James ~ 5:1 to 5:20

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our chapter 5 the great book of James we're going to complete it today James being the equivalent in the Hebrew for jacob the father of the twelve tribes and mists written to the twelve tribes scattered abroad many of them scattered they have no idea who they really are though God promised they would become as numerous as the stars of heaven and sands of the sea so it's real important that you know from our fathers word where you fit what what because every child of God has a purpose and many of them have a destiny if they be one of God's elect otherwise you have free will and what a pleasure it is to serve Him chapter five verse one word of wisdom from our Father let's go with it it reads go to now or are listen now how about this you rich men weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you in other words your ill-gotten gains this is this is the type of richness we're talking about here not not riches blessed by Almighty God there that you don't have to apologize for and it never gives you any trouble but brings you blessings but if you're a crook if you're by that I mean if you are rich by having taken advantage of people all it is it's unjust and it bring it is offensive and oppressive to everyone you don't have any happiness and ill-gotten gains and people really don't want you around them why because you become oppressive that's why you'll gotten gains looking over your shoulder all the time and so it is verse two your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth eaten in other words you're an accident going somewhere to happen and you're very clothing rather than right just Apparel of the gospel armor you're wearing old junk that is so perishable that it's not gonna last whereas the gospel armour lasts forever verse 3 your gold and your silver is cankered and the rest of them shall be a witness against you excuse me and shall eat your flesh as it were fire you have heaped treasures together for the last days now how does the gold and silver get tankers and rust on it hoarding it never using it what good is it and what good is it to to rip people off and gather more than you could ever use and there it just sits what good does it do anybody other than to take the rich man and give him a headache wondering when he'll get caught or how he can how he can outstrip the next person that makes them unjust and it makes them oppressive nobody wants them no and understandably so so what what about the last days that means at the end times they're never going to understand for the flesh that's pretty final because there's no hereafter for them verse 4 behold the higher of the laborers who have reaped down your fields which is of you kept which is a view kept back by fraud you ripped them off quiet and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the lord of sabbath that's to say the lord of hosts being translated properly he hears and knows everything when you rip somebody off God makes a note of it it's in your book it's in the book of life by your name so people that think they get away with something knowing that God is all-knowing and seeing as far as what's happening in this world even to the point he can read your mind to think you could hide something from him you cannot con God he knows every move you make if it's oppressive to to those that cry out verse 5 you have lived in pleasure on the earth and been one thing you have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter in other words this is an interesting point when you catch the whole do you in in a rural area before we slaughter a calf for our meat we put them up and fatten them and feed them and pamper them and really take good care of them and what God is saying you have shut yourself up and you pampered yourself for the slaughter of the end times that's a nice way of saying you're going to hell and and your all your all fattened up for it and this simply means a fattened up does not mean weight or content or anything like that it means that you've pampered yourself and and abused others you were oppressive to them and unjust and our Father is well aware of it and it's kind of man's natural desires if he's not kidding and not kidding himself because the better desires are to serve the Living God and be an example to God's children verse 6 you have condemned and killed the just and he does not resist you in other words this should be translate you have killed the just one that's the Lord Jesus Christ by unjust from one end to the other ultimately it brought about the killing of the just one which is to say the Lord Jesus Christ and he does not resist you he didn't know in his mouth he allowed it there's a reason for that it's so that on that day when it's time for satan to march into the lake of fire he has no excuse if it was his children that brought out those cries crucify him then and Satan digging them to do it then when Satan has to be in the lake of fire then it has evened out as a matter of fact in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 God makes it very clear Christ came to this earth to die on the cross whereby he could destroy death which is to say the devil that's that's what it's all about plus a providing salvation for all that would hear and all that would listen you you will note in the last days as it was mentioned in verse three this fifth chapter applies a great deal to the last days if you understand it on a deeper level there's a time of division and judgment coming and it is God that does the judging