II Corinthians ~ 6:12 to 8:14

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you saved welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our second Corinthians chapter 6 we're going to pick it up here in about verse 12 in a moment Paul is talking here and he's concerning hey in establishing the church we've had trouble we've had good we've had bad but the church still continues on and you should never let outside interference interfere with the operation of the ministry it just shouldn't happen why because God is always with us he's going to take care of that trouble and there was at this time much trouble or had been in this church at Corinth you picked that up in first Corinthians clothes and along about the beginning of the book that she was the more or less the house in which the church was held at Corinth and there was a lot of trouble there incest in one case and and then a lot of people misusing the very word itself and much trouble but he said out of all that we still have a beautiful work here and that's the way it always is don't ever let Satan gain the hand of God's ministry that that should not be I can word that a little differently if it's truly God's ministry Satan is not going to gain the upper hand because we have it own it it's ours and our father's name and so will be it so he continues talking to them about the hard times and how much he loves them that they've stayed with him and we pick it up in chapter 6 verse 12 a word of wisdom from our Father and verse 12 reads ye are straitened let's say you're straying in us in other words this you are not strange and us it means that you you or you're not straining and you're no strain on our relationship we can still handle it but you are straighted which is to say you are cramped in your own bowels in other words though you your inward part you you cramp yourself you bring it on yourself by when they allowed this to go on in the church the ancestral is affair and and so forth verse 13 now for a recompense in the same I speak as unto my children I mean he spiritual children he founded that church be also enlarged in other words return your love to us we bring it to you through all the trials tribulations it has been no strain we're not cramped about it and you haven't certainly been a crack a strain on our relationship we love you return that love verse 14 be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness well there is none anytime you have light it dispels darkness now many people misunderstand this and as much as they think we're not even supposed to go near sinners that's not what it says don't yoke yourself to one that means that fellow servant you can't an unbeliever is not going to serve God and if you yoke yourself to them they're going to be nothing but a drag all they're going to be is pull in one way when you're going the other in other place Christ would say put the yoke on I am the yoke meaning if you put if you put just a plain strap around an animal's neck an oxen or a horse or a mule without a collar and Hanes you cut them very painful but if you put on a caller and the Hanes and the right a yoke then the work is easy and so it is if you put Christ on hard times are made a lot easier because you've got him with you but what are you saying here is whatever you do you put a yoke on to do work to pull a load don't ever ever team up with an unbeliever or somebody that believes totally different than you do that is where your stability is concerned they become an unbeliever because they don't believe what you believe and you yoke yourself to them and you are asking for trouble like you've never known before and certainly it will turn out exactly that way but as far as going around the unbeliever in planting seeds that's why we're here so you cannot prohibit yourself from going around non-believers that does not mean yoking but to plant a seed of truth that that truth can grow but you must not fellowship in the ministry with then as a and bringing them in as a part of the ministry until they're converted or you will you will reap bad reports verse 15 and what Concord or what agreement hath Christ with Belial what what agreement do you have with with Christ and Satan I mean that's what you're trying to do if you unequally yoked yourself with a non-believer or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel and all their wisdom they're still foolish okay so you cannot bring them into any position of authority within the ministry that is to say to represent the ministry otherwise you're gonna get a bad name you will have trouble so therefore never ever yoke yourself with darkness when you're in the light you stay in the light so that you can go to those that are still in darkness and plant a seed perhaps maybe convert one of them verse 16 and what agreement at the temple of God with idols there is no agreement you don't want idols in the temple of God or for ye are the temple the many membered body of the Living God as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people and so it is in serving our Heavenly Father and of course when it says here as as the as God hath said where did he say this ad well he said it in Exodus 29 45 he said it in Leviticus 26 12 he said it in Jeremiah 31 33 we read that not long ago and that's the way our Father is if you walk with him rather than infidels then certainly he will be your father and you will be his child verse 17 we're for come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not that's don't attach yourself by yoke touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you this is where it becomes very