Non-Muslims Reacts To [Shocking Truth]- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned in Bible - Mind Blowing

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hey guys welcome back to my channel how have you guys been interact tomorrow with me in the comment section let me know how you guys are and so guys today I'm here with my amazing guest chair my boy and Michael I'm sorry all right and so guys today we'll be reacting to perfect Muhammad peace be unto him is mentioned in Bible mind blowing and so guys let's everyone into it let's let's know what is going on here all right foreign [Music] I have read the Bible through many many many times and others such as I have read it many more times much more educated than I could ever be understanding both Hebrew and Greek Muhammad is not mentioned in the Old Testament with this countless number of reading the man doesn't see it how can that be I said you see what has happened is this first that Muhammad is mentioned by name in the Original Scriptures the Old Testament according to Christian authorities was preserved in the Hebrew language and the New Testament in Greek scriptures Greek language [Music] in the Old Testament in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16. in the Hebrew language it reads Jerusalem Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16 the word muhammadim is Muhammad [Music] is a plural of respect in Hebrew you see the first verse of the Bible Book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 1. it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth the word God in Hebrew day is Elohim in Hebrew Allah stands for God is a plural form to say with all respect and reverence plural of respect in all Eastern languages including Arabic and Hebrew there are two types of plurals plural of respect as well as numbers in the Quran also we find the very same thing like the verse Allah says that it is for us to send down the Revelation and it is for us to protect it who is this us es us is Allah and Muhammad like Father Son and Holy Ghost no but it's as who is us when we are told in the Holy Quran say he is Allah the one and only here he's talking about us no Arab question has ever asked the Muslim I said the Arab Christian has ever asked the Muslim who is this as because he knows in his language there are two types of plurals plural of numbers and plural of respect this as is like in Royal proclamations you have plural of respect we have decreed since the Queen We who is this we not she and her husband and her son no no it's standing for herself out of respect so Elohim is a plural of respect L is God Allah is God Elohim is more than one of respect ask any Jew this is his book ask him what is this IM he said look in my language this is the plural of respect God is one but out of respect we speak like that says Muhammad Muhammad in plural of respect [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] chapter 5 verse 16 yes the name Muhammad does show up it does say muhammadin but the name Muhammad is very plainly in the text is [Laughter] foreign to me because just imagine Muhammad be mentioned in the Bible and to my Bible I don't think I've ever seen Muhammad mentioned oh yeah and even where they are reading from the son of Solomon Chapter 5 and 60. let me read from the years he said his mouth is most sweet and he is all together desirable this is my beloved when this is my friend oh Daughters of Jerusalem this was talking about lovers so that he was describing the very man he loved so this is a description to the man and I don't find it Muhammad in it so to me the thing fanso is so ridiculous to me I I I that's my view what do you think yeah I've never come across in the Bible so it's kind of it's kind of weird you know and they have proven it from Hebrew Greek they are finding it so why can't we find it in the English version okay okay um recently I came across this um I don't know if that text on what's Happening and it was saying that some of the books have been removed from the Bible so maybe that's what happens we're putting up the Bible together there were certain parts which were not included that one is true but so far as the thing that they are saying are pointing that it's in the Bible and then referencing what we have here is not theirs people cannot stand they are proving it in the Greek and Jews Like form of the Bible you see you know in the early days I made this research and it said some people are trying to add some things to the Bible yes so that was what made them yeah there was a period there was a period where there was no interaction to me about the man and within that period some people tried to add their own imaginations and things in the Bible all right let's get back [Music] the word is there in the Hebrew language in the original what they call original is there but they have translated that in English as all together lovely so this beloved of mine is all together lovely when you read all together lovely you can't associate with the word Muhammad you did it a thousand times all together lovely all together lovely or let's say in another language the priest one the president Muhammed means appraised one but he said the praised one the praised one you can't think that he's talking about Muhammad though Muhammad means the praised one you have no right to translate names of people anybody your name should be retained Mr Black is Mr Black though he's white you have no right to translate names of people but they have been doing that Muhammad IM they translated as all together lovely but the word Muhammad is there in the Hebrew language in the origin so we said look you have lost the name Jesus Christ according to thee Holy Quran says behold Jesus the son of Mary said o children of Israel so most certainly I am the Messenger of God sent to you all confirming the Revelation which came before me and giving you Glad Tidings of a messenger to come after me whose name shall be Ahmad which is another name from Muhammad Muhammad and Ahmad are synonymous terms for this Mighty messenger of God Ahmad this is what the Quran tells us that Christians this location it's not in my book it's