verse seven be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the Lord he is returning behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and hath long patience for it until he received the early and late latter rain in other words a husband men a farmer he plants the crop and he knows that color baiting and watering it takes time to produce a crop now the early rain is what germinates the seed in the soil and causes the plant to spring forth and then the latter rain which is very necessary if the plant then doesn't receive the latter rain it blasts in the field in other words it dries up and dies it doesn't produce any fruit so it must have the latter rain and beloved you that wait for the return of the Lord you must have the latter rain also which is to say the knowledge of defeating the evil one and how to abstain yourself from him or you will blast in the field also it takes that latter rain which is the truth of God's Word revealed by him in time in season patiently waiting as God leads us releasing knowledge and information whereby you have that knowledge to sustain you and and patiently bring you as a servant of the Living God especially the election of this endtime how precious it is that our Father is the one that tells you how to attain the early rain and the latter rain make sure you get your part verse 8 listen carefully be also patient stablish your hearts that that's solidified in your minds for the coming of the lord draweth nigh when you get to that generation of the latter rain it's closing in verse 9 grudge not or gripe not one against another brethren lest you be condemned and God will do it behold the judge standeth before the door Almighty God is there he is the judge there's no other we have one judge and that's Almighty God our Heavenly Father and he is very well aware and so it is verse 10 take my brethren the prophets look at them who have spoken in the name of the Lord for an example of suffering affliction and of patience I mean look what they went through take old Jeremiah as an example they lured him down into a well into mud clear up to his neck practically and left him hanging their own lines and and pain of course it had to be painful and he never complained he patiently served God knowing God had chosen him for a profit before you or had chosen him as of one of the elect before he even entered his mother's womb and while in his mother's womb God chose him as a prophet you can read that in the first four verses of the great Book of Jeremiah he was one of God's elect chosen well before but he could patiently wait so you you know our Father likes people that can cut it he likes he can't really use wimps at just they're there they won't last they're gonna mildew in the field you know a lot of people would say well can God encourage me about this of course he can he does in the word he just told you take the prophets David himself writer of the Psalms as it's written in Acts chapter two he was a prophet well what does it say in the 37th psalm about this situation it just seems like the wicked always get ahead and the acrostic there are three verses that stand out because they have a different number of stanzas lines rather in in the psalm making them an acrostic in in the Hebrew manuscripts and it is brought out quite well in your companion Bibles so that you couldn't understand it in English and the first which if I remember correctly is the seventh verse says why is it that the wicked always seem to get ahead and secondly it says in the second stanza many verses later twenty two or three one or two don't worry about it because they are like the fat of a lamb turning on a spit that drops into the fire and their smoke goes up forever and ever in other words that's that's the payday for the wicked and the third part of the acrostic is so beautiful because it says you know something you're going to be there to see it so you see even though times may get a little binding sometimes in these end times don't worry about it God will always take care of his own he will always provide for them and he protects his own - we're not a hair on their head can be bothered as it's written in Luke 21 concerning the false messiah and his instructions in Revelation chapter 9 verse 4 are don't dare touch my the ones that have the seal of God in their forehead which means the truth of this word in their minds you can't fool them that's what he was saying next verse please and we go with verse 11 behold we count them happy which endure can you do that you have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the of the Lord that the Lord is very pitiful pitiful it's it's compassionate it should be it's like over old mine lo-ruhamah and Rama in the book of Hosea it means compassionate and tender mercy our Father looks out for and with love and under compassion for those that endure you know and what about job did the Lord do him wrong job means probation and Satan wanted job and God's told him as Satan went before God's throne one day as you could read in job chapter 1 verse 6 hey what do you think about my boy job he's something else you can't you couldn't touch him he knows you and this is a type of the elect you know him he can't touch you why because you find him to be in a ball my nation so did joke anyway Satan's said to God you removed that wall you have around him because God does have a wall around his elect he gives us power over all of our enemies Satan if you take that wall down I'll have him eating out of my hand that's my paraphrasing and God said I don't think you can so