important many people might try to hang on too close to unbelievers to infidels to the Prince of Darkness and then wonder why God doesn't bless them he won't have it he will not put up with it he gives that simple advice do not yoke yourself to a non-believer do not yoke yourself to somebody that is a drag to the ministry it is well to be received by God and then you can go there and plant seeds but don't tires don't attach yourself to them and there you have it that makes it pretty plain verse 18 and will be a father unto you and you shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty that is God's promise that if you do as he says if you take his advice and follow his will he's going to be with you and I'm going to tell you something when you have God with you you can do whatever it is he would have you do it becomes real easy because you have the yoke on that is for sure the yoke of Christ and it is an enabler to assist you in whatever you're doing you will never receive better advice than that directly from your father and if you want a home-study all by yourself you you take those chapters and verses that I've said in relations shoot - that is God has spoken Exodus 29 45 Leviticus 26 12 in Jeremiah 31 32 33 whether you'll remember in Jeremiah 33 29 that is in that same chapter is where he said the sin of a child will never fall on the father's shoulders or vice versa the sins of a father will never fall on the child and and so it is fine because God God is the executor of his estate and his estate is that mini membered body we have him with us he is our Father he is our God and we are his people we are his sons and we are his daughters and within that he blesses both sons and he blesses both daughters as that particular verse so declares chapter 7 verse 1 it continues having therefore these promises it's the promise of God dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God let's let's do what God would have us to do throw out anything that is unnatural and hang on to the promises of God well what's the promises of God if you'd not yoke yourself to unbelievers he will be your father and you'll be his child that's a that is a absolute promise and if you claim that promise and if you remind the father of that promise he will execute the reason cults thereof and everything it is all goodness it certainly did want because her father loves us verse to receive us we have wronged no man now this is to say open your hearts to us open your minds to us we have corrupted no man we have defrauded no man you won't find one case of where a true Ministry of Christ is defrauded anyone they run a clean operation because it's God's house and what he's saying is you can open your minds and receive the Word of God for Christ is in that Ministry and it is Christ's word that is taught by that ministry and you can certainly always be a part of that they've cheated no one they defrauded no one and God's Word will never cheat someone God's Word will never defraud someone if it is taught with understanding chapter by chapter verse by verse whereby it is God's Word and his truths that come forth verse three I speak not this to condemn you there's there's no reflection on you because of what I'm saying for I have said before that ye are in our hearts to die and live with you you you will be in my heart and I will love you till the day I die is what Paul is saying here in the Greek tongue and and he couldn't put it any plainer that he he loved the family he had created there I mean they were infidels he comes there and teaches the Word of God and they are changed I mean a total change in people they're really something they're children of the Living God and he is their father verse 4 great is my boldness of speech toward you great is my glorying in you that glorious is the fact that he was so very pleased with them I am filled with comfort I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation in spite of all these hardships in spite of all the tribulation oh it is worth it when just one is converted and and when we yoke with Christ can go out into the infidels and plant seeds and convert more verse 5 for when we can't went for when we were come into Macedonia our flesh had no rest but we were troubled on every side without were Fighting's and within were fears I mean there there was trouble all the way around and so it was verse 6 what nevertheless besides that God that comfort us those that are cast down comforted us by the coming of Titus boy he came he perked us up he gave us the good news of what was happening there with you all and it just really made our day now I do want to tell you the last time we had this phrase casting down it was catchable it's not that case here casting down here is tapping us a different greek word and it simply means to be exactly that put-down but how great it was that titus along with a partner had really brought some good news and you'll find out who that partner most likely is it was Luke of course Luke traveling with him verse seven and not by his coming only but by the consolation were with he was comforted in you when he told us your earnest desire your mourning your fervent mind toward me so that I rejoice the more I mean when I found out you had straightened the church out clip all the written them a letter and said hey I'm coming and I'm going to pass you this time because I would come with a big stick you can work own problems out both the incestuous affair and other problems remember the problem he had in the first book where he said don't don't beat him to death as a Christian you got to forgive let him once he converts do