Pac-Man Gaming - Jerma Lethal Company (with Ster, Poke, Vinny) Stream Edit

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[Music] we got Vinnie we got poke and we got stir lethal company never played it before no idea what's going on I did hear that it's it's it's quite a it's quite a scary game it's quite a fun experience is what I've heard we're ready we're ready to go Che I'll fix you right now no you're good you're good are we good how's everybody doing holy [ __ ] all right yeah hey my resolution sucks it's all hey I'm playing on a giant [ __ ] television all right everybody relax so so poke did you hear germa's microphone just now yes was it weird for you or was that just me I mean it's it's ger ger talk hey what's up you you went a little robot for a second too no I think sounds normal was it just maybe some once in a while the game gets Robo for me like Robo wants in yeah you're Robo right now for me oh man but not anymore I it's intended to be like poopy sometimes well it's creepy all right so poke if you you you played this game a lot no I actually play very little bit I have no no idea oh really I yeah Vinnie you have no time in this right zero this is this is got to be so we're still we're new we're new and this game blew up it's got like a 100,000 concurrent players it's so weird it's more than Starfield wow hell so poke what are some dos and don'ts um I'll tell you after go to the bathroom in one second uh I turned the lights off I'm using I'm using the bathroom right now how do I turn the lights back on uh Hey s how you doing hello s um I turn the light off it's kind of dark I played a little okay you're the most experienced one here now officially well how much did poke play he said he I don't believe him but he said he was only in a Lobby for like hours I I've played like three hours okay so has played 15 plus hours yeah okay they're lying it poke lied how loud is this game is this game loud no okay uh no how loud is it right now I mean like our voice is how loud the game is it's not loud all right well just be aware because there's going to be some screams in your ears probably so I'm being I'm preparing there's like Freddy Fazbear when he comes at you it gets pretty loud so we so we have to scan items uh here's here's the too long didn't read okay we are part of the company they're sending us down here to get items from inside the local base that we've we've dropped at and we got to bring them back here and sell them and up here you can see up here our profit quota Z out of 130 we got to get 130 worth otherwise the company will fire us $130 and it takes three days we got three days to get 130 okay wait S cherry tomato boys what what is that on your shirt your shoes untied your shoes untied you guys listen everyone Focus this is super important if the company fires us this is my last job I get to retire after this is there a space Costco space Costco yeah that's where we sell our stuff so we're going to you're looking for materials you pick them up some are too heavy we can put them all outside here pretty simple yep all right right we're scavengers seems like a all right let's go so this we just go in we scavenge and we pull I Rec I mean but you travel in pairs you know stick together okay yeah okay all right who the lead I'm going this way all right we'll all go together until we have to split up I guess that's some Reaver yeah this what is that hey hey hey guys hold on I saw something what' you see was it a her no it was fine dude I I'm seeing something I swear what do you see you been smoking yeah it was like a guy with two white eyes Sprint over there was a skiy toilet he went to the right yeah it was a skiy toilet what the [ __ ] happen what was that what is it how do I get that off you how do I get this off your head how do I get this off your head help him stop thinking about it just stop thinking about it I don't know stand still crou crou crou roll roll you have to roll why can't we pull it off his head what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do how do we get out of here oh get away from it get away from it get away from it oh is it on you who's it on it's on me what hey this isn't important we have to find stuff otherwise we don't make quot the guys there the monster the monster the other monster guys the monster the other monster snakes on this Mission focus focus the company needs us step on it stomp it it's just walk it's just walking around over there watch out watch it's on the ceiling right up here it's right there can I scan it okay yeah got bring we got we got to bring the guy back you get the generator it's it's coming after me it's coming after me it's coming after me it's coming after me it's coming after me it's coming got help anybody here I'm you I you oh ow my body ow one that snaps the neck I don't know all of them yet I only know Dam he's literally right behind me I didn't know how fall damage there was he's literally like right there I I I I okay I saw him I think's going to die back they don't you want to go back and leave them take theator they don't know don't know h you're right I think he's dead I think he's dead I think he's dead we died so early yeah we died very early well I didn't know there was monsters that early I thought it was like I thought this yeah same