right now look no no more and he's no more analysis yet so you know there are several reasons people betray their country some of them are better than others I'd look for certain personality traits when I was recruiting people looking to upgrade their lifestyle she dreams night don't think money sex and whatever else you can give them you see they leave a trail again clock Amos was an upgrade er and we caught it that's why I always look for the ideologues yeah why is that guy croelick wind clearing ceilings and if they're good their motivations are personal shut up old-timer oh yeah damn I just want to [ __ ] shock somebody spine hi thorn radios office asked me to tell you the stuff from Rockland and in your office it looks like being was passing codes probably the old I'll send you some cipher tool than a brief synopsis no more tools no more tools I just want to electrocute somebody look at the cipher tool in the workstation oh god there's more [ __ ] to have to do frakking Yin we need to track down I'm getting buried and plus I sprained my ankle and he's a [ __ ] x-rays what they got the selling he was like leaving okay close the PDA back to Langley go to my office get into my office and go to the stupid computer eclipse cipher are looking to eclipse oh dear God what sterling Peter Reid he had access to the peg scientic technology peg Oh God Peter okay Darren Cohen yep Victorville ala access Peter Hanlon this guy was the director of new groan Giovanni okay George Lucas all right that's the weapons department let's go back well to anybody else had access operations Russia operations technology Steve Collins Collins Steve okay he's single okay uh Warren he had action Joseph special-ops eagleshield Oh God Bukowski how many [ __ ] people were like had touched this weapon Seaton Jamie an it's like playing that pipe connecting game faster Maxine Murray Oh Colby Williams okay that's great that's that's just great stuff okay got it so decay Salazar thorn welcome to interlink I need to go back back back back back back pinpoint cipher use the cipher Lu to decrypt encoded messages okay lunch the following files are available for decoding where where are they again we're not here I thought she was gonna send me a code case officer thorn opening email gateway okay ah team I'm continuing with the Eagle shield assignment as sexist a threat to the president Brooke for the safe standing of n-butyl Gloria JJ there is no new intelligence to report at this time message sent okay so I thought those Red Sox welcome to SMT clearance confirmed do I have any other images is officer thorne uh [Music] case officer thorne welcome to interlink news flash [Music] case officer sawing oh this is so important to have to finish this so that has to do something with this then has to Riley Peter Asians log Seaton Oh Jamie and me hold David Martha's just like they trained him to shoot the gun I got the use of one time the codes are on my desk [Music] Beowulf okay imagine the possibilities having your favorite books in electronic form digital books book club and it's an actual ad for like one of their services Oh what the [ __ ] is this look at this old ass webpage tell me about this month's books Mars what is it order this US government five four five nine oh look at his planet over here hard drive hairy the qanun is still available for only $11 okay fine I've are there codes in here there's so much potential guys you don't understand case officers gone so much potential case officers gone okay let's just go to the desk what the [ __ ] what is this what is what is this book oh my god it's an actual full book I broke the game oh thank you there has to be like a secret code somewhere in here right the end read it no I'm not going to read this whole book that's not going to happen [Laughter] look at this [ __ ] joker face yeah sure okay so I just actually ordered somebody's short story listen a decision to Rack so Jeff's a rack so smells I love you could you say what could you say but game over and when he was gone and when the police had cuffed him and taken him downtown this endlessly elaborate painting on the screen the rabbit hound screensaver paying in perpetuity was all that was left to delete okay case officer um we're gonna close this cipher lunch I don't have any [ __ ] codes I don't have any codes to lunch those weren't actual codes okay just [ __ ] books those things were actually just [ __ ] books what is this posting message 2 News with no further evidence leave look dolls are definitely codes look at those code alright cipher got it link established in that oh boy I've decoded got a decryption being successful ok that's not correct decoded we're doing - Paulie alpha also not standard transposition decryption unsuccessful bail books oh wait a minute what about books wasn't over the stupid name of those books that I have the wolf or something great catch me decryption unsuccessful that's got to be like one of the books right the Khan and I decryption unsuccessful [ __ ] Beowulf it's not bills decryption success why was it a wolf holy [ __ ] you guys are right somebody was right Beowulf should I keep my voice is higher the risk the [ __ ] stream Grendel Miraj said nukes you acquired a dubna will bring a good price call the buyer as soon as I'm done of Moscow I'll join you in Istanbul my thoughts are always with you Raven whose name was Grendel somebody had like a Grendel codename case officers are we going welcome to Intel's no don't wanna