Lamentations ~ 3:52 to 4:10

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are ready to get back in our father's word Book of Lamentations in the ancient it was not called limitations in the Hebrew it was like ah which is to say how how in the world did we get in this shape that's kind of what is implied chapters 1 2 & 4 even begin with how and the entire book is a set of groups of eleven and I having a work called the acrostics of eleven that is based this is the nest for it and our Father hides many truths in it and as much as the acrostic is that each chapter having 22 verses divided in two parts of 11 okay but it begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet in secession from a leaf betta gimel and so forth and therefore with that acrostic man can't change it otherwise it shows it comes up like a sore thumb now we have gotten to the third chapter and it kind of sits out by itself it also has 22 verses though in your English Bible is 66 66 verses but what it is made up of is 22 verses with three lines each and to explain that and simplify it verses one two and three or one particular verse and each verse starts with a leaf a in the Hebrew alphabet okay and three four and five began with Beda be in the Hebrew alphabet and it continues own but as we close the last lecture we come to this two verses 47 48 and 46 47 and 48 which the Hebrew letters were reversed the pay is reversed with an alien which is to say and an O which in the Hebrew when we're in ancient paleo Hebrew means the I okay and why did the father reverse it well pay is like the old ancient letter looked like a mouth open with a tongue ear and usually when that was when you come to that and and then we wonder well why would God reverse them to get your attention in other words we're they're reversed and it has a pay which is mouth signifies mouth verse 46 said all your enemies have opened their mouths against us I mean they're putting out some propaganda they're putting out false doctrine you've got a lot of false teachers they're misleading the people and then of course verse of 49 and 50 and 51 or a in with the I get your eyes open and look and observe it okay 49 my night ricky'll it down and cease if not it's sad and it was a sad song with what was happening to the people ultimately this would come to he who paid the price on the cross for all of our sins okay and and within this beautiful beautiful acrostic and it truly is you with companion bibles you're very fortunate because the Hebrew alphabet with the acrostic as before each of the verses and and it makes it a little easier to understand so having said that with the reverse of the two letters for a reason the enemy has open their mouth you get your eyes open and you pay attention to what they're saying okay so with that having been said a word of wisdom from our Father let's pick it up in chapter 3 the great book of of limitations aha in the Hebrew tongue verse 52 and verse 52 reads mine enemies chase me soar like a bird without cause and and Wyatt there and and I let me let me hasten to add that from that this begins a new set of eleven to the very end 52 to the end has to do with prayer okay who do you turn to when he seems like the enemy is all around you we have a father and he loves you I don't care what kind of trouble you're in with his love with you returning that love he's going to get you through he's going to show you a way out okay always don't ever worry don't ever fret he's going to show you that way and you know let me give you a scripture to document that second first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 we'll do that for you nothing that isn't pretty common with everybody's going to happen to you and God will never test you over what you can cut and he'll always show you a way out so and so it is so but but catch the inner meat of this spiritually the enemy's chase me soar like a bird whether they do they set a trap okay they try to entrap you with lies and and false laws and so forth until you're in a heap of hurt if you don't do something about it okay verse 53 they have cut off my life in the dungeon and cast a stone upon me this is a stone that seals a tomb you could even say this is when like when Christ tomb when he was buried in his uncle's tomb the joseph of arimathea that a rich man Christ buried in that tomb they rolled this huge stone they've tried to shut me up and you as an individual of this nation the nation of Israel even though they are scattered all over the world they'll try to shut you up do not let that happen father sent you a letter utilize that stay with it and and and so it is that stone will be rolled away and truth will abound verse 54 waters flowed over mine head then I said I am cut off and my end has come don't you ever dare say that don't say that as long as you know as the the father is there what do you do when this happens you remember I said from 52 through 66 it's it's a prayer what do you do when that happens when you're you've kind of come to that place where you need help what do you do verse 55 I called upon thy name o Lord out of the low dungeon that's what you want to do when you need help you call him he takes care of business okay he expects you to take names and kick dragon but there comes a time when the enemy really sets the traps that you need help our nation is kind of in a situation is that now you need to talk to them verse 56 thou hast heard my boys hide not thine ear at my breathing at my cry do you know what you know what this the the beauty of this is and I want to share it with you we we come here as the Hebrew letters continue to a call five okay coffee five and what does coffe mean it means an ear so so that you know it is the Word of God and he has fixed it then thou hast heard my voice hide not thine ear called foe okay at my breathing at my cry God