James ~ 2:15 to 3:9

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word the great book of James James being the equivalent of the Hebrew Jacob being the father of the 12 tribes and this book chapter one verse one happens to be written to the twelve tribes scattered abroad so it has a double meaning triple if you like and it's according to whether you would be of the ethnos whether you would be of the tribes or kings and queens of the ethnos if it carries that message you don't have to worry about it fantastic as God's Word flows the message in the second chapter so far has been God is not a respecter of persons and you should not be either that you you are not to judge a person you're to allow God to do the judging you do the discerning spiritual discernment gift from God and all as well and what it's saying is it's a wonderful thing to have faith but what goes with faith if you truly have faith in our Father and love him you cannot help yourself but to serve Him that means work and and so it is and and many people try to ignore the book of James because of that but it's true it is the law of Liberty meaning it is the law of God that sets you free because it brings God's blessings not only to you but your family how precious it is chapter 2 the great book of James verse 15 let's go with it with that word of wisdom from our Father if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food I mean they are really down on their luck okay sixteen and one of you saying to them depart in peace be warmed and filled notwithstanding you give them not those things which which are needful to the body what does it profit if all you say I'm gonna pray for you they're hungry they're naked now naturally what does father wants you on a deeper level to understand this is written to the twelve tribes scattered abroad there are fans there there they are lost they don't know who they are and what is the famine in the end times for it's not for bread it's for hearing the Word of God so naturally what you do is you plant a seed of truth helping them find their way and giving them something that will stick to their ribs that will profit them that will bring them into the fold of Almighty God but what it's saying just saying I'll pray for you I've got faith to know God will help you doesn't help okay it takes a little more verse 17 even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone and that is a fact again if you have faith in God you cannot help but to serve Him and to love him loving him is serving him that's really what he wants most from you verse 18 yay a man may say thou has to faith and I have works show me thy faith without thy works and I will show thee my faith by my works it documents it well and being a great churchgoer and all that has nothing to do with it basically it is what is between you and Almighty God it is what is between you and your brethren how that you associate with them how you talk to them how you lead them and so forth whether you're a blessing to them and they are a blessing to you that's what it takes them yeah you you and again I want to remind you from yesterday's lecture Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 you're on your way to heaven there and what is the only the one and only thing you can take with you from here it sure works that's what you're judged by that that creates the righteous acts that weave together the very righteous robe that you wear in heaven that's important to have those works verse 19 to continue don't believe us that there is one God thou do us well the Devils also believe in tremble they shudder they know there's only one God they try to make up another one or two but they still know as we all know one of the first Commandments there's only only God alone he's the Creator he's our Father he's it but even the demons know that so believing without works and faith without any debt even they have that they know it so knowing alone does not cut it you got it that's what he's saying simply knowing it by itself standing alone doesn't cut it verse 20 but wilt thou know o vain man that faith without works is dead and so it is and and this is something that it's very difficult for some to believe they believe that faith and the grace of God carries you through well don't you love you don't you want to take that beautiful message that he's given you and share it was somebody else isn't that important to you to become part of a group that plants those seeds and brings that truth that Bread of Life which is to say Christ into the life heart Minds body soul of the people around you whereby they also confine that wonderful place called Almighty God's heaven the heaven is being with our Father wherever he is that's where heaven is verse 21 listen carefully speaking of faith without works 21 was not Abraham our Father justified by works he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar I mean here Abraham got ordered him to do this rock where Mount Zion is today I mean right there right there they told him you go up to mountain bottle I got and and there you you take the fixings to prepare you an altar Abraham was a hundred years old when Sarah conceived and bore this child that was to be as numerous as the stars of heaven and sands of the sea I mean Abraham had waited for this child and when God said you take him up and sacrifice him Abraham had enough faith and Almighty God to know even if he had sacrificed him God would raise him back to life from the dead and the savior of the world would be there however God had different plans he was seeing if Abraham would obey Him but it was the works and and let for what about what about I think I think we went right along with his dad and Abraham said he asked his dead father who's to sacrifice for this and his dad told him you just get up there you're the sacrifice he didn't question and he obeyed but then God provided a lamb Ram in the bush which would later be the Lamb of God crucified for all of us and spared that boy who would become as numerous as the stars of heaven and sands of the sea but you talk about works in following faith Abraham had to have a lot of faith than Almighty God to offer his own his son whom he had waited for for so many years to have that promise of offspring and even to have had his name change from Abram to Abraham father of many nations to be