Jacksepticeye Plays Minecraft with his girlfriend! (Twitch Stream)(#3)

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a little sinister thank you for the five gifted and cali and kaden zen thank you for the five gifted as well thank you guys uh let's set up gab ready okay [Music] i'll cut off oh goobers hello hello you having a good talk with your chat oh yeah what up pimps what are you talking about moving grand theft auto oh grand theft auto oh [ __ ] gets stitches snitches snitches get [ __ ] no that's not right [ __ ] get snitches there it is got it are um someone asked me about what i thought of japanese chicken so i was like well fried chicken hell yeah karage um but there's also places where you can eat raw chicken and i'm not a fan of that oh yeah that was basically what i was talking about yeah that was we had that conversation where i was like you can eat raw chicken it's like yeah if it's fresh enough you can well yeah that was what i said at the time as well and then a japanese person was like well if it's fresh enough he can yeah no thanks yeah polanovic thank you for the five gifted too much in my system that's been conditioned to never eat uncooked chicken too dangerous yeah see the way it works chad is that the longer you leave it out the more pathogens can actually penetrate the meat and the more of them that are in it that's what causes you to get sick but if you it's like if you kill the chicken and then eat the meat immediately it's that's what i said yeah i think that's what they do i think they butcher it just in the play in the restaurant and then serve it immediately yeah but i still even if it tastes like chicken it's just that thing like i have been told my entire life not to do that and i don't want to yeah just two conditions it's [ __ ] raw but i mean i can't even i don't even like cutting raw chicken because it's i don't like how it feels on my fingers like touching it i'm like no yeah and that's why you can eat red meat uh rare because it has less less it has less potential for pathogens than chicken does i think it's something got to do with white meat and red meat maybe that white meat has the ability to contain more pathogens or have them like penetrate the meat more and it's more porous or something i can't remember yeah i have no idea i don't i don't know too much about it yeah but uh red meat is less so yeah so you can eat that more raw beef tartare yeah beef is great i like beef more than chicken yeah what about raw eggs yeah they that's a big thing in japan as well but in the most most times i'm fine with it because they put a raw egg like on a warm meal so the the egg kinda gets cooked with the heat of the meal so i'm okay when it when it's like that yeah it's the same with um in korean like it's like cooking in the stone bowl yeah so that you crack the egg on top so that when they like bring it down to your table it's still cooking but yeah people i mean i only know this from movies i don't know if there's actual people that do that but like you know those skits of people working out and they just put raw eggs in a glass glass and then chuck it yeah i never no i would probably gag so much i tried it when i was like 16 and i was like working out properly for the first time you look up all those videos of like ernie working out and it's like doing raw eggs in the morning i tried it and i was like did he do that oh yeah a lot of bodybuilders back then did it and still do it yeah i guess so i'm in the server by the way oh um cool i sent you a squad invite bro i already been having click in it oh it's not updating on my end is it accepted every time i have to be like how do i start this game again uh oh boomer alert yeah lunk alarm definitely boomer well how many people in your chat know what burning a cd is yeah you guys know about burning cds that's like the meme going around recently everyone's like wait what is burning cds you accept the invite i thought so i'm trying to refresh my page yeah it says that i'm start squad stream i'm there with you waiting for squad leader yeah send us in squad leader oh yeah now it is i just have to refresh my page won't the cd melt [Laughter] why why was it called burning is it because like a lasers like yeah burning the information onto the new cd i think so i still do that no you don't i mean some people someone in my chat said that he worked in like an army administration place and there they still used it and i was like i can't believe that yeah that's very specific scenarios [Music] who even buys cds anymore you know when you get like a thing okay this is going to be kind of specific to us uh sorry chat you're not as cool and popular as we are um when like game companies send you like a little box or something and it comes with like a cd with a soundtrack on it i'm like bruh it's probably on spotify why would i like it's cool to have like a little collector thing of it but i don't have anything to play cds my computers don't have cd drives in them [Music] yeah does anybody do any of your laptops or computers have disk drives in them anymore okay so we have we have people who are telling the truth and liars in chat apparently um [Music] well um [ __ ] [ __ ] i lost my thoughts oh yeah we since we're preparing our move and we started like packing and like making the difference between okay which is coming with us and what are we throwing away i have this whole disney dvd slash blu-ray summer blu-ray summer dvd collection you want to sleep yeah that it's not because i think your story's boring i've been saving over the years and now that i'm looking at my collection i'm like we have disney plus i i don't need these like they're only taking up space now and i don't even use them anymore because now when i want to see a disney movie i'm just like i'll just like it's on the tv i don't even have to get up and get like the disc well the argument would be that you at least have the physical version forever if the service goes down you can still at least watch them yeah well great or if you don't have disney plus anymore but i think they just take up too much space it's the same with like the ps3 store closing down this year and everyone's like see this is why i kept all my ps3 discs yeah i get it there's ifs and ands and bots for both derek right thank you for the fin i'm the kind of person who's like i haven't used i haven't played any of these dvds or blu-rays in like three years i'm muted so she can't hear me there has to be a point where it's like they're just taking up space um thank you so so much i appreciate that that's very very generous thank you if i can give them away or something yeah i need to finish the roof i need to what about what i'm going to do i don't know what am i up to do you want to go hunt for cows oh yeah i need to go get coats and we need cows for leather yeah because chad is that true can we not get leather from sheep well even if we could i don't want to hello sheep i'm here to tell you that some of you may die but it's a sacrifice i'm willing to make die you sheep bastards i want to keep the cat cam up but um i'm covering baby's face i will murder you all ah [Applause] good job was that epic did it sound cool were you like whoa he's like a professional you gotta chuckle enemies i get two cuz out of you no matter what i do you just stand in the corner and look at you funny and you'll giggle say potato see oh what a wonderful world we live in all right sheep exterminated did you get leather uh no yeah right well still good we can i want a ton of carpets so i need to find some cowsies i need to put [ __ ] away oh first of all hello good morning [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] oh god ouch oh i almost died those are great sounds you know when you hear oh god and then you hear someone munching it's like yeah you almost just killed yourself [Laughter] i'm just putting [ __ ] away in this box there's nothing you can do about it sorry i don't listen to the rules i'm a bad boy [Laughter] okay what was i trying to do nothing but [ __ ] in here tonight i was trying to see how far it sticks out of the house i think it's just one block babbage is only you guys ever seen that tick tock where it's like uh a song is playing and then it kicks over to the guy doing a cover on he's like i don't know what he's actually saying it's it's one of my favorites though yeah it sounds so sad i want to know the original i want to see the um it's arabic am i even pronouncing it right i don't know what he's saying now yeah i want to know what the lyrics well the lyrics might actually not mean anything too crazy but it's i want to see the original version of that dude singing it and get like the context of it because i only know it from the tick tock that sounds like a cool song though i want to hear the full version of it the not sad version [Laughter] okay how it means hello oh cool i'm learning cool well the roof is coming also shout out to anybody who speaks arabic in chat uh it's easy thank you for the 25 gifted and i'm out crystalline dragon thank you for the five gifts i appreciate you thank you oh god i don't even have torches on me what the [ __ ] that looks so scary i really thought i was going to fall in the lava for a second what the there's like a couple holes in our floor still and if you if i came down from the roof and i just saw laughs imagine if you fell on the glass hard enough it broke and then you'd [ __ ] die hmm scary apparently the lyrics mean a very like formal greeting in arabic oh wow really yeah i didn't know that wow look at our very expensive floor my favorite part is where you fall down break your ankles i'm working on it what am i doing with my life at all you're getting cows that's right he's right ted you're having a hard time huh my brain is like it's one of those days it's just one of those days i am a farmer yes i am getting my bananas and granny's got her try his oh i can hear the door it's probably your order back in one second yeah i know he can't hear it because of his uh headphones they're too good they're too noisy too good at canceling out noise but i have super [ __ ] normal earbuds [Music] that was so quick yeah they already left they just left it at the door oh good and bananas i'm gonna run out of wood there's an endearment come on steal his eyes wait where is he keep this open i heard you yeah i heard him too see on our level or is he up on the trees or something me and my ex are on the way oh doors are hard give me a sec i think i lost him yeah i don't hear him anymore either i think he just teleported out of here he was like i i'm gonna head out sean and i were discussing our plan for today and we were like okay what should we do we want to do enchanting blah blah and he was like we should get a sugar cane farm and i was like really you don't remember [Laughter] babe come look i'm i'm zoomed in already oh i don't need to get any closer to feel your judgment okay it works so hard yeah keep you and your [ __ ] sugarcane to yourself all right [Music] look sometimes brains stink potatoes potatoes gonna plant them all day granny's got her dried his i don't really know what that means but granny's got her try his look at all this wheat have you ever seen so much wheat in your life maybe at a wheat factory but how many times do you go there [Applause] i've been running out of planks maybe this is enough probably not sounds like someone's gonna have to go get some yeah love this beat bring the beat back anything for you beyonce i forgot that that's a classic how could you forget bring the beat in anything for you beyonce that's a classic vine damn [ __ ] a throwback i finished a roof okay do you have torches uh no [ __ ] how am i gonna get back up here now i mean i've i have 37 you can have some oh i did not finish the roof [ __ ] did you just fall well no i just came down but here i brought the beat in bring the beat back think uh we don't have bananas well we do but not in the thing already you know fill up that oh i need so much more oh these are baked babe our potatoes are high vape stink what potatoes hi what because they're baked so baked i need i wanted to [ __ ] i wanted to walk away all cool and have that be funny but i had to put stuff away all right um sleepy time yep sleep and then i'll go get wood stairs i'm staring at my staircase i'm staring at it tomorrow is the day why do we even have that lever um all right i'm going out to guess you can never get over how good you are at that voice pull the lever cronk it's so [ __ ] close oh my god i gotta find cows what else does she say um come on don't you see um good question the only thing that comes to mind whenever i think of emperor's new groove is uh my spinach puffs oh what a good movie yeah and oh she does say when she turns into a little kitten she's like is this my voice oh well i can't do that one yeah that's different that's too hard oh we don't have a gate for what for the uh i need your help what we don't have a gate for the farm we have a way of me getting in but we don't believe me bringing him a coward this is this is cow jump up there i don't think he can come in