James Acaster and Ed Gamble - RHLSTP #341

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About 34 minutes in Ed says the photo that comes up when you google him is him in a bunch of fake tan with no explanation of why (it was for a role).

I checked, he's right. But also when you click on the image and look at the related images section it's all Jason Mantzoukas. The algorithm needs work.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tadalwxd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I haven't listened to the episode yet but I sense a brutal roast of RH coming about his performance on Taskmaster

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ADozenPigsFromAnnwn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fantastic episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sillybopb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What was the thing about some older comedian stealing James' girlfriend? Was that a reference to something?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RonaniIteDomum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The way they talked about Dan Aykroyd here kind of rubbed me the wrong way. He is on the autism spectrum and the way they talk about him they either still don't know that or they know and don't really care. Him not making eye contact and plowing right through his menu not understanding how the podcast works all sounds in line with being on the spectrum.

I really enjoyed the rest of the interview, just didn't really like that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ilovegrapetomatoes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello my finest friends welcome to another rahul estaba this week with the chumps from the rubbish off menu podcast james a caster and ed gamble had a lot of fun with these guys they're cheeky young rascals this if you're watching the youtube version is the last video one we're going to put out for a while and the reason for that is because the next series of rahul is going to be live streamed so you can pay actual money to see it rather than get it for free it costs us quite a bit to film these but uh so we're trying to think of other ways to do it but this series we are live streaming for charity the money will go to the list of hospital of the mount vernon cancer center who treated me this year for testicular cancer and also to the museum of comedy who haven't touched my balls but laughter is the best medicine they say um so the profits from this live streaming will be split between those three charities or two charities really because the hospitals are the same one uh and you can see all eight shows 16 guests somehow because we only have one a week so i don't understand how that works uh including a trial run we're doing on august the 29th at the last square theatre you can't come and see that one live um it's 50 pounds to watch all of them 10 pounds to watch one episode or if you're a monthly badger or if you become one at go faster stripe.com badges you can get everything for half price it's only three pounds a month to become a badger you can cancel anytime so even if you want to see one show it's still worth it doing it for that um go faster stripe.com badges to become monthly badger go to richardshang.com and you'll be able to see the links for the live streaming if you want to pay full price uh if you become a badger the link for you is in your secret area dot co dot uk where you'll also get to find out uh who the guests are before everyone else as well as lots of other benefits we've got some very very exciting guests coming up on the new series um [Music] including david mitchell tim key probably bob mortimer not completely confirmed yet but that's very exciting um catherine ryan's doing it amazingly harry hill's doing it phil wang louise wenner um emma de berry the girls from the nobody panic podcast sorry the young women from the nobody family podcast and many more i haven't mentioned yet uh so it's worth getting the serious pass i think please come and see the shows live go to richard.com gigs to find out when they are and where the ticket links are please come and see us it's great to have a live audience and there's some fantastic lineups there that i'm sure will sell out some of them are sold out worth going back to check out those early ones people are uh there are some returns every now and again so don't give up put yourself on waiting lists thank you for the support thank you for supporting the charities remember if you want to support the charity uh that helped the the north hertfordshire north and east hertfordshire hospitals uh you can sponsor me at um justgiving.com i'm running a half marathon in november so look that's the basis richardsharing.com giggs to find out about who's on um richardson.com to get your series link uh richard go faster stripe.com badges to become a monthly badger you get so many extras and the badge pack and all sorts of lovely stuff it's well worth your time and justgiving.com for charitable donations it's all very exciting as was this show um with james and ed lots of fun uh hopefully the last socially distanced gig that will ever happen for a holistic but you know fingers crossed on that one and we'll see you all very soon let's sit back relax and enjoy raha last upper with these two [ __ ] idiots ladies and gentlemen welcome to the clapham grand please welcome man who's just taking his own photo for his own obituary it's richard herring thank you very much joe thank you very much there we go it's good to have a working microphone hello you you're much better than last week's audience thank you um the person who wrote that joke mike the ghost of them might be in this theater who knows welcome to richard herring's last socially truncated podcast fingers crossed fingers crossed we're back at the left square theater in september and october i mean definitely wave six by then but we'll see uh though i was talking to timmy lee from the confessions films his bum was in some foam there's a duck under someone eh he calls it realistic apparently so we're gonna see if that see if that catches on um hey look uh before we crack on and we might do some stuff from this uh in the show uh i uh i've written another book of uh emergency questions um and the people here tonight and hello to everyone who's watching online i hope the audio synced up this time uh is uh this is the cover of my new book i'm gonna reveal for the first time you excited except it was on it was on twitter earlier there is it was it's going to be that big as well that's it's going to be it's going to be a very unwieldy thing it's called would you rather i'm going to ask look at that and someone's can win that at some point very exciting so uh dude that's out on october the 7th you can pre-order from all your favorite book shops it's on kindle i think we're going to do i think we're going to do an audio book of it somehow we'll see it's just me asking a load of stupid questions but it's fine for your kids your kids can there's one that mentions being sucked off but it's all right because it says sucked off in a tornado so it's fine your kids won't know they might make me take it out they haven't proof read it yet um so it's family friendly perfect christmas gift so please do check that if you can plus uh i made my daughter write 11 questions for it my six-year-old daughter uh my favorite one of hers is would you rather be zero feet tall or infinity feet tall it's pretty good and she said infinity so she could look at the clouds i said no if you're infinity feet tall you wouldn't be able to you'd be around the universe you wouldn't be able to get in the clouds we had a good discussion it's very good for what i've discovered having a six-year-old child is my work is very good way of just having a conversation with the child maybe that's because of who i am i don't know but anyway please do buy that book that would be very nice of you if you did um uh uh what else have i got talking of my children um i was playing we were playing ice but i've got a six-year-old and a three-year-old uh and the six-year-old understands the rules of i spy and can spell now so you can play i spy with my little eye the three-year-old wants to play but doesn't know his letters so and he's not he doesn't really get he hasn't really grasped the game he's very keen to play it but we let him do it with colours we were driving the car the other day and he said i spy with my little eye something beginning with blue steering wheel so we got that one but also if you don't get it first time he tells you what it is which i quite like that's quite like