never shall his ears are always open to you that's what this acrostic means the hidden in depth meaning verse 57 thou draw us near in the day that I called upon thee thou settest fear not and that's his message to you you know when when you're a servant of the Living God you don't have to fear anything just love him Revere God and love him and he gives you power over all of enemies what have you got to fear and that then that's not just words that's a fact okay that is a fact verse 58 Oh Lord thou has pleaded the causes of my soul thou has redeemed my life and naturally when that one was placed in that tomb when he paid the price when he died on the cross our foundation our Christ then he redeemed us you know well is it free no it cost him an awesome price it cost him his life in the flesh but he lives he arose and and redeemed all that will call upon his name for sincerely and love him verse 59 o Lord thou has seen my wrong judged thou my cause in other words when you fall short and when you do wrong expect God to chastise you because he loves you and so it is with a child when a child does wrong you correct them you discipline them why well why do you do that because you love them you don't want them harmed so you take care of them verse 60 thou has seen all their vengeance and all their imaginations against me well what what is there these false charges false accusations from their doctrines and traditions of men that make void the Word of God and God it takes notice of it and you know who vengeance belongs to belongs to our Father that puts you in real good shape so you can say fear not verse 61 thou hast heard their reproach O Lord and all their imaginations against me you've heard all that false teaching you've heard all those false charges 60 to the lips of those that rose up against me and their device against me all the day and it's interesting that the this this happens to be King the Hebrew letter Shin or s if you would and the Hebrew s looks like a row of teeth guess what it means give you one guess I said it looks like a row of teeth you know the the indentations well the lips are there by the teeth okay but the lips of those that rose up against me and their device against me all the day and and there it falls with this particular letter again in the acrostic how beautiful the Word of God verse 63 behold they're sitting down and they're rising up I am their music it's a mocking song against me Lord that they make their music by mocking and K and and so it is how many you know when this is why young people you want to be very careful when you get into certain raps or types of music that malt Christianity that actually mark the Lord Jesus Christ I would be very careful and I would even fear for my life if I were to mock the Living God that's a very dangerous thing now naturally an atheist is going to laugh at that statement but let them laugh all the way to the grave and all the way to hell okay that's their privilege in there right it's a free country they're free to go to hell if they want to they have their own holiday atheist have their own holiday it's it states in the great book of Proverbs that those that don't believe God are fooled so they have April Fool's Day okay and it's altered themselves and they seem to be quite happy about it don't don't let them make music or don't sing songs that Mock the deity 64 render unto them a recompense O Lord according to the work of their hands and don't worry God again I want to remind you this is a prayer from 52 to through to verse 66 in this great chapter it's a prayer and and when you give prayer get Thanksgiving too as well okay verse 65 give them sorrow of heart that curse unto them in other words come down upon them whereby there is no joy within them and you don't beloved they don't have any joy anyway what little joy they have is very temporal because the only joy in the world is peace of mind and peace of mind comes from loving the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father and he gives that peace of mind because we fear not there's nothing to fear when you're with him you have the common sense and the ability with his hand upon you to conquer whatever comes at you verse 66 persecute and destroy them in anger from under the heavens of the Lord and so it is they're not going to be there okay not they're just not going to make it a period and and there you have the 66th verse and that can now again many people think that there were 66 still is it will divide by 11 but really there is only in the Hebrew manuscripts there's only 22 verses and three lines to each verse which has a verse number in the English Bible so don't let that confuse you simply triple up on the alphabet to totally understand the acrostic and never never forget that he reversed both in chapter 2 and in chapter 3 in chapter 2 it was only two verses that were reversed in Chapter three there were two sets of three lines that were reversed Ian and pip which means their mouths the enemy's mouth and your ears to open them up and hear the word of God in this case to hear the prayer of God pray for vengeance against the enemy and always be willing to take names and kick dragon okay to come against that that belittled mocks our Savior you know he took a lot being scourge dand crown of thorns and nailed to a cross he didn't whimper didn't say a word about that pain but rather he taught while he was on that cross while this was being done he taught Psalms 22 he lie a lie Lama Shibata he said my God my God why hast thou forsaken me being the verse David spoke then talking about the crucifixion at how he would be nailed to the cross why so that we could have forgiveness of sins the perfect sacrifice but at the same time the main reason being as it is written in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 where it stipulates the reason I came