Shepherd’s Chapel –Eze 28 1 28 26And they shall know that I am the LORD their God

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system is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible [Music] and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word look of Ezekiel chapter 28 this is a chapter that speaks about Satan himself giving you prophetically what's going to happen to him and it breaks him down into two different sections in the first few verses of the chapter he will be the Prince of Tyre now tyre Tyrus in the Hebrew tongue means rock and his their rock is not our rock okay I mean that's the why they would call him at that was where the kid Knights really traded at and had much travel in this role of Prince it's after his fall it's when he comes here as Prince Sol mentioned in Daniel chapter 9 verses 25 through about 27 the prince that would come against the Messiah this is that Prince he thought he was really something and sure enough he was this is the chapter that identified Satan as the son of perdition so that you don't get confused the second part of the chapter is before his fall when he was king of Tyrus and he earned it but then he fell and that's what this chapter is about without further ado chapter 28 verse 1 great book of ezekiel and verse 1 reads the word of the lord came again into me saying verse 2 son of men say unto the prince and i want you to underline the word prince saying to the Prince of Tyrus thus saith the Lord God because thine heart is lifted up you are so proud and thou has said I am God I've sit in the seat of God in the midst of the Seas yet thou art a man not God though thou set thine heart as the heart of God now where this comes to pass after the fall you'll read it in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 through about 4 where Paul is saying don't ever let anyone deceive you about Christ gathering back to us it's not going to happen until after the son of perdition stands in the Holy Place showing the world that He is God so this only fits one character and it's Satan himself as he plays the role of Antichrist one of many roles the serpent Antichrist little horn and on and on it goes false prophet got a bunch of him he's a play actor but it's all the same person verse 3 behold thou art wiser than Daniel there is no secret that they can hide from thee that's how sharp he is he won't look look how he tempted Christ in the wilderness he in in Matthew chapter 4 what did he use to tempt Christ with Scripture I mean he could quote scripture better than most Christians it's just one problem with it he always twisted it about 45 degrees at the end would have become a lie it sounds something a lot of Christians wouldn't know it they would not be aware of it he's sharp verse this is why you don't ever argue with Satan telling me get behind you verse 4 with light wisdom and with thine understanding thou has gotten the riches and has gotten gold and silver into thy treasure z' and of course that's that's what Tyrus was was a trading point of the world in the history that was set forth there Tyrus today that King of Tyrus and the old island of Tyrus which it was a rock today and his switch to the for hidden dynasties that is the same education the economy political and last but not certain at least religion it's they switch into all of those to control if you let them and to great gain great riches from the people burst by by my great wisdom and by thy traffic that your Commerce has thou increased thy riches and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches you are so proud of yourself you see that was Satan's sin and that's mine fell in the first Earth age even but because he began to love himself more than God and the people and deceiving people wanting people to follow him and and as it is written in Revelation chapter 12 verse 4 a third of God's children did they followed him verse 6 therefore thus saith the Lord God because thou has set thine heart as the heart of God though you want to play God himself he certainly wasn't this is where the great controversy comes in beloved and you want to be aware of it and you want to not be deceived by this one you know the false Christ is going to come before the true Christ this is the role he plays as false Christ where he sits in the holy place saying I'm Jesus I'm Emmanuel I'm God with you I am the morning star that's what Lucifer means in the Hebrew tongue the bright morning star the deceiver of all deceivers I don't know God forewarned us in this letter he has sent to us have you read it there's no need in anyone being deceived a child can count to 7 and if you understand the 7 Trump seven seals and seven vials you know that the false Christ comes on the sixth Trump and the true Christ does not I repeat does not come back to his people until the seventh trunk verse seven to continue behold you look here therefore I will bring strangers upon thee the terrible of the nations and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom and they shall defile thy brightness you know do you know what that sword is it isn't the metal sword it's that sword spoken of in Revelation chapter 1 verses 15 16 and 17 it's the tongue of the Lord Jesus Christ it's the Word of God and it's two edged it cuts both ways and you know who these are the God's elect when they're delivered up and God Himself speaks through them and as it is written in mark chapter 13 that you're not to premeditate what you'll say beforehand but allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you then that's what wounds him that's the way God nails him as the fake as an imposter and he's going down verse 8 they shall bring me down to the pit but steel Biss and thou shalt die the death of them that are slaying in the midst of the Seas this this has two parts his role here of Antichrist at the close of the 19th chapter of the great book of Revelation the false prophet and the one world system are cast then before the Millenium are cast into the lake of fire which means what it means that Satan will never have