no and you'll just get you know it's good when someone when you're doing letters and he just guesses uh whatever he wants it's very amusing but then i was taking him out later for a walk and he fell over the dog knocked him over and he was crying for about half an hour and so i thought i'll cheer him up i'll play ice spike and said come on do i spy he said i spy of my little eye something beginning with crying it was simultaneously the funniest and saddest thing i've seen since uh peter bainum uh said when i came back from my granddad's funeral i'm delighted that your granddad is dead that is the only that's the last time i both laughed and cried as much uh and i've been reading i've been reading the the white ship by uh charles spencer you know from princess diana's funeral remember him that's what he's best known for he was he's charles spencer is uh princess stan's brother uh and uh it's a real sort of it's a real sliding doors moment it's worth if you're interested in history the white ship i didn't know much about this it went down uh and sort of wiped out a whole generation of the english nobility including the heir to the throne uh but king stephen who who would become king stephen was on the ship but he got the ship because he they've been drinking a lot and he had diarrhoea and so he wasn't on the ship that's a real stage that should be a better sliding doors filming it the two king stephens one doesn't get off the vote and dies and one has a [ __ ] and survives and becomes king so that's that's my favorite bit of history thanks charles spencer thanks for that uh so let's move on my uh guests this week uh one is probably best known for playing fizz gamble in grave new world and that isn't ed gamble that's this confusing thing that's the other one and the other one i think is best known for his voiceover for the kazoo yeah you can advert i'm convinced it's him but i mainly want to talk about that will you please welcome james a caster and ed gamble ladies and gentlemen from from the unpopular off menu the unpopular menu podcast come in come in sit down hello hello how are you doing all right i'll do it kazoo yeah you can um before before the show you told you said oh i've got one for you but i'm not sure if it's you or not i googled it and then it said someone else's name came up and i thought is someone like do it would be funny if it was the bloke from love island again but some of them because sometimes they get people to do there's one with i think izzy city does and i can't i can't work out is generally her or someone doing an izzy city impression it's normally her yeah so but you know is it what does it mean oh kazoo no [ __ ] idea when you went in yeah is it meant to be kazoo is it that meant to sound like can you yeah cause kazoo can you yeah you can i don't feel like like a voice over audition is the time to start chucking around like creative ideas surely you need to know what it means no it's fine it sounds like it's meant to be a pun or something and then it's not it doesn't i think it's a pun on the phrase oh yeah you can which isn't a phrase but that's how i read it yeah yeah it's like it's like oh yeah yeah yeah i'm not convinced about that i love it yeah i always love it i love being in ubers and when it comes on in the uber i always say to the uber driver that's my friend and then i have to have this conversation where they go but what is that's why they did it just to make people go why is the man saying those words and then you've said it so many years yes you know you bought a car kazoo ooh kazoo yeah you can yeah you can play a kazoo maybe it's maybe [Music] maybe with the bloke who wrote it at school someone said can i play the kazoo and they went yeah you can and he thought i'll reference that i always have it in the bag when i start a business i call it kazoo i say kazoo yeah you can just like we used to say in school anyway it pays [ __ ] [ __ ] loads yeah [Applause] good i'm glad and why are you playing a man called gamble in a forthcoming show called grave new world yeah i didn't i didn't know this you didn't know this until i was introduced um yeah my friend stuart lawrence who's uh production company turtle canyon do little shorts on youtube and he wanted me to go on and be a soft drinks expert and often i would say and i don't think stuart will mind me saying this all of his ideas are underwritten [Laughter] i think he will mind you saying yes as soon as i said it actually i thought that's offensive i'd be a soft drinks expert and he said what's your name going to be and uh first name fizz that was very easy and then i just thought second name gamble because that'll be a nice little in joke um that might be called fizz gamble i'd forgotten it i forgot no i'd call the character until you introduce me when you said the first guest is he played fizz gamble i thought oh that's something ed's done yeah yeah yeah i thought it was something i think you said it's not the one called ed gamble i was like what the [ __ ] oh yeah it was oh yeah it was that's what i thought well fizz gamble is like a new kazoo type pun on the name ed gamble is this yeah yeah fizz gamble yeah it works just as well good well i hope you're both well you do a podcast you two together didn't know i've had you on both on so many times and i didn't know didn't know you did the podcast again i've been on the catalog of all our appearances on this podcast it's mainly you begging to be didn't know you did run together and i've been on it i didn't know it was i didn't realize it was you two together that we were doing it well i thought it was a genuine i think it was a real genie so that's why i was yeah i was very invested in it when i when i did it you were you were very invested in it when you did it to the point where you were awful there's definitely a balance because sometimes guests aren't invested in it enough and we found out to our costs that guests can be too invested yeah richard often cited is a classic episode yeah no yeah it is it is a bit of a classic episode um many people genuinely believe you were a member of the public who had won a competition and didn't understand the podcast because as a joke as a joke i introduced you as a competition winner and we got loads of tweets from people saying oh this poor competition is not doing very well yeah and it's on my wikipedia page now it says in 2021 or where is richard herring won a competition to appear on me and when i was filming a film with sean clifford off a flea bag that's exciting she went to she turned around and said your voice is very familiar to me i've heard you on a couple of things what was i i found out it was all a it was all a joke what you were doing when when did the boys put you up to when did they tell you to do so she she was invested in the fact that i was pretending to be a competition sean clifford i was maybe acting alongside her being all serious actors yeah people in the biz yeah were even hoodwinked into thinking you were a talentless member of the public we have done that though we've had com we've recorded episodes with competition winners before yeah and they have been an absolute [ __ ] disaster yeah yeah oh yeah of course i remember it i remember it the day i died it was insane we were there's two competition winners one was a very normal kind of like uh episode that we obviously didn't put them out we were very clear on that when we were approached by comic relief i think it was going uh we would like to do it so that you know people can win and become a guest on the podcast we went absolutely we refused to ever put them out but we'll do as an experience for them and yeah one lady uh did her menu and it's pretty normal and then another lady uh her brother won it for her actually it was an auction yes he had he really paid through the notes for it uh it was a surprise for her and he was saying it's because it's her favorite podcast and she loves you guys um and uh it turned out that he'd once had a conversation with her and they kind of got their wires crossed and he thought that she knew what the podcast was but she had never heard of it didn't know what the format was didn't know what it was at all and it wasn't like you doing a joke genuinely a person who didn't know what the podcast was and even though it was two in the afternoon she was shit-faced it's a struggle it was a struggle and it turned out she didn't so much like the podcast uh as she'd seen james on television and fancy james yes so within a minute she'd gone well who cares what i want for a starter do you have a girlfriend i said yes and then apparently that was me being an [ __ ] anyway