🔥😱NYC DEBATE❗Shaykh Uthman CHECKMATES Christian Preacher in Times Square #nyc

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foreign [Music] [Music] let me ask you something okay if you believe this is the word of God word by word letter by letter no mistakes read this for me hi Isaiah [Music] was 22 years old when he became king and he reigned one year in Jerusalem his mother was the grandmother granddaughter the kind of Armory king of Israel right so how old was he when he became king 22 years old actually you're a Preacher Man I can tell all right second chronicles 22-2 read it for me Isaiah was 42 years old when he became king and he reigned one year in Jerusalem his mother's name was the grandmother of Omri granddaughter from the granddaughter of Omar so was he 22 or 42 whichever one I mean the contradiction right there right it's not a contradiction let me ask something how old are you I'm 30. so if I said you're 45 and you're 30 is that a contradiction pretty much get the whole Bible did you see these do you see these it's not just one verse I got you okay now since you want to know others we will show you second chronicles 36 9. yeah you keep going back to the Kings and to their ages in the day so are those contradictions they don't you can't base the entire you can't say the word of God is contradicted because of the age and the numbers of the Kings and how old they were I got you bro no problem earlier you said that you believe this is a hundred percent truth no mistakes no contradictions absolutely now right now in front of you I've shown clear numeric undeniable contradictions well I could you would agree go ahead I can show you where the Bible says Jesus is the son of God I got you listen listen but if the Bible is filled with mistakes how can you believe in a book put your salvation knowing their clear undeniable errors in it let me let me show you from the New Testament okay and Jacob right be God who Joseph and who was Joseph the husband of the husband of Mary whom was born Jesus who was called so who's the father of Joseph Jacob are you sure wait wait what's the translation is this King James version okay that's the one you use no I don't want to read the King James what do you use King James this is the new King James new is just updated English this is literally the new King James okay Luke 3 23 go ahead now Jesus himself began his ministry at about 30 years old of age being as was supposed the son of Joseph the son of Healy so who is the father of Joseph yeah but but you're not understanding the whole breakdown of the genealogy okay it doesn't exactly who's the father of Joseph it the whole translation of the genealogy who's the father of Joseph whether the father of Joseph is Healy or Jacob one of them is wrong right but here's the thing brother here's the thing you wouldn't even have a Quran if there was no Bible okay the the Bible I'm listening to you the Bible was here before the Quran let me explain this can I God I'm going to say early church and the early Christians had the teachings of Jesus as well as the apostles and the early Christian belief was that Jesus is the son of God he died on the cross and Rose from the grave he was resurrected from the grave I'm just in Christ we have forgiveness of sins and this is how we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven if I was to ask you as a Muslim how are you going to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven by what means how do you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven I can tell you no problem I got you first thing is you said that if there was no Bible you have no Quran that's wrong why because the prophet Muhammad sallam couldn't even read or write he couldn't read the Bible he couldn't plagiarize it no no let me finish now I respectfully listen to you so you we're going to have a respectful conversation I appreciate what's your name Michael Michael good guy Michael so to say that if there was no Bible that we know Quran is wrong the prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon Him according to the consensus of historians could not read or write let alone read Hebrew or Greek so when the Quran was revealed to the prophet sallallahu he didn't need anything before it now secondly you ask has a Muslim how would you enter Heaven the kingdom of God right the same way that Abraham Moses Jesus and Muhammad peace and blessing be upon them taught their people The Ten Commandments that first you only believe in one God no three no two hear o Israel your lord is one then you do good deeds you don't worship idols second commandment don't worship idols don't worship statues don't worship prophets when you have that and you do your good deeds the best you can and even if you're lacking out of the mercy of Allah you will enter Jannah the same message that was preached by Abraham Moses ultimate sacrifice because of our sins we're still none of our righteousness is ever going to be good enough to enter into the kingdom of heaven so we can do good works we can follow the Ten Commandments but guess what we've all fallen short of the glory of God but the first year of God the mercy of God is there and the mercy of God is revealed through giving us his son Jesus Christ and letting him die on the cross for our sins what about our sins who's going to pay the atoning sacrifice because God is we all believe God is Justice and he's a judge so we have a sin problem how are we going to deal with the sin problems right right and the judge says I know you murdered somebody but I'm gonna kill my son and set you free would you consider that Justice innocent child of mine that never sin is going to be killed tortured and murdered and you're gonna go free in every criminal here gets to go free because I'm gonna kill my innocent son brother man is that Justice just answer yes or no please I'm trying to tell you what the Bible says and what God says about getting his son or somebody had to pay the prices if I wrong you if I take this chain from you right could you just forgive me but there has to be a sacrifice that's why in the old that's why in the Old Testament my questions [Music] he's killing an innocent person for the crime of the criminal would be unjust if you are so forgiving that you will forgive me without killing somebody then God is more forgiving than that he can forgive us he doesn't have to kill anybody he doesn't have to kill his son himself you know what you're facing your political is a book that is error dude once again I see you earlier that the Prophet Muhammad any anybody can say that but the Bible was already in existence could he read it that's like me coming up with my own religion and naming Jesus Peter and John and then saying I never read the Bible and just making up my own thing I just read your little booklet and it talks about Peter and John like he was the disciples