I'll do it I'll take the wall away have a demon I trust Joe and Satan did everything I mean he ever did everything but kill even God said you can't do that I mean he was source from head to toe and his wife finally told him why don't you just curl up and die he's lost all of his kids his property and then his friends who are not even of the house of Israel came to give him advice from God three of them Betty buddies and 38 chapters of ratchet join to job man's talk traditions of men job said I'm not giving it I haven't done anything wrong and I know the Lord wouldn't be the causing this and finally after the 38th chapter and this being the lesson and why God would want you to take note of job God finally comes on the scene it's a joke get up from there Gert up yourself ready for battle okay and and why are you listening to these knuckleheads when you got me and I would say the same thing to you why do you listen to Ratchet jaws when you've got the letter that God sent you to grow from early reign lettering and finally he said they don't know what they're talking about where were you when I put all the stars in place the moon the earth and then you see the majesty of our Father and ultimately what did God do why was he compassionate why can we say that he had mercy he doubled everything Jobe had lost I mean made it a plentiful to him again and God has a way of doing that it may get a little tough sometimes be patient do you know this is where faith comes in God's going to take care of you as long as you use this as long as you think and as long as you're familiar with God's Word you will do just fine God will see to it okay we go with the next verse and it would be verse 12 but above all things my brethren swear not neither by heaven neither by the earth neither by any other oath but let your yea be yea and your nay be nay lest you fall into condemn nation and so it is that's I mean don't listen to the traditions of men you know you have what is he talking about here law of precedent you have God's law that's sufficient if God says it in the story that's it man what does man do then and what is God talking about man say well according to this good brother it's this way and according to this other good brother it's this other way and according to what my thoughts is this way you get three choices what are you going to do that's confusion because God says yea yea and nay nay an end of story that's the way it is if you listen to men you know this is what is wrong with our courts today they don't go by the common law which comes or what does the common law come from God's holy word from Great Britain to here to our Constitution and what we live by comes right from God's Word that is the law that is important but now we go by law of precedent that some judge who might have been so liberal he's pink-colored and another one purple this way put in by crooked politicians to saw a salve their sores and you don't know you have law precedent gets you nowhere basically today yay yay or nay name period that's the end of it and as long as you do that and and and let that be your alive you will have be a lot better off you'll be a lot more blessed by Almighty God and and so it is verse 13 to continue if any among you afflicted let him pray is any merry let him sing songs I mean if you're happy picked the group up let it rip right out there and if anybody's heavy hearted pick them up verse 14 is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of what in the name of the Lord and and and so it is that if if you have one that is ill and but the oil is very necessary especially for Christians you you pray for somebody for their illness fine but you're probably not going to get any results until you follow God's instructions and anoint them with the all of our people the oil will not heal them but it shows your obedience to Almighty God well I didn't know Christians had do it not what do you think the word Christ means where have you been Christ - Christos means The Anointed One the etymology of his name comes from as rubbing by anointing with oil the all of our people and so pushing people over and and stumbling over them doesn't he over but doing it God's Way with the all of our people can certainly bring results 15 and the prayer of faith shall save the sick this word sick is different than the one above this means one that is just wore out I mean just just absolutely weary down depressed and the Lord shall raise him up and if he have committed sins they shall be forgiven him on repentance and bringing them for these are two set two separate Greek words of the second one is absolutely an illness that that can make you feel and the other is of the mind basically will say and so it is prayer is powerful prayer is talking to Almighty God it isn't some big poem written out in the book it's from your heart to the heart of the Living God verse 16 to continue confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much in other words God hears that prayer and but that means that you're sincere that you're patient you know we have too many people that pray and they want God to I mean put the the three minute like the three minute egg that he wants they want him to do his right now what a miracle be patient God does what he does in his own time in his own place with his own purpose but the prayers of a person that really loves the father brings forth much we're about to go into Elijah here why because it's gonna say Elijah is no different than you he was just a common person but he prayed for it to stop not rain and then