Dhar Mann's TOP LOVE STORIES For Valentine's Day | Dhar Mann

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so what should we do this weekend well let's just say you shouldn't plan anything because rob has a little surprise for you well for all of us yeah you really have the boyfriend jackpot rob smart he's handsome and he's rich hey paige can i um talk to you for a sec uh go away adam yeah she doesn't want to talk to you okay sorry wait it's okay what's up i just wanted to give you this that's just a little something that i drew an orchid but how'd you know orchids are my favorite flower it wasn't that hard to guess you wear them all the time just like the ring you have on right now wow i don't know what to say this is so lame she doesn't want some dumb drawing yeah you should get out of here before her boyfriend gets here hey babe i got you something you did yep roses your favorite oh um i better get going i guess i should just throw this away no i'll keep it thanks what's that about it's just a drawing he made me you don't have to keep it cause you feel bad for him everybody knows how much of a loser he is yeah i heard his family lives in a trailer park ew give it to me i'll throw it away for you no um that's all right i'll keep it uh you know so that i can throw it away when he's not around oh gosh you so he doesn't try to talk to you again anyway i gotta go but let's meet by my car after class i've got another surprise for you sounds good bye you are so lucky he got you roses i know i wish i had a guy like him he's pretty great so what do you think the surprise is whatever it is [Music] peach paige oh sorry did you even hear what i said um oh shoot i don't want to be late for class i'll see you girls after school live music at sal's restaurant so does rob have a brother or cousin or anyone that's like him um i don't know i can ask paige ugh not him again he's so annoying are you gonna rock and roll at all yeah i love rock why i thought so i saw the beetle sticker on your backpack anyway do you have plans tonight i'm playing at sows and would love for you to come you could even bring your friends we actually have plans sorry yeah and even if we didn't do you ever think girls like us would end up at a dump like sows oh sorry i guess i don't know what i was thinking what do we have here um give that back to me oh so you're playing at styles tonight sounds pretty pathetic let me guess you're trying to get these girls to go so you don't look like such a loser when no one comes to hear you play ah just leave them alone let's go i hate to break it to you but we already have plans tonight because i got us four front row tickets to the big hip-hop concert i'm so excited i heard drake's going to be there yep because i know how much my babe loves hop not some dumb wannabe rock musician rob i can't believe you did that whatever let's go oh and just a little advice if you ever want to score a hot girl like paige you need a lot more than some cheap skateboard you gotta have an expensive car like my porsche see you later loser let's go babe [Music] wait this isn't where the concert is i figured we could make a quick stop to watch adam play you know so we can see how bad he is so we can all make fun of them what but why would we do that i love that idea yeah come on let's go see let's go [Music] [Music] what kind of a lame song is that are you kidding i love that song great job adam since when did you start caring about rock music i never mind could you sing another song adam okay i hope you like this one because i custom wrote it for you paige every time i see you i add more to this song just like a growing orchid pretty things take long letters on the page can't show [Music] [Laughter] stop stop that has to be the cringiest song i've ever heard it's so painful none of us can take anymore yeah that's pretty bad for real what are you guys talking about i thought it was really nice yeah right the truth is adam we only came here to see how pathetic you are great job embarrassing yourself let's go babe i said let's go babe [Music] you know what [Music] i don't want to go i'd rather stay all right you can't be serious you want to listen to this loser play some cringy music when i got us four front row tickets to the hottest concert of the year if you knew anything about me rob you know that i didn't even like hip-hop huh what are you talking about she likes the beatles exactly if you knew anything about me you know the first song adam played was hey jude it's one of my favorite songs of all time i've never cared about hip hop well okay what am i supposed to do with these then you know how much money i spent on them not everything is about money rob we still don't get it come on don't be ridiculous yeah paige let's just go to the concert it'll be way better than hanging around here that's for sure i'm good thanks then how are you going to get home on a skateboard if it means avoiding riding home in your porsche then yes fine well i'm still going to go to the concert do you girls want to stay here or come with me are you kidding we're not missing drake yeah we're going with you have fun at this dump with skater boy i will thanks and don't come crawling back to me later when he's still a deadbeat musician and i'm making six figures [Laughter] i'm sorry i feel like that's all my fault i completely understand if you want to leave oh it's my fault i should have ended things with him a long time ago i do have one favor to ask though sure anything would you mind singing that song you made for me again i really liked it of course i'd love to every time i see you i add more to this song just like an orchid growing pretty paige continues