When Jehovah’s witness knock on the door of Muslims.

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Amazing Amazing Creation when you go look outside look at the animal kingdom Clan Kingdom Water Cycle ecosystem migrating birds oceans rivers mountains everywhere you see Majesty Beauty greatness and Perfection of Almighty creator provider the narration of all that exists and somebody asked Jesus peace be upon Him teacher tell us what is the most important commandment and Jesus replied it's in Mark chapter 12 verses 29 to 31. Jesus replied the most important commandment hero Israel is this that your God your lord is one and only and you should love him with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all this time and and the second most important is Love Thy Neighbor is your three in one or your God lord is a trinity no he never even used the word Trinity he said your God your lord is one and only that's what we find in Ten Commandments the first commandment given to Prophet Moses is thy shall not worship any other gods besides me worship One and Only God and what is worship worship is utmost love with utmost obedience so we believe there is nobody worthy of moral love more obedience than the one who created you the one who created me the one who created trillions of galaxies so Muslims worship the Creator not the creation we do not worship son we do not worship Moon we do not worship idols or images we do not worship our own desires but we worship One and Only God that's what all the prophets came with the same message to worship One and Only God Jesus never said I am God worship me he never even you know used the word Trinity we believe Jesus as a maybe Son of God like we are some Son of God like Adam was the son of God in a sense not like Father Figure like a like a wholly higher figure not like biological son he was son of Mary not the Son of God he was the son of Mary he was the creation of God God created God created Adam with no father no mother God created you with Mother and Father God created um Eve with no uh mother right and God created Jesus with no father just you know uh so guard can say B and it is that's what you know God created your DNA which contains you know more information than all the books in this world yeah so God came you know he is incomparable so in Quran God says say God is one and only Allah God is eternal he does not need anybody everybody needs him he begets not neither he's begotten and there is nobody equal or comparable to God that's the God we worship there's nobody equal or comparable so that's what Muslims do yeah and we we you know appreciate you summarizing um your beliefs was um and something we have in common our understanding of God as the only true God I mean it's something that we write and then his son he begets not neither is begotten so by then this same God we referring we call him aggressive Jehovah has given true Christians a very important assignment so so he said he says that if you love even Jesus Christ if you love and obey me then you do what you know you do what my father asked me to do so so love is not just predicated on just verbal expression or fashion when you love someone then you obey that in words right love and obedience goes together right so that's what we say this nobody is worthy of more love so more obedience than the one who created so so that's our religion so what we we do um Jesus Christ has commanded us to preach the good news yeah about his kingdom to people that's why it's not his kingdom no it's it's An Almighty Creator God's kingdom he created Jesus he created his kingdom right all of us right so it's it's the message it's about God's kingdom Jesus Christ when he came this is the assignment that he did I mean if you look the account at Luke chapter 4 verse 43 after he performed a lot of Miracles and he realized that people were Lord's permission right he realized that people were following him ostensibly because of the miracle he said listen to the other cities Emma declare the good news of the Kingdom because for this I was sent for this is the reason why the solutions to Mankind's problem now the violence the crimes and all those things it's only God's kingdom that is going to address that so before he passed away he told his disciples that they should make disciples of people of all the nation baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and Holy Spirit teaching them all the things that I've taught you and I'm gonna be with you before the end of the world or before yeah so so we take Jehovah's mandate that he gave Jesus Christ to give to his disciples we take that seriously we we have dedicated do you believe Jesus died for your sins the we we take we take we take it that Monday seriously um whether it's raining or shining uh we don't get paid for this we help people to understand God Through the Bible and conform their lives to that and also become disciples so all over the world we believe Jesus was was resurrected it was called back to God and he's going to come back so he did not he is not he's not the one who died on the cross because the person who died on the cross he said oh God oh God why die are you forsaken me never forsaken Jesus he did not I'm going to put him in the because that was you know the Jews who put that person and that was Judah who deceived Jesus and God made him look like Jesus consideration I believe that he was not crucified he's gonna come back Jesus and he's going to say I'm not God I never tell my people to worship me I always told your God your lord is one and only and you should love him with all your heart all your soul on your mind and on your skin and that is the most important commandment he will say that I came to connect you to Almighty Creator to guide you through this straight path to teach you how to live a righteous life with highest morals pleasing to Almighty Creator he he will said I came to give you the good news that one day you are gonna meet your creator for never ending love never ending peace never ending happiness and he came to warn us not to be heedless ignorant and arrogant and save yourself from Eternal regret so that's what we believe about Jesus that he is the you know he came to connect us to Almighty Creator he never said I am God worship me and he's going to deny them and he didn't say that he never for a moment you know even I'm a biological son of him he's he's created Adam with no mother no father he created Jesus with no father just you know Mary Mary was virgin you we all know Mary was virgin so we that's what we believe you you cannot be adding your own story he's not he is the biological Son of God this that no he's going to deny that Jesus is gonna deny that and this we believe so one of the ways that you mentioned that um you know Jesus purpose is to draw us connect us to God and draw us to God yeah so a primary way that he does that and he even his message was God's kingdom because in the scriptures his message and the message that he gave his Apostles to give to the people was at the Kingdom of the heavens is strong near so of course by means of that Kingdom that Kingdom will allow the conditions for people to draw close to God and have that re-establish that reconnection again yeah we believe that Jesus all the prophets came to give us the good news and to want us because all of us are working towards our grave nobody is going to live forever you're gonna die I'm gonna die we have to visit our Graves so the prophets told us that what will happen is when you will die like when you sleep at night the next day you know it's morning you will wake up so when will die the next thing we'll know it will be day of Judgment Day of Resurrection therefore countability and will be resurrected and God will ask you I what is your name I give you this life on this Earth as a test