Health God's Way Part 2

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our hey we're ready to get back into our father's word the discussion is hell I want you to remember what I stated in the last lecture that PNB cp4 priorities naturally your spiritual body comes before your flesh body and to not eat properly is not a sin let us say into hell I'll use that terminology but it's a sin to your health in other words you're going to be sick our Father created these bodies and if you feed it the way he instructs us to then you're not going to have all that much sickness and I don't like to use myself as an example but I've been broadcasting what now about 15 years I haven't missed a day one hour live every day and I I have to say I think part of it is due to following father's instructions nobody's perfect but as nearly as we can and then of course in for natural be for balance and see for common sense and common sense goes a long way in determining your health it really does - if you are what you eat think about that for a moment the body is made from clay that is to say it is made from organic minerals and materials that have been taken from the soil through plant life and in one form of the other a carnivore yeah we're kind of carnivores we have partake of the beef but they particularly the grass and again God's law statutes and ordinances and I think I think I'll cover them one more time for you a law in God's Word a law is a statement of something that is always true or that always occurs so far as if knowing in a given set of circumstances is it an example gravity as I stated if you pick both of your feet up you're gonna fall why gravity is gonna pull you down that's a true statement it will never change but then we come to ordinances that are given and ordinances are usually always ceremonial or a use of symbolism so you have to kind of straighten to work that around for yourself whereas a statute a statute is a rule or a law governing a changeable situation or set of circumstances as an example there was at one time that animals were sacrificed in the Daily oblation which simply means an offering to the Father from where we picked the statement written over 3,000 years ago at the closing of the last lecture he said don't eat the fat it's mine he said a perpetual log never eat the fat because why it'll make you sick now finally science has caught up to the fact that hey high fat content will hurt your health in that amazing took us three thousand years plus to come up the simple statement that's very well recorded in Leviticus chapter 3 verse 16 and 17 now we're the in other words the statute can even be changed by a set of circumstances example Christ offering himself on the cross letting the blood for one in all times we no longer sacrifice blood it would be it would be an insult to our Father number one but but to say that he was not able but now back to health food laws again I want to say no one no one can be perfect and many of the animals that we'll be reading about yet the general outline is given I'm sorry you can you can do whatever you want to but the thing that I'm sorry about it's difficult without a great deal of research to understand which animals they were speaking of in certain instances but be that as it may it's near enough that's poor scholarship on the priest that should have carried this forward and have not ok chapter 11 the great Book of Leviticus and here we have what some people call the health laws let's go with them if we may with a word of wisdom from him verse 1 of chapter 11 reads and the Lord spake unto Moses and to Aaron saying unto them why Moses and Aaron because you have the lawgiver and you have the priest verse 2 speaking to the children of Israel saying these are the beasts or animals which ye shall eat among all the beasts that are on the earth in other words I'm going to give you a list to go by verse 3 whatsoever part of the hoof and is cloven footed and chew it the cud among the beasts that shall you eat now the Hebrew word utilized here for cloven hood at foot it is actually three words three Hebrew words and it means a it means to have the hoof divided yes but also it must have a cleft one of the words in it is cleft and to chew the cud you know a cow has what is it three stomachs or more and she protects of her food in the daylight hours or at night at times and then she lies down and the could goes down into the stomach and gathers up the part of the material brings it up and she reaches it and then it goes into another stomach that is a part of digestion and it is that is important and one of the reasons that God states it must have a good all right because it's it is well digested the very grass of the earth from which the Organic minerals never never take for your body minerals period if they're not organic your body can't do a thing in the world with them period alright just can't handle it iron that is not organically growing and in that state then you can't you can't absorb it anyway alright so anyway this is what the the could is a mere fact is utilized in the Hebrew as a figure of speech when you are told meditate and it's likened unto a cow that pulls the hood up and choose it it's like you place something away in your mind and then you pull that back up at times and you Maul that and meditate upon that thought that you have place doesn't say the black back burner of your mind okay so I mean we can recognize several animals from this and I think I'll take just a moment because though some of the names given may not be familiar to our ear these standards I mean we can see a deer a deer has a cloven hoof and yet chooses could goats all types of deer sheep you can pretty well go down the list and know what is edible verse and and still healthy that's the important thing verse four nevertheless these shall you not eat of them that shoe that could or of them that divide the hoof as a camel