British Actor Converts | YOU will Laugh then Cry | 'LIVE'

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[Music] [Music] we haven't had a conversation my friend have we not yet yeah okay and you're just passing you very kindly agreed to be filmed very kind of you and what you have told me so your name is James your name is James and you're from England I'm an English man yes from an English family okay you're an Englishman from English family and you live here in Northwest London yes I live in Kilburn approximately five minutes walk from here okay if I were to walk for me okay and you've told me you believe in God but you don't have a religion is all right I kind of believe in in all the religions I think I think all of them have have something something good and positive message from all of them I think so all the religions have something positive about them fair enough but you don't follow a particular religion James I wouldn't like to pigeonhole myself down to one religion no not particularly okay when I stopped you you said sorry I'm just going past I'm going to get some milk or something you came out from home to buy some milk from the shops here I've simply come out just to get some shopping in groceries yes okay get some milk and what I can tell you is in the hereafter God is gonna give you a river of milk so that sounds pretty good I mean you've come to buy some milk and you might be going back eventually getting a river of milk sounds pretty good to me I will never have to buy milk again I suppose okay fair enough okay excuse me right okay the right James you believing you're sure about God yes I'm very sure okay so God okay let's just define God firstly God is the one who's Almighty or powerful all seeing all hearing all knowing there is nothing like him he has no parents he has no children and absolute or mighty or powerful creator of the universe this is how we believe in God is what we believe about God would you agree with that about God when is Jesus famous for this I get a very good question very good question we believe the Jesus was somebody sent by God Christianity says Jesus is God himself God who became a man part of a Trinity so Chris charity says the Christian religion Christianity says Jesus is God part of a Trinity the Muslim religion Islam says the Quran says the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said the Jesus is somebody sent by God so what do you believe about Jesus do you believe he is God or sent by God I don't think any of us really know because we wasn't there fair enough but what did you up did you have an opinion on that at all I like the idea that God being an embodiment of kind of all of us I prefer I prefer the idea that we're all gods rather than I should bow down to a god I think I'm more open to the idea that we're all God in some aspect rather than me being little me and there being big God that will punish me if I do something wrong so then the question is are you saying there is a God or there is no God that's the question I say you like the idea with all gods but I mean so is there a God who made everything I created so you said your name Jay what do you do James by the way I'm actor a musician okay you're an actor in a musician an English actor name musician okay brilliant that's fine brilliance is good English actor would you say a British actor do any acting really anything fine okay I give what on in the films or on stage or all of those things all of those things in particular um tell me of you do filming okay you're filming actor okay Jesse's very very we stopped me on a cold day and be filmed and I'm giving it very no problem at all are you a very cheerful friendly guy you're laughing is fantastic to many miserable people around very kind of You yep yep indeed after great theatre okay right okay so what do you believe do you believe there's a Creator who made everything James or you believe that you're not sure Oh [Music] Oh too big of a question I'd be silly and I'd be a fool to say that I know I'd be a fool to say that that I know I knew be very polite of you okay so you're not really searching there's a creator then I don't think there's any real way to really really know that's a really really good quite really good question I don't have the answer I think if I really guide of you lovely you're a lovely guy look I just lovely talking with you okay fantastic James okay okay they're really I would suggest four pieces of evidence or four proofs in common language that is a creator and the fourth is the most powerful first one is something called the cosmological argument or cause and effect everything that begins to exist must have as a cause everything began as a beginning including universe and the Big Bang Theory and therefore something must have caused it to happen and we believe that thing that caused the universe and everything to happen is the creator is God and that's God that's what we believe God doesn't need another cause because if he needed a cause and then that cause would another cause yeah you go back infinite you know you go back forever so you have to have a say one more my friend you have to have a cause that uncaused you have to have a creator who doesn't need another cause which means he doesn't have a beginning how is that possible with God because we believe space and time in this universe are linked together it's a space-time continuum because the Creator is outside this universe he's outside our space-time continuum and he may be actually time altogether which means he doesn't need a cause he created space-time and everything I'll I like what you're saying very very it's very rich in great content and I have to say I do agree however I would like to know your opinions on whether a is God male or female and B could God could you define God as one as one person one consciousness or Georg you prefer to label God as a universal consciousness that could not be defined by one person or one thing or one mind what's your opinion on that is it's got one person in your eyes or it's got an or an aura of everything very good very very good questions very good questions I'm impressed impressed James okay firstly is he male or female neither he's not male or female God says in the Quran there is nothing whatsoever like him there's nothing like him whatsoever and so he's not male or female we call him he because he refers to himself as he and in the Quran he's not masculine or feminine and there is nothing whatsoever like him now is he one being or is he like a general being all over the universe he's one being we believe he's one being but he's everywhere with his knowledge and his seeing and his hearing and his power he's not physically everywhere because the point is this also makes sense logically because if God was everywhere physically then you'd say he's in the shops over there he's in London he's in America he's in China he's in the bathroom the toilet he's ever that means but then you see it doesn't make sense it sounds silly also it will mean it would lead to pantheism everything is God because if God is everywhere then everything is inside God God inside everything that means then everything becomes God and that's dangerous we believe that he if you say everything is God then you start worshipping yeah and there are religions yeah you make false are exactly false idols and there are religions I obviously it's a Hindu religion they worship trees monkeys cows all sorts of animals and these they say because gods inside no more they are inside God something like that it's dangerous because there is a separate being cold god anyway let me