IDF Soldier Confronted A Muslim Live Then THIS HAPPENED! Muhammed Ali

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must I have the cam on yes you must have the cam on aren't you a proud Zionist yes I'm proud um yes keep the camera on I wanted to ask you do you do you think what Israel does is wrong uh it's a fact that what Israel does is wrong I don't need to think it it's a fact let me ask you a question with respect wait one wait and what Hamas did uh was that wrong ACC okay I'm gonna speak now now do you believe that killing innocent civilians is wrong yes I do okay then you believe what Israel doing is wrong now you ask about Hamas if Hamas were killed innocent civilians that had nothing to do with with fighting especially women and children that is wrong from an Islamic point of view absolutely 100% I'm consistent like we follow our religion our teachings we would not defend someone doing something wrong and pretend that they're not doing something wrong but but what you're missing is is this this is this is what you're missing the fact that Hamas did not exist in 1948 when 700 I know I know for a fact sorry for interrupting you but Israel wanted to make West Bank and Gaza to not be together so they paid Hamas I've heard something like that yeah okay whether they paid Hamas or not I'm not going to make claims I cannot prove my point is very simple look before Hamas exist 1948 they killed thousands of people they displaced hundreds of thousands of people they did all of these different things with Hamas or without Hamas so anyone who thinks this has got to do with Hamas is definitely knows nothing about is illiterate about history and the fact is even the UN which is a group of liars anyways even those un which which the West pretends to follow their moral framework they themselves admit that what Israel is doing is wrong they admit they will tell you the stats that that in Palestine the number of Jewish people how it jumped from from 10% you know in 1917 and in 1948 became 30 over 33 or 35% people coming with Ships coming from from Europe to take over a land that is not theirs and and make illegal settlements that the UN itself will tell you that they made illegal illegal settlements the UN itself will tell you that they're killing journalists the UN itself will tell you that they're killing innocent Sans the UN itself will kill you they're bombing civilians in discriminately the UN itself will tell you that there's no Hamas in the West Bank but they're still killing people okay but but tell me why isn't your Muslim brothers and sisters speaking out South Africa did but I haven't seen none Muslim country doing the same yeah when you say your brothers and sisters you're talking about there's civilians and there's governments right I don't run a government yeah one second one second I don't run a government and nor does like majority of Muslims are in government and a lot of Muslims live and and they there are certain they live under certain leadership that they don't necessarily agree with and and for you to think let me just put it very simply for you to think that countries in the Middle East do not have an already an influence from Zionist leaders then you'll be living in delusion there's there's many countries that you would look at that you think that they have their own Sovereign friend my friend I live with post-traumatic stress syndrome I take medication I take xanx and I take and cine okay so trust me I've seen many bad things I'm not here to to be a enemy to you I actually really like your uh Channel okay but yeah I'm not going to lie I'm a Zionist I want can you define what Zionism is for me it's Israel to be free two stat free two states 50% for Palestine 50% for Jews okay well that's not the definition of Zionism okay the Z no Zionist wants two State solution you cannot you can if you call yourself a Zionist and you say you want toate Solutions you're using the wrong term okay because no Z Zionist wants the whole land of Palestine for themselves that's what this the definition of Zionism they want their own state in the whole land of Palestine they want to displace remove every Palestinian every single Palestinian to the end not a single one left in that land but not only that that they they're moving because the land of Canan is not just the land of Palestine but they're starting with Palestine they're moving into Yemen and Syria and all of that step by step and Jord and Jordan based on what the land of Canaan is for them so you're not a Zionist if you think of two State solution number one number two you cannot claim that you want Israelis to be free when literally Israelis have an army tanks and tens of thousands of Navy SE and ships and and air tags and and and airplanes and Palestinians have nothing going to be free ask me it's not Jews that control Israel it's European and USA no you you you're completely mistaken I don't think you know what you're talking about because if you were to to check the ipac for example which is a political party which runs America literally which has the biggest Lobby in America it's all all Zionist control funded and controlled by Zionist it's not even not this is on their website you can just Google it you know it's not something I'm saying like a conspiracy or something it's literally if someone Googles I'll check no no I believe you yeah the Americans are the one who control to be honest it's not that America is the one controlling it but the thing is you cannot call yourself a Zionist as I said but and you say that that you want them to be free when no one is imprisoning them they are the one who is imp they are the ones imprisoning two million people in Gaza in an air prison where they cannot have food air internet or anything and they're being killed why doesn't why doesn't Saudi Arabia help people in Gaza by great question by sending money or or food or water or what's stopping them great question and I'm not going to only say Saudi I I've been in Saudi Arabia I got Israeli passport okay I had no problems to enter Saudi Arabia but Muslims they can't do the same just like the all of the Jewish people that came to Palestine had no problem entering Palestine because Palestinians at that time open their their arms for them open their houses for them and then and then they ended up kicking those Palestinians from their own homes so the thing is this look when you say why