forgive him well apparently they had and he had received this good news from Titus and/or it he enjoyed that visit verse eight for though I made you sorry with a letter I was hard on you that's tough love that's good I do not repent though I did repent for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry though it though it were but for a season and not was it just a little while tough love is that way tough love is real love Paul wrote the Matt letter and and he's he let him know you do not want to see me if this is still going on when I get there because he would take care of business big time and it is a wonderful thing when he sees his own students his own children spiritually speaking that have repaired this trouble through his advice which is the advice from Almighty God and has straightened out the situation whereby it is complete it is well and with him verse nine now I rejoice not that we were made sorry but that ye sorrowed to repentance for you were made sorry after a godly manner that you might receive damage by us in nothing in other words you I rejoiced because you repented and straightened it out yourself again I will repeat when his students took care of this at his advice the tough love he said in that letter it got it done verse ten for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation listen to that to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death in other words the the sorrow of repenting unto truth brings eternal life but when you turn if you sorrow and go with the way of the world it is death its death eternal so you have the choice of life eternal or death eternal beloved that's how serious this is when you have much trouble in a church it is a sad situation youyou are to bring eternal life not death an eternal life it was how precious it was for Titus to bring that good news verse 11 for behold this self thing thing that you sorrowed after a godly sort what carefulness it wrought in you yeh what clearing of yourselves yang what indignation yeh what fear yeh what vehement desire you really worked at it yeh what zeal you were so zealous in it yeh what revenge to remove it from your midst in all things you have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter you took care of business this is this is the results of tough love and it never you know many people become in a blurs when they should be practicing tough love if you really love somebody then they're they're worth dishing out a little tough love whereby that understanding can come to the forefront and people can live in peace verse 12 wherefore even though I wrote unto you I did it not for his cause that had done the wrong nor or his cause that suffered wrong but that our care for you in the sight of God might appear in to you I wanted you you were excuse me you were letting this go on right in the middle of church you didn't put a stop to it I wanted it stopped and I wrote the letter being difficult not only to the wrongdoer or they even the one that was being injured but to get the church in gear to get it done to get it taken care of mercy verse 13 therefore we were comforted in your comfort it's good news yes yay and exceedingly the more joyed we we for the joy of Titus because his spirit was refreshed by you all you really to hear the good news and everything when Titus was there Titus probably had a little thing to do with it also he was comforted by that they got it done verse 14 for if I have boasted anything to him of you I am not ashamed but as we spake all things to you in truth even so our boasting which I made before Titus is found the truth because it was the truth again tough love will bring this it is very difficult for people to practice tough love there's there's a reason for that the one that must execute the tough love it hurts them as well as it does the person that it's exercised upon it's painful but the joy it brings was success and the touch of God and the helping of a human life and soul is so precious it's something to really rejoice about something to really be thankful about and this is why when you rip off any yoke connection attachment to any infidel and practiced the Word of God in truth indeed how comforting and what a comfort you received from the Living God in the ministry verse 15 and his inward affection is more abundant toward you as does a Titus well stuff he remembered the the obedience of you all that you did it hell with fear and trembling you received him I'm sure that Titus you know he was pretty direct he's come on the shortest little books in the Bible but it's all business he was straight on and I'm sure that they took that quite well from this report 16 I rejoice therefore that I have confidence in you in all things how precious it is what a compliment to someone that was so troubled and little titus along with someone else and most likely Luke I mean he whipped him into shape with the tough love Paul and sent and I'm sure Titus I could imagine some of the things he said hey you do not want Paul on your neck down here if you don't take care of business you know better you better get it done and they started cleaning house and and they got it done and so it was and and with that Paul says I'm totally happy why that's Christianity that's the way the Christian ministry operates that's the way Christ operates chapter 8 verse 1 moreover brethren besides that we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia that grace is unmerited favor that God loves you when you cooperate with him and follow him I've just got to tell you that's what Paul is saying verse 2 how that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty