January 6th Rioters Called Pelosi’s Office Looking for Their Lost Items After Storming the Capitol

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oh we're glad you're here please relax it's uh i know it is oh man it was very cold here uh in late 64 degrees it got down here i had to wear two layers of yoga pants to work this morning and um we think it's cold we complain about it being cold but it's not cold here but it is windy and cold almost every place else this is what people are dealing with in the midwest this is courtesy of a nest cam a man in crystal lake illinois uh you can see his very sporty rims there was exceptionally careful not to slip on the ice on his way into his house and in fact he did not slip on the ice but his car almost immediately did and then like a penguin headed for the sea he went sliding after it that's kind of how it's gone with covid you know just when we thought we made it right back down the driveway we go this is interesting we could have a twofer as far as vaccines go moderna is working on a shot that would protect us from covet and the flu at the same time they were apparently inspired by the genius who came up with the combined taco bell pizza hut and also those jars of peanut butter butter with jelly in them this they say this could be the smuckers gooby goober grape of ink forget it i can't say it guillermo i can see you there i know um modernist says this combination uh coveted flu shot could be available by next winter and pfizer has something uh similar going there pfizer's working on a shot that protects you from covet and gives you an erection but but i like this it's especially good for kids like mine who hate getting shots and even militant anti-vaxxers this is great for them because they don't have to run all over town making death threats to two different pharmacists now it's here in the united states making the shots isn't our problem taking the shots is the issue we have of 15 countries surveyed the united states has the second lowest vaccination rate in the world it's not even close we're at 66 percent the next lowest country japan's at 84 it's almost like people here are getting bad information from some place you know the only country below us on this is russia which is kind of nice our countries haven't been on the same page like since rocky fought drago you know so but the part of this i'm most confused by is they say uh the six percent of americans say they're planning to get vaccinated okay when the vaccine's been out for more than how busy could you be really the government today you know how biden said last week he's gonna be sending us free tests well the website's up and running a day had a schedule you get four tests per household which is uh great news for people who live alone and literally no one else because what if you have a family of five that do you start ranking your children i don't know the tests are expected to ship within seven to 12 days which is good free covert tests by mail what a great idea if this was a year ago you know you know biden's original plan was you send in a bunch of cereal box tops but that didn't work and now he's on to this we've seen a lot of people making a case for vaccination from dr fauci to olivia rodrigo to arnold schwarzenegger all of them but my opinion um is that no living person has made a more compelling argument to get the shot than this news commentator from mexico his name is leonardo schwebel who he cleared all possible language barriers to make his case [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well done leonardo schwevel i may make that my ringtone meanwhile in hong kong the government is fighting covent in the animal kingdom authorities in hong kong just announced they will be euthanizing about 2 000 small animals including hamsters and chinchillas after several rodents at a pet store tested positive for kova 19 where an infected employee was working people who purchase hamsters from this affected store after january 7th will be forced to quarantine they also must hand over their hamsters to authorities to be put down hand over your hamster this doesn't make sense to me i mean don't hamsters already live in quarantine not like they're going out to eat right i mean what's the plastic bowl for if not for this omicron is also wreaking havoc on the winter olympics which are set to start next month in beijing china yesterday announced they won't be selling tickets there will be no spectators at any of the olympic events they've decided to ban foreigners from visiting and several countries including the us are advising athletes not to bring their cell phones to china because they think the chinese government is likely to try to track them and hack into them boy the olympic committee really hit it out of the park on this one didn't they let's see covet paranoid surveillance state with concentration camps and no snow winter olympics here we come man back back here at home in america the my pillow man mike lindell is having some trouble in the money department the trouble is no one wants his money mike claims that not one but two different financial institutions have asked him to leave their bank according to a representative from one of those banks having a business relationship with mike lindell is a reputation risk which is understandable giving given the fact that he is a nationally known crazy person but mike is obviously upset so much so that during an appearance in arizona over the weekend he shared audio he claims came from a phone conversation between one of his employees and one of his banks listen this is awesome whenever a bank closes your account you're on a bad boy list and we are not closing your account okay so we're just asking you to close it okay i'll close it tomorrow yeah at this rate mike is blowing through money so much i have a feeling this problem is going to resolve itself on its own but nothing can stop this man's can-do spirit he this is a gentleman who takes life's lemons and makes little hats out of them and his latest business adventure might be his best idea