Jacksepticeye Plays Among Us W/Friends (Twitch Stream) #3

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a lot of fun because like you just don't know anything that's what's scary are you guys ready to to gaslight people or [Laughter] i've been doing it since we gotten the call bro it's not even jack jack's not even my real name um i think it might already be off let me see here oh no no it's never my number it's on it's on bob do you have ice cream on your head it's a towel wow are we doing eject conference just got out of the shower yeah i think cause uh mark is new is that is everybody bowing out yeah somewhere early we so full disclosure we accidentally i think invited 11 people to a 10 person thing uh-oh i mean anyone not able to stay like the whole like like a couple hours or something head out i can but i'll judge my energy level so you're asking one of us to sacrifice ourselves ahead of time so we can try to prevent asking someone no plan yeah egg bite is right let's lynch wade get him it was me the whole time you guys can kill me i wish you could change your name in game because now i really want to change my name to egg bite next round keep talking to the main menu next time next time yeah uh maybe they'll maybe be a little rocking what are you doing 160 milliseconds i okay is anybody else not staying then just wait already i mean i just want to make sure we have space for this what i am streaming this oh okay i'll be here the whole nine yards i just normally start my streams on tuesday at three and do the thing i do big ping energy you know it i know everyone literally everyone is three series i'm just trying to make sure because this person furries will take uh thank you for the 10 gifted appreciate it i'll i'm here until seven or eight years okay that's fine i'm not asking anybody right now we're not i'm just trying to figure out what to do because i just feel bad so i figured i'd ask if anyone is not planning on staying the whole time no you got to feel bad what is that stew you got probably about 6 p.m eastern i'm guessing can we just start so 3 p.m pacific little bungal here has allowed me time to eat breakfast i'm so happy we should at least tell the uh the muting rules to uh to markiplier yes um that is his full name don't forget the game at the end how have the rest of you played in regards to commuting and stuff um definitely and on mute for dead okay so i think the same way me and child play yeah so we're gonna we're gonna fully deafen up while we're actually doing our tasks um and then when you die you can fully unmute your mic and you can talk to other dead people and then when the discussion happens you can mute your mic if you're dead but you're allowed to talk in the discussion if you are alive right right okay so as soon as the game go i hit defin yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and it'll it'll say disgust when you can yeah emergency meeting that pops up but yeah if i'm dead i go mute during the meeting yes yes because yeah yeah during the meeting that's when the alive people are trying to figure out who the killer i got to write these down if you talk you can talk to dead chat though uh if someone else is dead feel free to talk and that was just not yeah island stream yeah do you see some sticky notes on your monitor to remind you yeah no we we uh we are when we're dead yes you unmute when you're dead but once the meeting comes back up that's when you read yeah mark's going to die hundred percent definite okay yeah you guys just start yelling and i turn mark on he's oh by the way on my end talk yes yes dead when dead you can talk you just can't talk during discussion yeah mark i approve of you're writing it down mark is both one of the smartest and one of the dumbest people that i know look okay all right we'll get to that later at the meeting but uh of the meeting if meeting if dead it was you didn't see my indent on my writing oh no i didn't i have a system i have a system if it's indented it's relating to the line previous to it so meeting equals talk can someone just test your knowledge okay oh what are we doing alrighty alrighty i go i go swipe now blink oh we didn't even tell him that he can switch to uh keyboard mouse controls as well he's just standing in the middle of the [ __ ] cafeteria okay ah oh wait i was in the [ __ ] room it's oxygen i was there and i didn't do it oh i'm not staying alone okay chilled is fine i saw that bear go i'm gonna be a barbarian tonight why not z you doing it oh wait i won't tell because it's download and upload and then you don't know ah stinky emote only mode get red chat you're not allowed see task complete so brain okay so it's not chilled so i should just stick with him right right okay what is happening what is happening is anyone dead yet whoa that's [ __ ] someone's pet is dying in the corner don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me i'm a good boy i like to live and i live to serve all right let's see if ethan's clear the [ __ ] is happening ryan there's no way you're flubbing that so much i don't know i'm feeling uh equal to or greater than stinky right now oh oh someone's scared uh well oh well it's been like three minutes there was no i didn't find any murders i thought maybe we should discuss meeting equals talk i'm talking yes yeah oh my god we also only have a limited time so don't yeah don't make this the markiplier hour [Applause] this is not the markiplier chilled why didn't he call me anybody it was emergency i refuse to partake i refuse to partake in this hour nope i refuse wait why did why did you call okay literally i called for button because we didn't find a body and it was like three minutes and i didn't know why everybody was short but we don't have enough information we should still talk we don't have any information does anybody would touch last anyone see anyone with tesh yeah actually at the beginning of the round hey everyone that doesn't know anything if you could uh step aside the podium's uh meant for me right now you saw got to his body and was trying to click the word report whenever this meeting was called he's over by the top left reactor i don't know who i just passed somebody i don't know who i passed because i was only half paying attention in all honesty uh but i just got to his body on the top left was getting ready to hit report and then we got called in so i can say that me and chilled are safe because we both did tasks in front of each other i did i did trash shoot but nobody's took behind me to see it question our visual asteroids they are not no they're not yeah yeah i think wade is safe because i was watching this here's a question i'll see so you just you can't see people doing some all right two impostors remain what do we do now i get scanned yo what up it's me prop four three foot six inches 92 pounds color brown and blood type o positive you know i'm down to parody hit me up i love going to raves and selling ecstasy to kids uh is weight clear i don't know these is that oxygen yeah yeah yeah yeah okay wade should have killed me if he wanted to i don't think it's him oh oh okay ethan turned it off i don't know man i'm suspicious of everybody except chilled guys i have to pee again that sucks oh no no no bob bob bob no no no no no no no oh okay somebody has been killed he knew too much so uh it was in the electrical room and i will say i passed both uh sean and bob running of running away yeah uh from an area i didn't go into electrical i ran away from bob when he was refueling because i was scared of him uh i was refueling and i wasn't electrical even though i didn't have any tasks in there so did you kill him in there bub yeah bob oh was he dead and electrical did i walk past a body he was getting electrical at the at the top side so i didn't see that oh so two people who were up there did not see a dead body is that what i'm hearing hmm no we were in the hallway at the bottom i wasn't in there oh you were in the hallway you were in there what were you doing they were both in the hallway as i was running past and i was going up to a task and i found the body in the electrical so i was saying that i was saying my fighter flight sense did kick in when bob was chasing me and if i was about to start taking up my mace and blowing my whistle i said typho's been just kind of vibing by me the entire session too and it makes me uncomfortable but i'm just playing i have a question and as you can see i thought about youtube you're gonna help everybody here okay all right question number one where's the med bay left of cafeteria top left yeah yeah okay i was in the top i didn't you're lying to me no more you you almost walked in yeah you almost walked in all right eight seconds press tab to bring up your map you can also change it to mouse and keyboard in the options we're all going to die okay [ __ ] accusations abound i'm just a good stinky going about doing my tasks trying to sherlock holmes this i didn't get an accusations out the wazoo boom boom boom i'm a [ __ ] legend i'm gonna die here though in five four three two that would have been perfect timing i would have made a twitch compilation if that happened that would have been epic but i am safe i will also do my tasks like a good little boy oh someone really likes doing oxygen oh oh come on did mark just vent in front of me what's going on i'm pretty sure i just saw mark vent in front of me next to navigation what can you go in the vent [Laughter] i saw that little leg talk animation right at the end of it when he bounced out of it and then i ran straight to the button are you willing to play dumb jack if it's not if it's not mark will you put your life on it will you die after i don't yeah i i will take uh a vote if it's not mark wait sorry technical question i think that that's what you meant you phrased that yeah like you'll get loaded yeah yeah you'll get going i have an important technical question i was on security cameras a couple rounds ago and i saw ethan standing in the middle of a hallway and then he disappeared is that a good is that maybe or is that a could be latency lag yeah is that what it looks like when you go into a vent no like he was in the center of the screen and he just poofed out of existence are there are there any are there any vents in the hallways because they're always in room right uh you tell us yeah i did not vent uh because either it was lag or bob's trying to throw me under the bus i was honestly just confused i've never seen that before we got but he was super suspicious in the electric city right that is what we refund for do we vote for are we voting for work right was that i voted i haven't even said my piece okay defend yourself [Laughter] okay if i'm wrong you can vote me out i feel very happy about that yeah i figured i figured me at one point here's the thing i wasn't just playing dumb i was actually dumb i didn't know what that did that's so unfortunate all right bye okay one for one all right now is it ethan are we right come on door it could be bob well at least we have one of them now so the killings the killings shall stop and slow down okay i'll do my wires and then go in here and do this tyler tyler why are you not doing the thing there you go okay who did the top one bob okay tyler's doing it as simon says he's fine all right i all done my tasks i good boy ethan just did wires i think i can't like change cameras this is all i see right i've never done cameras oh jesus um where did i just see him how did he get here so quickly well no ain't that some [ __ ] who was that that was red i forget who red is i just saw red oh stinky it's z back oh i found it too i was right i got so confused for a second i was like wait i died i spot where uh where was the bottom bottom left reactor i was watching bottom left engine yeah bobby somebody else was watching me i was watching tyler do simon says she see if he was legit or not because i know that takes a long time i said one of them ejected so ryan walked in on me standing there watching tyler and then i screwed up the reactor for a second and then i walked straight down to the dead guy i still think it's typhro i think i from the get-go unless he's an excellent liar he did simon says for an embarrassingly long time where were you in this whole charade i was actually in the reactor of typhro yeah mark venting is unfortunate for people yeah well yeah just to keep the round going i did the time i finished i finished the rest of the time since all my tasks are done and then that's when the alarm sound basically yeah and i did see z punching the oxygen code earlier on which still leaves typhro but unless he was doing the reactive for seven days and i don't i don't really know 12 seconds is he actually doing the reactor or we're just standing there pretending to fight him we could just jesus christ that could have been bad no i'm staying on bob oh man i trust you don't kill him okay ethan i'm watching you ethan and ty and everybody i'm yeah everybody all right i need to lower uh discord all right hey hey a lot of times imposters like they're suspicious of tyler i don't know who your teammate is but they like bob was watching him and he was pretty if he's the imposter he's pretending to do a task just by standing there um people get what are we knowledgeable what do i do [Laughter] right now you have you get a list of fake tasks to do so you can kind of like pretend you're doing things yeah but the thing is the thing pops up and uh i don't know what right so when you're looking at sabotage there's different systems that are like highlighted there's like a there's a lightning bolt that'll cut the lights so that way people are traveling in a group someone may be able to sneak in and get a kill even if they're grouped up um you can cut oxygen which if people don't actually fix oxygen in time uh they'll actually die i won a game because someone was afraid of me and they refused to come close to the oxygen meter and i just stood there on it until the uh somebody killed him in the hallway well ryan and i were together the whole thing you're right so another group of women okay so it's gotta be z or eve so what are your defenses okay because i was with children eve the whole time yeah so i was running around with chilled because uh because i had thought that he was innocent and so i was like okay i want to be with somebody i don't want to be completely alone the only time that i split off from now this is interesting because chilled accused tyler and now chilled is dead so if i was z i would be blaming tyler to fix the lighting so it's uh and then i went to go fill up the gas tank and then i met up with everyone in the lower energy room then the lights went out and now chilled is dead i will say it did happen also when ryan and bob walked past oh my god he's gonna get away with it so but tyler you also said that you were with me and z the whole time the only time that i honestly i didn't know it was he's covering his tracks what were you doing when i split off i was making sure because i saw uh z and bob and ryan go the other way and i wanted to make sure ryan or bob wasn't dead so i ran back and then i came back so he needs to kill three people that's that's a tough task and i went back i think we have a 30 i still think we're safe not voting anyone off right now honestly we are so close to finishing our tasks i mean who has passed left because i've waited now i'm done i think it's z i'm voting z i'm pretty sure make sure you're finishing your