the opportunity of the power again to play instead of Jesus he comes at the end of the millennium for a short season as a warrior against God and guess who loses he does but then at the end in the 20th chapter of the great book of Revelation when he has finished that short season he joins all the roles he has played and he himself is finished as you're going to find in this same chapter it's made very clear where child can understand it but we continue then with this this prince not the king but the prince that's his role after his fall walking among men right here on earth next verse please verse 9 wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee I am God but thou shalt be a man and know God and the hand of him that slit thee in the hand of him that slay at thee and so it is do you know whose hand that truly is have you ever read Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 where Christ himself would say I came to this earth through Paul of course I came to this earth to die on the cross for the sins of the world but basically to destroy Satan to destroy death which is to say the devil that's why and that's why he's going to be destroyed and it is Christ that shall do it ultimately verse 10 thou shalt die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers for I have spoken it saith the Lord God and so it is that his reign here on earth will come to an end when what when he goes into the abyss well where can I read that in the New Testament Revelation chapter 20 verses 1 & 2 he is cast into the abyss the pit and a band is placed upon him which means his spirit can no longer traverse the earth he is totally locked during that thousand year period that's why it will be a great time of teaching because there will be no negative influence other than the negativity that is in man himself and it would seem there's quite a bit of that but that day is coming and Satan unfortunately has written his own obituary and you're reading it right now let's go with the next verse verse 11 moreover the word of the Lord came to me saying 12 son of man take up a lamentation upon the King not the prince anymore we're going now back to the first Earth age okay the king of Tyrus and saying to him thus saith the Lord God thou c-list up the Sun full of wisdom and perfect in beauty excuse me what this is saying is God is telling Satan I made you the full pattern well why would God do that he learned it you know he God never gives anything away for free he will end up being the cherub not a man but a cherubim that protects the mercy seat as it is described in the great book of Exodus there were two cherubims that stood on each end of the mercy seat protecting it the mercy seat has a Masonic sonnet connotation which means it's the seat of Christ and this cherubim after protecting it for a while wanting to sit on it himself but this is Satan's fall in the first Earth Age why God had to destroy that Earth Age and bring this one into being that's why this earth is millions of years old and but this Earth age is only assert approximately twelve to fourteen thousand years proved scientifically but and six thousand years since the beginning basically we're coming up on the seventh seventh is always completeness but here he is made perfect in beauty because he earned it listen carefully thirteen his description thou has been in eating the garden of God he was there with Adam and Eve every precious stone was thy covering the Sardis that's a Ruby topaz the diamond burl the Onyx and the Jasper the Sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and grow the workmanship of thy tablets and about pipes make good music was prepared in the in the day that they'll were was created he was not born don't you read over that he was created lying because he's a cherubim and and a cherubim being Satan himself in the Garden of Eden 14 thou art the anointed cherub that covereth that means that covers the mercy seat and I have set these so God put him there well why would God do that he earned it he was good up to that point he earned it thou was the bung the holy mountain of God right there at the altar thou has walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire I mean he had earned that place what a high place I mean you know the only other place higher than that would be Messiah or God himself and that's where he tried to move to but then you know had he I will always believe that the other cherubims is the Archangel Michael be that as it may you might say well why would you do that well you can't prove it but the Archangel that controls Satan the king of Tyrus the Prince of Tyrus is Michael and his angels which in the near future will cast Satan and his angels out onto this earth in person as the false messiah where's that written Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 it's coming to pass it's going to come to pass but here he was pointed to this high place right to the altar of God walking even upon the fires of that altar I mean he you know if he had to be pretty good or he could not have been there but then being a cherubim in the Garden of Eden and in other places it doesn't you don't have to be there the knife in the drawer to put all this together it's really very simple it flows quite well and the if you have a little trouble with it go back to Exodus and read the description in Exodus 25 20 and other places of the Ark of the Covenant and the mercy seat I mean he had earned it and there he was right in the center of it verse 15 bail was perfect in thy ways from the day that that was created till or until iniquity was found in they stopped loving God began loving himself thinking more of himself than he did our Heavenly Father that won't fly a friend anytime you put yourself in God's place you're doomed because he signed his own sentence when he would accomplish this again it is it is a Roenick that he was good enough that he earned this spot this place hey I'm even talk about somebody having it made and on the equal level with I feel Michael the Archangel and then threw it all away why