Jerma Streams - Deadly Night

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okay I'm back it's time to switch to a scary game it is October we played scorn uh a few days ago what should i title this it's deadly night should I what do I title this how about um look out watch out uh I don't know you want me to title the name of my stream play scorn I'm not gonna do that um I believe I just turned on my Xbox I may have I'm not sure yet doesn't look like but I could have all right uh Halloween approaches with a ghost I don't know how about just like you scared yeah you scared you're say you're safe in the comments yeah the smiley face you're safe in the comments you don't remember that that's not you don't like that one I'm keeping it all right let's go oh lights off you're right hold on nobody even said it I just did though [Music] this is not vampire survivors yeah lights off creepy move this sorry I'm like stalling really bad but it's a scary game and I fucking hate these you know me I know I hate these I hate it I hate these games I don't know why I just screamed it's way too bright this is kind of scary all right I like this this is scary what do you think also let me know let me know if it's if this shit's still happening with the webcam glitching there really shouldn't be how's that we good does it look does it look scary I think that looks alright very spooky good maybe a little bit more bright just a little bit I think that's good yeah this is perfect all right I'm ready lights off deadly night no more stalling it's time to fucking go I'm ready this game contains nudity uh did I I don't know you want to censor the nudity I mean it's asking me if I want to censor it is it TOs have anyone played this yet [Music] other people have played with it on part of the game other people have played with it on uh I mean is it how is it really I mean okay honest to God let me just tell you if if I could show Scorn the if I could show scorn I don't think I think it's I don't know I think it's gonna be okay [Music] the motel the house Susan 911 call I don't know is it like a scent is like like a big black bar is it gonna take me out of the game I don't know what that means but whatever [Music] Jesus Christ dude what the fuck where are you going where am I going heading north I'm gonna stay at home with my parents for a while but right now I just want a place to spend the night and get some rest without luggage and at this hour my boyfriend and I just broke up shit girl what happened I was in the car with him and he stopped to fill up the tank and took his wallet to go buy some stuff and print from inside the picture of a naked woman and he confessed to me that he was fucking that bitch at work and we argued and he's sort of a bitch got in the car and left me lying here foreign what a bastard you know many have their brains between their legs that's why I don't want any boys I just want them to have a good time you know what I mean where are we going we're about to ride at the motel it's gonna be loud foreign it'll take you where you want to go this is this game scary tell me the truth we are here I hope everything goes well for you good luck thanks you're welcome okay ah okay whatever okay I've got Ron inventory pause Crouch flashlight look around all right now we're not doing Gamepad all right so there we go I have an inventory than me I'm so jumpy right now too I don't know why I don't want any drinks Motel Highway Hotel single room 20.40 it is mandatory to pay in advance and leave the room before 12. we do not have phones in the rooms the only phone available is at the reception talk to the person in charge for more info the grenades why do you have a bunch of grenades my cam is not on the edge of the screen oops okay so um I guess I can't do anything I can't play this tonight I actually don't think I can I'm so fucked up today you know what I mean I'm super like ah good evening young lady what brings you here I'm just passing through do you know what time the bus arrives [Music] I see the bus usually arrives at 8am I can let you know an hour earlier if you wish um sure it would be perfect thanks are you coming with someone [Music] I'm alone but I want a double room many people come here to have sex your case what the fuck do you care I care I'm sure you're great at wiggling that ass right do you like sex from the front back or boom I will not say here um fuck you yeah I'm sorry fuck is this guy crash stinks they seem to be pretty dirty door number one door number two do I have to wait do I have to get a room I okay I think I have to just demand a room I think we're we need game progress here why are you playing this and not stay out of the house I will be playing stay out of the house just not right this very moment I will it's on the list of games to play in the next week or two I guess I have to get a rumor so I have to get a room I can't just a young girl like you shouldn't be out there alone at this hour okay give me the fucking give me a room [Music] what door is this one two three four five six seven number eight are you lost School I ate was right okay use turn