report this yet where is it eclipsed Grendel looking for Grendel reveling Peter Reid known acquaintances what what the [ __ ] is way you see like their dumb names no affiliates right known names where's it opening email gateway Mohandas I need to find Raven now list across from Louis suspect sound two team eagles Shahab on cancel [ __ ] whatever team LegalShield message sent case officer spoke got it good work on narrowing down of all suspects i will do a little more digging in their records I'll drop you a line if anything else comes up sincerely mr. Colby got it [ __ ] is this pan picture answer it's wait by the phone so the rabbit hound is what are these case officer son okay I want to go to this so they're in the Sterling alias Peter lockable not applicable any sale jean-joseph eagleshield here we go alias Ashley me daily is not applicable alias not applicable William Cole Cole okay max claw no Cass classified Lauren it's probably him honestly it's probably him that's what the books are for it's not her oh I thought it I thought it was classified like I couldn't read it because it was classified that's his actual name or it is literally classified I don't think is I think that it's classified what his alias is let's make a report opening email gateway bill I have narrowed the list of possible suspects down to write one message stay I'm gonna say the same thing every time case officer son yeah I got it okay Donna we just gonna find Raven we're good magis we need to go to eclipse we just have to find who touched it we just have to find Raven you're grown not this guy ask powers not George Lucas no known aliases I don't see any aliases here no one acquaintances don't really know no known aliases okay not this guy either not the weapons Department scientic technology weapons not nothing Hanlon no I was just here the DC DD sterling god damn it operations or not him special ops no not these guys Russia ops Technology College Jam it is Julius [ __ ] come on right it's nobody I don't have anything ugh just click every single button no no this is I I don't think it's I don't know not know this claw cult mmm na na na ashen claw all right do I have to be yeah I guess I do Julius action one these are this is it is literally a bit you I can't click on any of these new electric chair yourself all right it's not an all right who is it who the [ __ ] is it case officer thorne welcome to interlink we think established to National Security Agency does imagine we getting in the chair let me see Beowulf again decryption successful its Grendel and Raven just in case Alliser thorne welcome to interlink I'm gonna close the Pete report the results of your investigation no let's go back click my phone is rang I have any messages I don't have any messages [Music] it's something to do with like those stupid books let's just go to Moscow and see if anybody knows anything there's any new info dawn coming to the alley I must talk with you what we got it into the alley it cannot be seen with you but take this it should be interesting reading during things are not what they seem think who benefits most from do banks kill death I don't know oh yeah and who are polyakov's cronies what's a grass meme what it was is grass Joe the hammer and sickle still weighs heavily on our night should I be getting this and I understand this joke grass case officer thorn get me off the hook thorn I told you I'm not your answering service your phone is ringing off the hook again I leave for [ __ ] like 30 minutes yeah I left like 30 minutes and all of a sudden like my phone's ringing off the hook sorry sorry dude you go to Russia for 30 minutes you know what I mean though all right look somebody called what the [ __ ] are you talking about my phones are ringing off the hook all right well my items don't see the URI aliases Reaper and kurama's did now it's not Raven for the hood of Moscow Michael runnin Robert rushes an American ambassador playwrights this dude [Music] Russian phone is false wait it's the Russian phone full it's my Russian office full of messages no success how what it means is it let's take a plane ride and find out if I have any messages alright let's go to the totally offices other phone has any messages what the [ __ ] wait who what Thorne it's birdsong I gave them what they wanted and gained their confidence of but such a price I've done a terrible thing where did it go it will convince myself that it is for good reason but I am uncertain I'm uncertain about many things please awake my next contact anything else ok so he did a job but Moscow station I don't this matters they groan the Dozen ok nice officer thorn can I like get any more books let me order some books the rabbit hound I already have this one no step out of I felt like I've been missing like bits to wear this I'm looking at the photo Parker he is not the only one out of commission lying as am ia I had to cut his PDA out of the loop in case he's been captured need to say it thorn but it's down to you on a sigh oh wait partner laying on our only worries we've got to make sure Moscow State for the president to sign the end treaty Bronx approval rating is dropping take a look at the news link downloading national intelligence daily okay dirty politics alright hope pull plunge all right let's see the poll plunge Russian President Alexander Polyakov is being accused by subscribing to a presidential candidate Arkady tripping off of using strong-arm tactics to push through the ratification of