tasks yeah i have been bob all right i don't care i was murdered they did not care i was married yeah welcome to my life jill it was clear it was clear to me what was happening nobody cares z could have so easily turned that on tyler as well because tyler accused you and now you're dead exactly i'm surprised oh man the minute someone says let's finish our task i automatically vote them i'm like son of a [ __ ] ethan call that immediately wade likes to hold everyone hostage with the tasks oh my god oh yeah i don't complete my past i make them figure it out or die oh you can go outside the ship what are the things you can sabotage other than oxygen communication reactor and lights and calms i don't even know what i can sabotage here's a question as an imposter can you not go through doors you i'm suspicious of bob bob why did you vote for me last round i was the only only one with a solid eyeball all right 100 sure it's ethan because the rest of us were all together and ethan refused to acknowledge that i tried to completely exonerate tyler report spent like 30 seconds talking about how tyler couldn't know no one's asking for the body being really bad at a minigame and standing still for an extended period ethan didn't acknowledge that and has blamed c and tyler in the last round off of nothing other than them talking about what they saw and what happened i think ethan is throwing way too much blame for being innocent the rest of us believe that the other ones are safe i was in my job the entire time so i can vouch for bob 100 i was with all of you guys i'm interlocking ethan i think we got him yeah same [ __ ] no you're not oh wait that is me why am i blue damn um he just needs to kill one person and it's game over right did we get it right oh no it's z right we're dead oh god no well you can hit the emergency button faster than you can hit thingies smooth brain stuns [ __ ] wade please wait please do it wait bobby i'm convinced please wait all the time i forgot i'd like to also point out i thought bob was the other imposter because he decided to not tell everyone he was right next to me about like 10 seconds before i was murdered and killed i did it left oh no no i thought bob was the other imposter and i'm an impossible there it who didn't do their tasks look i had to teach mark how to play i can't multitask i'm an [ __ ] to play you guys on a little bit i forgot to play this game i'm going to let you guys and you didn't teach him how to play when i saw the child was my partner i had an audible gasp someone could play again if you haven't already hit play again how would i know that play again oh you guys why didn't you tell anyone you saw me right before i was murdered i didn't recall and i've been talking to chat the whole time yeah that was me whenever i came across your body too whoever i passed in the hallway i guess was not who killed you i don't remember who that was either does anyone want to give me more notes for this round i got more paper oh don't say in front of people maybe you can kill people who watch you do bad things okay i didn't know that venting was a thing so if imposter yeah uh vent yes question mark conditions walmart because i think i saw you closing doors and helping me i thought for sure it was z when he ran past and i found out but i was like i'm the other person i wasn't surprised that bob called out ethan at the end i thought there's open doors because i couldn't figure that out you closed the door that i didn't listen to baby the doors closed and i couldn't figure out how to open it and also i couldn't figure out how to do literally anything how do you you just kill you just kill them on the left that you pretend to do so you have an alibi for when people accuse you you pretend to do you just stand up stand there stay there whistle a little bit when we were when we were talking about visual tasks before if you have visual tasks turned on some of the tasks you can actually see people do so then it's harder to fake it but yeah that's stinky i think we should turn this on for like one game [Laughter] there's a kill cooldown too so don't just go around trying to kill everybody because there's my 30 second cooldown dude if i get impossible i'm not going to kill a soul because it's a lot easier to be a good guy trust me yeah mark tried to kill me i did notice that right i mean this is the thing that we need mark to be a good guy so he knows how to play wait [Music] oh so considering i've never seen the crewmate task thing i wouldn't know where that usually would be right no not just in the room where it would be in the room it's highlighted if this is your first time well if it's if you're using impostor he wouldn't know where to fake it oh that's what you're saying exactly yeah that's what i've been trying to get that's why it's better if he's a crewman first that way he did at least before you played you could have won stuff that really kind of stands out yeah watch me watch a professional's youtube videos on this my twitch don't watch wade he never does [ __ ] tasks he doesn't do anything else [ __ ] the crew i'm not doing my tasks when you're dead hurry up wrote down as much as i could which was vent yes if alone okay i am deafening myself great crewmate i'm a good little man i'm gonna go swipe my cards now i need to log in for the day of work got a long day of accusing ahead of me time to go do it all right z i think is clear i don't know if tyler's clear or ethan i might have to do a jacques on them but only because i really like doing it only because i like killing people okay tyler tyler suss he's following mark either to show him or get an easy kill come on don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me ryan ryan what are you doing i don't know if there's a task in there oh i found that body in the upper right of electrical double kill nobody locked me in security when bob was trying to get in it was it was it the right side of electrical like deep in the back oh he was in electrical yeah okay not not in the storage unit i didn't see anyone coming uh walking away i did see the doors were closed when i was trying to get in there so this person's a professional markiplier's done a lot of doors these days you've seen it a lot of doors the door as well the person knows what they're doing i didn't learn the doors no one answered the door question i think markiplier's full of [ __ ] about the doors he was closing doors that i wasn't closing last round he knows how to do it that's impossible and i have proof well even babies can put shapes and holes i don't think it's even our way i'll just throw that out there i'm not eating i'm suspicious of tyler because i saw him run around like a chicken listen you were running around and i was in security when the deaths happened and i was locked in there because bob was outside can i say tyler makes me uncomfortable i'm a terrible liar he went to reactor and then he turned when mark was like running out i think he tried to get an easy kill beautiful i did not do that don't kill the baby i think it's jack i think a hundred percent it's jack i i just did simon says for like most of that round i swipe my card and then simon went straight into the reactor because they're wait were you doing simon says that's the end of the round why the hell yeah i literally just finished it was found i was put there i was there with mark i'm skipping oh wait that's sketchy pathing who does that indisputable who wasn't aware with you he wasn't he means sketchy pathing literally telling the truth and they're like it must be him he did a regular [ __ ] thing nah this is fine this is fine unless it's bob and he's trying to [ __ ] out me we'll see how this goes i need to remember how i play when i'm a crewmate the types of things that i say because i need to repeat them i need to repeat them when i'm playing with others when i'm the imposter i'm always playing with others i was literally just about to say that's taking a little longer than it should but also [ __ ] all right i can still do my task though i'm a good boy it's whatever wow you're back in chat mode pretty quick huh i did that for you guys so you guys could play dick around more welcome back that's a sag moment for sure oh it's stinky inside ryan saw me go that way and i downloaded i was i was with bob and tesh we were both locked in storage i don't think i was terrified of you guys when we were locked in the room oh my god wait where was the body where was the body was that it was it was an admin it was like around where the upload or download thing right at the front of it i do have trash so i can verify if animations are still on i don't think we have visual tests on that still i think we're off i don't mean to be a paranoid peter but here we go see you found both dead bodies chilled okay you are the third person you i i you are now i'm now the third person you have tried to blame this round so far was it jack tyler makes you uncomfortable you saw jacksepticeye now you're trying to pla i'm just kidding you found all the bodies last time you were selfish yeah it's called organization okay sure sure it's like it's not it's a bullet journal we got 33 seconds yeah okay hurry up whoa i don't think we have anything firm whoever was the person that accused me last time is an imposter that's gonna get you see gonna get you all right well hey wait who killed you guys oh it's tesh yeah oh well i guess i'll just go input samples and stick a thumb on my ass i totally thought it was tyler after the way he just like flipped it around on you after you yeah one thing and then everyone said i was suspicious going in the path that i did i'm like i just ran to the room everything in this game is suspicious i just enjoy the chaos i usually tell everyone the honest thing that happens sometimes i just lie for no reason if i'm not even if i'm crew oh yeah we've noticed oh ryan's dead body was at the push button for the reactor oh a self-report chilled was there that's all i don't know i walked in and chilled was there that's all i got i went down i'm the one who recorded his body yeah i know he can self-report okay so i'm gonna let the reactor not go off not get the win and report the body yeah okay okay that's fine calm down ryan saw too much does the reactor kill everybody yes yes a report will make it so that you go to the discussion and the reactor turns off again chill killed me the actor kills everybody okay okay chill good job mark oh got it okay this is yeah i didn't know that because whoever killed him left it so the reactors are going to go off and probably vented out of there because he was up on the top one i don't know maybe about so good with the reactor in my way the reactor just as you watched my video does not mean you can't anybody with ryan pryor i was off in the security room i was doing electrical to the left i saw ryan down in storage doing wires that's the last time i saw him because i ran down and i did my trash which direction i might have to go p i went back up or yeah z and i were an admin doing the same thing for a minute yeah it was one of the uploads or downloads that we were both don't repeat mistakes i will i'm determined to get away with it stick by tyler if i die it's him okay uh stick close boys i'm pretty sure i'm voting for my gut still oh two imposters remain though double kills they're all [ __ ] i'm going to go pee listen to them talk um i i go pee now i'm i'm gonna say right now uh uh chill chilled is a freaking genius is he he was he he killed me and then self-reported the body yeah what oh i've noticed for some reason some people can get away with that if i report a body at all i'm immediately murdered whether i did it or not that's because you don't do your tasks and everyone's i do all of my tasks just not the last one look what's more fun the chaos and anarchy people screaming at each other trying to solve the murder or like yay we won because someone crossed enough wires yay we won i was about to run a button because i saw tesh sitting there not doing oxygen there it is right i told you i i was about to come up and do the wiggle just to say thank you conscience play again i should have done that i was literally killed because he wasn't going to the reactor to do the hand scanner and that's when he killed me i was like never mind i was like i was like it has to be chilled because he covered his track by reporting it but i knew already i was pretty sure it was tesh so i was like oh i was saying i was the only one voting for him you guys are all a bunch of dummies it was uh wait well how did you know it was perfect i didn't talk about that ever yeah i knew it was tesh because he locked the doors on me twice why didn't you say that you were never gonna get z to vote for tesh i think z and tesh were in the love story wait how did you know he locked the door i just i just touched this didn't do anything because every single unless i don't know how to lock doors because as an imposter i've only been able to sabotage so i assume you have to be next to the door when it locks no no no so hashtag uh by the way mark i don't know if you know this but you can actually play using your keyboard and the keyboard is far easier yeah than just your okay mouse all right boys are we doing this means you're just gonna download um download something here pictures we're not supposed to download we can't show them to you and then we're gonna leave i'm gonna upload it somewhere else but let's go see who's fixing lights shall we all right bob and tesh please don't kill me i want to live i want to actually play the [ __ ] game bobtash z i don't know about that okay there were two people right next to this dead body and they didn't record it and it was ryan and and somebody else i was in the room it depends on where it was because they very well could have been doing tasks it was right in the doorway of admin like right next to the download upload i didn't see it i just saw a report how many people i'm literally there somebody followed me and then ryan was there and i don't remember who else was there with ryan ryan do you know i literally just ran in there i just got in there and then then everything was called i didn't see an animation i just saw a body i want to say tai was down the bottom right for for a good bit uh enjoy area i've been suss of him before but i don't think he killed it yeah i'm sorry i can't chill chill and i both did shields i can i i only got to him towards the end of that round but i stuck by him i was totally exposed and he didn't kill me but i wasn't there very long wait wait wait wait i think i saw all the things i saw tyler where did you say you found the body i found it in admin but i'm literally there i literally just walked in and there was nobody there there was a body i literally hit report i was right next to ryan and i reported it right in admin i hate to call my friends liars but who's lying to me jack why were you staring at me for a while when i was like i wanted to see if i wanted to see if the bar would go up and i don't know if it did oh now you're trying to uh throw some doubt on i'll say that you're staring at me you mean play the game properly yeah sure that's doubt i mean i saw what you're trying to solve it's not me or you can follow me all day baby i will show you some proof of my christianity i'm gonna follow you all right please do i gladly accept the criticism because i'm a good boy and i'm doing my [ __ ] and now tyler's chasing me all right follow me just follow me