to watch adam sing the song that he wrote for her as time goes on she keeps supporting him no matter where he performs adam keeps practicing and getting better and better eventually more people start to show up and then a lot more people one night he even ends up getting signed to a major record label [Music] over time adam ends up becoming one of the most popular artists in the world he consistently lands on the top of the charts and is on the front cover of magazines everywhere [Music] and then one day paige happens to run in to rob again wait paige oh hello rob you look amazing i haven't seen you since high school yeah it's been a while still giving up roses i see oh yeah these are for hey paige hey stacy wow i didn't expect you to end up together but it makes sense i heard what happened with adam it's crazy how much he blew up who would have thought i know right anyways it was good seeing you guys let me guess after he got famous he tossed you aside like a bad habit actually yeah hey sweetheart sorry i'm late i got a little tied up making you something for our anniversary oh hey guys oh my gosh adam i can't believe how famous you got do you mind if i get a pic stop that's embarrassing what why do you mind no not at all an orchid yeah not sure if you remember back in high school are you kidding how could i forget no i still carry it around with me every day wow and i thought you musicians made money i guess not if you're getting her another drawing for your anniversary here babe i got you real flowers your favorite i didn't just get her a drawing i gotta do this too [Music] oh my gosh is this a diamond orchid yeah wow it it's it's so beautiful i thank you so much no thank you for believing in me when no one else did i love you so much i love you too ready to go yeah oh just a little advice if you ever want to score a hot girl like paige pay attention to the small details they matter more than the big things let's go low you still don't drive a porsche oh you're right i don't i drive a rolls-royce bye-bye adam do you want to come to my recital after school tomorrow yeah i'm down i don't have any plans cool look there's felicia and it looks like she has another new bag when your family's rich it's easy to have nice things i heard they have a huge mansion in orange county yeah and supposedly she's throwing a holiday party there this weekend imagine how cool it'd be if we got to go to it as if that ever happened rich girls like her don't hang out with broke losers like us but hey at least we have each other right yeah oh my gosh ben just walked in look how cute he looks of course he'd go up to felicia seems like she's inviting him to her party oh my gosh he's coming how's he ever gonna know who you are if you hide every time he walks by i don't know one day i'm gonna talk to him when you've been saying that since freshman year and now we're graduating in a few months you know ben's moving to go to uc davis this summer right i know i just get so nervous to talk to him here it'd be easy if i saw him out somewhere like felicia's party as if she'd ever invite us you know what i guess there's only one way to find out hey where are you going rachel hey felicia um hi i'm rachel we had third period chemistry together last year um and we both went to lincoln middle school oh and there was this one year where we both went to earhart elementary but i kind of understand this party's gonna be lit everyone i've talked to said they're coming i know i'm so excited [Applause] oh sorry could you just give me one second so is there something that you need well actually i wanted to ask you about your party you see my friend heather and i hi we were wondering if we could come is that a michael kors bag uh yeah why ew no one wears michael kors anymore yeah they're literally on clearance racks everywhere okay so i don't see anything wrong with it is your friend for real right now uh no she's just joking around oh good because anyone who can't see what's wrong with wearing a michael kors definitely isn't coming to my party let's go girls wait so does this mean we can actually come you still want to go after how they just treated me way to have my back hold on heather hey can you please stop heather heather just because they have money and can afford nice stuff that somehow makes them better than me no of course not can you just calm down for a second let's talk about this talk about what how they just made me feel completely worthless because of my bag i'm so sorry you didn't deserve that i tried to tell you there's no way felicia was gonna invite us but of course you don't listen technically she didn't say we were not invited [Music] you can't be serious you still want to go to that dumb party after everything that just happened no you're right just forget about it i was thinking you could all just run up to the party together you guys down actually man i'm going my girl yeah same she got us matching outfits and everything why did you come with jess oh we we stopped talking last week oh restaurant it's fine i'll just now go solo hey don't trip everybody who's anybody is gonna be at that party i'm sure you'll find someone new yeah well i hope so i mean this is my last chance before i move to norcal i guess we'll see oh my gosh did you just hear what ben said this could be my last chance to talk to him we have to go please please please you know how important this is to me please please the situations do get me into you're such a great friend i didn't say yes yet how are you even planning on getting it i don't know but i'm sure i'll find a way hey you girls like to sign up purses no we're good please just leave us alone what kind of designer it