blessed he carried it to the letter he obeyed the Living God and so did his son Isaac God Himself would become through the only begotten son that sacrifice were one in all times that gives us salvation today if you have faith and if you have works verse 22 see us now how faith wrought with his works look at Abraham and by works his was bait made perfect and so it is that faith was made perfect how precious it is that works is so very important I want to kick this to a deeper level on another scripture we're not on turn there but you're all familiar with 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 10 where it states very clearly if a brother doesn't work don't feed him now you have God's elect you take this serious if a brother doesn't work don't feed him this has to do on two parts two levels level one somebody that so lazy they won't work don't feed them you don't want anything to do with them set them aside from you don't worry when they get hungry enough they'll they'll make out they'll find some way to find food now let's kick it to the spiritual level if someone maybe just has faith but won't work don't waste your time with them it's over you don't want to waste you don't want to cast your pearls before swine they're not going to hear they they will hear but they won't be a doer they have no works and if they have no works they're dead and you know something you can't build a ministry out of dead people basically that is to say that requests being dead and staying that where you need vivacious believers that work in under standing the living word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby not only does it feed them the wonderful Word of God strengthening them but also they become a blessing to others because they share that food that truth and that logic whereby it is it grows immensely it's pregnant it continues producing it's called the Word of God and his children bring that forth that's fine you want to if remember second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 10 in more ways than one verse 23 to continue and the scripture was fulfilled which saith abraham believed God and was in and it was imputed unto him for righteousness and he was called the friend of God you know where we quote we're quoting was Isaiah 41 along about verse 8 herein that how precious God's Word is that there's nothing new Under the Sun but you have had these examples of faith and how it brings forth from the very beginning and how precious it is verse 24 you see then how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only now I don't want you to misquote how important faith is faith is extremely important but faith alone is not enough it won't get it done because you're not producing any work and one that won't work was not going to be fed one that won't work is not going to have any understanding of any depth oh they'll be there they'll smile they'll make a fixture but they're no good well they're useless why they will not work and so it is producing God's Word carrying forth the truth is a beautiful work is something to enjoy and be a part of its fulfilling don't even rub yourself of it you know one of the main reasons that's what brings the blessings of God upon you we're buying he smiles it pleases him and he blesses most of what you touch and that makes you prosperous and brings you peace of mind and pays great rewards that's why it is so ever ever important to be blessed with the bread of life it's to say the Word of God to be a here and to be a doer to be not only hears but to be a doer of the word and as we learned in the nineteenth verse of that first chapter we're for my beloved brother and let every man be swift to hear you have those ears open slow to speak and slow to wrath because God's truth is so beautiful so endearing and bringing those blessings don't be robbed of them faith is a beautiful wonderful thing but fate without works is dead next verse please verse 25 and it reads likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works when she had received the messengers and had sent them out another way no naturally what is it talking about here if Rahab had been caught protecting the messengers they could have killed her she was her life would have been engraved grave danger but she chose to do it could work now when I come to this spot I have to also faith is a beautiful thing but knowing people she did wonderful works and she was called a harlot now let me ask you a question I realized that it's mentioned more than one place in the Bible Rahab the harlot but let me ask you a question have you ever read even one indication that God called her a harlot let me enter it for you the answer is no God never called her a harlot it was only men that called her a harlot do you know she made let's just take this kick this a step deeper it's good they were occasionally just to really savor the Word of God and to understand how he uses people why did he pick Hagar because she made the finest linen you could ever visualize that's why people came from so far to that she would have to quarter them put them up there were hotels in that day buying her where's her linen and and open your eyes also where did she hide the messengers she hid them up on her roof but what did she hide them in she had rose after rose after rose of flax well what is flax brother flax is what linen is made from in other words she was had a commercial business and it was beautiful no let's kick that a little deeper she had to withstand being called a harlot because she was a better business person though she was a female than many of the so-called linen salesmen but what she Liza's is the fine linen that good works weave together that you wear in the Eternity as it is written in Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 and 8 it was a forerunner of that even even in the lineage of Joseph in Matthew chapter 1 she's called by man not by God a harlot you know men can call people many names that doesn't make it true and I think that every quick every Christian should be sharp enough and on their toes enough that they scrutinize before you start calling somebody a harlot you need to scrutinize investigate and dig for yourself to prove whether God if we said somebody with something or not because a man will lead you down primrose lane and here this wonderful person Hagar