really kicked off about that a brother had paid a grand for that and he's just sitting there next to her just smiling trying to be nice to us but he's prompted him along going just tell them what you'd like as your starter and then she'd she had this piece of paper she was like i've written it all down we're like oh great she's written down her menu but it was would you like to go on a date with me maybe absolutely mad well if she's paid a grand i think you have to do it you've got to shoot your shot right at one point it was over zoom and at one point because she was saying all this stuff and i looked over into ed's window and he was just there like just go in delighted although once she established i uh was not single she really switched on to you and was like what about you and then he was like i have a fiancee and one up at me and she was even angrier she's like a waste of time happy about that she snogged her brother in the end [Laughter] you know that's good well you know we should put that episode out actually it was really funny by the end it's ridiculous um well i've just listened to your bonus episode that's just gone up with you didn't you didn't decide we deserve to go into the series well it was too late by the time we found out that we could get this guest it was too it was the end of the case yeah it was a very exciting guest yes uh of dan aykroyd i saw you got dan ackerman you [ __ ] yes you immediately tweeted you're angry about it very cross that's genuinely whenever we get a big guest through that i know that you've not had my first i think about you immediately but i can't wait until herring finds out about this he's gonna be [ __ ] livid but then i think well if he'll do theirs it'll probably come on it's a lot of people have compared it to mark the brian blessed episode of this podcast which i don't think is entirely fair though he was loquacious he was he well he didn't really uh this is uh this stan didn't really um uh appreciate the format well he didn't really see it as a back and forth no he does a lot of prep he had more prep than anyone has ever done for the podcast yeah i would say a very detailed well thought out menu he'd thought about the setting who was going to be there um things they could have in between courses the drinks to go with every single meal the whole evening he'd thought about what he hadn't factored in was us talking to him i tried my best when he started doing the menu i thought okay this is not how we normally do it i'll try and stop him and i said dan we normally start at the top by talking about if you enjoy food and then we'll talk to you take you through each course and he was like well we can do that at the end and then just got his head down didn't look us in the eye and plowed through a 15-minute monologue about this meal and then 20 minutes in went well it started wrapping it up i hope i've helped you out with your little project [Applause] [Laughter] 20 minutes in yeah blitzed it advertised its vodka yeah also i listened back to it i've only listened back to three episodes of the podcast and i listened back to that one and uh he says goodbye after we genuinely we asked him a question so it's like we actually get a question in and we say like if uh if you were in ghostbusters again and you had to not think of anything or it appears and you thought of the uh your own brand of vodka what would happen and he's like he kind of gives it yeah it rained down good vodka and everyone i guess anyway helped you out with your project and then the rest of the episode is just us trying to keep him on the call yeah yeah that was just us going tell us some more about your vodka because we've got nothing if someone comes and does their entire meal straight off the bat we've got nothing you know an eight mile when eminem does all the insults about himself first and the other battle rap is like well what the [ __ ] do i say now that was he ate mildest that guy he did eight miles and ed's right about he just had his head down so that's what you can't really appreciate on the podcast and what we didn't say is that he had all of his menu written down and stuff too so he just was like that and we couldn't see his face and he couldn't see us and we were just looking at each other on the screen just laughing openly at each other what was happening to us and how excited were you before and at what point did you kind of think i never thought i didn't think was going to happen because we quite often get you know what it's like yeah he was like oh we might have this person but then it always you know it goes away so we're like this is never going to happen until right before when he came on the call it's like [ __ ] is actually going to happen yeah and just before we started recording he picked up a tiny toy plane that he had on his desk and he spun the propeller around and he went spitfire i was like [ __ ] this is going to be great yeah i was excited then i wasn't excited before because i was like well this'll you just assume this will go bad because like it's something really great should be exciting so don't get too excited about it but when he went spitfire i was like brilliant yeah he's going to be really good he's up for a laugh this is great but actually he saves that for before the podcast but had he ever done any podcast i mean supposedly yeah he seems like he's he's pretty down on advertising his body i think he's done after we recorded it and put it out everyone was like yeah i've heard him on podcast before he always does that but no one [ __ ] told us i think he's done like joe rogan and a few other things where he just goes on and like plows into the vodka chat right because it would be nice to i mean it would have been to hear you guys like riffing off dan aykroyd's that's what we wanted to hear again a little tiny bit of it yeah i think that's what we thought would happen maybe yeah we'd be able to do a little bit of that but i much prefer what happened i think the fact that at one point he is just advertising his vodka like he owes money to more than everyone in town and he needs to sell this vodka otherwise he's dead meat my point is you just laugh every time you start you can hear you laughing every time he starts doing it yeah and then you start if you had to make a cocktail out of your you start asking him more and more logical questions so you can laugh at him advertising when you realize that someone is if you as long as you've ask them a question about the vodka they will answer it so you realize you can just say to them what about if you made a cocktail for chimney sweeps what would that be and then it'll just go this could be a snail i got to do it yeah he just and then he just listed off a cocktailing break yeah yeah he was good he came up with a ghostbusters question james asked that question if you had if you were thinking of the crystal skull instead of the staple of marshmallow man what would happen i was like i nearly gave james a round of applause for that i was like what a [ __ ] question it's ghostbusters it's incorporated the vodka surely he's gonna he's gonna follow this riff he's gonna come with us on this and he basically he did just go oh it had rained down lovely vodka yeah great thought about the crystal head what would happen it went i wouldn't think of it but in the film you even get a staple of marshmallow man it's like now i've learned my lesson since the first film fooled me once it would be so hard having been through it once not to think last time this happened i thought this year and everything went wrong oh [ __ ] no way you're not falling for a second [Laughter] well it's very worth very well worth listening to are there any other episodes that you you've like that where you've had a big big guest or someone you're excited about and it's sort of gone tits up or is it is it always it tends to go quite well usually doesn't it well normally yeah yeah but i think most of the big guests just end up cancelling beforehand right yeah most of them cancel on us who's the best person who's cancelled on you who's the one you've been looking forward most and then they've said i know i can't do it no one cancels on me on this oh dave grohl yeah we thought that would be pretty cool yeah but yeah i mean benito always messages us going dave grohl this first day we're like yeah not gonna happen while you're getting excited for your little dweeb how does benito know all these people and how does he get into that's amazing right i mean i think he's just tweeting them okay like you do yeah like i do we're talking about how i was trying to get bo burnham on but i don't have any content