bounded unto the riches of their liberality their generosity okay this is one thing Paul always was a little awkward with he's the boys downtown wanted him to raise money for them Paul never took a salary and he never did raise money for himself he was a tentmaker and worked at it but the boys downtown would have him put together the money bag and that's funny what he's leading up to you're very generous and bursaries for to their power a bear record yea and beyond their power they were willing of themselves they were he's not pushing them he's not begging there's got to be your will to do this you've got to be it's got to be your will to be generous verse 4 praying us was much entreaty that we would receive the gift and take upon us the Fellowship of the ministering to the Saints to the boys downtown you know he was always loyal to the boys downtown in Jerusalem but they were they weren't all that good to him anyway you want to slice it they they still kind of like to play uptown stuff ok when Paul came to town they were some of them were even ashamed to be seen with him eating with him because why he helped Gentiles so it it it rekkles me it makes me a little uncomfortable that Paul was put in this position for the boys downtown they seemingly did not appreciate it in the way that they should have by that I mean appreciating Paul for the fact that it was away from them and on the road to Damascus that Christ himself struck him down Paul and brought him into the ministry and this seemed to be a little awkward at times Peter except it is and then when the big boy showed up from downtown he kind of drifted away from Cornelius's family the Gentile and Paul what do you knew it was of God but that's the boys downtown and enough said maybe too much five and this they did not as we hope but first gave their own selves to the Lord and into us by the will of God that was beautiful not I mean just giving themselves into the service of the Living God sex in so much that we desired Titus that as he had begun so he would also finish in you in the same grace also that same love and that same unmerited favor that it would be done there in your place 7 therefore excuse me as ye abound in everything in faith and utterance and knowledge and in all diligence and in your love to us but ye abound in this grace also that she loved the father and you enjoy the unmerited favor and participate therein as part of the many membered body of course he said he did again I want any Ria's he was not using terms here of force it was by will for you have to be a willing person participant or you're wasting your time nobody can force you into the ministry that's fraud you have to go on your own your own decision your own life wears a I speak not by commandment but by occasion of the forward nosov others and to prove the sincerity of your love and Paul was always real good if what are you saying here God didn't tell me to give this advice I'm giving you this advice on my own accord here this is not from God Paul was always real good about that and letting people know verse 9 for we know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we know his unmerited favor that though through his though yet though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that G through his poverty might be rich might be rich in truth and then word and indeed and knowing that God was with them and here comes the advice verse 10 and herein I give my advice for this is expedient for you who have begun before not only to do but also to be forward a year ago in other words it was your will a year ago to get this done in heaven now therefore perform the doing of it that as there was a readiness to will and again by will not not force so there may be a performance also out of that which you have he said this is my advice of just he's not being forceful he's not begging that's the God never sends out beggars always remember that 12 for if there be first a willing mind it is accepted according to that a man hat and not according to that he hath not in other words if you don't have anything you can't give anything we have many people that are on fixed incomes and they can't afford their medicine and their food they got nothing and if if for the sake of God if they want to give a little love offering but don't try to tithe and go hungry or go without medicine that you need to maintain yourself as the servant of God you have to be willing even then okay but what Paul is saying here is some of you can and some of you can't period that's it don't feel guilty 13 4 I mean not that other men be eased and you burdened there's you you don't want an extra expense or something you can't afford don't overload your donkey keep things in in perspective 14 but by an equality that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want that's the boys downtown that their abundance also may be a supply for your want that there may be equality in other words it should equal out and and and this this is of God's word it was Paul's idea it wasn't from God but it's good advice and its advice well worth taking so don't ever let anyone write you a letter and tell you you must borrow money to be blessed of God you can't buy blessings from God they're lying to you when they do that and they're begging it's God's will that there be an equality if what does that mean if you haven't got it you haven't got it that's not that difficult is it so we'll pick this up in the next lecture our Father is always so loving and when you follow him he will be your father and you'll be his child it's a good way to be