performed this beautiful beautiful works and it caused even the red thread for the red-handed people and brought that lineage forth and you would allow her to be called a harlot without contesting it think about it all right you want to wear fine linen in heaven and she was the best my friend she made linen that people travel for miles to purchase and she had stacks and stacks of flax upon her roof whereby she could hide a small army because she had a commercial business it wasn't prostitution it was making fine minute which is symbolic of heavenly apparel so you know man can't you twist things I don't know do you go along with it or you sharp your child God or do you believe what the devil would like to put forth sometimes well that's up to you verse 26 for as the body without the Spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also be sharp be alert no one understand the love of God and how precious it is to have his blessings on you and your family and to be a servant to have those works in in in your very book of life in heaven it's all recorded and it pleases your father ever so much it's simply you have some people that are ratchet jaws all they do is talk talk talk talk but there's never any action action action and they're not going anywhere what you want is someone that has the faith and also has the works that produces fruit to the edification of the Living God chapter 3 verse 1 that started a little different subject here verse 1 reads my brethren be not many masters knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation what this means don't don't be a master teacher don't don't have a whole bunch of them unless they're really led of God for for a very simple reason judgment begins at the pulpit judgment begins with that teacher that teacher not only answers for his or her own sins but she enters or he enters for the sins of all his faults or her faults teachings that brings other people into that sin that misleading that got misguidance so if a master scholar is familiar with the Word of God and is very accountable it's a very serious thing and that's why he says that there they're just not God is not going to have a large number of them they're not going to be that many you're going to have a lot of false ones that's what he's saying - but God help them because boy are they in for it verse 2 because judgments start begins at with the teacher verse 2 for in many things we offend all If any man have been not in word that's to say with his tongue the same is a perfect man in able also to bridle the whole body if you can bridle your tongue you can bridle the whole body well what is it being bridle the tongue teach God's Word and God's Word only always give God the credit for it that's where it comes from that's where the good works that are done from it originate that's that's where it sets and so it is always always a master teacher is not going to take credit for it the word himself it's good to give God the credit why because that's the truth he would not be he or she would not be a master teacher if they were not a well aware of that verse 3 in other words it's real it's real hard for some people to bridle their mouth that's what it's talking about to control it it just likes to get yappin maybe you don't know what yapping is you ever been around any of it maybe not verse 3 behold we put bits in the horse's mouth that they may obey us and we turn about their whole body you can take a little hundred pound person or less put that bit in there and they can just lean nudge and that whole hoard you can turn going to obey but sometimes a man's mouth won't do that you just I mean you put a his tongue just won't have that bit just won't be controlled got to do a little ratchet Joe and in between ok verse 4 next verse please behold also the ships which though they be so great huge and are driven of furious winds yet are they turned about with a very small hill whithersoever the governor listed just a little bit of ahem whether it's a tiller or a helm when here it's a helm very small but it turns that big rudder and away she turns ok but a man's mouth you can't do that you can turn a whole ship but false teaching from the tongue of a man can cause shipwreck among the whole congregation and then something because it spreads like wildfire false teachings do that's why you want to always know what you're talking about do your homework pray about it let God lead you you see if you're teaching God's Word that's why you don't take the credit you give it to him because he's the one that will always ensure that what you're teaching is correct accurate and to the point verse 5 even so the tongue is a little member it's not a very big object thing and boast of great thing who I mean sometimes would be behold how great it matter a little fire Kindle you go out in the fire forest and their leaves are dry and you just start a match and it's just a little bitty flame the wind blows it and pretty soon you've got a forest fire I mean it and you can't control that it is burning homes houses mountains way it goes in the beginning it was just such a little thing like a native tongue and start just a little false teaching and the way it goes verse 6 to continue and the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it developed the whole body and set it on fire the course of nature and it is set on fire of hell in other words gossip false teaching is a terrible terrible thing and the sad part is it'll end a lot of people up in hell if you're not careful and who's responsible the one that taught falsely well I've thought do you want to let God do your thinking for you it's called the Word of God and let him lead you and pray much you see you can begin to see when he says brethren be not many master teachers because one that will allow well you know well this person was really a great guy he headed all together and then he got popular and everybody was making over him and pretty soon he thought he was somebody and it would seem then that he began to be a little God on his own unfortunately that's what can happen if you're not careful you know how you prevent that I don't care how popular you get if you stop taking credit for God's work okay that puts you in your place in a hurry don't take credit for God's work give that credit to the Living God and you keep working and you'll do