for him and he doesn't follow me on twitter so i just had to openly ask him on twitter that which isn't if anyone tweeted me openly say will you come up with my podcast straight away that's a no yeah not gonna do it yeah no way yeah groveling pathetic no way i got that person's problem i've got i usually say yes but this year and i've discussed this a couple times the podcast i just say sorry i've just had cancer so i can't do it and i'm fine the thing is i'm fine and i've got loads more time i could have done it easily i could have done it more easily but then they go oh i'm sorry sorry for asking sorry for asking sorry and i laughed and i it's like you should have known i had cancer and you've really upset me that's good so i'd recommend it get you know non-fatal one you can't [Laughter] you could have used it to get out of this one it would have been good um how did you guys get together and do the two of you to hook up and get together good question is a good question very good question i've got that written see why you wrote that down well um i hope we've helped you out with your project oh yeah we can do that can't we i hope we've helped you out with your project i've got cancer wait what's up the comedy circuit richard oh yeah that's good yeah at a gig what made you think we should do a podcast together about some food yes good question thank you we talked about food all the time that is just became the um foundation of our friendship was uh constantly talking about food i'd never really been into food that much and then when i started hanging out with ed i started thinking yeah it's ridiculous that i'm not into food because i'm gonna have to eat it forever yeah and if i don't enjoy it then that's a huge part of my life that's gonna be absolute dog [ __ ] for the rest of my life so i should start liking food and thinking about where i go to eat and thinking about what i eat and then always chat to ed about it really enjoyed getting down to specifics with him places where i should go it's always got loads of recommendations of places to eat order that thing on that menu here's the best place i've ever had this and uh i think you know like if anyone would podcast you go what's my favorite conversation to have i'll do that as a podcast so yeah like i don't know you were probably like i love having conversations where i ask people loads of questions and subtly troll them and then you turn it into a podcast well i think about off menu right this is my this is my criticism of off menu that's what we're here for it's good it's a load of [ __ ] [ __ ] not as good as my podcast what i think is like if it's people like food you're really skinny and you're really fit i want to see it hosted by a couple of really guys are really all women who've really got into food and real i want mr creosote mr creosotes you want someone like being sick while they're hungry they've eaten so much food i think that would be a better podcast mr creosote can't get the original now you want someone who loves food so much it's damaged yeah because you're not you don't look like you like food that much because you're skinny and fit well thank you yeah personally but no i mean you know i regularly chuck a bite in and then explode i've seen ed eat so much that he definitely regrets his life oh yeah yeah two or three times a week but how do you do it because i i'm on a diet i'm dieting now and you're looking good if i eat if i eat a piece of bread i put on a pound like one piece of bread that's it so how do you manage to scoff all these poshmere masher masher linsters i was saying the bachelor in star i'm going to stick with it how'd you go to these machine star restaurants well a lot of the marshlands will be very small like weed little porsches the matalan style restaurants are the ones i go to they're the best ed uh i'd say your life is divided into um uh working um eating and exercising right yes and when you're working you're normally thinking about uh what you want to eat and where you want to go and exercise and when you're eating food you're often thinking i really need to exercise because all this food is killing me yeah and then when you're at the gym you're going i hate it here and i want to go and eat some food as soon as possible thanks so much i'm perfectly describing my absolutely horrific existence and i just lucked out with my metabolism it's coming man it's coming i can't wait i don't know what age is gonna happen but [ __ ] he's gonna be so fat immediately and i can't wait for it to happen it will happen yeah um but i think it'll be a laugh i think i think people will like it when i when i you know when i get my just desserts literally and then i can walk on stage like we always knew this would happen to him and it's weird that he hasn't stopped eating ice cream all the time now it's happened yeah i want you to return to stand up in like 15 years time and you put on about 10 to 12 stone yeah we you to wear the same clothes as you would for your last gig yeah i'll be up for that yeah i'll do that yeah it'll be good absolutely um oh well this is something that came from the last podcast that if you i don't think you were here last week for that part but i i was i was wondering whether i've yet had the photo taken that will appear on my own obituary yeah or whether you know have i done my most a will i live much longer and b have i done the most famous thing the most successful thing that i've done in my career yet um and it's difficult with me because i haven't done anything that successfully i know i'm gonna just google because i know already in my head what photo is for you okay because it's the one i've seen all the time but if i went you know if i did but it does it's not necessarily the photo of you doing your most successful thing that'd be used for your obituary right not always but usually usually they'll pick out something like that remember this guy from you know there's a chance it's leon herring for me right there's a where is it there it is that one that absolute classic there everyone's seen it a lot of times when you're brushing your hair back behind your ear yeah yeah you think that'll be on the obituary yeah yeah yeah i hope it's not that one that wouldn't be that one but also you know is it interesting do you do what do you think your photo has been taken that will be on your obituary yet or do you think there's something because if you did something exceptional at the age of 60 or 70 that's probably what they would put up as the photo or if you just were famous when you're 60 or 70. quite interesting i can't work out whether you guys well the photo that comes up of me first if you google my name uh is a picture of me in fake tan um because i was playing a character in a show we had to go to a film premiere or like an awards thing and they faked tanked me up as a joke but unfortunately the photo doesn't reference what was going on or where i was but it was a comedy character show so i regularly get tweeted going google have [ __ ] you over here mate they look dreadful so they'll probably use that one yeah i hope they use that do you think you've do you think you've put the photos out there i don't know i mean trying to think now i mean i don't know at what age i'll die at yeah well you don't know that's the thing if i died now but then the photo now the photo's definitely taken yeah unless they take a photo a few times here is james a caster as he died that's what they should just keep shooting anyone got a camera just keep taking a photo in case he dies so they should use that they should just take a photo of people as soon as they're dead and just use that in their bits well they sort of that's how it used to be death mask used to be that's how they make a death mask of someone and that would be it and that would be how you remember because they wouldn't have photos let's do that let's kill one of you and make a death mask tonight what richard that's horrible come on that would be so good for my my downloads yeah work quite nice but we're in prison all right i've got another question are you both in you're both in relationships now it seems if your current partner was going to leave you for a world famous comedian who would you like that who would you like who would you most like it to be that they left you it's to both of you out of all the out of all the world famous comedians that's a really good question it's just one i ask everyone it's a good question it's a good question isn't it i'd want them i'd want whoever she left me for to be you know i'd want her to be looked after financially and maybe a much older man immediately defected