go to prove that God exists first number coming given as I said the fourth is the most powerful James okay right James second piece of evidence is it's called the teleological argument or teleological argument do you know what that means another word okay it's to do with it's to do with design or more specifically the fine-tuning of the universe the universe if you look at it it looks if it's very intelligently designed it looks as if it's been not just looks as if been it's clearly been very finely tuned for it to work everything is finely tuned did this come about by chance or did someone design this way we would suggest that someone designed it this way I'll give you one piece of evidence okay if you're talking about animals and plants and the earth and the planets you might say they've developed over many years or evolved but the whole universe itself when it started it was what they call a low entropy universe which means a universe even though when started from a singularity from one point that initial explosion the Big Bang led to a universe of low entropy do you know what that is entropy the financial P entropy is the degree of disorder in the universe and when it started there was a high degree of order that means there was low entropy universe that's how the universe started even though it may seem like a random explosion the Big Bang it was actually quite ordered in the resulting produce this is not my opinion this is opinion of astrophysicist particle physics and so on and Professor Roger Penrose have you heard of him I haven't heard no he's perfect thank you a kind of you to be so humble he's professor of mathematics at Oxford University and he's worked on the probability of this universe being a low entropy universe by chance and the probability is 10 to the power of 10 which means 10 multiplied by itself 10 times all of this huge figure what is that like 10,000 million multiplied by itself 123 times so it reserved to one so the probability of the universe being a low entropy universe is 10 to the power of 10 all of this in brackets ^ 123 - 1 James so it's an incredibly incredibly incredibly small chance of the universe being like this I'll give you an example you've heard of the Mona Lisa painting I love the Mona Lisa painting yes okay you loved the model is a painting who is it Leonardo da Vinci's painting of course you're you're the one oh sorry you're not an artist you're a musician and actor okay there are Leland the Vinci's painting it's called a what is it's priceless which means it's it's just you can't work out the value it's just so expensive okay it's an amazing painting and if we'd through some paint on the ground some 10 or 20 or 50 tins of paint would we end up with the Mona Lisa painting very very unlikely right art can cannot be defined okay no but if we just threw paints randomly on the ground would we end up with the Mona Lisa statisticians experts in mathematics we would say yes you would eventually if you kept problem in terms of probability yes yes exactly oh that's a very good very excellent thank you like it okay but the reality is if you threw 20 tins of paint on the ground it'd be very difficult to end up with any face let alone the Mona Lisa you'd be the only 22 only twenty ten yeah there's a very low chance for that a thousand ten no you nearly twenty million billion tens no but if you if you threw that made teams on the ground you made it with more colors and more mess in the 80s you it but but then now the experts have said the probability of the Mona Lisa on the ground from some paint thrown on the ground is more likely than the universe being like this by chance okay okay it looks like it looks like someone's designed it this way all right have to agree with you that you agree that somebody design you are you green there's a creator then yeah I do agree this create it okay I didn't go into the formalism most powerful but you've already agreed to the crater like let me give the fourth third and fourth you're very very kind to sign any change on this cold winter's day in London and they kind of you god bless you god bless you may God reward you muscle we say okay the third piece of evidence is throughout history there been some incredibly good people there but you guys little extrange not too clear sorry about that okay there been some incredibly good people throughout history at some stage in their life James they came to mankind and said God has spoken with me God has communicated with me this is the message the message all of these people gave was exactly the same why do they do this the question why that one possibility is they were being altruistic which means they wanted to help society where they were basically lying they were liars one possibility second possibility is they had some sort of delusion they had megalomania it's a friendly core paranoid okay I love where you go realize I can't wait to start talking keko keko okay okay but the third part okay saying box with his third possibilities they were genuine prophets of God that's the third possibility I would say they're only three possibilities number one is it possible they were just being altruistic which is try to help people but they were actually lying it wouldn't make sense because with me it wouldn't make sense you wouldn't you agree so no I completely agree yeah the people I'm talking about though the prophets of God yes okay Abraham Moses David Solomon Joseph Jacob Jesus and Mohammed excuse me now so they weren't because they were telling people not to lie if they went and lied about speaking with God or communicating with God or God communicated with them it wouldn't make sense James right second possibility do they have some sort of delusion or megalomania and so on I can that doesn't make sense because the character was so incredibly good and upright and they didn't get any material benefit they didn't get like you know they didn't get lot you know lots of beautiful women and beautiful houses to live in or transport that's not documented we don't know maybe they did it is documented they live very simple lives they renounced the world to get close to God that's what they said and the Prophet said that they renounce the world generally speaking they close to God and it wouldn't make sense that they were getting so and this showed the character showed I would suggest so 3d the third possibility is James the little genuine prophets of God and the amazing thing is they all came with exactly the same message they all said believe in one God they all said we should submit ourselves to the Creator this God and the word submission by the way in Arabic is Islam a Muslim is a submitter to the will of God so Muslim is a submit to the will of God that's another good piece of information there you are so they all submitted themselves to God and there were all the slims that's what submission means but also their beliefs were always the same it wasn't just they submitted to God there was limbs they actually taught the same thing that a-six beliefs of a Muslim and all of them toward the six billions I say what they are one is there is one God Almighty or powerful or seeing all in number to believe in the angels of God all the prophets of God told people to believe in angels of God angels are God's workers they do whatever God tells them to do they have no choice in the matter thirdly they talked about God sending down books and revelation and these prophets of God some of them actually had books from God okay thirdly forthey in the prophets of God so angel of one God angels of God books of God prophets of God they themselves claim