Jamaican Sunday Dinner | How To Cook Roast Chicken For #ChristmasDinner | Chef Ricardo Cooking !

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keep it maestro so what you want to do put that on the plate at the table and make everyone enjoy that amazing roast chicken from chef ricardo today look at that come back in the kitchen i got my chef recorder cooking show guys amazing to be in the kitchen giving your favorite recipes and ideas this is excited time roast chicken on the menu today i'm gonna be giving it from scratch to finish and definitely the best way to do your chicken is to marinate it from the day before and put it in your fridge or you know i mean cook it you know i mean the next day our marinated today put it in the fridge cook it the next day the flavor the texture will be there for you so stay tuned don't go anywhere and watch this an amazing recipe an amazing recipe for you to make at home i'm going to be doing a lovely roast chicken this one i can have it for christmas whatever ready for you want to have it it's up to you it's going to be a lovely butter roast chicken recipe right over here i have a whole of a chicken which i just brought washed it off into some lemon juice but the thing is i'm going to marinate it that's you guys can do the same thing at home all right i've got a large tablespoon of unsalted butter a lot of white onion and red onion all right so what you want to do is to get some fresh thyme like this and i'm gonna pop it straight on top of it just like that all right also i have some fermented seed i love fermented seed but bringing a lovely flavor to the meat all right so that's all of my lovely ingredients over there i've got some spring onions nice one so once i cut up your spring okay let's put it on top of it just like that all right i've got a white onion which we want to put into the stomach of the chicken and also we have some extra onion which we want to use to rest the chicken on it all right hold on this stuff some extra leaf i don't want to muck about with my chicken all right now i've got some white onion which i want to use lovely i got some fresh organic fresh organic an amazing garlic which i want to use also the thing is with the garlic you can do so many things if you got it guys all right um here's my garlic press this garlic press i have this one you can get this one on my website chef recorder.2k so i'm gonna just pop some garlic inside this beautiful chicken recipe right here so i'm using rough about six cup of garlic all right got some one more this garlic press i have it on my website nice one that is lovely so that is just amazing right as you can see for yourself looking lovely and nice all right so let's put the chicken on top of my shelf all right this is going to be a very important time for you guys i'm gonna put on my gloves all right i'm gonna put on some paprika on the chicken all right i got some more paprika it's gonna be extra little bit of paprika nice one so what i want to do is just um put some other gloves all right this is a chicken breast a little bit on the other side i like some chicken season i'm gonna put some chicken season inside of the chicken and the outside all right this is some all-purpose season which i'm going to be using i love cajun seasoning if you don't have this one don't worry yourself i'm gonna put some basil and also i have some black pepper which i want to use that's not a pinch of black pepper inside another one on the outside all right that that's looking good really good so far um yeah so what you can do is rub up the chicken all right just rub it a little bit like this so that's it guys let's see exactly what's going on that's nice to have the chicken marinated on the day before it's much better if you marinate the chicken farm a day before all right but we're not going to be doing that today so what you want to do like the chicken breast let's put some more in the chicken breast like this this is the part which i want to make sure cook all right nice one that chicken looking amazing all right so as you can see we're gonna do is put a little bit more of that cajun season inside of the stomach of the chicken nice one look at that beautiful bird an amazing beautiful fantastic nice and we're going to be roasting this bird and you guys will love it all right now what we're going to do next is get that butter all right you need a butter so make the butter room temperature all right rub up that butter all over the chicken like this inside there's a way all right now as you can see this is an amazing chicken right look at that just kind of tear the skin bitter apart try and put a little bit of that that season underneath the chicken breast section let's try and get some around it's a bit i mean when it cook it will cook really lovely well man this is so inside of the chicken what you want to do is put some of these in it i'm going to put a red onion inside of the chicken breast inside of the chicken's tummy yeah all right now that's amazing this chicken you need to do it for christmas guys honestly you will definitely love this chicken recipe all right so in like all these bits right here just try and just get a little bit of the season alone every way where you can get season you just wanted us to get that an amazing season all over it honestly it is will be lovely nice guys basically as you can see the chicken is so amazing the lovely the