over one of his first charge you get [Laughter] [Music] i mean my my answer would be the same guy again awesome my girlfriend i mean if it starts to become a personal inventor do you go oh the fir take my girlfriend once yeah i'm gonna just fake it i mean to be fair i thought it was funny the first time so i'd absolutely find it hilarious if it happened again absolutely fair enough uh we wanted him so i'd find it very funny if he did it again i'd be like i'd even say to him that was funny actually man oh well done and he probably wouldn't say anything wouldn't he he wouldn't say anything never does i very much do a little noise sometimes he makes a little noise i very much enjoyed the um the special your most recent show thank you in which that is discussed it was an extremely funny show thank you so much uh so do download that we i paid a tenner for it nice one yeah yeah it's on my website yeah jamesaster.com um uh ed uh what's it like being in a double act with a the greatest stand-up of the their generation when you do stand up as well must be difficult uh well it's gonna be difficult to code you tell me that's what the question is don't applaud him that's what the quest that's what the question's referring he hasn't got me that was myself oh yeah that always comes across well if you go he hasn't got me i was a selfish i got me that was me not him you left that door wide open i'm really looking forward to when we're older when we publicly hate each other and we do little coded tweets about one another well you do coded tweets about me and i would just be searching my name on twitter like a mad bastard well you seem to love what you said about me now you seem to like and respect each other which there was never part of our double up that wasn't how a double leg worked i mean i liked and respected him yes but it turns out it was not mutual do you reckon you could extend an olive branch now and use the cancer thing as us well you would hope that that would be he knows that i've had cancer he knows you've had it yeah he knows heard from him no just so you've heard from him by interviews but he doesn't think i'm very good yeah yeah it's nice to know that just before i die yeah yeah yeah he doesn't think you're very good and he only reaches out to people when they've got cancer if he rates their comedy they don't deserve it otherwise but you you do get i mean i think i always find it like weird i mean because you started as friends and then you've got this double act and you try you seem to travel around like on holidays together and travel around yeah and it's all going fine you still call each other friends and stuff it's all yeah very easy we've spent all day together yesterday um yeah ed made loads of pizzas from scratch and i ate all the pizzas it's a pretty good friendship is a very different thing though isn't it like we do just record us having a chat yeah there's no like like hardcore creative element to it where we end up having arguments over like one line or whatever sure and we're pretty like late on in our careers like like speaking like with when you were with stu it was like early on and you were young and like hungry for it yeah because we couldn't give a [ __ ] now this is just for fun so the friendship's the most important thing yeah i think do you think you'll ever take it to the next level i mean it was assuming that hasn't happened never say never i mean you know if you did fan fiction on the internet is there anything to go by if you did take it to the next level who would be the postman and who would be the letterbox i think we all i think we all know that richard i don't know that and there's the answer [Laughter] i'm going to um try out some of my new book would you rather book on you guys see if there's any good ones you're going to try out some of your new books yeah i'm going to ask you some questions from my new book no wonder he doesn't respect you um [Music] i didn't hear i didn't hear that but i don't know said that i don't have to respond if i didn't hear it would you rather go on a cruise with tom cruise or a walking holiday with christopher walken good question that's a good question thank you i guess with the crews with crews do you need to hang out together i mean i think it'd be rude to accept the invitation to go on the cruise and just say i'm not going to see you for the three weeks do you want to hang out would he want to hang out with yeah well he's invited i mean i'm assuming in this scenario tom cruise is wrong i said ed you want to come on a cruise with me yeah and and you've gone yeah and then you're suddenly going i'm just gonna i'm gonna go swimming i want to go and play deck tennis tech tennis tennis that's what i would pick yeah i think i like christopher walken more as a actor and i like going walking more than i like going on boats um but i've never been on a cruise before and i assume it would be nuts and tom cruise also i think is nuts and i would like to be in that situation um where the whole world seems like it's gone insane rather than on a very long walk with a man who um i've seen be interviewed and just like getting blood out of a stone so i don't think i would like to go for a walk-in holiday with christopher well thought out i've been on a cruise and they are [ __ ] horrible yeah so i don't want to go on another cruise i'll go walk in with walking okay but you were performing on the cruise they were working that's different well yeah it was it was still awful like that i had to do bobby davro nicked his material no that bobby davora was in the audience and he did have a notebook i don't know for a fact that he was writing down my material but i think it's a weird thing to do to take a notebook to another comedian's gig and start scribbling in it halfway through especially as the material that i was doing was why aren't you laughing how come you're all so old that's what bobby davos does now he goes on stage hey why aren't you laughing and then the audience go why are you all so old and then he goes i've got diabetes he talks about that it was mad we were in the little bar room doing shows and he was on in the big theater right we were dying on our asses every night like two forty minutes set tonight absolutely pure silence for the whole time and then one night i was like well this everyone on the ship's probably having a bad time i opened the door to the theater and bobby devros dressed as tom jones and he had people up on stage dancing to sex bomb losing their [ __ ] mind where was the cruise going and why did you take a gig on a cruise uh it was the maiden voyage of a royal caribbean cruise ship the first time was just for the press and it went out to sea and then back again okay the second time i think we went to the second leg we went to rotterdam and then another one we went to some other place they did a lot yeah i did ten straight days on the cruise and the other comedians changed but they just kept me on because they were like it's going so badly we don't want to have to introduce another comedian to the situation so i stayed on for 10 days wow and there's no escape presumably you can hide in your crap but we would have found out what picture they would have used wow would you do that would you go on i was offered a gig on a cruise that was like being interviewed by andrew collins actually weirdly enough so i would have been i'd have been stuck on a cruise with andrew collins does he respect you i think he loved i think he slightly loves me i think he's slightly in love with me yeah what i think of every time i think of andrew collins genuinely is your wedding reception yeah in the evening um and he was stood on the outskirts of the dance floor and smells like team spirit came on and he did the mime to the drums at the start and every time anyone mentioned andrew collins that's all i've seen there's that every time your wedding it was a good wedding yeah that's the kind of thing that could happen someone could just get that into the wedding that lose themselves the music it was nice we came to our wedding that was after we'd stopped in podcast together so you know i think i think we're the last one we did one of these it was a bit weird yeah yeah but that's happened so much on this podcast that that's got to be your fault right yeah i can't believe you re-released the stephen murray just pop that out again why not yeah it's historical document what happened on that it was fine we built it up as a you know he thought i was i did the same thing where i did what's it like being the guy who does all the good stuff and writes all that and everyone else thinking the other person in the