because he truth.the could be divided not the hoof he is unclean unto you and likewise it is let's take a horse a horse does not divide the hoof nor does it chew the cud and horse meat is unclean it's not healthy for you verse 5 and the couny some say this is a rabbit Rock badger probably because he chew it the could but divideth not the hoof he is unclean into you and let's just roll right on into it six and the hair because he chewed the could but divideth not the hoof he is unclean into you know you people here in America and you around the world you have to decide by what kind of rabbits and hares are Cooney's the Kony's that you have in your vicinity but in the Americas we have what we call a jackrabbit unclean definitely if you ever think try to eat one of them sometime I mean it's it's a it's a bad go but then a Cottontail is totally out of a different family alright verse seven very important and these swine though he divide the hoof and be clovenfooted yet he truth not the could he is unclean to you verse eight of their flesh shall you not eat and their carcass shall you not touch they are unclean to you I really believe that probably I'm gonna say 60% to be conservative some some people teach as much as 80 percent of disease around the world and in a hot climate it will go to a tea is actually brought on mankind because of eating swine's flesh now we went into the makeup of the body in the last lecture we talked about the kidney that throws off poison from our body and how that when we get sick how wonderful it is that God has given our skin pores and we build a temperature and when our kidney can't take care of the poison by we eating the very best food we can find then the pore is open and and the preparation pores that's poison that we're getting rid of well let me tell you something a swine doesn't have pores a swine cannot pre spire can't sweat and all the poison that is taken in is stored in the fat of the animal I want to say that again because it's very important all the poison that is taken in that the kidney does not pass off and it's considerable it's stored and they have a tolerance for it right in the fat of the animal and it stays there and it's there when it's butchered now I know from that many for many years have eaten pork and many times you have author itis and I'm not saying that anyone has any positive proof that eating swine's flesh causes arthritis but I think there will come a time when the tray Chi will be proved to be one of the largest contributors to it and again the fat the father saying it's mine don't eat it why that's where the poison is stored so it's it's up to you all right it's up to you it is not a sin that in a moral sense exactly there I could take it further but I want perhaps we will hear in a few moments but it is a sin to your health and you should be healthy you should want to feel good and quite frankly when you get your system out of balance and you start taking medication and thank God for medication when when it is an emergency and you need it but that in a sense always has side effects and throws the natural balance that's just common sense throws the natural body balance off such as various antibodies that we store within our own system when you take another antibody it kills your natural antibodies usually can and it just throws everything out of line and certainly I don't want any person to think that I'm saying anything about leaving off your medication or anything under the nature I'm not telling you that at all don't you ever change medication without consulting your the doctor that placed you on it Luke himself the writer of the Gospel was a medical doctor he was an MD in his writing in the Greek carries it forth quite plainly but what is a swine and what are we're going to go into fish here in a moment what are they they're scavengers God created them for a purpose they can handle poisons you can't and they are to clean the residue of the earth whereby the poison is kept away from you all right enough said on that let's we'll move along again it this information I'm a teacher of this word what you do with it that's your business we can still be good buddies if if you have a big old ham and egg breakfast tomorrow morning we can still be friends but you are what you eat verse nine these shall you eat of all that are in the waters whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters in the seas and in the rivers them shall you eat ten and all that have not fins and scales in the seas and in the rivers of all that move in the waters and of any living thing which is in the waters they shall be an abomination unto you verse 11 they shall be even an abomination unto you you shall not eat of their flesh but you shall have their carcass in a in abomination 12 whatsoever had no fins nor scales in the water that shall be an abomination unto you now let's talk about this for a moment we could go through a whole line of fish but that pretty well states but I can even give you another perhaps an oversimplification let's talk about a bass fisherman for a moment how does the bass fisherman catch a bass he's going to catch it usually with a fly and and when does the bass dry when it's moving he's not gonna eat anything dead a bask which has scales and fins is not going if you throw a dead worm and let it settle to the bottom that bass is going to turn his nose up at it and go elsewhere any of your clean fish would do the same thing but now here comes a catfish he's coming along catfish is not likely to hit something alive could but not too likely it's got to be stink bait or or weren't dead worms or live worms or something right on the bottom because he's down there like the old vacuum cleaner that God created and he's cleaning the bottom so that the bass are healthy for us to eat right he's the vacuum cleaner that's what that's what a scavenger is is to consume the poisons into the decay whereby