the light on quick I need to lock the door right like where's the door lock Ed that's scary this is a bathroom I turn every light on so all the spirits can't get in here [Music] oh my God I hate this [Music] ah why is it automatically put on like a horror Channel foreign okay [Music] [Music] foreign this down for one second [Music] this is a scary sound effect Channel [Music] creepy noises scary music [Music] see what is this what why is this on TV I'm not putting that on all right I'm sleeping with all the lights on every single light is being turned on uh oh the door is stuck water water from the sink water smash window glass is too hot uh break something hit something um TV door stuck go go go go what the fuck yeah what does that say oh my God it's a nightmare I'm screaming my face you wanna get ready for a scream in my oh that nightmare [Music] right now I don't need the backpack I can hear a noise in the room I should see what it is what is this noise oh what the fuck foreign 1987. foreign [Music] I'm at the highway Motel the owner is a sicko I [Music] don't worry I'll send a patrol car the area is quite remote and it will take some time to get there so please be patient [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign okay all right backspace backspace I don't how do I get out of this TV God does he make porn movies by filming I also appear in the recording I heard the door open hey what are you doing here I am discovering your secrets are you sick I've already called the police and they're on their way you're gonna end up behind cars oh the police I don't think so oh you're going to stay locked in here until I decide what to do with you bitch and maybe I'll fuck that sweet hairy pussy foreign I have to fucking kill this guy what the fuck what is laughing oh it's this if only I had a coin do I have a coin this is fucked [Music] foreign do I have a coin I don't have a coin I'm smack okay I'm out foreign get my backpack oh come on you know I didn't have anything important I could was this car here before was this car here before was this actually here before I don't think it was laughs I'm staying right in the middle if a car comes I I it won't hit me I mean right in the center foreign they're gonna pull some bullshit with it uh cop car is going to be flying down here no I'm going over here why is that music app how come my friend I touched that the music starts oh my God you're gonna reverse oh God oh I heard something I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going back I'm going I'm going back I'm going back to the hotel foreign get off the road should I go back to the motel I'm gonna go back and get the backpack because he's driving that way and what he he has not turned around yet he hasn't turned around yet it's invisible I can't because he's still just parked in the middle of the street honestly I'm going here and like get down in like the weeds and shit foreign oh God damn it shit God damn it if I keep my eye on them then he can't get me what happened oh do you stop why'd you stop why did you stop the car why'd you stop the car [Music] s [Music] can you beat it can you beat this like can you win foreign ER is house oh [Music] oh there are four acts okay I hate this okay I got up oh God oh God oh God oh God we'll just turn it on turn it on uh how do I use it f no no no no no where the fuck is this I have to get out of here uh oh my God I can't turn it uh I don't know the combination all right I need to know the combination can I hide in this I can't foreign places to go you can hide under tables beds and in some furniture I gotta practice that how do you do that Crouch I can Crouch this door's locked how can I get up there's nothing to hide under foreign [Music] oh my god dude where do I even go what do I do no no no dude I don't know where to go how do I go home rust remover what's this sync I can't reach it there's something in there dude how do you hide how do I hide oh wait where the fuck am I am I where am I am I hiding where am I game again I want to ride around and protect Gotham City he's right out here and I'm gonna I'm gonna walk right into him when I get out of here and I have like one slash and I'm dead where is he going somebody make this into a poster for a horror movie honest to God somebody needs to turn this into a poster like with the title like you're not getting out or something right what is the title of this movie do you think you tell me my eyes are all red why do I look so fucked up holy shit man this is fucked return I look like a Voldemort okay oh this is a screen cap from Dumb and Dumber ha I hope people AI expanded that one I hope so too he's right he won't leave just leave me alone rust remover and yeah I can see through that knob doesn't turn maybe I need something to make us make the cycle pull it down what what's that bandage how do I use this how do I use the bandage foreign hide in the box and shimmy out that actually could probably work I hate this game I hate this right here okay so I have rust remover something was Rusty I don't know sink was Rusty sink was Rusty you know what scared that's what