Jehovah's Witness vs. Islam - Tear Jerking debate! - LIVE

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never alone you never alone look uh I stopped you in the Stream my friend and you didn't want to record the earlier conversation and you said your name is uh Faris Faris okay Faris uh and where are you from now no where are you from um country yeah which country Nigeria you're from Nigeria and you are a Jehovah's Witness yes okay now you're Jehovah's Witness and uh we didn't record the earlier bit of the conversation because you don't be recorded which is fair enough and you said that uh your grandparents were Muslims yeah and your parents this is it this is how it is my grandparents were Muslim um they were very strong Muslim and they brought my parents up as a Muslim so while my parents were under my grandparents custody they lived their life as a Muslim but the problem is that when they became independent yeah at that time there were still Muslim but when they gave birth to me they gave birth to me as a Muslim and they gave me a Muslim name right which Isis but as year went by they converted from Muslim to Christian so I why they conver I live I lived most of my life as a Christian so why did they converge is that because they were forced or uh reason why they converted I think they had many influences around them and they weren't too sure of you know how would you say that too many influences around them in Nigeria I think the the the sort of mentality my parents has here is that whether you whether you you're Muslim or Christian you're still serving the same God but because there are so many influences that were Christian around them you mean uh uh pressure no no no because they have so many influences around them they just felt whether they're Muslim whether they're Christian it makes no difference so they just decide to convert to Christian so is that Catholic or no it's not Catholic it's Christian but it's not Catholic like um Pentecostal okay oh the Pentecostal Christians okay and then you became a Jehovah's Witness when how old were you when you became I think it was 2003 2003 you became a Jehovah's Witness okay now we've been the conversation we've had which the people haven't seen is that you've agreed that Jesus's Lifestyle the way he prayed the way Jesus fasted the fact that he was circumcised the food that he ate and his lifestyle was the lifestyle of a Muslim Jehovah Witness does teach that Jesus fasted for 40 days 40 nights and he prayed by putting his head on the ground well that one I want that one to be picked out from the Bible I still want to see that um I still want to see that script from the Bible that Jesus prayed like to me that he actually put his forehead on the floor and pray to God okay I I'll just show that to you but uh it says in the Garden of Gethsemane he went to the Garden of Gethsemane he fell on his face and prayed to God yeah and who prays like that today um Muslim Faris Muslims pray like that today and if you saw saw Mary the mother of Jesus with her head covered and her loose clothes on walking down the street here in North London you would think what religion would you think she was I think she's a muslim okay you think Muslim and Jesus was circumcised Muslim men are circumcised Jesus ate kosher food and kosher food is the same as halal food y okay okay yes yes okay and Jesus fasted we've said no that one that um Jesus had allow food that one also I'm not 100% sure about that that one I would like that to be pointed out from the Bible to me no point all but you know that he followed the Jewish law of kosher food and kosher food the animals are killed in the same way as halal food yeah Jesus was a Jew when he was alive so he would eat the food of Jewish people which is to eat food which is kosher food which in which the animal is killed in the same way oh okay okay I was I don't know about that but you know no problem now um what we came to was that the um Jesus peace be upon him did he complete his message and off the camera I did say to you that he didn't complete his message because he said that I have many things to say to you and you cannot bear them now the spirit of truth will come and what it speaks will be from itself but what it hears from almighty God which he would refer to in the Bible as the father okay so we believe these words of almighty God which the Bible refers to as the father have come down to us came down initially to the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and have been collected together to form the Quran okay the Quran as I showed you just before we started recording is a book which has got embryology in it and it's got the description of how the universe started the Big Bang Theory how the universe is expanding expanding Universe uh how gravity Works um construction of um Mountain how the water cycle works how pain receptors in the skin all these scientific statements in the Quran and there isn't a single statement in the Quran which contradicts modern science the Quran is 100% scientifically accurate okay the Quran is a book which is400 years old it's a book that's easy to memorize millions and millions of people have memorized the Quran of by FIS which means that it's a book that's very difficult to change if someone tried to change the Quran or produce a new book and change one of two words in it and it's like the Quran but two words difference people would spot it straight away because millions of people know the Quran up by heart and they would see it's different and they would say it's not the Quran make sense yes yes it makes sense this book was given to a man who couldn't read or right this book has the effect of changing people's lives forever this book does not contain any