Jerma Streams - Stay Out of the House

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all right this one we're playing is uh stay out of the house which I'm saving this one for probably the last one I do today because this is probably going to uh send me into another dimension okay uh I'm Dr all right volume what am I doing about the volume here actually how low should I make it is it one of those scenarios where there should be like 20 like 10 percent I currently have it at like 30 right now we'll see seven percent all right should I keep what should I do here keep it at um turn it off VHS CRT uh CRT off uh VHS on or everything off all right let's get a poll actually I feel like people are um all right am I doing uh filters on or filters off [Music] on or off let's say all right pull foreign at least one or two of them on he's literally a two minute pole just yes or no 1999 is kind of scary off is winning by a lot okay well not a lot but keep the CRT on uh off is winning by a pretty large margin now okay you guys ready let's go uh part one the night shift medium you might not make it out alive that's fine take the night shift yes volume is down here we go by the way I have not been looking forward to this at all when I knew this came out I was pissed because I knew I was going to have to play it eventually what time are you getting pissed off doing this game up I need to change the game stay out of the house here we go okay want me to pick you up yeah it's too far to walk yeah have fun foreign just in time hurry up and punch in I've got a hot date tonight can I play this bullshit you wish I played this didn't I come on I've got to go did you sweep the floor at least it's a different game oh okay sorry dude I was too busy hey Rick let the list of side work to do on your shift now I've got to get out of here oh yeah one more thing I can't find the keys anywhere the bathrooms are locked up so go behind the dumpster I guess have a good date first part is the same calculations are correct I'll be running third base of one hour and 16.32 seconds our yeah I played this prologue is the same ah all right I remember yeah all right remember what happens here this was the uh the worst scare I've ever had in my entire life I believe I remember it it's the prologue should I just skip it then just go to the second part or just do it and get it over with yeah this was the worst scare in my entire life just do it again oh all right fine all right well you have to do like tasks right foreign I gotta turn the fov down I think I gotta clock in yeah okay this tasks right I have to like sweep the floor and I got the trash turn the CRT off foreign don't act like mop shit the dumpster out back yeah I don't have to I can't how do I get out of here is there a key like hanging on the wall or something right I just don't remember okay um yeah here it is okay do a better job in the side work make sure to be finished when I come back okay sweep the floors Place items that weren't purchased back where they belong and clean the bathrooms yeah okay so the items I have to replace which are not supposed to be in the right in a different spot right to move them on the wrong Shelf let me see what it looks like with this off that's way better I can actually look at the snow okay the broom thank you finally finally finally all right all right uh the broom is back here somewhere all right sweep the floors they make you do all this because the game just makes you do a bunch of boring stuff and then it just fucking screams in your face we've seen this before don't spoil the whole collection I've already streamed this exact game though there's a customer come hello hi can you give me ten dollars on pump five yep thanks can I help you can you turn the goddamn pump on sorry sir okay sweeping is done now I'm going to put these items back where they belong so this is a beer motor oil and chips okay so chips go in the chips aisle which is there's the chips there is this chips well this just goes in here where's the gas go oh okay here we go yeah extra cases of yeah how do I put it in all right put this down okay I'll put it back it looks like this where it goes oh there we go okay um so where do I put the beer or the drink I would think like right here yeah and then this is oil now and motor oil right here somewhere foreign the bathrooms all right okay here we go it's time everybody knows what's coming here it comes here we go where's the it's happening where is it how do I get out of here was the key he's gonna get scared again I mean probably I remember I remember what happens but I need to be able to go to the to do the dumpster where's the key oh there's a customer hi can I help you yeah I just need some cigarettes okay okay which brand uh Banshee red with uh filters here you go thanks oh hey can I use the bathroom I can't open it well that's weird good luck thanks for the money okay now what if I get the key can't leave the store I'm gonna try so hard to not have the jump scare do anything I'm going to try as hard as I can for all the people that are trickling in they're going to be like what is wrong with this guy is even like drugs like why did he not even react I'm gonna try to speak like this try to do no not gonna happen all right do a poll when the jump scare happens will I do a any reaction at all yes or no my put let's bet I'm gonna I'm seriously gonna try I know when the jump scare happens I'm going to desperately try uh do a bet will I show any emotion during the jump scare yes or no that's easy money well let's put your money where your mouth is then I know precisely when it happens too All In this is gonna be close 20 million versus 12 million points please don't react I will try okay it's locked in um How do I proceed the game it has to be absolutely no reaction I'm talking about this like that I'm just gonna go like this all right okay like this uh am I missing something here am I am I not pressing a button to keep this going I think I have to play the arcade game okay all right it's coming soon yeah I did play this before this apparently is the