you want I'm gonna March out here and just start singing fucking John Jingleheimer Schmidt what are you doing you're supposed to be scared John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt his name is my name too whenever we go out we always shout Here Comes John Jacob jingleheimer's bitter I've got the bathtub quick John his name is my name too whenever I go up the people always shout Here Comes John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith where is he [Applause] dude I can't see anything shit break the story break this door break this door dude this game's fucked this game's fucked up this game that's freaking funny we gotta see this one this one's perfect I don't I don't want to play this I hate this is a good one though wait come on why can I not save this this one is so good [Laughter] fucking actually one of the funniest things I've ever seen I have to get these on stream okay well I did everyone bear with me for a second I gotta get these all loaded because these are gold these are actual gold here's the first one this one's for this one's pretty good I will say this one's pretty good they get better they get way better and I mean way better this one um apparently so an AI decided that this is what I was doing okay makes sense right why he's concerned foreign [Music] I'm making dinner and I'm very this is an oven that I'm shocked at but wait it's not even the best one because the best one is right here and it could be the funniest image I've seen ever on the channel and I mean that this is probably the funniest thing this is probably the funniest image that's come through this is so good foreign look at how bad that form is too it's so bad this is like the old guy ugh this kind of has to like stay okay retry how far am I in the game not even fucking close dude I don't think I'm gonna beat this close the door close the door close the door can I can't close it is it open okay I I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this I don't think I can play this game foreign and he's wicked fast I need to get items and shit no way I'm not gonna be able to beat this I'm gonna have Panic every time he shows up was there an item down here no it's back up in the house all right this is a good one too I'm gonna show this one this is also a really good one like I just want to like do this for the rest of the stream like this is fun apparently like very very uh very excited at the birthday party um I'm very surprised at my surprise birthday party if I arm what am I holding is that like a clipboard or an iPad one more and I'm gonna move on these are very good though they're very good I feel like chats this is gonna be Chad's favorite I can't believe I can't play this game okay I'm gonna just be quiet I'm gonna shut up and I'm just gonna even if it's scary I'm just gonna go and I'm gonna play it I don't care if the fucking come get me I don't care I can't I got I quit I'm this is the first time I've ever quitting again laughs how do I get out of here I can't hide under the table foreign radio [Music] [Music] [Music] I wish we'd just go away for even five minutes camping me yeah so you know what I feel like I'm playing and like it's a game I never beat and I just rage quit it I was just I scare rage quit it that grandma game for iPad I couldn't do it and I was like I'm just fucking uninstalling this what happened oh we're in a circle that was the chicken that was a fucking rooster that was a rooster that was actually a rooster that was a chicken that was like a fuck what the oh bandage nice hide this game's impossible this game is not possible this game's actually impossible foreign in the pipe I can't reach it okay that's not rusty though I need like a stick nothing in there God the valve was Rusty that's right but I was down in the basement right okay I can't carry any more objects what are you talking about oh should I just put I can't carry any more items where should I put this oh right here I'm gonna put it right here I'm gonna hide I'm gonna hide into the bed okay put it down right here and put it down [Music] [Music] whole was that a key I got a key of some kind a trunk I open this okay open the trunk with the key open the trunk with the fucking key dude excuse me open the trunk with that key right now I can't get my inventory why my inventory doesn't work inventory doesn't work I why is my inventory not work tab tab it's broken I actually can't use my imagery yeah tab I Tab and I yeah it doesn't work tab try hiding again maybe it'll reset it oh God damn it please man don't even why is this on fire oh what what's what the fuck happened this is why I couldn't okay [Music] the hell is happening to me okay I can use my inventory again where's the where's the door that I just was at where's the door where's the where's that door rust where's the where is it where is where is it [Applause] I think I shut my computer down I opened the power menu [Applause] dude how you I quit this game you start at the beginning every time you start at the beginning every time there's no checkpoints huh I don't I don't even wanna I mean these are just weird