the reason he died on the cross was whereby he could destroy death which is to say the devil in other words Satan is a child of God God created him and what does it take to destroy one of your own children that's a heavy trip for him but in as much as Satan caused his little crew to yell out crucify him then and and bringing it to pass so actually Satan brought about the death of he whose right it was to sit on the mercy seat which Satan was supposed to guard only he wanted to sit there himself so now God can destroy him without any problem okay because he did that to Christ therefore God is always fair and God is always righteous chapter 4 again we have another how chapter it begins the first word of it is a cough in the Hebrew and it means how did this happen and you're supposed to ask yourself that only you know what as you've noticed in the first three verses chapters rather that it not only asked how but it tells you how to get out of it how to overcome it how to be a winner how to be a can-do type person so and verses 1 through 11 to set up this acrostic for you for it is an acrostic it has 22 verses and each verse starting with the Hebrew letter single-line and it is jerusalem delivered into the hands of the enemy in verses 1 through 11 this is the city in which Christ made an eternal covenant with in Ezekiel chapter 16 it's where he intends to set his eternal Kingdom heaven if you would right here on earth when when at the end of the millennium but it's going to tell you is because of her prophets and priests that's why it was handed over you're gonna ask Hal and he's going to tell you chapter 4 again this wonderful parable and it an acrostic let's go with it how akka how is the goal become min how is the most fine gold changed this this means that I mean the top of the crop the very purest why has it changed the stones of the sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street what do you put a spiritual connotation to this and let the goal be the children of God okay that's what he's talking about and the very precious things what what is cast out into the street well you know in the old days when you had animals that were traversing what what did you find in the street done my precious things are out there as though it Dunfield not good my friend first to the precious sons of Zion that's what the subject is that's the pure gold okay comparable to fine gold so that you understand in this verse of betta how are they esteemed as earth and pitchers the work of the hands of a Potter I mean earthen bodies that get ill that get old that to wrinkle how is it that that well because the first Earth Age they sinned and then they had to be born to flesh to overcome to either love God or to love Satan the choice is yours okay verse three even the sea monsters draw out the breasts they give sup to their young ones I mean you take even the sea monster the whale nurses their own she takes care of her babies in other words they give suck to their young ones the daughter of my people has become cruel like the ostrich in the wilderness and I want you to make a note if you want to study this a little further to find out what God thinks of the orchestra job chapter 39 verse 14 they don't care they lay an egg in the sand and expect to say in the hatchet and people chomping on it and they don't hide it they don't take care of their babies they can be stomped own and broken destroyed verse 4 the tongue of the suckling child cleaveth to the roof of his mouth for thirst starving to death the young children ask bread and no man breaketh it unto them not a crumb did you understand what God is telling you here in this acrostic people are starving for truth what is the bread the true bread Christ said I am the bread have you broke that bread have you shared it with someone and the children starve for truth for answers how a cow how did we get in this condition that's what our father is saying here and the children thrown away what it what did what a what a disgrace not a crumb and uh naturally this is soul food it's the Word of God I mean we changed that may we bring the true Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by first explaining the hidden things to many eyes but the truth to things in in simplicity when explained properly that God nailed down in his very menu scripts feed the children and feed them the Word of God something that will stick with them or they can make something out of themselves not not a bowl of partridges Esau would have traded his heritage for verse 5 they that did feed delicately are desolate in the streets they that were brought up in scarlet embraced done Hills those that really money has nothing to do with those that were very rich they still don't partake of the true bread and they're like they're out embracing dung in the streets when they could have the this is what is taught false teachings when they could have the real thing they choose a bunch of malarkey and what you find in a dunghill okay again as I told you God is telling wine Jerusalem was handed to the enemy because of the prophets and the preachers and so it is to this day well are you judging the preacher no I'm not judging them God's telling them you better get to the real bread and you better share it to starving people for truth that we were that starved for truth verse 6 for the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom that was overthrown as in a moment and no hand stayed on her and what what is interesting here is we come to the sixth verse and the sixth letter in the Hebrew alphabet is what okay if you know what means it means a nail but it means a goat like you would have a stick and you'd have a nail on the end of it so that when you were driving animals you could kind of prick them with the little little goat and they knew you meant business okay and that's what God is