don't they do that here oh oh what a [ __ ] lad probably get some rug or carpet i need more cow more water more water drink a [ __ ] burst [Laughter] what does he say again when the crows attack him [ __ ] feathered agents [Laughter] they'll never trump dougal though he's the best oh there's another cow come along friend i have sequit for you technically i only need two come on you're coming to noah's ark ow i broke my ankles and it's your fault broke my ankles in 4k [Music] oh you know sometimes you mine sometimes you craft then sometimes you minecraft oh it all comes together the nice music is playing well the the weird music is playing we know we knew wow wow oh no that's the weird one yeah oh this one is wait hey don't you [ __ ] walk away from me yet pink ordered weirdo [Applause] yeah yeah weirdo where's that from treasure planet uh what are you looking at weirdo yeah you know there's a movie um [ __ ] great movie you know sometimes you put down a block sometimes you break a block but in the end aren't we all just minecraft what is not craft if mining persevering [Laughter] oh wait i should that's a relevant current joke that's oh that's very good that's very true floating because i really like that quote floating pig in the distance what is your wisdom teach me okay are you a mine or a craft the floor has been fixed oh floating pig teach me how to be like you what is your vista okay i found a floating pig oh special pig yeah i'm gonna get his wisdom and then his meat jesus huh look at that achievement unlocked murder oh murder come here [ __ ] pig he doesn't want to talk to anybody father no one's gonna get this i need to put more father ted references in my videos i need to spread the good word i need to educate people of our lord and savior dougal mcguire i meant tremendously it's a tremendous painthead put it down doogle uh this land is our land this land is my land our craft no minecraft there's a floating cow come here floating cow teach me your wisdom how am i gonna get behind there what are you making me what are you up to so just working on the roof it's gotta be done put a roof over our heads where'd he go where'd a cow at there's a whole [ __ ] flock of cows over here oh no a whole herd of them can you get the right one this is hard to see uh babe i have a cow joke but you might not have heard of it [Laughter] [Music] i'm very proud i'm proud i thought of that up right now my brain's on another level my brain is built different build it really come on cows to salvation actual prison now we just need lanterns well i need a [ __ ] on more wood to finish this but if you guys aren't pogging in chat over that joke then why do i do this all right i can't reach if i jump come on you heard of bastards come on over here you heard uh you're heard up come on you have feckers not you sheep there's a [ __ ] sheep trying to get in on this cow action he must be ended at all costs sheep death parkour mug house only cows allowed i need a new axe do we still have oh you have a [ __ ] to have iron now right yep cowsonly.com let's go only cows [Music] let's go let's go through the water come on yeah big lettered feckers oh yes sweet walking leather okay let's get more here come on come on come on there you go there he goes at the water and hop on to the land land cow maybe that's what they're trying to say all the time they know i've killed them so many times so they're like murder [Music] he did it right as i said it he knows um [Music] all right i'm going on a perilous journey i kind of forgot where our base is but i think i can make it home this is my tuning exam put some lanterns here on the bottom you know how they had to get the bell off kakashi's belt i have to get these four cows home it's the same thing really same thing really [Laughter] fast cow oh my god extra marks actually no i'm fine with the four actually i don't want to be greedy oh god that's a big [ __ ] a big [ __ ] what i do on camera to my chat is up to me [Music] um i see our house the end is in sight good job do you need help again uh no okay we didn't have to jump [Music] oh sun's going down sun is down freezing cold that's all you already know you'd probably do it for louis belt that's all you know we don't know nothing else these guys gonna [ __ ] sickle mode babe keep your distance astra i'm home now if you hear what sounds like an earthquake it's not it's just a cow quake we're just that epic it's an absolute stampede of bison that i got coming in over here um come on fellas jimmy timmy tommy and bumbo aren't those those minecraft youtubers [Music] timmy and bumbo did i see an enderman this last one guys tommy called me ugly on twitter and i haven't recovered from it [Music] just got assassinated on main ah zombie get in cows you're too young and too leathery to die oh the zombie can make it in he's adapted never mind i saved you come on inlines come on in oh they're going to farmland wait we're all going to heaven last week hey i'm the boys and the bees fair play at the airlines airplane all right we have a ton of mole on you from killing all those sheep moulin rouge um what kind of color carpet do we want um i'll leave that up to you hmm [Music] probably go with red again to make it fit the lava flowers on me though there's flowers in the in the thing the small ones oh not rainia plant those tomorrow um yeah i think tomorrow i'll go dye some sheep die time to sleep should we do orange orange nothing will rhyme with our floor then red then yeah well see we already have an orange floor you know downstairs are orange that's true the ultimate orange oh that's not a flower it's a spider i saw the red ice and i thought it was a flower big difference same person uh what do i need for campfires again coal sticks and wood or alright do i need the big flowers or are the small flowers okay i think they're fine oh yeah i can die with this i need to take some gold from these just a little bit just a itty bitty bit [Music] on i'm going to get wood oh hey where'd you go what me yeah i'm collecting flowers you're in the big bad world careful and the middle comes thank you slap you right in the butt i have an axe i need an axe actually 16. i don't know probably oh wood never mind never mind never mind wait wait wait look so pretty from here yeah it's pretty epic what a beautiful house oh i just need bare wood oh can i use this huh how many can i make 13. uh commit it's probably a mistake but i like it hey oh red sheep that's it stop beating the [ __ ] out of our animals that's my job [Music] [Laughter] [Music] first you give them wheat yeah and then you give them a beat down [Applause] there but why on the cab fires you're gonna see you're gonna see let's make some carpet uh i have gift oh for me yeah oh meat oh it big priest all right so put campfires on top of this oh yeah you doing your trick huh you can use a shovel wait isn't that one too far no oh you put one oh no you're right a nice little frame above our window i mean 13. and what it's a little light don't you think compared to the rest of the wood unfortunately uh i can fix it really yeah i can't actually fix it i don't deserve i don't deserve life i don't deserve it anymore let's just die here in the pool no don't die no i don't it's not worth it i'll die with you no no no no no no no [Laughter] we can't have two fecking ages [ __ ] it looks fine in the shadow in the shade maybe it's fine yeah yeah i think it looks fine um do we have any lanterns no we need to make them i forget what i need for a lantern okay i only need two all right i'll make some nookies we need um three torches for upstairs as well or three lanterns okay i have oh i didn't know i could do that i can make more iron noogies but it feels like such a waste you know no lanterns are pretty it's worth it why isn't it there when i can actually make them that's 48 i thought i had more than enough carpet [ __ ] yeah sometimes you think you do but then it am but then are not precious lanterns wow what a beautiful frame what a legendary house people for miles will come and say wow what a lovely house what a lovely house and then they'll just go about their day yeah and then they'll come over and be like [Music] ding ding ding lovely house minecraft very lovely this is very nice now we're going to do it here as well so that'll be uh i guess i could make it go all the way out look weird though one two three four five six seven eight nine what do you need to make those bonfires uh sticks wood and coal was that it here realize that you look up what it is to make something and then you just completely forget what it is two seconds uh-huh yeah all the time okay cool not just me then people don't kill people don't call me an idiot for no reason you're not an idiot you're one of the smartest people i know i know i'm not an idiot but the viewers don't know dear idiots everyone's an idiot someone um okay so i need to go get some weed well what is not the issue coal and oh is it sticks that i needed there sticks nice i'ma waste all our materials now have fun okay this place needs lanterns now we need a lot of lanterns how many campfires did i say i needed i don't know i walked across i counted it out i wasted at least 30 seconds of this stream doing it nine okay oh oh pog i had one left over and i could only make eight hmm buggy buggies boogie boogie the problem is if you place them wrong you're [ __ ] because you need silk touch to get them back intact do you have all the iron this uh yes can you give me half of that snack i'll make more lanterns give me the loot thank you take it all oh i can't have a bone thank you um okay i need to make more lanterns now then you put two more lanterns here and then your whole house gets a nice 3d look to it it becomes more vibrant more dynamic and has a lot more depth place feels warm and alive yeah it kind of looks like he has a hairy upper lip now though wait what our house our house is a hairy upper lip with a hairy upper lip our house no it's fine looks cute i mean you're gonna do our house has hit puberty he's growing up you gotta give him bushy eyebrows then too just like dad wait go stand next to him i want a family picture i wish i could wave we can't email them this server right no say cheese cheese perfect nuggies i googled the weirdest [ __ ] playing this game yeah me too and then i always realized that without the in minecraft after the google search it's [ __ ] weird it's like how do i make sheep have babies in minecraft the house is fugly well so is your attitude i like my house go fog yourself that's a little too far but it sounded cool oh we have a little pathway here nice this is cute the upper floor is kind of done sweet home alabama i don't need uh excuse me sorry what come look huh upstairs making a wooden shovel it's very important do you like wow cozy cute we should better put our bets like here in the middle or something yeah and then i'll make us some shelves they can't fit in here i'll make some uh tables and chairs up here i know the secrets oh i have the technology i'm gonna go to bed uh sure maybe we should dye the beds what color should we make him oh [ __ ] i forgot [Laughter] ah i need to take out the carpet otherwise they're floating oh yeah well we could have floating beds nah they're too high phoebe's hungry nah it's way too soon today um so let's do okay so what you're going to want to do is just take some dark oak it's a really nice color it just reminds me so much of walnut black dye again squids right squid squid i want black beads um all right how am i gonna do this any squids around any squids in chat can i get some ink please i don't have an ax so if i [ __ ] this up i can't fix it i have an x you can just make it oh the [ __ ] carpet oh is it [ __ ] it up yeah wait what are you trying to do make tables and chairs well you can just take out the carpet for that pit i'll just make a shitty axe for now why not just make an iron one because you have all the iron oh i thought you gave me half no dog uh okay yep see it's not gonna work because this is like very very visibly wrong [Music] i mean i'm okay with there not being much else in there i just want to experiment a little bit we can put some bookshelves as like nightstands next to it after the stream we could google minecraft bedroom inspo uh maybe i should have them i'm sure there's some really nice ones there move this around a little just looking to see what's best because it just looks a little weird to have the gap i didn't like it i didn't like it at all at all now oh lord why did you decide to vomit all over my house like that what not you not you never that's gonna look dumb what if we had two separate little areas i don't know what i want out of it you know i'll make more anyway because i want to make more of these around the house let's just see what it looks like can i even do this yeah it's so weird that it does that as the thing is down or we move this stuff out of the corners and make it more appealing that way should i make some black sheep just in case we want more black ink in the future yeah yeah that sounds good i don't know what i want oh yeah i could do