these are just weird now I'm just going for a speed run fuck it I'm going for a speed run right now chemicals are upstairs there's too many fucking doors in this house I don't know where chemicals got it cork I mean I get so lost so easily I can't play these under the alarm clock to throw in their alarm clock okay here he comes okay where was the alarm clock I don't remember foreign I I don't even know how to get downstairs I'm serious I don't know how to get downstairs I don't know how to get downstairs foreign I can't run anymore thank you I can't get away from him he's too fast dude you can't get away from this motherfucker you can't get away from him he's so fast foreign oh fucking give a shit about this game I don't care I leave I'm done I'm done I'm done I give up [Music] [Applause] arm here [Applause] every room looks exactly the fucking same and like he's run so fast and like there's just items fucking sprinkled in every corner and you gotta take the fucking alarm clock out of this rub and then go get up there and then they take the fucking rust for her and pour that into the chemical and get the chemical and get the key [Music] laughs so I've got hide immediately that he's like already in the fucking room he's and he's gonna grab me out of this can he's gonna Splash my head stop why is he still here he should not be coming back in this room going upstairs okay I think I've got every item that I need there's nothing else down here right I got the valve is down here I gotta bring I gotta go all the way upstairs get the rust remover and bring it down here if I'm gonna try that the problem is I don't even know how to get up I need like a fucking Fable tube breadcrumb Trail dude I like seriously I don't know what hallway we're in and he's just right up your ass the whole time and I don't want to turn the light on because it'll attract him see foreign I don't I don't know where to go I can't commit anything to memory because my brain is in a constant state of distress so I can't commit anything to memory straight across from that weird door is the basement okay I gotta remember that [Applause] foreign map [Music] he's just he's just you do I have to speed run because the Dude is Never Gonna Leave Me Alone just get out of my way fuck you buddy that's fine [Music] [Applause] I quit I quit this game I quit this game I where's the stairs to go up the fucking stairs [Music] I quit this game draw a map I do you want me to draw a map I can't I'm just trying to lose them you can't lose the guy I can't lose him [Music] why is he still right behind me dude you can't see in your own fucking house that's horseshit right get out of the fucking way you huge asshole dude what even amen rust remover in paint can remove valve in basement alarm clock and fireplace from door with hole in the room with the two bedrooms thank you for the help foreign he doesn't go like disappear for like a minute no he's just he's here it's terrifying it's horrible and he's gonna stand here like a dick I bet you comes back in the room the alarm clock is random really that's so horrible foreign [Music] [Music] there's a door that leads to another door which leads to the stairs up he's walking by okay okay downstairs is it there that means over here he's there's another door over here I think it's straight ahead right no worries quiet the upstairs are downstairs is he a where's he is he upstairs I think it's upstairs like the upstairs what the fuck dude why where am I here go look at here there's a fucking clock in here oh my God hahaha you can lower the Luigi too all right I'm getting Luigi this change will be permanent and you will only be able to play again at the real difficulty if you start a new game if you continue without making changes this message will be displayed again if you die again do you want to lower the enemy difficulty I can't believe I got fucking Luigi I can't believe it I'm too I don't care I want to see this I want to see how I don't care I don't care I'm getting Luigi I don't even care I'm gonna laugh my ass off can you imagine if I die like three more times and it's like do you want it even easier fuck isn't here foreign [Music] get out of here get the fuck out of here get out of this hallway like get out of this hallway you chump okay okay all right okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay where's it foreign foreign here it comes you should try murder house I I played murderous I beat it that was pretty that was recently okay I don't know if he's still here where's I don't have the clock though oh fuck I can't hide under that with the clock I don't know where he's I don't I don't know I don't know you can't be serious right when I come out of the fucking hiding he's now walking around here you can't I'm not even scared anymore you're just making me angry you're just pissing me off is there I need to hide right now I need to hide right now here he comes oh I would love to just jump out of here and jump scare him grab the sickle out of his hand and just right in his head don't even you open that and I'm fucking uninstalling again if you open this cabinet I'm gonna