doesn't matter [Music] we are not about to buy some stolen bags of a stranger they're not stolen they're just fake yeah like that's any better they look 100 real no one will be able to tell the difference i got louie and gucci no thanks come on let's go uh are you sure no one would be able to know yeah unless you work in the store or something my wife wears these all the time when someone asks her about it she tells them it's a limited edition release for the runway collection no one asks another question i mean look at how really looks rachel you're not seriously thinking about buying a fake bag i don't know how much is it usually 200 but i'm in need of cash so this is your lucky day i can sell it to you for 100. do not do it seriously who are you trying to impress don't be mad at me [Music] i only have 60. you know what that's fine does it come with a shopping bag or anything what do you think this rodeo drive or something please don't be mad so has anyone said anything are you kidding i've already gotten like six compliments hey love your purse thank you make that seven we can stay here i'm gonna grab a drink want anything i'm good thanks i've never seen that bag before oh it's because it's a uh limited release from the runway collection you shop the runway collection which store did you get it from uh the louis vuitton store obviously which one uh the one on rodeo drive that's where i go you must know michael then he manages all the runway pieces michael yes of course michael such a nice guy [Laughter] anyway i better get going it was nice do you want to sit with us what seriously wow you mean like in this chair with all of you would it be okay if heather comes too sorry there's only room for one oh so are you sitting with us or not uh i just feel bad leaving my friend by herself hey ladies hey ben hey i'm excited to go to your party tonight i'm excited for you to be there oh hi i'm ben [Music] rachel rachel [Music] rachel huh you're probably hurting ben's hand oh my gosh i am so sorry don't sweat it but it's nice to meet you rachel it's nice to meet you too rachel was actually about to have lunch with us you should join too oh yeah i would but there's only one chair that's all right we can make room for one more pull up a chair okay yeah give me give me a minute well uh so it looks like someone has a crush on ben oh no was it that obvious you know he's coming to my party tonight maybe you could try talking to him there wait does that mean that i'm invited here you go i can't believe it thank you so much i don't even know what to say are plus ones allowed ugh don't tell me you plan on bringing michael kors girl well she has been my best friend since elementary school i'd feel really bad for ditching her all right fine i guess i'll put her on the list thanks now i just have to figure out what i'm gonna wear oh well we're all going to the plaza after school let's go shopping if you want to come i would but i actually have to go do something with heather well then what are you gonna wear um i'll probably just find something in my closet as in wear the same thing twice good one i thought you're being serious for a second no i was just playing joking kidding of course i'm gonna get something new now that i think about it i would love to come i'm sure heather wouldn't mind okay i'm back what'd i miss well rachel just confirmed that she's coming to the party tonight oh you are that's great maybe we can hang out i like that [Music] [Music] would you like to try that on yes please okay right this way thanks [Music] hey thanks for missing our sandal oh i am so sorry about that but at least we got to go to the party now oh i'm so excited don't be that way please you know how important this is to me for the first time in my life ben knows i exist fine why are you oh i met rosini's at the plaza isn't this dress so cute i was just about to try it on you know everything that cost a fortune right really i haven't even looked at the price tag yet oh my gosh you're right rachel i gotta go i'll call you later okay bye hey what's up how'd it fit oh it's uh not really my style no worries you should try this one it's so cute uh how much is it i don't know i never even look at the price tags to be honest wow it's cheap 240 dollars yeah what's the big deal i mean you wear a louis vuitton bag i'm sure you can afford this oh yeah i meant uh i thought it'd be so much more you know i just remembered i have a dress at home that i've only worn once and no one has even seen me in it so i'll probably just go with that one you're really gonna wear a dress that you've worn before to my party uh yeah you're right i don't know what i was thinking i'll just go with this one thanks don't sweat it that's what friends are for so what's up with you and rachel you know she really likes ben right and it seems like he kind of likes her too yeah are you sure you would be friends with her friends i'm just having a little fun with her that's all oh rachel let's talk about shoes this neighborhood is so nice are you sure i'm gonna be able to get in i mean i didn't get an invitation yeah you're totally good felicia confirmed she put you on the list okay if you say so oh you left your tag no don't do that 240 are you crazy why else do you think i kept the tag on i'm gonna return it after the party you know you're not supposed to return something after you've worn it i know but what else was i supposed to do felicia told me to buy the dress and i didn't want to make it seem like i don't have any money honestly i don't even know who you're becoming anymore rach you shouldn't try to be someone you're not especially to try and impress people that don't even care about