28 Minutes of Jared, Jensen, and Misha... Need I say more? [CC]

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Jensen: I'm coming up here to relieve you, my friend. Jared: Whoa! In front of everybody? [laughter] [cheering] [laughter] Jen: Ladies and gentlemen, the smoothest guy in Supernatural, Jared Padalecki. [cheering] Misha: Just make sure you wipe off any influence back there. [laughter] [2 musical notes] Jar: What? M: You're doing great. [laughter] [random musical notes] Jen: It's-- [random musical notes] M: By the way, this is what it's like on set too. [laughter] [random musical notes] M: I remember the first scene [random musical notes] [random musical notes] that we had on location together, Jensen, [random musical notes] and Jar-- [loud semi-random musical notes] It was at a playground. Audience: Wooo! Jen: Are you taking requests? [loud semi-random music notes] M: So we were shooting at a playground, Jen: That's right. M: and we had a scene where-- [gentle semi-random musical notes] We were talking on a bench, [gentle semi-random musical notes] [gentle semi-random musical notes] and [gentle semi-random musical notes] I remember distinctly [gentle semi-random musical notes] [gentle semi-random musical notes] Jared walking down the path nearby just off camera. [gentle semi-random music notes] [gentle semi-random musical notes] Shouting and throwing things at us. [gentle semi-random musical notes] [gentle semi-random musical notes] You said, "You're a child!" [gentle semi-random musical notes] [gentle semi-random musical notes] and I thought, [gentle semi-random musical notes] [gentle semi-random musical notes] "What have I gotten into?!" [laughter] [gentle semi-random musical notes] [gentle semi-random musical notes] It was a lovely memory. [gentle semi-random musical notes] [semi-random musical notes] Jen: There were other words that I wanted to use, [semi-random musical notes] but were in a public park [semi-random musical notes] M: It was a children's playground. Jen: where there were children around, [semi-random musical notes] and then-- M: And I may have sanitized-- [semi-random musical notes] Jen: And yelling you're a child, I realized that I just insulted every child that was on the playground. [laughter] Jen: And yelling you're a child, I realized that I just insulted every child that was on the playground. [laughter] [two-finger rendition of Beverly HIlls Cop Theme song] [two-finger rendition of Beverly HIlls Cop Theme song]l [cheering] [two-finger rendition of Beverly HIlls Cop Theme song] I know. It was funny. [laughter] [gentle musical note] How's it going Mish? M: It's going great. [gentle musical note] Jen: I just want you to know that this is generally what it's like filming a scene with the three of us. Jen: I just want you to know that this is generally what it's like filming a scene with the three of us. [gently Chariots of Fire] [gently Chariots of Fire] M: That's actually remarkably accurate. [gently Chariots of Fire] Jen: Yes, it's remarkably accurate. Imagine two guys [gently Chariots of Fire] [gently Chariots of Fire] Just there to do their job and do it well, [gently Chariots of Fire] [gently Chariots of Fire] and then [gently Chariots of Fire] M: And then a challenge. [gently Chariots of Fire] Jen: and then having a swarm of bees come through [gently Chariots of Fire] [gently Chariots of Fire] that you literally have just learned to completely ignore. [gently Chariots of Fire] [gently Chariots of Fire] And it may sting a bit, [gently Chariots of Fire] and it may be a little uncomfortable-- [gently Chariots of Fire] and it may be a little uncomfortable-- [dramatic ending of Chariots of Fire] [dramatic ending of Chariots of Fire] [cheering] Audience: Well done, Jared! Audience: Love you Jared! Audience: Encore! Encore! Jar: Just warming up. Just warming up. [laughter] Jen: Sometimes, that swarm of bees Jen: Sometimes, that swarm of bees [semi-random musical notes] moves on, and [semi-random musical notes] moves on, and [discordant ending music] Both: Sometimes, it doesn't. M: Yeah, what's your question? [random musical notes] Q: Hi. I'm just-- M: Hi. [random musical notes] [random musical notes] Q: How do-- [loud random discordant music] [loud random discordant music] How do Dean and Cas keep influencing each other to fight the good fight? [laughter] Jen: Well, one thing we do is, we just turn off the music. Jen: Well, one thing we do is, we just turn off the music. [semi-random musical notes] [semi-random musical notes] M: Nope! He's got two