uh I jumped off I I I didn't know it was like a 100 foot drop I jumped off over the banister when the thing was chasing me and I fell like 100 feet you want to you want to tip recruits yeah yeah please you come over here you enter the terminal mhm terminal yeah and you could type in a bestiary and it'll tell you like the thing that you scans it'll give you info on that uh that bug okay look a shovel is on uh somebody use a computer store a shovel is on sale yeah I see yeah shovel is 30 bucks a lock $44 we could buy maybe two flashlights they're going to they're going to air drop us the flashlights as well we got to wait a sec when you see the ice cream truck um there there's like a weird flying creature is that going to hurt us probably what cool I would avoid the bees as well yeah if you see bees avoid them and those bees the bees are the bees are coming over here right now oh yeah these are bad these will these will uhoh wait wait wait did you got it oh it's fine are they out there still sir yeah yeah this bug you're kind of a coward ice cream truck why is there an ice cream truck because we it's hot wait those are are flashlights right ice cream ice cream wait why ICE scam music all right flashlight how do I use it all right ooh does it have battery yes top left we charge it at the ship okay okay we only got one item last time here we got we got to screw in this room I found a strange doohickey on the floor are we like 3 in is tall no what huh look at how big that [ __ ] screw is this thing is huge it's a big screw yeah it's a it's a future screw it's like it's for like future things you sure we're not in Toy Story oh Rubik's Cube what what what what what that's a turret that's a turret that's defense system okay um up behind you more important there's tea kettle and Bottles we need those okay um I have what did I just pick up I got a Rubik's Cube dude think I can you see in the corner of the room The Red Door yeah as well y That's a there's a fire exit on a lot of levels okay you like it's a second exit uh you're going to get lit up by that thing should I warning increase levels of radiation I okay let's get out the door I love how the hall is pickles and beer what did I got no I got a Rubik's Cube I got a teapot pickles and a Rubik's Cube don't watch out for the bees watch out okay okay okay are you okay dud I I might need you to do a maneuver here a maneuver I'm hurt listen yeah listen pal pick up that beehive what about the bruise man what about the beer I listen listen here's the plan you have to pick up the Beehive pick up and run it away so that we can walk through this Corridor you have to like Drop it somewhere else and the bees will go to it hey but I don't have any spots okay pick up the Beehive and run and drop the Beehive and then run away yeah I'm going it's I we can't walk by it God damn it ow watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out okay okay did I do it you did it you're you're you're going to get promoted definitely going to watch out for that that vampire bug Beast what was that thing is that far enough away we got to get back to the ship we have a big hall right now man I got this pickles over here that I what what happened to the pickles ship's right here oh he's far away I got your pickles the bees are right there man I can't help but the bees the bees are right here I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming there a there's a [ __ ] like mole over here help help help help help help help how do I get up how do I get up on the ship how do I get on the ship how do I get on the ship how do I get on the ship how do I get on the ship all right I'm on the ship where are you sir s St St follow my voice he's got the bottles stir follow my voice I'm here I'm behind you I'm behind you he took the [ __ ] bottles man ooh got scrap Rubik's Cube that's worth something what's that worth okay yeah if you scan here it'll show you the total we got 264 already nice all right so let can we call them here here you check the you switch the camera oh they're alive yeah they're good the Red Dot you see that coming at them that they're getting attacked should we help them we can't we don't normally if we have money we can get a teleporter and we could teleport them back to save them do we leave they drop everything though I think uh looks like died oh no are they just right out here no they're in the base somewhere oh no he just scanned it wait what what happened they just scanned it so we can figure out what's killing them uh monitoring yeah he's being chased it's literally like a game a [ __ ] okay this is like aari game that aren't very uh they're not hostile unless you take their thing oh I think they're fighting M I think Vinnie took its thing but uh we could we could wait for poke to get back or we can uh we can go grab more there was a lot more yeah some stuff in the main entrance there's some really scary stuff out here though uh do you want to make money or you want to [ __ ] cry and wet your pants your little diaper your little baby do you want to cry and wet your little diaper this is enough this is like this is enough isn't it for level one it's getting late yeah but the more that we get the more flashlights and stuff we can get how what time is it isn't it like 8:00 at night it's like 9 what time