you felicia cares about me even today at the store she called me her friend why are you rolling your eyes don't be jealous jealous is that what you think this is about trust me i'm not jealous i don't want to argue with you right now felicia just asked where i am come on let's go of course we wouldn't want to leave felicia waiting hi i'm rachel my friend heather and i are on the list rachel oh here you are heather heather now i don't see a heather are you sure felicia confirmed she added her yep i'm sure and if she's not on the list unfortunately she can't come in see i told you this was gonna happen i'm sure it was just an honest mistake let me try calling her your call has been forwarded to an automatic her phone is off you know what let me just run inside real quick to find her and have her come get you you want me to wait out here by myself it'll just be for a second i promise i'll be right back trust me excuse me sorry excuse me hey rachel right oh even why were you standing by yourself oh kind of fifth wheel in it right now my friends they both brought their girls so oh and they're matching that's so cute right kind of wish i had someone to match with but [Music] oh you can take it no that's all right it can wait okay so uh uc davis huh yeah looks like rachel's trying to steal your guy like that whatever happened it's almost time to teach her a lesson you know it's crazy this is the first time we're talking i just i don't know i feel like i've known you my whole life yeah well i feel the same way yeah exactly shoot i've got to get my friend have you seen rachel it's so good to see you i told you that just looked good on you thanks hey so heather's outside for some reason she wasn't on the list i was wondering if you can get her in oh whoops i must have forgot i'll go get her thanks oh my gosh my god thanks again for inviting me to your party don't sweat it hey you know my friend rachel right you said she shops with you at the louis vuitton store no i don't think so but you don't know who she is but i thought you said you knew michael you know i meant the other michael yes that's who i shop with i guess it's a common name i know there's like four of us all in the same district well i'm really glad mike chose taking good care of you he's really great yeah he is uh do you need to get that uh no that's okay it sounds important yeah you should really check uh okay i've never seen that bag before you haven't but she said she got it from the runway collection no i'm pretty sure i would recognize it where did you get this from ah you know now that i think about it this one was a uh gift yeah sometimes i get my bags confused well i hate to break it to you but whoever got you that bag gave you a fake what no that can't be possible i'm afraid so scammers sell them on the street all the time for 100 bucks you're seriously wearing a fake louis vuitton bag who does that somebody who wants to pretend that they're rich doesn't have any actual money that's who no you don't understand enough with the lies hey everyone [Music] my friend michael here works at the louis vuitton store and he just confirmed that rachel's bag is fake oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to put you on the spot oh no you've done nothing wrong you're not the one prancing around pretending to be someone that you're not hey felicia come on this really isn't necessary yes it is she needs to be taught a lesson you know what i'll just leave okay wait [Music] is that whoops i must have accidentally left the tag on do not tell me you planned on returning that dress after you wore it what no oh yeah all right well then you wouldn't mind no don't do that so you are planning on returning it how embarrassing yeah that's right go on and leave you clearly don't belong here oh and by the way i didn't forget to put michael kors girl on the list i left her off on purpose heather wait please just listen to me leave me alone i don't want to talk to you you don't understand what just happened in there it was a total setup what are you talking about she invited her friend from the louis vuitton store so that she could expose my fake bag and then she pulled out my tag in front of everyone she basically made a total fool out of me and the worst part is she did it in front of bed i tried to warn you she's not your friend you were right i never should have gotten this dumb bag or this expensive dress and i never should have pretended to be someone that i wasn't especially to try to impress someone who doesn't even care about me i'm so sorry i promise to never put anyone before you again can you please forgive me i forgive you thanks you're such a great friend i'm honestly so lucky to have you that's probably the first thing you've been right about in a while rachel hey wait up ben why did you leave the party come on you really think i want to be there after what she just did i'd much rather be here with you really yeah you still want to talk to me even after finding out that your bag's fake well you planning on returning your dress who cares none of that matters to me look i'm planning on returning this too you are yeah i only bought it for this dumb party and i'm really regretting it now well i never would have expected that yeah um um you want to get out of here i don't know maybe grab a bite to eat really yeah actually i promised my friend i was gonna hang out with her okay maybe another time that sounds great maybe we can return our clothes together that's perfect uh like tomorrow yeah okay well you have a good night you too thanks bye oh auntie i can't believe that just happened so why'd you leave the party early yeah we were looking for you oh let's just say