is this country not helping why my point is to single out a specific country is is inconsistent I believe every Muslim country has a responsibility there because if one country does not act responsibility wait wait wait wait wait then the responsibility moves to the other Muslim country if the other country doesn't act then it moves to the other country so I completely agree with you why are they not acting I completely agree I share the same sentiment more than you do even yes why do you think they don't acting or they I answer you before I answered you before I said to think that uh governments that are in Muslim lands have no influence they're not being influenced by Zionist is naive that's what that's what the point that I was making I believe that that it is almost very difficult if not impossible for someone to reach become a president in a country without already being approved by certain individuals let me put it to you no one can be just a Muslim leader in a Muslim country without already being imp approved quote unquote by certain individuals let me just put it very generally for you so why because Zionist know very well like if if there are good leaders or correct leaders or if Muslims unite around them they're not going to have safety they're not going to have safety how are they gonna have safety if the countries around them can I've been in Gaza with military and my brothers in arms and we took out families in the middle of the night and we took pictures of the kids and the parents and okay so I don't lie I and I started to question myself about theism it's a naal thing it's not it got nothing to do with Judaism and okay do you have do you have a a Jewish Family do you you have people there is that what you're saying half half have half yeah yeah okay so look this is the thing like you I I think a lot of Jewish people would call themselves Zionist just because other people call themselves Zionist they don't do they don't do like their own research and check actually what's going on see the massacres that are taking place you said yourself you went toaz and you saw that's what it changed you made you question actually what you what you've been told by the Israeli brother trust me I cried many times because I saw the children they they were scared MH and we Comm coming in with heavy weapons into their home were you in the Army were you in the Israeli army yes I was in the Israeli Army okay okay yeah and and and we took pictures and we searched for weapons and sometimes we took in dogs to the house and the children get scared you know MH so I don't I didn't feel good for that and I hope God will forgive me but it was my job I served five years I did one year training then I served for the idea well this is the thing is and the thing I don't understand Orthodox Jews and you guys you are really close MH and still there is war so I don't blame the Orthodox Jews I blame the other people Europeans and okay I'm not going to lie to you before for for like five six years ago I hated Arabs I hated not only Arabs immigrants I I was like a fascist but don't you agree that this this is what they're being is being taught anyways in Israel like people are just Arabs are to be hated by this is what you're thought yes I'm not going to lie when when our children are born we tell them what what Arabs going to be they're going to be our slaves and yeah yeah yeah so look at least you're honest you're saying these things right you're saying the yeah I'm not gonna lie to you I I I believe in one God and I started to read about Islam and Judaism well I'll tell you one thing I'll tell you one thing look I I'll tell you two things actually first can you where did you serve like which part in Gaza did you go to Gaza that time was it in this conflict or before no no before like three years ago three years ago okay you see this is because a lot of people think this all started October the 7th they don't know all of these things have been happening for years and years and years no it's been 75 years yeah yeah so look I I'll tell you this look a lot of people they they might have hatred towards you and and they're talking like they don't like because the what you said you did or go or what they see happening to the children all of that but this is the difference between us as humans acting emotionally and Allah Allah is a forgiven God is a is a forgiven and a merciful Creator and the prophet Alam he told us of a story of of aund of a man who killed 99 Souls then he went to a a monk and he asked him is there any forgiveness so the monk said no so he killed the mon then he went to the person of knowledge and he said to him is there any forgiveness so the the person of knowledge told him who can close the door of repentance for you no one can stop the Forgiveness of God from coming to you no one can stop God from forgiving that's actually what's drawing me to Islam because in the Bible we kill children woman animals everything yeah I know I know I've read the Bible I've read like 1 Samuel chapter 15:3 for example or what Jeremiah was doing going around killing the CH the children take over the land from the Canaanites I know I understand like and they told you these things and they teach you these things and they tell you this is the right thing to do this God which God chosen people you're doing the right thing but you deep down because you have a conscience as a human being you start feeling you know this is not the right thing to do when you look at a child you're still a human being not to be honest it's it it affected me really hard man to watch the children shaking and we are with the dogs in the house and the dog is barking and some of my uh soldiers they like uh say in Arabic to the people stay at the wall we're going to take pictures and and like make jokes about them like don't be scared we're not going to kill you it's so I couldn't take it I got sick one year I got pts Z what I can tell you is this I can tell you look Allah can punish the people in different ways and and you you understand this very well you can see the psychological trauma or pain is far stronger than than the physical yeah that's why the Palestinians are free people think they're not free but they're free inside and their souls you can see them you know they're free inside because they know there is an afterlife you know that Allah is for them Allah is protecting them but but