names he didn't know how the child is over the mother how did he know all of that right how say again describes the development of the fetus what is the Bible in Psalms now how would the prophet salallahu for example water that's fresh and salt is comfortable Prophet Muhammad has never been to a place where salty water in some Sweet Water Country how did he know that all the planetary bodies have orbits they didn't know that at the time right how would the prophet have known that as I said as I told these brothers in the book of First John in the Bible and this is what I read the Quran and the Muslims Yahweh teach that God has no son and that Jesus did not die chapter chapter 5 it tells if we receive the witness of men the witness of God is greater for this is the witness of God which he has testified of his son he who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself he who does not believe God has made him a liar because he has not believed the testimony that God has given us his son and this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life and this life is in his son he who has the son has life he who does not have the Son of God does not have life this is the teaching of the Bible right right Jesus God foreign Jesus just like the Pharisees asked him who are you okay because Jesus was talking to them you know he talks about how he was talking to everybody yes God he is God he is oh no um that was Jesus as he was a man at the time as he was a man he humbled himself so he was not God when he was a man okay brother let me show you but I gotta use description I've given you scripture for everything I've said so nobody's making nothing oh you're giving me scriptures no from the Bible I gave you a scripture wait wait go ahead in Philippians let this mind be in you which was also in Christ who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself with no reputation taking the form of a bond servant and coming in the likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death even the death of the Cross therefore God also has highly exalted him and given him the name which is above every name yes not Jesus himself Jesus who being in the form of God followed himself so when you're reading this when he was on Earth as a human being was he God yes he was it's the hypostatic 100. when he was here he was God he was an omniponent all powerful all-knowing Jesus humbled himself though so then he didn't know when he became a man he was he was obedient when he was a man did you know the hour no not as a man so then if he didn't know he's not all-knowing I know I know I know it's right here hold on hold on right here right here no no you want a scripture I'm going to read scripture to you but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels no don't take it easy let me read it because you're not even the angels in Heaven nor the son nor the son the Bible clarifies that nobody knows the hour not the son only the father as you said if he was on Earth fully God omniponent oh nowhere you did we got you on paper 100 God 100 man when he was on Earth I just rent out in Philippians he humbled himself so when he was on Earth did he know the hour because you said God knows everything he's not on Earth anymore though he's now in the presence of his girl jumping the question is when he was on Earth was he fully God all knowledgeable he said yes now you're saying no Allah he was always God when he was on Earth did he know the hour I just said no then he's not all knowing and that means according to your definition he was not God so he didn't know everything John chapter one you're done you're done in the beginning was the word the word was well yeah very easy very easy it's not very easy when he was on Earth he is God okay so did he know the hour you're stuck I just told you no it then that's not God then he was not done because he didn't know something and you said easier that he knows everything if Jesus know everything was he fully God on Earth he is fully done again was he fully God yes did he know everything no no he's not fully God you you no no you said earlier the child is a Checkmate it's finished all right you gotta listen all right okay it's very simple you yourself said that if only God knows everything we went over there don't worry man let me finish when you said that God knows everything and on Earth Jesus knew everything omnipotent all-knowing fully God and then you got caught with the contradiction from your Bible saying he didn't know the hour then now you cannot be both either you know everything or you don't know everything either you're a square or a circle cannot be both at the end of the day the Bible calls us the faith in Jesus Christ that he died on the cross and that he rose from the grave and that he died for our sins he is the ultimate sacrifice to pay our sin then you may think that you're good people you may think that you're gonna follow the Commandments and you're going to do these good works and work your way into heaven but you're not going to work your way into heaven there's only one way as Jesus says there was only one way to the father and that's through the son Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life no one can get to the father except through me so I can have my beliefs as what the Bible says that Jesus is the son of God and I will hold to that belief until the day I stand for the Son of God you can hold your belief that he's not the Son of God and in that day you will stand before God and we will all stand before God and in that day we will see who truly is correct do you know I know my man okay we gotta try to move it a little bit that's one thing one thing your answer is preacher mode you couldn't answer the contradiction you couldn't answer whether Jesus knew everything and was he God and you just jumped into preaching my advice to you is don't get me from this is my way and your way many brothers here we're Christians we're Catholics we're Jews and atheists they're Muslims today and I myself grew up going to church you see how much I studied the Bible you I don't have a Quran I'll give you a Quran just read it if you don't believe in it don't worry about it right I'm not forcing anything on you but don't have this partisan like I'm gonna die with it if you find out that those contradictions are true and that theological believes contradiction of knowing everything and not knowing the hour is a mistake except the truth I hope God guide the school brother [Music] everybody [Music]
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 759,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Quran, Islamic lectures, Islamic reminder, Bible, Dawah, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Uthman Ibn Farooq, Street Dawah
Id: Um6VRTutuw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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