proud of himself pride is a downfall of Satan it brought the death sentence upon him and it is an evil that can really take you down you the the humble the meek before God in here at the earth that's translated properly the humble of the earth shall inherit it the humble before God that is to say not this pompous one who was so proud of himself because of his beauty that people begin to worship him a third of God's children worship Him and that helped him get on an ego trip deluxe you want to be careful my friend the main thing he stopped loving God 4:16 by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and thou have sinned therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God and I will destroy thee O covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire given your gone you know when God makes something that definite thats judgment for him and what your what your reading here is the only entity by name that you see God already sentencing to hell otherwise there are 7,000 of his little angels but they're not named they're going down with him as it is written in the great book of Jude in the first six verses their sin was they left their place of habitation I mean they came to this earth has fallen angels and seduced the daughters of Adam and Giants malefactors were born to them and they were diba in the Hebrew tongue Giants and and and naturally God had to bring about the flood of Noah to destroy that hill so they also have been sentenced to death but this is the only one by name and here is his death sentence verse 17 then heart was lifted up that's pride because of my beauty now has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of they brightness that your splendid Nessa I will cast thee to the ground that means the earth as the false messiah I will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee and it's going to take place it certainly is you know it is so easy to understand that overthrow where he cast down in Genesis chapter 1 verses between 1 and 2 so many people misunderstand what it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth period when was that but when he created it well when did he do that well read verse 2 in the earth then became was not created that way but became boiling without form why because Satan was throwing down and then God brought and re cleansed and and brought the world in you know where you can read of it in a better place in more detail it is during my chapter 4 verse 23 where he said hey don't push me don't try to leave me hanging out I've destroyed the whole bunch of you once before and I will do it again and and so he did every sin not Noah's Flood this is the cuttable the overthrow of Satan and the first Earth Age well why would God do that well he'd already destroyed Satan sentence him a third of his children were deceived by this one God loves his children now he could have just i mean killed the whole bunch but it's a heavy thing to kill your children when they're ignorant of what they have done so instead of destroying the children also he's sentenced Satan to death and destroyed that earth age and brought this earth age into being were each each person had to be born of woman innocent to make his or her mind up whether you love God or this character which is it it's up to you God has written this letter giving you all types of warnings do you follow warnings verse 18 thou has defiled by sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities your sins by the iniquity or sin of thy traffic up therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst the it shall devour thee and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee I'm gonna do it where everyone can see it and and so it is and you know many people might say well but you mean he's already sentenced to death you got it that means P need turn to ashes from within well I thought he was going to be cast in the fire God brought them out ashes is for ever and ever it's the Eternity once you turn something to ashes it's gone now our Father is real good to us if you'll read the letter and take care in Psalms 37 there is an acrostic in the Hebrew manuscripts there are three particular verses in that 37 song that say what's going to happen the question is asked what happened why is it that all those that do wrong it would seem get ahead the crooks and then God said don't worry in the second part he said it's like a lamb on a spit the fat that drops into the fire goes up into smoke forever and ever stops existing the third part of the acrostic in closing is that you are going to be there to see it just like it is written here in the sight of men on the earth shall he be destroyed they need forever and all those that wish to join him hey have a good trip at your choice everybody sells their own boat and and as they so choose but there he is turned to ashes from within I want to give you another scripture and a lot of people don't quite understand yet but take Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 listen to the words of Christ do not fear those that can kill your flesh body but rather fear heeey that's our father who can kill the flesh and also cause your soul to perish that means PE gone up in smoke done away with and and you'll have some people that'll say well I've just anxious to get to heaven look over in that pit and watch those sinners try you would call that heaven what kind of heaven do you think God has provided for us where there's no tears and nothing even that offends there blotted out and do you know something I'll go one step further they're also brought it out of your mind where you can't weep for them because you forget they even existed why because they don't exist any longer but it was their choice Satan shall be turned to ashes from within verse 19 to continue all day that novi among the people shall be astonished at thee thou shalt be a Tara and never shalt there be anymore that means forever and ever and ever that's that's a Hebei ism that means fini overdone and and so it is now the Lord continues in this chapter them