all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii it's all over Canada if the spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we're not going to judge people our Father is the judge you leave the judging to him you have the right to spiritually discern and when you do spiritually discern so it is it's a gift from God now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you as always you've got a prayer request you don't need the number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking you don't even have to say it out loud because he loves you you're his child let him know that you love in return return it to him that's very important let it be your will to want to return it to him that makes a big difference father around the globe we come with that you lead guide direct father she sure is precious name thank you Father amen okay in question time Leah from Texas my question romans 9 verse 20 it was it was as you say we are born if it is as you say we were born in a place entered the family that we deserve how can it be that God knowing what will happen will send a child to people who abuse and kill children or does this refer to God's elect only not it God is not that he gives us a set of laws we're supposed to go by if someone abuses a child they're supposed to be corrected for it if somebody kills a child they're supposed to be killed publicly and you know what God says about that in Deuteronomy 19 in numbers 35 he said hey the rest of the crooks will see that when you do it publicly let the father cast the first stone or throw the switch or drop the pill but killing send him up here to me others will see and these things will cease happening among you but we don't do that if anything we mourn the child but we baby the killer I mean well he needs to really needs a little rehearing and he needs this and discount this state so we're going to do away with the death penalty that's that's anti God our Father demands you see man can set up all the courts he wants to he can appoint all the judges he wants to but there's still a trial coming for someone that murders a child and it's up there the child is up there and God is up there and he's waiting to get his hands on that critter okay and it's going to happen you cannot con God but that that's why it's not God's fault it's man's fault that we do not in for God's law in our nation and be blessed fortunately in old times it certainly happened Charlene from Louisiana Charlene I know that abused by father and uncle and brother it's not your fault you have every right to study the god of Word of God with us to be blessed by it and God points you as innocent so you just put all that aside and love our Heavenly Father and follow him and you're a good sister we're happy to have you with us God is happy to call you daughter so you you you just believe and stand fast bill it's not your fault bill from Ohio if two of every flesh was on Noah's Ark black white Chinese Japanese and so forth what what would why wouldn't it say in why would it say in first Peter chapter three verse 20 only eight souls were saved by water on Noah's Ark eight only eight a damning Souls the Word of God pulls forth the family through which Christ would come okay that's that's what is that's what the genealogies of God's Word consist of and it is not that God is not interested in all the Gentiles the other races he created them on the sixth day he looked and it was good he's happy with them but it was so that salvation could come for all people all races all colors all Creed's that a damning race had to come forward through which Mary would conceive and the Christ child would come and salvation would be made available for everyone Joseph from California from North Carolina finally at age 59 by your teaching I've started to understand the Word of God old Marines can learn well I sure can they're disciplined that's what it takes question will the Antichrist be in flesh body as he will be when he is returned to earth I would like to make his five months here as unpleasant as I can well you let the Holy Spirit take care of that that's coming from an old marine and that's understandable it's good to have you with us Semper Fi from Florida we got montine I do not know if anyone ever asked this before but when God created the heavens and the earth and seven days was that in our days 24 hours or in his days 1,000 years I am asking because if time and space and all creation had not existed until he made it would not the only measure of time have been his own please answer well you know science itself or the artifacts that we find document that it was approximately 7,000 years to rejuvenate this earth not to create it from the beginning because it was created a long time before that millions of years but in this earth age we know that since the Cata Bowl that ended the first Earth Age we find dinah a mammoth frozen in the tundra in both alaska and in russia and the carbon dating is about 14,000 years ago that seven days with God in 6,000 years for us since that time brings us to 2012 dan from Florida if we are to return to our spiritual bodies where are they now they're there right in here your spiritual body dwells within your flesh body and as it is written in Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 instantly when you die the clay pot breaks your spirit which is the intellect of your soul and your being your spiritual body returns to the Father from whence it came in other words it came from the father it goes back to the father a from California do you think that at the Thousand Year reign millennium that is that we that are overcomers