talking about here punish the iniquity use that go BA goad rather and the daughter of the people and and something that is really really important here what is about their sin of letting the baby starve destroying babies yet in the womb well listen to it it's greater than the punishment of sin of Sodom and when Sodom and Gomorrah was overthrown as in a moment and no hand stayed on her now stop and think about this a moment I don't I'm not gonna let you read over it who who's going to take care of this sin well it's real simple who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah it wasn't man no sir it was not man that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah it was the living god he rained down fire and yet even ice at the same time or other water and and so it was so the overthrow is coming my friend and God the day of vengeance belongeth to our Father it's going to happen I'm not saying this to frighten anyone but to warn be in the father's hand and be protected be outside of the father's hand and get ready to receive it verse 7 her Nazarites were purer than snow they were whiter than milk they were more ruddy in body than rubies in other words they showed red blood in the face the MARTA that's what the word Adam means in the Hebrew tongue is to show blood in the face to be ready complected like rubies they're polishing was of sapphire their countenance was fantastic those that took the vow of a Nazarene were under a pledge to Almighty God to serve him Christ was born in Nazareth ok well I didn't wasn't born there but he lived there grew up there he was born in Bethlehem of course but it said God with you brings you a good countenance a good color if we're by you what does that mean you're happy don't don't go for the misleading in the dangers and all that when and when you can have the polishing of a sapphire to have your countenance Sparkle why because you have a peace of mind you're not afraid you take name and you kick dragon when it's necessary verse 8 their vision visit is blacker than a coal they are not knowing in the streets their skin cleave us to their bones it is it has become like a stick it's like a walking dead man let me let me tell you ask you something who is the Prince of Darkness you should know who's aruthor oh come on lay and those that follow him or they look like walking dead people we're looking at Souls now okay spiritually they're deader than a hammer because they have no truth they have not protectin to the bread of life they have not heard God's Word taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse whose fault is that well just like he said the priests and the prophets verse 9 they that be slain with the sword or better than they that be slaying with hunger for these pine away stricken through for one of the fruits of the field it's terrible to see a people starved of truth when there's plenty of truth to go around when Jesus fed the multitude they had twelve basketfuls left over and it signifies the Word of God the truth of God to share with everyone plenty to go around and yet what's saying here it's better to bow to die you know in in the battlefield in honor than it is to die spiritual death and be a walking dead spiritually dead no peace of mind no happiness you show me a family that the whole family does not understand our father's word or their destiny or their purpose and I'll show you a family that really does not have much peace of mind they can't really even enjoy each other to know they're their brother and sisterhood to know they're children of the Living God and that God loves them they give all that away and you wonder why they're starving and look like dead people walking there's no life in them speaking of eternal life verse 10 the hands of the pity the hands of the pitiful woman have sodden their own children they have they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people they were the these pitiful is tender-hearted even even they some of them destroy their own children and and that's a real sad situation but and so it is well how do they do that by not beating them by not feeding them overall the Word of God by letting them go to a place where it's going to tell them if you eat an apple Eve ate an apple and it brought sin into the world tell children the truth on their level they're starving they need to know how god how did we get in this shape this condition that's what the acrostic means what a beautiful acrostic what a beautiful word of God locked in where traditions can't change it where the real truth just bubbles forth and enters the mind of a starving nation think about it don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible is an invaluable tool to the serious Bible student the Strong's Concordance lists every word used in the Bible in every passage where the word utilized may be found in the scriptures with the assistance of a reference numbering system the English reader may easily translate anywhere back to the original Hebrew Chaldea or Greek in which God's Word was written the companion Bible is a unique Study Bible in addition to the text of the King James Version Bible an extra wide margin contains a wealth of information not found in other Bibles a system of structures or outlines employed by the companion Bible will allow the readers to rightly divide the Bible the use of these structures help the reader follow the subject matter therefore they are critical to an understanding of God's Word the 198 appendix is found in the Bible cover a wide variety of topics and information which will alight in your studies the companion Bible and strongest concordance are a must for the serious Bible student and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or organization let's don't judge people and you don't have to God is the judge and when you're truly teaching his word he gets