if i'm dead you'll know i'm right if i'm dead and people don't vote tyler i'm going to punch someone there we go all right a little lag all right tilas okay seven three eight five seven bingo bango look card wow it's me the three foot six inch god oh tyler you want to kill me you want to kill me tai ty unless it's american he's like oh i'll follow you okay i might as well do this if i'm here i don't know man my name is stinky because i smell the trash look at that oh i love breathing except in real life because my asthma is like hey you want to breathe [ __ ] you oh is bob gonna accuse me now because he saw me do that too quick i think tesh is clean oh [Laughter] where was it it's not tyler i can mark was with me the entire time zane just left admin okay oh uh who was with me when i found the body that was me i reported i thought you killed me okay i trust i was alone with tesh in the admin with the oxygen for a long time sean was staring at me doing the upload and it was terrifying right i can clear tesh for sure i went over fixed the oxygen as i was about to do the trash so i did both of those and then i saw bob and then i went around and then i found the body down at the top of storage we have animations off for this round correct you were with me when we played the oscilloscope right uh sean wade which oxygen with me the the one by the cockpit no no no no no no i walked into admin i saw tesh and they're uploading or doing something z came in to do oxygen i saw z was on oxygen i left i went down to electrical i wasn't electrical when the meeting was called but z tesh and i don't know who else came into oxygen because i left while oxygen was being turned off i'm just gonna say tyler lied twice now about where he was and what he was doing and where i didn't literally mark was with me the whole time but you just said you saw me at oxygen doing it with you i walked up you were following me along with mark at one point so i assumed you still followed me up by the cockpit but apparently you turned off and went to admin and did that one while i did the one tyler are you breaking my heart bob came up and saw me do that one yeah i saw him do the top right away are we idiots or are we liars i'm i'm voting i'm voting tyler it's not me i've heard oh by tyler [ __ ] what is he talking about though didn't he just get two things wrong oh hey thanks kevin appreciate the raid oh my god no is it bob but i i said it with such conviction nice uh oh uh oh guys oh what happened okay we need to figure this out because the kill isn't all they need is a double kill and we lose uh-oh i just turned the power back on i can confirm i just saw you leave out of there i love there's no dead bodies in there but i just saw you leave there okay yeah i just didn't try at the bottom of the storage i just walked in and turned off lights the moment they were turning no yeah you wouldn't have jack i only have one question i'm not i'm not pointing fingers i kind of ran from that area and i didn't see you you were bottom storage bottom right of storage doing trash and then i walked left and i'm up by reactor now okay did you see wade go into the lights because i saw him leave there i'm assuming he turned the lights on because the lights came back on i didn't see a single person i was already past electrical by the time look you guys can vote me all you want because i can agree that it sounds suspicious but well let's see look we can't get the wrong imposter we can't get the wrong guy here so i'm not saying you're i was on cameras the whole time and you definitely did not walk into the reactor room is the only thing that's going to say i walked into reactor i said i'm up by that area oh well i asked if you were in the room or not that's important information what did you see on the cameras because i saw that yeah i saw and mostly people i saw you walk by in the area that you said chilled i saw tash wander by out of the med bay i think it was i didn't see anything suspicious i basically saw a couple people wander by before the meeting happened i guess i saw teshko start the meeting i don't know i didn't see anyone when i was at your side in an insecurity i didn't see anyone near me i have no idea who to vote for i'm willing to take a risk on on somebody i i've already sean i'm literally voting the first person on the list thank god i hope jack i'm sorry oh i think we may have just lost it boys you guys have just [ __ ] yourselves thanks boys oh no to be fair i got tyler kicked out so i'll take the loss on that one oh [ __ ] oh boy not good not good oh boy wait who is it oh chill though he's not being he's not playing dumb this round i'm noticing uh-huh i was sure it was tyler because he said wrong information twice [Applause] again my back my back mark my back a lot of fingers but none of them pointed at him and then i thought no that's true it wouldn't be him two times in a row that's true he murdered me again in the reactor room i mean i clipped you down like we have to stop meeting in this reactor room where to go from now on i'm just gonna be pointing the fingers at you that's understandable but i can't wait to big brain with you i really can't wait somebody said i call i saw chilled kill z oh [ __ ] i did you did and i panicked and cried where right when you were you were in the uh the administration room there was a slight line of sight when i cut z in half right to the bottom left of it i'm like oh i'm done i'm done right next to me jack i was focusing only on the people doing tasks at the top of that happening oh my god oh thank god all right now we can start can i hit the phone yeah no no i'm sorry sean i got you killed that's okay i got tyler killed so all right crewmate again come on give me a chance to play it at least okay i'm you know what i have a habit of accusing a lot of people so i'm just gonna stay [ __ ] quiet this time i feel like i've gotten more people killed than i should have when they shouldn't be dead so i'm not going to be a reporting riley now i'm just going to do my tasks like a good little sir just have a nice chill game it should probably get me killed but at least i won't get somebody else killed no is it children bob i'm the first one dead again i wasn't the first one dead before but i'm the first one dead again damn it come on man i want to be able to play oh and i become impostering my [ __ ] everyone up not really because i suck ah i should still do my tasks though huh i guess yeah it's chilled again damn he just [ __ ] up ethan oh that scared me i thought i was dead dead body [Music] but i found a dead body let's see who they claimed it was inside security i tried to get bob's bob was in the reactor tried his attention he didn't care am i the only one who went to the right side of the map we're not admin i was in the cockpit but let's go to the lights bob i can be your bodyguard sorry i'm watching and i shouldn't be i wanted to get electrical out of the way because it's scary no one's even killing me i'm just i'm completely on my own this whole time wait a second who literally just said i tried to get bob and then switched it to i tried to get bob's attention no no i'm literally you can ask bob i've been no no no no no that's suspicious as heck i think you're a killer did you not remember what bob said last time boston is going to point fingers at me the entire time so i've just been dancing with bob oh my god that's i tried to get a clue tyler you i don't i was pee into the first half so i ran back i was in there flipping the light switches while someone was [ __ ] around we were flip-flopping those light switches for forever usually that's indicative of a challenge and i went up to go do electrical and two other people were in there doing tasks at the time before i walked up there who was flicking the lights with i don't know i saw ryan and wade and cockpit doing stuff yeah i was in cockpit then i went over to do lights three people were flipping switches i was the only one in cockpit for like half that round it was early it was the very beginning well then it's just me and ethan dead and he's not unmuting so here we are color's bob purple task task task i'm a good little boy task task task i like hello hi who killed you was it chilled yeah it's chilled on bob children bob okay well bob ran by my body and didn't report it so okay i cannot believe that chill does it [ __ ] again i know i've not been uh imposter once this time me neither not a single time mike i don't have enough practice at it i'm gonna be [ __ ] whenever i do get it i know i was freaking out last game because i went to uh just take a sip of my water and i hadn't opened my water bottle since yesterday it has like a straw thing in it and i popped the straw open and it just [ __ ] came all over me well then that's the way to enter in the conversation sorry about my all right hi mark i heard some laughs tyler the whole time he didn't do a thing he even uh helped me put out the uh put in the uh out the oxygen i'm committing can i ask where the body was oh yes yes i who called this meeting and willing to disclose some information the med bay there lied oh god uh which one ryan i think it was ryan yeah oh no oh [ __ ] well since that was over it was it before what the hell i was hanging out with bob wait wasn't that sorry i'm making another one it was it was chilled in hell i said it was killed i called it when he said i was trying to get bob i think you might have been the killer every round wasn't really a great guess if i'm being honest yeah because i said i said get bob's attention so i think it may have i think you may have misheard or got to know no you said get get bob and then he's ready to get by it's one of you guys oh okay no one's gonna believe that it's us again yeah you're having to trade on that children i you know what and and i just really just want to dance with bob that's all really weird about just making some people traitor like five times in a row and then it does do that it definitely does do that and then you can get five dollars hey content also ryan i'm sorry you were just perfectly placed running away from the oxygen like is this my role am i just going to be the dead guy the entire time i will say chill did say i was trying to get bob and then corrected to get bob's attention he did not you're fully fabricating that i am not one flip it where are you going one second if i'm gonna kill you i promise buddy the crewmate again same map oh straight over the navigation i'm getting away from everybody that's a bad idea why did i do this why am i over here my own who let me do this who let me come over here on my own was it you are you gonna report my body this time oh i'm i'm so upset that i don't even know who killed me ryan was here and there was someone else and i don't know who it was but ryan looked like i caught him with his hand in the [ __ ] cookie jar because he didn't wait ryan ryan what were you doing i'm gonna lay all my cards on the table i i walked into navigation was it tyler saw jack dead on the floor thought to myself not this [ __ ] again walked out ryan ran past me into navigation and then followed me down into a story right and you run like a little bit of a circle what are you doing wait what was i doing but what were you doing okay i have the map open you guys know this when i'm running those that have played with me before uh-huh i have the map open so i'm not seeing jack-jack i will say he has a house no not jack [ __ ] jack is dead this seems awfully suspicious when i found that body this seems really suspicious honestly right now i had i was literally trying to figure out what were my tasks because we just started the freaking round and i came to realize that oddly enough i have nothing near navigation and so i was running down to run over we're we're glancing over a big a big issue bob why didn't you report the body i didn't want to yes i don't want to be here we can't have people like you on the ship so i didn't question pop so you're either saying either ryan right is it ryan or bob who are we voting you could figure out by voting one of us out started the round and i have nothing to do with the information he's actually doing his tasks in the correct spot that's all right i'm gonna skip for now okay yeah otherwise it wouldn't wait wait we're skipping for now there was a man just brutally murdered him i'm voting it's either ryan or bob so i picked one i thought yeah wow bye i do task now my fellow dead buddy is not here i'm all alone well isn't this oh god that was fast thank you ethan thank you don't i don't no i don't know if it was lag but chilled [ __ ] appeared next to me in navigation or it was it was a vent that pad if you didn't see that yeah if he just shows up it's gonna be lag real talk though bob not reporting and ryan being awfully suspicious where were they can i just love it real quick i say thank you even then he tries to blame me and you're moving over to do what uh whatever the middle one is i mean i know there's the wires to the left i forget which one is the middle i believe ryan uh i thought he was moving over to kill me but i i don't think he was i think he was actually doing the circle that leaves the only person who killed stinky jack had to be if bob and ryan were both in the room or killer vented are we going with the theory the killer right now your point he calls me teachers and leading my friend's dead and i found the body should i not should i just accept it i swear to god if you're the killer again this round i'm never going to stop pointing fingers at you i swear to god you dance on bob's body just has no information i honestly don't know who it is any other information other than bob did anyone see anyone suspicious oh wait i said my other dead friend is not here children ryan didn't get ejected he just got voted i saw absolutely [ __ ] all people it was a med man reactor last round who is it tyler and i were in [ __ ] i'm going back tyler came in then oh my god so many skippers i don't know i just have a whole house that's fair keep an eye on again i think it's all three of them there's three imposters i don't trust anybody there's always three imposters there's always a third one [ __ ] it up and it's usually me or felix but felix isn't here now so i can't blame him what do i do yeah tyler killed me but that's the only one we know so far because no one else is dead i'll know if they unmute and then i'll have a friend to talk to it'll be so great i'm so lonely i'm so lonely wait he's way too quiet i think he says stuff during that i don't know man when i die my brain turns off like most humans who's that i'm dead oh who killed you uh teal yeah i was tyler yeah i got i i felt bad for so long so i was like i'm going to just like watch this happen tyler was like running from the whole hallway i'm like yeah it's him yeah people just love my throat they just love going for it oh it may be it may have been waiting for what oh i just i just found that oh it's not chilled that's crazy i found that in the doorway i found it at the doorway to security oh we wanted to see tyler coming from that direction i saw someone hanging around the reactor and i didn't i don't know the name i died and i was doing i was doing med bay before that i was down did he come from the reactor or did he come from cafeteria or i don't know the only thing i said about tyler is last round he and i were in the uh [ __ ] waves did wade cut out what no did i get disconnected from discord what's happening no what you're still