i met someone hey boys mind if we sit with you um actually there's not enough room sorry um i'm sure you guys can pull up one more chair right okay what i meant to say it actually rachel and heather gonna sit here hey girls have a seat are you kidding me you'd rather sit with her over me yep i'm sure you girls can find a seat somewhere else bye even think about being invited to any more of my future parties you'll be standing outside like michael kors girl over here was well you don't have to worry about that because none of us would ever come to one of your parties again this is ridiculous let's go girls [Music] never again look since rachel was exposed for having a fake bag now she carries michael kors purse around too i happen to like my bag thank you very much you know i can't believe you choose a girl who wears a fake bag over me big mistake you know what i'd rather be with someone that has a fake bag over someone that is a fake friend [Music] and as heather said bye felicia [Music] thanks for having our backs of course i mean hey that's what real friends are for right yeah come on let's eat man she just ran away how did you react [Music] the silence says it all you guys are so funny anyway we better get going yeah we'll see you guys later oh wait wait jasmine uh would you want to go to the movies with me tomorrow night um i'll think about it all right dude why didn't you say anything you made them leave i i didn't have much to say but they still thought it was funny i don't understand why are you always so quiet what do you mean there's a lot of advantages to being quiet oh yeah like what come with me brittany's having a kickback at her parents beach house on saturday you want to go we can't go to that we have football practice it's fine we'll tell the coach that we're looking for colleges or something over the weekend he'll never know you down i mean who's he think he is anyway telling us oh you need to run laps on the weekend when i see him i'm gonna tell him that uh coach uh what are you doing here never mind me going to finish what you were saying when you see me you're gonna tell me what uh what a great coach you are that's all i wanted to say yeah sure i heard everything not only are you coming to practice now but you'll be running double laps what you can't give us double laps what do you mean us trevor didn't say anything i'm only talking about you on the field now no i was giving you the eyes i literally looked right up so many chances so you see being quiet keeps you out of trouble okay but that's one situation there's no other perks to being quiet not true i don't understand what's the big deal about me going out with the boys tomorrow follow me you don't see a problem with you spending our anniversary with your friends that makes me feel like i'm just you're overreacting again i swear you always do this i told you that on sunday you didn't let me finish you always talk over me and you never give me a chance to say anything i just wish you were a better listener jin white reason number two when you're quiet you're a good listener girls appreciate a good listener all right so there might be two small advantages big deal [Music] there's more than that [Music] watch who can tell us the most important founding father of america alex that's an easy one george w bush did you mean george washington oh yeah sorry hey i can't believe he said george bush yeah well being quiet helps you avoid saying dumb things yeah i can't even argue with you on that one hey can we get your guys opinion on something yeah sure what's up michelle and i can't agree who do you think is hotter david dobrik or mr beast um i see mr beast what no he's a gamer exactly gamers are high david dobrik turned down madison beer he's way hotter than mr beast uh if this is kind of an awkward question look if i had to choose i'd say mr beast told you dude why'd you leave me hanging over here that was so uncomfortable yeah well when you're quiet you can sneak out of awkward conversations without anybody noticing that's another benefit i don't even think about that oh hey uh don't forget to let me know about the movies uh listen about that yes you want to go no that's not what i was going to say do you want to tell them or should i i'm actually going to the movies with kevin what with kevin dude why didn't you say anything don't get mad at him he's just quiet and that's what you're into are you kidding quiet guys are hot plus you don't have to worry about them kissing and telling call me later wow i guess there really are a lot of benefits to being quiet [Music] we did it man but hey san diego is just a few hours away okay we still don't see each other all the time you promise of course you're my girl all right i'll come up here and you'll visit me down there fall break winter break summer break maybe you're gonna be sick of me i don't think that's possible don't be okay hey you love birds let's take a picture yeah we did it we finally got four years down four more to go i am so stoked we're going to ucsc together it's gonna be awesome you guys want a group photo maybe yeah hey guys yeah give me the photo come on gang get together one big family huh here we are one two three oh hey that's beautiful we should get a picture of jessa seniors do you mind no not a dog okay hey college on three you ready yeah all right one two three hey your parents are gonna love this look at this oh that's good you got it i really admire how you're handling things handling what things oh just with david going to college if he was my boyfriend i'd be super paranoid that he would um never mind no tell me but what he would cheat on me with some random college chick david cheat