flavor and the whole texture of the chicken is fantastic and i know you guys will definitely love this chicken right here and the way i marinate it the texture and the flavor it is no so what we're going to do i want to make sure you guys pre eat the oven first and once you pre-heat it oven you are very good to go with this amazing chicken all right so if i simply get my tray and i will just rest that chicken in the tray like this and i'll notice that beautiful rest of the season what we're gonna do we're just going to simply bake this season all over the chicken like this all right it is lovely honestly and the texture feels fantastic and amazing all right you can see all of the season is on over the chicken so i just want to make sure everything is perfect all right let's remove this one so i'm gonna simply place a little bit more of this chicken season our purposes or whatever you have let's just base a little bit around it all right and then next what you want to do is get a little bit of water put it around the chicken that's the chicken doesn't dry out all right that's my little secret for your so basically what we're going to do next is put this amazing chicken in the oven when i've been roasting it for after about one hour and about 30 minutes it will take to roast in the oven all right so i know you guys will love this chicken because of the flavor and the texture and the butter and everything towards the chicken so we're gonna pop this straight in the oven no so if you're using electric oven all right like i'm using i'm gonna be using 170 all right you can use 175 or 170 but don't put too much e to put it in the middle of on second if you're using that gas milk that's just gonna be like six or seven which is perfect for roasting this chicken if you find ice sauces you're talking about 355 you know i mean you don't want to get a two iron because you don't want a chicken to be roast quick and it doesn't roast perfect now so what we're gonna do with this chicken we're gonna pop it straight in the oven and you're gonna love it so stay tuned don't go anywhere and watch this an amazing rough chicken i can't do this for christmas but if every time of the year you want to do it this coming just take it away from the oven so what i'm going to do is i can see i'm just going to remove the foil with this amazing chicken all right i want to move the fire all right look at it lovely that the chicken looking so good already guys honestly now the secret which i want to share with you is that please just don't let's put a little bit of water over it on top of it all right that's not too many chicken giant i want chicken the flavor we just go all right um let's put a little bit of chicken season yeah on top of it all right what you can do is get that liquid now let's pour it on top of it [Applause] so we're going to put it back in the oven for another good roughly about another 30 more minutes on it all right but you have to do this guys because it's very important for you to wrap the chicken and make it cook all right so you're it looking nice yeah that's exactly what we're looking for all right so we're gonna put it back in cook it for another about 30 more minutes and a medium-sized eat all right not too don't make it over until i on it stay tuned with chef recorder just just take it from the oven and this is how it look fabulous and amazing and you know i mean i can't wait to show you exactly how this gonna come out lovely and nice and this is it we're gonna do we're gonna shear it up and plate it up and make you guys see some kind of plate all right stay tuned is put this chicken like this on this plate pour a little bit of that lovely sauce on it keep it maestro so what you want to do put that on the plate at the table and make everyone enjoy that amazing roast chicken from chef ricardo today look at that that is just lovely nice the whole flavor in the world texture of it is fabulous and amazing all right so yeah why not tell a friend and a friend tell a friend that's what you're called a perfect roast chicken from chef ricardo all right guys i will see you next time in the kitchen with more recipe more ideas and as i say please stand afraid on a friend to that friend all right yeah man that's what we're talking about roast chicken in the kitchen with chef ricardo cooking guys all right now to be honest and put a simple [Music] so basically let's put this on the table and everyone will be happy everyone will be happy all right beloved ones and honestly i will always cover the most most beautiful recipe in the world and this is from chef recorder team please tell a friend and a friend tell our friend all right subscribe is very very important all right yeah that's it stupid job but anyway this is why they can have it for christmas and ourselves and i mean at any time of the year so yeah enjoy it and i will see you next time in the kitchen with more recipe bye-bye nice one guys so basically i just cut up the chicken all right as i said i just cut up my chicken and this is what left it's a little bit right here so i wanna do i wanna make a nice lovely gravy i'm gonna make a gravy from this [Music] all right roast chicken gravy so why did i just put a little bit of water in it and just pour it out into the pan like this all right nice one that one i roast up my chicken and i'm gonna make a little bit of a gravy and all for it for a little bit more