but there you have the final if you ever want to know what happens to Satan you got it there if you were to go to the great book of Deuteronomy we're not going to but you're all familiar with the song of Moses as it is written in Revelation chapter 15 if you have overcome Satan then you're singing the song of Moses on your way to heaven that's New Testament revelation 15 well what's the song of Moses Deuteronomy 32 what does it say in Deuteronomy 32 verse 31 their rock is not our rock that's Tyrus so you want to be built real careful my friends when you pick your way through this life born to innocent of woman who you take up with who you listen to and who you follow it had better be the Lord Jesus Christ it had better be our Heavenly Father the Emmanuel God with us because Satan is going down and all those that choose him are going down with him God is always fair and he judges fair okay then let's continue along with his little neighbor here chapter same chapter verse 20 let's go with it again the word of the Lord came in to me saying son of man set thy face against Sidon and prophesy against it 22 and say thus saith the Lord God behold I am against the O's I'd not forward against it and I will be glorified in the midst of thee and they shall know that I am the Lord isn't that wonderful that's what he wants his children to know but he is God not Satan not someone else when I shall be executing when I shall have executed judgments in her and shall be sanctified in her when they find out the truth and know that these things came to pass exactly as I said they would verse 23 for I will sing unto her pestilence and blood into her streets and a wounded shall be judged in the midst of her by the sword the truth upon her on every side and they shall know that i am the lord Zidan is on the coast about two city blocks from Tyrus help support them and feed them 24 and there shall be no more a prickling briar unto the house of israel nor any grieving thorn of all that are around about them that despised them and they shall know that i am the lord isn't it amazing that you heared satan's downfall in the recovery of israel all and god's children all in the same chapter doing in than even the neighbor of Tyrus 25 thus saith the Lord God when I shall have gathered the house of Israel this is reclaiming from the people they are scattered and shall be sanctified in them in the sight of all the heathen then shall they dwell in their land that I have given to my servant Jacob this when Jacob is used as the natural seed meaning the house of Israel in the house of Judah are back together that's the reclamation the reclaiming by Almighty God of his children that have obeyed him that have stood against this fake this false one false Christ would not be led astray again you see it happened in the first Earth age that a third of them followed this is what you will read in Revelation chapter 12 the third of God's children followed the tail of the serpent which is to say Satan they listen to him persuaded by him people are pretty easy persuaded if they're ignorant of God's Word that's why it's always well to be putting inner with God's Word whereby you're not easily deceived our father is so good to his children again he shows you the destruction of Satan and the reclamation of Jacob that's that's both Israel and the tribe house of Israel in the house of Judah back in the graces of God 26 those who will those who believe 26 and they shall dwell safely does that happen yet of course not safely therein and shall build houses and planted vineyards a they shall dwell with confidence when I have executed judgments upon all those that despised them round about them and they shall know that I am the Lord their God how precious it is that God does this so even the ethnos can know he is God not Satan but God is God Yahweh as our Heavenly Father and that he reclaims the children he takes them in there is so very much information in this chapter you have Satan as the Prince who goes against Messiah literally here on earth as it is written Daniel chapter 9 verses 20 through 27 and in Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 it is even spoken of by Christ in the great book of Mark in the thirteenth chapter where you are delivered up as a page it says when you see the abomination spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing where it ought not properly translated when you see the desolate poor that's Antichrist standing in Jerusalem then you've flee to the mountains and know that he Christ is very close because the seventh Trump is about to sound our Father loves his children and he wants you to love him that that's all he asked really is that you follow him naturally but if you love him you're going to do what it is he would have you do because that's when you receive his blessings don't miss the next lecture all right bless your heart you listen a moment once you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting light in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four sixth or five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again this had the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Puerto Rico from the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada spirit moods you got a question hey share it won't you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we don't judge people we have one judge that's our Father he does not need our help in that but you do have the right to discern good from bad evil and that that is good that you should follow God gives that as a gift whereby you know if you're blessed and and and he what he wants from you is your love now you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again it's always a pleasure no prayer requests you don't need that number don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking right now he does you don't even have to say it out loud no one can prevent you from praying ever because you don't have to say it out loud you don't have to melt it when he can read your mind he's a Cardian or he knows