the live eaters I will call them B that's new terminology but it'll work it keeps them healthy so that you can partake of them I know as as a young man growing up there was nothing I mean you take a key pan of catfish fry it up just right mm-hmm but then when you kind of begin to grate gain knowledge in other words you wouldn't go to your air conditioner and take the filter out of it and I mean I mean it's picked up the pollution from you the air of your home and and so forth and I mean it is filthy dirty and you're gonna squeeze that up in a cup and make a cup of tea out of it I think not it's a filter to take away the filth from the air that you breathe so that you can be quite healthy and comfortable well if you listen to Father's plan the animal kingdom is the same way in other words the simple rule of the thumb is do not eat scavengers of any type and you can't go too far wrong all right I think that makes common sense let's go to the next verse if we may and that would be verse 13 I'm gonna say yes and these are they which you shall have in an abomination among the fowls they shall not be eaten they are an abomination the eagle and the ossifrage this is and the off spray these are pretty well the same bird plays on the Hebrew word Bonebreaker all right why well usually the the US flag usually was a a fish eater but they would take that they take that rascal way up high and then drop it so that the rocks broke the bones in the body of the victim and thus the name okay verse 14 and the vulture well if you've ever seen an old vulture flying along highways eating what nobody else had left over bone filthy dirty you know and the kite after his kind that's kind of the Falcon family as best I can make out from the Hebrew 15 every Raven after his kind every black bird and usually you stop and think for a moment that takes in the rook I never Blackbird starlings they're filthy all right absolutely filthy 16 and the owl have you ever looked in an owl's nest and the Nighthawk the cuckoo some think this is a seagull I might take argument with that and the hawk after his kind but you see birds of prey basically are no nose all right 17 and the little owl and the cormorant the daughter the sea daughter all right and the great owl and the Swan verse 18 a very unclean and I don't know why God picked the Swan to deliver babies when it's it's about one of the filthiest birds there is and the pelican and the gear Eagle so you can pretty well the the owl the great al being in the Hebrew abyss birds of prey kind of wood pretty well catch all of that 19 the stork Harry and we got that after her kind the Lapwing and the bat okay verse 20 all fouls that creep going upon all-fours shall be an abomination unto you in other words you don't go down north and and take one of the tuxedo type dudes the penguin not clean alright verse 21 yet these may eat of every flying creeping thing that go off upon all fours which have legs above their feet now there's a reason for this don't get don't get excited to leap with all upon the earth well what do you know that has legs above its feet so that it leaps have you ever walked out through the grass and the hot summer day and you'll see them start hippity hopping and they're leaping alright 22 even these of them you may eat the locust after his kind as profits food the ball locusts after his kind and these quite frankly will be four types of locust all right the beetle after his kind the beetle locust and the grasshopper after his kind that's that specific locust you know I think I said that Swan the Swan delivers babies it's the stork of course and I meant to say it's the swans not really that unclean it's not cleaning that to eat but not quite as unclean as the story verse 23 but all other lying creeping things which have four feet shall be an abomination unto you in other words oh well I think I when we start talking about creeping things well I think everybody's appetites kind of turned off anyway 24 and for these you shall be unclean whosoever touches the Korkis of them shall be unclean until the even why well there's disease health laws are to keep you away from disease and you know we are not nearly as careful in hygiene as we should be let's say that I shake hands with 200 people and naturally out of 200 people then if someone has been exposed to this that or the other then you should really wash your hands after you touch even a human being but certainly when you're touching something that is unclean that God created me mine said well why would God create those unclean things to clean the earth up for us they serve a very good purpose they you don't have to pay them to clean the earth up for you but don't eat them and disease follows them and their little ol bodies can throw that disease off but yours can't and don't ever forget it that's God's advice to you 25 and whosoever Bharath ought of the carcass of them shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the even in other words again wine well how long does it take a disease to incubate think about it 26 the caucuses of every beast which divideth the hoof and is not clovenfooted nor chew it the could are unclean unto you every one that touches them shall be unclean and so what could we say well we could four-footed beast week how many pets do we have a rabid dogs and cats and only go well I need not even say 27 and whatsoever goeth upon his paws among all manner of beasts that go on all fours these are unclean unto you whosoever touches their Korkis shall be unclean until the even again don't don't look at this as God wanting you to be something finicky but clean using good hygiene practices and so forth 28 and he that beareth the carcass of them shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the even they are unclean unto you so it's real easy to follow I mean I mean let's look at it this way who created these bodies he did he knows what makes them tick