the end treaty Polyakov recently revoked all kind donation approved are entreaties sign it something that most Russian political analysts say he is not empowered to do critics at Polyakov say he is actually backpedaling from democracy by signing treaties dates Polyakov made no public comment on the matter I've come to the realization that like you who cares about the honestly who gives a [ __ ] about the items they don't [ __ ] matter let's get like a bigger picture for you guys the items will be meaningless you don't need to see them yeah that's there there you go you agree agree agree right is good proven rating president Brooks approval rating reached an all-time low today 74 percent of people surveyed believe he has not shown sufficient world leadership and according to the polls that doesn't sit well with the average American what items do I currently have I have opening email gateway I've located God she it he's she or it Wow uh she stated in the encrypted message that he would be in Paris I [ __ ] him out message sent doesn't add up you've got dead okay sir salon right that guy's alive it's in the books case officer sir [ __ ] me I can actually read the books what a joke I don't want to read these books God fine I don't want to read the books I don't want to read the books help luck tell everyone a chicken nugget somewhere in that nugget there was a 14 1 2 to 14 he was Genghis the Great Khan and blood and glory the ax would and sure I need like I need to go a little [ __ ] drink I need the goods ready you guys ready for story time all right I'm gonna be right back I'm gonna pee in his drink I'll be right back I'll see you guys in like two minutes I'm just going to pee and get a drink and then you have to [ __ ] read a book I'll be right back you all right let's go before we go though let me say I'm going to catch up on some of these bits I missed some of these people that gave money over the course in the last hour or so Dan with wings thanks for the ten bucks stick with it bud I'm going to getting somebody in that [ __ ] electric chair I don't think you guys realize thank you though Adamic links for the ten bucks also store me to thank for the ten bucks they just say cheer 1000 then hater thank you for the bits let's analyze the video that's from two hours ago yeah I wonder what video he was referring to that tacky cat thanks with five bucks and right now right now somebody just gave bits but I don't see it I don't notice it there it is okay each just gave ten bucks levied remove and watching for the longest time love your stuff will thank you eats 4x thank you the $10 also thank you to a Slade dead spino again no no not this you know that Gordon we're good I'm sticking with us until somebody goes from that chair and that might take another like two [ __ ] hours you guys you understand this right it could be like two plus [ __ ] hours that's a it's not going to be worth it at all at all all right let's go what I have to do have to read the books rabbit hound and realistic mystery weapon up-to-the-minute technical thriller okay case officer Selene let's read the bugger up I'm going to lose like 600 viewers right now well hope that still people watching this stream after I read the [ __ ] books before him there was nothing but the open sea and bodies crucified in rows strung up near the torn rigging of the first Mongol transatlantic skips three months work and each villager who had tallied not more than a minute had had their arm broken and was forced to work the night but lol they've worshipped him they wept for him in his battle sickness that he could not cross the sea the skin had proud about in his origins the seal Valley near the land of West Covina on these beaches he was discovered by a dumbstruck 18 year old Mongol girl and brought to the encampment to Genghis and pray till the strange tales an infallible civilization across the waters the Khan had broken his upstart myung knows but the skinhead was I can't read this I don't this is this has to be this has got to be dropped like two or three grade levels for me I just read a bunch of words I don't know what anything then dropped it you guys drop this like a [ __ ] 9th or 10th grade reading level for me I'm pretty I can read I'm pretty good reading I've I've read all the Song of Ice and Fire Game of Thrones books loved him but like in situations like this give me a [ __ ] eighth grade reading level okay with a convincing orator and I don't know that boys that mean an eraser what is that and the Khan became engrossed with him chin head how where do your people fight let's get head shrugged as well as you do I guess what are you called this yeah what do you called this give why am i doing like a regular League okay I am Percy slow and chieftain of the West Percy Sloane remember this name good talker I don't like talk I have Percy Sloane chieftain of the West Covina skins the con brought him outside where is your kingdom pointed out Percy Sloane looked puzzled from the shoulders and point of the horizon West Covina West Covina said the Khan staring deeply into the solid utmost horizon waters the friendly down 100 viewers the friendly brown dog had been the harbour ginger of doom as Percy bent over to pet the friendly pooch an electrical circuit inside a timer fired sending an apocalyptic signal through the hollow sphere of plastic down another ten viewers of explosives within a millisecond the plastic explosive self-destructed in perfect symmetry crushing