your heart so don't ever let some imbecile try to prevent you from praying any and every time you want to that's our Christian right and it's the right by our Creator Almighty God Yahweh so always remember that father around the globe we come we ask that you he going to it father touch in Yeshua's precious name thinking father amen okay question time Armond from North Carolina in John 3:16 it states begotten son what does the word begotten imply from my understanding it means came from if Christ never had a beginning does this mean Christ is a is a created being also I think you missed the main point the only begotten is it was the only Son that he begat that he the the word in the Greek is general genis meaning just one genealogy directly from God it's not created he was born of woman in the bag of water but the important thing is he was born again only the word again is not in the manuscripts it says you must be born from above not as the Fallen Angels fell to earth and condemned themselves but to be born of woman in the bag of waters that's God's plan born innocent whereby you make your own lined up totally and completely whether you're going to follow God or Satan no well why did why did Christ come in the flesh then he men you will God with us Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 prophesied years and years ago that it would happen exactly that way kind of wine because God is in a different dimension than we are but he sent Christ the Living Word as it is written in the first chapter of Saint John two chapters before you're quoting here that the word was born a woman and became flesh and walked among us so that we could learn it so we had a teacher so that we could follow him seeing that example Carol from Minnesota in acts 1:26 regarding casting casting Lots was this a one-time thing of this event called down through the years of the Old Testament they were cat the cat lots were cast many times even when Israel parked at night and or our state in an area for a while they cast lots that's where our term today City lot comes from it's your allotment of in the family and naturally in this particular case they were casting Lots to see you might say drawing straws that's there with Lots but pebbles but whether they would have had take Malthus or or what-have-you to be the replacement for Judas John from Florida and 94 years old I read my Bible daily and I'm always trying to learn more about it I've been watching on television and I would like to have biblical reference to the following items which you've mentioned I know God rested the seventh day you mentioned the eighth and ninth days where can I find references through these days well you can find it in at the close of chapter one the great book of Genesis that God created the races ethnos on the sixth day and he looked and it was good and then he rested the seventh day and on the eighth day he did not have a husbandman which means a farmer was the ingenuity to get by this would be the seed through which Christ would come from and in the Hebrew manuscripts it's very clear he created if hard on different person through which Christ would come and then he took from the DNA from him the helix curve not a rib occurred DNA helix and formed Eve who is the mother of all living why not because she actually birth all races that's impossible but umbilical cord to umbilical cord she birthed Christ and if you're not in him you're not living you're going to end up in the pit and so it is in Genesis 4 it clearly states that adamant he had a son and evening him Cain yet everything you said that Adam is not Cain's father I'm confused what to stop to think a moment it doesn't say it says already back in verse 15 Eve has conceived and where God made in verse 15 of chapter 3 says I put enmity between thy seed that's the serpent seed and the woman see he's going to bruise you're going to breeze bruise his heel he was nailed to the cross but the woman said Christ is going to bruise your head you're going down okay but in in the chapter 4 verse 1 it says then Adam knew his wife and she conceived but Adam Adam was the father of Abel Cain and Abel were twins but not by the same father's well do would you please document that I sure will word you will never find Cain in Adams genealogy why because he was not Adams son verse 2 of chapter 4 says that he continued the word again is continued when a woman continues in labor what does it mean she's having twins yesterday you know they both came to the age of accountability at the exact same time why they're twins but in chapter 4 you will have Cain's genealogy and Christ will even add to that in st. John chapter 8 verse 44 when he says you are the your father was the first murderer in the beginning that's Cain and he was of the devil progeny okay so but then you'll hear Adams genealogy pick up in in chapter 5 and Cain is not in it why well why wouldn't he be in it because it's not his son God doesn't mess up me and does God wouldn't forget Kane Teresa from Ohio what happens to the man's arse in the Millennium the man's ours as a cross and and they're fine if they love the Lord they're gonna be just super good they will not take part in the upper Kingdom but that doesn't mean they can't go to heaven as some preachers would have you know think the God loves all of his children whom so ever will JC from Missouri could you please explain Revelation chapter 7 144,000 sealed does this refer the ones that remain faithful to Christ absolutely not they're supposed to be sealed in the forehead that is to say with the truth of God whereby they can witness against the false Christ then if you read on in that same chapter 7 when you get through sealing teaching those then it'll say there's already so many in heaven that have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb that means Christ has already been crucified and all those that have gone on and washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb you can't even count them so 144,000 wouldn't even be a pittance compared to that number keep reading on