is there like is like okay is it like Minecraft or the creepers going to come out at 10:00 or something poke is dead oh no is that you is that you walking around get inside get inside is that you I heard something walking around something was just walking around we're leaving we're leaving but does that do we get money look out look at the map you see that big red uhhuh you see you see how big that is you see do you see the situation where which which one of those is us oh oh we're the little blue circles oh so there's something horrible out here do you want to go out there should can what if you just open the door what happens you can go investigate I see you lose money if we don't recover your body I just want to see it yeah that's funny really funny oh I got killed good one good one good one let's go germa it was bad out there buddy it was bad oh man you you you wouldn't even know the horror that we face in in those corridors the only thing we had to deal with was a beehive we were like in a wi the PO episode spider we had to make a bargain with the monster and give up a what was it a brush we gave up uh first you give him a key and then I tried to give a brush and then we died anyway because we couldn't find our way out yeah we got a lot of stuff yet though we're way over quota we did get a lot of good stuff it's a shame too cuz we took a light source that could have been worth a ton and um oh the generator the generator but it cut the lights which is why we got lost and then my battery is that actually helped us cuz we were in a room with a Turret and you you turned the power off oh is that what happened oh [ __ ] I can't see it's hazy hand in front my face it's it's a little too hazy um I'm I couldn't see the ground but there is ground be careful cuz you can just fall and die here what that's not yeah this is uh that's not good and we can't see more than 3T in front of us I don't like that we hold hands hold hands get a leash yeah don't go too far you're just wandering in a random Direction what what what what oh is that you yeah I'm making a noise any [ __ ] on the ground you we went like totally the wrong way okay let me try signaling the moon you're that shit's going to run out of batteries I have 100% oh you're like Mom before going to the airport like how much battery percentage do you have uh 98% that's not enough I'm I'm ready to leave I hate this this is the worst planet of all all time are we missing an item to clear this or something hello poke poke can you hear us where are you heard him I heard where are you where are you I'm in the water the water the water I hear you you're down a cliff man I'm like right here can you see the light I might just die guys you good no well like of course not he hey man we throw we're going to throw some Doritos down there in a small sub you be all right all right just just go on without me I'm just going I don't if you don't hear me in 4 seconds I'm dead oh H hey I think I fell out here with you poke am I drowning how do I how do I not drown how do you not how do I not drown am I drowning oh poke poke poke poke oh he's dead he's dead he's dead oh hey I got poke he died in the water how do I get out of the water I think we're doomed man I think we down the clip that's it oh wait no no no we got something up here here okay I fell down with you and I just oh godamn they're both down the same Ravine oh let's go that's that's an unfortunate one I was begging for your help too okay you were just like rotting in the water and I'm like poke where are you poke help me cool just is that everything try to get try to get the exact amount so you have more money for next quot says a chat member uh you got to you got to ding the Bell but also the money that we could get buy as flashlights can you fix the visor at some point too what's that noise what is that I don't know I don't like it whoa I'm sorry all I I overreacted right there for the YouTube video cuz like it gets like a lot more engagement yeah maybe you should turn on a webcam then nah I I don't give a [ __ ] about that uh we just we go to the new moon now myself oh we no we got to go to the store and buy some stuff it'll drop it here for us while we're here did you buy one walkie-talkie he bought one there's there's a the ship the ship [ __ ] landed on [Applause] me what the [ __ ] is going on here get him out wait where do I bring the body you back to the ship back to the ship okay I mean I kind of stepped in I didn't know what was happening I just heard a loud noise I looked up and it's just bright is he trying to sell ger what they want him trust me give him a minute okay they wait they took them yeah it's gone W he's just worthless valuable to the company so now what they turn me into like juice back there I have a walkie no flashlight and the shovel how uh hazard level B so what's what's better the uh is the two better with the shovel or the three the the Whirlwind spin what do you mean don't go down there guys they're dead oh my I'm glad I didn't jump down there that was not me and you this time hey uh I say you guys fell down over I see a dead body over oh they actually dead are they dead we didn't really fast we didn't even last 10 seconds oh my [ __ ] God I got I'm I'm very heavy yeah me too I'm 38 lbs 45 lb yeah it's up grown ass pounds