this is something the Israeli soldiers will never have that's why they will have fear that's why they're afraid even of of Hamas who don't have weapons they will still AF be afraid of them because they they fear death while Muslims do not fear death they fear the Creator alone but you the only way you can save your soul is by coming to to Allah and repenting and accepting Islam and trying to do good deeds in the rest of your life the only way you can get forgiveness you can seek forgiveness is from Allah not from me not from any other human being you can go to any doctor he'll tell you anything he's not going to help you the only person that can change your life the only person that can accept your repentance is Allah he's the only one who can forgive you he's the only one who can change your heart but the only way you do that is you have to accept Islam you have to submit to Allah you have to start following the teachings of Islam you have to start praying you have to start speaking out because you have an experience you've been in the Army you can talk about your own experience like you're doing right now of you of what these people are actually doing like what the Israeli Army is actually doing to the people you speak we used to we used to do terrible things we throw in shock grenades into the houses and we laughed and I can tell you thousand stories yeah I I need you to speak because the reason this is important is for people to see because you know there's a lot of lies spread in the media you know because since like two years ago I started to change in my mind and I felt in my heart what I'm doing is wrong this is not human man it's it's the devil it's you can do things like that one one time we put a dog barking on a kid and a kid start to piss himself and everybody left and the mother was crying and what can I say I'm just honest god listen he sees everything he hears everything I I but I wish I wish God forgives me I I was younger then and I was not one Le so well look the doors of Islam are open the doors of forgiveness are open of Allah but they're only going to be shut when you die and we don't know when we going to going to die if you want Allah to forgive you I told you the only way the only way that Allah is going to forgive you is that you repent from the Deeds that you that you did by accepting Islam and now from from now on trying to do your best to let people know what is going on to explain to I would lose I would lose every friend if I became mus I promise you you know do you know what you would lose if you didn't become Muslim yeah first your sanity and the second thing your afterlife yeah you you can pretend look you can take medication you can take no amount of medication you're going to take is going to cure what you've seen it doesn't cure brother it just make me go to sleep that's what it does yeah nothing is going to cure it because people they do these actions I don't know how some people in the Army do these things they do these actions and they think there's no consequences brother many people many people took drugs that's but they don't tell that it in media so yeah they take drugs to so they can not feel anything when they're doing these things yeah yeah we took we took volume Xanax sometimes we took CAE mhm so yeah so we become like more Brothers when we was in drugs we look you're fine you're a lot better than if someone wants to become Muslim in in uh in like T Aviv or something like that if he wants to become Muslim there he he's got a lot of things to worry about you on the other hand has has you are in a in a country where you shouldn't have a problem by by doing that by accepting ISL if it was the friends no one can have a better friend or a a better protector than Allah and yeah but I've just been scared I don't want to lie I if I go and visitamos and take the shahada I don't I want to be honest to them and tell them my his his history you don't have to do the sh in a Mosk you can do it right now there is no need for you to go to a mosque to do it right now we can do it if you're ready if you want to do it I can do it let's do it bro are you sure yeah let's do it I'm gonna let's do it in we we'll do it in English first and then we'll do it in aric insh okay okay so say after me I testify I testify is nothing worthy of worship it's nothing worthy than worship except Allah except Allah and I testify and I testify that Prophet Muhammad that Prophet Muhammad is his messenger is his messenger and servant and servant we'll say the same thing now but in Arabic in yeah muham Allah Allah that's it brother it's like you don't need to go to a m you don't need to go to anyone you go to the Creator you go to the Creator who who sees you testify because you're testifying for God if you say you Worship You Believe in Allah he's the one worthy of worship you believe Prophet Muhammad Alam is his messenger you believe the Quran is from God you believe in the prophets of God you believe you need to do good in your life you want to seek repentance you need to seek forgiveness from Allah that's what matters we to us you are our brother in Islam now what happened in your past happened in your past and look I'll I'll say this because a lot of Muslims this might be do you know do you know any prayers before you go to sleep because I got much flashback yes brother yes yes yes there is many and and and uh you you need to send me your your information inallah you need send me your information send my email on the chat yeah I'll I'll okay put your email inshallah or or or okay you put your email I'll try to contact you okay brother instead of you contacting put your email inshah or or can you get my email if I put my email instead of you putting your I don't want anyone sending you anything let me put my Emil you put it on the chat yeah I'll put it instead of someone else putting putting sending you something that is not good maybe okay this is the email can you take a screenshot yeah I took a screenshot okay look brother this is what I want you to understand look right now you're a Muslim from our point of view if you're talking about friends Muslims open their doors for everyone and I want this a lot of people to understand this that even the Muslims watching this we don't look at someone's past before they accept Islam some of the companions of the Prophet was trying to kill him before they accepted hisl they were they