don't leave tyler stop discord die uh okay oh no that's not a bad strategy actually but i literally had discord disconnected you guys suck because there was no evidence against me and also discord literally crashed [Applause] [Laughter] i love democracy i really do i i don't know what happened i got screwed so hard because my discord literally did you know you killed all of us we're your victims tyler i did not kill everyone you were in the security room and they stabbed me right next to you and you were still there i didn't see you on the camera so no i was right i'm still trying to learn wade's ways no you never will even wade doesn't know what he's doing is that the thing is the thing is i i did i do so well on killing nobody saw me do anything and i still get screwed every single time what's your score die on you yeah i can't control that you didn't show up to your trial i mean what do you want i couldn't why my discord literally just stopped working you could ask my chat i don't know you get one trial you failed you got a lot of points man yeah maybe you should make sure your internet son of a [ __ ] i have gigabit it's damn discord we're all here gigabit oh hey good to see you on this realm the shadowlands so wade uh wade found me that's good that's good i'm glad we found you um i don't know exactly where the body was i was in storage heading down to electrical and the lights were out uh and i didn't see anything else oh but where was the body it was it was somewhere in storage i just if they get a button because the lights were out i don't know exactly where it was in storage okay uh so it was tash tesh is dead uh yeah hey jack can you guys he's streaming go ask him so like a long time ago ethan and i were you asking here well i was getting gas nightwisp thank you for the sub but that was lauren thanks for the hundred percent and then you and i weighed you and i went into school on fire thank you for this robin thanks for the problem but you stayed down in storage i went over to i went over toward the reactors wasn't bob a suspect for the very first murder of this game i mean pretty much everybody i don't think you can do 10 people in a squad stream well yeah but no this was this was after the fact that this morning before the reactor that was probably time ago because the lights just went out yeah uh dr batman thanks for the prime ben who being thank you for brian winnie thank you for the beginning 25 minutes thank you so much it's me edgar thank you for the pride and [ __ ] dragons you know because from the top reactor yeah egg bite is ethan yeah i was doing gas that's what i was alright we got 11 seconds so we're gonna vote on anybody here i don't know i don't i think if we have anything i don't have any other because bob if the body wants to get away with tasks right from the top i don't have any punches other than bob that from the first that first round yeah all right well let's see where this play hopefully everyone's getting their tasks done what a [ __ ] i know what the i'm sorry the z is like oh these before reactor i deactivated the reactor i was the one who did it markiplier are you doing oh gee i keep calling full name mark are you doing the uh all the tasks i'm trying to yeah i think guys i [ __ ] it up as soon as i figured out which one it was why did i my mom calls me that actually ah that's nice it is pretty nice thank you wait is this really all the tasks i yeah i'm [ __ ] up the sample thing it's the first time i've ever gotten to the end of it and i picked the wrong thing oh you picked the wrong color well i didn't know what to click on and then for some reason i clicked the wrong button at the bottom like a dumb oh there's communications though oh well you got another minute i'll be okay i have 20 seconds to do it oh okay i don't know if it did if what i don't know if it was a full minute or not it's okay wait is too many people to kill all right and we know tess will get done because wade is the devil so he's not holding it up i mean if if wade was smart he would be by bob right now guys we got five seconds i locked everyone i think we're just gonna need one more after years right yes which one is it oh i just got i just got murdered by wade yep yeah i was hanging out there for a while with ethan i hope ethan yeah if they if they stick together the way they are now they're fine but see do you have any more tasks you do all your tasks i i finished my tasks okay i don't know you think ryan's the last one on this one oh and he has to do that [Applause] [Music] wait hold on who was the other imposter that's that's why we finished with my tasks [Laughter] and see how boring it is to win that way oh we won but i think it's great we put the blue wire to the blue one you think we were hanging out i trusted you you left me and wade killed me z yes wait i might have leaked the code but you know it should be okay this game we can switch the map anyways yeah we should have a good point yeah let's that's after this game let's switch them up all right don't do your tasks everyone damn it does the game know i'm bad but it's just like hey how about you should be crewmate again does anybody want to watch me do asteroids they're really cool go boom boom boom all right we're fine we're fine oh i don't like that stay away from everybody tyler no don't do it don't do it no don't do it i am a virgin no okay i did that is ryan gonna do that flip flap flop ryan did a swipey ryan is fine let's see if z does it and z do a swipey okay ryan and z are so free i trust them do not kill me if they do i'll be sad i'll throw a phone at your dad i'm going in to find a body chills body security oh snap oh and mark's dead oh i saw him once i saw mark he was down he went towards electrical he was in storage he went towards electrical after doing the trash shoot thing i was actually just looking at my body because i was about to go in there no no my body was discovered chilled what it was although it was it was white it wasn't yeah i i think i can clear z and ryan doing cards i think i can clear tesh we were both running together too yeah i know that i was good i'm going to give myself the clue we were fairly far away i will say i was running when jack with the lights went off and then i think jack you went off into admin yeah you went around the cafeteria a different way than i did i went center and then i went up from trash where the oxygen is and then went down but the lights got fixed when i was in cafeteria so i just went to admin and say yeah hey ethan what were you up to i first went to electrical and i saw tesh there and we i mean you fixed the lights and then i did my electrical things and then i went uh i went over to reactor uh to do my task and then the reactor started going off so i went to put my hand on the thing and then the body was found yeah i passed you right ethan you were in bottom left engine and i walked past you i think wait where was the body was the body in it was in security someone could someone could have been an electrical and then i just passed by bob i just passed by bob down by electrical at the very end right security's cabs right yeah yeah cameras that's cameras went to about the same area i don't know anything i don't feel good about not voting for someone this round but are we all scared i feel really good don't do your tasks i'm pretty sure i think what it's fine is it shawn and ethan were watching i don't know is it thanks see no one says anything to me and it's like is it shawn and ethan was that tesh who said that all right tesh what are you doing he's doing that thing i'm not going to [ __ ] see anyway um i have to go all the way to electrical i have a bunch of tasks to do there but i'll probably have to do wires and that sucks what's up z i think z is fine right god [ __ ] damn it oh get that oh boy oh boy how that looks tyler you want to explain yourself why you just killed him at the trash oh no no oh i literally saw the full i was running 202 as fast as i could yeah after killing him okay uh that body should not have been laying there still you know okay that eases the pressure [Laughter] tyler who else did you kill i'm not telling you okay it was worth a shot that was worth it that was perfect all right well that eases it up at least now we have time because disc board didn't die i can't believe you were right yeah last time you're crazy [ __ ] sake well that makes it a lot easier for us and a lot harder for them but watch me die anyway i'm just quirky like that i just love death why is ryan following me i don't like that i don't like that but i cleared him at the start though didn't i but i'm still nervous poor wait i saw his body just flump over in front of me tyler also tried to come back to get me but i think he realized that there's a kill cooldown because i would probably do the exact same thing bite you cool yeah he should have killed me there if it was him right unless he's playing the long con we're going to space lads does anybody want to watch me do asteroids because i really don't want to get killed here but i feel like i've done my civic duty finding a body as it's being killed okay that's z i think z is clear we've cleared z a bunch z just saw me do asteroids he can clear me bada bing bada boom okay that's two chances ethan could have killed me uh-oh what's that well well i guess what were you doing in reactor oh i was doing simon says okay did where did you go you just went straight down after that yeah i did simon says i walked out down through the engine to storage okay well you were about four meters from my body wait you had to do trash wait wait where was it the body was just above like just in the top engine right next to the walkway down oh well i wouldn't have seen it was it in the hallway uh i basically walked out straight down so unless it was out there i wouldn't have seen it in the hallway anyone else have any other information i saw bob trash shoot right as the body was found and i was waiting to see if the bar would go up when he finished and that's i saw ethan twice and i feel like he should have killed me yeah and we obviously know it's not shawn cause why would he [ __ ] do it i'm not that smart and z saw me do asteroids as he walked by i'm trusting jack at this point all right so we down to vote for bob i'm not devoted i mean yeah was over there too in my mind because i don't have a lot of alibi but i was just doing stuff oh no i'm with bob and today the common denominator we all think yeah so we'll go bob and then tesh if that doesn't work out or you know oh you oh yeah or me ethan didn't speak up that very first round but that was the only thing tyler killed someone directly in front of another person sorry bob he was not in my view range where i killed good [ __ ] oh good at least deserved it [Music] yeah because wade is the reason i died last time he killed him he killed jonathan bob i'm sure you were laughing your ass off because i was while we do that i'm going to go to the bathroom real quick you know yeah tyler if you did that like a second earlier i wouldn't have seen you do it you guys might believe me but i actually completed all my tasks the last round all right we got a new code i'm still mad when my discord died right when i was accused of my accusation yeah okay so tyler it was the fact that i saw you running uh out of the the whole way that direction but before it literally cut out right before you accused me because i came back and i was like wait what's happening like i i was still in the call but for whatever re chat how much do you wanna bet that i'm gonna be imposter this time i i can feel it yeah that was unlucky timing for him i saw it right as he did it if he was like a second and a half earlier i think he would have gotten away with it i would have just found the body freaky now we're like uh yeah we can we can hear you it's fine i couldn't hear you guys so i thought everything was broken just we were having a nice civil discussion i mean in the background you were just like oh god i mean that's what happened to me so oh that's why i was easy to blame you yeah everything [ __ ] up there for a second literally killed outside of security should we turn the eject confirmation off yeah let's make it more chaotic let's do that now that we are all experienced yep mark mark has been broken in yeah which map going back to we're doing paulus the outdoor one the thing is there are certain people that are why is there so many percentages percentage chances [Laughter] who are you trying to call out there tyler we have confirmations on because mark hasn't played before just to ease things in the nature of the game you know oh for me being an imposter oh right i forget what they say thank you in all fairness i'm killing the people that i think won't hold it against me as much because i've known you you are the opposite of right [Laughter] well now we'll know exactly that it's you yeah all right all right sean all right i'll change it i'll change it chilled you're going down now chill chill the second i become an imposter i'm just going to let you know and chill is filled with dying can we all just pee our pants together on stream is that against i mean i already went and peed if you don't show it it's probably fine is that okay if they just see a wet spot up here no see any bodily fluids are against tos even if you allude to them according to what i talked to them about all of it and mark and i are [ __ ] because we spit like mad men hold on to what you talked to them about did you have to have a bottle i was making an emote because i wanted to make a a bathroom break emote and it was going to be like that guy like peeing into the grass and then they're like no you can't show that i'm like dude everybody poops and pees come on they have permission to not on twitch they don't no not a lot when they got rid of all the butt emotes they're like no how dare you but jeff bezos is a robot so everybody else's i'm taking a full naked shower on stream all right here we go oh if i was imposter i'd kill you all here i'd kill you all here and laugh as i did it all right i'm leaving i don't want to watch everybody do their tasks all the time because it it kind of ruins some of the fun of it oh oh [ __ ] oh what's off what am i doing i'm oh no is my emote against tos to drink [ __ ] water all right all of that's done i like this map i think this is my favorite map it's a little chaotic and a little confusing and it's all over the place but i like it oh okay okay so somehow i thought i got killed in the middle of a hallway uh confusing yeah oh yeah it's nice yeah this is this one's basically this map like once you can open the doors as well they're like little circuit breakers so if someone locks you in there you could do that so you can click on the button just hit the bright reds that's pretty easy tesh take it away so z was next to on to the left of the communications just below the fence for lights by that pylon thing so where was it was it lights that went out and had to be fixed yeah you didn't see it i was in the middle of doing my tasks i my taskbar is closed so i didn't see what it was i'm on the right i did the telescope thingy [Music] i will say i fixed the lights really quickly and oh my god why am i always sus whenever i say that i'm playing the game i'm just saying the lights went out for everybody it's like it's really noticeable but i'm going to just moan just play yeah like me you'll be fine yeah there was some pleasure in that moment my task was i