could possibly teach and preach at the same place and location where we lived oh it's certainly possible we know certainly that God's elect will teach that's documented that's part of God's Word you can read it yourself in Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 where it stipulates that the overcomers basically will teach with Christ as priest for a thousand years so that discipline comes forth and discipline will be taught there but bear in mind during that teaching it's going to be great because everyone will be in spiritual bodies there will be no hang-ups in the flesh in the flesh we all have our little hangups the flesh is very demanding and we have that to contend with but in the Millennium you will not have that to contend with it will be much easier to reach people because they will be able to see Christ and to know he's real and so forth Kathy from Ohio I've always wondered about Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 20 where it says a bird of the air shall carry the voice isn't it ironic that we now have tweeter and if if and it's very symbol is that of a bird do you see any correlation here thank you so much for your teaching you are so welcome well it is right especially in as much as the statement that the little bird can carry the story of is don't ever tell anything because walls have ears and other words the words going to get around that's that's what the Ecclesiastes is talking about is is walls have ears people have ears and the little bird will carry it in sure enough a little tweet here and a little tweet there and a lot of people have got it big trouble because it carries electronically to a lot of places interesting what Travis from Minnesota I'm ten years old thank you for doing what you do well you are so welcome I want to tell you about the time God worked through you well I was watching your show program and I told God if you want me to write a letter to this channel and tell pastor Arnold Murray to point his finger at pastor Murray point his finger at me for two seconds and a little bit after you you did and I then I would like to ask what should I do to become more like Jesus so I did point my finger I kind of do that sometimes don't I well to be more like Jesus you simply do what you're doing you keep studying the word chapter by chapter and verse by verse I'm real proud of you that you are seeking God's will and and and are trying to follow him his word is the way that's the way he talks to us okay Herman from North Carolina my question is if God is all seen knowing whom why did he let the devil in the garden because that's the whole purpose he destroyed the first Earth Age because a third of his children followed Satan Revelation chapter 12 verse 1 through 4 documenting he didn't want to kill his children so instead he destroyed that earth age and he created this or brought in this earth age as a proving ground whereby each child is born innocent of women to make his or her mind up whether they're going to follow the devil or Christ or God not naturally if he had destroyed the devil there would be no negative influence and they wouldn't be tested God will not have anything that isn't tested to prove true love because true love can only come forth from within each entity you can't order it you can't demand it you can't buy it it's not true so true love comes from within each person and that's why he wanted Satan to test them whether they would remember God or go with him he wants to know because he's calling out those that will and they're not going to be an eternity that's what this is all about that's why he didn't he is there is one thing he does not know and that's whether with free will you will love him or Satan that's what he wants to know Pam from Arizona what does the Bible say about science thinking songs or listening to music do they need to come only from the Psalms no you know music is part of our culture but it's like everything else it's like any lecture or any sermon or any visitation or whatever it's whatever the subject matter carries or documents that's what's important if a song be littlez women if a song curses men it's wrong so good men and good women I should say and and certainly it's it's the message that is delivered that always counts whether it's song lecture or whatever if it's a pleasure to God it's a pleasure to man Marie from Maria from West Virginia is it a sin to try to stop trouble between your family no it's not a sin and it is kind of human nature but sometimes within family you family must work family troubles out sometimes but you know this is something as a Christian God always gives us unction to do his will and if he leads you to interfere this sinn it's just simply human nature and God created us as we are and that human nature was placed there by God and if you if you feel led to intercede or if there is a way you can intercede that will help then certainly most likely it will be of God and it is certainly not a sin if there there are limits to that if if family is doing something and let's say you were to to cause hurt or harm then I would think about that a great deal Jacob from Mississippi what did you mean when you said God was jealous well he is he's a jealous God the the song of Moses which is the song according to revelation 15 that those that overcome the mark of the beast Satan and are on their way to heaven are singing the song of Moses which very definitely lets us know that our God is a jealous God he's our Father and naturally if he sees you worshiping an idol or the devil or somebody else he loves you and it's simply nature and he's super nature