were attempting to take his life which is great than anything you would do to Kill the Messenger I've read I've read he he lived a very tough life yes mhamad PE and when they accepted Islam he told his companions the same thing I'm going to tell you now is that Allah forgives the sins the past and the mistakes that you did but you have to change your life brother you need to fix things mentally in your mind you're talking about prayers that's a good thing to look for I'm going to send you inshallah you just email me you email me your details I'll connect you with people I'll send you prayers to say I'll send you how to pray and all of that which is important you need to change your life into the right direction through doing that you can you cannot change your life the right you can see here yes uh yeah I believe you I believe you I know I know yeah everything medication this is a psychological issue that that you will need to deal with yourself you need to confront yourself with this issue you need to understand that what you did was wrong you need to seek forgiveness and the only one who can change your heart and pure cure your heart is Allah bro bro I'm scared you know for things are done I'm scared God going to punish me you know and and it's not only me more people are turning against Z many of my friends are told them to call you up because they also feel not good and they seen things and done things God forbid the you know they shooting people with sniper I have seen a guy throwing stones they shoot him simply just kill him on the spot so you know Allah says in the Quran brother I want you to understand this very important thing Allah is he's the most forgiven the most merciful Allah says in the Quan if my servants ask you about me I'm near I'm near is it is it written in the Quran about that that it will come hard times for Muslim yes Allah tells us in the Quran in in chapter two that willest you with with loss of life loss of hunger and fear will test you with these things in fact Allah said that the people children of Israel will take the the Masjid M from you and they will cause great corruption all of that is written in the Quran chapter 17 you can read it so Allah has told us that that we will be tested Afflicted Allah said even that so we can return to Allah so not only you returning by Allah sending because Allah has different soldiers and some of these soldiers are much stronger like fear is stronger is a is a soldier of Allah fear brother I got brother one last question I use an app it's called mza it's a map for marriage in woman mhm is it a seene to use such a map app so whatever whatever you done before brother don't worry about that I know you're talking about mzz match or something that that's the name yeah match yeah but that that app is very problematic but the thing is this is not not not to worry about that's in the past don't worry about it use it or it's not a big deal inah it's a small I can't believe I took the sh I can't believe it you know you you think when I added you is zence I don't think I don't even think that we're going to get to this point you know but this is Allah Subhan this is Allah's plan this is Allah's plan and it's it's we I believe that nothing happens without God allowing it to happen and and this is like we as Muslims need to always understand this forgiveness is in the hands of Allah and we we don't we are not the ones who determine who we forgive who we don't forgive we are we're not the ones who we say okay you did this in your past we're not going to forgive you this is not in our hands Only God can judge me yeah okay brother send me send me send me your details inshallah send me your details will I will I will keep in contact with you personally in I put on the chat my uh email yeah no problem I see it in the private chat I'll take it I'll keep I'll keep I'll keep in contact with you inshallah okay thank you very much have a good day okay brother thank you bye bye brother see you brother Allah guides whom he Wills brothers and sisters Allah guides whom he wills and yeah we need to understand that you see Subhan Allah these these are things we don't see these are things we don't see like this is these are things the media will never show you it will never show you what actually psychologically happens to these soldiers because we've seen the videos we've seen what happens to the Palestinians we've seen the amount of Massacre that is taking place to them and in the end the people who are doing these Massac massacres are human beings like they're not like they still are human beings so they have a psychological mind and that psychological mind will be affected by the actions that they do by these things that they've done to these children it will it will be affected whether they want it to be affected or not and Allah can send his different types of soldiers whether that be fear whether that be psychological pain that that no matter how many medication look this internal struggle you cannot compare it with anything physical or external it is far greater than what people can imagine and they will these traumas will because you know you're doing something wrong the children you you are frightening children why you what's the point of frightening a child like a child is not going to fight you back and you know that deep down and you can see their face you can see their expressions so you can imagine the amount because he was saying even his friends you can imagine the amount of psychological trauma that these uh soldiers are are having because of the things that they do and and the afterlife is there as well Allah has allowed him to come back to to to seek forgiveness to try to to rectify his life but many people will not come back and and no one can escape from from Allah but make Dua for him brothers and like that Allah keeps him guided on the truth you know because in the end we are still human beings and he regretted what he what he's done and I don't know even what to say to be honest
Channel: The Muslim Lantern
Views: 805,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Muhammed Ali Speakers Corner, Speakers Corner Debate, Muslim Christian Debate, Dawah Speakers Corner, Street Dawah, Islam and Christianity, Quran, Islam, Atheist, Atheism, God, Existence of God
Id: -qnYJXIxSpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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