it done you don't have to worry about it okay he warns people openly fairly and honestly and it will be he and he alone on that day of vengeance that the world that wondered if there was a God boy are they going to find out there is one and his righteous indignation is not going to be nice for those that do not love him those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure to hear from you you've got a prayer request don't need the address or a number why God knows what you're thinking right now he is the car do nor he knows your heart you don't have to say it out loud you know people will tell children you cannot pray here nobody can keep you from praying because you don't have to pray out loud all you have to do is think your prayer and God hears it and honors it ok no one can prevent you ok and the regardless of how people may try to stop they cannot stop the power of God so having said that let's go to his throne Heavenly Father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and questions I don't know if I think that came off the bottom up put it back down there okay we'll get him anyway a jury from Alabama questioned pastor Murray faith without works or dead and work without faith is dead explained works for me works are the righteous acts that weave together the very fine linen that's that creates your robe in heaven you don't have any if you all you got his faith in no works you're gonna be naked as a jaybird and we're all gonna have to look at you that's a shame okay real shame so right it works for our Father is just it's so important don't let the children starve listen it doesn't hurt you if a child comes up mask you a question and I'm talking about somebody young you can be 60 years old still be a child in the spirit ignorant to God's Word which means simply you don't know okay help them okay feed them give them purpose what a beautiful gift to give someone the truth okay that's work that's doing God's work okay but but just a smile can be good works you know sometimes when when a person is very trouble and you give them your countenance shine with the presence of God the Holy Spirit that is to say it lifts them and it helps them that works everybody I talked to as a believer in the rapture I enjoy your teaching well there's a lot of people will be deceived and that's what makes it real sad well word rapture not even in the Bible and yet a lot of people that's their hope their hope is not Christ their hope is rapture what well it's gonna it's going to get bad and I want to be gone it's gonna get bad and you're gonna be here okay because the Antichrist will come first and then we will all be changed and gathered to Christ as it is written at the last Trump Satan comes at the 6th Trump and then that from Ohio would you please document in the Bible at what age we become accountable for our sins the the age of accountability is different for many people okay many times you will see at one of our baptisms you will see if there's a very very young child you may see myself or someone else bent over and talked to them for a second you won't hear it but what it is it's to check out their accountability before we baptize them and if they can explain why they're being baptized we're going to baptize them it doesn't matter what their age is okay because you see if God puts you in that position let's say that a preacher's a door that's just that's just a five-year-old child and I baptize children for that knew more Bible than a lot of preachers quite frankly and you know many men say well how can use a book because they studied they listened to the Word of God but you refuse that child when they're at the age of accountability and their parents have a terrible automobile accident on the way home and they're killed you refused to baptize that one and you're going to answer for it okay so the age of accountability is different with many people this when they recognize and know that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins that on believing on him whomsoever will shall not perish but have eternal life and the reason we are baptized is to simulate his going into the tomb your publicly saying I believe he died I believe he was buried and I believe he arose like you arise out of that water and you're saying it publicly because you know why is to say I'm a Christian a Christ man Helen from Florida in the Book of Revelations is the book of Revelation in chronological order and where are we now in the of Revelation the book of Revelation is not from chapter 1 to chapter 22 in chronological order as a matter of fact stuck in the middle along about chapter 12 covers from the first Earth Age all the way through this age and up to the to to the millennium all in one chapter but chronologically speaking it let's take the seals which is what you're supposed to have sealed in your forehead that's where your brain is and you're supposed to know okay we're in the fifth Trump and we're in fifth seal we're waiting for the sixth which is the appearance of Antichrist Jason that would be the next seal okay opened Jason from Maryland who are God's elect God's elect or according to Ephesians chapter one verse for those whom he chose before the foundations of this world meaning when Satan rebelled they stood against him God respects that they never failed so they're not punished and they are called the elect it's not because they're the prettiest or wisest it's because they were the truest to be true as to know and to love God and to do what it is he would have you do that's the elect you can you can also read of them as we just finished a great book of Romans in Chapter eight beginning with about verse 26 Travie that's they are called Saints they're in Saints in the Greek means the set aside ones the elect Travis from Arizona if a person gets baptized and in backslide should they be