uninstall the game thank you you still here what are you still doing okay he went upstairs I think he's upstairs all right valve time you know what I mean like they say they're gonna make a game and then it takes like another extra few years working on valve time the rust is still dissolving I probably should hide he's gonna come down and go like [Music] whatever he says still dissolving I was sitting here the whole time I don't care there's a raid from where I didn't say right okay what does that do water is already flowing in the pipes I should check the bathrooms oh the sink there's a sink that has right wherever that is I don't remember where that sink is you look like Kenneth Copeland for a few frames here what oh my God my eyes fucking out of my head my holy shit my eyes almost come out of my head out of my socket how do I save this this is a crazy image watch my eyes that's insane a skeleton for a few friends all right back to this check the bathrooms all right he's down here again wait till he comes he's gonna walk through here or should I just just run for it was the bathroom foreign [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] beautiful things [Music] only Sprint when he's chasing you okay [Music] everybody under the table is reached over and just like did this like go out in the hall okay I need a bathroom I don't know is he did he is he turning around he's in there okay he just went upstairs it's my opportunity my opportunity opportunity let's go don't Sprint bathroom foreign I think he's above me what is this this is like I gotta get something to break that open with bathroom here we go oh shit huh he's right there he's right next to me where's the bathroom with the thing that was in the sink is upstairs okay I haven't heard him move he's like over here he's up here oh I'm dead oh I hate this I quit you know what I don't even care it's on easy mode it's on easy mode I'm just going up the stairs I don't give a shit if he hears me I thought he was downstairs oh my God that was the worst thing ever that was probably the worst thing ever I quit that was the worst thing ever I thought he was downstairs I actually thought he was downstairs I thought he was downstairs nothing well that hurt my whole body I don't think I can play this uh okay you took my advice for three minutes and then you said fuck it any immediately died foreign okay he wouldn't get away from upstairs I was waiting and waiting and waiting I was hiding under the table and I heard it's him going up and down this the top floor so I'm just like all right I don't I don't care I'm going up there I'm doing it my way I'm doing it my way your way is correct my way is stupid and it's gonna get me killed but I'm going for it foreign [Applause] not now laughs not now not now please don't know I'm gonna sneeze no we're supposed to be doing this my way I got the rust we're going downstairs turn the valve on just fucking run upstairs yeah what am I doing here this is not my way this is my way where's the valve foreign okay now I need to go get clock hey we're doing it my way clock is upstairs clock is up fireplace foreign the rust is dissolving the sink will be available this is an Adventure Time bit right now what happened in Adventure Time okay so there's a bathroom up here I gotta fish out whatever's in the in the sink I then have whatever's in the sink I still need the alarm clock I didn't turn the valve oh my God you're right all right oh that sucks I'm in trouble now oh that actually sucks I think it's over what was that close it is he still here I think he's gone yeah he went back upstairs turn it okay now we gotta go all the way upstairs what's up buddy what's up buddy what's up buddy I need the clock he went upstairs I need the clock there's no clock where okay guys where's the clock honestly where's the clock it's not in here and I haven't seen it in any other room just tell me where it is [Music] what's up sarc thank you Mr Stark for the ray welcome everybody I'm currently about to uh rage quit this game and never played again you're in the middle of it you're coming in right with that this is the puppy 50th attempt uh I had to put it on easy they can't do it uh it's a pretty fun game I would say um I'm about to uninstall it pretty good where is the clock [Music] it's a wrench it's too hot are you serious just grab it quick I'm gonna get upstairs again right [Music] dickhead there seems to be something in the pipe I can't it didn't happen it didn't push it up from the water it seems to be something I can't how do I use the sink I need the wrench how do I need to get water to put the fire out to get the wrench to come up here okay how do I put the fire out it's the pipe from the tub I need something to hold okay find the alarm clock the key you get unlocks a save point really paint cork cork cork is it is it right here I have a hesitant to cut it with I need to get your scissors pair of scissors but anyways hey thanks for the start for the raid follow Stark it's an awesome dude get the key key all right just give me a route to take the key is I need a route I got I gotta go what's