contradictions even though it was revealed a little bit at a time over 23 years this this book contains God's challenge God says in the Quran that if you have doubt in what we have revealed to our servant that's muhamad peace be upon him then produce one Surah like it and God says in the Quran that no one can do it no one can produce even one Surah which is one chapter like the Quran and the shortest chapter is only three sentences okay this book today Faris has produced the largest practice religion of 1.7 billion people and the fastest going religion okay when when you add these things about the Quran would you agree the Quran is an amazing book a powerful book honestly it's a it's an amazing book so as Jehovah's Witness you'd still agree the Quran is an amazing book it's an amazing book okay it's a powerful book it's a very powerful book very powerful book okay would you agree that this book must be from God it must be from God you know do you accept that because there's um generally you can't it's a book that can't be compared to other books that's right very powerful you read some of it sorry you read some of it I mean I've been to I've actually had a conversation with um elderly Muslim fellow and um Muslim mates you know I've discussed things like this with um I've discussed things like this with them before and I've G been given a book and I've actually read it before you know so as a Jehovah's Witness would you say the Quran must be from God the must be from God but at the same time I've not really gone really deep into um the comparison between the Bible and the um Quran we're not trying there a big S there's a lot of similarity and is I'll be honest here if somebody is to do a research on it yeah it's going to take a long time because you know yeah it's going to take a very long time because it's very hard yeah to different shate to not exactly different shape but it's very hard to say this is the one this is not not the one okay we are not trying to compare the Quran with the Bible we believe the Quran is the absolute word of God that's come down for mankind we believe the Bible does contain words of almighty God that have been given to various prophets throughout history so we're not trying to compare the two we're not trying and say the Quran is better than the Bible and so on that's the purpose of our discussion for somebody to look into it um for themsel what we're trying to say is the Bible does contain some words from almighty God the Quran is the last book that has come from almighty God and we would suggest the Quran is a book that cannot be written by human beings if even if the all the human beings got together they could not write a book like the Quran a book which for 1,400 years has been been 100% scientifically accurate it has got no mistakes in it no scientific inaccuracies it's a book that's affected a huge population of mankind and it's caused them to believe in one God to accept Jesus Moses Abraham and Muhammad peace be upon them all as prophets of God messengers of God it's caused mankind to pray to God five times times a day this book has caused people to fast in the month of Ramadan fast like Jesus fast in the Bible this book must be from God you witness actually teach that Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and 40 nights true we don't have teach that they do actually you know from the Bible studies that I've been doing several times I've been I've gone over it you know that was the time that Satan if you come forward yeah that was the time Satan tempted Jesus yes so yeah we don't have a problem we agree that Jesus peace be upon him um I can tell you the full story of the 40 nights and 40 days days and 40 nights do you agree that the Quran must be from God the Quran the Quran must be from God yes if you agree one second my friend if you agree with that you need to agree that Muhammad peace be upon Him must be a messenger of God because in the Quran God says about the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him you are one of the messengers of almighty God then I would suggest FIS you need to accept Muhammad peace be upon him as a messenger of God just like Jesus Moses Abraham these were all Messengers of God and if you accept that then you're a Muslim that's what I was say as f are you prepared to accept Muhammad as another messenger of God FIS uh and your life will change my friend you will see your life changing your grandparents were Muslims your parents became Christian evang Pentecostal Christians you have become a Jehovah's Witness by all accounts do you know what I would do the thing is that the system of this world yeah um mankind are in darkness yeah it's only God that can reflect light upon mankind for them to see the light for them to see the truth it's only God that can allow us to see the truth the only thing I can do is pray over it for God to show me the way is it Muslim or is it Christian that's right um by God's grace you know God will show me the way allow me to see the truth and allow me to make the right decision the right decision might be Muslim I never know I'm not I cannot judge the Christian I cannot judge the Muslim but you know it's a matter that's very good that's very good what you're saying is very good before somebody can make a decision that okay I accept Muhammad as the true Prophet yeah some it it will take some time somebody will need to go you know meditate in the words the um Bible the Quran and then from there God will reflect light into that person vision for them to see that is either Christian or is either Muslim that's all I can say that sounds very good very good of you God bless you that to say that you're going to meditate and ask God to guide you so just to you know to S of clarify