rebaptised absolutely not what then does it take repentance okay you got to go to him and let him know that you're you apologize and that you have a change of mind and heart from from the backsliding you you see when you simulate he death bureau and resurrection you don't want to go ahead and recruit if I him all over again do you I don't think so it's just like a lot of people will say well I would have be saved again he does at one time after that it's up to you the salvation is there but if you slip away from it you can go to hell so you always want to repent that's what it takes repentance and get back to how many times did God say you four should forgive somebody seven times seventy 490 times okay a day on true repentance Bernard from Tennessee question am i to believe that the serpent was some kind of animal that walked upright and could talk and did talk to Eve punishment to the serpent was that it would crawl on his belly in the dust all the days of its life that's a statement of degradation you don't know who the serpent is haven't you ever read Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 I just said it's the longest chapter covers more time than any revelation 12:9 tells you who the serpent is I'm gonna say it for you again revelation 12:9 tells you what the serpent was and is Michael cast him out of heaven there is that old serpent the dragon which is the devil it was Satan Dave don't know where Dave is from does seven mean anything in the Bible of course it does it means spiritual completeness and it has utilized many times with that spiritual connotation fantastic Gregory from Michigan can a person lose their salvation and we just answered that the answer is who does the saving Christ does you want to call him a failure then you'd have to be saved again saying Christ didn't get it done right okay I wouldn't try that if I were you I would not say I needed to be saved again because Christ did the saving and your recruits buying him and calling him a failure yourself so what you do you can lose your your right to salvation by thinning to the point of never repenting and you can fall so far away that you can go to hell but the salvation was always there for you God will never leave you he will never forsake you but you can sure leave him the choice is yours that's why everyone writes their own sentence for the eternity your privilege and so it is have a good trip all right Marion from Minnesota pastor Murray I have been listening to your program for seven months now and I really enjoy it my question is is it safe for me to put olive oil on my son's door he is 34 struggling with divorce child support rent and thoughts of suicide he feels useless here can you tell me what to do what take take a little bit of the all of our people and there's nothing wrong with you going up and asking Christ to protect him to lead him and and what the love of a mother mother you're doing good you you don't even have to let him know it okay just do it and ask the saving arms of Jesus Christ lead him and guide him and not that door the oil will not accomplish it but your obedience to use it to anoint it many Christians have WOD never heard of Christians using oil then you don't even know what Christ means you don't understand the word crease those but just Christ means The Anointed One the etymology of his name comes from rubbing as anointing with oil and it is his order to do it especially if you want a healing Teresa from South Carolina I am mentally disabled and I'm a unable to work I am curious to know as to whether or not I will be going to hell because I am unable to work absolutely not dear okay you know our Father is a God of love he really is that's that's that's what he wants from you and and he expects everyone to take care of a handicapped person that our government happens to be pretty good about that fair you know it could get a lot worse if certain things go through here but so far so good but you're doing fine okay you just love the Lord and He loves you first I want you to picture God I want you to Teresa I want you to make a note of first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 there are other people just like you it's common to them he will never test you over what you can cut and you'll always show you a way through okay always believe that and know it and you know I've known handicapped people that didn't have to say or work or do anything that could pass the bread of God's Word better than a lot of people that were able-bodied so when it comes to Whitney's to get a witnessing against the fall cry it faults Christ you might read mark 13 I think you'll be real good at it Miller from South Carolina my son has done a lot of wrong over the years he owes me and my other family members money and has even stolen money from them I told him I didn't want anything to do with him until he paid them back for the money he stole and got a job and started taking care of himself I've tried talking to him about God but he won't listen according to God's Word what should I do darlin you're doing it okay you're doing it just right but I will give you scripture to document that you are doing what's right 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 begin reading with about verse 6 and 7 okay and and it will tell you if it's one of your own don't treat them as an enemy but don't feed them I mean cut there into the table off don't support them and make them work them for themselves okay and a lot of people that walk but they may starve I know you know what there's there's a little automatic switch between the belly button and the backbone and when they get too close together it switches on a little light up in the brain that says I better go to work or I'm going to starve okay that's that's that's God's tough love and you're doing a real good job a little tough love