not here there's no Ahmad and there's no Muhammad so you are left with no alternative but to analyze what is there you see they have a verses in the Bible in the gospel of Saint John chapter 16 where it says nevertheless I tell you the truth Jesus says it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I go I will send him and when he's come he will convict the world in respect of sin and of righteousness and of Judgment of sin because they believe not in me and on and on he says if I don't go the comforter will not come unto you we say that comforter is Muhammad the same chapter he says I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them no you haven't got that capacity how be when he the spirit of Truth is come he will guide you into all truth Spirit of Truth who is the spirit of truth ask the Christian is the Holy Ghost when he the spirit of Truth is come he will guide you into all Truth for he shall not speak him himself but what thing so shall he hear that shall he speak and he shall be clear unto you the things that are to come he shall glorify me so who is the spirit of Truth they say the Holy Ghost he said all right if this is the Holy Ghost tell us now what new things has he given you in the past two thousand years he said Jesus said I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now but before we expound this aspect let me re-read to you this verse with a little emphasis on the pronouns he says I have yet many things to say unto you but he cannot bear how we when he the spirit of Truth is come he will guide you into all Truth for he shall not speak from himself but what things will shall he hear that shall he speak and he shall be clear unto you the things that have to come he shall glorify me eight masculine pronouns I say it ill befits a ghost you agree that is a man man a man a man eight times that is not another verse in the whole Bible with eight masculine pronouns or eight feminine gender or eight neuter genders there isn't this is a unique verse for a unique personality Muhammad man man not a ghost not a spook [Applause] [Music] but we are told is the spirit is Muhammad the spirit I say yes that's what your Bible says you see every time the word spirit is used in your Bible I'm telling the question it doesn't stand for the Holy Ghost because in the Book of Revelation the last book of the Bible we are told that seven spirits of God went out into the world I say you believe in seven holy ghosts he says no there's only one holy ghost seven spirits I mean should be seven holy ghosts no Spirit doesn't stand for Holy Ghost every time then in the same John the same John in the first Epistle of John he says beloved believe not every Spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God for many false prophets have gone out into the world false prophet is a false Spirit true Prophet is a true spirit the Saint John is using spirit for a prophet don't believe every spirit because don't believe in every Prophet same John in the gospel of Saint John he says so he that is born of spirit is spirit and he that is born of the flesh is flesh so do spirits beget do they cohibit he says no Then how can he become born of spirit you know what it means it is that who is spiritually inclined is spiritual who is materialistically inclined is flesh foreign [Music] is that what brought you here if that was the case and suppose I give it out to you you are materialistically inclined material things brought you here so you are a materialist in the language of the Bible you are fleshy you are of the flesh materialist if it was spiritual consideration motivation that brought you here then you are spiritual the gospel language so he that is born means a thing that motivates you that brings you up into being if it is preached spiritually then you are a spirit and if you are fleshly you are flesh material you are flesh [Music] there's a correlation here sure you see he was talking about the holy spirit being Muhammad and he was referring where the Bible says that if you are born of the spirit in your spirit so if we are using that as a base then we will say that we are hospital since we are born of God okay if you are born of God then you are born of the spirit so if he is saying that that is the meaning of the Prophet Muhammad they mean that we are all sent to come and fulfill that particular scripture as Jesus said that I am going that I will send him to come so if he is saying that they mean that all human beings which come to the saving knowledge of God they miss we are all we all sin we are all sent and which cannot be true because God will always send one person according to his word so I think this one too is not a fact to me okay I also think that you see the Bible actually refers to man uh human beings both both genders as man sure and you see it can't specify whether the holy spirit is a male or a few and according to the Muslims the um what we all know that Muhammad was a man yeah who walked this Earth yeah so it's not possible that Muhammad is but he was trying to prove it yes and if he's trying to prove it and he is yes then he's trying to say that what the Bible is saying is wrong and the Bible was written from God's inspiration that's God's words yes so if what he's saying he thinks it's true then it means that it's it's kind of contradicting with the Bible it's not true what do you think about this this it's it's the same as what's in the Bible nor does he speak out of his own desire it is but a divine revelation which is revealed to him he was taught by an Angel who is mighty in power let me he was taught by an Angel okay let me address it I'm coming because in the in the Bible he's saying that I was sent he said in the Bible that he's not going to speak for himself but what he bears and he is saying that nor does he speak out of his own desire but it says but a divine revelation which is revealed to him he was taught by an Angel who is Martin car this isn't funny it's not found in the Bible where he says that he was taught by an angel in this case that him is the holy spirit right or Muhammad here so that means this is Muhammad yeah yeah that means he was a man right all