you're Jehovah's Witness and you've agreed that Jesus's lifestyle was the lifestyle of a Muslim the way he prayed the way he fasted the way he was circumcised the food he ate his lifestyle and the women that followed Jesus they were dressed like Muslim ladies you agree with that um that one I cannot judge that point because but but but all accounts you can see you know I mean I know you just don't celebrate Christmas but you've seen Christmas cards you've seen paintings I mean you can give me the you can give me the um the chapter and the verse where it says that then I will look over it and see for myself what you are saying I will compare that to what you're saying and see if what you have a point in what you're saying okay let me get a Bible and show you about Jesus praying one moment we'll do that in a moment but uh when it comes to the Quran you agree that the Quran is from God I agree that the Quran is from God but at the same time you know there is some kind of clashes between between between Quran and and the Bible what sort of clashes give me an example the the Finish there similarity yes they do um where do they clash in terms in terms of what the Bible says and what the Quran says yeah it seems that the prophet that Muslim believe in yeah the Christian also believe in them but there's still like the way um the way Muslim perceive Jesus and the way Christian perceive Jesus there's a bit there's a bit different give me an example you know like for instance um Muslim thinks like when we me when we say Jesus is the son of God yeah we don't mean as in God physically gave birth to Jesus but the impression that the Muslim get about that expression is that we're saying that God gave birth to Jesus which is not no we understand no we we don't have problem Catholic Catholic are the confused ones I think they do believe that God physically gave birth to Jesus Catholics they the corrupt Christian Catholics do believe in the trinity yeah sorry if you just move forward my friend and you don't believe in the Trinity I know that as a Jehovah's Witness you believe Jesus is not part of a trinity you believe Jesus is the creation of God and he is somebody sent by God and he is not God I know that that's why Jehovah's Witnesses are much closer to Muslims but what I'm saying to you is that that's fine but do you is there anything else that you find clashes the Bible the Quran I do believe in the words in Quran but the thing is because because of the similarity between Bible and and Quran here I won't say it's everything that I believe I won't say it's everything that I believe is there something you don't believe in the Quran or you don't know I would say all the prophets here in the Quran yeah I believe in them okay do you accept the Quran is from go you've already said you accept the Quran Quran is from God then you're a Muslim my friend I'm sorry look you can call yourself a Jehovah's Witness but the reality is first you really actually a Muslim and I would suggest look you can go and do more research okay but I feel that God has already guided you you accept the Quran is from God therefore you have to accept that Muhammad peace be upon Him is a messenger of God because the Quran says so and you should confirm this by saying these two sentences let me tell you what they are the first sentence as a Jehovah's Witness you wouldn't have a problem with first sentence is I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of of worship except almighty God in Arabic Allah yes you agree with that yes so you should say that I bear witness I bear witness that there is nothing there is nothing worthy of worship there is nothing worthy of worship except almighty God except almighty God are you happy with the word Allah for God I yeah I'm happy I'm happy because the way um the way they address that um that name according to God you know is you know is a name that they treat with respect so you AC you're happy with that yeah I'm happy with that then you should say I bear witness so if you come forward in my friend I bear witness I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah there's nothing worthy of worship except Allah okay now the second sentence you should say is and I bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon Him is his that means God's servant and his messenger why do we say that is because the Quran says so and you've agreed that the Quran is from God if you agree the Quran is from God then you should accept what the Quran says and the Quran says or God says in the Quran that Muhammad is a messenger of God so you should say that as well and you see your life changing and we'll give you a book on how to pray and so on and you will see your life changing okay you will be again following the religion of your grandparents who were Muslims your father mother were had become Christians and and you'd become a Jehovah's Witness but by saying this you would be a Muslim again I would say you say this are you happy to say that the thing is I'm happy to say it but the the thing is I have to be 100% sure of what I'm saying are you sure that the Quran is from God I am sure the Quran is from God because then the Quran says muham there are some words here that the Bible agree with the Quran but the thing is there are some similarity no no do you agree the Quran is 100% from God I I can't judge Quran and I can't judge the Bible that can't but would you agree with all its characteristics it must be from God the the effect Quran has on mankind I I strongly believe Quran is from God but I don't I'm not sure if every word is from God yeah I'm not sure about that no no but you believe the Quran is from God and the Quran God says that Muhammad peace be upon Him is a messenger of God so do you