yet hello i'm mike lindell inventor of my pillow with an exciting new business venture i can't wait to tell you about after years of searching i just couldn't find the right financial institution to fit my needs on account of my ties to seditionists and attempts to overturn a u.s election so i made a bank of my own i call it my bank my bank is a different kind of bank where we trust our customers so much we got loose pens see no chains on them one time i got myself all tangled up in one of these dirt things and damn near and strangled myself look the banking with my bank is easy just put your cash in an envelope and mail it to my bank at one two one one two one twenty two ten eleventy two bank street minnetonka minnesota one one two one two two two two one two one once we receive your dough it'll be stuffed into one of these luxurious giza cotton pillowcases holy hell you feel that sateen weave and carefully accounted for by my nephew juno and don't worry about security no one would dare rob us because this whole place is rigged to blow but that's not all we got safe deposit boxes to protect your priceless collections of chewing gum and kitten teeth and my bank is the first financial institution to deal directly in human sperm just fill up a jug and we'll save your baby gravy to ensure many future generations of patriotic caucasian americans my bank is proudly not backed by the fdic because we don't need no stinking government sniffing around our loot void where prohibited my bank not responsible if your money is stolen or wet so send all your dough to my bank we're not clowning around clowns no juno no i like it you know we're um we're learning more about what went down in the aftermath of january 6th this little nugget tells you all you need to know about the dum-dums to store the capital on january 7th the day after the riot some of these nuts started calling of all people nancy pelosi's office to see if she could help them find stuff they left behind while ransacking it this is true according to congressman jamie raskin of maryland some of the rioters called the capitol office to ask whether there was a lost and found because they forgot their phone there or left their purse or what have you so raskin says law enforcement officers got on the phone they called them they took down their names addresses social security numbers cetera and then use that information to find and arrest them which is wonderful and interesting and in fact very interesting and i wanted to find out more so we asked the director of the lost and found department at the capitol to video chan she very graciously said yes and she's with us now please welcome samantha sonny hello thank you for speaking with us thank you so much for having me jimmy so after the insurrection items were left behind that's correct yeah and have they all been claimed no no most of them have not actually been claimed so do you have like a list of all the unclaimed stuff from that time actually we have the items themselves here great now can we see those yeah absolutely oh great excellent okay um so well first off we have a lot of cargo shorts like so many cargo shorts um oh and this one had a jimmy jeans breakfast sausage yeah all right i'm gonna get hungry later um we also have about four dozen pairs of oakley sunglasses wow um are they all oakley sunglasses they're all oakley why do you think they're all oakley sunglasses i think that oakley sunglasses make a statement you know and that statement is i'm the coach of this t-ball team and if my son strikes out i will spit in an umpire's face you know okay all right what else you got in the box and we have this fur hat which is kind of cool um i think it's made out of buffalo which is awesome look i'm jamiroquai yeah i think those uh samantha i think those might be underpants uh you have on your head oh oh god yeah no you're right they're underpants so silly yeah gross that's pretty gross all right they're still a little wet yeah um let's see what else we've got a bunch of stuff we have like these truck nuts uh-huh um we have this monster energy drink that's turned into a pcp pipe um we have oh god this is something we have confederate flag jesus okay yeah um and oh for all you history buffs out there we have an arrest warrant for mr michael well you know that's not how you spell a rest or warrant or pence actually either okay well it's the thought that counts yes true you know all right what else did these leave in here um let's see we have a bill gates voodoo doll uh-huh um we have this bass pro shop song um for the ladies out there uh-huh that's kind of fun uh we have a wallet chain with a wallet uh-huh uh jimmy buffett belt buckle and uh we have this picture that says i heart granddaughter with a picture of that hold on it looks like you and in fact just even wearing the same thing you were wearing even has a microphone on as far as i can tell um can you just give me a second just one second yeah i just have to make a phone call okay um i think all right hi uh myanmar hi it's samantha uh-huh yeah no i'm good no he he died my mom he died a long time ago um listen what were you doing on january 6 last year mama no i'm not with nancy pelosi you cannot use the c word mama i'm on okay you know what this sounds personal and i think i'm gonna let you deal with that but i appreciate the look and thank you samantha i think i found your underwear here by the way oh my god all right hi i'm jimmy kimmel click below to subscribe to our youtube channel or if you want to be that way about it don't
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,346,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Monologue, Guillermo, Live Audience, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Omicron, Covid-19, Pandemic, Variants, Weather, Ice, Vaccine, Moderna, Joe Biden, At Home tests, Hong Kong, Hamsters, Winter Olympics, Chinese, MyPillow Man, Mike Lindell, Bank, January 6th, Capitol Riot, Lost and Found
Id: XDzPvnQ2Dsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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