oh wait that hurts you I was I hit you in the back of the head with trou I was seeing what happened I'm sorry I won't say it again okay the rumors are true about you man I'm sorry there's a a there's a bug in here how do I there a look out look out look out dude there's a giant like spider over there you you're the one with the shovel I have a shovel not a machine gun are you scared hey uh no of course not man I'm the muscle it's me do what do whatever you feel is best I don't know what's best scan it you got a walkie I do have a walkie bunker spider call it in call it in hey uh Vinnie or poke I've got a bunker spider down here in the bunker and I just want to know if you can look that up and let me know where I should hit this [ __ ] say the whole thing again you want me to repeat the whole thing hey anyone there yeah yeah over here there's a bunker spider down here hey there's a bunker spider over here don't do that should I hit it I think is it dead I think it's if you if you piss it off it gets pissed type [ __ ] hey hey hey hey hey hey careful there Buster hey put the light on it for a second hey hey bunker spider I got my mom on the phone you got anything to say got my mom on the phone anything you got to say hey oh oh my good good job with that spider germa's dead over yeah I don't know who he's talking to get get oh [ __ ] you died Vinnie what happened to you they are just hitting me in the head over and over a't going to wake up from this this is like if I wasn't dead I this is like a like a break room you just take out all your frustration oh spider Still Not Dead by I'm going to save you I'm where even where is the spider yeah this the spider right there the the rest of the compound's behind him what do you think Vinnie's doing wait hey Vinnie what are you doing I can't I can't help them you there are you able to clear the web with the shovel oh they probably just think you don't know that the walkie-talkie is off or something right yeah cuz that happen to me earlier I was trying to talk to you guys and your walkie talkies were off oh my God why would he do that it doesn't like that I'm out I'm out I'm out okay here we go here we go okay here we go is this is this about where you died jump like I did he's he's going to jump like I did and then he's going to go straight into the quick sand oh God isn't he no don't do it don't do it f it's right there it's right there that's the quick sand what and [Laughter] dead what yeah that's that's how I died about five and a half minutes ago did I just drown [ __ ] yes you did that was quicksand oh that's so he down here the reason why he wasn't talking to us through the walkie-talkie is cuz he died so [ __ ] early from the exact same way you did oh a goop and now stir has no idea stir thinks you're completely safe he's going to do the exact same thing on his way back yep he's going to go straight into the quip sand just like I did and you did it's going to be wonderful he thinks we're both alive just living it up right now ship leaving in 1 hour oh oh wait oh so he's gone oh [Music] no oh man oh pul you died yeah so uh stir there's quicksand yeah there is yeah there is yeah that's how me and poke died they both died the same same ex anything back no I tried to walk it back I slow walked and I just drowned walk out there at me and JMA watched it happen and and we were like he's it's going to happen and he just went straight into the quicksand it was wonderful it was it okay so we are out of flashlights and we are out of walkies and we have no shovel we we lost everything well let's just go to the easy level and just go pick up a bunch of like is the one day quot easy day we have to get 200 from this place get that finger out of my face we can do I know we can do it we just grab a bunch of quick stuff quick mission in and out five minutes yeah I'm all okay we're all going to Sprint together we're all going to run and pick up your stuff run back and deposit it that's it yes yes we have to go you can break these webs on the left was that bunker SP he hat that he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming also uh no don't leave me out there it's behind me start Run start no all right a [ __ ] run run run God damn it we supposed to run he's really hurt I had him I whacked him in the head like eight times to get it's nice knowing you guys where are you hello I don't know where I am I'm stuck in a whip stuck in a whip Luigi stuck in a whip he's standing up and it's weird oh Jesus I killed it I killed it no no I did that's excuse me I they can't hear me I'm a [ __ ] ghost I did all the work I did all the work that was me that did that you got him you got him one one hit in the head light him up that's a bad thing what the hell is that that's bad get him good good good good can they they s bodies all right let's let's uh let's loot I don't know if this is the goofiest [ __ ] ever I'm almost dead um what happened to him he fell and he was like I'm almost dead but he fell in such a comical way oh I was onster what happened is he G hey I dropped the bolts out there oh can you go out there for a second and come right back just I testing something but we heard that what okay it's 4:30 did he know he didn't want her to hear no true though true yeah I feel you true absolutely true even in a