just fine nature itself has a bad way of it is just the nature of man if you're not careful but you want to be something special when we have something special all right it's our Father our Father in heaven he knows everything basically he blesses and he needs he conquers and always give him the credit for that he loves it when you do that and he loves you and he will bless you you don't have to worry about anything he knows those that love him 7 for every kind of beast and a virgin of serpents and things in the sea is tamed and had been tamed of mankind mankind contained Lions they contained bears that you know man is just intelligent he can tame about everything and find a way to get it done but he has trouble taming this and that amazing he has ingenuity whereby he could overcome most things in nature most animals even serpents snakes and knows how to handle them and and does really quite well because they it's real easy if you study nature to pick up on nature it's real easy to be a teacher of God's Word if you let God do the teaching that is to say to teach God's Word and when God interprets something don't think you have to interpret it if they needs no interpreting because God has already interpreted it for us so young man can men can do great things with nature great things verse ain't but the tongue can no man cane it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison if you let don't let it 9 there with bless we God even the father and there with curse we men which are made after the Simla to Dove God there's children how can you do that now this has nothing to do with righteous indignation righteous indignation has its right place we're talking about here somebody being sweet on this way and sour on that you don't get the same you water out of a well is the same you don't get sweet and sour water out of the same well it doesn't happen or do you out of the mouth it just doesn't happen that way our Father controls the mind if you will allow it well how does that work by loading your mind with the Word of God and when you set out as a teacher rarely will you ever find a master teacher it would be wonderful if we had lots of them but we all try but there are a few I like to think that Christ is the master teacher and we all strive to make that mark but to let God do the talking we are quick to hear slow to speak and always let the sweet Word of God even with correction come forth and you will be blessed of God and loved a man most some you cite you will there were some that will dislike you that's fine they expect it that's the world Satan still in it but follow God's Word be if you feel to be led a teacher and I surely do not intend to allow this to be dissuade someone from teaching do your best do your homework pray about it and let God bring his blessings alright don't miss the next lecture you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at Arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan and back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves you got a question share it please never ask a question about a particular reverend or denomination we do not judge people we have one judge that's all we need you have the right for a spiritual discernment that is to say who you should listen to who you should fellowship with and that is your own prerogative and intuitively you know that it's a gift from God those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address now you got a prayer request you don't need the numbers don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking he's your father he created your very soul and he placed your soul in the embryo of your mother's womb and in so doing he gave you freedom of choice where you you have right to serve him or Satan borned innocent of woman and he loves you very much may not love what you do always but he does love you what does he want from you he wants that love return father around the globe we come we asked a genie going to Rick father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and question time let's get right into father's word Debbie from Virginia my name is Debbie and I am seven years old my question is does God sleep and can he watch over us one night and Jesus watch over us another night and God can get some sleep well you know I God loves you for thinking about him darlin that that is really outstanding that you would do that and I want you to make a note of Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 and you'll know why God can rest easy I'm gonna say it again Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 and what it will say there is God's elect and you sure are one you know God's set aside ones those that love him that their angel has the face of God at any time they need him they get his attention so he can get plenty of rest and he has a good staff that takes care of business Matthew 18 10 Pastor Bernie from Venise vernie's from Florida I pray that my question is read over the air your prayers answered my question is concerning Lazarus in Luke 16 20 and in John 11 43 please explain if these are the same Lazarus and if they are or if they are different no one can answer this question for me but I know you can make I'd continue to bless you and your ministry well he sure does and we appreciate it in in the Lazarus that you mentioned in John 11 43 and he was a rich man he was the youngest of two sisters and he had two sisters Martha and Mary and and and they were quite wealthy Christ would spend some time even at their place now the Lazarus you find in Luke chapter 16 he was a poor he was a beggar and very poor so they are two separate men but I think it always is important especially that in the parable Christ would teach in Luke chapter 16 concerning that particular Lazarus that that is the Greek equivalent of the word Eleazar the name eleazar eleazar is the son of levi who took over after two of his brothers played with strange fire and God killed him or had them killed Eleazar then was resurrected or you might say the Ministry of the Living God the Levitical priesthood was brought back to life in that event for those that like a deeper look at father's word Genet from Georgia I have I heard you say when when Christ went to Paradise to preach to those who had died before he was crucified but he freed many of them if many were freed and crossed