no we'd never do anything like that we're gonna be together forever forever i'm not worried about him at all well that's great i would hate to see what happened to jaime happened to you well what happened to jamie you didn't hear when he went to college she was still in her senior year it didn't even take a week for him to be with another girl what so that's why they broke up yeah he sent a selfie to her in bed little did he know it was a live photo jamie saw another girl jump in right after oh my gosh jamie really trusted him and she still got her heart broken oh so sad that is funny y'all see that oh that's so good i guess i'm just trying to say be careful no one thinks they're going to be cheated on that's so good we did it we did it how you guys feel hey dave yeah baby can i talk to you for a sec yeah sure what's up what's up would you ever i don't know cheat on me come on no you you know i'd never do that are you sure okay listen if we don't have trust then we don't really have anything right yeah yeah you're right i'm sorry i asked about him it's okay hey i love you i love you too now you may go back to this party yeah all right come on i don't know how i'm gonna go through high school without you by my side hey i'll be there whenever you need me i know you will oh before i forget uh here is your key keep it that one's yours i got my own really [Music] how cool is it that we live just a few doors down from each other i know it's gonna be great i didn't know you were here hi amy hi are you going to the rec hall there's going to be a little mixer oh oh that sounds cool yeah you want to go it's only for incoming college students not high schoolers sorry oh shoot okay you know i'm i don't even need to go there are you sure no pressure but everybody in the building is going oh they are you know what tara's right i mean you should go i don't want to hold you back i don't want to leave you here all by yourself though it's fine i promise i was already going to leave after finishing unpacking you're the best ew you can do that later we're gonna be late oh [Music] bye [Music] hey hi beautiful what are you up to not much just thinking about you doing some homework i can't believe half of the school year is already over i know it's crazy but hey hopefully you get into ucsd and we can be together in the fall that's the goal all my prom dress just came in from the tailor check it out what do you think wow i think you're gonna look beautiful in it oh you're sweet oh i also got you a tie and pocket square to match me so what time are you coming tomorrow um dude there's a huge house party in la jolla tonight let's go i'm gonna pass i'm talking to amy come on dude this is supposed to be the party of the year i know i just i don't want to leave her hanging you know hey it's okay you can go if you want to no but i i promise you we'd face time date tonight it's not a big deal i mean we'll be seeing each other all weekend go have fun okay thanks babe how'd i get so lucky are you coming to the party uh yeah just give me a sec who's done oh it's tara she's also going is that amy let me talk to her hey i'm really sorry but david's gotta go he'll call you back later okay oh um have fun with your homework what okay why would you do that i was talking to her call your little high school girlfriend later come on let's go have some fun no no i need to call her back now you are so lame your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system message this voicemail you shouldn't have hung up like that it's fine she'll get over it let's go man okay hold on just let me send her a text my phone's about to die someone will have a charger at the party come on let's go okay okay okay [Music] are you gonna be on your phone the whole night she hasn't texted me back yet i shouldn't have come here i'm gonna find the bathroom i'll be back stop you're at a party can you just have some fun you don't understand she always texts me back like right away this isn't like her it's fine she probably went to sleep i mean it is past her bedtime no i know something's up i'm gonna call her what what my phone just died god then you can finally put that thing away would you mind if i just use yours thank you on one condition what dance with me first no i don't want to oh come on don't be such a party pooper can you at least pretend you're having fun for five seconds while i story then you can go back to being miserable all right fine [Applause] whoa that's what i'm talking about ping pong undefeated champ everybody loves the winner oh my god losers [Music] your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message all right i did what you asked can i please see your phone oh let me think uh i'm on tara amy must be worried look let me see your phone or i'm gonna just head back to the dorms fine sheesh here thank you okay hey i got you guys some drinks no thanks homie i'm about to go talk to ames wait let's have a drink first then you can call her i'm not doing this with you tara can i please see your phone after this [Music] bro can i please see your phone yeah sure thank you all right i'm gonna step outside and i'll be right back wait at least cheers me before you go and take a picture of us for the memories i already told you i'm not drinking you don't have to drink just hold it [Music] three smile two one why would you do that relax it's just a peck on the cheek [Music] [Music] hello hey ames it's me okay i am so happy you're still up look i am so sorry about how could you do this to me do what to you are you kidding i just saw the photo tear kissing you photo how did [Music] okay ames you need to trust me it is not what i trust you you mean to trust you