Janice // SORTEDfood

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sorry Janice she's my I wish I could eat it Janice won't let me well last time we did one together oh he is gutted with that doesn't see a babysit that's what we're after it will taste better but that's what we're looking for and that there is why been can't get a TV show that in the pending court case it is a blood orange do we know what the orange this is it's the grapefruit variety oh no what is that that is what we'll be referencing to from now on as a Jamie what is that for like a mushroom dim sum yeah mushroom dim sum which means we need to make the pastry that's one of the first things I've got some water on for that he doesn't know what him some is before they cook the guys must select a chef for food quality control and a normal four personality quality what is this that would be better Mike why it's absolutely delicious but I don't know what that I don't know what you do with that and also it's got a big lump of cauliflower just seeing in it this is delicious this sauce I don't know it's not source Mike I don't know whether you could toss that through the pastor at the end Mike it's better I don't really know clearly that's all yours Ben does not care Mike let's all get pumped for this we can do this come on you ready we're gonna sing a little song Janice Janice Janice Janice what's our theme Janice Janice Janice your hair looks nice and key thanks Jamie it's the argan oil isn't she lovely Janice tell us which order to cook in the order as suggested by our community is entirely up to you oh the old days in a vertically decide to go in this order oh great ID now reverse it I don't know what you're expecting you through biscuit crumbs at it in five different colors there is a strict no animal policy in the sorted kitchen except the bends high horse who occasionally makes an appearance [Music] that's gonna be so good yeah ah I'm putting this in the freezer over there I [Music] know what you're thinking yes he's cute but the reality is he'll take you out the sushi rooftop cocktails at Worsley hold your hand as you walk along the Thames have a fondle in the uber home but will he call you back no it's held it's full oh oh oh Mike don't be a tease fat chance that happening like Barry Ben Mike from the love rap begins stacking their three tiered three flavoured bespoke thrown wedding cake and it looks sup up on sugar wonders with some amaretto around the cernium race around I can't ask you know James and I still aren't talking after what he did you go sis turn the star wall the worse thing about this is that I am actually Mike doing a silly voice so watching this back is humiliating you [Music]
Channel: Shannon
Views: 151,232
Rating: 4.9562445 out of 5
Id: NoqCnH3Sid0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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