prayed for it to rain what was the subject earlier let's let's kick this in a little deeper and have some of the latter rain as we finished this book of James well now if I remember right the two witnesses do the same thing they can pray for it to not rain then pray for it to rain well if Elijah is the one that can do that maybe he's one of the two witnesses well we could take that another step further and kick it up a little more and say well who showed up on the Mount of Transfiguration which was a sign of Christ and the two witnesses well let's see well it was Elijah and Moses that appeared with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration what God wants you to know Elijah was just a common man but he knew the prophecy studied the prophets he was the prophet of prophets it was God that accomplished the deed it was Elijah that knew the prophecy that God had stated that he would fulfill so the thing for you to remember is that if you want the latter rain and if you want to know the truth then fervent prayer will release that latter ring to you as God would have it whereby you utilize it to need people to direct people and bring them into that time of the last days that latter rain whereby they mature into that okay let's let's take it easily here verse 17 Elias were just to say Elijah in the Hebrew was a man subject to like passions as you as we are and he prayed earnestly that's the difference but it might not rain and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months and so it is that there's that three and a half year just as sure as it can be that there would be no ladder rain fall on some ears during that time well for what purpose it wouldn't have done any good if that was the first three and a half years of the false messiah but it's important that you understand what God is saying here that Elijah is no different than you are he was just a common man but he knew and earnestly understood prophecy and God used him to bring forth that prophecy for us even I feel will use him even as one of the two witnesses and the latter rain is this that God will release that latter rain to those that earnestly pray for knowledge and wisdom from the Living God common ordinary people especially those of the elect that seek the very truth that is written in these words in this letter that God has sent us for behold he has foretold us all things the point is is for you to understand it for you to receive the latter rain understanding each detail of the prophecy for it is simple when it comes forth as God lays it out not EA not nay not maybe not hmm perhaps yay or nay right on you can count on your heavenly Father he always gets it done verse 8 18 speaking of Elijah and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit and that's as it is common man prayed earnestly and God brought that ladder rain for him where he could see what tomorrow brings where he could see what it is that is expected god the lessons that should be taught the word that should be heard especially the days that the Lord would return as it stated earlier in this chapter and how you should sustain yourself and the fact that this man Elijah was just a common man and so it is that when you pray earnestly sincerely with no strings attached to Almighty God to receive that latter rain understanding knowledge peace of mind to understand the end times he's going to give it that rain is coming that rain is falling make sure that you enjoy every bit of it and it will bring forth what fruit that's what the whole purpose in life of is bringing forth fruit if you don't a fig tree that won't bring forth fruit Christ said chopper down get rid of her God is the Christ is divine and we're the branches you either produce fruit or God is the pruner whack you're gone you earnestly talk to him pray to Him and receive that latter ring and produce fruit fruit by it verse 19 brethren if any of you do err from the truth and one convert him verse 22 complete the chapter let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death with God's help of course and shall hide a multitude of sins meaning it causes God to bless you and and to redeem you from your own sins in other words when you do God's work when you were blessed by that when you receive that ladder rain and when you don't let it grow stale well what do you mean by that brother when you receive the ladder rain you share it you put it out where people can hear it you put it out where people can grow by it this is what you call producing fruit fruit fit if you would for the consumption of Almighty God bringing those people in redeeming those souls that's what it's all about that's what a fruit provider is is one that can receive that rain can share it willingly don't be one of these that well I've got a little light I'm going to put a bushel over it well what good is that don't ever do that share what you have God gives you something share it that brings forth fruit and that brings forth the blessings of God so there you have it I want to reiterate one more time Elijah was a common man just like I mean the same things that hit you at him but he understood prophecy but the important thing is he prayed earnestly for that latter rain conviction truth and God used him he brought forth the rain see that you do book of James named Jacob in the Hebrew to the 12 tribes what entered the world I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed bringing it book of James and listen a moment weren't you pleased the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan under back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination we do not judge people judgment belongs to our Father boy he is good at it he gets it done we don't he doesn't need our help in that department you can spiritually discern though that's called intelligence it's a gift from God it's how you use it who you should listen to who you should fellowship with and how you should cut your own way those of you that listen by shortwave around the world your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure no I've got a prayer request don't need the number don't need an address why your father's listening to you he even knows what you're thinking you're studying his word it makes his day and he loves you for that so let him know that you love him in return once you do that and let him know what it is that you need telling talk to him that's what prayer is father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guiding direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay in question time Wilma from Delaware I would like to know if first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 34 and 35 verses 34 and 35 apply to women today as it did the women in the Bible yes it does but first you need to understand what it says because it is unfortunately it takes a really good Greek scholar to catch what I'm about to say but it is a fact as God is my witness in verse 34 the second time that that the the singular speech comes up do you know what that word is in the Greek its chatter you know a woman should not chatter like a little bird picky picky picky picky okay I don't allow me into chatter in God's house when the message is being taught you know if if you're good enough a scholar you can catch that you got to go to the manuscripts the Strong's won't even help you a whole lot on this you got to be a Greek scholar but you will find that with no reasonable doubt whatsoever but what's absolute it says a woman shouldn't chatter in church and you know something they shouldn't of this day they never were allowed to but you know what there were many women preachers teachers and it seems like that people forget to bring up those particular verses Nathan had four virgin daughters virgins meaning they never had a man they were on their own and they were prophet just a prophet teaches or a woman should keep her head covered when she prophesies teaches first Corinthians chapter 11 and so it so there you go it's properly translating the word saves a lot of pain and misery it is what I have just said is an absolute fact and the menu scripts back it up 100% what I just stated she left from Tennessee I am a new student I would like to know where in the Bible I can find that Cain and Abel were from two different fathers Abel from Adam and came from the devil well you'll find out that Cain has offspring the first murder you know hood the first murderer was it was came and Jesus himself would tell you in Saint John chapter 8 verse 44 your father who was the first murderer was a child of the devil and that does not mean spiritually it means seed sperma mailed sperm no also another way you know when Adams genealogy is given all of his children are listed right there you can read it in chapter 5 the great book of Genesis well as Cain in it know it isn't no he isn't Cain has a different genealogy why because he had a different father it pays one to think and to consider if Cain is not in Adams genealogy he was not Adams son well it says right there in verse chapter four verse one that Adam knew his wife and she conceived young Abel but the conception of Cain had already taken place two separate pregnancies same twins Charles from Virginia pastor Murray my parents were married 15 years my mom has since passed away and my father remarried the family is upset with this are there any scriptures that might help this situation thank you this this is kind of you know hearts Christian hearts should be big enough but you don't put somebody away out of your heart and mind just because they pass on or because the father would marry another wife you have a Christian heart that can enlarge and in love because he loves her he wouldn't married her probably I'm not knowing the details but you could enlarge your hearts and love her - there's there's room you know in a Christian heart to love it's not replacing somebody it's making room for them so I don't know you know I could say many things if the father is getting on up in years it beats putting him in a nursing home or you having to take care of him he's got got a mate into two of them they make it it's a good thing companionship so I think the family really needs to have a Christian talk with each other and realize this woman is not trying to take your mother's place but she's trying to find a place for herself so let it be giorgia from no Gloria rather I'm sorry Gloria from Florida is there someone besides pastor Marie let's see what we got everyone I know all the Christian programs I watch say we're going to be raptured is there someone besides pastor Marie who has a different idea of it absolutely it's Almighty God Almighty God says there's no rapture so you kind of have it this way who do you believe God or people okay the word rapture is not even in the Bible it's placed there it didn't get there until the year 1830 and it was put there by the actions of a very sick woman so you know it's just up to you you know whatever whatever cranks your engine all right that'll do it but I'll I'll choose God every time okay his blessings Betty from Florida question please explain Luke 14:26 I