how did you spend your time on this Earth what did you do with your wealth how did you earn it how did you spend it what did you do with your knowledge so we are accountable for our actions on this Earth and if Paulie lived a a focus line then he came from God who is the source of love and to him is your final return and you purified your heart purified your soul and prepare yourself to be in divine presence then what then Jesus said what God has prepared for his righteous servants no eyes has seen no ears have had no mind can imagine following you'll have never ending peace never ending happiness never ending reward that's all Mighty creators God's promise to all his Messengers that's his promise through Jesus peace be upon him that what I have saved for Folly no eyes has seen no ears have heard no mind can imagine you'll have never ending love peace and happiness but you have to fill your heart with the love of Almighty Creator the contemplation of his greatness How great is the creator his thankfulness in your heart and you have to have trust and Reliance in him and you have the certainty that you are going to meet your creator for never ending love peace and happiness so if you have this in your heart then when you will die the next thing you'll know it will be day of judgment and on day of judgment if you have lived a focused life if you have lived a righteous life with highest morals breathing to An Almighty Creator because you know God knows our intentions God knows our thinking we can deceive people we cannot deceive our creator Creator knows us so if you lived a righteous life with highest miles pleasing to the Creator filling your heart with love of Almighty Creator his thankfulness is his obedience you love and Obey him then you will have never ending peace and happiness on the other hand if you don't know for he doesn't know where he came from where he's going what's the purpose of his life if we are heedless ignorant and arrogant in this life then we'll have eternal regret on day of Judgment of resurrections of accountability so that's what we believe that very soon we'll be visiting our grave and the next thing we will know it will be day of resurrection and will either have eternal peace or happiness or Eternal regret depends on how you believed and obeyed our creator who's believing that's the treasure in our heart which we are going to take with us in our grave and those six articles of faith is that we believe in worshiping One and Only God there's nobody worthy of moral love more obedience than the one who created us the second Article of Faith is we love respect and believe in all the prophets all the messengers they were truthful people they were not lawyers and they all came with the same message to worship One and Only God and The Third Article of Faith is we believe in all the revelations that was revealed to all the prophets for example Torah was revealed to Prophet Moses as an Old Testament Bible or gospels were revealed to Prophet Jesus as a new testament and Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as the last and final testimony from God to mankind because when Muhammad peace be upon him was 40 years old he was meditating in the cave of Hera that's when Angel Gabriel came to him and revealed to him first few verses of the Quran Prophet did not know how to read or write he did not even know how to sign his name so the revelations that came from Almighty Creator God through Angel Gabriel came in his heart and Prophet died at the age of 63. so for 23 years he received the revelations from Almighty Creator God through Angel Gabriel in his heart and the compilation of the Revelation which he received for 23 years because he died at the age of 63. it's called Quran and when he received the revelations he recited those Revelations To His companion and the companion saved it in their hearts Quran has always been saved from the hearts even today you will find millions and millions of Muslims all around the world they know Quran by heart it is intact in its original language as it was revealed in the hearts of mankind so this is a living Miracle but we do believe whatever is always revealed to Prophet Moses Jesus Abraham David 100 percent truth but those Revelations are not intact in their original language not even a single person on this Earth knows Torah or Bible or gospels by heart in its original language as it was revealed to Prophet Moses Jesus Abraham David but we do believe whatevers was revealed to them hundred percent truth that's the Third Article of Faith Muslims believe is we believe in all the revelations whatever God has revealed to His prophets hundred percent truth the Fourth Article of Faith Muslims believe is angels angels are also God's creation angels can see us we cannot see angels in their original form maybe foreign [Music] and obeying God so we believe in angels that's the Fourth Article of Faith the fifth Article of Faith which is very very important to believe is Muslims believe in day of Judgment Day of Resurrection Day of accountability I told you either will have eternal regret or Eternal peace and happiness so that's the fifth article of it the sixth Article of Faith Muslims believe is in destiny that every good or bad happens with the will of God not even a fall from the tree but God is all knowing all hearing all seeing all knowledgeable all Mighty Creator Allah is in control of everything so we believe in destiny this is the faith this is the treasure in our heart which we are going to take with us in our great this is the pleasure if you have this in your heart that that's the treasure you you are going to take with you in your grade you have faith and your righteous Good Deeds with good intentions good thinking because God knows you're thinking God knows your intention so if you have faith and righteous Good Deeds with mercy and love of Almighty creator what God has said for you no eyes has seen no ears have had no mind can imagine ultimate pleasure for your soul is to be in divine presence to see the to meet with your creator and that's what we believe that one day we are going to be in divine presence and right now our connection to Almighty Creator is through our heart nobody falling nobody is between you and your creator nobody your connection is directly direct from your heart and the more you purify your heart the stronger your connection is going to be so remove all the wheels from the heart the veil of hatred animosity free jealous arrogance or sensation truck remove all the garbage from the heart and fill your heart with the contemplation of greatness of Almighty Creator the love of Almighty Creator the thankfulness of Almighty Creator the person relies in Almighty Creator and the certainty that Paul is gonna meet his creator one day or never ending peace love and happiness yeah you can oh okay yeah my my children you know read the last and final testimony because you know you God has given you intellect God has given you reasoning and God has given your mind and heart use your intellect mind heart and read Quran okay right I bear witness there is nobody worthy of worship but one and only God and I bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon Him is his messenger and you love respect and belief in all the prophets all the messages that's the highest truth if you say this God will forgive all your passions all your past mistakes all your past shortcomings and you will be submitting to the will of God With Love yesterday
Channel: Invite2Peace
Views: 204,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #jehovahswitness, #islam, #dawah, #invite2Islam, #knockondoorofmuslim, #jehovahswitnessdoor, #jehovahdoor, #door, #invite2peace, #muslim
Id: 7LxA7OgdEMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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