Jacksepticeye No Eyebrows

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Good job on the photoshopped but what the hell

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/frag-boi13 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hurry hurry quarantine Club back in session you know I can't do it I drank last night too much I stayed up until 7:30 a.m. hanging out with friends on zoom' who all live in America and I drank way too much whiskey and now I'm hungover it just happens now I remember when I used to be able to drink all day every day I never did that garlic I could drink till the cows came home I never get home over and now if I even look at alcohol I'm gonna get a hangover let's sit back and look at some memes hungover with a headache today's episode of Mean Time is sponsored by water drink the earth juice not the fermentation what we do to it what is the tip of this smelly curry what is happening with my life smart thinking being sponsored by coffee I no no no no I could do with some coffee right now but making your own coffee and sponsoring yourself yes yes yes that's big wrinkle brain coffee Bal oh man if only I could ring this and somebody would show up a coffee can you bring me some of my own beans I'm really excited to talk more about the coffee company but you're gonna have to wait lockdown jack announces that he's launching a coffee company me with a coffee addiction I'll take your entire stock please do I will gladly give you all the beans that you need all of those sweet tasty dirty Mimi beanies that you need I will inject them straight into your bloodstream just like I've been doing to myself I can't speak Bell of headache and tiredness this is not helping that Jack with beard okay and beanie cool Jack with no beard stop I hate it it just haunts my dreams it takes like 15 years off of my face beard with no jack no jack with no beard the last image I have just become the meme I have become one with the memes this is why whenever anybody asks me if I'm ever gonna shave my beard no never it just looks wrong why is this the first thing that shows up why what is this what is this who is this anyway yes this oh my good god let me talk about the blow-up that I've had can we talk about how much better I look now than this this is so weird this looks like a public service announcement for a kid that's gone missing damn that's a good look damn boy I was straight out here serving looks man God yeah I'm bringing it back it's coming back the hairs the hairs going it's going longer people we're in quarantine what else am I gonna do I'm not gonna shave my head bald I'm so sorry oh you should be oh my I do be kind of hot though I said I wore it better that the gold bikini suited me more and I'm tending to agree now it was all jokes before but now it's a reality and I still agree hands up hands up who'd Frank like this video if you'd freak you know he would speed is key the flash no stinky smoother head all right but Jack with LED gloves not as fast so these clips that people take and pause I wonder why I look the way I look Oh one hell of a ride YouTube is just a chronological a mass media what am I trying to say my brain doesn't work it's a collection of my face through the years just leave it that that's all I wanted to say right fast eat ass that's definitely that energy seized thumbnail his subscribers what is happening yeah that video did stupidly well people are either horrified or people actually thought that I shaved my beard and then this is the outcome it's never it's not gonna happen I'm not doing it I do not want to look like this because everyone will leave the channel if I do this and I commit to this and this is look everyone's gonna leave that's a fact I know for a hundred percent you'll all be like no Jack we support you will stay here forever no and you shouldn't if I look like this just leave if task boy was a horror manga character sorry for the carnies though I did draw it manually and took a picture on my phone that's really damn good that's insane hey Cherie I took a gray for you want to give it a try dare you do this like on paper that's really damn good thank you so much I love it I would so totally be down for an entire toss boy manga I just want a manga of anything to do with me I want my own manga it's screw it we'll make our own manga we make our own game we make our own show and we're making our own coffee y-you know I want to make my own coca-cola I know if I should go up against the people at coke cuz they will destroy me Oh actually I got an email from somebody who claimed to be a coca-cola scholar I thought it was a joke they assured me it wasn't a joke to actually Google it because they knew that it sounded weird as well it's like having Apple geniuses how pretentious is it that Apple called their people geniuses yeah it's whatever guys I'm just a youtube awesome guy that that's what we call ourselves that's what everybody on YouTube is you're not just a youtuber you're a youtuber awesome person but they messaged me and said that a big reason why coca-cola likely didn't sponsor me is because they are extremely strict on swearing and like family values and appearance and everything which I totally a hundred percent get so that would make a lot of sense it's not because they don't like me and it's not because I'm not awesome it's because I swear too much and whether that's the truth or not it doesn't matter Bell of truth in my head the next meme good coffee wait why are you doing this to me I thought we had a pact I thought Quarantine Club stuck together and fought together you are here just dragging me under a truck and kill me come on I have a family anything happens Sean Bell of happening Bell of existence guys to hole over for this oh please just be nice to me I hope the next memes are really nice like it just says man Jack's got really cool face Jax really 40 he's a really nice guy tasty peanut butter what you see versus the spoon oh god every time I look at it that's absolutely awesome I love that edit as well Shara too rapid for that edit just this picture alone what would you caption that what's the caption for that mean put it in the comments write your caption for this picture in the comments and the best one wins a trip to the meme ville top comment wins an Xbox