that that looks kind of nice it kind of sounds good in german thus this is well good sounds good sounds good [Laughter] no um can you think of as good as good house looks good but does hurt hurt oh that's easier because in dutch it's not quite hoot that's cringe um i would like your opinion on something yeah where are you at i'm in here in the house upstairs i'm jumping on the bed i have my shoes on i want to put like a reading area with like tables and so chairs i love it but i don't i don't know how to make it right like do i move the stuff out of the corner do i build it around a corner perfect as it is it's like it's built into the wall it just doesn't look right to me something off about it i wish we could actually sit in it though yeah it's unfortunate i like it if only we could put like a fl oh can we actually maybe we can put like a flower pot on it yeah i don't know i don't know how put putting stuff on top of yeah trap doors doors i don't think it works yeah probably not because we could we could establish like a full reading corner and then put like we could hang the lanterns off the wall instead if i hit lanterns i get them back right yeah you do that with an axe i need a pickaxe do you still have iron uh yeah give me give me give me [Music] and [Music] three planks right for a bed three planks and three wool yep yep because i kind of want like a cozy corner you know what if i did this oh that oh this might be all right i've laid down a pog i'm wondering if the champ will go with it oh bravo bravissimo oh so gorgeous that's very nice should we make these corners into bookshelves then make a reading corner oh i like where your brain is headed wait well see that's the thing i don't know if i wanted like a perfectly symmetrical thing or if i want like all right i am going to let my brain just wander here for a second now try to keep home i'll make some paper start off with that the pog has been champed i have figured it out do you have leather yet no go murder some cattle oh no is it time oh yeah it's okay they like it i warned them before they came into our lives that they were going to be brutally murdered for amusement beef is better than that i'm so sorry don't be sorry i don't think i did it right this looks a little better it doesn't look it looks more like a sort of like a bar area but i kind of already give them food today uh no maybe i should make more cows before i kill them all i have wheat come to the chests what if i make two of these cozy little those little reading areas use brown characters instead of a trapdoor we don't have brown though the pirates and the bats the [ __ ] does that mean oh it's like the birds and the bees but quirky and minecrafty oh yeah i think i got them um what if i just make one with out a table let's see what this looks like i am designing our little house there we go okay okay okay now the carpet is kind of scuffed i need a bigger box how do you make a box a chest um [Music] see i'd like like ooh cozy reading a book next to bed you know a little bedside table there maybe there maybe put the beds there and have the bedside table with the lantern on it brain working babe i'm going to make a controversial statement are you sitting down yes i'm not sure if i like the red carpet why not because i want to see the way the reading corner is uh playing out here i'm just not sure that it goes with it now i know that this may come as a shock to you i know you worked hard in it and all of our sheep out there are red right now but i just want you to know before we go into this troubling part of our minecraft adventure that i still love you but this might be where we start killing each other well what color do you suggest then i don't know well until you come up with a better color we'll just keep red [ __ ] oh god see red is good but what have you got like brown carpet so it kind of still looks like a wooden floor i know i know brown is the color of an [ __ ] stain but yeah then you might as well just not get any carpet i'm trying to see what makes it the most cohesive because carpet kind of [ __ ] sucks in minecraft because everything doesn't go on it you know like look at this what the [ __ ] is that it's not even like half on it either it's just a whole block higher this character takes up an entire block make a red rug instead of carpet you mean just use the wall blocks [Music] it would break up the space a little more i'm trying to think um [Music] well i'm worried that if we do that that it's visible from downstairs what if we oh [ __ ] what if we do these ones the same as the roof so that it looks like floorboards then everything is wood babe we need to break it up a bit i know i know i know i know very serious business i know i get you i i see where you're coming from [Music] because yeah we only did one yeah what if we we could just do rug blocks but then our ceiling downstairs will be red yeah that's stupid unless we lower the we could lower the ceiling actually one block but then we don't have the stone beams anymore what if we do like this like a little carpet yeah like a little like they said an area rug well we moved the bedroom a little bit yeah move the beds over a little bit so then it doesn't clash too much a little bit of wood going on maybe we could um who designs houses for fun huh those people are lunatics it's so stressful well i've been having a great time picking up furniture for the new house yeah well in minecraft it's just so much harder you know when we put stuff in our new house and we're like oh do we want blue or like those cabinets or not we're not like hmm well we can't put that there because there's a half block in our kitchen now [Laughter] [Music] yeah that's the center too now that's pretty good i'm okay with that [Music] are you pogged to this champ i'm partially pog um what if we extended these beams up not just like one block higher so the block the wooden block is you're not even looking well i'm crafting i'm getting dono walled other spying outside another what if we took these beams and like extended them up one block so that the floor kind of has that pattern as well it's not like a block sticking up but it just has like i guess that wouldn't really look good that would clash with the carpet yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna just leave it like that i think we need different colored woods i think everything's just a dark wood and that's what's [ __ ] it up i do love these corner lanterns though yeah what if they're all corner lanterns we're spending so much iron just on lanterns look it's very important we can always get more iron but we can't make more memories yep completely agree nice it just kind of elevates it off the ground so it's just not all in your face you know when you're walking around the lights are in your eyes now they're on your head anyway you wanna go sleep yeah oh sleep do you like this i like this oh yeah yeah what if we brought them in one block so it's actually like well oh hang more in the middle like oh here you have so many lanterns yeah yeah so it actually feels like lights yeah yeah pog these hang these are load-bearing lanterns [ __ ] yeah our house feels like a beer garden it's very cute uh let me do one more up here yeah very nice maybe we need one in the middle above the door here oh we could do a little bit with the other house and okay what if what if okay get in like your comfort zone right now gel with me vibe with me yes what all right get get in your vibe zone all right shake it around get all like mark rebel yay about it like just i'm shaking what if we put like a beam across like right down the middle yeah and then we have an attic space huh huh attic space what do you mean what if we make like a little okay okay okay okay my brain is about to go what if we like this well it brings down the ceiling too much though that's what i'm saying and then we have like an attic space up there that we can we fit up there like stairs going up into an upstairs area all right all right i'm i'm feeling some apprehension about it um understandable what we can do is break up this piece and put it there so there's one higher and then we can hang lanterns off of it oh oh oh oh my brain oh it's [ __ ] going baby what if what i wanted to do though is just this and then hang two lanterns from here what if okay i i have okay might have to destroy your work for a second sorry oh planks oh the window though oh scheisse wait wait does that mean it's not centered oh i i did it wrong oh no oh my ears breaking glass makes baby jacksepticeye cry what if that's kind of cool i'm not a huge fan okay honesty is appreciated in these circumstances because i do want our house to be perfect i just thought it'd be cool to have like a little third area you know um and just to break up this gigantic room it's very open i think with that space that i opened if we just put a beam in there we could hang some lanterns off of it and then it's nice i [ __ ] up your steps what i [ __ ] up your steps what no that's what i carved out yeah but i i didn't put it back in it's fine i was gonna put a beam in there [Music] let me see where your brain's at what do you mean for what you were saying well for me this is done let's sleep on let's sleep on it let's sleep on it look at that beautiful ceiling oh is the corner not finished there did you carve out something on the side huh there's a piece missing i didn't do that perfect um i don't know i would just probably hang a lantern right here on the ceiling in the middle but we don't have to i do really like the side hanging ones um we do need to do something here though um let's very serious do this and then hang a lantern on that do you have lanterns no i'm out do what where are you gonna hang a lantern oh yeah yeah i'm okay with that i'll make two because i just don't like everything being blocky and like perfectly symmetrical and like everything just looks it looks like every minecraft house everything i want to like go that extra step well we have an outdoor area on a mushroom i think we're doing pretty well no we can do better i feel it um i also want to extend this entryway but i don't know if this is the best use of my time right now i still haven't finished the roof i want to extend the planks on you could you give them to me yeah i have a ton of stuff uh those thin ones uh here uh here here thank you i think i want to like extend finish this so the stone comes out here and then we have like a little entryway coming in maybe change this around do something with it have like an archway or something that'd be kind of cool because right now everything's just a big box and i hate that i hate making everything too square that's like the minecraft houses i used to make when i was starting out the game and they're they're fine they they still look like okay it's just that there's no flair to it like it should be should be three-dimensional you know i need more lanterns for this as well [ __ ] uh let me take these ones for now how many blocks do they need to be apart one two three four five six i think six torches oh yeah i don't know because i want to do i want to do more campfires here might have to move this window because it's right next to this anyway bring it in one two and then put the campfires along that and on the sides yes did you do it it's perfectly balanced as it should be as all things should be hey merchant what are you selling get away from my pal uh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] cyan die and blue die what are you doing creeper behind you oh what you scared me oh there actually is one yeah i ain't foolies boy oh i guess we extended our lake [Laughter] all righty um god i so much [ __ ] in my inventory and you start getting rid of stuff um do we want to make like a a thing in the lava again like a trapdoor trash system yeah let's do that we made one before where it was just trap doors and then we'd open them and just dump [ __ ] in you know so you could just dump stuff in and get rid of it forever you want a house tour this is our bill don't let him in is that pakis [ __ ] and pissing oh what am i looking at it doesn't like strangers fake off [Laughter] um oh yeah i [Music] i want to hear your alpacas yeah there it is huh he's so annoying huh he's just out there menacingly oh kill him and steal the leads that's not a bad idea oh actually yeah what nothing oh did you guys see our lake our pool cool right you don't drown him i don't think we can oh there's the creeper again on the other side of the house see that in the distance yeah what if what if murder no jesus christ she does that wait do i have to kill the merchant or the alpacas are all three to get the leads the merchant i think you can also trap trap the alpacas got him the alpacas are spitting at you yeah they do that [Laughter] puny weakling did you get leads yeah i got both do you want them all i got was leather i was like oh [ __ ] did i just commit a sin for nothing no i got him uh roof i don't know what [ __ ] inventory system this is anymore cooked pork chop [Music] um put those out we have another bed for some reason do you want eggs yeah