he has told you here what foods to partake of no I couldn't remember when I began practicing and it was many many many years ago my children have never put a canoe they'll sit there pretty healthy you know by following these laws I'm not to say that everything's perfect I tell you one thing I like a steak and don't anybody ever lay a big old lobster tail here with butter you know and all the trimmings too close to my plate it's a temptation you know I mean let's face it they taste good all right but all right you have to do the very best you can and as long as you're trying and always thank our Father for your food I mean his blessings cause us to abound and many things but do do practice strict as best you can hygiene around unclean animals or you're going to end up sick they carry disease that they can handle it you can't and I really wouldn't put them in my stomach if I were you because quite frankly if your stomach can't handle it you know you're gonna begin wondering what happened to me and you'll be sick and our body is equipped whereby for you if you get sick enough that you can eat the junk anymore well pretty soon you're gonna get well that also is the one of the wonders of God creating our bodies I want you to turn with me what does God think about this there's just and I'm almost through with this but I want to take you just a little further and I'm not reading this to frighten anyone but I do want to have a very somber a sober moment with you about this in in the 65th chapter of Isaiah as you're turning there I'm gonna read just a verse or two it and I'm gonna pick it up at the third verse I am sought of them that ask not for me and I am found of them that sought me not I said behold me behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name in other words he's talking about that time there were even the Gentiles among others would come in but listen to this verse 3 is own verse 3 of Isaiah 65 a people that provoked a--the are the insult me alright in the Hebrew to anger continually to my face that sacrifice of in gardens and burned incense upon altars of brick I mean they claim to be religious I could even say in this generation even claimed to be Christians verse 4 which remain among the graves that's to say the spiritually dead and lodge in the monuments which eat swine's flesh and broth of abominable things is in their vessels think about it clam chowder what are we talking about here only go five which say stand by thyself and come not near to me for I am holy er then thou these are a smoke in my nose a fire that burned all the day no and you can kind of see there what your father's opinion is of those that would say well I'm very religious yes and then make light of his health laws and again this is the reason I told you the difference between the law ordinance and a statute all right there are sets of circumstances now I'm not going to go any farther than that no one can be perfect but you have to do the very best you can now what you're going to have as you take new found information perhaps to you and you go to your Minister and say guess what we're not supposed to protect of swans flesh and your Minister is going to say the New Testament did away with that well flesh you know the feet of your let's take your feet are no different than the feet that were war and during the time of Noah certainly during the time of Leviticus and your tummy at least to my knowledge or I think the entire scientific community hasn't changed since the book of Deuteronomy or Leviticus are from the beginning man is the same poison is poison in religion in utilizing common sense you can be healed sure but if you continue eating rotten food I'm sorry it would not do our Father any good to heal you because you're going to be sick in any way I'm gonna be running back to the doctor and taking this pill and that pill that's gonna throw your system out of balance and then you're gonna put some more rotten food tamper down good in there you know and like we started in the beginning eating your main meal at the close of the day rather than the beginning and you're getting sleepy and drowsy and you're going to sleep and you've left your stomach to day's work to do and and you expect to rest good wonder why I didn't rest good last night come on you know why you didn't you took off and left your stomach doing two day's work and then wonder and then get up in the morning and grab a cup of coffee and out you go and hit it with a glazed donut about mid-morning raises you up feeling good BAM lets you down and then maybe poke some rotten food back in on top of that unclean food and expect to be healthy come on it would seem that people have lost their ability to read as well as eat in certain places when that is to say in the religious community when some minister would tell you I want to put a stop right now and I want you to think in the Greek you have the subject and the object all right and and some things have an article and some things don't Peter at one time and you're gonna have Acts chapter 10 that's where Jesus made everything clean God sent a sheet down to Peter and all those unclean animals were on it and God said Peter each either of and Peter said Lord I'm not eating those scavengers not since I was a boy have I tasted scavengers and I'm not going to start now even telling her father three times that she came down and three times God took it up Peter didn't eat that the whole subject matter the sheet was only an analogy and and you will find in the in the 28th verse your subject the subject was that Cornelius was a Gentile Christ had died on the cross and paid the price and the whole subject was not that you're to call a scavenger unclean any longer but that you're not any longer supposed to call a Gentile unclean or meaning common the Greek word is pretty hard to fix kind of split between the word common and unclean all right to to a person that is