keyboards, guys. [laughter] [semi-random musical notes] [semi-random musical notes] [loud semi-random musical notes with dramatic hold] [loud semi-random musical notes with dramatic hold] M: Who left the keyboards on up here? [loud semi-random musical notes with dramatic hold] M: Who left the keyboards on up here? Somebody is in big trouble. Jen: No. Because basically- (Jensen unplugs the keyboard) [laughter] If you wanna handle things, [laughter and cheering] sometimes, you just gotta take a hands-on approach, [laughter] and the good news is he still hears it. [laughter] Jar: Hey, did ya'll hear the one about when that white horse fell in the mud? [badly done percussive sting] [fan-girling] Jen: Let's give it for Jared Padalecki! [fan-girling] [laughter] Most days. [laughter] Most days. Just like that. Yes, that's why we don't have nice things. [laughter] Normally, most people you'd lose them for half an hour, [laughter] but you really held it together that day. M: I always-- you know what? Sometimes-- [laughter] [laughter] J: You should be proud of yourself. M: I'm actually really proud of the moment when I decided to stop trying to not break because there was a period of several years where I was like, "Oh there's something wrong with me!" Like, "Why? Why is it that I always laugh?" and then I was like, You know what? Fuck them! I'm going to laugh, and they're just going to have to wait. And that was a very liberating moment for me. Because I was doing all this shit like trying to bite my cheeks and things like that to try to not laugh, and it-- J: and it's interesting now because Alex, who plays Jack, [cheering] is now trying to do anything and everything that he can not to break, and he's going to that idea of, "I'm gonna get fired." Like I can't-- M: Yeah. I mean it's-- J: "Why am I laughing? Why am I breaking? Why is this-- why am I allowing these idiots to get to me?" Idiot. [laughter] M: Mmm? [laughter] [laughter] MMM?! [laughter] [laughter] J: It's really just guilt by proximity at this point. M: Mm [laughter] Mmm-mm-mm. [laughter] [laughter] J: I don't help. [laughter] [laughter] Put it that way. [laughter] M: The director is always in another room watching on the monitor, so they don't see the shit that you're doing. J: Off-camera They just see what I'm doing on camera, and they're like, "Misha come on man. Pull it together." And I'm like, "That's not fair. Somebody is touching my gonads!" [laughter] [laughter] --traumatic that is, when Alex came along and started to get abused by you guys, I was like, "SWEET! Finally somebody--" [laughter] and Iust jumped right on board. And it was really-- J: I do have to say that that day, that horrible day, It got-- it was so-- he was such a whipping post that it got so fun that everybody started to join in. [laughter] So much so that our B-camera operator, Brian Rose, had the camera on his shoulder, was filming Misha, - I was standing directly next to him - and Brian in the middle of the take just decided to just take his shorts off. [laughter] M(high-pitched): OH YEAH! [laughter] YEAH! [laughter] [laughter] That's what-- that's [the unfair that I'm living with?]. That's right! [laughter] J: And Misha's like, "YOU TOO?! REALLY?!" and Brian's like- [laughter] M: That was the day that people drove over from the production offices to watch. J: Oh, that's right. Yeah. They were like, "Oh, it's-- M: "It's on guys!" J: "It's kill Misha day." M: "Game on!" And that's when I was like, "Okay. This may have ballooned out of control" M: You know what my favorite part of that day was? When we turned around, and the camera was on you guys. I was like, "I'm gonna get these guys. I'm gonna get them." So I made a paper airplane, and I threw it. And It just went like straight here at the floor right in front of me. [laughter] So totally hitting. J: I don't know what's better. The fact that you thought, "I'm going to get them. I'm going to make a paper airplane, [laughter] and throw it at them." Or the fact that that amazing plan of just sweet revenge went like this I-- [laughter] [laughter] I mean you really-- you really knocked it out of the park with that one. M: I really did. J: I'm walking like this. M: No. [fan-girling] [laughter] J: Now that's a cowboy walk. [laughter] You know, one of the moments that-- because he's up here. One of the moments that jumps out to me that was like one of those moments that kind of furthers a relationship into a friendship was, He and I were getting to know each other. We went out for dinner out at the-- Where were we? Gastown? Yaletown? And