after what i just saw okay listen listen to me it is not what it looks like tara and i are just friends i swear oh yeah because based on what i'm looking at it looks pretty clear to me that you two are more than that baby please don't call me that i'm not your baby i can't believe i ever trusted you i promise i can explain just look just give me a sec no i'm done just forget about prom forget about us i never want to see you again wait no no no please [Music] no your call is before [Music] i just want to be alone right now can you please leave me alone honey you can't just stay in bed all day i think you should still go to prom i already told you i'm not going i'm not in the mood [Music] okay well this might cheer you up it's from uc san diego i don't care even if i got in i'm not going i don't want to be anywhere near david or tara well have you tried talking to him there's nothing to talk about i saw what i saw sometimes there's more to photos than what we see i'll go get that [Music] um [Music] what are you doing here i told you i never wanted to see you again james please just just hear me out just leave just give me two minutes to explain and if if you still hate me after that i promise i'll leave you alone forever honey i think you should hear him out fine two minutes that's it okay thank you first off i want you to know i would never cheat on you i love you right more like you love tara no no not at all i look i thought she was my friend but now i realize she's just been trying to break us up i'm sorry i didn't see that before but i swear to you nothing happened right then how do you explain this i i didn't i never kissed her she kissed me look at the big smile on your face certain didn't seem to get a problem with it who knows what happened between you guys after what happened is i was pissed i just i wish you were there you could have seen it for yourself right says this before or after you two were dancing so happily on her story it wasn't like that at all and look look luckily i have proof i i found this on someone's story you can clearly see i just danced for that story i promise you i i wasn't even dancing or having fun for what more than two seconds then why would she kiss you i don't know i can't explain that i just i need you to trust me nothing happened i can't do that anymore actually your two minutes are up you need to leave oh please you have to believe me i don't if you don't mind go now [Music] [Music] you know if i had done something wrong i could understand and would have no problem walking away [Music] but what makes this even more painful is is that i know deep in my heart i didn't do anything i just wish there was a way to prove that to you you know what the most ironic part about this is tara tried to warn me this would happen she said jamie's boyfriend did the same thing did what cheated on her i died didn't she right you don't think jamie's boyfriend said the same thing probably would have gotten away with it too if he hadn't sent her a live photo with another girl in it live photo wait let me see your phone or what just trust me okay or don't trust me just can i see that okay look look i didn't even know she was gonna do that and i was pissed after that oh my gosh i told you so nothing happened between you guys no no not at all look i haven't even talked to tara ever since and i promise you i'd never plan on talking to her again i'm just still in shock and i'm so sorry for not believing you it's okay i mean honestly i guess anyone would have thought the same thing if they were in your shoes but you were right if you don't trust you don't have anything i see that now and and i'm so sorry like i feel awful i was so mean to you and it wasn't really fair to you because i i didn't know hey it's okay listen we can talk about this later but for right now i need you to hurry up and get ready we got prom to get some okay oh yeah a letter from ucsd came in but i haven't read it yet wait what what what are you waiting for open it okay okay we are pleased to inform you that your application to uc san diego has been accepted oh my gosh i did it i got it i knew you would oh i am so proud of you thanks i'm really gonna be inseparable i hope you don't get sick of me come on not a chance so how do i look wow you look stunning thanks let's take a picture okay you're gonna have to take yeah [Music] we should go to disneyland tomorrow guys i already told you i don't want to do anything for my birthday this year but thank you come on you always go all out for us yeah remember the surprise party awesome through for jesse when he gave her like 20 gifts it wasn't exactly a surprise party because i saw you in the parking lot yeah that happened um sorry bro i'm not good with surprises really hey hey it was still fun though right everybody felt great but he looked great jesse looked super cute that night you think my sister is cute uh um i meant her uh outfit looked super cute you know because um she was wearing that uh velvety black dress and that she had the purple coat right yeah um oh oh don't even get me started on those boots i mean where do you even find those that was four months ago how do you remember what she was wearing um it's late oh yeah um i think yeah i gotta go do the thing so i'm gonna go um wait uh did you park in the lot no um i had to park a couple blocks away because there weren't any spots left it's dark you shouldn't go alone i'll walk you yeah okay sure you are gonna walk him guys are supposed to protect the girls it's not the other way around please i am a lot tougher than ken a bad guy would be more scared of me than him she's not a point fine just be quick i'll be waiting relax austin