well you know this the thing Felix says I can't say that top comment wins a Playstation there you go a meme a day keeps the depression away a meme at night ensures you're all right a meme all the time make sure you're fine we did it we did it we figured it out there has to be another one a meme in the morning finished the sentence I can't my brain doesn't work my brain feels like this right now this is your brain on drink is your brain an alcohol don't drink anybody I was gonna say don't drink kids but kids shouldn't be drinking anyway Ireland intensifies oh that's really cute damn quarantine Club sounds a little mask on that's very cute I like this a lot should we do quarantine Club stuff it's a weird thing to do like merch stuff during all of this because on one hand I don't want to seem insensitive about it but on the other hand we can do merch and then give proceeds to like relief efforts for this so I'm always kind of juxtaposed in my brain of which way I want to go with it we do have laugh stuff up on the merch store right now then all of that's going well I mean everything on the merch store right now is going towards I'm not gonna say it I'm not gonna say it we're not saying no going towards relief efforts are you trying to make a meme from YouTube with 360 PE quality stinky oh oh no it also kind of looks like it's a Stewie Stinney face XD P quality is a big stink during quarantine there's so many people on the internet that no it defaults to that no matter your speed because YouTube's like there's only so much internet to go around we can't give everybody Internet sanitizer kills 99.9% of germs the 0.01% of germs that survive [Music] too tired to tire to do this what does it jacksepticeye without energy it's just it shouldn't exist this is the 0.01% of jacksepticeye that the world never sees cool cam collected the one that most of the world would rather show up more hey hey guys you know all those people out there who watch the channel or like man he's like a nice guy but I wish he just shut up and then this one goes out to you this episodes for you this episode's sponsored by water then silence y'all gonna make me put on headphones I mean the right here we're gonna take them over my head put them on I took so much effort life is pain life is misery you know these memes are supposed to cure this think you're nothing for me right now [Music] oh that's great I love that that would have been amazing anyway but the fact that it was sherry in the background well happiness noises guys do you guys think the jacksepticeye is using the bell to make up for a lack of pelham shut the [ __ ] up I memorized all of jacksepticeye's personalities I've been subscribed to Jackson's 2016 amateurs what was that Punk amateurs people who memorized all of jacksepticeye's meantime both what does this one mean yeah all you sweet baby me me dreamers out there quarantined club knows what's up you know exactly what that Bell meant that one's for you oh come on I don't see these they can see some sort of letters in it I gently can't read it I'm not memeing when I say that it's not like haha funny youtuber does funny thing no my eyes don't function for this I'm beating your system I've had it up to banana with you let's all surprise Sean with lots of love today because he makes the world go round you guys are ok I said that you guys are like drag me under a truck you'd murder at me all the time what you're means is pretty sweet thank you thank you and we appreciate damn it I almost got an actual tear to come out a little bit moisture they would come out if I wasn't so dehydrated from drinking and hungover that is really really sweet thank you I really do appreciate any sort of support and love that you guys have sent my way over the years it honestly does mean a lot especially during difficult times and times like now because we can all just kind of sit down and hang out and meme together and do fun stuff online and I feel very lucky to be able to do this even during some of the harder time so thank thank you guys honestly and legitimately woohoo I drew toss boy and goobers I hope Jack sees this this is really cute but this is me and Evelyn's characters in Animal Crossing I looked at her character is cute adorable just going at it doing the animal crossing thing then you have toss boy with a safety vest no shoes at flat cap and some tiny asses thank you for drawing it I appreciate it [Music] thank you oh yes this is pretty tasty if you guys remember from the tick tock video I did this is gonna play out because it speaks for itself Oh baby okay that's epic I don't like to be one of those people who's just able to like and that's like ah that's sound what kind of vibe in though I can make that slap put in bass [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's so good how how do you do that with such small clips and small things your brain just turns on my brain go stinky so shout out to joy sir joy ker I actually don't know thank you very very much see Jenny ow 1.1 million views on that damn boy good for you that's awesome dare I say epic formula sceptic I oh god what have I done now you just wake up and you think that oh god what have I done now Oh me with low self-esteem Shaun calling me a snack oh you are a snack all of you aren't there right now you to snack damn you thick you are Oh Bella thickness you a hot tasty piece of me me dreamer right now you ain't a snack you're the entire candy shop said better than I could ever say it keeping a snack keep being awesome give me epic porn teen club brah oh no no oh god oh god I thought the beard one was the end of it I thought the beard one was the worst thing we were going to see why are there pictures of me with no eyebrows my eyebrows are like 90% of my face if you take those away what are you left with except the freakish abomination oh no there's more oh no you Oh God so any of those times that I've kind of got over in my head being like you know for a charity stream should I shave my eyebrows just to see if people would donate more I shouldn't I guess we all know what's going to become the thumbnail for this video can I report this can I report this meme right here this one this one right here officer this one is the one to hurt Bell of get it the [ __ ] away from me I was thanking jack