pumpkin pie babe i want to get the pumpkin pie very important true true ah i only made nine but i didn't realize i need to do the other side of the house too [ __ ] uh dabong go in here that'll be the old day see do i want to go mining or do i want to go crafting um the daily struggle josh davis think of the 50 gifted damn thank you so much that's so many appreciate that i'm blocking the police i have to limit lava you mean this one yeah yeah okay ouch because i could go to the nether and look around but the last time i was doing are you right now oh i'm level 25 we should make an enchantment table yeah definitely and books oh that should be our top priority right now i got 31 paper on me and leather nice there's also four leather in the box hmm can you toss that at my feet there you go tank i can make seven books is your background real right now are you real enchanting table what does it look like yeah uh we need obsidian bookshelves that's what i'm trying to make right uh enchantment table first do we need books for that yep how many i'm not searching well i don't i don't think i have it bookshelf is that what it is uh we don't have oh we have a book with one book yeah i i made two bookshelves and we still have a book left so i just need obsidian i just need to get on this super duper awesome rail system that i built last time it's been so long doing okay so my plan was a gentle table here right what if i took the obsidian out from underneath the rails and then just had lava underneath the rails right that's how you minecraft right guys what just asking about the placement of the bookshelves i don't know i've never minecraft before i hope i did it right because we can't we don't have um what is it the soft no something touch silk touch silk touch soft touch okay so new steps nobody tells me nothing i'm very close to death but i like doing things on edge it's getting dark though so it's always dark when you're in the mind does the minecart stay down where you are uh it stays down where i am but i can send it back here comes yes thank you farewell minecraft friend well it should get back to you because both of us are at either end of the loading part now but if you send it down it won't come back on its own if i set that up because it's too far away i need to have more uh oh yeah it's coming chunks um how many do i have three i take this one now oh it's like tucked away under the floor oh there it is huh it kind of like clipped through there okay somewhere else i'm coming i'm waiting here she comes out of my way world hello oh there's gab i go hug her now dab welcome my sweet embrace hi hi oh lava i almost stepped in there and i have the four obsidian we need oh cool so now we can go back yep hop in if only we could go in together wait you want to go in first nope i'm gonna beat you oh i'm coming oh you're pretty quick yeah yeah baby you're quicker than i am yeah i got those [ __ ] strats huh i'll beat you on the staircase though i built that round oh [ __ ] oh so close you look like a child in it [Laughter] um so two diamond uh i put the books in the bottom chest the book i mean all right i think you need to place it where this torch is if i'm not mistaken uh yeah and then we have a ring around it oh no no oh oh yeah yeah no i did good i did it right yes nice they get silk touch you can move it anyway right yeah yeah what's on the table for today efficiency one efficiency one efficiency one cool garbage well we need better we need more bookshelves around it more water more bookshelves the enchanting shroom it's a shroom it's a mushroom room wow you can left-click and drag the blocks we built an enchantment shroom crafting oh cool left click and drag i thought it was just a very specific particular item huh are you looking out the window oh you're [Laughter] i was lamenting i was looking at the shroom uh apparently you don't need silk torch for the enchantment table no not enchanting table but for the bookshelves right yeah well we can just destroy bookshelves if you see them i kind of want to do what we did before and just find a woodland manor oh that tastes so long yeah and we don't know where we would have to look up yeah last time we did it we looked up our seed just to see where a woodland manor was so we could go and then destroy their libraries to get books and then make bookshelves for our enchantment table but it took like an hour just to [ __ ] get there and back yeah and then another hour in there destroying everything and then we died a lot yeah but we did get a lot of books that's cheating well i'm not gonna go look for a manner on my own randomly well there's a way to do it going to a village and yeah [ __ ] all that i've played minecraft before i've done it the real way i'm not about that this time can you slash locate oh really um because the stronghold we'll find the stronghold we'll find ourselves and we'll do that all properly and villages and [ __ ] but what's going on nothing i just got a lot of gifted subs that's a whole lot of good stuff wow josh davis with the 50 gibbs up that's a whole lot of gift subs josh thank you so much for the subs really appreciate it thanks a bunch thanks a bunch josh really though appreciate it thanks um all right put this away for now [Music] okay i gotta go feed the kids wait do i even want this it's harry potter ass music [Applause] just the cows please we have enough [ __ ] sheep like did i get you did i get you did i get you excuse me yes [Music] separate them by a trial by combat yeah we probably should it's too messy right now that's that's difficult they're all going to follow the wheat see cows should go after wheat and sheep should go after complete i don't know guys don't like my my meat prison what's wrong with it you feel like they're all cramped in here well they deserve it they're nothing more than quadrupedal meat factories you know maybe we should um clear out some of these trees and put like fencing here so there's no more creepers that creep up on us and wall and leather and raspberries and raspberries yeah well ideally i'd want to put a fence around in our entire compound and then fill all of that with porches horses torches oh no torches t arches not h horses wait what are you doing i'm fixing the last part of the roof uh i see i thought you were just building a block in the side of the house and i was like oh oh that's okay and we're gonna have to have a conversation i gotta pee good luck i'm sure you can do it i'll try not to fall in yeah i think that's it [Music] oh no i forgot bb must be downstairs i heard sean exit his room and he just went pimples that's it okay okay now that was that part now just this part left i wish i could make it to there there beautiful it's done okay i think now the roof is finally finished let's get some distance oh beautiful i like it very pretty house maybe i should work out on clearing the the woods now clear all this i kind of want to keep this mushroom but we need more silk touch then again oyback welcome back i fixed the roof the roof is done nice epic phoebe's meowing up a storm yeah it's past six again he gets fed soon yeah uh inferno hawk think about the two gifts you want no no no he'll be fine i feel like we're spoiling him too much and we're always feeding him sooner and sooner and sooner and then yeah he just knows it works yeah try to figure out what i do next so i can oh i think this will fly down on it part of what i want to do at some point is go to the nether and find a stronghold but i feel like that's much later um another thing we can do is fix the door in the house let's see like i want cool [ __ ] to happen i don't want the whole stream to just be building stuff i need something else to work towards i don't know not strongholds but it's fun uh and for all thank you for the two gifts again thank you um um we heard you scream biebus yeah he out there you find a manner yeah but that's going to take so so long butt crack man i'm accidentally going to hit something of the mushroom don't do it uh i'm going to extend our house how just the doorway oh nice yeah go for it i'm trying to figure out what else we do in the stream because i don't want the whole stream to just be building but i just honestly have no idea what else well we got we yeah we just need to work on leather and for books get more enchanting or more bookshelves and then go mining let's go mining for iron and stuff as well um let's see we could make a map and just go explore yeah get in a boat oh my frame rate just tanked suddenly the hell is happening just the game or your entire computer um no just the game why is your lava under your floor because it's epic you don't think that this is the coolest [ __ ] ever this whole room has nothing in it though which is a problem um actually maybe i didn't need to [ __ ] maybe i didn't need to destroy those i kind of want to leave the mushrooms because they're fun but they're just gonna get blown up eventually aren't they oh probably yeah i need to get my cheval again i was in the wrong box first what was wrong with me i'm excited to go check out the house in real life yeah i was like have you been building it you've been working on it lead that up into there that'll be fine just need more clearance at our doorway maybe that's too much that these trees are massive they can be no i kind of want to do an archway for the door shovel but um wait i'm going to use more dispensable uh yep i want to use more dispensable materials to test out something first for the door i kind of want our door to have an archway feel so how did i do that again that's not right oh are you thinking in three dimensions getting so dark i can't see oh we can go to bed yeah we just don't have a door on our house oh [ __ ] if we go to bed right now then nothing will spawn should be good wake up and creepers is blowing up the house yeah but just be careful that there's nothing downstairs okay we're good um use bricksters yeah i know that's what i'm saying i'm using dispensable materials so i can just like test it out um i have stone on me if you want stone no no no i'm just testing this out to see how it looks yeah but you need the black how do i build no i have i have how do i build how do i build arches how do i make this look cool um put like as well as i'd hoped yeah maybe i can't trying to fill up the lake slabs maybe maybe i'll just make it a generic entrance and then put because i don't i wanted to do an irish but now i'm not really feeling it you know oh nice still not did i pick that up hmm uh let's see and then do like fill this up just do steps on the side and then that would look better uh one two three i need six so it's just not it's not a full like over-the-top thing but it just has a little flair to it can only be one black i'm trying to fill up this lake but it's not easy i think the lake is too deep oh oh oh i got it i got it [ __ ] one weird block now maybe on the front as well after this that's better what i'm trying to put these down without them [ __ ] it up ah you know how you look at blocks a certain way with the stairs and they go in the wrong direction just keep trying to do it and i'm too [ __ ] stubborn to do it an easier way sounds like me i don't like this one this one i think i'm gonna have to fill up the bottom yeah um maybe maybe are you bringing a lot yeah i just want the house to not look like a big box maybe we should have stairs here yeah that's how i just left it there so kind of like plan it out i also want to change the ones going into the nether into the nice ones oh yeah imagine if you could make obsidian stairs that was just a temp block corpse in cycle oh finally huh can you make those blocks just cut them up at this like cut up an obsidian block i don't think you can do that with obsidian i think obsidian is just a box you make black stone stairs oh yeah black's on the nether now good idea um um yeah corpse was talking about meeting seikuna for ages and hand delivering his from that birch it finally happened i guess hakuna knows what corpse looks like now what are you doing filling up the lake [Laughter] but i filled up the hole with the creeper creeper blue but i guess created is a better way of saying it yeah why are you using that rock i'm just testing something out to see how it looks um i wanted to like i didn't want the front top part to just be flat i'm like should i extend it out and what do you think yeah i think we need to clear this out though it's too close well i can also just build this one block back like do i do i build down like this now and then put the door in oh yeah that looks better that looks better because i i don't want to like turn these into stairs then if i'm not going to use them so i'm just testing [ __ ] out how many that i need one two three four is such a thing even possible i'll just turn all these i'm sure we need them eventually goes against everything i just said but whatever i really need a shovel but i keep postponing because i don't want to craft it i have a wooden one if you want it uh sure take my shovel you saw nothing don't look at it oh i can't nice something is off here and i'm i just can't