will say the lights weren't out for that long i will say mark was just randomly wandering around in office he could have come from that way because he wasn't doing anything i walked by him in office i was doing something it was a flippy thing it was a card and you flip it and you scan it and i only that wasn't i think mark has just been watching my videos highly suspect no one watches your videos [ __ ] i didn't mute i hit the settings oh i feel bad that was that was mean i'm sorry wade if it's wade he can kill me oh [ __ ] i keep forgetting that this is the weapons on this map boop okay i think ryan's fine i don't think he would stand there for that long pretending to do it okay ryan's fine that bar went up a lot when he just finished that ryan is fine and before dead lights now i saw it and now i fix someone gonna commit the murder again at lights tyler wade bob oh bob oh bob what have you done bob bob what have you done wait is it down here am i dumb emergency emergency whole thing it's bob i saw him kill tyler on cam up by the rocket boom all right [ __ ] g oh yeah cool wait wait you're confirming jack's walker now i don't know enough about this game to know where the cameras can see so that's fine uh so bob that's fine if you can see the camera and it's got a little light on it then you're probably probably able to see you but wade was with you you could have blamed it on him huh no listen if you guys want to eject me or kill me i have to do this i didn't say that i i don't want to give you a little spin oh my god wade were you listening to nothing that just happened no i was not i just want to die because i have the the ship steering wheel i just said he could blame you if he was if he wanted to i didn't say it wasn't before i voted for myself wade are you like the new patrick this time around are you talking about i don't know what happened weight throwing yes i don't want to do the spinning wheels kill me my god that is unfortunate though because it's like who do you blame when that happens like if they if they accused me of doing that and saw me on camera like i don't know what to do in that scenario i don't know who to flip it on other than to just say no it wasn't me i wasn't there like i don't know what to do in that scenario i've been witnessing a lot of murders tonight including my own i've witnessed a lot of my own murders someone said that i have a flawless record a 100 win rate on those i do this yeah see this is confusing it says waiting for second user but the second user needs to be over on the other one high fives oh chilled chill settle down there now bud i don't know who else it is though it's not mark but was he dead yeah marx did i trust him he's good look i'm sorry he's a killer but i'm i'm on i i gave it up for lent so i've been good this round um because i was on security cams to the left i saw jack was on the right he did the right react or the right reactor then i went to security cameras and i saw tesh and ryan you guys were lingering around the left one for a long time i don't know what else you were doing over there wait wait wait you said you went to security cameras but you went down now i went to the fueling camp i went to the right reactor i saw you up there you did that then i went left towards the security camera no no no it's chilled he went down and right he went down from where the uh well hi guys i called this meeting as i found little blue boys bottom half and i only knew it was him from the blue butt cheeks uh very dead um poor little ethan is gone forever where is the body pound he's to the he's like right in the middle by the top you came straight down from the starting zone he's like right there above whatever that first building that clears me then jack because if you're saying that i went down i'm telling you i went left changed the topic entirely and clear well not clear chilled but change it entirely remember first round how i said i had information i thought ryan was faking the fueling task but i wasn't because i know what you did i don't know what he would say to me i i'm pretty sure i saw him do asteroids yeah you probably went up a lot and then he walked away you were standing right there next to me i do remember you watching me i was kind of worried but we still have two bad guys we voted anyone good bad off yet okay so the react the reactors on the right child went right oh is it is it oh no oh [ __ ] i don't know i was fairly sure that that's where i saw him i shouldn't immediately go i saw this it's chilled let's throw out that accusation what's he doing are you serious come on come on try it try it try it in front of everybody in front of wait he just saw it i called it i told you where he was and now i'm dead i'm so upset it's no it's true oh i thought i didn't see children i hate because i want to see if wade saw that did you see that i don't know why i'm yelling so much but i'm really bad you get killed oh my god i'm sorry i'm sorry what did i do what have i done assume i did not see you get killed because chad's not freaking out and yelling at me i literally called it and told you he went the wrong direction of where he said and no one well you know what you're right i'm just happy the body was the opposite direction of where uh where i went i would have loved it you said that no one watches my videos i've been crying for the past 10 minutes likely story i'm very i'm so upset but okay let's go boys let's go boys i'm gonna [ __ ] this up i know that for sure should i just go kill him that's for that last round oh [ __ ] he already sabotaged see if we can lock someone in electrical okay hi tesh okay tesh is my alibi i'll say that i watched him do whatever it is he did i thought i [ __ ] died oh my god you scared me so much all right yeah i thought you killed me here's what i saw jesus christ that time with the [ __ ] ryan killed chilled and then ryan tripped and fell on his own knife in the top right okay i went down south bottom left then to uh wait hang on a tree you mean the laboratory top right to the left of the telescope i don't know not like yeah that's it's like next to the scanner thingy sean who came from who i was in the specimen room and sean came down from from lab into specimen room oh that's yeah but i didn't see anything no one was with me yeah her lap is the med baby i think i think what we're overlooking is the circumstances of these this apparent double homicide if wade saw them both die that means two of the imposters were in the same area at the same time oh no i was totally lying i only found a child's body i mean four people were in the same area at the same time it was only filled up there it would have to be five people in the same area for wade to be an innocent i mean circumstances wade and bob were by me both at the same time so i think bob and wade are clear no no i don't think i'm surprised all right i don't know who to vote for wade's going to vote for himself again because i'm skipping i didn't see anyone if i die think about what i said oh why did tyler go joking people voted out anyway why didn't wait why did tyler because i i said something about him being well buy weight i guess okay oh my god i almost threw that [ __ ] wait wait's not out okay i'm down and i'm looking at vitals this makes me too nervous man he's right i was in that area i literally pressed the button as the body was reported okay let's start locking some [ __ ] maybe close some people off i don't know where anybody is okay it's z as well and z is pretty good i'm coming over to fix lights i'm here no i want to use okay he fixed the lights oh my god i'm so nervous i hate being impostor i'm so bad at it hi tyler i don't know who i saw there [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna report it well i found tyler's body down by the trash chute i came to do lights everybody was there and on the way down past it i found well i also saw you and tyler down there before the lights yeah and i walked up to do the lights and then when i came back down and now he's dead very funny because i did the lights twice i did him twice i fixed him twice why were you doing it bob watched me shower do you mean the uh the doing activities i'm pretty sure i'm just throwing a lot of accusations at me i don't like a very direct result at sean i literally fixed the lights twice they went out yeah more more than one person can fix lights at the same time the imposter can fix lights well the posture can also take down lights i'm pointing my finger there was no knife in my pants because i wasn't wearing pointing all of my fingers in every direction who should i point my finger at i think this is i'm voting because he keeps trying to accuse me and he's somehow in all the exact same locations as the dead bodies so he claims all right i was not in the location i saw you entering the location is everyone voting for sean ortega we're going cash oh no my vote made the difference okay wow fairly certain it's like wade and jack okay i don't know how we got away with that because tesh is bang on the money okay we just need to kill at the same time right we just need a double kill and then we're done is that it there we go good i knew it i declare moral victory your argument was so flawed though small pieces of evidence to go off of and you tash had me dead to rights right from the start and for some reason all it took for wade to say no it's not tasha was like you you guys just said oh it has to be tesh then and then wait just throws the game yeah oh my god his name and he'll oh it's okay we got the moral victory yeah oh thank god i did not want to be that twice in a row holy [ __ ] okay some people left that pretty quick this is the problem when everyone does it all at the same time i don't know how to figure that out then uh where am i going with this oh that's a weird one look chet a win is a win i'll take a win any day no matter how i get it even if my argument is flawed i will take the win okay so tesh did it tyler's still there for some reason with the fueling one i don't know if you see the green bar immediately wait what have i got oh rocket okay that made me so nervous oh ethan i know it looks bad but i really just miss you where was the body honestly bob's a sicko i'm not i don't even care i never hang out now wow bob slipped my throat in the security room i don't care anymore was it in the security where was the body well that was a couple of rounds ago i never forget never a couple of rounds is the first round no i'm talking about when bob was the devil tell me above communications to the right of uh electrical the fence and it was probably all bob i saw a couple of people walking into the laboratory which is very close to there i've been peeping with ethan we've been doing like glue on a sandwich wade did see me try to attempt the like big whatever the node thing is i didn't know what to do for a bit oh you just checked what were you doing buddy yeah i didn't know that i went down and i did the little maze thing the the light thing that you have to track and then i went up and i did the switch next to the telescope okay i saw you walk into the laboratory last and that's it seems like you would cross paths with the body i did see tesh and sean do the lights with me we got 28 seconds uh i just i will say that i did see tesh tesh fixed it i walked in too late and then tyler walked in after i just want to thank ethan for not killing me as we hung out together for the first time in mind and shout out to ryan for not stabbing me because he has a vendetta against me so good stuff listen to the second one i'm gonna skip it for now let's hang out about jack he's like he could have crossed paths with the body ah he's a good okay that's a very big accusation to me very first round with one body i'm just saying i'm just i completed one task so i've been doing my job ryan i want to meet you follow me i mean unless z is just trying to really play hard but that that's a pretty [ __ ] big accusation based on very very little evidence so if it's z now we know i i don't show z or tyler tyler was at the lights he went up to the box late okay i think z just did that task so maybe we can clear him i get my tasks done so i can follow someone i mean he doesn't have the worst logic when it comes to that but wasn't the body found away from this area so i don't know what he's claiming i also need to figure out where the vents are on these maps i don't actually oh [Music] what'd you say holy [ __ ] somebody called a meeting right as i clicked report on a dead body okay i was gonna say it was early on and it literally he just had to have died so i clicked the button because i saw it on the vinyls jack you're over the body yeah it's down in the bottom right next to the where you match up like the specimen things it's still suspicious i saw tyler come from that direction tyler went down below um in the walkway between the specimen in the area because i was trying to make sure nobody came that way from bottom right yeah you just saw me do the lava thing there's no way yeah so i was between i was between the the doors ryan was coming from there's no way because i saw you going i was making sure nobody came from ethan so whoever was above went and got nobody came from ethan what do you mean we didn't know anything was down there i will say ethan's the one that's dead and sean just said he was over the body wait tyler i'm so suspect don't like that i this is all my fault i didn't stick with ethan mark what are you doing you've been you've been quiet with wade at the end there wait who was approaching us while we were in that room uh what room communication because that was me okay that was you yeah i was coming in i'm in the complete opposite direction of that we got 18 seconds i don't like what tyler just said but z is also throwing out heavy accusations against me so i just have to i'm just suspicious of you that's all i voted for me because that's my that's absolutely fine [Laughter] i guess we'll never know we'll never know true we'll never know all right i i'm pretty sure we got one of them right i don't want to just say like oh it's z because he's saying a lot of [ __ ] against me because what he's saying to other people could look suspicious but no one's also backing him up on any of it i don't know man i'm pretty i'm pretty sure we definitely got tyler on that one pretty sure and definitely don't go together but in my head they do because that is he tries to lie by making up the wrong locations and then he also said that he came from ethan to make sure no one was near him where was the body found outside weapons where's weapons where was weapons it's at the bottom middle okay hey tennis [ __ ] no no no mark you said you were following wade last time and this time right so where did you go yeah i went to do the thing with wade wade's dead yes and did you kill him no no maybe he might have deserved it but i'm gonna go with no i don't know okay i don't know if he's a genius or a [ __ ] you want to treat this witness as hostile yeah [Laughter] wait z what were you doing i did like i did i finished the freaking sample thing in the lab and then that i i was actually uh up in the medical area wherever that is top rightish wait wait hold on i saw i saw mark there i saw mark there yeah i was i did see him there oh wait a second now we've got z and mark confirming can i point something else out i've been suspicious of jack for two rounds he was over the body last round he reports the body this round yeah because