the route alarm clock bedroom fire key but I don't know where the alarm clock is I I don't it's in a random spot apparently I don't know where the alarm clock is alarm clock key plywood door it's a random spawn on the second floor buddy shit it's not in here random spawn on the second floor where's this dumbass clock are you shitting me I got the fucking clock I got the clock I got the clock okay now we gotta go upstairs okay get my bearings it's up hide get him to run into the door get the lock get the get the key come back down here open up the thing with the board of the hallway and then apparently that's a checkpoint okay I'm going for it I'm going no I'm not he's still here why can't I just press like like B and get like the and see him through the wall every video game has that now every video game has it put it in this I'm doing it my way I gotta listen closely because if it sounds from is he up here or is he downstairs I'm here I made it okay give me a second I think he was up here actually that's terrifying he was he was up here I just didn't see him Okay so clock get in there grab the key downstairs to that plywood thing on the wall right open that [Music] all right look people dancing is funny get out of here man you're making me angry okay we get this weird cut scene again yep okay this is the right okay okay yep [Music] okay don't get caught here [Music] all right okay okay here we are it's right here isn't it right here it's right here right this is it what's wrong what's wrong what's wrong what's wrong though what's wrong with it I didn't even read what it said what did it say what does it say I couldn't read it I need to remove rust and then okay this guy's a real piece of shit I'll tell you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ah is it open is the door the door's open is it the wrong door that's the wrong door where is it where is it the hallway in front of that one I just wish you would go upstairs or something just go away go downstairs go upstairs go anywhere else you walked that over there well that way on your screen because um it's flipped he went to the left go the fuck away go away [Music] go away why is he still here go away foreign go upstairs go away [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign I hate this game so much I actually fucking hate this game I'm done with it I'm just done if I die again I'm always over God damn it okay open he's coming down here and he won't leave me alone he's he won't leave me be he won't leave me alone if you die hold on if you die before you manage to unlock that padlock I'm gonna unsubscribe you're not even subscribed I think you have to change anything you're not getting subbed come on is he still down here you fucking piece of shit I swear to God where's the door where's the where's the door oh fuck I've never played this game again this person that person has been sub for three months oh oh sorry no they're not sub they're not sub they've been following okay so they aren't subbed I'm waiting till I hear that sound go off and then I'm going back up I'm gonna unsub if you don't get that padlock off all right the amount of fucking unsub Andes in the chat apparently if I can't open this door they said Omega LOL I got gifted a free sub Omega low get out of here on your left I know he's I'm fucking scared man he's gonna come and get me I thought he was right in the hallway next door I can't even see I don't know he could kill me right now I don't know you were right there the game uses your microphone it doesn't I got it don't move can't carry any more objects crowbar should I drop something stays I say I saved it do I need this anymore okay there's a thing there's a panel I can open with the crowbar I know I'm so happy I can I'm just gonna run out I'm just gonna do it my way now can you read the dialogue what do you mean what do you mean limited saves oh what the fuck I am we're doing it my way how you have to [Music] hide you fucking idiot [Music] what's even in there foreign [Music] [Music] a love tweet thanks for the raid welcome thanks playing the game I'm about to rage quit it uh I'm about to rage quit this game welcome hope you had a good stream uh I'm ready to play and I'm doing it my way by the way [Music] but no welcome thanks for the raid what is in here diary and a it's missing batteries I okay I don't I wish I drop I'm gonna drop which I don't even have to drop here why how my inventory so bad foreign do I still need the crowbar someone's coming use the rope uh in the hole Yeah but I need to pick up whatever this is can I open the fridge with the crowbar okay let's get it where is it right here okay I got the diary very bad diary I don't like being here the house is very dirty and smells like garbage he only feeds me Rob okay why can I not read this hiding under here why can I not read this hiding it's a book you seem pissy tonight what I'm playing a scary game it's a scary environment man go read it and save room oh good idea where's the save room again I don't remember over here safe let's read this diary um he feeds me raw meat it tastes really bad although at least