to be a prophet of God and they told people God has sent prophets to all nations at all times throughout history and God would still keep sending prophets unto the last prophet the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him okay so one God angels of God books have God prophets of God fifthly they all talked about day of judgment and heaven and hell there's a day of judgment when God will be the judge and there will be heaven in hell yeah I'll just give six point then you can really want to say something whose hang on one moment sixthly they all talked about color and kadhai which means predestiny and pre knowledge God knows everything and everything is planned by God our free will we have free will and free choice he bans everything our lives around this free will and he could do that because he said he is outside our space and our time frame he's outside space and time frame that's why you can do it so you wanted to say something okay that's just okay this is just one of the things I want to ask you is them lovely cheerful guy I love your smile and cheerfulness if all of those people like you said all believing the same thing it oblique and same thing why is it then now we've ended up as the separate religions very very very good excellent I love your question I love your questions I love you thought are you a very thoughtful person I'm thinking about this stuff on a daily basis that you've been thinking about you've been thinking about things daily fantastic God amazing amazing god bless you very very kind of you okay how come we have different because look my friend when the Prophet left the earth so people's love the Prophet so much for example they said this prophet came to my family my family must be the chosen people these are chosen people were chosen people the prophets came in our family and then you end up with the religion I'm not gonna mention the religion but you couldn't probably work out yourself yeah I know that prophet was sent by God and this prophet came and he was such as such a great guy and he was born without a father so people love this guy so much they said he must be the son of God later on it doesn't make sense God has a son so 325 years later under the Roman Emperor Constantine the Christian religion was born and the people said this great guy called Jesus wasn't just the Son of God he's actually God incarnate he's God himself he's God who became a man the message has been changed the message has been lost and even if you look in the Bible today you won't see the message of Christianity you'll see the message of Jesus saying that I am somebody sent by God prophet of God message of God he never says I am God worship me and it doesn't make sense okay I got now what the real the real big juicy question that's why I was your challenge to grill the Muslims as they say the Muslims Gorillaz yes no you did not kill that was him grill the most artistically grill means to question and ask the Muslims so his griddle of Muslims not kill the Muslims no we definitely grilling and okay I would like to know is from your point of view as you said that one of these possibilities was that these people might have been deluded or schizophrenic what would you now say if someone from this day and age right now was complaining they're having a spiritual experience and claim their being communicating with God and said that [Music] they were God they were expressing some message personally sent to them from God like in this day and age okay that's a very good question if somebody came to me and said God has spoken with me I'm a prophet of God what I'd like to know what why is that delusional now and schizophrenic now whereas as then it was it was real and it has to be written down and it's it's a real thing then and now it's just a schizophrenic madman if someone started saying that on the street which section them tell me is that society's is that is this this is that society or is this a conspiracy what do you think about that thank that's a very very very good good good good juicy questions okay now so is this a conspiracy now if it happened today okay one thing I know is there will be no more prophets of God because the Quran says so in the Quran God says there will be no more prophets after the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him because he is called the hartamanda being the seal of the prophets he's here Allah is the last prophet anyway let me give you some logical reason why it's not possible look okay now if I'm gonna be really struggle for you to convince me otherwise this cuz I'm really interested to see what you have to say about it okay right okay now if I met a man today okay and he said God communicates with me God in some form and communicates with all of us God guides whoever he wants God says in the Quran so God guides all of us I mean the fact that you're here today I would suggest that it could be guidance from God God has sent you here the way throws like that every time I see you guys yeah that's fine that's good that's good okay so we say we would say it's guidance from God everything is guiding from God she is God does guide everyone but if someone claimed to be a prophet of God then I would suggest that he can't be a prophet because the Quran says the Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet but I go let me go further forward now let's go back to the prophets I'll give you and this will answer your question in a better way when the prophets of God like Abraham Moses Noah David Solomon Joseph Jacob Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon all of them came to mankind and said God has spoken with me I am a prophet of God a Messenger of God what did people say to the Prophet they said you're mad you deluded yes you're a liar yeah this one said the prophet of God where the prophets of God proved to mankind that they were sent by God by doing something do you know what they did he formed miracles no that's right yes you could they perform miracles so they perform miracles to show that they were indeed chosen by God sent by God and they were prophets of God now let's go let's come let's listen let's look at some evidence and this is really the fourth proof that God exists this is what I was coming to Jesus when Jesus was sent by God to the and he claimed is a prophet of God people did the same thing to prophet Jesus peace be upon him Jesus peace be upon him performed the miracles of healing the blind healing the leper and healing the and bringing the dead back to life with God's power that's what Jesus did to prove that he was a prophet of God he was also born without a father as a proof that's Jesus peace be upon him now let's go forward 571 years after Jesus to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was chosen as a prophet of God and he was given a miracle you know what the miracle was that he was given I don't know I don't know the miracle that he was given is a miracle that exists today if you said to me I want to see proof that Jesus brought the dead back to life I'd have to say the proof is the Quran says so but then you say well so it's written on the Quran how does that prove how does up I don't know whether the Quran from God you see the point however I wouldn't give you a proof then the Prophet Mohammed is a prophet of God and that's the Quran itself that's itself the Quran the Quran is the proof the Quran is the proof the miracle that proves the Prophet Mohammed is a prophet of God peace be upon him and therefore it's a proof that Islam is true and in fact is the most powerful proof God exists so now you're probably thinking James