accept that because the Quran says so look in the Quran God says that God has revealed this book and God will preserve this book God has preserved this book it's not human beings preserving it God has preserved it and indeed for 1,400 years this book is exactly the same atheists Jews Christians Jehovah's Witnesses all agree the Quran has not changed they may not like what the Quran says obviously they don't believe in the Quran otherwise make honest point of course you should can I make an honest point before Muslim became um became Muslim they actually meditate in the Quran and went into it for some time before they now realized that they should accept that Muhammad is the only um what is it is the true Messenger of God true and the last messenger of God and for them to accept that God is the only one God no but the thing is that you already believe that it's not something that somebody can just say that you know somebody it has to come from their heart you see look what we're saying is no they don't necessarily need to meditate on the whole Quran you see the Quran was revealed um Faris a little bit at a time some people only saw a few words of the Quran and they became Muslim some people saw a few chapters of the Quran and became Muslim at the time of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him even today sometimes people just know a little bit of the Quran and they become muslim okay so your beliefs far the point I'm trying to get you pH is your belief Bel are already Muslim beliefs you see you already believe in one God you already believe Jesus is somebody sent by God you already believe that Jesus um is not the Son of God literally but it's about a relationship between Jesus and God and human beings and God is like a father child relationship yep you also agree that the Quran is uh from almighty God it's the words of almighty God and in the Quran God says we have revealed book and we will preserve it it has been preserved by almighty God and if you accept this sorry yeah then you should accept Muhammad as a message God if I if I say that maybe deep maybe deep deep deep down inside me I do accept that but even if I say that you start praying sure if I you accept or not no deep deep down you do and you start praying and you will see your life changing we'll give you yeah you okay with that okay so you say I bear witness I bear witness that there is nothing Worthy of worship except Allah I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness and I bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon him that Muhammad peace be upon Him is his servant and his messenger that's God's servant and God's messenger is um Allah's um um servant and messenger that's right you're happy with that okay you say in Arabic Ashu Ashu an Ana illu muhamad muhammadd congratulations your Muslim my friend it's a very very big favor of Allah upon you you came here about 20 minutes ago as Jehovah's Witness and now you're a muslim okay you have gone back to the religion of your grandparents and not only your grandparents your first grandparents do you know who that was Adam and Eve you are now a true follower of Adam and Noah and Abraham and Moses and David and Solomon and Joseph and Jacob and Jesus and Muhammad the word you you've accepted the word Allah for God and it's the word to me one day that's right completely and uh inshah you start praying like Jesus you see in the Bible for God to guide me to the truth we pray that every day Muslims 17 times a day we ask Allah to guide us okay and what you need to do in the Bible Abraham Moses and Jesus they pray by putting their head on the ground and this is the way we can be very close to Allah you know it's next week is Ramadan and you become Muslim congratulations my friend and you're it's a very very big thing from Allah upon you I will give you a b to pray St praying and humble yourself to Allah and you see your life changing my friend sounds good yes congratulations and that's right and what what do you do my friend as a job yeah basically I sign up people previously I've been signing up people for um for courses that is what I've been doing for job but now trying to start a role as a team leader and trying to get my own team so what they'll be doing is signing people for um course okay so you signed people up you asked them to join a course yes okay I'm still kind of like doing um doing the sign up but at the same time I'm also trying to develop my own um team but now you've signed up to join Allah to join all the prophets in Paradise to see Allah by God sounds good by God's grace by God's grace aren't you are you happy yeah I'm happy congratulations I'll give you a hug I'll give you Aug I'll give you a hug okay from you came as a Jehovah's Witness and you become Muslim congratulations my friend thank you very much thank thank you thank you thank you congratulations we just meet the brothers as well they'll be very happy one second brother [Music] Allah Al [Music] m Alman Al that means the most merciful and the most kind never alone you never alone
Channel: DawahIsEasy
Views: 542,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam (Religion), Jehovah's Witnesses (Religion), Conversion, Street Dawah, Bible, Quran, Jesus, God, Allah, Christianity, Muslim, Holy, Prophet, Muhammad, Koran, Truth, Lord, Spirit, Gospel, Salvation, Preaching, Word, Pastor, Religion, Grace, Amazing, Son of God, Atonement, Trinity, Purpose of life, Holy Spirit, Death, Life, Sin, Shocking, Debate, Love, Prophecy, Converts, Christmas, Heaven, Inspirational, Popular, Must Watch, The Truth, Cool, Tears, Church, World, Messiah, Catholic
Id: AtSsNB9ls3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2013
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