really put my finger on it what is it that's wrong babe can you come look at this there's something off about this that i'm i'm not sure why do you sound like you're joking already something that's [Laughter] why don't you just put a block in it because i i probably should just build it down right no build it down to the door instead of having it because it's going to look weird from the other side i can't remember what if we put it up oh that's cool oh didn't discord you put the yeah made it much lower well i can do that but look look at it now go inside yeah you could do that but you can also just make it lower now because i kind of want to put uh the same sort of framing around it as well put some sort of frame around it but that's what you did with the check the check your own picture no no screenshot i want to put the frame around it but if i put the stairs down one block then i can't add a frame on top of the door yeah you can that's what you did hey check your screenshot oh i can looks like meat's back of the menu boys well we have a lovely house sure do it's very nice i love all the lanterns yeah they're so much better than stinky torches oh yeah we need to we're gonna need more paper and leather or more bookshelves to finish the enchanting thing so now it's just stairs on top of this then right i think that's what you did yeah i'm gonna make a map so i'm sure there is some minecraft veterans in the chat can i make a map with a cartography table or do i need to make a map first i need to make a map first right with a compass and then i can expand it here [Music] see it's a little low now i think it just looks like map first it looks nicer like this because it's just not i think it's kind of overboard and too tall looking i feel like that looks better and the stairs around the top is just nicer because it does again it's not [ __ ] it's not just a block i'll use half slabs that's true god my inventory is so full what a mess i forgot that was a thing well that's gonna have to look like that for my idea idea wait so how many would i need undo eight four eight oh whoops i thought that was a one to one i just made 16 slabs hey map way any paper if i how do i click out of this yeah that's much better where did i put my oh did i use all the paper that's much better i didn't oh wait wait did i [ __ ] up the top oh no that's right mao map i like that i made a map or we could go one higher um let's see what that looks like oh look weird on the outside that's so cute huh okay i have a map so then i put this here with this does that look weird oops oh no that looks cool scent with paper yeah let me get a good look oh that does look cool babe come look at our entrance [Music] what a long entrance he's a cute little hat right i'm okay with that that's kind of nice i think we need a much bigger map than this but probably we could go explore a little bit yeah make a boat let's go ariana thank you for the 10 gifts and subs there is water it's that bear thank you for the 10 gifted appreciate that thank you oh it's just a lake though oh you never made a second table here now i didn't know if we just wanted like a a little corner just for reading just like a sit down one and another one with a table i didn't want them to just be identical might want want to put bookshelves in the middle here yeah but i don't want them to just look the exact same hmm it bothers me that they're not the exact same yeah it don't really bother me as well but i was just like you know what live a little um you want to go on an adventure yeah i need to get rid of some [ __ ] i'm gonna get rid of some granite no one likes [ __ ] granite stupid granite almost all of my tools are so many dirt blocks for no [ __ ] reason we'll use them someday i'm dumping them should we make another uh door in the lava to dump [ __ ] didn't you already make one no oh yeah i'm dumping it over here hopefully it'll run away um what do i need on my adventure bring a bed i think i need to make a new whoa nj thurston thank you so much for the 50 gifted subs holy [ __ ] sorry you almost missed that thank you that's insane thank you thank you oh yeah same on my end came to both of us thank you so much thanks harsten pogchamp um um and fives thank you for the five gifts and subs as well thank you do you need any tools babe shield sword pickaxe bed food i think i'm good to head out uh yeah gonna make a boat oh yeah um you just need wood for boats right like planks i think so yeah oh a dark oak boat professor oak's alter ego dark oak he gonna kill us all we have to fix this floor though do you still have the stones on you oh yeah wait wait wait oh i was doing under the floor as well i guess you can't see it yeah you don't need it ah where are my doors at nice [Music] that's better yeah the entryway is pretty long but also kind of pog do food okay uh yes i have 24 cooked mutton moldy potatoes cancel those away all right yes i mean i don't think we're going to go very far but let's go [ __ ] i'm ready captain yeah you picked up the blocks didn't you [ __ ] i ran by and i was like oh i didn't pick him up oh this lake stops though look yeah let's just go across okay hop in honey wait i want to get a nice look at us oh i didn't have a helmet cute i can't see [ __ ] now wait is this it um yeah if we go out here and go straight a little bit follow me then we'll hit water real soon oh i saved the screenshot apparently fat fingering my entire keyboard no can't be i don't know why that came to mind i don't know i don't speak norwegian do you hear that beep that's so funny i can hear him this ends too um there's a river yeah can you go to the right here no oh no there is more water there but more water um yeah go back oh oh oh the opposite of that [Laughter] i was exploring okay go all the way across the far end it's so pretty yeah okay there's a river over here somewhere yeah hit the edge here and then we'll go out and go across again oh honey so quiet i don't like it yeah so this river might extend for a little bit i don't know that's awesome i tried to do a cool thing and all i did was broke my legs it's pretty epic it's like the opposite of dropping water under your feet when you're falling dropped the boat under my legs and broke them no this doesn't leak okay let's um let's just keep going yeah oh henderman enderman where is he where he at though oh i gotta eat i don't see him same he's somewhere in there let's go this way i want enderman's want to get their eyes why are we back on the edge of the map so many horses okay there is a river here but i don't know if it extends white horse my lovely horse running through the field bees wow seeing a bee there's bees in minecraft wow look at him go oh he's pollinating he's so chunky oh there's one more there yeah cute don't drown mr b um oh this river is promising jesus oh that's scary um let's follow the river that way do a web or you have the boat did you bring a bed no oh i didn't i brought one josh thank you for the 10 gifted me this river don't go nowhere it's it does on the map oh it's just that bit here take it out get out of my boat take it out oh i'm sure the hell is the vocal i don't have it this time did i break the boat you can't break it can't you is that even a thing oh i have it there crisis deferred never mind never mind never mind my eyeballs weren't turned on it's it's the shaders even [Laughter] full speed ahead and it stops oh no i don't know wow yeah follow this out oh the ocean never mind it's a big lake but more water more water on the bodies hey yeah if you go straight ahead you might be able to continue a bit baby's hungry huh yeah i'll i'll go feed him it's 6 40 now oh yeah i'll be right back okay baby's so loud yeah he gets he gets vocal when he's hungry let me see what the fuss is all about huh let me see what everyone's talking about i wanna know if i tell you a secret it's getting dark it's getting dark oh god okay okay where are you [Music] oh jesus i didn't see well i was going to show corpses tick tock on stream but i can't because it's i can look at the video of it without sound i guess that's it that's it that's the whole thing i'm here i'm sick welcome back are we still okay yeah zombie just tried to take your toes but i fought him off thank you [Music] yeah it's very sweet that they finally get to meet but everyone's like they met i'm like and then the tick tock is like he drops it in his hand [Music] hey did you know the corpse and cicuna met when they meet i don't know today of course put up a tick talk about it my chat is going nuts huh no i didn't know he said he was going to give him his merch in person and he finally did it you would hear before i would probably yeah boy where are we going lost minecraft one sec um i can't wait we're able to travel again um uh we are going this way because i wanna i wanna go meet everybody i wanna go hang out just mapping the place it's nice though it's always nice when you get quick and skelly man there's a lot going on here keep running babe use those legs jumps like there's no tomorrow it's always nice when you talk to people so much online do you think there's a youtube channel dedicated to like who would win five skelly mans or 500 bees oh a hundred percent if they did it for bloodborne then they're absolutely the skeleton's right in the spider illegal oh yeah i didn't know you could do that we should get the bees angry at them and the bees will take over and kill them we really should have brought beds huh yeah well you could kill some sheep i have blocks if you need them i was going to say that it's oh it's always nice when you talk to people talk to people online for so long and then you finally get to meet them in person and hang out and not oh come back not worry about having to like play a game or only chat because of that but you actually get to hang out and have a proper conversation it's always so much nicer than uh this way just talking to each other online we're gonna run home good for them i'm happy we're not that far but i'm minecraft and so i'm very serious get through these [ __ ] woods also please don't go [ __ ] pestering saikuno as well about what corpse actually looks like now i mean none of you guys would but that's a lot of creepers some people will [Laughter] maybe you're muted if you're talking to me right away i'm talking to chat okay good just might be what happened here lava the moon is a circle that's illegal welcome to ultra craft i hope this is straight up north here thank you for wonderful fan base we sure do have a good bunch over here absolutely nothing very understanding i love that a witch a dead witch oh that was a quick lap well yeah that's so confusing oh yeah it's easier when you have a map oh yeah our house looks so cool got to make more lanterns for the door do you want to hold the map and see yeah let's go sleep first okay i want to see it in the daylight it's hard to look at it in the dark oh god ouch oh there's monsters nearby we can't sleep oh right kill him kill them all need to fight fight fight fight oh i'll run away from the house though just in case yep creeper oh lord like spike that could have ended badly for your boy just blow up and kill them i'll go oh yeah right there okay i'm almost dead eat i'm one hit i can't eat they'll kill me i can eat again he's so eager to get to you this little guy [ __ ] him up kill him break his legs okay did it i think we should go oh yeah i was one heart and they do 100 damage per hit it was a close one guys the lava flow gave me a heart attack every now and then it'll do it to us yeah i think i think it's no there's no point copying this map though here have a look yeah we don't have a whole lot on that yeah you can see how he went easton and along the river yeah that's weird i got so turned around yeah so we followed that river all the way down and then back to the left on the map yep weird oh whoops good morning here's a potato pop of morning taters yeah i think we should make this one bigger expanded yeah we could wasn't it a thing chat that you can put a banner around your house and then the banner shows up on the map so you have a mark for your home doesn't the banner attract the dudes though i don't know i totally remembered that yeah nice i just remembered that out of nowhere pog um upside down stairs here just so it's like i don't like that it's just like gap i wanted to like slope down to the door you know did i use up all the paper uh we should have some left yeah we still have a ton of sugar cane do we sugarcane what oh sutter cane yeah i want to know the sutter cane or sort of crane southern cane souther okay sudder i think sudder i think do you read sutter king do you pog champ streamer thunder king oh no double t sutter yeah sutter main antagonist of mouth of madness we need to get more materials as well i say we i want to kind of go back down into the mine shaft and get more stuff you feel me mm-hmm just checking up if we didn't miss you also i need something to drink and my throat's dry okay i also got a pee again do we do we have anything though i guess i could make some tea i could do that that'll take a bit though not