that he is jealous if you begin loving Satan in the ways of the world instead of him Aneta from from a net from California or there any female angels all females are angels they truly are and God only picked the very best of souls the toughest of souls to place in a female because the way some men would have come down on females that is to say even in teaching scripture in ignorance they say a woman should stay in her place and they don't put it very high well God places it pretty high okay he he had four virgin daughters of Philip they were all prophetess they did what some men couldn't do up and down the West incan or rather of the Gaza Strip and up north from there and they got it done or that you might say the very University of God who was the head professor in teaching Bible and God's law withhold of the woman who was the judge when all of Israel was afraid to attack the enemy that was a female judge that had to lead the charge against the enemy they wouldn't go if she wasn't in that front and carry a chariot and she went Epis Deborah so so naturally and and women have childbearing and you know I'm gonna tell you something we men are proud fathers and glad to be father's but when it comes to childbirth that's scary okay that's real scary but so therefore God did bless certain people's and he caused them to be females they're all a bunch of angels naturally there's exceptions to every rule but that's mine okay Jane from Georgia my son passed away from a drug overdose and I need to know if he is in heaven or hell thank you he was bipolar he's in paradise okay regained I want you to read Luke chapter 16 the parable concerning Lazarus and the rich man the rich man was no good but he still ended up in paradise but on the wrong side now our Father is very fair he wants everything to be equal and when somebody has a chemical imbalance which is bipolar then that's innocency so it is not our right to judge it's not your right to judge or mine but we can know from God's Word that he is in paradise and as a pastor was many years of teaching and studying God's Word I know that when there is a chemical imbalance that handicaps one they're classified as innocent Joe from Minnesota we're in the Bible does it state two Ten Commandments you will find the Ten Commandments written in Exodus chapter 20 I'll repeat it again Exodus chapter 20 there there is one in when you read the Ten Commandments there is one that will say sin will stave ten generations for those that hate God well think about that statement a lot of people then say well if a father sins it can fall off on the child that's not what it said it said even if ten dinner generations if they hate God that means in individually all ten generations hated God will naturally they're not in good standing but if any one of those generations love God that wouldn't that that wouldn't give him a pass out of that family okay so that that throws a lot of people so I say that in passing Greg from Florida when you die if you go to the bad side of the Gulf do you have another chance of fruit at redemption or are you committed to the lake of fire the great white throne judgment doesn't take place until the end of the millennium the thousand year period you know there are many and we're not to judge and you put us if the question puts us in a place of judgment we know that our Father when the reason he has the thousand year period of teaching and Christ is still there as Yeshua which means Savior so naturally there's going to be teaching during that millennium and people saved or the Savior would not be there you would have yah they the Godhead okay so therefore there will be teaching during that thousand year period and and a lot of people how many people today are really taught in their house of worse that the Antichrist comes at the 6th Trump and he's going to deceive a lot of people or how many are just taught you don't have to study God's Word you're gonna fly away and they will buy that they don't read God's Word to know they're being lied to and and therefore they'll worship Satan when he comes as Antichrist God is not going to judge someone like that to death because they didn't have a chance didn't have a prayer of a chance they believed soothsayers and I'm not judging anyone I'm just saying that's the way it bounces all right and I'm just winning friends and influencing people here but that's the way it goes and our fathers right there and I'm out of time maybe that's a good things oh we think our Father for his word with the and and you know I love you because you enjoy studying God's Word but most of all what's really important God loves you for it makes his day when you take his scripture the letter he's written to you and take it to heart and let it change your life it makes his day and boy when you make his day is he going to make yours you can count on it we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always I do mean always bless you most important though I want you to listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yahshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepards chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,982
Rating: 4.9444447 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's, Arnold Murray, II Corinthians, Arnold, Book of, Book of 2 Corinthians, Murray, Shepherds, 2 Corinthians, Holy Bible, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Chapel, Pastor, KJV, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of II Corinthians, Bible
Id: Kp5GMIU4okU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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