down you'll see it for yourself Paula from Texas brother Murray is it wrong to have a plain cross in my house on the wall as a reminder of Jesus's love I also see it in various Christian churches - please explain with the verse well it's a matter of fact you naturally what you're thinking of is it an will it become an idol and the answer is no because you don't worship it you worship he who was crucified on it nothing is an idol until you worship it and put it actually before God and begin to pray to it and many people wear a cross around their neck or they have a cross on their hat they that that's is simply to say I'm a Christian and I believe in the price that was paid on that cross that gives me journal life and certainly there is no sin in having a cross on the wall I myself and it's a person it's a personal taste of mine I do not like to see a cross that still has Christ hanging on it because he has risen and that bothers me a little bit but be that as it may Regina from New York my question is I don't find many people to because of different religions to witness my question is will I be naked in paradise when I get there because I haven't reached more people as Jesus teaches I do my best under the circumstances in which I live I don't know where to go to be accepted to sow seeds well the false messiahs coming and God's elect are going to stand against them you're going to be just fine you're doing exactly what you should do and when someone needs that truth that you're going to share God will make it available and you are just fine don't you don't let one minute cause you to worry about that but you're blessed you're studying God's Word you let him know you love him that's what he wants from you more than anything else let him know you love him I know you do Carol from Tennessee a question what do you mean by saying bless God and he will bless you how do we actually bless him what do you know you love him Hosea 6:6 I don't want your burnt offerings I want you to love that's grace you know emergency to love him when you do his bidding it pleases him he's a father and you as a child it places him one more quick question what is the silver cord you speak so often up it is a tourism let me say a figure of speech as it is written in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 that speaks of death it is the silver cord that holds the spiritual body to this flesh body when it parts you are clinically I'm gonna read quite a phrase biologically dead okay and and when you are biologically dead the silver cord parts and instantly the spiritual body goes back to the father that gave it and this flesh body goes back to the dirt from which it came and you're through with it you don't ever use it again you've already resurrected you've already risen the debt we cannot prevent the dead in Christ from rising first why they're already gone they're out of here God is the god of the living not the dead they're all with him and in paradise on one of the other sides of that goal waiting judgment Dorothy from Illinois I want to know if the Father in heaven forgives you for ignorant thinking oh Lord I hope so I hope he does because all of us at one time in the other might get to thinking about something that might be considered a little bit ignorant God God loves us and he God doesn't wake up every morning and say wonder who I can zap today catch him sleeping no he won't just chill let me give you the scripture the 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 7 and 8 God is long-suffering that means he's got lots of patience and it is his will that's to say his hope that all come to repentance they won't okay but it still it's his will it's his hope that they will why three children and he loves them brenn from or Brenda from Kentucky I have seen you in one of the two questions in the past three years but was not read on this program hoping this one will be lucky day for you born-again is to be born from the bag of waters through woman's room on the sixth day creation how could the first flesh people have been if there were no flesh women before them well that's they were the first creation and they what did God tell them go forth and replenish the earth when he had cleansed it he took them all away from the earth and he wanted them now to replenish it with with people each of the souls coming through woman and again the born-again is born for above because we're all with were with him and he wants us he wanted them to come through there there was a beginning but each each of the racist was created on the sixth day and God loves all of the races he looked as it is stated and it was good okay I hope that helped you Charlie from Tennessee did Christ die on a straight post with his arms crossed and nailed or was it on a cross well this is a real easy question the answer and I know that even in the companion Bible that might confuse some people but who crucified the Lord Jesus Christ the Kenites ordered it and had caused the Romans they have to do it but they could not execute someone the Romans had to do it and therefore he was crucified on a Roman cross they could not have put it done in any other way it would have taken a special a bit from Caesar to have done it any different than a Roman cross so let that settle it here now and once and for all okay Justin from Pennsylvania his cloven feet are in split hoof the same meaning yes it is and I'm I guess you're going by Leviticus chapter 12 the food laws you must eat meat that has a split hoof or cloven hoof and chews it's good and that's clean eat if it doesn't it's probably a scavenger and unfit just a pretty simple rule of thumb Michael from Oklahoma I believe it is our question is this our musical instruments at church service of seeing to God we love God and feel uncomfortable with music in the church as we stop going to that church and and only worship with Shepherd's chapel because some of the people were really getting down with it well naturally if music to carry the melody is done in good taste and in moderation but when you get percussion