i'm doing my tasks and the bodies are everywhere so unless we don't have the other guy yet i gotta contest i have a question for you you came into the little room a little bit the communications due to my upload where i left mark and wade why are you protecting jack all the time i i feel like we vote because i feel like already i think we got one of them you know we don't know that we don't know that you're sure we don't know that i think it's mock i'm voting what he keeps accusing me i don't like that this is my defense i think we got the first guy correct yeah i think so too it's murder is really trying to paint a picture against me and we all know that i'm clear you know what i kind of want to just die to prove my point how the [ __ ] do i get out of this building unless it's chilled and he's a [ __ ] genius because i don't think i've cleared a single person i just wander around doing my tasks i'm not even paying attention to who's where and what do he do task i don't think he do task ryan uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh is it ryan oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what showed up there oh admin i thought it was report [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] at least lights isn't a game ender oh it's mark it's mark it's mark [ __ ] oh you can't kill me what am i scared for mark was at the door he didn't report anything and then he came chasing after me thinking he could kill me again but didn't realize there was a cooldown no i i disagree because there are two people dead mark there's no way mark knew this game killed two people there's no way it doesn't even matter i literally saw him kill him you're letting the dumbest player get away with this z confirmed mark was in the top right and he's innocent now it's you and i've been with ryan a lot and no no no and z is screaming at the computer right now because he accused me so much news and look if i'm wrong then at least we definitely got one of them because there's four of us i hate to do the shawn i hate to do this i hate to do it too because he helps get the other guy so i don't [ __ ] know at this point i don't know oh my god you got played so [ __ ] hard i swear to god i know he's going to gloat about it for days you're welcome big brain uh how do i do this oh man jack got one thing right i was screaming mark has a liar voice i just realized because i could tell like i even knew that he was the imposter but i could just mark you better pull that [ __ ] trigger man yeah oh my god i know i can't believe that worked oh my god i can't believe he even admitted to killing wade oh yeah you look i i love him z was so gung-ho you and he also said he saw a markiplier up on the top just because it was three rounds where i was pointing fingers at jack and you were protecting him every step you were so obsessed with him then he was like you got gaslighted so hard he saw markiplier up top right oh my god oh man mark you i saw him on the [ __ ] body the first round he and i weren't hanging out together at all and i was so confused i didn't say anything i was like was i with you mark i locked those doors for you so you had a chance for your cool down with you i appreciate that that was you i didn't know yeah yeah sean saw me kill oh i know and then i was like oh wait no he can't kill me i'll just record it was so bold i couldn't even argue it was so good i can't believe everyone but my lies were terrible every time oh my god yes yes no i'm gonna go your lie was so bad i believe that's like that would be so stupid to lie about it's i i had my tinfoil hat on everything was pointing to you i was going crazy honestly from from the outside perspective i would also have in my head i'm like but he did get ty killed when he really got his body think i was with mark oh here we go tyler i really i felt really bad that you died early and i was like oh well i'm [ __ ] yeah yeah that d can't oh man content ladies and gentlemen oh that's upsetting that is very upsetting but what are you gonna do that's among us baby you get a case built against you and in z's defense it does look very suspicious from me all right who's so wade's green he didn't go to that but i think he was just trying to do the task all righty someone's closing these doors for some reason okay wade's doing lava wade and mark are together okay i can't tell anything from that ryan oh lights are off uh oh stinky oh where's my mouse [ __ ] [ __ ] oh uh i don't know who to [ __ ] trust i don't know what's going on man am i dead here is it chilled okay wait's still alive so i don't think it would have been mark unless it's weighed oh jesus all right whoever is on cameras next to me i really thought you just did [Music] yeah down below he was on wires and then he went up with me to do lights and then i wasn't with him anymore i feel like ethan might know where bob was yes uh i walked into office and bob's body was on the ground what is office yeah where is that it's right next to the like the room that we're all standing in the like bottom room or whatever oh there is all right i will say bob and tyler were doing i was looking at the cams bob and tyler were doing electrical together um but then tyler finished and left and then bob was still there what if bob was the imposter and he couldn't live with the guilt i don't know i saw it often no one ever trusts me i saw tesh i saw chilled i saw wade at the very last second down bottom left near the trash tyler tyler what was your defense earlier where you were where i was i saw bob do elec uh electrical with me and then i ran off and lost track of him and then right now i'm down you're just copying everything i just said no no i'm down in the d i said that before you said it i went down there are you gaslighting me are you putting thoughts in my mind no i definitely said it before you said it it was before ethan let's kill tyler train right now oh my god i can i can confirm that on cams i saw tyler and bob together i was down i can't remember who we reported right before chill decided i thought you were going to kill me away channel that channel oh i'm sorry i know you're good you're good i'm just trying to put thoughts in your head okay somebody some people are trying to get tyler out i publicly announce i'm on the kill tyler train the christmas voted him okay what is the haps i'll do this real quick because everyone's here and i'm scared unless chilled is trying to build a case okay i don't think it's z i think he just did the card lights lights lights gotta do lights gotta do lights lights lights lights gotta do lights gotta do lights with weight gotta do lights lights lights gotta do lights oh my god there is a delay when you hit the light button it does not stay oh i got stuck in a box stick in a box y'all oh oh i haven't done this one in a long time oh my god that's a big one that i have to do does america's telescope hmm okay mark just turned tail for some reason let's go back in and see if anyone's dead no dead bodies so confused let's go to specimen i can't remember who walked in here god i'm not a top level player am i ah all right where was it well at least it's not talking about i found tyler it's funny it's whatever the broom is above weapons i uh i think ryan and i came out together i was with chilled chilled saw me top right then i went down room where where where's the weapons room where where what's the bottom middle it's not the very bottom middle it's the room right above that okay okay ice all right so i was in specimen with a bunch of people i saw jack there i got chilled there i saw tesh there i saw ryan there uh someone i noticed coming from around weapons or communications going into the southern portion of the office with me was ethan i went into the office uh to finish the task that i was going to start last time the like card flip thing that's when i found bob's body uh i went up to the what is it called the node thing the rocket thing where you press all the [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't believe him okay wait okay wait what did you say about my child i saw you top right with me he saw me go in he stood there with me as i was doing the task inside the decontamination i've seen so much i went down to the bottom right tesh and i were in the kill room together we're like the secret murderer's always get gotten away with i went out i think ryan and i exited together i went over to the room saw the body and reported it i know what you're thinking mark said he was going to be by tyler the whole time it's weird right jack who'd you vote for it wasn't me i voted for ethan too just because the location matches up i hope you're right but i hope chilled and wade aren't in it together i don't know i just want to start voting people out because i hate when we just skip votes all the time i forget who i cleared uh oh chilled did i just see him pretend to do a task and then not finish the task and then chase me because he saw me not finish or i saw him not finish the task where did he go did he just hole did he vent oh god did we just kick ethan out for no reason i'm gonna be so upset if i called weighed and chilled oh i found a dead body and i saw a person walking oh who was that uh where'd you find the body it was in the lab i was finishing my last task which was putting a skull a duh duh duh prism of some type a leaf and a fourth black mark so if you if someone else if mark is being honest ryan was in that room as well yeah uh right okay was it i was doing the same task i have something to say i saw chilled try to do a task the one at the little tesla coil thing where you do the maze light but the bar didn't go up and then as i was running away you chased me and then ran out of lab when i went into it and then the lights went off and you were gone i'm telling you this is this is wrong i did my tasks i did see sean outside sean was running circles outside my tasks are done oh because if you're trying to guess like me uh then i think it's you because i've been doing my test the whole time well i'm i'm always gonna blame chill to be very honest all right i want to hear you in that lab this baby's meeting clang clang i dead body ryan well ryan is definitely in there but if i don't know if she was trying to find it dead body ryan i dead body ryan why would you i don't i don't think it's whiter body ryan i don't think it's weight either who we voting for i want to apologize if it's ryan jack i'm voting for killed i will fully wow jesus christ okay ryan voted chilled as well interesting i always vote killed i love the little people is it over the people hit the law thank god because you guys were on ryan then you're on jack and chill and i was my blood was boiling first like honestly i screwed up at the beginning because the entire time i was like i have to kill chill first screw it chat i have to kill him that how i mean i am on n a servers from europe okay yeah just kidding are you guys always suspecting me because you're a terrible liar yeah that should mean that when i say i didn't do it you should believe it you always i was actually glad you guys believed me initially because i was over there too all right wait it was it was ryan and who's even ethan ethan ethan made me want to vote you even harder because right after i killed tyler i was like i should not have killed him because everybody expected him the last round why did i do that everyone suspects i will thick by tyler i will vet him if he kills me uh if he ends up dead you know that's not my problem oh interesting okay are we sabotaging something immediately did i just do lights i'm walking around like a [ __ ] fool middle middle there we go lights fix okay how do i do this i have no game plan i don't know what to do wade you want a double kill [ __ ] oh oh oh oh i just threw i just threw so hard oh that was bad that was terrible that was awful did wade kill the other one okay enough time has passed i can get away with it okay fuel i need to get chilled i need to get chilled okay okay okay oh boy [ __ ] hell all right where is it okay i found the body in the office oh my god jesus christ so martin's is definitely clear because i was verify that they were both there i watched them do it i just looking at each other okay because i just want to say wait hold on what did you just say i said i was just next to you were you i think so i saw you going into the the middle building i think okay in the in the office i don't know i was having to do lights and i thought i passed you at some point in the middle building where the button is oh you were were the lights out in the way someone oh [ __ ] well why were you over there right where the body was the body's an office the mill the middle building is the thing why would i just out myself if i killed someone i just said i just saw you you can inadvertently see people in the dark any time i speak i get myself killed i just want to add the only time that you would have seen me is when i was going up to the office because i was in uh decontamination the whole time and there was nobody else there information wait which information yeah in the the building the bottom right i had a wired crossing task to do i saw you in the building i don't know it's like bottom middle i saw wade which body did you find there ethan which body did you find okay i saw wade chilled and tesh down in the bottom left corner i saw them all go past the camera one way and then i saw wade and tesh leave like the tree room i think wade is pretty suss a lot of fingers for no reason right i'm going for it you're hanging out with dead people wade yep good luck guys [ __ ] i hope you lose [ __ ] okay the barrel went up now i'm leaving oh i hate that i hate that i hate that i hate that i had to vote him to kind of clear myself because his lie was awful i can't use this way they'll know [ __ ] what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do i don't know okay okay i just saw tyler walking out of this area don't even sean literally was chasing me to kill me i'm not even near you and did not do it there's no way i did vet tyler the first time i was yes yeah but you also don't know what you're doing so i don't know definitely sean sean you were quiet last round awfully quiet it's definitely sean from bob said to go towards ethan because ethan and i were near each other most of that round making sure we were no no no no come on it's definitely sean i'm not he was running around in the trash area at least and ethan's body is right next to it bob what do you think it's definitely sean it is definitely information on this neither of them has been around me very much but i trust mark vetting tyler in the first round because there were too many deaths for tyler to not have participated i think wade was actually bad so i feel like if it's not jack it's tyler three people died the first time i'm i'm telling you the whole time it's sean it's definitely sean sean but also tyler's terrible at making his case no literally sean chased me and i ran away from him because he acted like he was like how could i have chased you out of a room with closed doors the doors closed right after i ran out of the room because you were chasing me somebody was trying to trap me i think sure yeah okay let's go with that tyler saw sean sean's cool down was running so he self-reported to try to throw us off what i'm gonna go with the herd i guess i don't know let's see do we win or is mark leading us to doom by vetting the imposter objective [Applause] sean and i trusted