just don't get it Thank You Luke 14:26 you must hate your mother for the father brothers sister more than me or you can't be my disciple naturally the reason you can't understand it there's an era here and and you should know that so all you do is take your Strong's Concordance take that word hate take it back to the Greek and what does it say well it says love less there's a lot of difference in love less than hate so then what did Christ really say in Luke 14 there he said you must if you're going to follow me if you're going to dedicate your life to picking up your cross and following Christ you've got to love me more than mother brother father sister and quite frankly you should anyway he died on the cross for you you should love him more than anyone else but to follow him there is a lot of heartaches and and picking up that that word and taking the fallout that can come against Christianity but it's a pleasure to serve Him even with that Martin from Nevada pester Murray I take prescription medications for medical reasons I would like to know if this is a sin will I not go to heaven that has nothing to do with your going to heaven whatsoever okay Luke the very author of the Gospel under Almighty God was a physician he was a medical doctor many of his much of his you can always he was a scribe for Paul in much of Paul's writings and you can always spot Luke because he uses medical terminology in his in describing things and which makes it very clear and easy to understand but it puts his thumbprint all over it the so God certainly has nothing against medical doctors or he wouldn't have used Luke but certainly God gave us medications herbs and plants for our own benefit and certainly there's nothing wrong with that Leonard from Wisconsin pastor Murray if one thousand years is equal to one day with the Lord then how does one half-hour of the time equal 5 months I must be doing my math wrong it's not your math that's wrong that you're kind of misunderstanding and mixing up bolts with nuts ok the thousand years is a day with the Lord that's a millennium and that's the way it is with him but it has nothing to do with man basically but when he teaches man about the one hour of temptation that's where the half-hour comes in it's a whole different subject ok a whole different subject you pick up that hour in Revelation chapter 17 where it says the Antichrist can only have one hour of which means the hour of temptation in that hour happens to be 5 months long broken up if you would into two two and a half period times half hour each and then you'd be cooking pretty good Kerry from Texas I have seen many prophecies come to pass in my lifetime I am wondering with all that is going on in the world today with Egypt and Syria the United States and so on is the political beast rising has it risen thank you very much for your teaching you are quite a comfort to me in the word well thank you the word does that you know this coming week you will be seeing the lectures given it Passover one of them will be the swarmers or it has to do with the locust and it has to do with all these nations you've just mentioned at how the locusts are already swarming you don't want to miss that and the second lecture will be on the deadly wound honing in and zeroing in so next week do not miss that it ties many loose ends together from the book of Revelation as well as other scriptures in the Word of God to bring your current events up to biblical prophecies whereby you can better understand the end times we have a much going on at this time and it's important that you know the swarming of the locust and what's happening Tigh from Novato what what is it in Amos chapter 8 that tells you it's talking about the end times Amos chapter 8 usually I quote verse what is it thirteen which stays 11 or 13 which states that the famine of the end times is not for bread but for hearing the Word of God now you know it's the end times because of verse 2 because it's when the fig tree is present and this is the fig tree generation the last one robbed Roberta from Montana we're in the bible does it say that the Antichrist will only be here for five months Revelation chapter 9 and it gives you the Antichrist name in both languages Hebrew and Greek whereby you know definitely who he is Lois from Georgia will all of the elect still be here and alive during the six Trump when Antichrist arrives absolutely that's their purpose that's their destiny is to be delivered up into witness against the false messiah so that the whole world can hear the truth yes it is written in mark 13 it is not they that speak but the Holy Spirit speaks through them when they're delivered up before the synagogue of Satan and this being the Church of Smyrna and Philadelphia as it's listed in Revelation chapter 2 verse 10 and and 3:10 concerning those two churches God's elect or our make up those people Perley from georgia is there anything wrong with doing counseling in a group setting and everyone discussing the problems only always remember you know if you have a problem sometimes a counseling can be done in that way but always remember when you have many sets of hear ears if you have something that is between you and God I would not say it in front of too many ears because it could come back to haunt you otherwise if it is a group for a like habit or a like conviction of some kind then certainly it's fine it's counseling group counseling is quite good because it's kind of like you might have seen an example of it in today's lecture elijah is a common man like we are so you like