how can a book be a miracle you've got Harry Potter you got Shakespeare you got tickets you haven't got but how would you know the cards but I'll tell you why now I'd like you to have a look and the reasons the quran is a miracle and i'd like you to tell me James whether you know whether it's it's powerful or not what do what do you think about the Quran let me tell you the Quran is a book fourteen hundred years old and it's a book that's remained unchanged how do we know because scholars are experts in history except the Quran has not changed you will find the same Quran wherever you go in the world today okay same version you don't get two versions of the Quran there's only one version and also this something is written here is that agreed by everyone okay honestly come on I'm not lying to you look you can google it you can you can ask Shaykh Google you got Shaykh Google you know that you can ask professor Google if you like professor go check Google and you'll see that okay they might not like what the Quran says obviously they don't believe in it if they believe the Quran the Muslims but they agree the Quran is an old book in the Arabic language and it has not changed and look you've got 1.8 billion Muslims all over the world spread out into remote areas of the world you've got the Rohingya Muslims in Burma you've got the Muslims in Africa you've got a Muslim in South America you've got millions and millions of Muslims in China millions of Muslims in Russia yeah that's right no that did not know that that's right and there are dozens of millions of Muslims in China you guys are everywhere now I'm sorry we're spreading my god you got your back is your a good actor amazed expressions on your face is an actor an English actor fantastic exceed your back you see why you're an actor you Bri I love the expression on your face okay look I'm not trying to debunk anything no no no I'd like you to I'm someone that always that questions everything and do not take any anything for granted and do not know man no sometimes whatever or everyone believes isn't necessarily right just as everyone else is doing it doesn't necessarily mean it's the right thing to do I represent question which I agree with the items it now the Koran is an old book everyone agrees scholars experts agree sorry emergency ambulance going past sorry emergency Advil is possibly going to save someone's life okay this message God tells in the Quran gives life gives life to human being the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him told us the difference between someone who remembers God and someone who doesn't remember God is like the difference between the living person and dead person if you have it if you're remembering God you have a connection with God it's as if your life maybe let's go forward to the Quran first let's go to the proof the Quran the Quran is a 1400 year old book James and it's a book that's remained unchanged in the Arabic language by the way not any other language it's only the Quran if it's in Arabic God says that in the Quran and the Quran God says that the Quran has been revealed in the Arabic language so any other language is an approximate translation interpretation of the meaning of the Quran by Dubai keeping it in the original Arabic language it means we've always got the original to go back to the check and reference you see with the BA Jesus spoke Aramaic and Hebrew we don't have Jesus's teachings in the Arabic language the oldest Bible we have is in the Greek language now when you translate from one language to the other and I'm sure you've heard of Chinese whispers there's a danger of changing losing the message yeah I create sense yeah but the Koran we've got in original language so you can always go back and check and see if it's correct let's let me look at the Quran the Quran contains lots of scientific statements it contains statements about the observable universe James and it gets everything right the Quran talks about embryology the Quran talks about how the universe started what we call the Big Bang Theory today the Quran talks about how the universe is expanding James the Quran talks about how gravity works or mass works the Quran actually alludes to the presence of eggs boson particles and that's my favorite one it's a real that's a in particular that's that's a very specific standpoint that really does do the quran justice actually they it does the quran justice in relation to the higgs boson and the kind of the prediction of that and the prophet prophesizing that yeah should the quran predicting prophesying prophesizing the Higgs boson particles does justice to the quran are you saying basically the quran does talk about it you've obviously researched this so you're agreeing therefore the crown must be from outside human ability 100% 100% so hundred-percent the Quran is from God 100% yeah 100% then if you accept that you have to accept Prophet Mohammed is a prophet of God I accept that I accept that if you accept then you don't muslim i wouldn't say on just our oh oh okay I went that can't answer that I can't answer it I wouldn't say can you be a mezuzah any other religion at the same time look okay a moeslem okay can you be a Muslim and something else at the same time I'll give example Hindu religion has many gods the Quran makes it very clear there's only one God so you can't be Hindu and Muslim okay okay okay can you be can you be a Christian and a Muslim the same time well if Christian if if Christian means follower of Jesus Christ peace be upon him really all Muslims are Christians but if you mean Christian meaning believing in the Trinity as Christian does and that Jesus is God who became a man who died for our sins and and so on no you can't believing that because the Quran makes it very clear that no one dies for anyone else's sins the Quran makes it very clear that Jesus is a prophet of God messenger of God Word of God and the Messiah but not God and if you look at Jesus in the Bible you clearly see that's what Jesus says he says he's a word of God he is the Messiah he's a prophet of God he's someone sent by God who respectfully in the Bible he refers to God as a father of all of us not of himself only this is where the mistake happened Jesus referred respectfully to God as like our Father in the Bible and people said oh he must be the son of God but God doesn't have children he's like thank God has a wife and two kids you know yeah my yeah God believe in God you got wife and two kids yeah this make sense I think father being metaphorically speaking and not not obviously little literally not literally but metaphorically now if you say it's metaphorical and it's not literal automatically can't be a Christian because Christian will say he's literally the begotten Son of God so automatically can't be a Christian and a Muslim okay I think I think you're very good actor you must be brildor on film you're a film actor right of course okay right in favorite films you mean it oh nothing good no but came I was okay think if we pigeonhole ourselves into one religion or another religion I think which is going to pick its ass all against each other oh that's all the Quran says these are people of the earlier scripture the people of the book because they also got books from God so the Jewish people and Christian people got revelation from God and we have lots of similarities you know vast a huge amount of Islam and Judaism and Christianity overlap they're very very similar we all believe in God we all believe in the day of judgment we all believe in heaven and hell Christians believe in Jesus Muslims believe in Jesus