double that's the talented one yeah and then he got crossed because i thought i was trying to make him be rude about stu and ricky gerface where it was just obviously a joke about just a joke about my own expense he i wish he just said i loved it i realistically you would have been happy it was all right you know but i'd be awkward but also that's the exciting thing isn't about doing a completely ad-lib comedy and and taking a chance is it has to go wrong sometimes otherwise it wouldn't be a risk that's that's what comedy is if every time you went okay i'm going to be rude to ed and yeah and then one time ed got i mean i can't imagine there's going to be a moment where either say anything to the other that would actually upset us no i think would be all right but you know you might do but with say steven but you're richie grant when you take a chance with something you don't know and then they might really get the hump if i do this joke did you ever find out what that was no not really huh oh so james doesn't know what podcasts are yeah richie grant wouldn't let me well his people wouldn't let me put out the entire interview oh of richard with richard lee grant which i genuinely thought top ten entries i've done wow but it was and he was great and he was brilliant he didn't like stuff in there i don't know what there was the one joke where and i've definitely said this before but he was it was when he was just at the oscars had just happened and before the oscars all that they'd been really giddy with excitement and then one journalist went oh richard e grant is just playing a part to try and get him with the oscars by looking like he's all giddy with excitement and so he was really upset about this and i said yeah i mean if you were that good an actor you'd have won the oscars but like in that moment i thought that occurred to me in the moment that joke and i thought i thought there's this is early in the interview there's a good chance he might walk out yeah if he doesn't think that's funny but he laughed and said very true and seemed to be seemed to enjoy it maybe he didn't it was good it was a good joke in the moment i don't come up with many as we're as we're finding out tonight but i've got these questions would you rather uh co-own a car with jimmy carter [Applause] okay i'm giving you i love if the whole book was just so there's two questions like this i'm imagining you writing these in the bollock water wherever you were i think i might die any second wait would you rather co-own a car with jimmy carr a lorry with lori anderson or a van with van morrison well van morrison i've been told is grumpy yeah he is i don't think i would like that no i'm i'm over vans as well at this point in my life i don't care um [Music] jimmy carr i've met jimmy carr i've been in loads of cars before yeah not been in many lorries no and laurie anderson is one of my favorite albums ever so i would like to be pleased okay the lorry with l'oreal good answer probably a car with a car you insane get a car with a car that guy's loaded it's gonna be a nice car isn't it well but you've got to co-own it so you're gonna have to stump up half the money for it and also i reckon he's going to be in the car most of the time he works all the time but also he's probably got really good ways of writing off all the petrol true yeah carl with car yeah i'll go for the lorry because the last reason for laurie you know laurie oh yeah i wanted i wanted the lorry but james took the laureate well you could take the lorry as well but also you could sell your co-chair in the lorry and have a lot of money so that's what i would go for i don't want any of it i don't want to share a car with anyone else it's a ridiculous idea but you asked that question so in the book do you ask the question and then go here's what i do i don't know who do the other ones you [ __ ] idiots i don't i allow you to find that of yourself let me try one more do people buy this book it's just a bunch of questions it's just a load of questions and then you can ask them to each other yeah wow congratulations it's good it's like i'm writing all the feed lines and they have to do all the jokes that's the that's all so astonishing if i was writing a book that was just a bunch of questions the last thing i'd bother to do was try them out live on stage i'll be like i can't believe i've managed to get this book away well but then people can ask them and then they their friend can say something and then they can go you know what ed gamble said about this and then it gives an extra element do you genuinely imagine that conversation when do you think people use the book genuinely when does someone go oh hold on a second would you rather well like one man used it when there was in the himalayas when all those avalanches happened and he was in and his lodge got hit by an avalanche and they all thought they were going to die and they're waiting for the rescue services that is the worst possible i think i have the book it was before the book they asked each other emergency questions to pass the time i would have so if you're in a terrible disaster if i was in a log cabin that had been hit by an avalanche and i was waiting to see whether we survived or not i could think of my own questions and that would be a lot more pertinent than the ones in your [ __ ] book you could but you know that bloke couldn't that's why he needs me all right last one first question which one of us would get eaten first if we don't get rescued would you rather have a time machine that can only take you back to the 1973 wedding of princess anne and mark phillips or an invisibility cloak that glitches randomly at least once a minute making you totally visible for a couple of seconds i've got some conditions on this you'd only be able to travel to the actual wedding ceremony and not be able to leave westminster abbey yeah you might get lucky and have 45 seconds of total invisibility but might appear at any time by the way the invisibility cloak only works if you're otherwise totally naked yep yeah knew that was coming there he is which of those two things would you like the best um can you go back to the wedding as many times as you want yeah yeah and it's like a groundhog day experience you could go back try and get off with princess and try and get a flip mark but yeah you can do different stuff yeah anytime you go back right yeah probably i'd probably go with that the naked invisibility clothes too dangerous for me i think sure do our answers from the previous questions affect this one so have i you know driven to the cruise ship with laurie anderson listen who's gone i don't come on the off menu podcast and mess around and [ __ ] it all up i come on and treat you with the respect it deserves and answer all your questions properly i don't want you coming here dismantling yes the logic of my emergency questions i think i would like the invisibility cloak please okay um and i would mainly use it to watch shows at edinburgh that everyone says are bad shows but i never want to go because i think i look like an [ __ ] comedian sitting there watching a bad show yeah but then i always think if i was invisible i'd watch all of those shows but you have literally forgotten the main thing about the invisibility cloak in that [Applause] you've completely eradicated that fact what happened you're gonna go and see bad shows but you don't want to feel like you're bullying the people yes then every 45 seconds or so and completely butt naked james a caster is going to appear in the audience and then disappear again [Applause] it depends how big the venue is it would be a problem good tell me about the i you've both been working on a show called the island yes what is what someone went yes yeah uh hosted by tom allen and keema bob and jason forbes and a cast of comedians pick their things from categories to go on their island that they're putting together and it's set on it's set on a big ship yep with tom cruise and we've just filmed all of it uh sarah pascoe johnny vegas uh ninja benjamin and ahirsha were the comedians and it was a lot of fun so do you have the same a little bit like last month you looked at taskmaster a bit like that but we haven't really gotten down to the drugs of the guest booking yet maybe in series 10 wait by the phone yeah you can come on and just do what a normal man would do [Applause] maybe when it's on channel four i'll come on it yeah yeah okay yeah and people still think you're a competition winner well i did i did win that competition you did win it did win it uh in a way in the only way that matters um good and when's on the island january