situation like this I farting in front of anybody yeah life or death I'm I'm holding that [ __ ] in I went to see Oppenheimer I held a fart for like 3 hours are you're one of those non-public farters huh what's that noise do you hear this I mean I do I don't see it yeah for the most part yes I don't know let's get out of here we're dead if we don't I feel like this is a crazy Lobby because this is three non-public farters Jesus Christ what is it don't a what is it oh [ __ ] man I'm thinking I need a new job what was it what was it I don't know I've never seen it there's there's one of those [ __ ] on the ceiling right here though tick or something what the wow what a [ __ ] Chad holy [ __ ] he he's killing everything oh what is this what what is this huh it's new new oh there's items in here there's the good stuff [ __ ] oh look at that okay okay wow they did it let me get this EG beater maybe there's hope okay there I think there is hope oh this shit's going to be worth millions of dollars oh yeah this will save the whole company maybe we just we don't have enough money actually need $40 that sucks oh my God I if I don't make it I'm going to scream oh get on get on oh my God we made it oh my God oh my God he actually got on my wow we made it oh my oh my God holy [ __ ] dude that was insane I've never the train started going I just grabbed the ladder that was unbelievable the one bolt is what we needed man the two both saved us you saved the company you saved the ship you saved our career that last minute decision saved everything sir I think somebody is going to get a Dunkin Donuts gift card in the mail five bucks wow I can get half of like a donut I think we're short there shouldn't be there might have been a death penalty for us oh we might have got death penalty he didn't drop bols from inventory it says stir was left behind I counted as left behind I that's what happened oh so you died or something but I was on the ship I think the cut scene was oh that's too bad okay well I get it oh that's unfortunate we're failures all right who whoa what the [ __ ] is going on somebody banging on the door oh there's a turret on the other side what are we supposed to do you turn the power off don't open it don't open it I'm not going to open it I just want to see where where it was just don't open this who opened it who opened it that's that's crazy it uh it was it was Vinnie yeah it was me sorry about that okay let's keep moving stop doing it [Laughter] stop perfect comedy timing start is your oh my God oh my God it's it's an end it's an end don't look at it don't look at it don't look at his eyes know oh my God it's an end he's right here don't look at him okay oh are they alive what is your phone doing what is your phone doing it's freaking me out what happened just screaming what happened oh we got bottle what did I fall through yeah I'm going to talk I'm going to talk about how I fought the monster and I found a I found like a a sign or a shovel on the ground and it was so insane I was like jumping around I hit it five times and then I ran into another room what the hell is [Music] that all the way this way all the way all the way I ran St I'm oh boy it is still it's going to kill him oh oh he's gone oh my God no he's alive you bleeding oh s oh my God you made it you made it I can't believe they all made it that was rough that was really rough nobody scanned it how'd you die so that that Enderman thing was looking at me and I turned and looked the other way to get away from it and another monster was in the hallway so I had to run by that monster and at that point I was just surrounded so I had to I bang her right as fast as I could and I just found a shovel on the ground I was swinging swinging swinging I end up I killed one thing one of those little bugs but I um the Enderman thing killed me eventually I don't did you guys hear me screaming I was screaming what what was happening I was getting killed by that other creature so I I we didn't hear you he's lying by the way don't trust him oh he tripped fell and broke his hip they're not even watching my stream oh what is that there's a there's a somebody oh there's a thing there's oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God there T-Rexes oh my God oh my God oh my God do they see me guys you in there there's so much [ __ ] so much what the [ __ ] happened come on what what happened on what the hell happened we got [ __ ] annihilated we we did so good we had so much stuff what happened apparently those enemies respond to your microphone oh yeah they hear I did I did not know that oh no we lost all the money wait hold just oh no [Music] one there's a Beller over this way s how do you get out of here help us get out of here hey whoa whoa whoa whoa [Laughter] you [ __ ] clocked you [ __ ] clocked him you clocked him you clotheslined him I'm so sorry no hey I'm going to make a can I make an executive call here what is it yeah there's a uh there's a beehive near the ship we said we grab the Beehive and leave why don't we deposit this stuff first sh sh ouch get Jesus Christ what is that where's the shule don't leave what happened why did you scream you screamed and he killed me wait I wait a minute who screamed s yeah he might have doomed you but that's all right that I was so quiet and I