Jewish people believe in Moses and Abraham as prophets of God we also believe in Moses and Abraham and prophets of God so yes there's lots and lots of similarities between so we don't know no we're not it doesn't mean I have a Muslim who follows Islam properly we'll understand that God has sent prophets to all nations at all times come back the Quran you've agreed the Quran is from God then you have to accept also what the Quran says you except with the Quran says you can't say it's from God James I'll give example I'm going to be rude to you my friend you're very know you're a very very very nice guy you're very nice guy you're very nice guy and amazing lovely expressions and fantastic and if we accept the Quran is from God and clearly it is from I'll show you the reason why it's from God okay fine let's continue okay the Quran also you've already agreed because of the higgs boson particle but let's continue the Quran also talks about how gravity I'm sorry a big man the car also talks about how mountains are constructed and they affect on the surface of the earth what we today call plate tectonics or tectonic plates the Quran talks about this the Quran also talks about how mountains are consumed and how the water cycle works in several places and against okay the Quran also talked about how pain receptors for burning in the skin the Quran contains no statement James which contradicts established science the Quran doesn't contain a single scientific error look if the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has some of these things were the people around him 1,400 years ago had guests some of these things they might have got some things right but they're bound to get something's wrong the Quran doesn't get a single thing wrong when it comes to science and yet it talks about many different subjects he doesn't just talk about biology or astronomy or astrophysics or geology or economic system and so on it talks about all of these things and gets everything right where can it come from apart from God did the Prophet Muhammad remain what's the word when when people when people refuse to have any kind of sexual relations of anyone what's that word called are you talking about sorry did did my Hammond remain mr. words did you I'm saying that did the Prophet Muhammad get married because you're my name is only asking yes he did get married yet yes he had many wives and the many prophets in the Bible had many wives sometimes people attack the Prophet Mohammed Amin by by saying oh yeah and many wives therefore you know it's not the right thing to do but if we look in the Bible and we look at history many prophets had many wives but Solomon had more than you know two hundred two hundred wives more than hundreds of wives and many prophets had many wives I thought you said earlier that the prophets had nothing to gain for example women in which there was they didn't because oh no no let me explain wife's the Prophet no this is Solomon Solomon in the Bible okay had many more than a few hundred wives no let's come back to the Prophet yeah that's a very good point you made now the Prophet had many wives so do they do so therefore you're suggesting maybe that's why they claim to a problem no that's not why I'm claiming III just thought wondering why I just thought being a prophet you probably you probably remain chaste chaste yeah yeah yeah you mean without getting married yeah okay look the prophets were sent at examples for us to follow these prophets weren't just people who gave us a message they were examples that we could lead our lives by yes you know that's a much better way of putting it then that's a much better way of putting it then for me that's what I'd rather take from the Koran rather than getting caught up with rock religions WOD I doubt so they're examples now look so if they're examples and if they said to mankind don't get married remain single yeah mankind I know if all of mankind followed that there would be no humans left yes she doesn't make sense for the prophets to say don't get married doesn't make sense in fact the Prophet said the opposite opposite the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said it is my Sunnah it's my way to get married and he said that you should follow this sooner he encouraged people to get married looks like the Prophet Muhammad encouraged it now so therefore now with the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him you have to understand that most of his wives were quite old okay why would they were why did he marry them what so he likes he he had a taste for older women oh no no no what we're saying is that he got married to bring societies together in in those days when tribes were people communities were fighting is a tribal thing safe Prophet Muhammad married a woman from a particular tribe that I wouldn't find this tribe any more if you brought peace this man is a very honorable man he claims to be a prophet of God he's made one of our daughters one of our women so therefore we can't fight with him we can't fight with his people because he's got he's one of his wives is from our community so this was one of the reasons he got married and this is what you have to understand all of his wives apart from one had been married before okay so they were either widows or divorcees and that sort of thing okay so he married them because he brought these women within the family household it protected them because women on their own I mean today women can live on their own in modern societies okay and feel safe in those days they couldn't you know women on their own would be very vulnerable and so being part of a family was much safer this is one thing you have to understand act agree yeah you can okay okay let's go forward the Quran the book James the Quran itself is a book that's easy to memorize God says that in the Quran and millions and millions of people have memorized the whole Quran of our heart you're an actor here you're a film actor and a stage actor you said you said you obviously have to memorize lots of script indeed yes but memorizing a whole book and millions and millions of people all over the world have memorized the whole Quran of my heart and most of these people are not even Arabic speaking they don't speak Arabic so they don't even understand what they're saying they may not understand completely what they're saying but nevertheless they have memorized it and they know quite a lot about it but what I'm saying is they may not know the Arabic language but the fact that memorized it is also a miracle of the Quran also it preserves the Quran all over the world I like that I like that yeah yeah it preserves the Quran and it shows you there aren't more than one version there isn't more than one version of the Quran there's only one version of the Quran because if people are memorizing a book you'd have different versions to memorize I don't want to criticize the Bible but as you know with the Bible there are many versions the Quran is only one version which makes it more authentic and I suppose in that sense a lot more authentic ok let's go forward the Quran was given to a man the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him James who couldn't read and he couldn't write the Prophet Muhammad a man who can't read and he couldn't write because the garage because God planned in that way that's the way that's God's planning and yet he comes up with his words words of science war words that are very very powerful a man who hasn't even can't read and write even powerful where did he get these words from the Quran get everything right when he talks about