we sat down at this-- we sat down on this table, and it was this really kind of cool bar. And the waitress came up and she says, "Do you guys know what you want?" And Misha takes my menu out of my hands, takes his menu, hands them to her, and goes, "We'll take the three least ordered items on the menu." [laughter] [laughter] Now that would be fine if it was a burger joint or a steakhouse or something to that degree. This was like a very kind of New Age kind of a restaurant. M: They had brains on the menu. J: Yeah. You wonder why we know that. [laughter] So we had that. We had sweetbreads which is basically fried glands I'm like, "Man! Th--" M: Man, this friendship's gonna be a lot of work! [laughter] And I remember there was a piece of me that was like, "I hate him right now, [laughter] but I think I love him a little bit more too." It's just a-- And I think it's moments like that that we've been able and very fortunately enough to have a lot of. And those really, you know, they solidify friendships, and that's what we're very thankful to have. [laughter] M: Thanks for asking. [laughter] Richard: Jensen, you know you're winning. This is my face when I'm winning. This is my face when I'm losing. This is my face. M: Is that Cards-- Rich: Charming man to play cards with. M: I recognize Cards Jensen, yeah. R: Charming man to play cards with. [Throw the lightbulb?] Rich: Hahaha! [laughter] J: Rob was on my team one time playing cards. Rob: Yeah. RIch: I was there. J: How'd that go? Rob: He hit me in my arm. [laughter] And I looked at him like this, and I go, "Not me!" Right? [laughter] J: True story. Rob: Not me. J: Yeah, he made a wrong move. So I punched him, [laughter] and with just the most intensity he looks at me, and he goes, "Not me!!!" [laughter] It was like, "Not tonight! That's not happening!!!" [laughter] Rich: Of all nights! On our special night! J: It's not going down that road today, Jensen!!! Not on my watch!!! And I instantly was like, "I respect that." [laughter] Rob: You tell it so much better. [laughter] Then again-- M: That is a bit butcher than your version which was more along the lines of (weak and trembly): Not me. [laughter] Rob: In all fairness, everything I say sounds like (weak and trembly): Not me. You tell a great story, Jensen. J: But it was the first time that you literally, "HEY! Not me!!" And I was like, "Alright." [laughter] Rob: Just trembling inside, "Please, God. [laughter] This can go one of two ways. [laughter] Jen: Probably, use more grease on the doors. [laughter] Just Jar: those hinges Jen: Yeah, just were always a little Both: A little creaky. Yeah. Jen: Yeah. Jen: Dean's got to handle that. I don't know why he hasn't. Jar: Sage advice. Full disclosure, it doesn't sound like that. That's a sound effect that they put in in post, and I'm like, "Why do they keep doing that?! It makes it look like Dean doesn't care about-- not taking care--" Anyway, lets- Jar: As a matter of fact, we even have an episode with a towtruck. It was called Towtruck or something. Jen: Route 666. Jar: Route 666. Jen: YES! [cheering] Jar: It was supposed to be-- [cymbols clang] It was supposed to be-- It was supposed to take place like Missouri in October, and then we had the day, it was just-- a blackout. Jen: Mississippi. Jar: It was supposed to be Mississippi. No, it was supposed to-- [laughter] [cymbols clang] [cheering] Jar: That's the point. It actually was supposed-- Jen: Still got it! Jar: It actually was quicker, Jar: --and when we were filming it. It took place in Missouri, but it when snowed they're like, "Well, we have to change, and say it's in Mississippi now," or whatever it ended up being. Jen: No. Jar: Yes Jen: It was in Mississippi. It doesn't snow in Mississippi. Jar: That's right. They changed it to Missouri. Jen: We had to move it to Misso-- Jar: Yes, whatever way-- [laughter] [cymbols clang] [cheering] So they'll changes(?). They were like-- Jen: And I didn't get any sleep last night either. [laughter] It hadn't really snowed in 120 years. They were like, "Oh, we have to change the location before it hit the air," or something. [fan-girling] Jen: Come back! We miss you. Jar: Yeah. Come back on three. 