got to the very edge and poke just goes get in here and the guy grabbed me that one has Vision that might have Vision yeah he's [ __ ] he's [ __ ] he's [ __ ] oh God I don't like that oh he's he's up on the ship though he's not even outside he climbed the ladder why are they still here uh I had a propane tank it was worth 77 bucks no man we have no these guys are scary man we just can't this is some serious greed yeah this is this is dangerous it's totally dangerous War approve you know what these are called I'll scan it right now I was trying to get a scan it wasn't [Music] working that sounded real scientist Scream the fart hey come here I I think we got time I'm going to pass this up I'm telling you he probably ate he's coming back oh he's running now he's sprinting holy [ __ ] I I so hard to get up the ladder with the [ __ ] thing he was close God it was close oh s yeah I know poke ditched me that was so so sad and we were all so quiet too and it just all fell apart at the end I would rather go past the turret fire are we going to run by the turret just what another turret another turret be care be careful don't go this way don't go this way or if you do run oh oh there's another turn there's a guy there's a guy there's a guy there's a oh my God what's happening there's a guy over there too around that corner what do you mean there's a guy don't wait that wasn't a guy that was a shadow of a guy that was on the cor it was a scary monster it's a it's a that's how light works all right watch this all right here we go watch this [ __ ] the guy was around the corner I told you there was a guy and nobody believed me nobody believed me that there was a guy we good I told you there was a guy I want to written apology from everywhere then the guy don't look at him oh [ __ ] oh is he dead I'm going to pick up his I'm he got [ __ ] electrocuted theree something just like evaporated him with electricity guys guys guys guys gero you want a tag team give me the shovel um hold on this seems like a terrify open this door I'm going to Sprint I'm going to Sprint okay go this seems such a bad idea [Applause] [Laughter] so that happened real [ __ ] quick didn't it dude he just Metal Gear Solid knock over the gun and I thought I could duck on it cuz it was like higher than a Crouch that was solid [ __ ] snake into a blood mist and I got hit by the skib Lial man so all over flash right that we lost everything I think it's the blob does he not see it the blob okay there's a green Dorito straight ahead and then to your right this is like the silent movie equivalent of this game just watching this what was that noise I'm watching start play um there's the blob coming up in a moment careful careful and then you should be close to the exit I think is that Pac-Man what the [ __ ] just what what what the [ __ ] is [Laughter] happening what happened what the [ __ ] you what the fu what oh my God there's so many that um was that Pac-Man's fault I don't know I we were talking in there what we can't talk inside we can't talk we can't talk in the [ __ ] in the [Laughter] ship the dogs killed you if you could see watch one of our Clips at some point please it was you took the time to hold down the push to talk and tell me you were dying through screaming I thought something was wrong this guy just like maybe I'll play a funny alarm sound like the loudest noise coming from this mic and the dogs rush I was playing Pac-Man music over I was watching the Monitor and we were watching you do Pacman [ __ ] I I got out with something I found a whole bunch of stuff but it was midnight like exactly when I left yeah you you were pretty much done anyway that was unfortunate it was really loud lost all of our money and we need 240 in a day yeah we have one day oh I need everyone's game face on I dude I didn't know I thought we were [Laughter] safe why that playing Pac-Man sounds attracts the entire game to aggro to the ship apparently it's going to be loud so just be aware coming up in a moment careful careful and then you should be close to the exit I think Pacman what the [ __ ] just what the [ __ ] is happening take off take off oh my God that's [ __ ] ridiculous dma what are you doing on the ship I hold on hey heyy watch watch it watch it w wo wo W okay okay okay okay H behind you on the floor yeah there's also a big spider right right behind him Jesus Frey I told you there was a spider I didn't know anything I told you I told you there okay there's a spot for a key if you follow me we can possibly we could use it I told you there was a you closer to the door than me the only I the door was closed I know spiders can open door they can down stairs I thought you opened it we're going back oh let's lure the block oh wait don't split don't sprit out dead end dead end where are we going what is happening what is going on oh it's bad can you call Vinnie and say Vinnie where are we going eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes Okay Okay Okay s with the walk talkie talkie God damn it God damn it good uh you probably want to run like right now can we get a hi coup for some motivation uh what is the H coup it's five it's 75 today is a good but today is today we make yeah just Ser room in here today we make cash Vinnie Direct us good boy um make and out like uh I BR germa over