liquid in it just some more water so basically when you roast off your chicken and you cut up the chicken everything you're left back i hate this all right this is out of the bits and pieces was in the water all right honestly it is fantastic guys you know i mean to do this at one with you trust me and i know you guys definitely gonna love this one so once you cut up your roast chicken and all of that bits and pieces were left this is what you want to do with let's pour it off into our in a pot like this all right and once i pour it off then get some ketchup and pour it in like this all right i'm just i just this is just eye measurement at the moment with the ketchup all right that looking good look at honest yeah that's looking really fantastic and amazing so what we're going to do next is let's put a little bit more chicken season not much to bring enough flavor to it so we just want to get it to the boil now once you get to the boil yeah pretty good to go all right look a bit of black pepper you know come on look at that so that nice yeah and this this is the the white onion which i use in the chicken all right everyone looking so amazing honestly and honestly if you're at woman you're making a chicken you need to do this because this recipe is just amazing honestly so we're just going to make it go to the boil and once they get to the boil we're going to strain it off and reduce it all right so still tuning in with it with this beautiful video nice one so as you can see it's gonna start to get boiled in a minute but we're going to do is crush a maggie inside of it all right yeah this is maggie so yeah let's just crush our liquor maggie inside of it for more flavor mug is nice maggie you can get this in the local shop our supermarket to buy here it is maggie maggie cube yeah wicked yeah man that's looking nice so far i mean um so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna just put a tiny little bit of brown in it not much to lighten up the color all right so the chicken pieces and everything you know when you cut up your chicken early that's there so you saw the color the sauce look nice now look at that lovely so this one has to boil up and reduce enough not only that yeah you can also put a little bit of this is some mustard because i put a little bit of mustard in it honestly that's a little bit of mustard not much nice one that looking good and you can do this at home guys honestly look at that beautiful sauce and that's what you want to see right there i just want to get it boiled up like that that is just lovely so basically this snow can serve with your roast chicken all right so that look nice beautiful sauce man yeah that's what we want to see nice one look at that so what we're going to do let's put this aside and get our next pot and we're going to pour it off now into this one all right all of the pieces from the roast chicken is that so you just want to boil that i make that reduce one nice lovely gravy you know [Laughter] [Music] uh that is lovely so that's exactly what i'm talking about right there look at that here it's boiling [Music] you want this to reduce to a nice lovely sauce right here nice one look at it see that beautiful now the secret behind it if you don't want your sauce to be dried or too much you can use corn flour or just use a little bit of uh just gonna put a little bit of honey inside of it not much pulling it down a little bit we don't want it too sweet because we have ketchup island thing tonight i mean but yeah but we must need a little bit of a body to it all right so what we're gonna do next is we're going to use cod floor or where is it uh that's gonna make it just reduce down to a little bit of a gravy you know so we're just gonna make it boil all right now you can see it it's not too bad it's gonna make it reduce by itself celery juice just a minute guys it's just gonna be reduced by itself stopped is take time on reducing beautiful see the flavor it's miraculous the flavor is just amazing see look at that so the more it's boiling is the moisture is getting reduced into a sauce so that that is just lovely and nice lovely and nice that is lovely that is lovely honestly look at that look at that beautiful sauce for your roast chicken all right you could hop a little bit more but by time it's cool it's going to be totally different all right beautiful one so let's pour it into our gravy pond look at that amazing all right and that is our sauce for the roast chicken right there all right guys so please enjoy it and subscribe to the youtube channel as i said the best way you can do your roast chicken at home and make a gravy for it all right so by time it cool on it will definitely get into that beautiful tip it's what you're looking for but look at that amazing sauce for your roast chicken at home all right so when you roast a chicken the bits and pieces were left back this is what you can do with it and make this fabulous and an amazing gravy thank you for watching stay tuned and hopefully you guys will make this for christmas and all these things all right see you next time in the kitchen with more recipe from chef ricardo roast chicken gravy [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Chef Ricardo Cooking
Views: 25,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t6o6_l3Bitc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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