right so let me come you see after Jesus told the disciples all this and he left I won't say that after he ascended he asked them to go to Jerusalem and meet okay so that the man whom they promised will come and if you if you go into it detail you realize that after they are waiting they received him that is the holy spirit so the Christians who were promised of him whom they are referring to as the Muhammad when they were waiting in a matter of 10 days they received him so it kind of so which team was that so that he that Jesus Christ was praying for too was Jesus Christ because from the olden uh the old scriptures or the Old Testament if you read downwards you will never see them in fact now in the only days they don't regard women when they are coming to things of the spirituality so Jesus was saying he and that he was a spirit and they received him yes so they received him who is the Holy Spirit and so the holy spirit that he was used to represent the holy spirit because for all we know Spirits are human they are just like us but because this is not their realm they need a physical body or a flesh so that they could stay in fact human beings as we are we are spirits as God breathes into us but we need a container to be able to hold our spirit to live on it so the Holy Spirit have no place to settle that is why he came upon men to settle inside of them now that is why he referred to as a he so it doesn't mean that the he they are talking about is Muhammad if it were so then that means they are waiting on Jerusalem for the 10 days yielded nothing he was in vain yes he mentioned about the seventh rating talking about false prophets that's four spirits and then two Prophet that that is just the case so the seven spirits going out of God according to Revelation those are the spirits that goes in the end times in the end time God will send his Spirit out into the world and we are made to believe that in fact when you go to the kingdom of God or when you are sent to the heavens we have the spiritual aspect of God and then which God proves in some way to have seven spirit with seven different heads so in the olden days all these things will come it's a revelation which is here to be revoked and all these things will come lead later after the Rapture but they are saying that is Muhammad with Muhammad came long time and Muhammad died and so you see Jesus was saying that he will teach us all things so if all human beings are not yet gone and the one Jesus sent is already gone then who is here to teach Our Generation so I thank you I think that this proof that what is whatever he says it's it's not it's not to me nice I think it's because of the point of view you know because the person speaking he is not the one who actually brought the whole concept out he came to meet it yeah so it can be because he just pick your portion out of it and then speaking on that portion because there are a lot of languages we have a lot of language yes yes but then the the amazing thing is that honestly if you don't know like you're very sure you see these Muslims are very convinced in a way that they know how to relate their oldest scriptures with the new one one to make us believe whatever they are saying but one thing about is that they know the Bible cover to cover sure yes you need to know it before you can actually yes yes they know it's covered you before you make a point or you make a fact out of something you must know what the thing actually is and so the final thing is that you see the Holy Spirit they are claiming is Muhammad now I wanted to say that you see if the Holy Spirit were to be Muhammad and now I think I actually said yes yeah so Muhammad is dead and gone then who is there to teach us in this generation so that is a question they should answer for us something that's what okay if we claim that we have a holy ghost then what has he done for us Within These Days yes yes yes the spirit of God is living with us yeah yeah so I don't know where he's coming from sure even with them you see as for them they go to read and then they come to interpret but sometimes you see the Bible as it is we are saying is the inspiration of God men were inspired by God to write it so there are deeper meanings to what we see them so sometimes the Holy Spirit who is yet who is here to reveal to us that Mysteries is the one who teaches us sometimes you read a little verse you ponder about it and you realize that he has a whole lot of mysteries in there so what is saying that the Holy Spirit has not taught us anything from two thousands of years ago the few years I've met Christ there are a lot of things in the Holy Spirit yeah there are a lot of things that the Holy Spirit told me and in fact they happened and it was true so the Bible proved true so all these things they're trying to put out there it's just to make us believe in whatever they are saying so that we will join this it's kind of like a worldview yeah let's finish this [Music] foreign guys this has been a really in-depth video and I think we've our knowledge has been broadened we actually know what some Muslims call us think or know about things in the Bible and then say the the original version of the Bible and then it's version now we have Lenten I think we've we've shared enough thoughts let me know what you think about this video in the comment section kind of like this video subscribe to my channel and share this video as many times as you can guys and I'll see you again in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Vida Sappor
Views: 23,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Muhammad mentioned in Bible, Rational Believer, Allah, prophet of Allah, messenger of Allah, islam, challenging questions, islamic reminders, mindblowing, The throne of Allah, The kingdom of Allah, merciful Servant, mercy to mankind, Muhammad, Muhammed, Mohammad, محمد, رسول الله, ابرمرد تاریخ, محمد کی بود, who was Muhammad, Old testament, new testament, Ahmad deedat, Bible, Torah, injil, Zakir naik, muhammad, bible, reaction, new, reactt, reacting
Id: oiSMTxXgl8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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