and a bunch of other stuff that kind of takes away from the spirit moving and preparing for the word being taught the Psalms were all songs and were to be sung David played the harp and even even the the family of Judah will have David with a harp in their family tree so the music is alright if it sits like everything else it's an if it's in good taste okay moderation Leicester from Kentucky is it documented that ethnic people are not part of God's elect and are some remnants of the word thank you for your answer there that they are the kings and queens of the ethnos they have a part they are elect also of their own people they their own people will listen to them were they maybe they wouldn't listen to me but they will listen to their own the real true Word of God that's the way God operates he loves all of his children but sometimes his children because of men's disrespect or not showing dignity in the various people's can just lead people but God created people the way he they we are and that's the way he wanted him to stay quite frankly Joe from Georgia is there a Bible that follows the chronological order well the Bible I recommend the companion Bible keeps you a pretty good chronology running and it even corrects the chronology of the years by a ten year correction in Jeremiah chapter 25 and there is a in appendix appendix 52 which gives you the chronological order of all the events it's pretty accurate and as far as putting scripture in order chronologically we could apply or not but just simply to put Chris the scripture as it originally was I like dr. Moffat he really does a fantastic job of making the Minor Prophets as an example a lot easier to understand but that's the difference you know if you want to go that deep into it Susan from New Jersey Susan went when a young person commits a sin in ignorance it's forgivable going peace all when from from Canada please explain Isaiah chapter 6 verse 2 because I have heard you say on the air that angels do not have wings well these were Seraphim and what did they have with them they had God's altar and Ezekiel has described this particular carrying of the altar in a way that we covered in Chapter 1 of Ezekiel part of this is landing gear that comes down and the fact that they fly together anything to a man back then if it flew it had to have wings but we are made in God would say let us create man in our image well we don't have wings and we're created in the exact image every time an angel appears to Mary to two other people at the Mary Magdalene at the grave they're young people why because there's no age and angelic bodies they do not have wings okay but God's vehicles that moved his altar there were Seraphim cherubim they had the ability to nipped above and fly they didn't we need wings to do it Joseph from Virginia my question is is the timeline given in the book discerning God's natural truth for the Book of Ezekiel correct no it isn't and in the next printing we will correct it you'll be pretty close just to drop the 1400 or something and just leave it four hundred and something okay you'll be pretty well accurate I don't know how the one got on but it did wrote but it will be corrected in the next printing it pleases me you know sometimes even in my teaching I never go back and correct and myself because I trust you all that I have taught you well enough that you unless it's a something I think would really do harm but I expect you to be sharp enough that if I'm in speak but you're going to catch it because I want everyone to think for themselves and and that is very good for this person Joseph to have caught that and it's obviously way off okay the fourteen hundred would put you all the way back to the time of Joseph and I'm out of time hey you know what I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse but most of all God loves you for it makes his day when you read this letter that he has sent to you with understanding and follow it mixes day when you make his day boy is he going to make yours you can count on it we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you again when you bless God he will always bless you that's the way he is why he loves his children what does he want from his children he wants their love you know most important though this stained his word listen good now every day I mean his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus you're sure is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding the Shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77236 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box four one six grab it and Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] the book of st. John what a fantastic book we have here intake for you for your convenience of studying as you drive or whatever the case might be and the comforts of your own home st. John the writer of Revelation as well as this great book of st. John John taught in a way that he not only interpreted translated the word and and interpreted fully translated the names as well as other things that made this word this book so easy to understand helping the very reader see Christ in his work as God savior of the world this book of John giving you the identity of the Kenites as well as those events that would transpire in the in generation that's in your generation beloved [Music] grab it Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now as pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study of God's Word now here is pastor Marie alright good they tell you god bless you welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome this family Bible study our praise God let's get back into our father's work what are we gonna do tonight I'm gonna have to put in appendix on the subject Satan's downfall in the last lecture we through Ezekiel 28 found that place where God sentenced that cherubim known as Satan serpent dragon Lucifer
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Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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