prologue to the new one so okay that doesn't count that's not that does not count that's not what we're talking about don't do not pay anybody out don't pay anybody nobody gets paid at all we're not doing that because that's not what I was talking about that does not count that's not the jump scare no I didn't say a jump scare I said the jump scare no it doesn't count that does not count dude I'm dead now all right there's this key here it is okay whoa please pretend like you've never played before yeah I will somebody's coming in ah there's a customer okay hi you're here all alone uh no no my co-workers in the back what are you getting uh could you help me I don't remember where the sodas are this whole thing looks the same every aisle is the same with items on it or for me to understand where I am you ever played a level with cement on it I get you man I do thank you so what even happens in this game wait oops don't tell him nobody tell him okay how do I open this foreign I've already done everything I'd swept the floors I placed the items were in the end and I I just need to clean the bathroom but you need the key to do that where's the key but the volume up volume up it's gonna be probably really loud I don't know if I want to do that volume up are you sure about that be aware this could get loud what was that sound something's here okay that was weird sound okay I need to Cloud I need to find cleaner foreign nothing special [Music] I did not react that was Zero reaction zero I win he blinked okay here we go now we're in the game you've reacted are we playing the game should I turn it up or turn it down just be aware these games are loud and like adjust your volume accordingly seriously how long have I been out Brendan was he not back yet you in there you good having some trouble with the door hold on what foreign don't coward I'm just saying the game is loud as fuck and I'm telling you I'm warning you for real lower your volume okay it's a point where it hurts your ears I'm gonna okay I'm saving everybody I'm bringing the jump scares down to like 60 50 percent I'm just telling you let me see how loud that is I know I'll turn the master volume up actually I don't want to who don't play the game seems like someone lost this what is that doing beginning of this upcoming month all work and Productions conducted at the Crawford Mill will cease to continue due to a lack of business over the past year the owners unfortunately cannot afford to keep the mill open and running if it will be condemned and sold to the state the repurpose the building or demolish it okay his wife will be moving away from Cedarville and hopes to find a better treatment center close to the city he sends his deepest apologies to all employees who've dedicated their time and efforts toward the betterment of the company okay creepy dog yeah dog hi dog what's up wow that's a lot something bad's gonna happen to the dog I already know it and it's gonna be so sad it's gonna be I'm gonna be pissed yep something bad is gonna happen to the dog okay la la I can't get through this okay so let's just go and go this way is a child a teddy bear glasses whose dog is this is a briefcase God luggage hey hey you're not gonna give me a goddamn cornfield to go through are you dead end yeah oh God damn it all right I gotta remember that's there okay so I just gotta go through it all right dog you and me into the cornfield hmm ah oh it hurts to do this dude oh where's the dog going hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where you going where you going what are you eating don't eat don't eat stuffy fine on the ground what are you doing don't eat stuff on the ground warm all parishion ears okay Assembly of God if some unfortunately sudden upcoming changes to our standards curriculum being sad with a heavy heart or family of religious followers have turned elsewhere there are few okay okay they're not following the Bible and is my understanding that their syllabus is full of nonsensical gibberish I don't know who what they are worshiping but friends and colleagues of mine have started to treat me as a stranger okay holy shit last night while eating with my family a bullet was fired through my kitchen window I barely missed my head it was completely obliterated one of my favorite paintings given me by one of my choir members okay be leaving town I do not wish to leave but feel as if I have no choice and I'd advise anyone who still comes to our church to join me towards our new place of hope and prosperity thank you for your kindness and understanding stop don't eat that don't eat that where's the dog where's the dog come over here don't waste it keep staying with me please I don't think he wants to come with me is the dog what should I do is there another way to go through the cornfield it has to be another way to go okay thank God that was you foreign huh what oh okay I'm coming come on I'm coming yep oh shit okay good find what have we shirt what is this an ID weird what happened here ID our mission the Church of Father's vision goal the Church of Father's vision is to create a community abundant with repentance and salvation will help you attain a growing relationship between yourself and the Lord either at one of our many days of worship in person or via weekly tapes to be delivered to your doorstep we seek to spread the message of God across the world to provide the unknowing ignorant for those in need with the everlasting life he has waiting for us all our Packer our pastor Dr James f bew is an authentic server of God since early childhood a married man father and beloved pastor he firmly believes in living by Christ through spreading his gospel and encouraging his neighbors to Worship the Lord with him at the church of Father's vision this is so good I get off me okay God and His goodness has called on me to preach to the world my desire is to please and glorify him but it's happening in my mouth and I hope to join hands with the world and live by his word okay Dr Bowe and his wife Margaret bow hold service at the church of Father's Vision each Sunday at 11 