good huh you're right you're right i can't stop this wild right now i gotta go the whole way did i mess it up i can't hear you i'm railing right now going back does it reset when you are good so [ __ ] loud again of course everywhere yeah it's a it's a big moment oh it's tiny oh my god did i make the biggest map possible probably this is a big map it only goes to map four that's the biggest map babe pick this up look how tiny we are on the map oh my god sweet jesus i'm excited what the [ __ ] we're teeny tiny now oh he picks it up again [ __ ] [Music] um banner bruce six wool and a stick okay do you ever use rotten flesh for anything is there even a reason for keeping it oh and then the color of the wool depends determines the color of the banner should we make a black banner that'd be cool intimidating yeah i don't know when rock flashes were if you get sick right you can feed dogs with it oh trades that's a good point yeah oh thank you guys you're nasty [ __ ] he used it to heal dogs and traded for emeralds i see wow wow black thank you so how does this work with a banner again can i just leave it in the house or does it need to be outside the house i don't actually know how do you give it a name oh don't you need an i send that back she's not following me oh i need to get back up i think we need an anvil to name it how do we make an anvil um what if we make one we found one last time took two [ __ ] steps into this dungeon area in a creeper lands right next to me three iron blocks and four iron ingots iron blocks should we maybe go to the village again maybe we just missed one um i'm busy in the caves right now that's fine okay well i am in the safety of our home i am gonna get some tea okay cause i'm very thirsty very toasty i want to see if i can find iron oh oh it's cold fire yeah i need it i need it all more iron yeah more water more arthritis more water i picked it up or coal is always good didn't know you streamed on twitch yeah it's chill i like it here there's a nice environment people can look at live streaming from an outside perspective and think it's the same and think like oh streaming on youtube and twitch are the same thing it's not at all the same thing i used to think that back in the day and then i've tried both extensively it's not at all the same thing streaming on twitch has a much twitch has a much stronger sense of community than youtube welcome back i got uh steal his pearls oh he's in the house holy [ __ ] [ __ ] him up get him out he's not gonna be in there [ __ ] out of me huh okay i get all this coal i feel like iron is my most important thing but yeah the sense of community on twitch is so much stronger everyone's so ah he hurts so much active and interactive well if you're in the house it doesn't matter that's true ah i got him and creeper right outside oh it's a big pool of lava you know all the way down yeah i'm just trying to get more iron got a bunch of coal as well yeah we do need a lot of iron if we want to make the iron blocks wait what are we making there in boxing sorry for an anvil oh i didn't get a pearl and i got his earth block i'm being attacked by a zombie with a shovel okay so the spawner is somewhere up there so three ingots and three blocks three blocks okay and you make a block with nine ingots right uh yeah [Music] yeah is it oh maybe it's not up here one block standing yeah okay come on i was blocking that's a [ __ ] i guess i'll come down to help you insert your iron yes please oh god i'm going to die here if i'm not careful i'm coming emergency mutton service oh i'm trying to find the spawner where they all are they said i can like [Music] cut them off at the source this is great combat training though i've been forged in flames oh my god it came from mine and i didn't even check the status of my pickaxe it's almost broken guess what i'm gonna go back here we have a beautiful minecraft service or minecart service that you can take all the way back up i will oh my god these guys are everywhere where did they did it go back oh did you hit it back no i i don't think i did but you have the minecart on you by any chance no it must have gone back oh hi so close to death so many times all right where are they coming from are you [ __ ] anywhere in here are we through there because then it is here is back at the top yeah try to find where this zombie spawner is but i still can't find it and yeah creepers everywhere i love how bibi gets fed and then he's just gone yeah like he doesn't give a [ __ ] about us once we feed him have you tried your muffin yet no i forgot i had it it's like right in front of me and it looks so good but i'm not hungry yet i'm very hungry i should eat it yeah that's why we got him i hear an enderman [ __ ] him up break his legs well i hear one i don't see one but the fact that those zombies are reaching us means that there's yeah see the thing is i don't know if it's on our level or they just keep dropping down all the time they i think they're dropping down from somewhere yeah well just whenever you see them check what direction they're coming from for torches everywhere i mean i'm not that lost and i don't really care if stuff is spawning [Music] i don't put torches down everywhere and then just kind of like [ __ ] up the i hear one i guess it's pretty straightforward this is a gold one but i still don't really know should i get the gold yeah all right there's nothing here so it's a very steep drop down here i'll block this up just to know not to come back in here because there's okay on this boss champ no i do hear zombies i hear them above me now as well let me get some blocks off limits it is a gold zombie what the [ __ ] yeah you haven't killed him for a reason or no he dropped below me so i couldn't get him oh okay oh don't get any of his clothes no they stink okay maybe torches here would help they sound close oh got a chest oh nice red a [ __ ] on a rails redstone enderman where you at bro well nothing down here except iron oh found like the place where it looks like man-made steps but it just leads to a lava pit um i wish you could tell if it's like above or below me i think it's above me such exciting investigation going on i'm hearing stuff all around me and i don't know where they are also we're not being attacked by a load of zombies anymore true i might have just killed them all they might be afraid to ever come near me again oh this is just back over where i was sounds so close but oh there's a tiny one the tiny one came from down here right guys but it's awfully quiet here okay i don't know waste my pick on the rest of that oh i came from here uh let me close up this i just don't really care um [Music] you okay gollum what is taters precious i keep thinking i hear them and then i can't really get closer to the sound i hear an enderman closer to me finding a lot of like shaft areas that seem like they're going to go somewhere and then nothing well iron which is pretty nice yeah i'm getting iron here and there i'm out of because a lot of these just need to find some areas end up leading to like like dead ends here like maybe there's something further down if i dig but i just it's too speak of the devil it's too much like [ __ ] information too many places to go it's too many odds and ends i'd rather just keep the place kind of succinct i want it so i just end up closing them off yeah so it's just not too overbearing you know what i mean am i the only one it also helps me know where i've been like okay don't go back down there because there's nothing there got a baby zombie i hear more zombies maybe i'm close die child okay they're nearby super nearby i peeked out through a little hole and the creeper was right there uh my pickaxe is gonna run out no no okay it didn't run out oh oh this just leads back to where you are actually actually yeah blow this up [Music] damn it ah a much easier gap uh i'm right next to you hi oh hi i'm fighting oh hey what are you doing back there just trying to find the spotters hurry up uh there's iron right here can you get it yeah i'm on it noise there's some under our feet here hello little man what you doing probably should eat though huh how can i see what i'm doing i think it's brighter for me than it is for you guys so i can see fine there okay cut the iron i feel like we're going over this place pretty well now yeah like i feel like i actually know where i am a lot of the time nobody expects the spanish inquisition yeah and this is the entrance oh i don't know where i am hmm but how did that zombie maybe we should wait for a zombie to come to us here's another direction no you're an enderman in here whoa diamonds diamond what the heck i don't have a pickaxe iron pickaxe is good right yep diamond seems like it's just one diamond oh fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight who's going to win lefty or righty oh oh and right he takes the cake and now you're both dead stink oh they were fighting amongst themselves oh yeah oh we're very far away now hmm oh we've been here before though oh yeah oh yeah i know where i am oh enderman we keep hearing him but not finding him he's very close to me now oh he's right here i'm not close okay i'm gonna bring him to you thanks oh is he still gonna chase me maybe he's not interested ow i heard the snap of your ankles oh he's he's here he's here he's here he's here oh but i'm being attacked by his kelly oh god i'm gonna die a [ __ ] skeleton out of nowhere damn it i got him i got him nice stay there i'm coming we got a pearl again yay i really need to set up this rail system so i can hit a button and get the thing to come back up hmm i know shield oh yeah good idea i forgot the block okay he's trying to eat i shouldn't get away oh my exp yeah dang it he looks so silly with his big pants [Laughter] did the enderman even give you a pearl yep yeah it was worth it zombies huh alright let's head back you got all my iron and stuff i got yeah i got like 70 iron let's go after you i insist after you you want to take the card no you take the card and i'll run no go go [ __ ] i got slowed down i didn't have the perfect angle oh you're super far ahead so i am coming for that ass i am speed sprint don't fail me now hi all right put that iron in that blast furnace oh and the blast furnace oh right i put the gold in this one um can i put the small stack in how do i run that first you just jump spam jump spam when your head is hitting the roof and it'll make you like bounce but keep going jump spamming in this game makes you go really fast oh you grabbed my coal that's okay hey babe our call share the lord share the load for some reason that sounded irish share the lord yeah the lord uh don't forget to put away our stuff that we got so we don't lose it do you have all my taters precious uh maybe and all my mutton um do i i have a lot yeah yeah i don't have anything i don't know what she had on you hey too wait for the door okay the important stuff is tucked away this uh cow sheep situation is kind of reaching epidemic proportions maximum capacity yeah it's kind of [ __ ] you guys get some you get everybody gets them okay whatever bye let me out they want me they want my flesh manfresh what is it what do you smell man flesh looks like mate's back on the menu boys i was about to say now you gotta say the other lane yeah we want some meat [Laughter] um [Music] right i was gonna make iron blocks oh ain't ever nothing but maggoty bread for free stinking days three three blocks of iron we did it oh this doesn't work oh um do you have four ingots on you no actually i could just grab them babe i did a stink oh no what you do i build the wrong thing and i don't [Music] okay so what do i do now to give this banner a name do i just put it here oh enchantment cost one right oh i think that's it we might want to change this after a while but we'll i'm just going to do this for now better better we'll change these blocks huh something someone at the door i heard knocking you [Music] the right i'll click the banner with the map i see like that [Music] oh now i did it it's a tape roller bra vinny for packing tape for the move it says home now on the map you want to see yes i've never had a home where where is it now we can find our way back it's so small oh i can't wait to explore we should go all the way south oh lord oh she's got the she's got the traveling ball glads wait oh that's the banner i was like what the [ __ ] is clipping through our wall it's the banner yeah oh rosie brucy our banner we have a a water distiller in real life and we call him ben because he's been distiller we're very clever people very funny my humidifier is now called huey huey huey m edifier i'm ready for adventure you want to go on an adventure at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within minecraft don't forget to get a bed uh didn't we have an extra bed got it yeah uh i need to cook some taters oh baked potatoes i'll try some on my brownie how was yours i haven't tried tonight yet i gotta pee we'll wait for those things where for those things to cook i was waiting for my taters precious huh jolly thank you so much for the 10 gifted subs