1,000 pieces of Indian Burfi - For a wedding! #CelebrateWithSORTED #Ad

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good morning so a few weeks ago this happened Android a feeling touch they have asked us to invite ourselves to one of your special occasions and take the food to another level and to make it more interesting we have to do it all just with a phone armed with the Android pay app no wallet no car and there's even a toilet and as a result darshana and de parler got in contact inviting us to a rather special day of days we would like to invite you to our wedding so the two of them and I hatched together a bit of a challenge for Jamie Ben Barry and myself and I headed over to Wembley in London to meet the boys and break the news to them so shall I tell you what I've got ourselves into please star Shan and de Paula going contacts of the back of our launch video right they have invited us to their Indian wedding which is taking place tomorrow we have 30 hours to recreate some of their favourite traditional Indian sweets barfi there are 250 guests obviously the rules of the challenge are that we can't have anything on us except for those phones with Android pay could you empty your pockets no smoking oh I don't trust you in this bag there's an SD card with a fridge cabin there so in the nest is my pod my coffin pound an hour so we decided it was best to divide and conquer bad and I were in charge of aesthetics so firstly yeah most important thing is looking the part so we're meeting the groom and his brother okay and they're gonna hook us up with some traditional outfits I mean we see some navy blue and gold and maroon already you can order something like e meanwhile Ben and Jamie met with de Paula and her future mother-in-law to learn everything about birth II love the coconut what does it need to have it to be perfect perfect same meal father the sugar before not sometimes Winkle and mean he garden Cartman supports everyone needs a meal so I'll just do it man Dallas careful yeah she's a nice yeah a single what you think of these buttons comfortable isn't anything like I don't have my eyeful and this one so they started off as a bit of fun now Mike's taking it too seriously he's getting new adjustments since alphabet yes darshana and print had picked us out some great stuff but seeing as we had no cards or cash we were a little bit worried about using our phones to have to pay for everything this doesn't work we're not gonna be able to pay for anything and you must invite for us okay ready Oh Oh easy so many people pay with the phones on here this is the first time Wow nailed it back to the burfi and Ben was starting to realize the enormity of the task ahead 250 guests and they want several pieces each and put your the quality control right so if it's not good enough we don't even get into the wedding got the flavours we've got a shopping list of what we need to get we got about 20-something hours guys I may hate it right so we have everything knowledge wise that it needs to make barfi and some good luck we need you to stop off the cash-and-carry and get us a few things all right dry mangoes pistachios dried mango powder and descant open up now that we've got spice in the studio already do we will need some basics like sugar and chocolate and dairy so we can pick those up at Compline for rip Thank You Barry and I picked up all the ingredients along with some other stuff and we all met back at our London studio perfect baking trainers hope you're happy let's get baking something baking is it so having spent all afternoon stuffing our faces with barfi it's now time to come up with our own recipe for the wedding tomorrow so here goes it's going to begin with sugar and not milk powder but double cream in a saucepan with liquid glucose that helps to stabilize it we're going to heat it to 120 degrees Celsius barfi number one we're going to take ground almonds and ground pistachio a combination plus dark chocolate blitzed up and cardamom they're all going to go into the pan when it reaches 120 degrees Celsius mix it up tip it into a tray and let it sit barfi number two we can use the same ground almonds and ground pistachios that this time it's a dark chocolate it's white chocolate all going into the pan when it reaches a hundred twenty degrees Celsius tip it into a tray and then we're going to scatter over freeze dried mango powder this is white chocolate anger and barfi number you guessed it three we're going more traditional with desiccated coconut as half for nuts and ground almonds the other half still sticking with the white chocolate we're adding in ground ginger and finishing it once it's in the tray with lime zest honestly the texture is spot-on the flavors we've mucked around with a little bit and gone with their personal recommendations I'm really happy with those I think they're awesome all we need to do is just scale it up a bit so we all got to work producing the 1000 barfi along with Barry's idea for how we were going to present them at the wedding I mean every time I look straight but it has got dark and we're about a quarter the way through the batches we continued into the early hours knowing full well the important bit was still to come the barfi has cooled and set overnight and now the task of cutting it all into small individual bite-sized pieces it's going to take a while the boys got to finish the band and then let's get to a wedding we've laid out your outfit and you're going to go in there one by one Jamie you're first you can see your boxers through it oh boy oh man you're up Ned look at my name yeah we played about in the bed oh we were all dressed and finished setting up but now there was the nervous wait before we unveiled everything - - Anand de Polly hey do you wanna see what we've done wow this is a thousand barfi I love it she won't like so far so good but quicker than you could say get out of my son's wedding it was time for Darshan's mum to give us her thoughts yeah success the bridegroom and their families loved it sorted so now all that was left to do was this it really was a challenge leaving behind our wallets and spending 30 hours getting by just with our phones and we have to think outside the box on occasions but I think we passed plus we managed to learn about and make over a thousand pieces of barfi for a stunning weddings and not ruin it Oh so a massive thank you to dash and the poly prytt all of their families for making us feel so welcomed and letting us be part of such a big day for them all so big shout out to Android pay for setting all of this up and if you found the food and the culture as interesting as we did then head over to sort of food comm where there's a great article and it's challenge is just around the corner and this time Barry's in charge so keep an eye out for our next episode of celebrate resorted but for now I think that fridge cam had everything it had been in a lovely hat it had Jamie's audition tape for Bollywood and it had 1070 pieces of barfi see you next week 10 a.m. UK time have a lovely week
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 409,788
Rating: 4.9827628 out of 5
Keywords: Android Pay, AndroidPay, Android, mobile payment, Sorted Food Android Pay, SORTED, food, SORTEDfood, burfi, barfi, Khoya, khoya burfi, chocolate, coconut, mithai, pista barfi, recipe, Indian, Sweets, Indian Sweets, cardamom, coconut barfi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2016
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