SortedFOOD// James Currie

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a measuring joke that's not a gadget but wait it's a rose it's got good tongue and good good pat it there I like others from first taste it's really nice this is rose petal jelly I just heard the microwave going up please tell me you didn't just microwave brussel sprouts for me please then come on you're a chef tumeric anything else you can get does it have cardamom you know it's ginger clove fenugreek no cinnamon perhaps you now that checks the breakfast pajamas I sleep naked man are you gonna give me anything else are you gonna give me anything like butter or herbs or spices only thing we'll just wonder if it cooks chicken Bob jokes can I have some light heads on butter and butter I need some salt as well she thought I'd put plain chicken breasts in a bag silly monkey yeah it's the kind of thing where there's just a catalog cookie I was just behind the camera drinking a beer right ladies please lift the clock lift the class be good by the way we're into Yankee tees Yankee tees yeah yeah for long Paula Paula fall off it's like Aztec hot chocolate boom what what can read your own label read it aloud the Aztecs I am such a good chef that little pretentious smile on his face is so happy with myself there's where's pizza dough let's make pizza I cannot wait let's give him his pizza to make Johnny's oh how good are you at Los los oh don't do this like what how I come at you really quickly he's got a knife get throat what do you do what do you do and it's your days you underestimated that how that situation feets my hand misses while you're waiting for something to cook you keep yourself entertained then you're looking fat today forget for anything come on Jamie stop light go with it oh geez it was like a.j and then like a little kissy thing and then it was cooked and I tested tested the fruit salad and almost choked so I didn't I see it you know it may be a small Kwai Chung key as well I did some of it I chopped up the pineapple a little bit more so it's got a tiny bit of Spira suspect to the dish I didn't ignore the tomato and buns I put them straight in the bin in comparison to a normal ice lollies are you getting the same satisfaction you can decide on it it's almost as delayed satisfaction Alex it's amazing it confuses my food sciency brain it's a bit weird it's bit cool yeah who's nearly impressed really game that well there's an egg thrown James this is the Game of Thrones egg I know [Music] it's hot that's really one of our chefs can't even open an egg well but the other part is the other chef can't cook uh politics right know you've got to keep this because if I don't have this in my hands well snare do something in comparison to what you usually saikhan are you going are you getting satisfaction from sucking on that wages oh I'm really am nervous and nervous [Music] always that like powdered licorice or something exactly that that is raw liquorice powder it can be personalized with n-j meats learn
Channel: Shannon
Views: 267,278
Rating: 4.9562502 out of 5
Id: NlALRgnva-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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