company in something knowing that there are likenesses and people and together we can handle it okay you can encourage each other Nathan from Georgia when will when will God set fire to the earth God's not going to set fire to the earth I think you're probably quoting 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 10 it says he that was fervent heat he destroys the elements that's the rudiments okay not the world you would be you know he's coming to this earth to set his kingdom up right here on earth so he's not going to set it on fire now he will create a lake of fire somewhere on this earth at the end of the millennium and all that do not overcome or go and go into the lake that is known in the book of Revelation chapter 20 last verses as the second death it's the death of the soul God loves this earth in Ezekiel chapter 16 he made an in eternal covenant with the Mount Zion Jerusalem where he intends to set his eternal temple so he's sure not going to set it on fire okay Cynthia from Florida my question is during the Millennium who will Christ and His Saints reign over people in spiritual bodies or physical bodies I thank you for the answer at the seventh Trump which is the first day of the millennium every living being is changed into a spiritual body so we will all both those that are raining and the rain eaves or all in spiritual bodies Satan is locked in a pit where he can have no negative influence whatsoever on anyone anywhere anytime until he is released a short season that makes it real easy to teach when you don't have negative factors present that's going to be a good time for teaching well would you say that Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 we will be priests with Christ for a thousand years the rest of the dead will remain dead until they're tested meaning spiritually dead meaning they have not overcome okay and we go with let me find a name here Carl from Michigan could you please explain why Easter is that the different time each year I thought it was with the sun's position but I'm wrong with the spring equinox I love you no you're right don't just because the man's calendar of moons says Easter is later in April somewhere we don't go by moons that's darkness moons Oh every prophecy given concerning Satan is given in moons months okay you don't want to go there example Revelation chapter 13 verse 4 say 5 Satan has 42 months 42 moons but what about the two witnesses they have 1260 Deus sunlight days because one we're children of light so naturally we go by the Sun solar calendar because we are children of light God's Word stipulates that Passover which each star is a pagan name of a pagan holiday a fertility goddess which every spring they met out in the forest for fertility reasons camped out it was an orgy of rolling eggs of fertility and so it was and preachers brought that into the church because brought a crowd and you know every preacher likes the crowd but if he's not really a man of God a man of God is a little bit particular what is taught and where it came from you know most good college Webster's dictionaries will tell you that Easter came from each star a pagan holiday it's not that difficult to find truth if you look for it okay so always go from the spring equinox begins the new year fourteen days later the fifteenth day is Passover and then run by fifty more days and you have Pentecost and fifty fifty and short of fourteen days you have the fall fellowship you have the the Feast of Tabernacles in and at the end of that set of fifty then at the end of 750 s you have 365 days counting the fourteen you've waited for Passover full year a solar year that's God's calendar and that's what we go by not moons for Satan sandy from California I've heard you say God bless he will bless you being only a speck in the great cosmos I don't know I keep learning more share teachings with a few others repented and I try to live by his word is this what you mean or is it something no that's that's good you you study his word and you stick with it sandi and he's gonna bless you alright that's that's our Father do you know why he does that because he loves you you read Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 all souls that means Sandi's soul belongs to God you're his child and he loves his children especially when you're trying like you are it makes his day and boy does he have time for you talk to him let him know you love him in return and I'm out of time I love you because you enjoy studying our father's word don't miss the lectures this next week about the locusts swarming and the deadly wound you need to know it so don't miss it most of all God loves you for studying his word makes his day when you make his day boy is he going to make yours now we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always bless you his word is so complete his word is final yay yay Nene right on follow him most of important the most important though you listen to me you stay in his word that's what's important every day in it's a good day even with trouble why Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box four one six grab it Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,136
Rating: 4.8965516 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, KJV, Murray, Bible, Pastor, Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray, Book of James, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Shepherds, Arnold, James, Holy Bible
Id: o4Dy8hk3oIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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