you and then i was like what is he doing was he running around oh to kill me in bright daylight i there's nothing worse than killing somebody and immediately passing someone walking toward the body and wait you didn't even try and defend yourself your lives are so all over the place you can get in the way of lies when the eject confirmations are off just go away wait hold on but you you passed you passed me so close to the body though oh yeah very close well i was still wiping off the blood from the murderer then reported and then you didn't know it was me so far almost yeah i've been i've been trying to toy around with that type of thing where you kill someone as somebody else is in the room and then you blame them clearly it didn't work i [ __ ] up the timing of it also it had to be tyler of all people because tyler is not great at lying when he does it but then it's so obvious when he doesn't do it so it [ __ ] me up that was that was a rookie mistake damn it yeah and i don't know where the vents are so i couldn't have vented out damn it unfortunate jesus [ __ ] saw weight dude i [ __ ] saw wade he [ __ ] killed himself reported jesus christ mark you were right there unless mark because the door was closed and i went over to open the door and wade was there killed bob mark were you oh [Laughter] i'm trying to remember the colors i'm not good with names i'm good with colors okay all right all right purple was dead right bob that's bob okay all right who was closer uh listen guys i killed bob i did it right then and there he looked at me sideways enough for me this is ethan you saw the gun in bob's pocket i had to do it why wait why do you [ __ ] out yourself why don't you try and fight back because this time i'm innocent and i want the chaos goodbye oh [ __ ] i think wait listen i say maybe could be yeah i don't think whatever i was gonna say i don't think ethan would have outed wade if it was both of them immediately that's not his style man i have to play with toast in those guys tomorrow night i'm i'm gonna get eaten alive i'm so dead i can't play imposter i'm too innocent all right lighty lighty go 1990 okay let's see if we can catch anybody doing anything on camps oh oh i thought i got locked in there's not a damn person anywhere there goes z there's mark he's coming out of the office area i don't know i don't know i should do my tasks huh i don't think it's tyler tyler would have killed me just there [Applause] he was dead when i was there and found him he's dead where did you find him i don't even remember where the location is so the details are foggy trauma does weird what did you say i feel like it's marked because i tried to say it was markers well ethan accused him and now ethan's dead but that's too obvious right there's like a cliche detective yeah but that's that's mark likes to try and pull that stuff though whatever you won't get me twice mark you won't get me twice i did it man if we get this this is a quick one for revenge because i was try if if i i almost got thank god you know you ruined the fun when we don't get the adjustment like that everywhere the wall just vote for yourself no no i need the details it's just like i felt the the knife go in and the knife go out when i thought i served the previous rounds i'm not gonna lie originally i was hoping to pull off a double kill but for some reason i flubbed i didn't realize you got him i was down with ethan i was like did he did wade get bob did he and i didn't i didn't well i did but it was accidental because i wasn't trying to open the door and i was accidentally killed for letting us know who was in that room i didn't wait did you defend myself did you guys talk to each other during the game and you were like yeah let's [ __ ] throw let's do it no i was trying to do that when i saw i came up with you and i saw that wade killed bob but you were closer so you were able to report i was trying to get you so we could double kill and then move on yeah well the problem was there were three people because i was thinking it but then chilled was also over there so i was like we better not so then i accidentally locked the door on myself and i went to unlock it and actually killed bob and then ethan walked over and i was like panicking i was like wait wait wait wait wait wait accidentally do all of that because those are very different buttons you stumbled yourself into a loss i guess yeah yeah the knife came up my god they didn't even try don't get me wrong i'm not a great imposter either i eat but at least when [ __ ] goes down i try oh well it's funny so i'll give them that i'm opening all these doors because i don't like that people are trying to close us off immediately i should wait for scan for somebody to be able to see me okay i'll go specimen ah [ __ ] uh that was fast oh okay no he started it too early oh we lost someone oh okay yeah we lost i keep forgetting to press play again so we could just hold up the guilty people real quick or we could just end the level and restart and let's end and reach all right i'll make it do you guys want to change the levels or you want to play in that yeah let's do the level i have time for one more round by the way so wait if you had that in person uh i think well first bob has somebody to come in okay that's fine all right i just posted the new code do you want to poke him and let him know he can yeah i'm letting him know give him a hot poke sweet spicy poke give him that nice little big poke sorry i [ __ ] that up so bad i could not have [ __ ] up more no i mean it's fine if i'd have been more quick on the reaction i was like because i was waiting for you to make the first move and i was like i was trying to stick near ethan i was doing the same i was like mark's new i wonder if he knows we could pull off the double kill here he's like i don't know maybe and then i just i then i i [ __ ] like sitcomed it everything wrong i could have done to myself you really don't try and defend yourself like whenever it's that bad like i didn't deserve to we would have believed you it would have been okay there's no way it's okay bye exactly good now you think of a plausible lie that was even close to like not ethan like no you that was it it's not um for a game like this it's not absolutely vital that the audio is like perfectly in sync so i kind of just uh leave it the way it is who are we playing with there was someone all right here we go okay let's start this one and come back to it later i should be clearing people huh okay ethan's clean oh i don't like that i don't like that i don't i was just about to say it's chilled because the bar didn't go up but now they're never gonna fight me because i'm at the start fully pooey well you can come out of emote jail i guess [ __ ] that sucks come on god damn it i i felt it too i knew [ __ ] oh well what are you gonna do i guess i'll do the rest of my tasks ah is this one done yet hey bro hi you died up in the laboratory as well no i died at the [ __ ] start i was like chill didn't do that task dead who got you i went up in the lab and tyler and chilled were both there and tyler killed me um stink it's okay at least i can still play six-year-old difficulty mini games oh i got the task done uh um hold up oh [ __ ] whoa three oh jesus were those in the reactor oh yeah i was down i just did the oxygen too with the who who was up in reactor who saw who i fixed the one right i guess ethan wouldn't know that i'm dead at the beginning he was there to get to reactor do you have to go through decontamination yes okay so laboratory is next to reactor then yes yeah to the right so so who was up there who who saw who up there i just got into the game yeah so i like i don't know i didn't get to the top at all i just opened it johnny you're like okay okay no i know i saw it well but there was a couple people that did the o2 ryan we you were up by the top 02 tree he didn't do it yeah again you could be faking it i'm not saying yeah i i saw i think i saw someone do o2 up north and then yeah if you look at the indicator uh it looks like it's on the other wall i didn't know where exactly it was did anyone see martin sorry you're dead uh i saw mark my fault i died pretty quick wherever that was and i i should have i should have known as soon as he didn't do the thing i should have just ran [ __ ] you [Music] also quit killing bob i'd only do that okay all right so hey guys uh hello someone is muted i'm not muted here that's there we go they're so [ __ ] everything's chilled forward let me finish it and then snap my neck what a boss yeah he's a good imposter yep yep he was he was at the start and i saw him not do a task and i just stood there and then he came up and stick up spike through my face yeah i should have just ran as soon as i didn't see the bar guys i saw him not go for oxygen which is i think why he got me yeah and i knew i wouldn't be found because i'm all the way at the start oh guys it's tyler uh tyler got me they were both together with me up in laboratory i think they had just killed ggs no they killed you at the start they were both [ __ ] wade and mark just threw the last game it didn't i don't understand why wade can't just just like actually try and play i think he was i think i just don't think he was paying attention to what was going on yeah hey look a dead body oh someone's dead a green house oh that's ethan well i predicted that you found your body ethan crazy oh my god you're dead as well we're so [ __ ] up that's game right way american rain just ran by your dead body oh cause lights hmm okay i was running next to mark and i came upon a dead body he did not report it at all i didn't even see a dead body and i have a rock-solid alibi because i have not played this level before and i one of these was really weird it was the sorting the crystal bone leaf into three separate box i just did that one we didn't yeah we're definitely on that is skull crystal bone and some a leaf that you put into four slots six items into three boxes and there's another one that was like downloading weather balloon data and that it was like three bars each one went slower than the other like i've ever seen so you're using the newbie defense the the lights were off so it was hard to see i actually saw the report button before i can see farther i'm not a noob enough to know that i didn't see a body okay so here's the deal the discord is like i'm just trying to talk left to believe mark on this one he's doing if he's seeing new stuff there's literally no way you can pin it on me don't even try to gaslight me he got one right there no defense it's i think ryan's fell for poisoning right now throwing ryan under the bus he's [ __ ] up ryan [ __ ] up ryan [ __ ] up if it's not ryan it's tyler and chilled and we've lost it well ggs yeah guys good game good game dude chilled we were on a rampage reports that the closest person gets accused and then we all die yeah i also that's the first time i ever used vents so i was figuring that out so i was like thanks john for showing me where to go dude you were just on my ass every time i'm like let's just keep killing but those tails were going up so fast i was getting nervous oh my god for saying we [ __ ] up i'm i'm sorry i'm sorry i hope you had fun mark i hope you enjoyed this it was quite enjoyable i like this a lot better than most of the other types of games that this is like 100 times i will say i'm amazed mark didn't catch me kill ethan because i ran out of there and chilled was also in there it was ethan and i killed him was i impossible right twice i'm like please don't go out mark please twice or three times once i lost another time so hard in the beginning because he's too big-brained i'm like i just let's just get rid of him he's back here let's just do it i i saw i didn't see the bar go up and i should have ran well hold on also that did happen to us last time and i was innocent that's true but i didn't know you had so much doubt in people's heads let's just get rid of it and i was right at the start you no one would find my body as soon as everyone piled on ryan there i was i was like it's not mark it's got to be tyler so much i wanted to defend ryan still bad from the dead hey at least nobody accused me because i can't lie with [ __ ] what about me ryan's never gonna talk to me ever again i gotta go thank you guys uh awesome see you later i'm gonna head out thank you guys for the gigi's oh yeah yeah it was fun it was good yeah all right so we have a placement for mark i got someone who can come in for ethan let's play more soon yeah yeah yeah sure this let us know we'll poke you yeah all right bye-bye take care take pee hey right chill i saw you coming up to the oxygen i'm like good shield can confirm that i get oxygen snap oh yeah yeah and i was waiting until you were done so people wouldn't come over there i'm like oh it's done good perfect oh the fact that you waited had me i'm like oh good it's good there's been too many times this session shield where i was saying uh i think it's chilled i'm pretty sure it's chilled and then you snap my neck like two seconds later thank god yeah thank god i must be feeling that it must be that suspicion creeps in for half a second but that's true so you know how i act in the the discussion rounds and then like but sometimes like you're silencing me when you guys discuss you you guys just everyone's everyone's crazy and i'm like how am i gonna out do the crazy it's almost it's hard you can't beat me because i beat myself too exactly weights are stationed like well how why am i going to take the floor away from wade wade's already incriminating himself even when i don't incriminate myself i sound guilty chad's like wade yeah i think you're really quiet ask the minimum amount of questions so that way you're you know you're making it look like you're participating in the discussion and then you and you kind of throw someone under the bus that's why sometimes i just can't shut up and i can't help it i know it's fun to talk i'm addicted to being stupid you know i almost i almost added myself testing i didn't know if you were going to laugh at that because when i was talking about the oxygen i'm like okay i was just going down to the eye okay they're adding people so i'm just going to call out some stuff uh void scout thank you so much for the prime febreze thank you for the sub beba b backs thank you for the 100 bits neogentrix thank you for the sub simple moonshine think of the seven bits cyborg's going for the hundred bits violent bamboo thank you for the sub uh the bolt cloud for the sub nora larson for the prime king tyveon or tivian thank you for the two gifted uh racing boss thank you for the prime catalyst ryrus thank you for the prime uh casey thank you for the prime superior nerd thank you for the prime thanks guys appreciate it uh okay we have two more people in the discord but we still have a free slot that should have been filled by now um i'll go for a couple more rounds how stoicism going not great with this game um noon or no one not noon thank you so much for the 20 gifted appreciate it um they're still bragging about their win missy mayday thank you for the prime uh narco thank you for the sub charlie something thank you for the prime lauren thank you for 100 bits that bond is on point by the way thank you it's gotten so long now uh shairu thank you for the 28 months mayor thank you for the 10. hello funny bell man is that my legacy uh call me taco cat thank you for the prime and nycha's thank you for