Jehovah's Witnesses Explained in 2 Minutes

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Jehovah's Witnesses have their origin in the teachings of Charles Taze Russell who started a Bible study group that was heavily influenced by Adventist teaching from this came the Bible students movement and Russell started a Publishing Company the movement would Splinter and one part of it under President Joseph Rutherford took the name of Jehovah's Witnesses the Watchtower bible and track Society set the doctrine of the group especially through Watchtower magazine still today doctrines are established by its governing body these doctrines include rejection of the Trinity Jesus is not God and the Holy Spirit is just God's active force and not a person they teach that Christ invisibly returned in 1914 and established his Kingdom in Heaven Jesus died on a torture stake and not a cross God the father has a spirit body and is not present everywhere but only in one place at a time in eternity a special group of 144 000 people will go to heaven While most of the save will live on a paradise Earth for eternity the unsaved will be completely annihilated there's no eternal hell every Christian organization and denomination is viewed as a apostate for salvation works are necessary and a person can lose salvation baptism is for adults but there is no formula used they do practice the Lord's Supper but only the 144 000 can partake since most don't believe themselves to be in that group they don't take the elements there is a future Millennium or one thousand year reign of Christ and those who die in spiritual ignorance will get a second chance at that time to hear the gospel and be saved Witnesses don't accept blood transfusions don't go to war don't vote don't celebrate Christmas East or birthdays they shun people who leave and are forbidden to read anti-watchtower literature around the same time that Jehovah's Witnesses were getting their footing though not with that name until 1931 another group was forming in the Holiness stream of Christianity this was the Church of the Nazarene formed in 1908. Click over to the next video to learn about them or if you want to see a more detailed and fast-paced discussion of unique beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses click here
Channel: Ready to Harvest
Views: 192,324
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Id: __GGthZN-Fk
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Length: 1min 59sec (119 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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