sheesh you don't always have to be so overprotective i'm your older brother of course i do i know what's best for you okay let's go ken yep lady drew later ken yep [Music] i think my sister and ken have something going on really hey bro no that's it's not possible bro it looks pretty obvious to me i guess there's only one way to find out and that is you are going to spy on her what no no way look i'm not spying on jessie cause jesse is 20 years old i mean she should be allowed to date and it's kind of wrong to assume she's incapable of making you know the bet i'll give you 100 bucks yeah i'll get started tomorrow bro so we're going to dinner tonight and i know it's going to be special i want to get a nice gift have i told austin yeah right you know how my brother is he'll kill me if he found out [Music] okay all right following okay [Music] can i help you find anything yeah i'm trying to buy something for a guy oh nice someone special i take it i guess you could say that well i have something that may work right over here [Music] do you mind if i show one of these jackets great what do you think of this oh i actually really like it hmm oh do you have a medium oh let me check you weren't gonna buy this were you okay thanks here it is i'll take it perfect dang drew what are you doing here um it's open sorry my phone died so what happened um she bought a men's jacket of course she did it's probably for ken anything else [Music] well [Music] what was that i sounded like a phone is jessie here no but it sound like it came from her room [Music] no no shh what are you doing you can't go in austin [Applause] [Music] it was your tablet well don't don't touch that it it probably has all her personal stuff on it precisely the point well would you look at that ken just texted her i want to read it but she probably has a pin she must have disabled it uh you you should probably stop i just she wouldn't be happy about this why do you keep taking your side um no i'm not taking sides i'm just saying look how would you feel if she went through your messages i'm the older brother it's different all right let's see what her and ken have been talking about so excited for tonight it's gonna be epic see you at giuliani's at six winky face wow they're totally going on a date tonight he even put a winky face in everything no i don't really think it's a like a day either way we're gonna find out cause guess who's gonna be there to confront them no yes all right let's see what else they've been talking about jesse's home okay hide hide hide [Music] coming mom so i was thinking well they're right there i can't believe this i'm gonna say something wait wait you don't even know if anything's going on yet [Music] stop what the heck happy birthday to you happy birthday to you [Applause] i am so confused we got you yeah we did so you two aren't on a date no no not not at all wait but you walked him to his car yeah to finalize your birthday plans nothing else but you you even bought him a gift oh you mean the one i got you yeah we went to the store together to get your present happy birthday the jacket thank you okay but wait how did you guys know i was gonna be here you think i don't know you well enough by now i left out the bait and you fell for it why else would i disable my pin yeah we knew you'd probably get suspicious and then go through everything and follow us around or make drew follow us around you told them no he didn't but we caught him spying on us at the store yeah it was pretty obvious but we made him promise not to tell you anything and to just keep playing along i mean i would have told drew sooner but he doesn't know how to keep a secret do you drew no yeah you're right to be honest i'm still in shock i can't believe you guys actually pulled this off but um hey this cake is looking pretty good so let's dig in right before you do that do you have anything you want to say uh yes i'm glad that you two aren't dating me too anything else uh nope that's it eat the cake what about going through my tablet or you know paying drew to spy on us okay maybe i was being a little too overprotective i'm sorry thank you so you're gonna be okay with me dating austin it's not gonna be easy but i promise i will try my best that's great because even though i'm not dating ken thanks i am dating drew what no i tried to tell you there's no way she could be dating ken you little stop before you do or say anything remember what you just promised i'm gonna austin what you promised he promised fine thank you now we can eat some cake before we do that why would you help me spy on ken if you were dating her the whole time well that's just because i needed some money to get you a birthday present so here you go oh that's really cool money yeah it's 100 well almost happy birthday man thanks thanks babe babe not in front of me don't do that take your arm off well um what about this no hey don't drew i told you what are you you're done stay right there nope stay right there don't move don't move [Music] 20 years ago you gave me a free haircut i don't have much money my house burned down i lost everything i'm not worried about your money i want you to get cleaned up and if you can do it today with that i will give you a job when you're able to pay it forward this is your kindness coming back to you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 7,734,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement, love stories, valentines, Valentine's Day, Valentines Day, love, romance
Id: oyvdvZkIr_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 50sec (4730 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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