let me just distract it and then you guys run left okay you ready I'm going to like run right in front of it we got to pick what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh God oh God it oh my God this is a dead end gotch M6 I think PO is dead triang how do we die every time the scream oh what he oh my God yeah which way is it left or right uh it's to the right uh sorry it's to your left it's to your left and down a hallway to your left so you can probably just run very quickly straight ahead keep going straight run fast now make it right oh Jesus he jumped over it oh [ __ ] that was wrong way wrong way behind oh no oh what is he doing what got I don't know why left here the [Laughter] body take her right here he's still guid him Oh that's oh God what's going on what is going on is that you guys making that sound guys what is making what are you guys doing what the [ __ ] are you doing like what's [Laughter] happening that was horrifying are are you making that noise that is a German it's a robot yeah this is show show oh my god oh fire exit is right here what the hell oh my God I thought it was a I thought it was a whale or something I was watch out for the whale I I don't this game makes all kinds of wacky ass noises fortnite after this n it's not fortnite Friday sorry oh come on wait did you you bring that one walk every Friday I have one walkie I play it every Friday I play fortnite every single Friday do you want to do a a Starcraft 2 ladder climb with me to Grandmas I'll play I'll play one custom game with you uh how do you say no in every single language how about this how about this stir let's do what I did back in the day we'll do a custom where we do um we we fight against bots and then we betray our human allies I don't I don't want to play Starcraft I was just trying to pick like the number one thing drummer would say no to but also I don't I don't want to have you you're not into any real time strategy uh Command and Conquer red alert was my absolute Jam uh because it's just you know Yu's Revenge no that's a good no that was good but no no I played yahi yah's Revenge what the [ __ ] did you just say what the [Laughter] [ __ ] I was hoping it was going to kill him uh but I played Red Alert the original cuz it was really fun to just build power plants and then build Tesla coils across the map into the other person's base oh then you zaap them and yah's revenge if if you yeah it's a bug it's a bug is it just a little [ __ ] I'll get it yeah oh I oh oh there's another one it [Music] man did I get it you are you alive the B over we Harvest it's me oh the disappointment in your voice was so good right in front of me it is right in front of you there's a red dot it might be on the ceiling as one of those ticks you're almost right on top of kill it come here you little [ __ ] another one get over here what the [ __ ] is happening what the oh get it oh oh yeah he's dead over he died to the thing did I get it SC I scanned it I think it SC I think it was scanned so that one you want to briefly look at it and then look away I just chased a [ __ ] like cockroach around the house what the hell am I doing how many times did you hit that it looked like you hit it like five times I don't know okay okay get ready to run to my voice okay they're all the way [Music] down there just seems um what the [ __ ] was that help you all right there's there's nothing over here there's nothing over here what there's nothing there no there's nothing here [ __ ] what is that thing what is that uh um I are you still what the [ __ ] why jump off oh my God why is your reaction to run forward and jump off did you not see what it did to me I'm talking about Gera it dude I it [ __ ] I don't know what I I don't know I didn't know where to go all treasure gone all of it I don't even know what happened that like teleported into my face I didn't know I could do that nothing all right let's bring the bruise back yeah let's at least have a little bit of fun party you know what I mean I also put some bruise over here but I don't think we're going to be able to get those I'm Imaging they one we got one hour oh my God just laughing like it's tickling you I know I'm laughing cuz Vinnie crouched and he's fine no he's well that's that oh my God that was terrifying you know you know someone in my chat a while back told me to hide behind a tree when those enemies appeared it it seemed like it was working B that was that was I mean that was hilarious streams I've done all year honestly this this is one of like the best things I think I've done all year okay why are you leaving I cuz I'm it's been five five hours I gotta do something in real life too so yeah actually it's a good point it's a good it's a good time in I'm I can't wait to watch all those goddam all yeah take e guys take care PE out see you bye bye bye
Channel: Cheltie
Views: 110,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma985, jerma highlights, jerma stream, jerma, stream highlights, highlights, stream, jerma funny joke, twitch, streamer, twitch streamer, highlight, Livestream, jerma Lethal Company, lethal company
Id: uOakID4MuQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 22sec (3082 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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