trying to follow God's law why because Christ opened the temple and cut the inner petition and the Gentile can come in wasn't talking about me so don't ever let some would-be preacher or scholar dump on you on Acts chapter 10 because he shows his ignorance and can't follow the subject of the object forgot how to read some way the next one is going to pull on you first Timothy chapter 4 and let's just spend just a moment on that chapter four first Timothy I'm gonna begin reading with the first verse now the spirit speaketh expressively that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils in other words he said I want to speak expressively I want to be specific in this you're gonna have some traditions of men that are going to come by and pull people away from the true faith the true teaching with of course with traditions of men verse two speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron what happens if you if you're ever cut real bad and somebody had to put a hot iron to it this isn't done all that much anymore let's just say you get a real bad burn what happens there on that scar you don't have any feeling there really you could only feel from the the lower layers of the derma or and epidermis when you get a scar the feeling leaves that's what it means you simply lose spiritual feeling when you're seared over too many times three forbidding to marry and commanding first let's take the merry business forbidden to marry how many how many preachers have you heard say well if you've got a wife living and you're divorced you cannot remarry and they make a mockery of Christ's death on the cross that forgives divorce divorce is not the unforgivable sin now if a person had a mate that was living and they had not repented and had not received forgiveness yes it would be adultery if they married in the eyes of God but if they both flub up mess up I don't care whose fault it is but come to repentance then you're free to marry again as Paul would say in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 it is better to marry than to have our bodies burn and many people not familiar with the Greek said that means burn and hail because they got these hell fire brimstone preachers on every corner it means to burn with passion it's better to be married to may be married than have your body burn with passion the rest of your life okay don't let anyone judge you on that alright because you're gonna have some it'll come along and do it you heard me dressed down a father the other day for telling that son he was going to hell if he didn't divorce his wife of 17 years and go back to his first wife I don't want to go into that again it's a different subject for a different time but don't let people judge you think and watch God's Word when you read it picking back up in verse 3 and commanding to abstain from meats in other words don't let anyone cause you to abstain from meats how well can you read think which God hath created to be received with Thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth and what was said there what did it say that all meat was clean I think not you just finished reading Leviticus chapter 11 where God gave you a list of meats that were created to be received don't let anyone judge you on that I don't know many people say I don't know why but people can't read any any longer to see with understanding what is said what the subject in the object conveys only those that God has created to be received he didn't say the abomination because that that has poisons stored within its own fat will make you sick and hey if you want to be sick have to it you know know your priorities are your spiritual reckoning but quite frankly as we noticed from Isaiah 65 and the reason I went there God's not too happy about that for every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with Thanksgiving and yes if it was created to be received in the first place all right and all creatures are good I mean if we got a vacuum cleaner I probably as long as you own it it's going to be a vacuum cleaner you're not gonna you're not gonna dice that up and make a tea machine out of it alright so what when God God knew what he was doing and when he created something to to fulfill a job a purpose then don't try to change it on him alright and be healthy and be happy it's so much easier to be happy and healthy than it is to take your natural system that God created that functions so very well if you give it a chance but eat the way he instructed you to do you not remember Daniel what did he say Daniel said it in the first chapter of Daniel hey he said we're not gonna eat that stuff feed us Paltz which is our own food vegetables as well as he didn't mention me that could have could have been it and observe our countenance in 10 days you're what you eat and you can tell by looking at someone what they eat basically what their main diet is and that may shock some but it's true can you I can recognize a vegetarian I can I can speak to a vegetarian and talk for just a moment and analyze them and I can tell you whether that person protects a meter not if they're strictly vegetarian or someone that is heavy into pork I mean both for breakfast and I can tell I'm not going to explain why and how and don't have to if you stop and think of them that you can tell they don't look healthy and usually are not healthy and I'm not I'm not condemning anyone god forbid I just want you to be healthy as your father wants you to be healthy all right let's we'll stop there for this session I highly recommend dr. alexander x' tapes on who was a medical doctor a surgeon great surgeon who in his late later years decided rather than cutting out problems that he was going to begin teaching people how to prevent sickness and what a fantastic teacher enough said thank our Father for his word and listen a moment won't you please look of Deuteronomy the law was given as our schoolmaster