SORTEDfood // Best Costumes

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there's gonna be costumes so I think I'm supposed to be the mother of dragons the problem is with this outfit I am very close to unleashing the dragon so I'm going to have to hold it like this well view colors the end James been happy with your costumes welcome to my mad party I as you can tell everybody's favorite lovable Captain Jack Sparrow when you guys suggested I come as the Merline this was obviously what you're thinking right you have a dress-up in anything that's not foil Lady Gaga let herself go now who looks stupid it's your previous point about now who looks stupid the term burrito translate this donkey ain't no ass and I'm making daddy of all tikki boaters it's the ultimate chicken Daddy burger vaguely chickens have Teddy's good point chickens are the daddy chickens of the mummy yeah chickens mummy heylia hands hands the daddy so it's an altar no no run to the ends of the [ __ ] and the hot dogs yeah so I'm making a 40 minutes so let me get this right that it's going in there yes let me figure this one out and with the gingersnap texture to three very different ideas I won't be makin see the socks I can't lift them out I'm a pig in a blanket you know Kasasa I'm kind of a big deal kind of a big tree have everyone screen to make it big zero or dispenser yeah so prawn of the dead it's a second-generation part bread man deviled eggs really happy with it bacon hot dogs making bacon hot dogs get some bacon and I put it hello mate [Laughter] [Music] this big good tear we're done we go back to England please I have no idea why they won't want to wear these costumes well you might look it looks terrible but doesn't look as terrible as an absolute [Music] getting on but we with Jake just coding so it just holding on yay don't do that haha don't know why you've removed your trousers because it's boiling in here Bell it's unbelievable nothing good is a picture are you yes I have come as Michael fat Lee which is an abbreviation of Michael got fat lately you know when you buy clothes off the internet because it looks good on the model in a fantastic holiday way to Olivia Olivia yeah don't touch me and we'll even throw in 31 beer and spending money well we're smashing up today army holly is so disturbing Patty's them one of the worst things I've ever seen and have assorted food [Music] [Applause] one has to make the effort yeah we're really looking forward to as well Ben I guess smoggy is ticklish - bubbles go straight to my head that it could easily bit can we say eventually but I mean wow I'm ready I'm stake back take me I see you're like an absolute banker you ready so ready definitely ready where do you think our date is well we can tell who it is because she's wearing pink yummy
Channel: Shannon
Views: 106,261
Rating: 4.9514995 out of 5
Id: iJPC45K47_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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