goes a long way old Marines like myself love discipline you know wish we had him a little while okay wish we had him a little while which we would show you what a good man your son was after we got through with him Daniel from Alabama if he was still alive okay if he made it Daniel from Alabama is there a difference between the secular world and the Kenites or the Kenites influence do they influence people to be secular talk taking God out of our vocabulary the Kenites are there could be one of them but but Kenites you have to understand is a race which really has nothing to do with secular secular is something that is not necessarily religious okay and so and we've got a lot of people today them in this atheistic world not all that many and but an atheist he may be offended at the Word of God and he wants the whole world to change for him and I'm gonna tell you what the atheists can do he can take it and lump it we're not going to change for him and we don't care whether he changes or not it would be his it would be good for him if he did but I say if atheists want to go to hell let them have a good trip okay that's where they belong okay because they they're going to find out the hard way that there is a God and I you know I have known a few atheists in my time and I've known one or two that when it come close to death they came to me they begin to ask some questions and they begin to convert they begin to know they were going somewhere and maybe somebody was speaking to him from above maybe the Holy Spirit was touching him and they they couldn't figure this out but they kind of wanted to change and so they did I know from in combat you don't have too many atheists in foxholes okay because people just you know there's a God and He loves us okay okay beef mrs. B from Maryland what do they say that Jesus Christ was why do they say that Jesus Christ was not the Son of God and just a good prophet other religions you know and if they want to say that if they want to go that route that's their business okay it is not our obligation it is our obligation to teach it is a person's obligation to believe what they want to believe and they're going to be judged on that on Judgment Day so we'll see won't we it is a strange thing but you know when you look at more than history you look at the ancient world the first Earth Age you look at the artifacts that remain from it and when you see that God has kept his word right to the letter you'd be kind of dumb not to recognize him and his son but hey they don't want to it's fine Evelyn from Alabama I've been through many chapters with you and your son would you please help me to understand Daniel 12:2 the last time we studied this book was twos 807 I have a note that goes to Ecclesiastes 12 6 and 7 and I can't remember your explanation well Daniel 12:2 is a statement of degradation they wake out of the dust meaning they're terrible despicable life when they see Christ and they realize what it were by been and what have I done and probably if one of us mentioned Ecclesiastes 12 6 & 7 that's where this clay pot break okay then our spirit body returns to heaven and and and we rise from we rise not from the dust but from this body and go directly to the Father those that love him that's probably was the reason it's a statement of degradation not an actual fact that they're in the dirt okay spiritually they're dirty date I think it's Larry and Betty since we are in the year of the fig tree 1948 how long is a generation 70 because it's how how many years to consider whatever whatever God decides is that generation we know one thing for a fact this is it well how can you determine that the parable the fig tree declares it Jeremiah chapter 24 the is it is established when Jerusalem Israel becomes a nation again that happened in 1948 that this generation would not pass away until all prophecy was fulfilled we're working on it real fast Dale for Michigan is it wrong to say my God bless you may God bless you without knowing what someone's affiliation may be no not really but what weird you want to be real careful with that statement and I'm sure it's where you're coming from with this is the second epistle of John he has three short epistles I'm not talking about the great Saint John talking about the little the shortest epistle one of the shortest epistles the second one it says if someone comes to you with a differ doctrine than Jesus Christ if you wish them Godspeed and spreading that wicked doctrine you become a partaker of it same way if someone teaches a false doctrine and you support it with your tithes when you know better you're in a heap of hurt for it because you're wishing it well when you know it's a lie that can get real serious and it's real heavy but it's something everybody must make their own mind up about okay so I'll be out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter by chapter verse by verse spreading that Bread of God's Word to a starving nation I love you for that but most of all God loves you for it because you study the letter he sent to you to improve your life and to bring you peace of mind you make his day guess what he's going to make yours we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you then we're so we ask that you bless God he will always bless you most of all though most important you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepards chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,375
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Keywords: Book of Lamentations, Book of, Chapel, Pastor, Holy Bible, Arnold, Kjv, Lamentations, Shepherds Chapel, Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Shepherds, Arnold Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Bible
Id: vsQuygC9ex0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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