thank you so much i defeated the dragon yet yeah twice but it got boring there's the sun maybe we should kill some cows get some leather [Music] good morning hmm should i maybe breed them first i kind of really want to separate the cows from the sheep maybe if we put extra fencing back here and then we can like make an opening and try and like split them off we'll just divide the group and then kill whatever is in one end let me get some fencing so that it's easier to just kill cows [Music] that's not the same bruce fence dark oak fence [Music] hey all right chat i'm back what's up where are we going you want to switch setups god your screen is so much bigger than mine what the monitor yeah i'm like oh it's not that big it's like a 24 inch you're doing great you too good job let's pog this champ um fencing it was dark oak right let's make a [ __ ] ton i'm back [Music] 34 inch small look it's a 360 hertz monitor so it's got to be small i used to have a 27 inch this one over here is a 27 inch but make stakes that's a lot [Music] hell yeah 100 fencing what's your muffin like that you bought and are eating it's amazing it's really good okay good better talk into mine so what i'm gonna do is i'm extending the fencing and we're gonna split up the sheep and the cow two three four five six seven eight five two i have a 240 hertz 144 p coming tomorrow that's 34 inch jesus should i be worried no i just didn't like how much real estate they were taking up on my desk there um that's awesome though i don't think the difference between 240 and 360 hertz is that much [Laughter] 60 hertz to 120 hertz is a big difference after that i don't think you can see it as much i'm level three now come settle yeah what do you do with the extra gear you don't need anymore usually try and like bring it to a second-hand place that can give it away or just find like a friend or somebody who needs stuff you look so chubby there you go yeah plant that ass on that lap um i have another monitor that i used to have here that i swapped this one out for that i'm going to use in like a gaming room in our new place now chad can't see you though prime time little man hours yeah he's camera shy today though he turned away from the camera well understandable it's a lot of social pressure all right are we going um no i'm look what i'm doing here i'm adding um i'm separating the sheep and the cow just need to get some carpet wait how oh we're gonna make an opening and then [Music] you're just gonna [ __ ] hold for the best no well i figured we could make an opening and then have some come through and meet and then we can just kill whatever is more of like kill all the sheep in one end it's a good muffin oh yeah baby that's the best i've ever had but when you're hungry everything tastes delicious to be a new house tour no well here you go let me know when i have about half oh i fell in a hole i can't see man down uh i can't even try and close it [Laughter] [Music] mr a gate there [Applause] [Music] this is harder than i thought [Music] just kill them all yeah i got him i got him nice okay so now which one [Music] which side has more um i think it's like even well it looks like let's make this the cow side that i know so i'll kill all the sheep wait actually okay i'll kill all the cows in this one [Music] come here cow you're killing cows right yeah so we're not killing everything we end up just with all sheep [Music] nice perfect you tweet on you um yes feed them all not too much though i have like five this now i'm gone now i'm done it's all going on that went surprisingly well yeah much better it's easy when you murder them murder okay i guess we should wait for the day to reset again i mean not for bringing beds oh that's true ooh 46 iron now huh i said chocolate is not for cats no sir i'm ready promotion um yeah let me put the fencing away oh that's a good muffin i think that's good yeah you have the boat yes sir do you have a bed yes sir cool oh wait ah [ __ ] let's go no wait what what are you missing i was like it is kind of dark but we just sleep on the road okay so we're going this way yes we're heading south playing with my arm completely raised because bb keeps trying to lick it enderman kill baby don't lick your tongue doesn't need a moisture barrier oh he he's going away he's shy hmm then where he went though oh well uh yeah we need to go this way god this is such a big map holy [ __ ] i was gonna say we need coordinates for where our house was but that's what you mean not anymore well and i'm sure chat still remembers from last time do you have food on you yep oh should have known i'm up right that was close should we go down the river a bit um i might just stop right here though oh yeah and then wouldn't we look silly uh you wanna sleep we're right like behind each other nice like a machine efficiency well-oiled ouch ouch what are those knees doing great [Music] watch out for the creeper up ahead oh there's two of them jesus just use your shield i'd rather just use my parkour skills [ __ ] you chicken got my way you guys saw it self-defense he flew right at me uh polly walker thank you for the five gifted thank you so much is that an uh another portal altar huh oh i lost you oh it is cool what's your chest here oh enchanted pants plus three armor blast protection four nice fire charges oh we should finish this off for sure do you think we'll get something no but i just want to finish it off and then go into the nether through this one and see where it is because it'll be a good chunk of distance through it uh we should have brought banners we could have made mark markings on the map um i'll just screenshot it uh 69 994 oh my stream went down oh no um i'll just have to restart because it's not crying obsidian doesn't work uh obvious loses connection yeah you're still here everyone watching on your end oh god damn it did my recording get corrupted [ __ ] because of that yeah god damn it wait how did you just close obs well i ended the recording and then closed obs but i guess i did it too quickly it's not a files corrupted good old obs yeah if it wasn't for the separate recording i wouldn't be using it let me just download the vod yeah it's not as nice but at least it's not gone her screen's frozen yeah her stream went down because i'm still in the call obviously my internet is fine i don't know how it works there going to set up a bee farm probably eventually so i need three obsidian then file is saved thank god it just needed more time to finish the render i guess or the finalization cool all right cool kick it so you have this location saved should do yeah okay yeah as soon as obs studio gets selective recording i'm out there's nothing in front of us we just gotta keep heading south let's go i'm back nice god i've got minecraft movement down this parkour is nuts you're going to write books about me [Laughter] i wonder if we went this far south last time i don't know pumpkin pie i want the pumpkin pie i need it i want it i hear skelly's there's a cow in a cave cave cow do you think we can find a place that sells pumpkin pie okay um probably but like i said it's seasonal yeah but that's why i'm asking do you think we can find one today right now in our life probably or just make one make one myself yeah the pinky pipe like like from scratch like buy a full pumpkin uh yeah that's awesome oh my movement i'm paralleled i'm surfing i'm toggling and b-hopping rock and jumping oh yeah i still kind of want you to teach me to play ballarat sometimes hell yeah i'll be bad at it and it'll be super stressful but we've been watching it so much yeah funny how it was like never never playing that don't ever want to play it and then i was like it's kind of fun looking and then i got into it and now both of us are watching it now you're like i kind of want to apply it yeah it's just a very hard game to get into yeah exactly that's exactly what i was going to say you discouraged me the last time because you're like it's way too hard it is i guess maybe i shouldn't play it well i wasn't trying to tell you not to play just no i know it's extremely cumbersome to learn the way you put it it's like better not oh lava oh oh snowy lava hill there's a pig right at it pig arc i didn't have my map up on [ __ ] i keep forgetting you have to have it open oh so it wasn't filled in well we didn't find anything so yeah let's just keep going we're almost at the bottom of the map really yep god that map is huge minecraft is so large i really should have brought like two three banners although did you just oh he went underwater i was like you disappeared [Music] magician anybody any poggers in chat um what the [ __ ] was i gonna say yeah we should have really brought i was gonna say we should have brought banners to use but then i was like wait you need to you need an anvil to even put a name on it so yeah just looking cows over there i don't see any cows i guess my computer is just more epic renders more chunks like that i think you have your render distance higher what do i have it on 20 chunks oh no i think we're the same then or no way maybe my distance is higher maybe i'm at 30. so that's why you see them floating but i don't see them yet because it's putting in the mountains and stuff maybe where'd you go i'm here oh hi hi oh both time hopping [ __ ] we're going exploring bucky time wow minecraft look how much mine and crafts there are um wow we are going off the map in a bit though okay right a different bio look at all these trees where are we on the map right now like bottom left bottom right way button left we just left the map okay so we should go left now yeah and left and kind of back up sorry it happens when you don't get out of the boat quick enough go get smack you just see what's in this clearing any manners oh big open plane what a big map minecraft pretty epic i keep going like swamp biome [Music] please get back on the map how much is it for tts i don't have tts on i don't have any donations on so free and infinite at the same time oh wait can't i see wow this sure is a minecraft facing east oh yeah north east [Music] so we need to go kind of do you want to go to bed yeah i'm in bed same i'm sleeping okay okay i have no idea where you are um let me get on a tree so you're near trees okay do you see water or is it to you everywhere front left right it's all around me literally [Music] are you in the swamp yeah oh where'd you go i'm like at the edge of the water oh there i see you go straight [Laughter] yeah keep going [ __ ] out she's out [ __ ] hell out [ __ ] lily pads out yep keep going hi [Laughter] so we need to keep going uh east a little bit north so like this direction whoa glass cliff the water looks so weird in the waterfall brain cannot comprehend oh brain stick oh yeah it looks so weird his movements cracked i'm jiggling trade me whoa this overhang is cool i want to build a base somewhere like this sometime like build an evil layer into the cliff side yeah like into a mountainside yeah but make like a bat cave where you at i'm underneath the overhanging cliff oh then you're seeing a different cliff than i am no titties oh i think i see the one euro you see rasido i see llamas i see chickens pigs let me climb to this peak you're hardly that far away are you hmm um i'm naked and afraid i don't see you it's so [ __ ] quiet this is so weird i'm hearing alpacas or llamas whatever one they are yeah i'm not seeing those i thought you were on this cliff i have no idea where you are i want to find you though i understand you on top of something are you yeah i'm standing on top of a cliffside yeah i'm standing on top of a mountain peak man snowy trees uh yeah it'd be so funny if you're right next to each other all right girl give me them cords um 3 48 2028 oh oh no that's okay oh you're way in the other direction i see i wouldn't have seen you because we were in the wrong places where you went coming i don't have food cow shoo come on come then [ __ ] him up are you climbing up oh i see you hello [Laughter] wow you're [ __ ] dominating on up up on top of that why don't you t pose kill the cow kill the cow oh there he goes you gonna go and finish him got him i should put on my chance of pants tea bag him sparkly pants whoa are you going to the [ __ ] disco okay we're almost back on to the map we just got to keep going a little bit that was cool whoa pass some big balls on you that's how i got down here so quick so heavy you let your balls guide you um everywhere in life i'm like i wake up in the morning and i say take me away balls what's the plan for today testies huh how are you gonna do it [ __ ] yeah whoa oh just barely oh i made it and then i got oh are you [ __ ] kidding me you have to get all my stuff i made it and i i got put back into the air and then i died oh that sucks that is unfair i legit made it i want to see a clip of that oh god and i respawned in the middle of nowhere because of the beds oh god no oh [ __ ] oh my house guys i think she's just gonna have to live there now oh i can give you my coordinates and you can just find me pretty quick uh i'm gonna get rid of well i don't think so because i'm not