1 - 2 - 3. Everybody: COME BACK! Jar: But not right now. [laughter] What about you? What-- Oh, I guess you were saying the film. What was your favorite episode of the film? Jen(gentle whisper): Yeah, I think so. Hi. Q: HI Jar(loud whisper): Why are you whispering-- Jen(gentle whisper): I don't know. Jar(loud whisper): into the microphone? Jen(gentle whisper): Really makes no sense. [laughter] Q: Hi. I know the question has been broached-- [rumbling thunder-y noise] Jen: Transformers. Everybody get down. [laughter] [rumbling thunder-y noise] [rumbling thunder-y noise] [laughter] Right? Does sound like Transformers. [laughter] Jar: Do you smell toast? [laughter] Jen: I smell Optimus Prime. [laughter] Jen(gentle whisper): Hi. Q: Hi Out of the whole series, what's one of our favorite lines, either of you guys have said or that somebody else has said? [silence] Jar: We never said "crickets". Did we ever say "crickets"? [laughter] Jen: It was an observation. [laughter] There was a question asked, and you and I both said nothing. And someone said "crickets". Jar: You can't just say "crickets". You have to make a cricket noise or something. Jen: No. You say "crickets". Jar: In an app. In a cricket app. Cricket noise app. [laughter] There's so many-- Jen: They'll come back. [laughter] Jar: Apparently, I read tho-- Jen: Sometimes they don't, and then I'm like, "Eh, I was wrong." [laughter] But by that point, I've already moved on, so it doesn't matter anymore. I'm emotionally disconnected. Jar: You a-- Jen: That's actually a really great way to go thought life. [laughter] [laughter] I'm kidding. [laughter] Thank you. Sorry about him. Hi. [rumbling thunder-y noise] [laughter] Billy will mess you up. [laughter] Jar: I've never seen Magic Mike. PG: Really?! Jar: I know-- Jensen: all the way through. [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] Jar: Projecting, Mr. Ackles? [laughter] Jar: What happens in Vegas-- Jen: Somebody's cackling over there, "Nehahaha." I've been there. That's why I know. Q: I actually live in Las Vegas, but I'm from France. Jar: Oh! (bad accent): Bonsoir. Q: Bonsoir. Ou Bonjour! Jar: Bon-- Jen: It's not even close to being even-- Jar(bad accent): "Good-jour." [laughter] Jour. Day. Day? Jour? Q: Jour. Oui. Jar: How is your "jour" going? [laughter] [laughter] Q: So far so good. Jar: Ah. So far so "bone"? [laughter] Jen: Would that be, (good accent): "Comme ci comme ça?" Q: Comme ci comme ça. Jen: See! Hahahah. [explosion noise] Q: Great pronunciation, Jensen. Jen: It's alright. Jar: Wait, I just did the "jour" thing and the "soir" thing-- Q: That was really good too, so-- Jar: Good pronunciation, Jensen? Jen: Yeah, that's like-- Jar: Come on now! Jen: You can't buffet-style the language. Jar: It's "booffet". [laughter] [laughter] I think I have done a few more than Ackles has. Jen: Which is just a lot more-- Jar: They say-- would you say it's a (bad accent): "shallonge"? [laughter] "Shallonge"? Q: Défi Jen: I think that means something else. Q: Défi, it is. Jar(bad accent): Merci to you too. Jen: Think that's a "shallong" [laughter] Is that even a word? Jar: Have a "bone" day. Q: Merci, beaucoup. Thank you. [laughter] Jar: Don't worry everybody. Jen: Merci. Jen: De rein? Jar: De rein? Audience: Yeah. Jar: De "ree-ahn"? Jar: I get very liberal with my French accent. I don't know how to speak French very well at all, and so I'm like, "Merha-sea!" [laughter] "De ree-ahn." Jen: This is Jared asking for directions from the concierge yesterday. "Uh, hey. We were thinking about maybe hitting "lu hhar-don", [laughter] and then are there any other things that-- Jar: "Mont-hray-elle." Jen: we should see while we're in "Mont-hray-all"? [laughter] Jar: So we have some crewmen [unintelligible]-- Jen: I thought you were choking. Jar: We have some crewmen-- Some members of our crew who are from Montreal and those who also can speak-- Jen: "Mont-hray-all?" Jar: Yeah, so people were like, "Oh, have fun this weekend in Mont-hray-all." I was like, "No, we're going to Montreal." [laughter] [Sounded like?] "Mont-hray-all", and I was like, "What are you saying to me?" like I don't understand-- Jen: What was funny is-- I said, "How do you say it? Mont-- Mont-hray-all?" and they're, "No." And then our sound guy, Don Painchaud, he was like, "Just don't say it like that, please. [laughter] Just do us all a favor and don't say anything at all." [laughter] What's odd is someone will be speaking a perfect North American accent English, and then they'll pronounce the names of streets or things in perfect French. Which then I'm like, "Wait, wa-wa-wa-what? What was that?" [laughter] Because it's-- what was it? Jar: [unintelligible] Jen: So basically what you want to do, you want to go out and make a left on [French]. [laughter] I'm like, "I'm gonna need you to write that down." Oh, "Saint Sul-peace." Got it. [laughter] Q: Hey guys. My question's for Jensen. Jen: Hi. Jar: Thank God. [laughter] Give me a sec. Jen: --and-- Jar: That messed me up because usually he's so blinky with those big ol' eyelashes. How did you sleep well that, Jared? Welcome back to set. [laughter] [laughter] Jen: My youngest daughter-- I asked her, "Give me sweet eyes," and she does-- Audience: Awww! Jar: She's like a Disney character. Her eyelashes are this long. [laughter] Just like-- Jen: But it wasn't-- Jar: I don't know how you discipline her because-- Jen: I don't. I'm like, "No!" Jar: "But Daddy." Jen: We're good. I'm gonna take it out on your brother. [laughter] Jar: You already beat him up. I'll beat him up again. [unintelligible] he does something wrong. Jen: Yeah. Jar: The pipe-- you know what? You were moving your hand for some reason I see shadows. Yes, you. Go. (quietly): Now she's standing. Oh, God. [laughter] (whisper): I made a mistake. And when we met, I was like, "Ah, he's a cute little guy." [laughter [laughter] Let's see if he can act. Jen: And I remember, I walked in, and I saw him. And I think you had like a hoodie on, Jar: [unintelligible] Jen: and he's was like a floppy-haired kid [laughter] sitting there. And I was like, "Better not be reading for Dean cause I'm gonna mop the floor with him." [laughter and fan-girling] Jar: Luckily for him, I was sick of playing Dean, so. Jen: Yeah. [laughter] Jen: He was already playing Dean. Little to my knowledge cause who watches Gilmore Girls? Audience: Ooo [laughter] That's a common theme heard on set by most of the crew and the cast is that it's-- that we're just not hireable-- Jar: Right. --on any other project. Jar: And we joke often that we're un-fireable. You can't really do Supernatural without Sam and Dean, but we're also unhireable anywhere else. Jen: Right. [laughter] Jar: It's this weird, sort of,-- Jen: Because the lack of professionalism that is displayed from moment to moment But then you somehow managed to get-- I mean, I remember-- Jar: Dude, [unintelligible] happened? Phil Sgriccia, who's been with us forever, was directing the season finale, and there was one day where he just he had the devil in him. And Phil's just walking out, and he's saying through laughing tears, "Can we please just get the scene?" [laughter] Jar: It will make the gag reel for sure. Jen: Oh, yeah. And he's like, (crying talking): I just want to finish this before lunch. Please!" [laughter] Rob: We have a birthday in the family, and we want to give a cake to a member of our-- Rich: Oh, there she is. Rob: Rich is finding her. Rich: It's Stephanie. Rob: It's Stephanie Dizon! [cheering] Rich: Woman who makes it all happen every town every day. Stephanie Dizon, everybody. [cheering] Jar: One, two, three. Everybody: Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. [tiny cymbals sound] Happy birthday, dear Stephanie. [tiny cymbals sound] Happy birthday to you. [cymbals drumroll] [cheering and applause] Rob: Yaaay! [cheering and applause] [cheering and applause] Rich: Stephanie Dizon everybody. Audience: Awwww. Rob: Okay. Carry on. [fan-girling] Rich: Now that they know the story, they're over it. [random music notes] So we have a special treat for you rather than have the band waste their precious energy, [random music notes] So we have a special treat for you rather than have the band waste their precious energy, [loud random music notes] [loud random musical notes] Jared Padalecki's going to play you off. [loud random musical notes] [cheering] Jared, play that song you wrote for the Boys, and Rob will sing-- Jen: Ladies and Gentlemen, the smooth stylings of Jared Padalecki. [cheering] [maybe not random musical chords] [music] Jen(singing along): Ooooooooo [music] [cheering] Rob(singing along): Oooo-Aaaaaa. [music] Jen: Got all I know. Rob(singing along): Oooo-Aaaaaa. [music] Rob/RIch(harmonizing): Ooo-oo-ooooooo. [music] Rob/Rich(harmonizing): Aa-aaaaaaaaaa. [music with guitar] Rob/RIch/Jen:(harmonizing): Aaaaaaa-aaaaaaaa [music with guitar] Rob/RIch/Jen:(harmonizing): Aaaaaaa-aaaaaaaa. Misha(really low): Ooooooohhhmmmmm. [music with guitar] RIch: Ladies and Gentlemen, Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, and Jared Padalecki. [music with the band] [fan-girling] Jen: Thank you, Hawaii! [fan-girling] [fan-girling]
Channel: Supernatural Conventions
Views: 965,244
Rating: 4.9792624 out of 5
Keywords: Supernatural Conventions, Supernatural, SPN, SPNCON, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki
Id: FVoaVuZAjVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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