the prime as well wolf thank you for the sub man i feel like anytime i win as imposter it's not because of my lying ability awesome thank you for the prime i want to get better at uh imposter but i'm also not imposter very much i only become impostor every now and then i don't know the other uh guy can you shoot because cripster upgrades hello everyone hey hi what's up don't tell me or i'll be very mad same goes to you tay i trust you what was that sound okay should i ever do the tasks at the beginning on my own no probably not but i'll start this one okay group group stick with group stick with group okay tater and bob are left back there ryan is getting scanned i can also get scanned are you guys ready for hey no one saw me get scanned okay i'm leaving that i'll get scanned later because i want somebody to see me get scanned oh bubbus bubbus bubbus can somebody come with me to see me get scanned please hello is there a dead body in here are there two dead bodies in here are there any dead bodies in here there are no dead bodies in here okay who wants to come see me get scanned todd and ryan chilled out ryan chilled out ryan chilled out right okay somebody oh god reactor again wait tesh is in here uh uh hello is there a vent in here uh is it tasha and tyler or was tyler here all right first word from there i have something to say but please tell me where the body was first it's in the in the little the the hallway we just i was it came down with stink i think it was stinky i don't know who that is decontamination yeah someone just came up from there it was me i just get no way i'm being set up for [ __ ] no wait i have information wait don't incriminate yourself i have more important information please thank you yeah wait just update some important information as reactor was going off i saw ryan fleeing from the direction of coming out of decontamination he was running towards cafeteria through the middle which is not a direction he would be going because of the reactor but because of the body okay no but that's because everyone else is going to the reactor and i have tasked to get done okay z what did you see i was going to decontamination where the reactor was i saw chilled about to come out of uh the reactor decontamination and he used the vent me no you may have saw lag because i was with wade oh i definitely saw that the animation happened in the door but it was the going into a vent no i went up towards it i went up towards the reactor there's a vent next to the body there's a vehicle next to the body so i i want to ask i want to ask some people something tyler where did you come from are you talking to me no it's not no tyler i was like what sorry it was quiet so you know where the you know where the crystal is in the top right or top yeah that's what i was in i've never done that before so it took me a while to figure out what to do and i came down from there i also i also will say i was with wayne i think you're the only one with this because there's no confirmation there's no confirmed ejects just because just be careful he also said that ryan was running away so it could be either one it could have already been making a mistake we have a lot of things with you it's not me i can guarantee you i don't know i just want to say bob saw ryan running away and i want to say bob was in there last when i found the body what okay i just wanted to see i think tyler's fine i figured he was probably doing the crystals i just didn't see him um but i wanted to ask in case he vented there and i wanted to see if he lied about it but i think he's fine um i think he's right about uh how do we just vote out chilled i think he's right about that i don't think he'd lie about a vent call like that unless he would would he nico thank you so much for the 20 gifted wade also didn't say a whole lot in that round oh wait he was about to when we shut him up oh that makes sense maybe that's why he didn't say a whole lot should i be doing this in front of bob okay it's med bay not watering does anyone want to come and watch me get scanned oh i have nothing in here what am i doing i'm not paying attention okay um okay some people went in here let's see if anyone's dead in here i can't confirm who went in though i always look over a chat to see if i can read the emotes and what's happening but it doesn't give me any information ever okay that that one that one uh this one okay oh god ryan's chasing me ryan's chasing me oh no okay we're not alone anybody left in here i didn't see that go up i didn't see that go up and wade uh oh ryan stay with me stay with me for the love of god ryan please oh god unless it's ryan and him no they would have killed me do i call an emergency meeting over that though okay that body was at the very bottom of cafeteria behind the sliding doors like the left side of the bottom of the cafeteria all right and i can vouch right now that it's not sean because john and i were up in the reactor area and i i've done my task i'm staying within the entire thing wait why didn't the bar go up when you pretended to do a task i did i did do the task wait uh did you lie to me again no i do want to be careful about the bar thing because i know jack's been wrong you know that we only need to do two more tests i think or one that is that's true too yeah i've i'm just going to skip i don't trust way that i don't i don't have anything no one ever trusts skipping but wade maybe i don't know i don't like how you're acting for any sauce you suspect you suspect i'm pretty sure i am an idiot i agree with bob it's not his fault but it's not him i think it's tesh that's his stuff okay hold on hold on i saw doing the same things as me though i've been a lot of fun same exact tasks as me like before i had to and i'd finish one and then tess would be like right there where i had to go next yeah i left him in the cafeteria and it was him and tyler and me and i left him and that's where tyler died that's all the info i got i've been on i've been a little no thank you rainy boy i will also i'm gonna stand by myself i can go scan look watch me follow me i go scan now i scan i good boy okay so wade tater tot ryan and z are all watching me scan and they all know i'm clear three foot six baby what an absolute machine oh well someone went in there alone and now wade went in there okay wait turned it off smart i know that was wade that was wade that was that was nice in my defense i was trying to kill tay why do you out yourself every time there's one task left to be done what am i gonna do chill you [ __ ] me so hard whoa whoa wait i knew that mean i got you we were done you killed the [ __ ] with like eight people around yeah mr usually from people too my god we were on the team i'm like oh [ __ ] me from the where are sabotages we haven't [ __ ] sabotaged this game yeah we didn't do [ __ ] to deduce you guys yeah i was older oh my god i hope you all voted for tesh like i did yes totally 100 maybe we need to up the tasks because they got done real fast i'm telling you they're getting done why why did you kill [ __ ] in front of 30 women i panicked because we had no kills and the test score was a third already done and we were once i tried to split off literally everyone just stayed nice should we have four common tasks or four long tasks i say four long tests that way we're not bunched up together you see two people around you [Music] i jumped in [Laughter] good luck everybody oh i'm not typed in tyler's fine i think tater tot tyler and ryan are fine but i've been incredibly wrong many times oh oh we don't get to see do we what do we not to get to see people scan oh well that's bad then i'm just gonna go water plants man i don't wanna i don't have to deal with these [ __ ] snakes on this oh is tyler afk right now no no he's not he was he was running next to me okay because i found tay's body going into the cafeteria like the hallway leading to the cafeteria and tyler was standing right there wait he was tyler was right next to me in in the reactor room uh oh was it hold up it was at the top of the table was it just i saw tyler's body pop up when i reported the body i wasn't sure if that was just because uh no i was right next to ryan when you were no i think it's because everyone's bodies pop up around this table i think that's what i thought oh okay all right i was like so we can let him walk that back real quick real quick that i i swear i saw tyler's body there but maybe that was just because everyone's body teleported where was that it was it was near the conference table it was at the bottom portion of the hallway leading to the cafeteria so so real quick if you guys can hear me i confirmed chill because i had to wait for medbay because he was getting scanned and then i hopped on the skin so chilled is for sure not an imposter i'm always going to blame we can't we can't see them actually get verified to do it yeah you have to say you're waiting yeah i know you said you waited until it popped in but that's been happening for a month since we've played this game you see all the bodies pop in look cripster i was hanging out with you for a while you know i came from oxygen i was up hanging with you in oxygen for a while and then i went down that body i can't confirm that i mean there's two i want weights so we just skipping i guess we're just i don't think we have it do your tasks nerds please do your time i got a piece of pet i need this why didn't you okay so i couldn't have seen them anyway i'm trying to make sure so i believe them the animations looked pretty smooth for that oh no the bear went up on wade okay you know what i'm not trusting the bar anymore the bear's a [ __ ] lie i've been wrong so many times on the bar just gonna get my tasks done do them [ __ ] quick i don't think it's bob um he spent an awful lot of time doing that okay bob's still fine i would have killed bob if i had the chance look oh i haven't cleared tesh yet okay easy easy easy oh lights are broken that was quick they're probably like wait what how did you fix the light so quick chet i'm not looking at your emotes okay i mean i am but i'm not trusting them oh where was that body i'm really glad nobody saw that because i walked right over it before i reported it [ __ ] [ __ ] was dead outside med bay in the hallway i was going to do my skating that's a bold kill right there in the hallway i had just oh who did i do i know i know we i i was with tyler i was trying to stick by you because you're confirmed yeah i've been alone you and i just passed z coming from that place right i think yes wait i was never by med bay we were together goofing and calif goofing off in in the in the dining hall like dancing with you yeah i could have killed you so easily in that hallway running from the left to the right through that hallway then not close to it but in that hallway hold on i've got the watering can in the cafeteria then i went to go water the plants and then i had like five tasks in the reactor room and that's where i went no one was in the reactor room yeah that's what i really you there was never before you were going that's really weird right now exactly where i went wade and tash are being very quiet but i would say z-wade and tesh were the only three people that were not with us the rest of this group we were up north by the o2 well i was up by the o2 yeah you came out alone and i went to jail ryan ryan was up there as well ryan was up doing the thing next to me that's sean a whole bunch sean was i thought sean was watching me because i was down the bottom right i went up and i did the vending machine and then i was up top with the the [ __ ] whatever the big plant thing is called the top middle oxygen that's my radar i don't know me and bob were in cafeteria for a while both did vending machines i wouldn't reach pressure as much as you can don't add up i gotta vote it just doesn't matter bob's one who found the body he said he saw z over there so i'm voting oh i don't think it's z although i did see the thing go up next to wade but can i even trust that anymore tash is saying nothing i'm pretty sure bob's clear i don't think that he would be on the middle of that as perfectly as that oh someone's gone in here already who is it who is it okay it's tesh but i don't trust that oh god oh god ryan wade and tesh are like the people i don't trust the most out of all of this bob come with me wait what the test go by did he just vent out of there hold on hold on hold on hello okay i don't know if this is enough to go on but tesh and i turned off the reactor did anyone see him walk out of the uh disinfection chamber no just now no yeah i was down at the bottom and tyler at the uh at the other door of that i i i think he vented out of the reality he had to yeah well wait wait a second [Laughter] yeah nah he was in that room for sure he turned off the reactor with me i was going out and then suddenly he's gone because i went back into the room to see what was going on yeah he wasn't up there so the only other suspicious thing yeah and sean have been sticking together the whole time but that's the only thing that is yeah like they're covering for each other but we'll see i literally saw bob get scanned he's fine yeah we weren't we weren't near each other at that time very much either the med once again he got scanned i went straight to reactor after that because the way he snapped into the scanner it just looked way too i feel like we got to vote i voted all right i definitely have concern for sean and bob though yeah exactly if this game doesn't end right now get your tasks done because it's those two yeah i have to do simon says though and it's taking forever and i'm scared i'm pretty sure we got one ladies and gentlemen we got him i was worried that when i said uh he i was worried when i asked if someone saw him leave that oh god oh god i was worried when someone said they saw or if someone would say they saw him leave and then that would have just [ __ ] me up okay oh please don't be ryan please don't be ryan please don't be ryan okay i feel like he would have killed me okay tyler's in here as well somebody please i don't think it's tyler ryan i think i'm okay whole baby oxygen oh i don't know if ryan's clear is he i probably saw him do something and now i can't remember okay mine's the last task last task last task please don't kill me in the middle of this this is the last one send it up boys big w is coming in for the lads oh there it goes [ __ ] all right who was it wait why were you like running around the cafeteria it was ways these [ __ ] sheep were hurt animals and there was not a goddamn thing i could do i was watching you i was like all right i was waiting for someone to like break off from the herd but instead they're all couldn't [ __ ] god i'm alone oh my god i was like i need you to get like one kill absolutely um he's going pee really fast okay goddamn [ __ ] hurt animals that are all like roaming together
Channel: septic moments
Views: 2,687,431
Rating: 4.8765335 out of 5
Keywords: Jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye twitch, jacksepticeye vods, jacksepticeye among us vod, Jacksepticeye Plays Among Us, jacksepticeye full stream, jacksepticeye reacts, jacksepticeye moments, jacksepticeye twitch clips, jacksepticeye clips, jacksepticeye full streams, vods, clips, among us
Id: 4PhMfqgtL_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 40sec (11020 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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