Oh No! Ford Goes Too Fast Into A Massive Ditch!

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so we got a call for a ford expedition that went off the freeway up here on the black ridge so we're gonna head up there in the hook truck and see if we can get it drug back to safety and towed to whatever destination it's supposed to be towed to we got lizzy here the weather it's a hot 104 degrees but we'll get the job done it's gonna be nice so eric's ahead of us in the rollback rudy and tim i don't know if they're ahead of us or behind us we have the film crew today so we're going to show you how we do this particular job even if we do it wrong thank you oh they came by okay we got keys already doing some fencing yep we're doing some [Music] fancy [Music] is that true lizzy you know how to [Music] either way it's a good thing nobody got seriously hurt i think like since we're like halfway up the black ridge it dropped from like 104 to like 101. easy you've been walking along shut up did i fall no but there was like three or four times i was thinking you were kidding i can fall because i got something to hang on to how long have you been walking about five four years longer than me at least four just want one line on it you tell me what you want you're you're seeing commander okay lizzy get in it and drive it out i feel bad because we didn't get you video coming down that hill right there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's hard i was [Music] the talking is blasting in there and i couldn't figure out to turn it off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was easy we had all hands on deck and it was almost too many we should have just had lizzie do the whole job by herself and 140 degree weather could you could you've handled that i mean getting the two trucks here would have been a lot of work [Music] a lot of you guys already know eric but this is one of the best operators i have ever met he's also very strong i don't want to make him angry which matt does on a regular basis okay i'll send you the address where this is going it's just a new army all right so rudy's gonna head on with eric eric's gonna make sure and clean up the mess rudy's gonna go help him and i'm going back home so that looked like a pretty fun ride for you lizzy you were like this and then like this and then like this yeah it wasn't too bad just the average day roller coaster so there's this weird guy danny's been following me for a [Music] i while know that if you don't clean this up they'll make you come back they make you come back did you know that have you been called back i have not been called back i'm very good at cleaning up oh you're thorough huh man you are good at this anymore this guy used to be really bashful with the camera look at that i still am whatever well you're good yeah ready ed they say age before beauty so ages in first place beauty's in second place so you win twice so we got a call for a 25-foot rv that is stuck out to sand hollow i think they're in the sand pit campground so it shouldn't be too big of a job yeah it's clear not too hot and no wind and it's about 7 30 and we'll go see my badger stack and we'll get them out for sure good evening all right somewhere in here is the space 11 in this space [Music] okay there's two three four that looks like it's stuck yeah and it looks like it needs to go backwards they drove it into the sand dude it's pretty good that is pretty good [Music] [Music] we are on the water tank and exhaust and everything yeah you want to go forward no okay [Music] all right so you are setting on everything you're setting on the water tank like it's bellied out so we're gonna want the least amount of digging in reverse so i would say you could attack there i would say um like a thousand to twelve hundred rpms really about a thousand of them i'm almost thinking about going down there i would go down there just to pop it out yeah let's try that okay lizzy i'm gonna go down to pop it out and then turn it over so let's get it on top of the sand [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty good okay that one good um you don't want to hold your wheel about like that and then once you're on the hard pack it'll roll up on [Music] [Music] see how that turns out okay here's the matte software recovery shirt for you all right thank you it's my size oh yeah awesome you have a great day thank you two easy pulls well it was buried at the frame and he didn't think we'd get it out but that defensive card works great and he's done a good job and pulled it right out thanks for watching
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 704,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, shop work, new project, shop build, off road recovery, matts off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, ford truck, buried to the frame, car crash, rv recovery, camper off roading, off roading rv
Id: ixpdjv_jscM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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