january i think next year yeah okay he's really upset me now i didn't think he could ever really upset me [Laughter] i'm gonna not let this podcast go out can i ask you something about can i ask you something about taskmaster and feel free not to answer it okay but it's my favorite moment in taskmaster okay i've watched all of taskmaster and i'm i love it so much that we copied it and made a new dave show coming in january but there's a moment in your series in the final ever episode yeah and it's my favorite moment of the heartmaster and uh you're doing the final live task in the studio and you're all on the stage and uh everyone knows it's either gonna be you or daisy who wins yeah and you're working away at this thing making a little bridge out of polos or something yeah and you're working away at it and at one point catherine parkinson just blurts out i want you to win daisy what was that about because at no point during the series had it looked like you had pissed her off so i thought that's happened off camera i don't i don't know i think they i think i think daisy should have won yeah but okay that's not what james are so i think that's what it i think um like i think it was more she liked daisy than she didn't like me we i think we got on quite well catherine yeah i don't sure about daisy i'm trying to get daisy on this to discuss whether she generally does hate me yeah that's a good opening do you really love to invite you onto a stage in front of people and ask you if you hate me or not so i think you know like daisy was got done that whole week like heavily pregnant yeah had done and and had done all the tasks at least a bit pregnant and quite heavily pregnant for some of them i thought you just described her as weak and heavily pregnant and so like it was she done incredibly well and was much more you know she'd won because as you say she was she'd done it in an interesting and amusing way yeah and i just tried to do the tasks as well as i could but you need to be you need someone like that on that you can't go on and do an artificial james i couldn't go on pretend to not understand what the question was and do something different like you would what like on off menu when you came on as a guest what happened to that guy well i was i was overwhelmed by it well let's wait till the champion of champions see how i behave during that one let's see if things have things have you both going to be on champion championship facing each other yeah we've done that we've done some of it yeah don't know how much we're allowed to reveal no but alex has talked about the fact that we've done the task oh yeah we've done the task we've done the task but we don't you've done the tasks how'd you get on how did you get on with the brilliant [ __ ] [ __ ] i did [ __ ] [Laughter] but i sort of it's well yeah i don't know how much we can say we're not doing like low i think it has to be a series i don't it don't it's not even going to count even if i win i'm just going to chuck the it won't trophy down okay this doesn't count you're not going to chuck the truck i'm going to throw it back in the face guys this does not count um yeah i know it was it was that was i think it was more daisy's popularity well catherine was very upset on that last episode wasn't she because everyone had made fun of her masks that she did during lockdown oh yeah that's what i thought i thought maybe i was nice really made fun of the masks and now he's in the bad books no i didn't i was quite nice about the mask and then when i saw them they were pretty good and i said yeah right she was clearly really upset about the mask because at the end of the episode when you go on to get the prizes and the master there they'd let and they left this in you look at the master and you led down to them went they're beautiful i don't know you know it's very hard to gauge your own popularity and whether people like you or not you know i don't understand why anyone would like a lot of people don't like me i know that's for sure could you get them on your podcast directly but i don't i don't understand i think i'm a pretty nice cool guy but i think maybe uh people who only know me from the podcast think i'm a bit of a dick because that's what i do on the podcast you have spent 30 years cultivating that reputation yeah yeah but i think i'm quite a nice guy so you know i'm happy my kids actually my daughter doesn't really like me either no not a fan my son quite likes me oh yeah so yes that's all the maths it's him i've created one thing that understands why your daughter might not like you if that's your attitude he's the only one that matters it's all that matters is one of them likes me i don't care which one it is that's the win okay there's someone down here who keeps on hiring you sympathetically and uh which is never what you've gone for ever [Music] if you are in then you haven't seen him on taskmaster because he deserves it i've got no more questions for you that's it ask me if i want to go for a swim in a river with river phoenix oh that's a good one too late to make the edit of the book now i can put that in would i rather what you've misunderstood is there has to be another option it has to be another one yeah so you have to think of two celebrities with their names is there anyone with pool no pool go for a swim in a pool oh yeah i just think uh swimming swimming in the ocean with frank ocean jump in the ocean with frank ocean yeah do it two swimming ones it's not that good no well i mean you did three vehicles earlier and you were proud of that that was based on your structure that you've invented yeah i've i've worked out why i've only had you on individually in the past because you can team up on me when there's two of you a couple of bullets i can cope with one of you but two of you being attacked from two different directions yeah it's too much for me to take um would you rather be nonchalant semi-challante or a hundred percent fully challenged very good that's nice thank you it's lovely i like that one oh thank you oxford really coming through in that question um don't want an answer no no well if you've got one doesn't want one you don't seem to be answering in your head uh that question isn't no one has to answer it they just say it and everyone laughs and forgets about it raging avalanche outside the log cabin yeah the avalanche is still coming down yeah [Music] would you rather have all your teeth fall out and have them replaced with the teeth of a neanderthal man or woman or have your hair fall out and be replaced with wire from a brillo pad neanderthal men's teeth and women's teeth are not like human teeth i'm going to tell you that much yeah i would rather have the brillo pad hair very easily because um i'd hate to have someone else's teeth in my mouth yeah that would be gross especially if they were that old and if i had brillo pad hair i think that would be useful every now and again if i was cleaning something just give it a bit of a true yeah that's true yeah would also whenever you just rubbed your head against anything it would be quite unpleasant for the thing though so human contact would be yeah but i mean how often richard do you uh sort of get down in a prone position and rub your head on someone well i think when you're snuggling your head will rub against how snuggles work and it's all your hair by the way it's it's the hair you've never [ __ ] snuggled in yet it's hair all over your body so what you're you don't oh it's hair all over your hair yeah still i'd go go with that yeah i think brillo pad okay yeah i think it looked quite cool as well would it carry on growing like hair does would you have your lip cut or does it just grow the length of a brillo pad and then stop i think i i would like to see you've not thought about that because i've already asked the questions that's why it's good to road test them that's going in the book now do you include that just ask the questions you do write the questions as well richard you're not some sort of vehicle for a heavenly being i just ask the questions make you think what would i choose and then i'm gone i'm away who asked that question here we don't know he was here disappeared on the wind uh what is coming up in the future guys what we got what we got coming up you're back doing a tour this is a new show electric ed gamble on tour february next year onwards tickets on sale now wow at gamble.com at uk that's all your website is by the way i look to your website and all your website is your tour date just a tour put a bit of something else on there someone's gonna interview your it's just nice to have a little bit on