over to be on the good side of the gulf does this mean that some were left on the wrong side if so will these who were left to be taught again during the Millennium it seems to me that if they refuse to believe Christ himself when he preached to them why would they have a chance a change of mine when one of the elect teaches them but you're you're very observant and that is observant but there's something we have to be very careful of is judging people whether they go to heaven or hell okay that can be you can kind of we have to kind of leave that in God's Department but it is true once they have seen Christ face-to-face and he gave preached to them and gave them that opportunity and they were in spiritual bodies where they had no hangups where they could hear then I I will agree with you I'm just simply going to say I feel they're accountable okay this would be I am from Illinois Sydney I watched shepherd's chapel with my grandpa I'm eight eight and a half years old well congratulations you got it half made to nine okay as I was one and I was wondering who made God another thing my grandpa al was an Korean Marine he told me you were too but you went to Korea and fought in the war but he stayed in Japan he has cool medals and a and and a suit a winner one two anyway who made God simplify well simplify right back to you my grandpa's medals well I see he's wearing the Korean medal and I see he's was he fired expert on the rifle range and he has the Korean Service Medal well you got it you got quite a grandpa there you hang with him God named himself he says I am that I am that that's I am what I want to be I am where I want to be I'm what I want to be and that's that's his name I am that I am and that's exactly what it means and that's all he's going to let us know right now and so it is he is all in all and he's precious thank you for you know it does my heart good when I see that a ministry that reaches the little ones when you know many so-called super preachers say if you teach God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse you're not going to gain an audience because people will not understand well children don't have any problem understanding they find the simplicity in which Christ taught a beautiful thing and and it does my heart proud to hear from from the some of the main people we have with us that's the children god bless them and he does Peter from North Carolina I'm not understanding how the second influx of fallen angels occurred what you'd have to ask Satan about that Satan never gives up he just keeps trying keeps trying he wanted to interfere with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ he did not want that event to transpire because he knew it would be the end of him basically he still has that old pride within himself I'm good enough the whole world follows me so I could do away with God if he goes by how many people follow him and even as it's written in Revelation the whole world wanders after the false Christ that's the kind of world we live in but it's a good old world and bothers the creator of all and he's the winner of all and he's got servants you're one of them and I'm so happy to have you in this congregation Harvey from Georgia please explain to me who are the ones who will not get a second chance who are they what have they done or not done Harvey you're asking me to judge okay and that's I'm very uncomfortable there is there really I don't like the term second chance because really no one has a second chance and you might say well what do you mean by that well if you're attending somewhere where they're telling you Jesus is returning soon and he's going to gather you and you're going to be with him forever they're not telling you that the false Christ comes first and the false Christ is going to deceive you if you're not careful if you haven't studied God's Word and and certainly when people are Mis taught as God would say in Romans chapter 11 there are some I put the spirit of stupor it's translated slumber but the word in the greek is stupor you can look at them and see it they don't know come here from Sikkim and don't really care but as long as they don't learn the truth then they have an opportunity but you see what my point is what God cares about with false teachings they don't have a prayer of a chance they are being taught by we're the organization they have faith in to be led directly to the false Christ first one taken want to go well that's taken by inter Christ I have a good trip they didn't have a prayer of a chance to start with so there's no such thing as a second chance that being my point we leave those things in God's hands question Bruce from Massachusetts dude the Kenites in filter eight all 12 tribes are just the tribe of juda all all over the world and so it is they they or they camouflage themselves or try to pass themselves off as people but at the same time I want you to know that as a teacher there have been children of Cain that I have observed with correct teaching that accept the Lord Jesus Christ and become children of God not Satan when Christ said whomsoever will that's exactly what he meant don't don't always keep your mind open to that and and know and understand that salvation is open to all people even the kid night that will believe on this truth Savior not the fake Judah from South Dakota do Azra and Nehemiah tell how the church became corrupt before Christ was born in a sense they do example in the book of Ezra when it is introducing the people that left captivity and came out when you understand the names then about half of the people were Nathan him they weren't even Israelites Nathan Nathan means to serve they were given to service that's liturgical duties they were grafted in to do the work for the priest and most of them most of them were Nathan in and unfortunately when you allow Nathan him to set the Bible studies the translations the work for the church guess where it's going you know in I'm going by my memory now I think it's chapter 8 verse 15 Ezra stopped on his way back to Jerusalem he said hey check and see we've got a whole bunch of people here check and see how many Levitical priests we've got with us we're going back to Jerusalem to refound it I want to know how many actual priests we have with us guess how many zippo not a not one Levitical priest true priest did