the small silvery sphere and enclosed into a small nugget somewhere in that nugget mine he was Genghis the Great Khan in blood and glory the axe wound to his shoulders so black the blood and dust and was hardly felt the pulse sucked into Drennan can't his three yards of battle seriously like a rabid devil dust rose on all sides of his warfare at Dustin Gore and so rose up Ganga's his teeth thinly caked in the spray of red blood and his impregnable gate he reached up with his hands and tore out from the darkness a bloodied clump of hair then crushed the larynx jabbing at two eyes and lodging the fingers knuckle deeper than Burstyn eye sockets the nails trolling for grey screen craig leash talked of brain and again he brought his forearms into the bridge of the dead man's nose again and again the fur cap tumbled to the broken ground oh yeah undeterred his dark eyes left like prairie fire his teeth cleaned brighter than the torchlight anybody get this like whew okay just get the name somebody google it I'm done there's so much more at the end okay fun somebody [ __ ] google it Kasyapa czar thorn mother welcome to interlink not reading to book guessing do you say how many how many combinations I have to guess look at this [ __ ] case officers opening email gateway I've located you it's dated in the in Kurt no I'm talking she would be in [ __ ] Moscow I don't know message don't cool no [ __ ] lie any of that book is anything to do with the game can't read the B movie script okay here's what we're gonna do here's what I know I know let me go back to the go back to the [ __ ] where is it blank established the key no security agency Beowulf well let me see this decryption successful done in Moscow I'll join you in Istanbul nukes at Dublin will bring a good price call the buyer since I've done in Moscow I'll join you in Istanbul my thoughts are always with you Istanbul a thorn try not to get so much shut up case officer good good I don't welcome to interlink uh case officer I don't know I'm gonna be your gateway seem I've located will just say okay it's lit seeing she stated in the encrypted message that it it would be in assemble haste and bold right we'll have them in symbols not on here Moscow message sent did I get it Oh got a present for you we've confirmed Nina's in Moscow a sighs heading up the team to take her down the max foster will be calling you to let you know how it goes she said that something that I've got to see some tools for planning interrogation maybe I want to leverage a relationship with Reynolds Vitter to talk good you can find the photo doc on the workstation I also thought about how he might get yang to talk we're gonna need to trick her into thinking we've got Grendel then we've got to use that to where I vantage remember she cares about this guy you got it photo duck photo doctoring tool enabled okay we're gonna use some look at a doctor photos God we have to win her loyalty was making her think we have her lover Grendel in our custody alter the photograph to correctly reflect this make sure you're clear on the Intel you've got any other infos in the CIA archives rag an image from the object library and place it on the target image scale the new image to desired size print the doctored image okay Turkish one two women Turkish English cigarettes faces oh yeah your boyfriend perfect looks pretty real case officers going photo that photo won't fly David just told us to check up on you took a look at this photo you printed don't think it will fly think about light sourcing and perspective make sure the objects have a good shading and angles okay fine fine so don't duck okay that's okay all right which one of the okay we're gonna take a lighting so it's got to be like this right yeah this is another head over here let's just put like some other [ __ ] heads on the table you can think of baby look at these [ __ ] twitch emotes like which is a good good look good bunch of twitch emotes I'm putting on here alright cigarettes of course of course he used to have the right [ __ ] paper hold on anything well what is this unions bagged foster please insert disc one I think the game crashed [ __ ] no no yo we were just getting in I got I got you come deal with you're suing I have to ship her back to the state bullpen is open hey Burgess nice compact thief there's something in the Moscow safehouse that you should know about it's an interrogation device left over from the Cold War 3 they got it stored in a place they call a bullpen you won't like it much but it gets the job done us most people survive the ordeal yeah yep I don't care about anything else oh [ __ ] don't okay we're good open I don't know who's in there case officers with the line get it right there bullpen not an option it's war Hearst listen I know milk cough ski may have recommended so how can I put this extreme measure to get information from yang there's something called the Geneva Convention thorn and we'd like to abide by it simply put what you're considering is illegal and I don't want the deal mixed up in it let's not get dirty on this one dangerous waters you want to know a little more about what laws you're breaking and the kind of moral waters you're sailing take a look at the CIA web link Adam who cares put them in the chair how do we get them in the chair Tara Gatien how do we get them in the chair potin chair oh wait okay I think I got to go back to do the twitch emotes back to the scratchy hunt okay just get it I got to go to the twitch