there to give you no they've got you know they've got wikipedia and stuff it's fine it's okay but yeah do come especially if you live in scumthorpe ed was reading me all the dates uh before coming on and i really encourage everyone to go [Applause] it's quite a long tour how you guy will you guys be okay apart from each other for that length of time you're going to be able to do the problem not touring together oh apart from each other you'll be a part yeah we just lived through a pandemic where we didn't see each other i just did stuff over zoom over zoom that's it now in it yeah we'll never never [Laughter] since 2019 and there's i mean i'm constantly worried she's going to throw the microphone down to physically attack one of you so it's been my first time in front of an audience since december 2019 since i filmed that show that and uh i mean this is very weird actually there we are they are weird it's when that guy talked i was like well it was like and it was weird because he didn't it didn't stop it just carried on going [Laughter] hello i think this is a slightly uh there's a slightly odd space for that you do kind of you get quite a lot of stuff back from the audience that you wouldn't normally get maybe it's just because it's socially distance i don't know but i've noticed i've noticed a few conversations going on i've been listening to them quite a lot sometimes are we taking questions from the audience you can i mean you will you'll regret it but we can yeah i know i knew i'd agree as soon as i said it yeah yeah i mean that there's a probably be a laugh have you got a girlfriend james you [ __ ] you broke my heart what was the shrieking lady who shouted out first ladies or bread shriek again papadums or bread we answered this on the podcast episode 100 i know i just listened to episode 100 very long i said broadly poppadoms but for my dream menu i chose a certain type of bread that i had a stone's throw from this very venue but it was a pop-up so it's not there anymore you had bread i had bread uh james talked about uh papadums from a certain restaurant in edinburgh and what happened james i said that these products and edible the best pop-dogs i've ever had and they contacted me and said can we put that as a quote in our window in exchange we give you free food for life obviously you can and it looks like i'm going to be doing edible again get free curry for the whole festival was it free food for life yeah they said whenever you want come in and you just the food's on us i thought it was free for life no could it be the [ __ ] the other three problems would have been actually going to reread that email [Laughter] what about you yeah boy unlucky ed your fans are aggressive man i'm sorry ed so angry i don't need you to be sorry man that's fine you tell me a choice a little sweet life he loves desserts i love desserts from dessert boy you're a starter boy i'd say more people in the podcast agree with you no no no you don't try and seem like the cool hipster one dessert is the [ __ ] populist choice mate yeah yeah yeah i like start as best yeah i think but what did you choose as your starter was what what did you choose as your starter again the original one i chose uh kettle crisps from now and kettle crisps from 1992 yeah so i could compare the two yeah because you were a [ __ ] genie don't you understand your own program no you're a genie i want stuff that's magic to happen that can't happen anywhere else i can go and buy a starter anywhere i want that exists now i want something that doesn't exist yes hey listen i actually did quite like your answers good you know after the entire smile store except i expected every answer to be some food please the best food food please eat it please sorry for doing the program well sorry for concentrating listening to what it was and doing it properly and keenly like a small boy trying to please his dad yeah was that what it was about in your head i think so yeah yeah and just winnings all the matters do you think i don't want i don't want to get any more work on tv works all just doing panel shows and stuff i don't want to do any more of that no so i don't want to get i don't want to be i don't want to be successful so that i can go on tv and do all that i want to do like talking to people in a theater so you're gay even you didn't buy that by the end of the sentence i want to get a lot of puppets in an attic and talk to them yeah i don't want to be on tv i want to do that yeah be on tv when you can talk to puppets in an attic so your game plan when you went on taskmaster was um i really hope i'm not too entertaining on this otherwise i'll have to do loads of tv i won't be able to continue doing what i'm already doing i genuinely task master was the last thing on tv that i wanted to do and that was it ticked off done it we might have discussed this before do you think having a nut off in between taskmaster and tasmania champion champions will that affect your performance in any way well that's a good question yeah i mean it means that you're the only contestant with two testicles yep no foreskin no force no foreskin [Applause] two is credited it's not a there's not a complete male genitalia have you got i've got a foreskin yeah [ __ ] [Laughter] like a windsock [Laughter] um i think i went into it uh i wanted to enjoy because i was what happened with the first lot i was just a like the first time i did it was the first day i did the tasks it was just after the general election and i hadn't slept all night and was depressed and it was really difficult to concentrate on anything and then but also i was just so nervous i don't think i kind of relaxed and let myself get into it so i decided with the tasks that i did i just thought right i'm gonna relax and have at least have a little think about it before then just doing the correct way of getting the touch stuff before doing it the correct way yeah yeah because that's my personality imaginative way possible but if everyone did it nuts if they had if you had five james a casters on there doing their nuts thing why didn't you think about it that inventive i was genuinely trying on the show not very clever yeah he wasn't thinking his way around it he's just a weird bloke but that's how it works and i think especially in my one you needed someone who was a bit anchored in some sort of reality to for it to work my nephews have just watched my series of taskmaster they're in primary school but like um they've just released the pg versions so they've watched that they got obsessed with it and at the end of one of the episodes um phil wang has put himself up as the prize task so like i win phil wang so they were phoning me constantly facetiming me asking to see phil wang if i've got him and i'd always be like oh you've just missed him he's gone out to get me some ice cream again i've sent him to the shop you've just missed it at one point my nephew was nine years old uh was like can we see phil wang i thought oh no just going to the shops again and it's like oh the elusive wine [Laughter] we'll highlight very good well we'll see how that goes we'll see how we what is there anything coming up for you james a caster are you gonna follow up your amazing stand-up show no um i haven't i am i've got another series my uh my other podcast perfect sounds which is about music in 2016 being the greatest youth music of all time we just started the second series of that so we've just done a episode with rosie jones as the guest talking about a moon shaped pool by radiohead and uh there's there's loads of it uh are here shah's the next guest talking about a very obscure album uh that was recorded in someone's bedroom in montreal so yeah i'm i'm loving doing that so you're just doing stuff in your attic at home on tv everything i'm doing is just sitting on the same sofa this is the first time i've sat on something different while working i hate it yeah just just just podcasts yeah that's it at the minute that's all we need guys it's the future huge that's all i want i don't want to do i like you i don't want to do any panel shows no any tv uh the other panel shows i want to do is when i'm behind the scenes working with adam we rip off task marks [Laughter] good well ladies and gentlemen please give a massive round of applause to the off these guys from off menu ed gamble jose caster thank you very much thank you thank you guys
Channel: Richard Herring
Views: 75,843
Rating: 4.9330907 out of 5
Id: QpwL66-9m8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 28sec (4408 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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