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today this is Jamie I'm Ben and welcome to fridge can just like that this is another video where we don't know what's gonna happen ow what was that what about bloody oranges you probably got the keys I don't know if I'll get third shope whoa [Music] wait wait oh no no no no bread is baking it was time for a coffee break and then Evers that idiot was like oh we can make stinging little tea so now David sent us into the freakin woods to pick some stinging nettles without gloves this is gonna suck then obviously fun sponge Square Scout was prepared as usual put the gloves away brush the whole load of it hate the jungle so these then go into your head this is what they've never had pakora before Jamie you just put ginger in your eyes all about how you can hack your way to cooking quicker and better and not end up with your hand in a bowl of water and ice you have an hour one hour starting in 3 2 1 hey mate I lost my wallet last week she'd have to pay for it I left that there Ben you're gonna have to go for me kneecap so doing everyone yeah it's still doing everywhere that went terribly wrong don't worry no gross father was harmed in this nice welcome to the after taste and that does show to the roller coaster and episode really down the dumps milk also if you know an organ donor and for Barry there no Hannah head and it had another nostalgic chocolate bar it's like they do really well on YouTube or something I never had one 1/2 million of you guys so thank you I will see you next week 10 a.m. Sunday bye Oh
Channel: Shannon
Views: 377,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: myERMO9UgsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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