emotes I need to know what like cigarettes to use though and I mean how am I gonna know that I have like Intel or something on this guy photo doctoring CIA archives okay power-play compartment access rendell file Federal Bureau of Investigation accessed he singled Rendel chameleon assassination corporate espionage intelligence report out of the former Special Agent employed by the FBI's organized crime division he also worked closely with officers of Central Intelligence a shoe during the counter telling John Rizzo courtship yeah Alan was dispatched to Moscow in 1994 to assistant city's police and bringing Russian mafia figures to justice louis c.k leads led the charge one of the murder stabbed death Alan had offered Griffith his last cigarette the empty box of Emperor filterless was found pinned to the victims chest with the blade Emperor filterless al has been linked under numerous aliases to illegal activities including assassination for hire okay so what newspaper should he have Moscow where's he from Omaha what do you have a okay well at least I know the filterless Emperor's let's do it Turkish English it's going to be English right let's do cigarettes Emperor filterless I glad to [ __ ] with this matter so clearly dr. Grendel faces this one has like the which one has the right light not this one right it's got to be maybe it is that one cigarettes and newspaper is English that's good okay print okay come on it's shading and angles gasps come on get rid of this just how do I can't delete that there we go that one's not going to work I want it to work so bad though you know what I mean let's gotta be it right not gonna fly very bad Photoshop artist which paper is it then cigarettes Emperor filterless I mean like this this one newspaper is Turkish like that I'm so just desperately hoping that one of these is going to work this is this paper maybe it's that paper the middle one wasting ink it's definitely the middle paper what about the cigarette that looks like [ __ ] but it's probably going to be right good job on the photo there it is got it got it oh that can I do this one too damn it okay well I got I got I got the photo done case officers gone well good job on the photo we got it mm-hmm keep it in your briefcase so how do i [ __ ] do I just have it though case officer saline okay to the bullpen get them in the chair oh god damn it are you serious like did I not save it photo doctoring middle paper middle cigarettes and like grendel face okay print it and so I don't see it down here good job on the photo all right good it looks good so how do I get it I do I just have it I don't see it down here well there it is alright let's go interrogation nobody here Pearson that god dammit Foster oh my god what up what am I supposed to do she in the u.s. so dude I'm doing the photo talk again I can't go anywhere it's only Langley I wasn't done with the picture well how could I have not even done with the picture we having any interrogation chamber downstairs she's waiting for you okay oh thanks I'll have a chat with her excuse me a key do me a quick favor here how the whole stream was for this moment get her in the [ __ ] bullpen do you really think it's necessary oh I believe you have to say I object to using torture you know it's against the rules beside you're more than likely to get the wrong information you'll never know either because you can't use the polygraph if it were me I'd start easier well you're not me greatest detective in the [ __ ] we're starting with the bullpen okay but remember I'm not going to take responsibility for any corpses you go too far with it and they'll be hell to pay really well I'm your superior no I'm getting my phone is blown up well everyone's like what the [ __ ] are you doing with this sarnax max I just got a call from birdsong he's running scared I tried to reason with him but he wants no part of it I'll put birdsall's dossier and recording of the call up on Intel link when you want to check out a department for any clues was it great I'm sure yeah but I mean okay look let's go over this real quick so birdsong was like I don't mind I care about everybody and I'm like kill that guy okay he killed somebody and now he's that was it I was running away I guess it was cool execute somebody oh my god this is loud oh Jesus this is so much louder than the rest of the game holy [ __ ] who took that who took it what's your relationship with Darren Cohen figure it out who do you work for who do you work for freelance who stole a peck what do you know where are you on the going take a farro movie I warned you there'd be hell to pay uh you're under arrest what why I'm under arrest what do you what of a [ __ ] are you kidding me this is like alright well let's go back and redo it Oh well that's a never save the game once in like three hours okay um well oh I would be so bad right now oh that sucks and we're done the game's over okay it's okay we have we have it all we were we're all right the price of is that not everybody down every calm down we've got to plant with it we've got plenty of big acai I've got a dinner I got something lined up just chill for one second not over it is not over because I have a backup I didn't want to like do this one until like next week because I thought way we're going to god damn it that sucks let it crock is [ __ ] I don't want to start the SWAT team one that one's going to be [ __ ] crazy let's just play like Family Feud or something so like the next like 30 or 