Christianity it's very clear accurate and correct it talks about Judaism it's correct where it talks about science it's correct we're talking about historical events it's correct when it talks when it predicts things are going to happen in the future it gets everything 100% correct the things the Quran predicted would happen after the Prophet Muhammad was running everything came 100 percent correct how where does his book come from the man was obviously having a very deep insightful spiritual experience that from where from from the place where spiritual stuff comes from God the unseen yeah God doesn't be God so then he must be getting it from God indeed indeed indeed let's continue let's continue okay the words of the Quran James have an effect of changing people's lives forever agree I agree this book even though it was revealed a little bit at a time over 23 years James it's got no contradictions in it it hasn't got a single contradiction God says in the Quran have they this is the Quran translated from the Arabic gods in the Quran in Arabic um translating into English God says have they that is the non Muslims not considered the Quran surely if it came from other than Allah other than God they would find in it many contradictions and yet there isn't a single contradiction in the Quran even though it was revealed a little bit at a time over 23 years not a single contradiction and it fits together beautifully you see the Quran was revealed according to situation circumstance time problems Muslims faced problems the Prophet Muhammad faced peace be upon him the messages came down the verses of the Quran came down pages of the Quran came down and they were put together as ordered by God through the Holy Spirit which is the title of an angel the angel Gabriel so he was put together as got it ordered and yet it fitted together beautifully and it still fits together beautifully today and you can see in the Quran that it's rivet it's the way it's been revealed it's not it's not it doesn't change over time it's just it's there indeed I cannot deny the the integrity and the importance of the Quran and I can definitely say that it's a very it's undoubtedly one of the most sacred artifacts of this the human race has probably ever produced as a human either produce something he's got God's produced I think it's the closest that human beings have probably come to God as things like the Quran and the Bible or things like that it's well it is the closest but most precious spiritual artists for artifacts that probably human race can ever come close to let's continue on my friend the most gracious art not just artifacts but art in itself I think sorry gone carry on okay the way the Arabic language is used in the Quran James it's unique it's powerful and it's inimitable the way the Arabic language has been used the Quran it's very and very powerful okay normally with languages their language is preserved and if you look at a book you will use the language the rules of the language to understand the book the Quran is just so powerful the Quran itself has preserved the Arabic language so if you want to know the rules of the Arabic language which are complex and intricate and very clever people actually use the Quran to make sure the Arabic they're using is correct even non-muslims use it that's how powerful the Quran is like it's Martin grammatically speaking absolutely grammatically in the Quran is very powerful very accurate impressive in grab Saluki impressive this leads us to God's challenge within the Quran James they kind of redesign the MB film his cold winter's day God's in the Quran no one can ever the key word being ever produce even one chapter like it as the chapters are called soo and this challenge still stands today let me tell you what God says in the Quran I'll translate from the Arabic to English so you get a full flavor the full taste of what God says in the Quran well you won't get full taste but you get some idea of the taste in the flavor from the Quran God says the Quran if you have doubt in what we have revealed to our servant as the Prophet Muhammad we don't even then produce a surah that means a chapter like it and call your witnesses besides God if you are truthful and if you can't do this and you will never be able to do this then fear the fire the fuel of which are going to be human beings and stones prepared for the disbelievers I like that I like that line it's so powerful it's moving very moving that particular line look God saying look if you think it's if you have doubt and even if you have some doubt you didn't say if you think it's a lie he says if you have a little bit of a doubt then this is not from God okay then write something like it mate up to paraphrase Garron saying like a write something like it mate and Paul any phrases and call whoever you want for help God saying looking call anybody he calls period you can call human beings you can call experts from Apple computers anybody IBM okay anybody call anybody you want mate right and try and write something like it and God says you can never ever do it and God says if you can't do it and you will never be able to do it then get ready for a fire mate Hellfire and the fuel of that fire is going to be human beings and stones very moving I feel like I've got no choice now but to believe it okay this leads us so what is this book James produce today it's not a big book it's quite a small book as you know it's not as big as the Bible appear at my house I've got a big is okay this book James has produced a largest practice religion 1.8 billion followers and the fastest growing religion so this book today has not only produced the largest practice religion of Islam and Muslims and the fastest growing religion the fastest conversion rate in the world today are Muslims look that in spite of the Islamophobia Oh Muslims are terrorists in Muslims are bad there is not phobia so that's all a manufactured true long no but dude but there is read in the papers today there's a lot of criticism you know any day you read you read the Muslims are bad Islam's bad there you read that women are oppressed in Islam and yet here in the high street in London we have twice as many women becoming Muslims as men then these are English laylee that's right oh wow that's that now that is it that's interesting figures whoever that's true or not I used to I would like to if we have know every week we have people becoming Muslims here alhamdulillah thank God if we have three people converting or we say reverting back to Islam at least two of them are women on average it's not exactly a hundred percent but it's our average why are women we made us that's ironic - ironic women it's always portrayed in the media that women are out of favor joining Islam and that it's not a few female friendly religion my friend do you know why oh I see I I agree I do agree why would you look you the thought in Western society we making dress as they want do whatever they want sleep with whoever they want eat what they won't drink weather why should they turn to Islam it's because okay why more women it's because women are most I would suggest more spiritual and also there's less arrogance and pride if we're women yeah I agree I agree man if you tell them about Islam oh I've got Christianity my oasis mate you know I don't know follow this religion is rubbish man you know why I'm better than you may its attitude where's the women okay let me let's hear it and when they hear it it makes sense to them and they don't have the arrogance and pride so then they become Muslims and make sense now just because the lady covers