for uploading two videos a day again Jack who has nothing else to do in quarantine it has been fun uploading two videos again it feels like the old days it feels like getting the band back together we're all in it together guys it's also been fun to just play like a bunch of random games again do you remember back in the day back in like 2016-2017 you just upload anything and have fun with it and that was the whole point of youtube I want that I'm going back to that let's do that we can all just hang out in the comments and have fun snarl by algorithms and all this crazy stuff it's just about having to crack with the lads this statement is false Wheatley that sign won't stop me because I can't read it is astonishing and how much of that is the same it's the exact same energy also I missed the part after the credits there's a prayer after the credits were Wheatley is in space and he apologizes for like hurting you and stuff like that and I missed it I forgot that I was in the game sad Bell noises game screws Jack over by bucking Jack booking the game back with me boy working in retail has heard enough already you gotta take any advantage that you can get to fight back against the customers even in the game they said excuse me that's not a reality it sets up horrible expectations for people working in retail that's it that's the whole meme just be maybe that's what I should call my coffee company just beans it's not called that it has a very fun name but we could just change the name mom's be like what do you want for dinner me eight years old be like beans guys we move heels for a second okay guys I love you you guys are an awesome lovely community but every now and then you do something like this where I really want to not be looking at it first of all that is incredibly well edited it fits so much onto the faces it's wild why do I look a character from like ET or something I looked like him about 10 years old and I look like me but I also don't this picture is confusing my brain so much I'm already hung over I don't want to have to deal with this so it's me and Evelyn on Leia and Han I love it and I hate it and I'm glad it's in our lives YouTube takes down Jack's video for no reason also YouTube how to eat ass we may never understand how the algorithm works okay it's an enigma what a tutorial about us is very important it's very educational it has 3.3 million views so clearly a lot of people want to know how to eat ass is it still up oh it sure is i'm dr. lindsey doe clinical sexologist and host of this sex curious show sexplanations you're gonna be a doctor of sex they can be a sexologist today i'm going to answer our very popular question how do i eat ass okay we need to save that for a Funniest Home Videos we need there's a there's a whole range of what's gonna happen with that video that I feel like we really should just jump right into it good cortines quarantine is a bit weird from this on tic toc not me and thought I'd show it to you for no specific reason okay so I recently wrote a song with my British friends and I learned two things never call British people posh and places in the UK are very different so I was wondering where to do next win my comment section start to scream okay this is gonna be interesting alright hold on let me just fuel up here for a second I guess I'll stop my queries with a very easy one you will seem quite lucky does that make homes how many of your friends of mine have here a flaming grid that's all you eat potatoes be mom's smell to me and I'll happily join you at the pub for Yanam Petty's day oh oh oh no cardinal sin absolute cardinal sin who can spot it who can spot the problem with this sentence right here I let it slide because you seem very nice and very lovely and you have a great voice and this is very wholesome and cute so I will let it slide for now oh my goodness don't get me started on the another place you say good day there's so many I knew that girl usually teeny turned out to be a football team and while I'd love to learn how to Irish dance no shares of black pepper tea scream not to things like much appreciated when you discuss them every cup of tea and if you're from Ireland I just want to say thank you for following me total morning - yeah that was cute oh great people are so talented people have so talent people lots of talent inside the only thing you need to know about Irish people alright is that yes everybody says top of the morning all the time it's true factually accurate but also we're just a great bunch of lads we're just all out to have a bit of craic we're all out there to have fun and you're see where this journey of life is gonna bring us all and we're just trying to have as much fun with it as we can we're out there all right you sweet baby me me dreamers you know what that means yes end of episode bel not gonna lie actually recording this and looking at memes and chilling out has really brightened up my mood I'd feel a lot less hungover now than I did a dessert maybe because I just kept drinking a bunch of water drink the earth juice it's the source of happiness also memes don't forget those but thank you guys for watching this video that like button that's underneath the video better be blue right now I better have clicked to the up doot because if not I'm gonna come to your house and every time you're right at the brink of falling asleep you're getting so close right as your eyes are closing your brain is turning off and drifting away and you're starting to dream of memes I'm gonna come into your house I'm gonna ruin your day why do I keep ringing the bell when I have a headache I don't know okay bye-bye
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,815,981
Rating: 4.9766302 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, funny, funny meme, memes, jacksepticeye memes, reddit, subreddit, community, community memes, community subreddit, jacksepticeye subreddit, reddit memes, fan submitted, spicy memes, funny pics, reaction, react, green screen, funny memes, funny green screen, dank memes, memes compilation, try not to laugh, meme, fresh memes, meme review, funny moments, Jacksepticeye No Beard, jacksepticeye no eyebrows
Id: Tq97nxmUfR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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