he feeds me and doesn't look lock me up like Mom and Dad did today my new father got angry with me because I threw up in my food but I couldn't help it he took my stuff and threw it down the well in the basement although luckily I had my video game console hidden away his Brave and went down to the basement but I got scared when I got close to the well because I heard someone screaming inside so I uh I ran out into my room I'm getting moved to the food my new Dad gives me I think I like it I'm getting used to the all right today we went hunting and come back with lots of new meat father told me that we have to leave them alive until we need them to eat that way they stay fresh and the meat tastes better I don't know why the smell of me new home bothered me now I find it cozy I don't want to be anywhere else but here what does that even tell me I'm going up to the I'm going up I'm gonna run out we're doing it my way I'm gonna get into the we're going upstairs drop the diary yeah good call should I pick up the uh crowbar again it's foreign fuck um I'm going upstairs is he up here he's up here he's up here he's up here now I need the wrench fuck you man you idiot you idiot [Applause] get out of the fucking way use the rope for the wrench I ain't gonna make it I ain't gonna make it thanks for watching the stream everybody appreciate it foreign we're gonna be playing uh breath of the wild for an hour or two and then we're gonna do one more Omega sponsor Gotham night stream we'll play breath of the wild first and up doesn't work doesn't work doesn't work doesn't work [Music] but time 2 P.M tomorrow 2 p.m Pacific breath of the wild first Gotham Knights and that's probably it tomorrow's gonna be a little shorter [Music] all right what what what's the where am I going [Music] he used to get the Rope can I put that down downstairs in the basement [Music] can I go can I drop that down in the well in the basement where the padlock was use the Crowbar on the floor near the diary and school um I don't remember where's the Crowbar did I where did I drop the crowbar fuck I hate being in this room kitchen [Music] oh that's not this kitchen that's the bathroom all right what are you doing you fucking dumb are you dumb why would I come out I'm not like fucking Burger King or something you know what I mean I want Burger King right now I'm going I'm gonna go I want Burger King I'm getting dead Burger King yeah I'm going to get Burke how many bandages okay now use this where the diary was Laura with a die I'm going to hear it just be safe should I save it should I save the game no so he's saying the diary or the trunk you couldn't open that's right dude I'm I tried the trunk trunk was up here huh that video game and a note dude what's the note say can I open this stop stop it's open I gotta close it go back to where you found the diary pick up the game console I can't play this game combination of the lock in the well is the same as my score in the mutant horde game although I don't remember it and for the repair I have to get more than six thousand points okay sick all right all right okay grab the game cartridge grab the game console get the padlock key okay okay do I have room though what do I do with the Rope because I can't carry anything else I don't know what to do with the Rope and these batteries too oh my God should I save it I think I'm Gonna Save it I think I gotta stop I'm Gonna Save it it's probably a stupid idea no but I'm doing it yeah I can stop my brain is my brain's fucked up okay yeah I'm stopping look holy shit this is ridiculous I I can't believe I even showed that I'm I'm well covered in water I don't even want to show you my back it's fucked this is a horror game all right all right that uh it's saved in case I ever come back to this game this is fucked up this whole game was a fucking nightmare that's disgusting you're whatever you're fine yeah that's gonna be it uh I'll see you guys tomorrow uh tomorrow is breath of the wild and uh goth Knights I will probably open with this when I play uh stay out of the house yeah you've been good you guys have been good you get to have it score that was fun again uh thanks for sticking around we can kind of jumbling around a lot the last day or two but it's been a lot of fun this stream's been very fun been having a blast Gotham Knights is going to conclude tomorrow tomorrow's stream is only going to be probably four hours long we'll play breath of the wild for like two hours two three hours and then move to Gotham Knights for a couple hours 2 p.m Pacific let's make it 2 30. be safe appreciate it thanks guys thanks for hanging out thanks for the raids I'm gonna get some food and take a shower have a great night take care call your mother see you soon [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 213,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, Deadly Night, jerma deadly night, jerma facecam, pc, jerma scared, jerma scary game
Id: MP6GOqlg4XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 50sec (7970 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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