they have with them and poor old Ezreal bless his heart do you know who he sent back to get one or some a few Levitical priests he sent back an effin em given to service yeah well how did they come to be well the priest first they go out they got to cut the wood saw it I mean Hackett bring it in and start a fire for alter has such hard work look I'll have a slave here you go here put this robe on and go let's do this liturgical duty that's how they got started doing liturgical duty because of lazy priests they took over you know and that kind of made the church go to bed and you know something they were running of the ironical what is a running is that ezra and nehemiah zku mission was to put the scriptures back in perfect order that's when chapters and verses came into being and thank God for it and thank God for the Messiah and I'll say no more Dallas from California what is the seal of God it's the truth the Word of God what is in your forehead your brain what does your brain what is it used for to absorb truth and when you study God's Word which is the truth and the seal it goes into your mind you're familiar with God's plan whereby you are useful to him because you become a capable servant of the Living God he knows he can count on you to perform the duties that he has planned he knows when you were delivered up before the false Christ that the Holy Spirit is going to be able to speak through you to use you because you're well-trained and and and so it is that's receiving the seal of God in their forehead this is why it's written in Revelation chapter 9 verse 4 God speaking to Satan you can go down but don't you dare touch those that have the seal of God in their forehead you know why couldn't they're too smart for him they know who he is do you think that a true Christian one of God's elect who know who Satan is is going to allow him to deceive them of course they're not Satan couldn't touch them if they wanted to that's the way not to fly away but that's the way you escape the hour of temp tation because you do not find satan tempting you find him rather to be an abomination and so he is okay that's the seal of God in the forehead your brain you said Joe from Georgia in first Corinthians 1:1 it referred to so the nice nice Oh Stannis would you please tell me how to pronounce so the nice well that's it's that's exactly the way you pronounce it so they miss so Stannis but do you know what you're saying that's what's important savior of his nation does that have referenced that very name concerning the Christ Lord Jesus that he also is the savior of the world and Yuri has this one of course this was an actual person but what a name to have and that's what it means Harry from Louisiana where can I find in the Bible who who all is in heaven well people that are righteous and if you were to go to Luke chapter 16 you find that everyone that has died is also in paradise well what in the world or the wicked people doing in paradise they're going to be judged who do you think does the judging well God does well wherever God is that's what oh that's heaven they got to go to heaven to be judged so they can go to hell okay that makes sense that says it pretty straight and that's the way it is they are all in paradise but there are two divisions of paradise the good side and the bad side Luke 16 read it Ellen from North Carolina pastor Marie I have never understood the scripture that said the dead in Christ will rise first if we are already with Christ why do we want our physical bodies to right they don't they do not they go back to dirt what do you not understand why do you want to hang on to your old physical body you're through with it done with it it's dirt when you have a your real body the body you had before you even came here it doesn't age it doesn't get sick it doesn't get old time means nothing to it and you're in it at that time so naturally the reason it says the dead in Christ rise first or those that sleep in Christ rise first but why because they're already out of here they're gone long gone and there is no way that those that are out here in the ground are ever coming out there Quine they're already gone and as it is written in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 these flesh bodies go back dirt if you want to get a better picture of it you see Ecclesiastes is written to the man that walks under the Sun that means flesh man mmm a flesh man finds happiness in a flesh body by understanding the entire book of Ecclesiastes because that's the purpose of it it's telling you how to be happy in a flesh body okay and if I would advise him if you need help I make that very clear when I teach that book of Ecclesiastes okay and it makes a lot better person for you because it gives you an understanding of life death and after death and from California pastor Murray do you have CDs that I could follow from the very beginning yes we have the entire Bible taught on CDs basically we request a tape list and you will have them all there bill from Nevada pastor Murray in what language did Christ speak who was he you know if if you are the teacher of teachers and if you know all languages if you're speaking to a Greek congregation what language do you use but Greek of course if you're speaking to an Aramaic audience what language do you speak in Aramaic if you were hanging on the cross and you wanted to use a little Hebrew what would you say yeah how much about the name which he did he used both Aramaic and Hebrew Sakura he was talking to okay and so it is written and slow it proves we're out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word most of all God loves you for it it's a letter he sent to you and when you study it and open it into your mind it makes his day and when you I'm talking to you make his day boy is he going to make yours he loves you we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me and listen good now you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 4,012
Rating: 4.9370079 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Book of James, Arnold Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, Holy Bible, Book of, KJV, Pastor, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Bible, James, Pastor Murray
Id: w1XvNKr-_Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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