in the swamp i mean just come this way um where are you i am at 455 2000 i'm at minus 180 that's fine that's not much you want me to travel 2 000 blocks in your direction oh you're there i'm on my way [Laughter] which way am i going to be on the map you were like i made it and i turned around i was like wait i don't see you and then you just clipped the edge and died oh my god that's so aggravating i blame ping [Laughter] i do too it's weird that it didn't keep you on the same trajectory though yeah honeycomb how do you get those how do i get bees i think you have to smoke them right smoke them oh i can use tp wait how do i actually use tp you're at 2000 do i need to be in creative mode to use a tp i've never actually done it i'm gonna be hungry before i met you your place two thousand wait what was it exactly tp is cheating well not really calm down i found a village tp gap smulders or do i here oh can i take this oh no an incomplete command see below for err huh don't mind me i'm just stealing your stuff what does that mean why didn't it work oh we're close to our house aren't we oh how do i okay and then my name what are you doing babe oh oh there you go babe i was in a village oh i was getting stuff i was i was learning oh god i [ __ ] it up oh thanks i just i just missed you a lot it's all [Laughter] i think it was too i might have been in the village next to our house though i'm not sure well those are your pants what else did you have yourself um boots and a bed oh yeah bed i can't remember what was yours and what i picked up i mean it's all good um if i could get some food then i'm good ye think that's you know that's not cheating just saving time um you have the map now again yeah i forgot i can hold it with two hands um i guess we should go to bed e minecraft did cheat me first that's true true that is true plus we're not cheating to like build anything or beat anything or get materials or anything like that do you have my shield oh i thought i gave it to you first direction um we are going this way i still feel so cheated by the game yeah it was kind of [ __ ] because it does that every now and then when you're like uh digging blocks or whatnot but to have it happen while you're mid-air yeah why you and not me i don't know i mean it happens to both of us every now and then yeah but it doesn't happen at the same time which i find weird oh lava work that time oh that's cool watching the lava come into the water you wanted to take a boat right a little boat ride yeah if having a ponytail is weird flaps all over the place yeah i'm surprised you want to grow all your hair out it's going to take so long maybe i'll probably get sick of it halfway through and give up but i want to see you know maybe you should just shave everything off and then let everything grow at the same time so i can look worse twice you can go back to the way you looked as a kid jesus shave your beard it's not really having hair it's more like having sandpaper glued to your head [Laughter] well i don't know i feel like it probably would be really nice after such long hair to just shave it all off i mean yeah but i don't want to look like that i don't want to have a shaved head i have a very tiny head well tania what are you seeing you haven't done yet at all are you saying i have a big head no you have a very nice average head you have a very nice average head look you've never seen me bald i have a very small head well maybe just cut the top really short then and but not super short and then it can kind of grow closer in length to the rest i guess or i could just grow it all out the way it is and look really [ __ ] weird oh yeah red dudes hey where are you i'm on top of a tree behind you oh we're also mapping this map horribly well i am i guess yeah it's fine how long have we been streaming because i had to reset so i don't know um three and a half hours okay how are you feeling oh like another 30 minutes and then i'm kind of tapped out okay let's keep heading north flame three oh here's another like obsidian thing let's um keep going north and then when we oh cool when we're close to when we're on the same height as our our house golden leggings golden axe and uh we'll head west there's so much efficient stuff here golden axe sharpness four golden chest plate protection two pulse champ mending oh now i'm epic hey look oh it's go time disco time it's go time oh i'm i'm all turned around yeah okay yeah i lock epic let's go this way [Music] ah i'm hungry didn't you get hungry irl hmm then we better go think of what we want to eat no no in the game i think baby's so annoyed that he can't lick my arm let me look mother must lick brother not yet snake it's not over yet it looks like you're wearing a pink shirt from here it's so cute dazzling hole hey i hit a cow with a piece of lamb [Laughter] would be cool to build um a house right over a chasm yeah and just make one of those elevator systems with the water oh no this mountain is crying or barfing however you want to look at it i'll help you closing it off yeah it's just so satisfying to plug up one hole and see all the water disappear it goes wow [Laughter] wow i think minecraft needs to implement an erosion technology so that if you leave minecraft running for 8 000 years that the rivers will actually cut through the ground well it's cool but for the length of time that people play you wouldn't then if it's realistic erosion you wouldn't live to see it yeah that was my joke oh ooh [ __ ] yeah that's so fun oh no this mountain's crying too you're gonna help it yeah don't be sad little man oh i don't have enough blocks to get up there yeah i don't know you gonna do it yep [ __ ] there you go let that sadness go away mountain this is like ah my eyes it was tears of joy wait there's another one here crying mountain there you go little man it's big man babe it's a mountain oh little man's to me compared to your big balls my huge glacier-sized balls i'm gonna die again babe you don't have to do it scary oh i see holes i see cryings cry when you can happy the only cure for sadness mean time uh-huh putting memes in their eyes straight up and we're going this way man we found [ __ ] all in our trip all we found was death and crying hills crying mountains i came all the way down without taking a single piece of damage pretty epic yeah i don't really see anything around us either i took guys remember damage one time i just found a fortress yeah i wish it's on a boat and i was like i think i see a stone down there like a good one and then i just swam down and i broke it and i was in a fortress jesus and then i because i hadn't played my girl before chad was freaking out and i was like what's the big deal now i'm like oh it's like pulling a first-gen shiny charger and being like oh cool the dragon guy oh it's just floating hmm minecraft you want to sleep uh yeah oh we we're almost home actually sweet home alabama oh it's going to be like morning chicken all of that was half a heart oh the mountains are taking their revenge okay what the [ __ ] oh don't do it don't do it don't do it yeah no i'm not oh god i feel like my ass is left on the hill but i uh myself i'm fine oh mama [Laughter] that was very close diablo mac thank you for the five gifted subs earlier thank you like i haven't had music in so long yeah someone said there was a mod so that the music just plays all the time but i mean it was like nah that would be too often then like it does need silent moments in between that's too much imagine being in a cave and you hear music constantly are you still following me i have no [ __ ] idea where i am because we're almost back home so wouldn't want you to let me climb on a tree i'll also climb on a tree uh jk there's no trees to climb round two why am i not sprinting i got in the tree eventually but don't worry here i come [ __ ] here we go oh i see you i see you looking around for me you don't see me oh hi hi those are some broad shoulders here we come tommy right there high speed okay 360. making it making it making it making it possible hi hi oh good time good time pb let's go this way ah baby's so soft and warm yeah cozy up on in well we're literally at our house i'm leaving and taking the boat with me what that sounds cold i'm gonna find a house on my own i got incredible homing instincts okay good luck we did like a weird loop i'll show you the map in a bit next time we'll head out east there's our house they get a cat in minecraft and call a bb i was underwater and i just saw a boat come by oh made it made at first i told you incredible homing instincts welcome back welcome back can you hear that from there because you're so far back i mean [Music] [Laughter] i'm so far ahead at the home oh gross we're gonna make a big d on it yeah it just kind of happened well next time we'll head all the way east and see if we'll find something yeah oh it feels good to be home our house is definitely looking lovely quite ostentatious i would say and we made a start with our enchanting table sure did boca roo oh yeah [ __ ] i lost all my xp if we get a silk touch enchantment we should definitely use it we have too much [ __ ] hmm story of our lives the story of my life i drive all night should put on those shoes oh we did it we did it minecraft minecraft minecraft what is fire charge i don't know i don't know what it's used for me neither all right i'm probably i'm probably done there that was a good round trip yeah no i think i think we're done for today we streamed quite the length quite edilings finally quite lengthily quite an amount of light out here i don't know oh yeah we should sleep in or click on your bed to get over yeah did you did you touch the right or left one right okay because you know what to say if you're not right you're wrong oh no that means i'm wrong no but it's the right bed for you the lengthiliest the lengthenest time that we could have oh fire charge is a fireball you can throw it works on nether portals too oh cool oh fire chargers are like flint and steel i see wow huh all right do it do it right yeah do it i don't have one on me anymore i want you to do what i want you to do come on hit me hit me how do i throw it right click i can i can attack with it wait take your shield off i right click no oh not inside you got to make a dispenser to throw it oh oh cue well q is to drop it drop it at me oh oh god ah ambulance not an ambulance but not for me to make a rocket wait does it explode people are saying it's risky to use it inside oh god we could have exploded our whole house aim at the floor oh it needs a connecting spot wait come outside [Laughter] rub one [Music] 360. okay yeah stay there okay ah 360 water drop [ __ ] well it worked oh my poor body that was epic [Laughter] that was fun thank god having that on you doesn't like i stay out you hear me [Music] thank god it doesn't like burn stuff that you have on you like in legend of zelda if you have a shield and you get put on fire your shield is gone right that sucks like if i if my map would burn or something so if i could if i would be put on fire yeah okay ah it's that was fun bacon leaves but a good day for minecraft and yeah it was super fun i'm almost at 3700 subs what the [ __ ] is happening holy pogs thanks everyone that's a lot yeah that is a lot well i'll um i guess we'll each round off our streams and then we'll chill yeah i'm more jiu-jitsu all right bye-bye bye what a fun day we didn't do a whole lot but i like just being in minecraft and streaming and hanging out you know it's fun it's nice and chill uh locust thing thank you for the sub virex uh these megh head vertex chicken chick and tree thank you guys for the gifted subs and subs appreciate it so much thank you and hianna thank you for the three months health spawns even six months oh seven months total damn thank you uh thank you to everyone for being here thanks bestie thanks for hanging out uh did you guys know that corporate saikuno because i it was completely brand new to me right this second um but yeah we're going to end stream here and i'll be back what am i streaming next i don't know i think we're streaming friday i think evelyn and i both have a brand deal together that we're doing on friday for a stream so that'll be fun um but yeah that's probably going to be the next one i don't know if i'm streaming tomorrow it depends on if anybody asks me to play something uh but we'll see but for now we're going to end it there we shall who are we going to raid who are we going to read let's write down dan is playing the game of life 2. so we're going to go raid him because he's a lovely lad oh where's my caps lock on um but yeah go be nice have fun and i hope you guys above all else have a wonderful rest of your day thanks for hanging out appreciate it super fun i hope you guys had fun too uh bye guys bye bye bye bye bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Jacksepticeye Archive
Views: 403,731
Rating: 4.8818283 out of 5
Id: rwiJgX89g9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 24sec (12084 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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