have you been to school on God's Word certainly one way to go there is to study the of Deuteronomy probably the most the most exciting thing that Deuteronomy has to offer for you is that great song of Moses that those that overcome the false messiah in the in generation will be singing the law itself being the schoolmaster that keeps us out of trouble in these flesh bodies again an education in taming that part of you that off times needs taming through the old schoolmaster that great book Deuteronomy the law and it's set ways of keeping you from harm's way even in this generation all right there we are back again let's have the 800 number woman if we can 1 864 645 that 800 number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii and all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it once you remember because of the volume and now and over a hundred million homes that we go into we can no longer answer all questions we'll take a handful who knows yours may be there those of you that are listening by shortwave around the world at this time a it's always a pleasure to hear from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address you got a prayer request he's your father he's not some force out in space we're created in His image looks like we do he knows what you're thinking and he created you for his pleasure last verse of chapter 4 a book of Revelation and nothing pleasures him more than for you to say I love you father that's what cost us his blessings to fall upon you except to you alright whether you want to find peace of mind and have the blessings or whether you want troubles all your life that's up to you father around the globe we come we ask that you leave guide direct touch healing Yahshua's precious excuse me questions let's go with them Helen from North Carolina where do I find in the Bible where it says we can pick up snakes and it won't hurt us well Helen you'll find it in the last four three four verses of the great book of Mark but there's a little bit of a problem here this is a metaphor Satan is the serpent alright and what it means is is that you could with with all of God's not not all of God's knowledge but his plan basically in your forehead meaning your mind knowledge that you can walk wherever you want to around Satan just like Christ did in during the temptation in the mount and he can't hurt you it's not talking about an actual rattlesnake rattle snakes are not Bible students rattlesnakes have not been taught from the Word of God that they're not supposed to bite you and they will fare thee well cut loose unless you get a few showmen that deep hang them you know and then they might just gum it but then that as it may that's not what it means it also mentions poison and that's a figure of speech that means your character will will withstand any examination all right there are simply figures of speech never make a religion out of figures of speech or you get in trouble Pat from California was Michael the arc angel ever in the flesh in this earth age no no arc angel has ever been born a woman the regular Angels yes all of them will pass through born of woman but not one arc angel okay well Smyrna the church be divided up and not Philadelphia no no there there are some be divided up that's got to be delivered yes they'll both be delivered up if God's elect is a time before what before the false messiah the baldwin is coming soon claiming to be Jesus and he's a fake it's Satan himself I know why you want you ask that because in Revelation 2:9 it stipulates that the Church of Smyrna will be delivered up for ten days because they know who the Kenites are it says the same thing in Revelation chapter 3 verse 9 concerning Philadelphia and it mentions they have the key of David which means the knowledge of the word the simplicity the common sense that God expects you to master in being happy and healthy on this earth alright and they will both both witness as it is written in mark chapter 13 okay James from Wisconsin I don't see how you can disallow all the world religions especially in John 1 hey you've friends you've never heard me disallow religions of any kind as a matter of fact John James it seems strange to me that you would even make a statement like that when I asked never ask me a question that pertains a religion and organization or some denomination because I don't not people I teach this word from the original languages at least the research done in the original language is from a King James and you will never hear me speak one word or disallow God is judge not any man so I'm sorry you're just a little off base Darlene from Washington my question is besides family can't could the elect help out acquaintances in the Millennium also who is it that the Elector from chapter 40 in the book of his kill to the end is all about the millennium that is the thousand year period that we're approaching I feel before too long and I stated I feel and at that time the list is basically blood relative or a wife or a husband that one of these is a dock in the Hebrew means the just the election that they can go there and help but really God's elect help everyone III don't want you to lose sight of just because someone that was never taught the truth never had an opportunity to learn the truth because unfortunately we have some preachers that gobbledygook the real Word of God so badly that an intelligent person is turned off then they really didn't have a chance a non-believer in this generation will hear this one say hey you better join our church or you're going to cook like a piece of bacon which is unclean food if unless it's beef or something turkey or something else you know and and you know someone who comes at well what kind of God would burn people you know like a piece of bacon and then someone will holler at them over here and say no no no no no we're the only ones that are going to be there and this port rascal