15. located at this Georgetown Kentucky VHS tapes and more okay the Church of Father's Vision let us guide you towards righteousness anything else I can grab here dress foreign did I did I touch everything I think I think I see her after everything right what are you looking at I'm just gonna leave foreign the other way that I just came I think I came from this way dog check yeah yeah this is the charge is there any other way you can go shit this is where the church is this is nothing here is there a direction down here it didn't go cement game but it's made out of corn instead true all right I don't think I went this way uh I don't like it the name of this game is stay out of the house why would I go in the house where's the dog what's wrong I I don't know what to do no no no no no no no don't don't don't no worry I'm probably I'm trying to find you where is he what the fuck kind of weird house is this what no move upstairs where is he foreign where no are you okay I'll get you out of there how do I help please please please please how do I help I need to help you okay no no bad idea bad idea really bad idea bad idea bad idea what uh foreign [Applause] it was bait it was literally bait I'm taking these out that was the soap who's bait it was a Halloween decoration should have stayed out of the house dude it's gonna suck Ed expectations my stomach what did he do before this is gonna be a granny game this is a grandma game otherwise I can't do these ones I can't do grandma games guidance I pitched sounds is it better throughout our Series be quiet all right get me out of here I think this is a lamp with skin [Music] nothing children of pain I am honored that you decide to take this journey get the fuck out of here the cage back said that we all have the tools when we get there guidance upper back corner that's why you're here with us products what I just do turn light on [Music] okay oh fuck you oh fuck you don't even hold on can I do anything over here [Music] I just filled that with gas yeah huh oh what the fuck is in here fuck dude I where should I put it foreign [Music] okay it's set to nine o'clock should I remember that okay nine o'clock toolbox is locked where should I bring this I don't know Just Turn All the Lights On maybe first there's another way to go I'm going to bring that into here the clock he hates what'd you say I I'm really not honestly I'm really not good at Granny likes oh fuck you night shift abductor strikes again okay Granny likes you so what a granny like is a game where you is a game where you have to pick up like rope bring the Rope downstairs to grab that thing when you grab that thing there's bubble gum in it you take the bubble gum up to the room upstairs and put it under the sink to plug the hole then you can get the water with the cup that you have to find down in the basement which you can only get there if you open the door with the key that you find underneath the bed I'm not good at Granny likes 34 year old Deborah hiskey is the latest victim of the notorious night shift abductor okay relocations show video evidence of the same abductor at multiple locations between Custer County and its surrounding areas all six abductions have had very similar circumstances while he was alone in the shift in the dead of night was confronted by the assailant after a period of observation when the venue was at a period of little to no business okay okay he's mid to late 30s standing at roughly 6-4 and assumed 250 pounds very few other details of these Sandlin are known his identity as well as concealed during the assault via a makeshift burlap mask and thick seasonal clothing okay okay these incidents do not appear to be slowing down much longer are we to expect this this slow unproductive case to continue you better not start you're going to start moving R2 Paperclip thank you Valley covers brand new lock has a preset code which cannot be changed we would advise storing this paper so okay combination is or question mark 62. or something six two all right that's for the padlocker that was in the other room or something oh my God no or something six two let's brute force it ah what what get on get up get out get out what do I do how do I turn that off shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up quiet shut up shut the fuck up shut up shut the fuck up where do I go how do I hide from this guy oh my God under the bed he's not here foreign got it okay screwdriver undo the uh undo okay this is the thing with the gas was the room with the gas in it fuck you I hate Granny likes so unscrew it um excuse me I have a screwdriver in my hand is there can I save the game wood food or water as well as medical tools and treatments oh oh okay that's very very appreciated I can only save the game like three times yeah that was loud too wasn't it okay dude let's fucking Vlog I'm bringing like this down just like it to 90. you know what I mean it's loud what foreign Okay so I just keep going the camera ah blind what blind I would have been blind I missed something what I miss it's intense I'm terrified would I miss I missed something missed something oh feels like I've been locked in this house for weeks but it's only been a few days I'm losing track of time are you wailing coming from under the house what is he doing down there I can't thinking about that there were tunnels down there looked like they've went on forever I tried to escape but he caught me with that damn radar he locked me back upstairs but I saw where he keeps the radar boxed it in the closet the combination was five two nine one don't forget that number Jesus [Music] what did you say locked do I have a key for this no yeah fucking granny can I sneak thank you [Music] right are they even alive oh what door where am I no not the fucking house quick take everything I can take the hand take the hand take the hand [Music] oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead fuck two days remain I'm not gonna be able to get a granny like I don't I I will I've never completed a granny like it's never happened where am I now dude what is going on right now