her hair it doesn't mean she's a prayer she's chosen to do that that's what people don't understand look it doesn't mean a woman walks around naked or in a bikini it doesn't mean she's more free than a woman who's covered up the woman who's covered up has chosen to be dressed modestly you know which knot which in my eyes is far bare and I'd much rather I could see why every Muslim man would have would rather have his wife dressed that way than the traditional English way that we have now I completely agree completely agree okay ladies can expose themselves to their husband and in a limited way to their close relatives but they don't have to walk down the street saying to everyone look look at my figure look how well then what does it achieve nothing no yeah moving on to present Islam they're actually respected more in this society when millions of people are reading a newspaper which got naked women in it does that mean women are respected more because they're naked women no it means all it means is that most men looking at women are thinking of these naked pictures in all Prague Rafi and thinking what is woman look like naked it's destroying its destroying men as destroying women even Muslim people with your values must come here and think this place is an absolute joke because I do believe that personally I think the the way that the English people have been programmed and what we've been exposed to is is completely it's very distasteful and I think a lot of people especially women have lost in their integrity mostly so you must come here and see these women walking around and and just the general attitude towards towards sex and just generally that whole thing you must be disgusted by you matter honestly you seem so so sinful so now the Koran itself does it what are you would you agree it would you agree to a powerful book 100% his Idol disemboweled look would you agreed from therefore would you agree to a book that human beings can't produce human beings couldn't write a book like the Quran it would it would require such intense spiritual insight that the the writers of the book had originally that that kind of intense spiritual insight and community from God would have to say again I don't think that the regular mortal man here could could could replicate that unless they were in tune with some seriously intense religiously intense spiritual experience from God from God from basically saying the Quran couldn't be written without God yeah 100% right that means that means you're saying there's a God understand yeah then you have to accept not look what does the Quran say the Quran says about the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that in nominal mousseline certainly you are from amongst the messengers you are a prophet of God a Messenger of God the Quran says this also about Jesus and Moses and Abraham then you have to accept these people as prophets of God Jesus Abraham Moses Noah David Solomon you'll accept them as prophets I've got my friend then you have to accept often Mohammed is a prophet of God if you do the new Muslim okay okay then my friend you should confirm that if you're gay or Muslim you should confirm by saying two sentences I let me tell where they are able to do it wholeheartedly like I wouldn't get to do it with that with conviction with conviction and why not because I thought I don't feel like I'm right I'm ready for it I don't look at me tell you this my friend look at my time I think I'm ready to actually say on camera and then I didn't have it distributed you do agree there's one God but on Quran do you agree the Quran is from God yes I believe it's from God but I wouldn't define God as one person no no once again you believe the Quran is from God yes okay so you believe whatever the Quran says whoa no comment well you can't seeds from God but it's not speaking the to water it's good I know oh god I'm contradicting myself oh god you guys have to go easy go you guys are good keep that much before oh yeah yeah okay okay okay yeah yeah I agree I agree if you agree and then if you agree what the Quran says then the Quran says that it's only from one God the creator of the universe the same God who sent all the prophets Jesus Moses Abraham Noah David Solomon and the Prophet Mohammed is a prophet of God so you agree the Quran is from God therefore you have to accept there is one God okay and you have to accept my friend that Prophet Muhammad is a mom prophet of God because the Quran says so you know how can we say this is from God and I'm not going to listen to it you know for example if it's your father right and your father said to do this you're gonna say yes is my dad but I'm not gonna listen to you it wouldn't make sense you'll be disobedient and and this is we're talking about our Father we're talking about the creator of the universe how powerful is he you know why he's he made us the Quran gives us the answers why are we here on this earth why is there human suffering why do children guy young all of these are answered in the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and all makes sense you know and look my friend you're an actor okay I don't know how famous you are a film actor a stage actor okay right and your musician our life look it doesn't matter how look as I actors and so on you get lots of women and whatever I don't know write a money and what have you gotten yet if you become famous right okay right okay now but look whatever you have my friend it's temporary yes almost Oh material things out yes it's going to come to an end and there's another life the prophets didn't just come and say do this and do this and don't do this and this is a message they give good news good news and a warning what's the good news my friend look you've got some connection with the creator as a believer in God once you've said these two sentences you're a Muslim you have a much stronger connection with God your life is going to become a lot happier okay it's gonna become a lot happier in this world and your relationship with your partner your family your children would be better your children's behavior will be better the crowd has all these things and the Prophet Muhammad told us all these things okay in the next life you're going to going to a place where there will be rivers you came here you said and then I stopped you you said I've just popped out from home to buy some milk from the shops right in the hereafter God's going to give you rivers of milk rivers of honey rivers of wine which won't affect your mind in a bad way this what God promised in the Quran palaces to live in beautiful partners to live with but there's something even greater than that there's something greater than the things in paradise and there's something greater than pie dice itself you know what that is tell me you the Creator who has covered his face with a covering a hijab of light he's covered his face with a covering of light to protect his creation he's gonna lift up that veil and you and I inshallah one day all Muslims will be able to see the face of the Creator and that will be just unbelievable that will be better than paradise and the things in her it'll be better than all the beautiful women the beautiful palaces we lived in and all the things about but Allah and that's when the creator's promised and that's what the prophets came for we're here for a reason my friend we're on this earth not just to you're an actor Europe on stage from whatever or whatever you are it isn't we haven't come just for that reason okay in a way we're all actors on a stage stage of the earth but we're actually not just actually