is pulled to and frong by a bunch of would be holier than thou people probably swine partakers and Lord only knows egg rollers fertility right celebrators and you know really the whole nine yards they didn't have a chance the Millennium they're going to they're going to be taught Martha from Alabama how will the beasts be wounded and where can I find this in the Bible you will find it in Revelation chapter 13 verse 4 it's a deadly wound to a political situation not some animal all right anything multi-headed is synthesized e is multi heads it means political all right it's the one world order the new system and you hear it mentioned and have for some time now and it's developing but it will not come become a reality until the false messiah false Jesus appears on earth then it will Catherine from Ohio is there a scripture in the Bible that speaks against cremation no there is not I know that many people believe that these old bodies are gonna rise again well we have two bodies we covered it even in this lecture in first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 44 if you are ignorant of the fact that you have two bodies a flesh one and when you're done with it it goes back to dirt that's God's plan and it's not going to be raised so it doesn't matter Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 7 will help you on that the quicker it gets back to dust the better it is all right to be absent from this body as present with the Lord for a second Corinthians 5 verses 7 and 8 you're out of here I mean God is not a God of dead but of the living Ronald from Tennessee will we know each other in heaven well the answer is of course we will born again means to be born from above God stated let us make man in our image we look like we look and being born innocent to make their own mind up whether they would love God or Satan and that's why Christ would say when you have seen me you have seen the father because even Christ was in the image of the father the only begotten Son brinda from the other arcs were still there that's that might confuse within itself but be that as it may I'll leave it brinda from California where does it say in the Bible not to let the Sun go down with wrath well it escapes me it's uh it it has to do with this if you have an argument with your mate don't go to sleep at night basically without getting it worked out you know if Marvel I'm Marvel how two people could could be in one bedroom and sit there and growl at each other you know in their dreams or whatever work at it take care of it don't be one of these silent people that your feelings are your own and there's nothing wrong with a husband and wife having a good discussion occasionally just don't let it come to blows and I would say that every marriage in his first most every marriage in its first 15 or 16 years about every six to eight months there's gonna be a pretty good discussion at one time of the other and it needs to be taken care of then communicate lack of communication as trouble Brenda from Kentucky if you ask for forgiveness for a particular sin but repeat the same sin will God forgive you me again sometimes I think I have a habit doing this well how many did Jesus they asked you how many times do you forgive a man how many times did he save Ward time four hundred four hundred ninety times seven times seventy but you have to mean it from your heart but Brenda when pray that he gives you strength to overcome it you don't have to make promises to him or anything just ask for the strength but still repent and if it happens again you made it just a little farther okay Quinn from Pennsylvania how does a man win back his wife's love how does a Christian man do this to gain his family back well Quinn how did you get her in the first place I bet you courted her didn't well quarter again tell her how pretty she is now sweet she isn't remember how you used to go around the jerk car door open and carry the groceries and everything and then it's time went on you probably told her honey if that's too heavy for you you make two trips you know or something like that go go back and court her again you want her that way in the beginning do it from the heart be honest with her you know it amazes me sometimes I'm old Boyle you'll pick up he'll go along and he'll finally he'll say well I'm gonna re court and find me another woman and here he goes over and you're gonna record again let me open the door for you darling and naturally that woman's gonna be fooled by him for a little bit and I'm not saying that you're a bad person but it's so much better to keep the one you got because you understand each other court her let her know you love her I'm out of time hey you know what I love you all a great deal for a real special reason you enjoy studying our fathers word and more depth you want to get down to life religion is not Christianity is not a religion it's a reality when you get right down there to it but what's most important God loves you for that and he blesses you that way okay it's very important that you please him because when you please him he gives you everything and that's great especially a peace of mind all right this is most important did you stay in his word every day in his words a real good day even with problems you know why Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life you have been viewing the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you are interested in obtaining more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer includes the mark of the beast audio tape a newsletter with a written Bible study a complete audio tape catalog 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Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 5,492
Rating: 4.9030304 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV
Id: pSceEVpgIbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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