40 minutes that's why I'm walking guys we're going to do we're going to start was going to play a couple rounds of [ __ ] anger oh I don't want to suck it I know I've been going for about three hours and I know that I'm not gonna like I don't want to do this I want to do this police quest video stream whatever in one stream I don't want to like have to split it between two streams oh that sucks is it like a save file I can get I'm so angry right now but I did that that I've didn't save it I didn't know it was I didn't even know what a save how am I supposed to know that was like a save what do I have I'm like Steve I got his play for like [ __ ] 30 minutes oh god that was good that was getting somewhere we didn't even do the news flash that is such a catastrophic Oh all games have C items weren't even thinking about it though I thought it was just like going play beach party I don't have my we setup right now just get back to that point and just do every to get you know that is pause okay here's we're going to do I'm going to we know everything right we get we know every answer to every question I'm just going to report and just get everything right until we get there right I mean like we can't throw that in the trash we didn't even do this app to anybody I'm gonna give it a try we're going to get better track now I'm going to skip every cutscene I'm going to skip every single cutting I need to [ __ ] do the stupid newsflash thing hold on don't worry this is gonna be good you want to know what I believe I'm Ted no yes that's like that's a quite bit let's take the wrong window I thought I was doing but that getting it is first other that's incorrect two photos claa is the eyes and ears of this country and what we see isn't always pretty in face of my latest bit things change murders yeah where they had a massing aboard the deserted or was it did we are like get up here some things that president should marry okay for a politician all right ignorance can be the key reading so I'll be ready to try to speedrun this whole game Thanks Go Go we're to know all this [ __ ] Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go president signed treaty got it done IntelliLink sure click priority one go got it New Clothes PDA out skip done on the [ __ ] go yep easy go on in Frank will be with you shortly Missy will okay where is he all right give me Frank come on Frank get in the room come on Frank Frank please come in the room there we're doing a credit warp I do this last time we know everything we need to do no big deal sir we do okay it's dr. Cohen over it in put socks on coitus I just wanted to thank you for resolving those LOF issues on the IR cited mr. Hamlin will be pleased we're gonna meet our mark oh okay yep you have you have you have yep get in here how does that get him to come in the room before there it is a look at the picture of like uh this picture right here yep there we go hi Hey go to training train image now Oh God [ __ ] there we go okay analysis and during national photographic interpretation centre yep nope zoom out out in and scanning got it reported opening email gateway go fans go light some place to G got it done skin message sent done you did it good job how many tanks guys of amateurs here select images to go today image 1 & 2 select images to overlay for opening email gateways what message sent what what I didn't do that I didn't select that opening email gateway go 6 tanks message sent all right now we go to the zone you all know what happens I'll have to actually shoot people god damn it ok wait ok so here we go come on come on come on oh this is the worst part oh my god come on [Music] that guy died last time right there's so many people that one does thank you we're not this many people out there damn it I just wanted just not as a play I just wanted to play the boss [Music] how about turn this into an IRL stream and like get to this next point like later and like play it again okay good you did a good job I went if you can do that in the subpoena tension for it's got a dick thing take again how do I save the game [Music] don't go get it done okay we win that's it all right got it admit concert oh [Music] yeah yeah hey so I cheated there's no rules in the field kid just because there's nothing you could have done kid sniper who took Bruce down was the best I've ever seen the lame shake you the company lost a great one today Bruce Jefferies would have made us proud it would have made them forget the traitors in the sellouts those damn shootings in front of our gates Bruce Jefferies would have given us back of your name but now now it's up to you Thorne you made it in here you can make it out there settle the score [Music] all right give me give me a second let me attack [Music] I'll be I'll be back I'm just gonna turn this into IRL I'll be right back we're going to finish this up with IRL because I'd like it [ __ ] sad be right back [Music] [ __ ]
Channel: Ster/Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 28,399
Rating: 4.9243245 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, ster, star_, shtur, stream, jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jemra full stream, jerma985 full stream, streams, full stream, jerma spycraft, jerma spy, jerma fmv, fmv, spycraft, spycraft the great game
Id: faRoNrN5HL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 15sec (10155 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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