what the fuck this is do I have to stare at this what's going on look at me I keep doing this ow I'm so glad I turned it down sacrifice and that's at like 50 where am I now [Music] I'm turning it down even more turn it down turn it down thanks on turn it down turn it down I'm dead take the door hinges off these games are so fucked up I'm not turning it up is it is that actually it or is there more I think I lost okay the house so there's a part four you lost yeah I got the bad ending all right should I try this one more time I feel like I'm never gonna beat this okay I'm gonna try it again [Music] turn it back up a little bit I try one more time I don't I don't I I'm not I usually don't play Granny likes I really don't Granny likes it cool but there's so much intense shit going on that my brain only can focus on the scary parts and I can't figure out where the bubble gum goes yeah this part there was another place I could go down too wasn't there that's right just say survival horror well not every survival horror is a granny like okay I'm going to go back down to where that place where I was before this way right there were two places to go down I kind of feel like I wanna no not this way all right I gotta stop looking at chat I gotta pay attention where the fuck I'm going all right this way okay this time don't wake the grandma what what's happening what did I I just I just moved my body just moved all over the place what am I looking at here huh what bandages that's it right okay locked all right get the fuck out of here am I stuck in here can't reach RAB climbing oh my god dude go for go forward go okay so that was what was on the other side okay don't go near granny it's all locked it's in here toilet toilet lid paper clip can I use I think I could use this on lock doors right it shows a crowd draining a man's blood is it like a little remote controlled car going around the Halls hammer okay I think I can hide in here all right I got a hammer titanium lock okay I I have a couple of uh I can pick some blocks right let's try picking a lock I can't pick this oh okay we saw this already you got to use the paper clip okay I remember doing Yep this is did I do the yeah I already got it okay so now how do I use the paper clips okay so I can't do anything else up here foreign what is that hit him in the back of the head of the hammer oh I don't I don't I can't see him no no no don't come in here where is he I don't know why is he left or right oh please I'm gonna set it up right here ding dong come and fucking get me right here come and get me [Music] come and get me hammer you need to R1 R1 R1 granny am I am I gonna Touch This gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha was oh my God oh no he turned the gas on [Applause] I don't think I can swing fuck this game's so fucking horrible I just oh I'm too like I'm too like erratic to play these and I I had I tried to hit him with the hammer I couldn't yeah you need to calm down I'm gonna try to all right reload the game I'll try one more time I'm gonna calm down I'm gonna calm down here we go I'm going to do it very calmly I don't do I can't play Granny likes I told you I installed granny too and I when I found out that I had to go up the stairs pick up the hammer or pick up the wood and go down the stairs I was like I I held my finger on the button on the iPad and then pressed the x button I can't play Granny likes I can't do it Rock hold on wait can I throw I'm gonna try to throw a rock at Granny's head will this work did I hit her all right [Laughter] did I drop the rock on the ground oh I think I have I don't think I can do it I'm too fucked up end of the stream voice um no no not yet I love okay I like I like these games I like watching people play these games and know what they're doing see me I I just like walk up to granny she screams at me and then I Sprint around in a circle and try to hide under the bed and die true was there anything even in here I don't think so it was a bandage but like that's gonna help yeah there was nothing here everyone getting stuck here though okay all right oh come on not even a hard game what do you have here what do you what what's this what do I do can I touch something walk um nothing on the ground in here this is locked I need to I can't open it it's coming back now um I gotta turn this off somehow shit cardboard box nothing nothing oh another vent okay unscrewed please oh unscrew it hot steam I could die the fuck was that what what I just what I just do I can't take it off this is a way to escape I see this I'm too I'm I don't get this part can I turn this off with anything probably I gotta go upstairs and in the bathroom and pick up the gum and bring the gum down here and plug it okay um I don't I don't know I don't have anything to open this with what about the wait this is where it just wasn't right yeah what did I just hear can I just go through this room stop who's coming I don't I can't go through there all right I have to go upstairs it was there was a code that I had right in the closet five two something I just don't know where that is new stupid motherfucker I hate your guts you suck yeah I'm done I can't do it I'm done I'm done I can't do it I can't do the Granny likes I can't like run up downstairs I can do it I can't do it I can't do it it's I I I can't do it I can't do it all right so we're gonna do all right the code was five two nine one I don't know what I don't know where to put it scale issue yeah I just don't I don't play Granny likes it's a good game all right we're gonna play something else what else we got we have very spawn do it your way my way doesn't work because you have to if you get spotted they kill you
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 213,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, Stay Out of the House, pc, puppet combo, jerma puppet combo, jerma stay out of the house, jerma facecam
Id: fsnyLSO8LJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 11sec (5711 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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