want to stage on the earth but actually we're here for a purpose my friend and that is to become good enough we're on this earth here being being tested by God the car tells us also we go through a process of purification a search for God a yearning for God a learning for God and earning for God to get closer to God and so that eventually after the day of judgement we can become good we are good enough to go into his presence this this power this being of immense purity immense power immense beauty immense knowledge infinite knowledge he's the creator of everything he knows everything about everything he is the one you'll have a connection with it's a win-win situation and that's eternal that's permanent in this life you have bills to pay your hassle you even the partners you give have may cause your hassle yes I agree they're not perfect no one's perfect okay whether you're married to Angelina Jolie or whoever you are I knew you can say Angelina Jolie that's bizarre okay but still there are issues there are problems okay so my friend so now you have got some connection with the crater this is what God promised in the pier after it's a win-win situation look it's an unbelievable promise from God in the Quran and by all the prophets look your life will look sometimes people don't want to be Muslim because oh my god how am I to change everything Islam doesn't say that okay so I'm gonna say that you take it stage by stage slowly the first thing you need to do once you've said the words you're a Muslim you be Muslim you start praying okay and as you pray your love for God will increase as you love for God increase you'll automatically say for example I'm not saying you take drugs now but you might say I don't take drugs right or you might say I don't take alcohol okay whatever whatever you want to do right you might say I don't want to lie anymore I don't cheat him I'm not saying you do now but I'm saying giving example as your love for God increases then you will want to do more for God to get close to God and that's a good thing you know you want to be you want to be better person yeah and so on so that's that's what it's about so don't think that once you've said the words you're a Muslim you've got to change your life completely no you don't you take it stage by stage at your own pace and God knows what your pace is God says in the Quran he doesn't burden us beyond our capacity I love someone sit that doesn't burden a man beyond his scope someone said that to me years ago that's my favorite line from the Koran actually yes it's a win situation my friend you're not losing anything you're not losing anything whatsoever by getting a connection with the creator how can you lose I have a connection with God God in this look he's there look he's closer to us than our jugular vein God says in the Quran he'd watch after in sand is he loves us very very very much the Prophet Muhammad said he loves us more than our own mother loves us you make how much you mum loves you she woke up in the middle of the night change your pampers you diapers fed you breastfed you whatever yes she's all these things for you how much your mother loves you Allah the Creator loves you more than your mother this is and this is not we're not talking about Richard Branson or we're talking about Bill Gates rich people ok I'm not showing my age here in the singer no we're talking about the Creator who's not a man or woman the creator of the universe no less ok ok I will do is taste to say to ten senses I'll say them outside of him given to me in the Arabic translation are we doing the English first I bear witness I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness and I bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon him that Muhammad peace be upon him is his servant and his messenger is his servant and his messenger you say ashhadu allah la ilaha illa allah la la la la la ashadu ashadu anna anna muhammadan muhammadan abduhu abduhu wa rasuluhu rasuluhu lovely I love the way you said you can show your reactor on the always lovely shows us congratulations you're Muslim you've got a connection now with the Creator now you stop the pain okay and then yes I can give you a hug what you're doing I really do appreciate what you do and I have everything so keep strong and keep on Islam and we'll give you some you now have millions and billions of brothers and sisters there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah nothing worth wherever you worship except Allah and I bear witness and I bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon him that Muhammad peace be upon him is his servant and his messenger is his servant and his messenger for Islam number of years ago now and when life's changed so much for battle you can't describe how it changes your life like you know you don't but you end up not worrying about all the materialism depression others worries because you know this is not just it and don't worry about trying to do the best because you'll find that things will get taken away like your cravings will go away you know your cravings would eventually all just fate they just paid you know I used to worry about these things but they fade you know you've been always for I could never be a Muslim because I'm doing this I'm going to clubs and I'm doing all right where I'm no gonna cope but eventually why was this as you pray has your iman goes higher you'll find out what happens it balances out and your cravings they just despair you know just not interested in you just like I've been a little kid eating too many sweets she's probably bothered anymore it goes like that you know and you find your life completely changes for the better you know so don't try daddy don't don't try and do too much it was just a little bit at a time the main thing is to pray Don do you praise praise most important aspect trying to get me pressure relief fooled you feel like it's a weight off your shoulders I don't I describe it chemically in the brain st. month I'm flooded with something that makes me feel really good and connected with with saying luck much larger than myself and it's a it's a very wholesome gratifying feeling thank you too many people say that happens too many I felt the same way I felt like I weights lifted off my shoulder yeah and I just feel so much happier in my life so relaxed and peaceful you know it's the reason it's a beautiful religion as well especially to true Islam when you understand what it really is all about [Music] Iike Turner's an early human man he can let why not well at a bishop in genetic oomph in higher in dunya wife in Osceola well a comfy hermit Esther he [Music] also come well a comfy huh new Zola Miniver food ye woman [Music] you know what here why I'm in a funny how in nanny nanny meaning mostly me [Music] [Music]
Channel: DawahIsEasy
Views: 199,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God, Islam, Convert, Street preaching, Atheist, Love, Dawah, Happy, Truth, Ed Sheeran, Beyonce, Sexy, Dawkins, Proof of God, Christian, Jesus, Moses, Comedy, Revert, Conversion, Is there a God?, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Catholic, How to convert, Nasheed, Funny, Omar Esa, Zayn, Nicki Minaj, Trending, Football, Girls, Best Song, Kardashian, Purpose of Life, Meaning of Life, Death, Life, Call out my Name, Mo Salah, How to Basic, Sex, Allah, Bible, Theist, Believer, Taylor Swift, Bloggers, Makeup, Converts, Porn, sex
Id: c7xoASkTMfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 25sec (4045 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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